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File: 193 KB, 900x900, Mega_Man_V_box_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9072282 No.9072282 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it’s Mega Man 5

>> No.9072318
File: 7 KB, 381x373, catto3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard for me to order things because I can't decide on which installment I like the most. If you ask me which Mega Man I love, I would answer 1, 2, 3 and 5 on different days. If you ask SMB3 vs SMW, I would say one or the other 50% of the time.

Anyone else with the same issue?

>> No.9072327

Yeah, happens a lot with iterative series. Since the core mechanics and overall design are very similar if not identical, you have to find your favorites through the little details, which are a lot harder to figure out.

By the way, that picture is adorable, post catto1 and 2 please.

>> No.9072471

I love the collectibles in MM5. It’s an amazing game and probably my favorite in the series. I feel like it’s the first one to try and have a real story too.

>> No.9072480

For me it's IV
Actually I only got it as a kid because MMHP hyped it and it was like $10 at EB Games. I was fucking terrible at Mega Man games as a kid but I loved them so much I would try to git gud. I think I may have even reached the Wily stages in IV but I definitely reached the midboss. Good shit.
Better than fucking Mega Man & Bass, which I nearly beat just out of sheer childhood patience. I threw that game away one day because I was sick of dying to King Stage 2 or something
I also fully completed Mega Man Zero 2, getting E ranks every time and spamming the shit out of elves. I think it must have taken me like 50 game overs to beat the stage where you rescue soldiers and have to use the spear rod over spikes and shit. Children with few other games can do incredible and stupid things

>> No.9072486
File: 52 KB, 600x450, 22508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way I'm still fuming that we never got the KINO Mega Man Anniversary Collection for GBA
This would have been fucking awesome and brought so much respect to these Game Boy games, some of which deserve better

>> No.9072897
File: 1.37 MB, 2816x2112, 1444624406682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we did though

>> No.9072905

Megaman 4 on Gameboy was my first Megaman game. It was really weird playing the NES version 2 decades later and realizing that the gameboy game is a mashup of 4 and 5.
Music and Pixel Art on the gameboy is on point. Screen crunch means simplified gameplay though.

>> No.9072932

Wasn't MMWorld5 supposed to get a DX version for Game Boy Color?

>> No.9072947

Sounds like a fake rumor

>> No.9073012

It clearly says Mega Man V

>> No.9073015

You don't have to use such a bitchy tone every time you correct someone, you pedantic dumbass. This is why people don't like spending time with you nowadays.

>> No.9074557
File: 2.24 MB, 2016x1512, No_one_man_should_have_all_this_power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, same here, but that's because they are all good. I think most focus on the Gameboy 5 just because it has new Wily robots not found in other games, but the other ones are still as fun. It's a question like "favorite song?" which can change by mood, time, and memory of the moment.

>> No.9074621

Man, the Complete Works cover art is so good.

>> No.9074675
File: 470 KB, 500x500, 1657327758813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had it on my 3DS for years and I just cannot for the life of me git gud at it. Something about the Mega Arm just feels so uncomfortable to use.

>> No.9076883

How is this different from the other 130+ mega man games?

>> No.9077415

Not much, it's just one of the better ones
>charge shot is now a punch that prevents you from firing one off and mashing things to death, can also be upgraded in the shop to do repeated damage on hit, as well as grab items and pull them back to you
>you start with a bouncing buzzsaw cat that's controlled by your d-pad input
>brand new weapons are pretty strong
>you can hunt down 4 crystals and cut your weapon energy usage in half

>> No.9077428

It hung onto Nintendo Power's "Future Releases" list for quite a few months after the GBC came out, so something seems to have been talked of the idea.

>> No.9077462

I really wish this got an SNES remake or something

>> No.9077480

I hate the way the SNES classic games look compared to the NES games. Ugly, garish, the music doesn't rock as hard.
The X series is great, though.

>> No.9077973

Chinese imitations don't count, anon.

>> No.9077976

There's nothing "DX" about a color hack, since DX implies more added features besides added color. But yes, some fag was planning on adding color and calling it the tryhard name of "Mega Man World V DX".

>> No.9080134

For me it's Mega Man X