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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9088437 No.9088437 [Reply] [Original]

>has illogical difficult puzzles to solve in your path

>> No.9088441

Better give up on the whole genre if it filters you.

>> No.9088454

hope you're talking about the fake ticket stub puzzle because that's the only cryptically illogical puzzle in the whole game. If anything else bothered you, you might check if you aren't retarded.

>has illogical difficult puzzles to solve in your path
yeah that's like every single game in adventure genre

>> No.9088457

>wear dog

>> No.9088469

literally every retro adventure game not named Loom

>> No.9088504

that shit with holepunching the card and latching the door to the tube room is bullshit too though

>> No.9088508

Yeah it’s a cool story but some of those you have to use brute force every possible combination to advance.
>push the fork lift through the cage because obviously there’s a third room the elevator is skipping!

>> No.9088758

They make it pretty clear something card-shaped can be inserted into the door, and when you do they make it pretty clear that it would work if it had holes in it. Not that hard.

>> No.9088840


>> No.9088851


That is an awesome idea.

>> No.9088893

Don’t bother with this one, monkey island series is better.

>> No.9089036

You had to be there.

>> No.9089048

It's just Tim Schafer being a generally terrible game designer. Grim Fandango was new, with good graphics. Therefore it didn't need good UI and a good inventory system, it didn't need to have a story that held up the entire way through, it didn't need playable controls, it didn't matter if some puzzles were entirely bullshit. They knew that the graphics would carry the games appeal, and it still does to this day

>> No.9089080

Monkey Island is bullshit as well. All of these games are deceptively designed to cover how shallow and bad they are.

>> No.9089193

>play a genre that revolves specifically around figuring out puzzles with gameplay that is designed specifically around solving said puzzles
>get angry for being filtered and call it deceptive

I can't think of a more based genre if it keeps dipshit retards like you out. Seems like retro adventure games gatekeep themselves, thank god.

>> No.9089207


>> No.9089303

lol lmao

>> No.9089308 [DELETED] 

fedora moment

>> No.9089319

>game is poorly designed
>h-h-a y-you got f-filtered
You sound like every dark souls fan.

>> No.9089320

why is loom the only good video game dude

>> No.9089346

its not the only one tetris is good too

>> No.9089350
File: 30 KB, 480x437, 59698BD0-34E4-447C-B6B7-1ABF7B0DA6CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9089432

List the good video games right now because I think you're me

>> No.9089454

1. loom
2. tetris
that's the list desu

>> No.9089459

Damn. You're great

>> No.9089478
File: 1.20 MB, 1054x1500, Grim24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how so many people get filtered by the ticket puzzle, literally all the clues are in the same zone, the cat's plaque and the info the ticket guys told you is all you need.

>> No.9089487

Based Loom appreciator.
It did have very consistent logical puzzles.

>> No.9089520 [DELETED] 

>Le epic based grim fadongo ftmfw!!!!

One of the most overrated and reddit games of all time. Saying you enjoy it is an instant reveal of your shit taste in games.

>> No.9089572

this filtered me, also there was some problem with it reading from disc fast enough that made this literally impossible for some when it came out

>> No.9089659

>and latching the door to the tube room is bullshit too though
Have you never used a door in your life?

>> No.9089664

A major clue from Max can be missed by exhausting the dialog with Nick, who is literally front and center when you enter the high roller's lounge.

Rent free.

>> No.9089716 [DELETED] 


>> No.9089809

Where is your god now?

>> No.9089827

Does Grim Fandango get better?

I played through up to the first time skip and I'm not particularly impressed. At first it was immediately interesting and humorous, but quickly felt one-note and shallow in its writing, world and characters. There aren't many characters or NPCs and the ones that do exist are completely one dimensional. And so the experience as a whole just isn't immersive or intriguing, the slapdash narrative structure didn't help.

I'd probably be a bit more generous towards the writing as it's the best part of it, but all the obtuse and dull puzzles have shaded the game in a more negative light.

>> No.9090159

>got filtered by baby's first action game

>> No.9090175

Do not keep playing games you do not enjoy. Nothing wrong with finding something more to your taste, even if it's bad taste

>> No.9090187

This is way more important to him than it is to you. Just let him have this bro. It’s all he has.

>> No.9090204

Grim Fandango is a very easy adventure game. Don't play shit like Discworld.

>> No.9090321

Dark souls is an easy series, I am so shit at games i can’t beat mario 64 and I’ve beaten every souls game. You would have to be four years old to not beat dark souls. You can just grind or run past things

>> No.9090343

ignore this faggot >>9090175
you MUST continue playing and if you don't enjoy or understand the appeal then that means you got filtered and have shit taste. even then, you have 0 authority to give an opinion unless you complete the game 100%, and even then your opinion will be wrong

>> No.9090373
File: 2 KB, 418x63, Hivemind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat mario 64 in one day. Beat DS1-DS3 each twice. Maybe halfway through elden ring and got massive ds fatigue.

>> No.9090405

I'm on year 3. This feels like work but I am going to finish it just to say I did. Makes me want to play MI 3 after this and go from there.

>> No.9090535

>Does Grim Fandango get better?
not really, no

>> No.9090651

It's pretty retarded but once you solve it the first time, you'll remember it should you ever decide to play it again.

>> No.9091075

poor man's curse of monkey island. give it a playthrough once but there are better games