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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9064450 No.9064450 [Reply] [Original]

Check out my GameBoy Advance Pokemon collection.

>> No.9064461

Flash cart thread?

>> No.9064462

EZ Flash Omega DE > EverDrive anything

>> No.9064463
File: 1.54 MB, 1600x5117, 1641662351214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post this.

>> No.9064465

what's that?

>> No.9064467

EZ Flash cartridge with custom theme

>> No.9064472

Based intellectual. How are you going to move on to the DS era Pokemon games? Flashcart for a regular DS model, jailbreaking the DSi with Twilight Menu++, jumping straight to the 3DS? What's the plan Stan? Either way, Godspeed.

>> No.9064473

>playing non-/vr/ games
Disgusting. I thought you were a fellow intellectual yourself.

>> No.9064480

Anon, I... Well shit, got me there, no excuses. I'll play something on me Speccy instead.

>> No.9064481

What's the best place to buy these things? I haven't looked in a long time, but I remember them being extortionate.

>> No.9064485

EZ Flash line from AliExpress. Will possibly take ages to arrive, but I doubt you'll find them cheaper anywhere else.

>> No.9064487

Oi, bugger me bollocks mate, crikey love me some Speccy, simple as.

>> No.9064490

In most of yurop senkogames on ebay is the best reseller. Cheap, fast and reliable.

>> No.9064491

Everdrive isn't worth it for the GBA. EZ Flash ODE off Amazon, so you have Amazon's warranty, it's already 99€, no point in trying to get it cheaper and then having a shitty QC item and having to deal with replacing it.

>> No.9064493

>It's already €99
You're overpaying, I got mine for £55.

>> No.9064495

Why should I use these when I got all of the games when they came out?

>> No.9064497

You can play romhacks or translations, use save states or cheats, and easily transfer saves to/from emulators.

>> No.9064502

Because you can have every Gameboy/Advance game on one cart? That's super convenient even if you own them, imo.
Where did you order from? I'm a UK anon too.

>> No.9064505

>I got mine for £55.
Where did you buy? When did you buy?
I got my ODE for 60€ but prices have gone up.

>> No.9064506

I bought from senkogames but it looks like they're currently sold out. That was about 6 months ago, so I suppose prices have risen.

>> No.9064507

>pokemon games literally cost a 100 bucks a pop for a cart
if you already have your games, don't use it, did you miss the point of a flash cartridge or something? it's mainly piracy
weird thing to ask if you don't even know what something is for

>> No.9064513

Do they really? I bought a boxes copy of Blue for my brother's birthday this week and it was less than £100 on eBay.

>> No.9064516

*Boxed copy
Excuse my typo

>> No.9064536

The Game Boy and Game Boy Color games are emulated on EZ Flash and EverDrive GBA, you need a Everdrive-GB x7/5/3

>> No.9064541

Based and cheaper than 1 pokémon game too!

>> No.9064570



>> No.9064605

Yeah, GB and GBA mode use different cartridge voltages

>> No.9064608

Unironically true these days

>> No.9064782

manually save editing them in on my modded 3ds :(

>> No.9064785

Been there, done that. Pain in the ass, but once you're done with everything, that living dex tho... Keep at it.

>> No.9064791

Either got lucky with that seller or you bought a repro, for years now the literal best selling Game Boy games ever have been going for over $80USD just for loose carts

>> No.9065252

What kind if fucking prices are these ? I never put more than 30 euros into my "homebrew" devices, my fucking counterfiet R4i ("dual core" version) cost me 10 euros new.

It's insane people are ready to pay that price for flashcards.

>> No.9065278

Sadly, none of the old GBA flashcarts are in production any more. The only one you can still get for about $20 is the Supercard mini SD, which is dogshit.

On the plus side, the newer flashcarts are at least improved. You don't need save patching any more, RTC support is much more common, and some of them don't need save batteries either.

>> No.9065293

damn that sucks ...

I had a super card DS when i was a kid (worked with compact flash cards instead of minisd), and i remember it's shitty initial loading times lol (which somehow are still faster than twilight menu). and also the game compatibility was kinda bad (game had to be smaller than 128mb ans have no copy protection iirc).

What kinds of issue do you have with the wildcard on gba ? I'm curious.

