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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1016 KB, 3682x1784, 1612156863669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9086909 No.9086909 [Reply] [Original]

Just use your phone.

>> No.9086916
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I am

>> No.9086924
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>> No.9086928

>kill your phone by overheating
kek no, i'm not poor.

>> No.9086935

What kind of a shitheap phone do you have that it overheats from retro video games?

>> No.9086957

That doesn't look like SADX on PC modded to look like the Dreamcast version.

>> No.9086958
File: 810 KB, 1080x1920, 1657718478695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having some bulky shit around your phone when on-screen overlay and volume-up button is there.

>> No.9086962

No, it is literally the Dreamcast version.
Uhh… based?

>> No.9086964

It's hard to tell. The brightness of the environment makes it look like DX.

Either way it's still not definitive. The only way to experience SA1 is on PC these days.

>> No.9086967

>modding a shit version on the PC to badly resemble the Dreamcast version is better than the Dreamcast version

>> No.9086987

uh, negative on that, OP

>> No.9086998

Based. Glad I'm not the only one who knows the truth about portable /vr/.

>> No.9087002

>the Dreamcast version
Huh, i'm curious, how well does that run on your phone? I don't know how phone emulators are like in terms of performance.

>> No.9087007

Ignore the mentally ill computerfag.

Any strong opinions on backbone vs. gamesir controllers? I decided against a PS Vita so I'm looking to buy one soon.

>> No.9087008

I accept your concession.

>> No.9087034

It runs full speed on my Galaxy S20 at 2x resolution

>> No.9087039

Backbone is better for modern games (analog triggers, better sticks, worse dpad)
GameSir is better for 16-bit and the like (great spas and face buttons, mediocre sticks, non analog triggers)

>> No.9087042

“Great spas” should be “great dpad”. FUCKING phone keyboard.

>> No.9087049

Are portables only for people who live in the city and ride a train or bus? The time I have to sit down and play a game is when I'm at home anyway.

>> No.9087065

Flights and long car rides where I'm not the driver.
Even then it's nice to bring a portable when I travel just in case I get some downtime at the hotel/airbnb and wanna play an arcade game for 30 minutes.

>> No.9087076

Wife and kids are often hogging the TV, not to mention that it’s a fucking pain to hook the laptop up to it and then boot up RetroArch and shit. Much easier to just jump on the couch and turn on a handheld when I have a free half an hour or something.
And there’s no way I will play hunching over a fucking laptop screen.

>> No.9087129
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>> No.9087145


>> No.9087217

What happens when you get a phone call? Do you hold the gamepad up to your face or do you use headphones with a mic?

>> No.9087259

You can take it out of the clamp controller retard. Or even better use your previous phone, not the current one.

>> No.9087265
File: 1.16 MB, 3640x2048, 1607549365603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also an option

>> No.9087274

I don't think anybody using wierdo shit like this is getting phone calls at all.

>> No.9087282

>weirdo shit
Don’t choke on those sour grapes

>> No.9087292

Ever heard of a PC and an office chair?

>> No.9087314

>gaming in front of a monitor in an office chair
Fuck that, the only places I’m gaming from are my bed and my couch

>> No.9087407
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based fellow one handed portrait enjoyer

>> No.9087414
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>> No.9087447

sweet Steam Deck bro

>> No.9087531

My phone is in airplane/Do Not Disturb mode while I'm playing. No interruptions. It's like back in the day when cell phones weren't the most important thing in our lives, feels good.

>> No.9087547
File: 1.62 MB, 4656x3496, PXL_20220523_133306589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id rather use these

>> No.9087625


>> No.9087671

Have you ever had sex? And I don’t mean with a Chinese cartoon figure

>> No.9087686
File: 1.96 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2022-07-06-13-42-37-220_com.xiaoji.gamesirnsemulator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087693


>> No.9087702 [DELETED] 


>> No.9087704

it's good for your back man

>> No.9087709 [DELETED] 

Your point?

>> No.9087919

So when you answer the phone do you say "hang on a second, just got to remove the phone from the controller", or do you take it out of the controller before you answer and hope they don't hang up?

