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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9067057 No.9067057 [Reply] [Original]

I bought an RP2+ and I'm going to turn it into a based-machine. recommend based games that emulate well on RP2+. so far I plan on playing:

>Donkey Kong Country
>Lost Vikings
>FF Origins
>Norse by Norsewest
>WarCraft 2
>StarCraft 64
>Ocarina of Time
>Yoshi's Story
>Quake 64
>Sonic Adventure
>Wario Land 4
>Advance Wars 2

and also Quake 3 via QT. what else you got? please nothing gay like mayrio or JRPGs. only the most based games.

>> No.9067078

I think you should have asked in one of the other two chink scam emulation threads.

>> No.9067107

You're asking for nothing gay but this thread is about emulating on a handheld. Frankly I don't know what to think.

>> No.9067118

t. filtered by the Basedoid Pocket II+++
clearly you fags are not capable of handling the level of basedness of the basedoid.

>> No.9067123

>thumbstick above the dpad
Fucking why? Make a device that primarily focuses on systems that didn't have analog sticks, with a few that at most used one stick and opt to place a stick where your finger would rest the most comfortably.

The 3DS as an emulation machine has the same issue but for the games the system was trying to sale the placement made sense, its completely retarded in this instance for the aforementioned reasons. Just fuck China with these unergonomic designs.

>> No.9067127

>please nothing gay like mayrio or JRPGs
You're already planning on playing FF Origins, fagballs.

>> No.9067128

Most zoomers play 2d games with the stick

>> No.9067135

except FF Origins isn't gay, it's based, thereby circumventing this semantic bugaboo

>> No.9067156

You can tell most of the people that are involved with the production of these devices don't use their own products for extended periods of time based on their design. They are a market of trinkets that get lightly used then put on a shelf to be forgotten about.

>> No.9067158

tell us more about the things you don't own

>> No.9067206

my favorite emulated handheld is using the fucking catalog kys

>> No.9067242
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Vision is all you need to see the bulk of these designs are nonsensical. From button clutter, to poor placement, device size, device shape, etc. People didn't have to use Mad Catz controllers to know they were shit (for the most part).

>> No.9067252

Miyoo minis are great though.
>waaaah my fingers hurt if i use it for 20 hours in a row
No shit you fucking loser. It's not made for poopsocker retards who have literally nothing to do but play games. It's made for little bits of occasional play on the train, in doctors waiting rooms, etc. Which is the best way to experience retro games now. Playing 30-year old games on a desktop pc emulator or "real hardware" when you're 30/40+ years old is fucking retarded.

>> No.9067313

painful cringe

>> No.9067338

What does age have anything to do with the medium you use to play children's video games

If anything I'd figure the older you get the less of a fuck you give

>> No.9067369

>children's video games
oh look another mouthbreathing apologist manbaby who thinks "all video games are children's toys". games are like movies. some are for kids, some are for adults. a video game is not inherently for children simply by nature of being a video game. if you spend your time playing bing bing wahoo then that's your own fault you fat retard.

>> No.9067385

Anon don't you have summer camp or something

>> No.9067386

>20 hours in a row
You meant 20 minutes surely. There is no way I'd make it even half way into a train ride without wanting to put it down. There is a practical small and an impractical small. The Miyoo mini is the latter, which is a shame because a practical pocketable handheld is ironically the device these companies never get right as they always make it to small or to large.

>> No.9067393


>> No.9067396

Your phone > PS Vita > any of that chinkshit

>> No.9067398

no fuckoff, since the rule change this entire board is the same 3-4 threads repeated ad nauseam. there's 3 fucking threads like this.

>> No.9067409

lol stay mad little guy.

>> No.9067410

Please go back to /v/

>> No.9067414


cringe and gay

>> No.9067415

It works fine for a modern console but yeah for a retro-based system the d-pad should obviously be in the more comfortable position

>> No.9067419

please go back to redd1t you pretentious fart-sniffing fag

>> No.9067420

>A based machine
That's the most Reddit-tier thing I've read in a long time.

>> No.9067426

You have to go back

>> No.9067427

>capitalizes redd*t
>got filtered by the basedoid 2+
absolutely embarassing

>> No.9067431

make me, poopy head

>> No.9067439

Using your phone is based. A grown man carrying around some knockoff gameboy is cringey.

>> No.9067447

What about a grown man carrying around an actual gameboy

>> No.9067460

Unbelievably based.
Original hardware > your damn phone > buying a chink device that is inferior to your phone

>> No.9067479
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>> No.9067484

so basically you're just mad that i get to olay the same games as you, but on a new device dedicated to that purpose, instead of a sperm-covered phone or a child-poop and breath-covered gameboy from 20 years ago? makes sense.