>> No.9065332

Compatibility is bad because it uses slow PSRAM. You have to use an ancient WinXP patching program for that reason. Some ROMs don't get patched correctly (I had to do it manually in a few cases). Some games have slowdowns or don't work after patching. It only supports 2GB SD cards, though Chinese sellers usually provide one.

On the upside, it has 32MB ROM and 1mbit SRAM so it can play pokemons fine.

>> No.9065337


>> No.9065463

Or you can just get the ez flash jr.

>> No.9065470

It's pretty buggy in my experience. A $20 everdrive clone works flawlessly though

>> No.9065472


>> No.9065474
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 1FC1297D-D3D1-4087-8B23-3DF42A6E7471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EZFlash is trash.

>> No.9065482

30 hryvnia has been deposited in your account

>> No.9065492

30 yuan has been deposited into your account.

>> No.9065494

It's fine if you're not retarded

>> No.9065501

The omega is fine if you're not retarded. The ODE is just fine period. I can't picture what sort of problem anyone would have with it - it just werks.

>> No.9065508

It’s a flashcart, there is no learning curve that would keep retarded people out.

>> No.9065531

EZ Flash ODE is the best thing to happen to the GBA. Cheaper and more features and no problems whatsoever.
Can't possibly imagine what problem you'd have with it.

Omega (non DE) had the same problem some Everdrives had, even the Omegas manual said it, you're not supposed to turn the console off right after saving but wait 5 seconds.
That's where the myth that all EZ Flash have save problems comes from.

>> No.9065532

>some of them don't need save batteries either.
Which ones support RTC and are battery-free?

>> No.9065543

EZ Flash ODE has a replaceable battery for RTC, but saves without a battery.

>> No.9065545

It works and works well, while being better than any of the old flash cartridges.
I didn't think it's a bad investment considering the price of original games, unless you're just a "piracy bad" cocksucker.

Why does it suck? As anon said, they are improved in every way.
You just complained about problems yourself, modern carts don't have any of that.

>> No.9065568

Early/cheap carts sucked, but there were good carts from that era. EZ Flash IV was excellent, which was why they revived it about ~2017 or so.

>> No.9065838

>2gb limit
>still has save problems
>no RTC
>no save states
>still requires manual patching for cheats/patches
Shit compared to modern ones

>> No.9066258

I have the Twilight menu but I am unable to save the roms. Even the Ds ones. I think I did something wrong. the UI isn't exactly useful. Not Unlaunch, Not the emulators they all have too little interface.

>> No.9066379

plastic hoarders on suicide watch

>> No.9066383

damn that theme looks nice, can you post the name??

>> No.9066821
File: 677 KB, 734x1306, 20220328_152202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine

>> No.9068232

EverDrive > EZ Flash

>> No.9069003

>I like to pay more for a worse product
Okay? What now?

>> No.9069190

Now use it with Pokemon Colosseum/XD. Oh, wait. It doesn't work.

>> No.9069250

>>I like to pay more for another product

>> No.9069254

ODE is still under a 100
Meanwhile Everdrives have scalper prices

Get fucked "ftfy" faggot

>> No.9069321

where did I disagree with it costing more?

>> No.9069324

EverDrive is unironically worse than a EZ Flash ODE. Less features and support.

>> No.9069327

not really, it also uses more battery

>> No.9069330

Everdrive also uses more battery than a real cart. There isn't much in it.

>> No.9069337

What do you mean, "not really"? EverDrive doesn't have PogoShell, save-states, on the fly patching, cheats/patches and can't run as a standalone cartridge to direct boot games or even a DS slot 2 cartridge for things like RAM or rumble.

Even with the slightly higher battery usage you still have more battery life with modern battery replacements for all GBA models, not that the Everdrive itself doesn't use a lot more battery than a original GBA cartridge either.

>> No.9069342

This makes the buyers remorse Everdrive user seethe and cope
Just look at this very thread

>> No.9069343

>buyers remorse
That's unironically the only reason I can imagine someone would "recommend" the EverDrive for GBA.

>> No.9069352

Don't forget rumble in GBA and GBC games. Drill Dozer is so much better this way.

>> No.9069354

I like the chinese version

>> No.9069360

>EverDrive doesn't have PogoShell, save-states, on the fly patching, cheats/patches and can't run as a standalone cartridge to direct boot games or even a DS slot 2 cartridge for things like RAM or rumble.
>Don't forget rumble in GBA and GBC games. Drill Dozer is so much better this way.