>> No.9087940

Why do you need so many of those

>> No.9087960
File: 12 KB, 522x277, Targus Laptop Hub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get one of these along with a gamepad (can be wired or wireless) along with the Kishi or Gamesir, you can have something you can play on the go and hook up to a tv.

>> No.9088006

Autism speaks.

>> No.9088406

guess I have to start using wireless headphones because I assume it doesn't have a jack.
I'm a very quiet person.

>> No.9088438

It has both a headphone jack and a charging port.

>> No.9088496

No one ever phones you, do they?

>> No.9089203

The amount of homosexuality in this picture is blinding

>> No.9089293
File: 48 KB, 478x480, 1650636061265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use touchpad

>> No.9089306

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.9089310

I still need to play this game

>> No.9089382

Just stop being a faggot.

>> No.9089384

>100% women and vaginas in that image
Are you implying that anon is a woman?

>> No.9089417

Emulation is ass on a iphone

>> No.9089491

not sure if cringe or highly based

>> No.9089494

I still buy favorite games anyway with the hardware

Only use phone to try out games

>> No.9089503

Cringe and get off this board

>> No.9089552

No it isn’t
>a iphone
ESL retard

>> No.9089668

My grandmothers phone can emulate these games now a days

>> No.9089672

it's weird because in your autistic mind you see nothing wrong with this and you simply cannot figure out why it's so gay.

>> No.9089681

Can you faggots articulate a single point why, other than “it’s gay”, “it’s autistic”, and “lol”?

>> No.9089684

t. Razer Kishi enjoyer

>> No.9089691

can you learn to understand why things are gay and autistic without being told?

>> No.9089701

>no coherent argument
ok shitter

>> No.9089710
File: 453 KB, 734x1306, 1657798366468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks

>> No.9089734

okay aspie

>> No.9089739

My phone isn't for playing games

>> No.9089740

bro you're attaching a clamp to your phone that adds buttons to let you olay video games more easily. if you dont understand why that's pussy poison then yeah you probably have aspergers.

>> No.9089760

>unironically using a phrase like pussy poison
Do you think I give a shit after two divorces? Fucking zoomers.

>> No.9089769

>does autistic shit
>divorced twice

>> No.9089780


>> No.9089786

it's called clinical obesity

>> No.9089807

That’s okay zoomie, one day you’ll learn to stop putting pussy on a pedestal.

>> No.9089856

eating and vidya is all I know

>> No.9089887

How many times are you going to post you broken display?

>> No.9089991

Is this some autism about rounded corners?

>> No.9090010

what game is this? looks interesting

>> No.9090013

>paid for a wedding and legally attached himself to a woman, twice
>telling anyone else they put pussy on a pedestal
lol @ your life you retarded fag

>> No.9090049

twilight syndrome for ps1. it's really great, kind of like the first clock tower except with japanese urban legends

>> No.9090051

Thanks Anon! yeah the first thing that came to mind was Clock tower 1 from Snes.
I'll check this out

>> No.9090102

>his hobbies are chosen not based on what he wants but what women would think about it
lmao even

>> No.9090114

This was my setup before getting a Deck. It said it had charging passthrough, but the chinks lied, I needed to take the controller off to charge, which lead to me using it a lot less. Glad to have a device made by men of European descent.

>> No.9090218

Razr isn’t Chinese and charging worked for me

>> No.9090284

>Razr isn’t Chinese
I couldn't tell.
>charging worked for me

>> No.9090382

I had the same problem with my Razer Kishi. Try turning on OTG or USB debug. Can't remember which I tried but it worked for me.

>> No.9090487

I have a Deck now so it's moot, but thanks for the tip, I might try that out of curiosity (assuming I hadn't already -- it's been a minute).

>> No.9090738

It has a huge fucking indent on the left side, it's disgusting to look at and you have to be retarded to play like that.
But then again OP has been shilling his homosexual phone with the same picture for a month or so.

