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9073182 No.9073182 [Reply] [Original]

Why would you ever get a IPS replacement screen over the AGS-101 screen?

>> No.9073196

I don't see an advantage, really. I don't even care about the input lag, I just don't think the AGS-101 screen has any drawbacks that need addressing with a replacement.

>> No.9073209

You wouldn't. IPS is a decent option for people that already have a GBA SP, but it's an AGS-001.

>> No.9073221

The 101 (and the DS lite screen ) have too much motion blur for me. I prefer the micro screen, and over both the analogue pocket screen

>> No.9073225

>I just don't think the AGS-101 screen has any drawbacks that need addressing with a replacement.

Micro and 101 screen both blur but many games expect that

>> No.9073257

I like the ghosting because of the games which use the effect. Pseudotransparent flickering sprites look BAD on screens with better motion clarity, for example.

>> No.9073349

The only game Ive personally seem us ot is F zero for the map, which works fine on the pocket screen as far as I can tell

Playing something like Sonic Advance on the ags-101 is a nightmare IMO, just looks horrible with games that scroll quickly. But I'm motion clarity nut in general

>> No.9073359

The "pocket screen" being?

>> No.9073364

>Playing something like Sonic Advance on the ags-101 is a nightmare IMO, just looks horrible with games that scroll quickly.
I don't think you ever used a 101

>> No.9073394

GBA > GBA SP purely because the former runs on AA batteries instead of the proprietary crap with its own dumb charger that the SP does

>> No.9073406

it's not proprietary, it's just a 3.7v battery
even standard size, just need to move the contacts to the specific spot
charging can be done with any USB cable you can buy for 5 bucks off amazon or just cut your own AC charger and add a USB connector to it

first mod I do to every OG GBA I own is getting a rechargeable battery replacement so I don't have to deal with AAs, even if they are recharable
also much better power density, runs far longer with one charge than new AAs or rechargeable AAs

>> No.9074832


>> No.9074901

Most GBA games were made for the no-light and front-lit models. The colors can be really garish and ugly on brighter screens.

>> No.9074903

original screens were made with that in mind, even the backlit ones
hence why so many replacements are oversaturated

>> No.9074912

I kinda like the Game Boy Micro for that, since it doesn't have as much contrast as the AGS-101.

>> No.9074915

You realize that contrast is adjustable on both? My 101 and Micro are both calibrated the same.

>> No.9074920

How do you calibrate it? I only know about the screen brightness

>> No.9074942

Didn't test the ITA funnyplaying kit?

>> No.9074950

There's a contrast adjust on every model in different places, original has it under the back sticker, SP has it in the battery compartment and Micro under the front plate.

>> No.9074952

all modern replacements will be similar since they have to convert the signal
the latency comes from the added conversion, not the display itself

>> No.9074958

I never knew that, cheers!

>> No.9074959

I think it’s actually a voltage adjustment, so don’t go ham on it, just incrementally adjust until the flicker is gone or the it’s properly visible colour

>> No.9074960
File: 192 KB, 960x720, 1640253710610.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AGS-101 SHARP screen master race

>> No.9074962

Theres no conversion as it’s native resolution and a DSi screen

>> No.9074965

Contrast is adjusted with voltage on any LCD. Adjusting the contrast voltages changes the contrast.
Technically it all should be within range for the screen and you shouldn't be able to damage it with cranking it too high, seen plenty of people who ran theirs incorrectly for years.

It's still just a contrast adjust, you can see white and black changing when you turn it to either side, either the picture becomes duller or too dark.
You're correct, you should turn it up until you slowly start seeing black lines in the bright sections and then turn it down slightly until they are gone. The GameBoy logo with colored letters and white background is actually really nice for calibrating the screen.

>> No.9074968
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the IPS screens use different signaling
the driver boards are custom and made for it, that's the thing you clip onto the panel and flip over, all those will have additional latency

the screen itself is actually faster than any of the original GBA screens, hence why it also had less blur, which isn't actually a benefit for most games

>> No.9074973

I wasn’t talking about an IPS screen though

>> No.9074980
File: 2.22 MB, 4540x2020, tile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White tab master race.

>> No.9075027

using a DSi screen isn't a "modern replacement" though

>> No.9075039

Well you were the one that said it not me
I was just asking about how it fair’s against the others

>> No.9075042

>I was just asking about how it fair’s against the others
good question, I haven't seen any measurements outside of when it's in the DS itself
if the DS works in GBA mode as a native GBA with no added latency, then the display as slightly latency increase over the GBA screens, at least going by OPs measurements
but we can't be certain it's not the DS itself that adds that latency with a bad GBA mode and not the screen

>> No.9075092

The DS adds one frame of latency since it buffers the frame, this is also why it has a slight stutter (59.97Hz instead of 59.76Hz). OP measurements reflect this.

>> No.9075094

>(59.97Hz instead of 59.76Hz)
it does? source? I thought it just runs it slightly faster

>> No.9075096

>The DS adds one frame of latency since it buffers the frame,
But is it the DS itself or the screen? Isn't the DS backwards compatibility in hardware and not emulation?