>> No.9069407

EZFlash is a soiboi meme and should be a bannable topic on this board.

>> No.9069413

Only true boomers know EZ Flash, everdrive is for YouTuber zoomers.

>> No.9069416

False. YouTube zoomers just coomlect the original carts.

>> No.9069425

I do not see those things as benefits apart from the patching, I have the ODE and not the everdrive, I'm just stating this tribalism shit needs to stop for shit that's barely different
rumble is ass

>> No.9069490

b-b-ut the next next version that costs 9001 rubles will be able to do things that chinkshit could 20 years ago i swear

>> No.9069517

why wouldn't that work?

>> No.9069523
File: 1.19 MB, 2625x3500, C714AB22-C28F-4358-B6E1-5FA8267AA6F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just googled it and here's a picture
is this just another meme lie that people push?

>> No.9069524

Yo guys forgot that you can use SLEEP mode with any game on the Ez.

>> No.9069525

>Chinese community driven product is soiboy meme
>But the overpriced piece of shit made by an actual tranny isn't

>> No.9069527

Both Ez Flash and Everdrive support BIOS boot, why shouldn't it work?

Are you some autistic fuck or? Those are obvious features that are useful. Your personal opinion doesn't make them disappear.

You're right about tribalism, the Ez Flash is just the better product, but being a fanboy for either one is retarded.

>> No.9069528

>hardworking slav with a family and kids
>actual tranny
it’s always trannies living rent-free in you shizoids’ heads, isn’t it? take your meds

and yes, chinkshit is absolutely a soiboi trait.

>> No.9069552

>hardworking slav with family and kids
hahaha what else are you going to make up? literally a tranny supporter who doesn't even make the Everdrives himself, no family either

>chink shit is soiboi
>she says when posting from hardware made in china
imagine being an apologist for a young ukraine male with no family who reaps off support money when escaping from his country in need instead of standing his ground and instead fights for trannies on twitter
you are the embodiment of bugmen soibois, pathetic

>> No.9069556

Absolutely based, fuck the shills

>> No.9069558


>> No.9069565
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meds, now.

>> No.9069580

spoiler, he doesn't
but you fell for the marketing and lousy excuse to flee the country and not get hard feeling for it

i've worked with people (on foss hardware projects related to /vr/) who have worked with him, I probably know more about that sorry excuse of a piece of shit scammer than you do
anyone defending him is a enabler for the cancer killing this hobby

>> No.9069584

Holy shit, this is literally the salty terraonion guy
Fix your fucking software for your products

>> No.9069587

>Known lier who's been caught several times red handed
>Always excused by actual Nintendo fanboys who love Starbucks soikaff
I have no idea why anyone would believe or protect him at this point.

>> No.9069589

Not anon, but great argument. Fuck off shill.

>> No.9069596

Everdrive users are like a cult.

>> No.9069601

Lmfao I knew something about this crusade sounded wrong. You’re right I bet.

>> No.9069604

This. Imagine thinking EZ flash is newer than Everdrive.

>> No.9069612


Ez Flash is GB only, meanwhile EverDrive gets generally bad rep, not just the X5 and for a reason
If you're going to defend someone, at least learn about them a little beforehand, this isn't about Ez Flash chink shit VS EverDrives, it's about krikzz being a descriptive faggot

>> No.9069613

Can you guys just ignore the shills?

>> No.9069621
File: 200 KB, 1196x1230, DBB25C1E-1951-40CF-B368-E9AA18555347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it's about krikzz being a descriptive faggot
That’s exactly why I know it’s you

>> No.9069624

I’m trying to, but the shills won’t stop besmirching the Everdrive which is a totally fine product.

>> No.9069627

The ODE does everything better and cheaper. Everdrive is an obsolete product, which is why nobody recommends it any more. If you already bought one it's still fine, though.

>> No.9069630

It does more at the expense of less battery and by a noticeable amount
And the features are for use with the DS

>> No.9069639

Rumble, cheat/save state/sleep support, and batteryless saving have nothing to do with the DS dude.