>> No.9090759

PC version is 60FPS

>> No.9092440

based coomlector

>> No.9092921

Does nobody make a clip on pad that just folds under the phone when not in use? That's all I want. Side grips are so wide it makes my arm position slowly numbing while playing in bed. Under the phone was better but only had shitty manufacturers (or a hilariously unwieldy clamp for better controllers, as if this setup needs to be bulkier and take more time). It doesn't need to have flat sticks or anything but you'd think people would make something that can just stay on an stow behind the phone via hinge.

>> No.9092926

Is there a single one of these stupid fucking clamp controllers with the dpad in right spot?

>> No.9092930

Nope. You're stuck with the Sony Ericsson and that's it. For some strange reason no one has ever replicated the design again

>> No.9093343

phones arent great. but that in fact looks like ass my man

>> No.9093358

Shoulda bought a basedoid pocket double plus

>> No.9093480

based rg351p enjoyer

>> No.9093631

>Filtered by Xbox/GameCube
Just use the stick if you're that upset

>> No.9093857

I got a telescoping controller for my phone because I couldn't stand my tiny PSP Go anymore.
It, along with game boy micro, are unusable when you're an adult.

>> No.9093939

I'd buy something like that but for tablets. I've got a fire tablet and even though it can play most games fine, on-screen buttons are pure aids

>> No.9093946

most phones have the speaker on the bottom, don't these clamp style controllers cover it? Are there any controllers that have proper front facing stereo speakers built in?

>> No.9093958

Enjoy your godawful input lag and smeary screen. Phonefags are the worst.


>> No.9094068

Wow it's like you're not even trying.

>> No.9094312

>pathetic lonely pedofag detected
Yeah, just neck yourself

>> No.9094730

Nope, anon is definitely a man. Just also a flaming homosexual.

>> No.9094734

Things have changed quite a bit since then.

>> No.9094740
File: 218 KB, 540x720, sony-ericsson-xperia-play-1639-g-alt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hasn't any company made another phone like this?

>> No.9094948

LMAO what a fucking fag you are.

>> No.9095129

that's not an indent, that's the speaker

so you are just in desbelief that modern phones can be so ugly

>> No.9095131

because sliders break too easily

>> No.9095173

I just don't find that much time to play on my phone. When I do have time I need to pass on my phone it's usually in events where it wouldn't be as acceptable to pull out a controller and headphones, and I feel like I'd get a worse experience if I play with no sound on. I'd buy one if I took the bus or train but I only drive with my car nowadays.

Used to have a few I liked back in the day. I had one of them ipegas in 2014.

Gamesir hooks up directly to the USB-C port, so no input lag.

>> No.9095183

Only apple garbage and apple wannabes do that

>> No.9095192
File: 136 KB, 976x549, 1602151133415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apple garbage
>A15 still outperforms the latest Android SoCs by 40%
>mfw I play Beyond Good & Evil GC full speed on my iPhone 13 Pro Max
>mfw Android is BTFO and will never ever recover

>> No.9095194

I’d just add that since Android 12, the stack has improved so much that even Bluetooth lag is minimal, it’s on the same order as you’d get with an actual DualShock 4 connecting to an actual PS4. And I doubt that anyone ever decided to play PS4 with a wired controller only.

>> No.9095214

Dude, you've been shilling your deformed overpriced cucked brick for weeks now, posting it as the best bang for the buck when people wanted recommendations for cheap handhelds.
You're so proud of it yet say that "oh, affording it doesn't mean you're rich" to hide that fact that you see it as some sort of accomplishment, when no one fucking cares.
You're beyond pathetic and I genuinely feel sorry for you.
You should stop posting about it, it's doing you no good.

>> No.9095226

I never claimed it was an “affordable option”, it’s clearly fucking not, if you want affordable you should go for that clamshell $40 powkiddy with custom firmware, it’s quite good and VERY affordable. Or even better a used N2DS, then you’re good up to PS1.
I do absolutely claim however that it’s possible to play on an iPhone without input lag and you can emulate shit that only the Steam Deck can match. And unlike the Steam Deck it has an OLED screen and great speakers. (Not to mention that you don’t have to wait 8 months to get it.) And if you already have a $1300 phone it’s a better deal to buy a $60 controller for it than buying a $600 Steam Deck.