>> No.9067493

Nice. Last time I pulled out my DS (gray launch model) in an airport some random kids came up and asked to see it. I guess they've heard of it but never actually played one.
Hahahaha zoomers don't have their own gameboys from 20+ years ago because they weren't alive hahahaha

>> No.9067524

i'm 30 years old and your gameboy has poop particles on it bro.

>> No.9067564
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>> No.9067580

>disinfects the turd germs
>the particles remain
pooped and duped.

>> No.9067668

not that guy, but i can play on mine for hours without a problem. i do hold it with a light grip and shuffle my hands around a lot, but it's not a big deal since the thing is very lightweight.

>> No.9067673

>t. filtered by the Basedoid Pocket II+++
>clearly you fags are not capable of handling the level of basedness of the basedoid.
More like they can’t handle the basedness of the baseddoid basedcket II+++onions

>> No.9068602

>More like they can’t handle the basedness of the baseddoid basedcket II+++onions
havent heard of that model but ill look it up thanks

>> No.9068624

That seems rough to me, I remember being excited to buy a GBA micro when I first heard about them but thank god they had a display model out immediately knew I wasn't gonna enjoy anything that tiny.

>> No.9068776

Everything up to and including PS1 work perfectly. After that, it gets spotty. N64, 3D0, Dreamcast, Saturn.... don't all work. Don't expect Sonic Adventure to run right.

However, DO put Symphony of the Night and all the Final Fantasy games for the PS1 on there. Cram in the crazy wild RPGs on PSP (Cladun,Half-Minute Hero, Disgaea, Holy Invasion of Privacy Bad Man, and a ton of other great ones), and maybe even some Sega CD games....

I love my RP2. Just got off a plane where I played Symphony and Einhander. I map the right thumb stick to quick actions for Retroarch, so that I push Up on it to quickly save state, and right to fast forward. Essential for my old ADHD ass to have these features, I know it makes me a pussy.

You can cram a 512GB SD card into it, so just stick EVERYTHING on it. And spend the time to fully configure Retroarch properly. It's worth it. Get the BIOses and such. Do it right.

All turn-based RPGs run like a dream when you add fast forward and save states.

>> No.9068946
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Starcraft 64 runs like shit, Ocarina runs good enough, get Final Doom for the ps1 runs tight, check reddit's compability sheet, lots of good info there, for mame just get mame4droid and download that romset, unless you want to go though the retroarch pain in the ass route, I have a 512gb sd on mine and been playing everyday with it currently going though my ps1 backlog, Parasite Eve is fun as fuck, I'm really happy with mine don't care what original hardware faggots think about it kek

>> No.9069037

>you're going to prison for five years
>you're allowed to bring a chinese handheld with you (and bear in mind N64, dreamcast, saturn, PSP etc will run like ass)
>catch is you're only allowed five systems with five roms each
>what do you choose /vr/?

For me it's:
Crash 3
Gran Turismo 2
Dragon Warrior VII lol
Tactics Ogre
Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World
Dragon Quest V
Harvest Moon
Castle of Illusion
Langrisser II
Phantasy Star IV
Sonic & Knuckles
Streets of Rage 2
Pokemon Emerald
Shining Soul 2
Advance Wars
Mario Tennis
Pokemon TCG
Oracle of Seasons
Metal Gear Ghost Babel
Pokemon Crystal Clear
Tetris DX

>> No.9069060

>Civ 2
>Master of Orion 2

I might do the rest tomorrow I'm sleepy now

>> No.9069675

>Starcraft 64 runs like shit
It ran fine on the RP2 let alone the 2+
>check reddit
stopped reading there. neck yourself queer.

>> No.9069760

>You guys love the GBA micro even though it's so small it's uncomfortable
>Bro the miyoo is way too small enjoy your hand cramps!

>> No.9069874

>hurr durr we hate le reddit, only l337 hackers allowed

>> No.9069904

is this why 3ds not preferred among emufags because of the ergonomics reasons

>> No.9069915

funny because cramming ps1 games and psp games something a real psp can already do. which what i prefer doing, especially if you mod big battery to your psp
and it has better d-pad ergonomics according to /vr/

>> No.9069921

>Up on it to quickly save state, and right to fast forward. Essential for my old ADHD ass to have these features, I know it makes me a pussy.
I have severe ADHD and I'd never ever do this. Why take away the entire structure and challenge of a well crafted game?

I'm playing Super Metroid right now and it would be a completely different game if I'd use save states and rewinds. It would completely kill the flow of the game.