>> No.9069650

https://docs google com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1baIDOZlUjERhOsmc5Uexz-6v63oGIfMhQQ3zYBDSzL8/htmlview
The power consumption has been compared, there difference in ordinary use between the x5 mini and ODE isn't very big.
Original Omega is a power hog though.

>> No.9069667

And this test is with RTC on, with RTC off it will use even less power.

>> No.9069670

Every ez flash I've ever got has been pretty shit for the case. The board even had alignment problems in the 2in1

>> No.9069674

I will support a ukranian over a chang any day

>> No.9069676

I will buy whatever's cheaper and does essentially the same job. Could be produced by Martians for all I care.

>> No.9069803

I'm Slavic, you retard

>> No.9069807

Omega DE has more features and lasts just as long in Tema of battery life, while being cheaper. Why do you keep shilling the Everdrive outside of being a slut for Krikzz.

>> No.9069809

In fairness, the everdrive does have a slim advantage in terms of battery life. It's a bigger deal on the Game Boy Micro, too.

>> No.9069812

You can use it as a GBA flashcart for the DS too...

Based, I'm glad there's proof to shit on the Everdruve shills and their lies.

>> No.9069814

"Slim" lol
Meanwhile it's worse in every other way, including price

>> No.9069825

Terrafaggot is right though but you still defend the guy who rips off people, his own country (tax) and uses anticompetitive marketing.
Do you think he's making this up? How new are you?
Everyone serious about /vr/ knows the shit around krikzz and EverDrives, yet you fight for someone on a shitty forum, who sits on a pile of money he earned by being an asshole and cinman towards everything nice in retorgaming.

>> No.9069837

>does less for more
>original creator refuses to drop price or release code for community to fix problems and add features (like a lot chink products do, just just ez shit)
>instead he leads campaigns online against competing products full of lies
>meanwhile selling products himself that have the same problems (several Everdrives for different consoles have had save problems in the past)
Give me an argument that's not political or pretending I'm someone else

That's the thing I don't understand, it's not even a fine product but people still defend bit just it, but the creator too
Like this guy gets it >>9069676
But most people just pick a side for some weird reason totally unrelated to the actual product

>> No.9069841


>> No.9069843

Real mature anon

>> No.9069850
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what the hell is going on

>> No.9069860

shills fighting with shills

>> No.9069861

Everdrive shilling in full force
You see it at least once a month in flash cartridge related threads

>> No.9069868

I've been waiting for them to restock the Everdrive GBA for ages now, I think they had to move the factory to Spain or something. I have an X7 for my GBC and I love it.

>> No.9069872

Fix your shitty onions software and stop posting on an Iranian basket-weaving forum.

>> No.9069905

Say they are similar product with one having a few more features and the other uses less battery
Everyone loses their minds and calls me a shill
Terraonion guy comes in and starts shitposting about krikzz
You know, just typical post rule change /vr/ shit

>> No.9069939

>uses less battery
>dude 15 minutes more for 10 hours :) totally worth the extra money and having less features

>> No.9069947

>nooo you have to be this person
Why does it hurt you so much that I'm just a random anon who likes GBA homebrew and has a multitude of flash cartridges and has followed all what's going on, including the drama sadly, because it's related to my hobby? I have nothing even in common with Terraonion, except pointing out what Everdrives have done to the market.

>> No.9069949

It’s at least 3 hours difference
That’s not nothing

>> No.9069952

>the market
You mean less shitty Chinese ripoffs?

>> No.9069953

EZ Flash pre-dates Everdrive, you do know that?

>> No.9069960

See >>9069650
I'd rather believe someone with credit and not a random video from a nobody
Specially since it shows EZ Flash crashing and there's been no reports of anything like that for the ODE

Kek it's the shill samefag again

>> No.9069973

You do know that ezflash was only one brand right?
There was no quality control
I would rather trust visual evidence to something that someone just wrote down

>> No.9069992

>I would rather trust visual evidence to something that someone just wrote down
Why? Both are easily fakeable. That's a dumb argument.
At least one is from somebody who has some credibility, the other is from actual nobody.
Not to mention, the test wasn't even proper, literally shows it crashing, even if it was genuine. Even the video author mentions they have no idea if this had any effect on the outcome.

>> No.9069994

>I like to pay more for a worse product
EverDrive Mini uses less power than the ODE and has better build quality.