>> No.9095227

I mean, handhelds are autistic as fuck regardless. Are you insinuating it's better to carry an entirely separate device that has the color scheme of a gamecube (gay) to emulate on?

>> No.9095231

Steam Deck is better, cheaper and is actually a PC so it has more uses

>> No.9095327

Steam Deck isn’t an Android phone, is it? And like I said, Steam Deck is a respectable choice especially if you have a crap phone.

>> No.9095356

I've seen this image one other time and it was years ago on /co/.
I remember it specifically for how lame it was.
You should delete it.

>> No.9095405

My huawei p30 pro plays GC just fine on android 10 with a Razer kishi. Your talking shit lad.

>> No.9095587

Running it with speed hacks at 1x native resolution is not “running it well”

>> No.9095726

No ps2 emulation.

>> No.9095734

You need a laptop anyway for proper PS2 emulation

>> No.9095739

I have this controller, its fucking great

>> No.9095746

No it’s autismal

>> No.9095753

it lets me play ps2 dot hack fragment and gamecube pso perfectly
both with widescreen

>> No.9095770

It’s also convenient because no woman will ever approach you and disturb your manchild time

>> No.9095859

went to test Sonic Mania on the Skyline emulator on my phone, but in my test sesh I ended up beating the whole game. It's awesome what you can do with a smartphone

>> No.9095865

If you have a $ 1300 phone I automatically assume that you are a huge faggot

>> No.9095868

No, you don't. Any android flagship from the last 3 years will do.

>> No.9095872

Man, you guys are sad. This is like watching animals fight over scraps. You should spend more time actually playing and less time being retarded on this place.

>> No.9095878

Then why are you replying moron. You're also here.

>> No.9095885

Sure, if you only emulate the least demanding 2D shovelware games.

>> No.9095907

LOL. Why are you talking out of your ass? No bruh, ps2 emulation on android is pretty damn good right now unless you have a potato. And it will never come to ios because the author doesn't want to deal with apple's bullshit restrictions.

>> No.9095908

But I don’t play video games. I buy overpriced Chinese emulation machines, use them for 15 minutes, then spend days arguing on /vr/ why my choice is the best and everyone else is a stupid, poor retard.

>> No.9095915
File: 525 KB, 1284x2255, 1643480015307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I can’t wait to play True Love Story 3

>> No.9095920

I don't even know what that list or what the fuck it is that you're trying to say. Look up aethersx2. Or don't and keep being retarded.

>> No.9095927

Not that guy but the iOS port of AetherSX2 is underway. There is already one for M1 Macs. And it will BTFO the Android version, Dolphin also took a while to get to iOS and it BTFOs Android phones any day

>> No.9095957

It should instead have a hinge so that the controller part can face away from the back and have sticks protrude a little without taking a lot of space.

>> No.9096025

No it won't. He has said repeatedly he doesn't want to deal with ios because it won't be allowed in their app store.

>> No.9096086

The M1 Mac version isn’t allowed either

>> No.9096328
File: 29 KB, 415x739, 285361187_1163125914473549_3309649433319485835_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH BOY can't wait to game on my mac

>> No.9096339

Just ask him in the aethersx2 discord. Chances are he'll fly off the handle and ban you, since people keep begging for an ios port.

>> No.9096342

>tfw every phone nowadays looks the same

>> No.9096394

Thanks but I don’t have gender dysphoria

>> No.9096397

>just cut off your penis

>> No.9096417

Got a new phone recently and thinking of emulating some games released on handhelds, would it be better to get a dedicated device for games (like a modded PSP) or is that unnecessary? I already have a desktop and a laptop.

>> No.9096483

What phone did you get? An android phone with a decent soc will be a much better emulator machine than a psp.

>> No.9096493

I have a modded Vita and 3DS. Better than any of these phone controllers and doesn't kill the battery of the device I use for emergency, work, and family calls

>> No.9096836

Neither one of those can run SNES chip games lol

>> No.9096868

Who the fuck talks on the phone? You worried about your auto warranty?