>> No.9075102

It's the DS itself. It is hardware backwards compatibility, but the frame needs to be buffered because the refresh rate is different. The DS captures the GBA output to DS VRAM, and then the DS displays that. 3DS BC works similarly for similar reasons.

GBATEK reports it, you can also play GBA games which use sprite flickering and see that a frame is duplicated every few seconds.

>> No.9075105

Also I double checked and apparently I was slightly wrong, DS is 59.8HZ? Either way, it's different to GBA.

>> No.9075112

It would have to be the DS, screens don’t do that as far as I’m aware

>> No.9075115

That's literally the problem with the IPS replacements, they buffer a frame before converting it

>> No.9075123
File: 1.73 MB, 3468x4624, 8xr06ydvypk61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmaoing at all the retards ruining their Game Boys with laggy, wrong resolution, wrong refresh rate replacement screens when the correct solution has been there all along

>> No.9075124

They also have to scale it which takes more time.

>> No.9075127

Is it?
I thought the problem is in the way the image refreshes on the screen, so it’s slower to pixel refresh, not a frame buffer issue

>> No.9075129

You have to understand anon, 2 frames of lag is not going to be noticeable to many if any

>> No.9075130

That's response time, which is different to input latency.

>> No.9075134

The best frontlighting solution is a GBA SP.

>> No.9075143

The pixel refresh is actually faster, hence why they don't blur as much

>> No.9075148

This thread is literally about the AGS-101 being all you need and even superior in many cases.
Do think think AGS-101 is a replacement screen or something?

>> No.9075154

>2 frames
it's 3 frames though, but anyways
2 frames of lag at 60Hz is 32ms, which is easily noticeable if you play two different devices where one has 2 frames additional lag and the other doesn't

can you get used to it? of course, duh
is it a problem? not really you can still enjoy the game
but do you have to deal with it? no, less latency the better experience you'll have, don't settle for worse for no reason

plus this isn't just about latency, it's about the refresh rates being wrong and you get stuttering or the pixel response is too quick and you get flickering instead of transparency and so on

>> No.9075461

White tab is Sharp tho

>> No.9075465

Never claimed otherwise?

>> No.9075468

What is this white tab you're talking about?

>> No.9075475

White tab and brown tab are the colors of the connector tab for the display, AGS-101 screens with white tabs were made by Sharp and brown tabs by a unknown 3rd party.
The white tab Sharp screens are considered the best screen for the GBA, it's like the best of the AGS-101, better colors and brightness with less motion blur while not lacking noticeable motion blur entirely.

>> No.9075721

Well I dunno, I’m not getting any stutter on the ITA screen and transparency flicker functions pretty perfectly
The lag isn’t noticeable but I’d like some confirmation on it

>> No.9075732

this was about new screen replacements and not the old dsi screen hack

>> No.9075737

What are you talking about?
This is a new screen replacement

>> No.9075741
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Forgot pic

>> No.9075742

>Use the lower screen of DSI to transfer, 240*160 display, the display size is the same as the original panel

those are bottom DSi screens with adapters to work with GBA
that's why they also have the touch screen digitizer still on them

>> No.9075752

What is your point here?
Does this mean you don’t think it tests differently?
All I said was I wonder how much lag it has in comparison

>> No.9075771

>What is your point here?
those aren't modern screens like the IPS ones repurposed for GBA

>Does this mean you don’t think it tests differently?
no idea, someone would have to test, I was talking about modern screens though not the ITA DSi replacements

>All I said was I wonder how much lag it has in comparison
got it

>> No.9077246

What about the gba micro ??

>> No.9077249

>don't settle for worse for no reason
I agree. That’s why I’m not going to settle for the GBA’s garbage OEM screen.

>> No.9077546

Does the micro also have an ags 101screen ?

>> No.9077704

101 is still OEM and by all we know the best option
don't fall for replacement screen shills, it's all a downgrade from 101

no it has its own screen that's much smaller and hence sharper but otherwise it's on par with 101

>> No.9077707

Micro is in the picture

>> No.9078012

How do you even test stuff like this

>> No.9078015

Slow motion camera and pieces of wire, a battery and a LED.

>> No.9078016

And then?

>> No.9078019

The easiest way is having homebrew that turns the screen from solid black to solid white or vice versa when you press A or B and then soldering the battery and LED to the same button.
When you record the screen with a high FPS slow motion camera and press the button, you're going to see the LED light up instantly but there's a few slow motion frames between the LED and the screen changing from black to white (or the other way around).

Since you know the FPS of the slow motion camera, you can count the frames between the LED and display changing and convert them into ms instead, the higher FPS the slow motion camera, the more accurate the reading, technically you can get good results with even a normal 60 FPS phone camera, at least a rough number of frames of latency.

You don't even need the homebrew but you could use Mario jumping for example but game logic running too might make the test less accurate.

>> No.9078021

>technically you can get good results with even a normal 60 FPS phone camera, at least a rough number of frames of latency.
You don't even need the LED with this method, you can overlay the audio and video and count frames between the button clicking (if it's a clicky button like SP) and the screen changing or Mario jumping, etc. Again you lose some accuracy compared to a better set-up setup but doable.