>> No.9069997

>There was no quality control
I sure hope you're not going to shill EverDrive :^)
Considering the period where many people got literally DoA shipments

>> No.9070003

Post picture with timestamp of both cartridges, preferably with this thread as background

>> No.9070010

>literally shows it crashing
It shows that it has high power draw, simply from the fact it turns back on

>> No.9070015

You realize a crash could cause higher constant power draw? Hence why I said, even if it was genuine, the info is worthless.
Hence why I rather believe someone credible who did a dozen tests properly.

>> No.9070039
File: 514 KB, 1277x666, Battery Life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread as background
Fuck off schizo retard. There is irrefutable hard data that's publicly available comparing the power draw of both devices. Here's a video showing how much worse the battery life is on the ODE though.


>> No.9070045 [DELETED] 

More like EZ Flash users are a cult. They are insecure and have to constantly shill their their product.

>> No.9070052

More like EZ Flash users are a cult. They are insecure and have to constantly shill their product.

>> No.9070064

Dude's literally using a defective unit

>> No.9070141
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, AHAHAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job moving the goalpost, retard. All ODEs are defective units.

>> No.9070145

Nice, actually.

>> No.9070185

Mine never crashed in the year I've been using it.

>> No.9070379

>You do know that I'm coping desperately right?

>> No.9070435

Well at least you admitted it

>> No.9070614

>no u
I accept your concession

>> No.9070719


>> No.9070725

Funny, considering Everdrive has drama in ever flash cart related thread, meanwhile EZ Flash is GameBoy only.

>> No.9070728


>> No.9070730

Lol, every time Everdrive gets owned, the faggot starts spamming to get the thread deleted so nobody sees it. I swear that's like the 3rd time.
Talk about paid shills.

>> No.9070741

overpriced, shit battery life, shit compatibility, and random save corruption. I'll stick with emulation, thanks

>> No.9071202

EverDrive didn't get owned, you did. I'm starting to think you're a paid shill for EZ Flash.

>> No.9071314

Oh just fuck off already, pretty obvious you've got a horse in this race.

>> No.9071425

It works. He's just being a faggot.
I actually managed to hex edit a JP Collosseum Celebi disk to use an NA save and then gave myself Celebi to my ODE games

>> No.9071439

Stick to Twitter.

>> No.9072104

>all this everdrive shilling

>> No.9072165
File: 34 KB, 493x370, EF3D74A8-F0E7-4273-9FA1-EE29BA05F3ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo anon do flashcarts run the exact same speed as the original gba cartridge I’m thinking about buying 1 for Metroid fusion and zero mission also mega man battle network series

>> No.9072167

Could you do a speed test between them

>> No.9072214


>> No.9072294

Already has been done, games run at the same speed
If you mean launch speed, ez flash from nand is the only modern option that is identical to original cartridges

>> No.9072297

I get over 10 hours on my SP with a Omega DE
Can't imagine why I'd have to pay more than 60 bucks for a cartridge to give me more batter life then this

>> No.9072865

So I can do speedruns on these with no slowdown problems if I follow the instructions

>> No.9073280


>> No.9074834

Reminder to not be a soiboi and buy chink shit, buy a EverDrive.

>> No.9074840

flashcart fanboyism is a new low for /vr/

>> No.9074843
File: 73 KB, 500x476, s-l500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if my everdrive is chinkshit?

>> No.9075089

No idea if it's actual fanboys or actual shills.

I prefer the Omega DE simply because it's better priced and does more so I recommend it when asked, but I have no motivation to fight about which one is better just because I use it. Absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.9075608

I'm trying to play Minish Cap on my EZ Flash Omega DE, but shit keeps happening that makes it unplayable.
The game froze a few times, once it restarted and froze (while still playing the game music from before it restarted), one time it went to sleep mode and didn't come back.

Wtf is up with it? Is it the game or the cart?

>> No.9075654

Did you try downloading the ROM again? Did you try running it from NAND instead?
I've played both A Link to the Past thru (also done Four Sword in multiplayer) and some Minish Cap never had a issue with my ODE, I've had it since December.

So either it's the ROM or you have a defective cartridge.

>> No.9075656

Fucking broken chink shit

>> No.9075658

What's the point in shitposting?

Even if it's the cartridge, it's just a defective unit and not all of them. If you're a EverDrive shill, do I need to start posting posts from the archive and official forum threads about times when EverDrives had broken batches? Even though you'd expect better QC for the price compared to cheap chinese ones like ODE.