>> No.9096956

OK boomer. You're stuck 10 years ago. Emulation on android is second only to pc nowadays.

>> No.9097001

Super cool stuff. Don't let the RETARDED AS FUCK haters get to you, anon. GOD I HATE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH.

>> No.9097148

Has anyone tried cheats to get over the touch controls?

>> No.9097367
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Of course I didn't, cheats are gay and the touch controls isn't an excuse. Turn-based games don't require any precision and can be played with one hand, but if you're not really into them (like me) just get used and get good in action games. On the pic you see my RetroArch overlay for platformers I adjusted in a text editor myself: large enough buttons; vertical button shift and native SNES 8:7 aspect ratio instead of 4:3, so my finger doesn't obscure the game; an extra Y+B button between Y and B I slide my finger on for a simultaneous press. L and R, if they're actively used, can be pressed by putting your index fingers on screen (not really comfortable) or with tiny cheap mechanical on-screen triggers for pubg.

>> No.9097373

Not that guy but I have Reicast on my Samsung Galaxy S8 and it plays SA2 just about flawlessly. I'm honestly astounded at how well the game plays on my phone.

>> No.9097379

Unless you were already going to get a PSP, there is no point in emulating on a legacy handheld. PSP is very weak, much less powerful than any $200 Android phone. If you already got the phone then try a few emulators, right now.

>> No.9097384

My suggestion is if bottoming out your battery is a huge concern then you should get a big ole usb battery for $30. Also what are you going to emulate on a PSP?

>> No.9097386

like 10 years ago you could get phone cases with an attachable slidable gamepad like ur pic or keyboard. they were mainly for iphone 4, but if u trimmed the ends of the case, you could stick it to whatever phone you had. pretty neat

>> No.9097390

any android phone from 2016 will run most emulators no problem. A PSP will have trouble with anything past SNES, excluding PS1 eboot files.

>> No.9097391

I am a cheapo. I just buy $200 phones every couple years. I was suprised that PS1 runs on my cheapo phone just fine, doesn't miss a beat.

>> No.9097405

It's cringe but you have to respect the effort.

>> No.9097409

>two divorces
Stop clamping your phone.

>> No.9097421

I'm never going to get over the fact that phone fags all collectively decided that a fucking notch or screen hole is preferable to just having a fucking bezel

>> No.9097478

I take the clip apart and flip it around so the phone is held in front of the controller rather than above it, but yeah not a bad option.

>> No.9097612

I hate this meme. SNES emulation is fine on N3DS. There are some OCCASIONAL slowdowns in the heaviest games, that you can make somewhat better with frameskip. We are talking about slowdowns of a second every now and then, so with frameskip they are barely noticeable unless you’re looking for them. And this is only in an absolute minority of games.
TL;DR there is no reason to buy some powbernic crapmachine if you already have a N3DS lying around. Plus it plays DS and 3DS games perfectly, too.

>> No.9097671

Anon, frameskip is a gross hack. If you have to use it, then it's not running "fine". I mean if you already have the n3ds then sure it's better than nothing I guess.

>> No.9097692

I agree that a bezel is preferable to holes and notches in the screen, but in the second pic you can't even tell there is a notch. It's literally only distracting if you decide to fill the screen.

>> No.9097709

On AMOLED the blacks look like part of the bezel

>> No.9097818

OCCASIONAL frameskip in a SMALL MINORITY of games doesn’t justify spending $120 on some chinky device, in my opinion (if you already have a N3DS)

>> No.9098756

Or just use retroarch on your phone

>> No.9098763

What's the psp thing on the bottom right with Star on it?
Nice collection, though.

>> No.9098802
File: 179 KB, 450x410, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youve never seen a psp go? theyre quite cool devices although the microsd card mods aren't as nice as the bigger psp, they do support component output with cheap cables which is nice https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32866623492.html

Only downside is you cant charge while using component without the official dock by sony which is near impossible to get these days without paying out the ass

>> No.9098818

Looks interesting, kind of wish my phone had something like that, it's probably more powerful but the lack of inputs is kind of garbage.
I hadn't ever seen it though.