This has nothing to do with ADHD, you're just a participation trophy faggot

Also OP, a retro handheld emulator is the gayest shit ever and I hope you get beat up like a nerd for playing that shit in public

>> No.9069926

Unbelievably shit taste

>> No.9070108

BWahahah. whine some more about how I enjoy playing videogames. I spent years of my life playing them on the original hardware, beating them without save states, etc.

Love how this board shits on anyone who uses emulation features. You do realize not everyone in the world is an autist speed runner. Some people are also old and slow.

I'll just sit over here with my participation trophy, enjoying the games I play while you fume over how other people are doing it wrong.

I swear, this board is so fucking predictable.

Lemme just throw some more salt: I thing FPGAs are for idiots with too much money, too.

>> No.9070167

I hate this hobby is ruined by Chink scams like "emulation handhelds" and "ez flash" and other similar shit.

>> No.9070168

Bug people bug brain

>> No.9070228

How is this "hobby" ruined by shit you can easily ignore? Emu handhelds and flashcarts aren't even mainstream.

>> No.9070240

>Sōydroid Sōycket 2+
Fuck off zoomer

>> No.9070252

No its really bad at emulation, it cant even emulate SNES properly. Youre limited to mostly what the 3DS can play natively, which is admittedly a pretty big library but a lot of people probably dont want to be limited

>> No.9070463


>> No.9070493

>Also OP, a retro handheld emulator is the gayest shit ever
the gayest shit ever is the one you took after your latino boyfriend blew his load in your ass. also i would never consider playing this in public, the fuck lmao

>> No.9070783

it's better than your homo taste

>> No.9070823

nah he's right dude that is a garbage ass list. were you raised on licensed games and shovelware or something?

>> No.9071440

3DO is a meme system and Saturn is hit/miss (an improvement over the RP2 still), but Dreamcast and N64 do play pretty well on the RP2+. Sonic Adventure runs like charm with redream.

>> No.9071669

The seething sourgrapers are back in record time!

>> No.9071671

If you want to play 2D games there are several superior systems to the RP2+.
You only buy the RP2+ for better compatibility with later systems, which benefit from the thumbsticks.

>> No.9071674

>children's video games
If you sincerely believe that then why are you even here? You a diddler?

>> No.9071675

>t. 400lb sausage fingers

>> No.9072179



you are welcome op

>> No.9072196
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>emu handhelds and flash cartridges are scams

>> No.9072205

>buying chink hardware
A used Nintendo 3DS will be cheaper if you mod it and will play all of your games, minus DC games.

>> No.9072207

>>buying chink hardware
I'm sure you're posting from chink hardware right now.

>A used Nintendo 3DS will be cheaper
Where do you think 3DS were made? Plus fuck no, even a New 3DS is so much weaker in every way, yet alone the normal 3DS. You're talking about comparing a sports car to a family car.
I don't think 99€ is expensive either, a good 3DS in good shape with box and shit costs the same.

>> No.9072276

I just ordered a miyoo mini. RIP my hands.

>> No.9072287

Phone and telescoping controller configuration is based. You don't honestly think people are using touch controls, do you?

>> No.9072356

I don't see the point in having a controller for your phone with you if a dedicated device takes up the same space.
Rather have phone and dedicated device and not phone, controller and battery bank, then also having to deal with switching between emulation and other things on the phone when having to switch between them in short sessions.

>> No.9072362

Show me one phone vice controller that has the dpad in the right spot

>> No.9072559
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RP2+ or RG351MP?

Both cost the same here. Actually looking to buy so I'd like to know your opinions, thanks.

>> No.9072774

It's simple: you just don't use your phone as a phone while gaming. Just like we did back in the day before we were bogged down by notifications.
That "dedicated device" is weak as fuck compared to your phone and has a poor screen. Charging's never been an issue for me cause it's 2022 and there's stations at every airport, on every flight, etc.
I have man hands so I don't care about this. Anyone who ever cried about PlayStation vs. Xbox layout is a bitch.

>> No.9072924

>That "dedicated device" is weak as fuck compared to your phone and has a poor screen.
Lol. Stop buying shit?

>> No.9072936

>That "dedicated device" is weak as fuck
It's overkill to be honest for 8 bit and 16 bit systems and has over 10 hours of battery even with demanding emulation

>and has a poor screen.
I'd take a okay IPS that's pixel perfect integer scaled without black bars over my 2:1 with black bars phone OLED screen any day

>Charging's never been an issue for me cause it's 2022 and there's stations at every airport, on every flight, etc.
I don't want to rely on that, rather have both my handheld and phone have guaranteed 10+ hours of usage instead

>> No.9073287

What did he mean by this
Everything that's not a Steam Deck is shit compared to my phone, including Switch
You crazy, OLED display looks so much better.