>> No.9075703

>Did you try downloading the ROM again?
Where should I download it from? I got it from Vimm.
>Did you try running it from NAND instead?
I heard about using NOR to fix this. I know NAND and NOR are logic gates, but what do they signify here? And why is it better?
>So either it's the ROM or you have a defective cartridge.
I've played Metroid Zero Mission on my DS's flash cart (using a GBA emulator in the cart) and on EZ Flash. In both cases, the game froze near the end. But not when I played on an emulator on my PC. I didn't download from Vimm.
Idk what this means, I just thought to put this as well.

>> No.9075706

Maybe update to the latest firmware?

>> No.9075728

Anon got a little confused. The EZ Flash Omega has PSRAM and NOR flash for playing ROMs.
It doesn't have any NAND. NAND is the kind of flash which is used in SD cards. NOR is the kind of flash for replacing ROM cartridges.
If it plays fine from NOR, that's a clear sign that the PSRAM is bad and you should return your cart.

Anyway, try disabling fast patch engine too.

>> No.9075734

See I don't wanna deal with all this shit. I just want to boot a game and have it behave like the real thing. Fuck all this patching nonsense, just give me an Everdrive.

>> No.9075736

That's what I'm telling him to do.

>> No.9075825

Updated, playing right now.
Everything seems fine so far, even with the sleep addon.
Will play some more and use sleep a bunch of times and see what happens.

>> No.9076209

Played for 2 hours, there was a problem with the sleep.
Couldn't make the game sleep after a while, but no glitches that made it unplayable.

>> No.9077690

But that's what you can do. These are all options to play different games in different ways. You don't have to do a y of that, you can just run games vanilla.

>> No.9077693

Flash cartridges require patches for sleep to work for games that have their own sleep mode, did you patch your game?
Else use the cartridges sleep mode instead.

>> No.9078008

Fuck this shit I'm going to get a EverDrive instead.

>> No.9078009

EverDrive needs the same game patches for sleep to work on games that have their own sleep mode. But EverDrive does not have a universal sleep mode build in itself.

>> No.9080012

you guys are dumb. pc emulation is way fucking better. save state, speed up, graphics tweaks, full screen. no craning of the neck, and hand pain from small controller. can use own controller. i can go on. i used to be like you, but my hands are just too big for that shit. xbax1 controller all day. even tablet emulation is better than flashdrives on real hardware. they made taht shit cheap af. with a pc you can upgrade that shit. i mean come on.

>> No.9080037

mostly based but it depends on console, SNES and PS1 i'm with you but 6th gen and onward real hardware trumps

>> No.9080069

>chink screen with input lag

>> No.9080631

>chink cartridge
>chink screen
chink shills
ask why anyone would do this when everdrive exists?

>> No.9081190

I only see one shill here.

>> No.9081210

Playing portable games tethered to a big screen just feel wrong to me

>> No.9081235

Please share theme anon

>> No.9081293

Not that anon but I think it’s not out yet
I found it on the gbatemp ezflash simple theme thread near the end
Some guy called timdmackey is the creator

>> No.9081334

Base GBA is still pretty comfortable to use imo and sometimes the games look better on the smaller screen. But most of the time I play my games from an everdrive on a Game Boy Player so I'm probably double dumb to you

>> No.9081509

ezflash is the only one that works with palpark on the ds

>> No.9081515

twilight menu is shit nds bootstrap still doesn't have full compatibility and they put out an update last year that corrupted peoples save files its best avoiding when you can get the best flashcart for like 8 dollars

>> No.9081536

if you wanna submit times most speedruns ranking ban flashcarts

>> No.9081539

do these have rtc? been wanting an original gb flashcart

>> No.9081543


>> No.9081548

No. These clones are based on the original Everdrive GB, but only the Everdrive GB x7 has RTC.

Everdrive GB x7 is the best you can get, if you are willing to pay for it.

>> No.9081551

sauce is my penis, flashcarts usually have faster loading times on most systems which is why they aren't allowed youd have to look at the rules for console/game

>> No.9081556

>, if you are willing to pay for it.
price isn't an issue theyre just never in stock kek

>> No.9081560

GBA flashcarts don't run games any faster than real carts. Maybe other platforms like N64 do, but that's not how executable ROM carts work.