>> No.9098823

psp3k also supports component out and can be charged at the same time. I think the go also lets you pair a ps3 controller though

>> No.9098846

oh thats cool I didn't know that only have a 1000 and the go, it sucks the vita doesn't have video output, i do have a ps tv and its pretty seamless swapping an sd2vita between the two but still would have been nice to not need both of them

>> No.9098961

>touch controls

>> No.9098968

You can use any Xbox or PS3/4/5 controller with your phone or even buy a wired clamp controller

>> No.9098971

I wish there was a good controller for tablets. The onky one i seen is the ipega, i bought it and its terrible. The analog sticks essentially function as a dpad because of how bad the deadzones are.

>> No.9099234

The triggers and start and select on this are shit. Good luck getting one in decent condition btw, you're likely to get a wobbly screen

>> No.9099375

Or you can like, use a controller.

>> No.9100173

I've had "this is bearable for travel" experiences with ipegas. Have had a 9025 for a couple years and it just now lost springiness in one of the sticks and was 20 bucks, not the worst experience with cheap trash.

>> No.9100195

>official dock by sony which is near impossible to get these days without paying out the ass
Fuck me I threw mine out like two years ago kek

>> No.9100292

Fucking retard marrying twice

>> No.9100510

It'safer dealing with commodities.

>> No.9100569

Is this a bot?

>> No.9100581

How embarrassing.

>> No.9101117

frameskip is primarily used to save battery life, you moron. twice as less cpu usage, so you can underclock your speed and use frameskip to match that

>> No.9101125
File: 19 KB, 748x347, FB_IMG_1657270011172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twice as less
Mathematically this is sound but holy niggersteak what the fuck man, what's your native language? Where in the world do they not have a word for "half" and fully express "divide it by 2" instead? ilsym you would not believe, please keep being based

>> No.9101138

NTA, but you can tighten the screens if they're wobbly.

>> No.9101181

COMFY. Which one do you use often?

>> No.9101530

i'm not sure, least used would be the two psps because the vita is better, gameboy color too since i currently do not have an rtc flashcart for playing pokemon gen2

>> No.9101634

Are you a minor-attracted person?

>> No.9101648
File: 90 KB, 480x420, retard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good phone emulators to use? Only ones I have installed are Nostalgia.NES Lite, melonds, and Duckstation. Duckstation is good but Nostalgia sucks ass. Melonds is fine but is lacking many basic features like the pc version.

>> No.9101652

Dam nigguh just use retroarch

>> No.9101707

The most versatile option is RetroArch with its cores, but I prefer standalone emulators as long as they work fine. They consistently keep my game where I left it whenever I close the app and reopen, unlike RetroArch which usually restarts the game, even with all the autosave/autoload options turned on.

For GayBoy handhelds I use standalone Pizza Boy GBC/GBA.
For SNES - the latest SNES9x RetroArch core, since standalone one works much worse on my device.
For DS - standalone DraStic. It works perfectly smooth on my phone, unlike Melon DS core which doesn't even run full speed, at least in Mario Kart.

>> No.9101883

The main ones I use that I've found are better than running RA are DraStic and PPSSPP for DS and PSP games. Drastic being paid is unfortunate so it's understandable not to though. Otherwise RA is usually the one with mobile-cpu ports of the most accurate emus, like Beetle PSX and Genesis Plus GX.

>> No.9102202

Everything by Robert Broglia on the play store.

>> No.9102216
File: 56 KB, 696x392, openmw-featured-696x392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OpenMW runs and plays great on phones, even without a controller (though TR can get a bit choppy)

>> No.9102467

>>half as less

>> No.9102472

I use my phone to stream:
Masters of Magic
various Yu-Gi-Oh games
any turn based retro game
I don't install games on my phone. it's for work but streaming is nice and comfy

>> No.9102827

Not retro

>> No.9103015

retro enough faggot

>> No.9103383

Doesn't control the same

Renders like crap most games

Nope still sucks

>> No.9103472

You have no clue what you’re talking about. Don’t open your mouth next time.