>> No.9073290

>that's not a Steam Deck
Lol what do you expect from someone who still thinks that the Steam Deck is the best specced handheld

>> No.9073293

>looks so much better.
I don't need it to look better, I need it to look good enough and fit the content perfectly, it already does that
Maybe you should stop jerking off about "muh looks" and start actually playing the games instead?

>> No.9073304

I play games, and I play a lot more than 8 and 16 bit which is why I don't give a shit about "integer scaling" kek. My phone runs PSP games which are all widescreen, upscaled at that. That + OLED is better than my PSP ever was to be frank.

>> No.9073312

>I play a lot more than 8 and 16 bit which is why I don't give a shit about "integer scaling" kek
I play 32 bit consoles with integer scaling too, even if with internal rendering resolution multiplier, anything else would be ass and no screen would save that
What a dumb argument

>> No.9073330

Not retro.

>> No.9073410

>86 replies of retards shitting on each other
>not one single game mentioned
kek the basedoid continues its mission of BTFOing every homosexual in existence

>> No.9073421

kek I like how nobody gives actual fucks and just shitpots

>> No.9074835

Nobody? I thought you guys had these handhelds.

>> No.9075162

what do you want faggot? this thread should have told you everything you needed to know. make the informed decision and purchase a basedoid pocket double plus.

>> No.9075335

there's only shitposting in this thread, anon

>> No.9075337

if you don't know which console to buy based solely on one being called the basedoid, you need to go home.

>> No.9075442

>Min Kum managed to post "chingchongconole based" 60 times in the last two hours
>that means it's the better console

>> No.9075452

sounds like faggot talk for "i got filtered by the basedoid".

>> No.9075483

I might get a basedoid if anyone can actually explain why it's based

>> No.9076267

Just use your phone.

>> No.9076362

Can't believe I got meme'd into buying one of these handhelds. I got an RG351P a few weeks ago and 1 day after I got it it suddenly shut off when I removed the charging cable, wouldn't turn on, and made a screeching noise when trying to charge it. I sent it back for repair and they said that it was magically working perfectly fine so they sent it back.
I got it yesterday and it was fine for a bit, then just now it died again right as I was fighting a boss in FFV. The battery light was green and the indicator still said 50%. I don't know if I'm even going to bother trying to charge the piece of shit again.

>> No.9076384

Works fine for me.

>> No.9076530

Stop saying 'based' you fuckwit

>> No.9076538

nah sorry im too based for that.

Sent from my Basedoid Pocket Double Plus

>> No.9076545

Based on what?

>> No.9076549

so you houfht something other than a basedoid and now you're complaining that it isnt based? and who's fault is that, retard?

>> No.9076551

Based on anon being based af

>> No.9078094

For me, it's the RG351M

>> No.9078282

for you, it's owning the worse handheld

>> No.9078508

yeah psp is p good for ps1 and psp games, but pretty shit at everything else, and the screen is kinda ass

>> No.9078537

maybe, does everything I need it to perfectly though and I like the weightiness and vastly prefer the button layout. Only thing I kinda don't like is the clicky shoulder buttons

>> No.9078563

Compared to what? Rp2? Well your too stupid to notice they put the d pqd in the wrong spot.

>> No.9078568
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Does RP2+ actually run PS1 games well? Is there noticeable input lag while emulating? Can I somehow run the OoT PC port native on it?

>> No.9078589

yeah ive played through quite a few ps1 games, they all run fine on duckstation, except Racing Lagoon
i dunno what people are talking about in regards to n64 emulation being shit on the RP2+. ive played through OOT and Majoras Mask and the only problem i had was a missing texture on that part of the mountain you have to break boulders on that also has a cow hole on it

>> No.9078590

How about stop being a poor fag and expecting a disposable brick like that to run anything?

>> No.9078595

i dont even use the dpad and i guarantee im better at games than you.

>> No.9078613

Not using dpad is fine, Its all preference. I dunerstand that. However, you perfering retroid over literally anything else is fucking insane. Its a bad screen wrapped in the cheapest plastic. And no, you arent better in any game than I. Unless the game is seeing who has the most juicy butty. Whch youd win.

>> No.9078628

I didn't read anything you just said but yeah basically my basedoid double plus is worth more than your life and i'm better at games than you. cry more kid lll

>> No.9078774

Psychosis from waiting for it to show up in the mail for so long lol

>> No.9078828

Not about the money. It's the size that's appealing.
If you know some other device that's similar size but more powerful then go ahead and recommend it.

>> No.9078892

it took 7 days lol

>> No.9079225

Enjoy the terrible washed out screen poorfag

>> No.9079568

u mad