>> No.9081618

theres other issues that could effect the games for speedruns afaik the ezflash rtc isn't 100% the same as the original so would be desynced a bit not noticeable in normal play but would probs be banned from a speedrun. just looking as the gsc rules i saw flashcarts are banned
>Flashcarts such as the Everdrive are not allowed for console runs. The only exception is running minihack categories on flashcarts with MBC3 RTC chips (such as this one from BennVenn), which is allowed, as there is no other console option.

>> No.9081629


>> No.9081650

That makes sense I guess.

>> No.9082067

wait really? maybe then mine works actually. i should try it again

>> No.9082082

That's not how it works

>> No.9082096

the rtc running too slow would deffo effect a game what are you on about, the ezflash omega loses like an hour in a couple weeks

>> No.9082173

I paid $10 a few years back for some chinkshit bootleg with like 500 roms in the cartridge. I actually I won't have absolutely everything like rom hacks, or fan patches but whatever. This is enough for me.

>> No.9082305

only effect it had is when things happen in the game if there's time related events
remember that original RTCs in cartridge's run slow too, specially when the battery starts to empty

>> No.9082616

Thanks anon

>> No.9082620

Damn bruh ur poor af fr fr
This is embarrassing that you posted this

>> No.9082641

It's on the Discord but it's still in beta

>> No.9082649

>you have to spend excessive amounts of money to enjoy retrogaming
i'd say bait but the most retarded things are usually the true ones, you're a sad fuck, genuinely sorry

>> No.9083579

Which flashcard?
I found an R4 gold dual? it's £21.. any good?
That one has the special chip on it doesn't it?
Is compatibility better on these for SNES and GBA?


>> No.9083745

But do they run the exact same speed no slow downs input lag stuttering right?

>> No.9083815

Unless you modified the rom, yes
You can makes games load and faster and reduce stuttering on bigger more advanced games though

>> No.9083861

no dont get those they are shit and overpriced, get a blank label one with red pcb, they are ace3ds+ clones, sometimes they might be a bit too thin to insert/remove from the ds properly if it gives you issues just put some tape on the front of it. I'm not sure about emulation never tried it https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/394103079662

firmware: https://flashcard-archive.ds-homebrew.com/Ace3DS+_R4iLS/Ace3DS+_R4iLS_Wood_R4_1.62.7z

I did also just see these acekard 2i clones while looking for that, acekard 2i is a really great card but ive never used one of the clones cant say if its good or not, might be worth looking into though if you can find any information about it, im not sure if they work on 3ds without cfw though https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/154731371855 it does have good reviews on this aliexpress listing, maybe just get both because why not kek. i'm probably gonna order one of these. idk what compatibility is like on a unmodded ds though i think these might be on the dsi and 3ds cart blacklist without cfw https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003407272703.html

>> No.9083928

I have a 2ds sitting in the box, I played it once and then put it away. I have charged it and then let it run a couple times since just to keep the battery going but I don't play it. Not sure if I should sell it now or later.

>> No.9083932

Will krikkz ever make a ds ever drive since all the other ds flashcarts are shitty

>> No.9083935

>since all the other ds flashcarts are shitty
theyre not theres a few very good ones, problem is people buy all the shitty ones because everyone knows the name r4 so all of the awful chink clones have stolen the r4 branding

>> No.9083938

I own an original acekard 2i, not one of the clones. It's blocked on the latest DSi and 3DS firmwares. Newer firmwares also have long load times, which is annoying.

My biggest problem with DS flashcarts these days is the closed source kernels. If krikzz made an everdrive DS it wouldn't solve that problem and would still be missing shittons of features found on chink clones like cheats and RTS. It'd be the same issue with the everdrive GBA but multiplied.

>> No.9083945

yeah open source firmware for ds flashcarts would be awesome

>> No.9083947

dsi cfw does let acekards work afaik hiya removes the card blacklist same with luma on the 3ds, it is annoying they never released an update for new firmwares though

>> No.9083949

Yes, I downgraded my AK2i's firmware to restore the original logo and boot time. Since my consoles are all hacked it didn't matter any more.

From what I heard it's a technical limitation and the AK2i didn't have enough storage for the larger exploits needed by later firmwares.