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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9065997 No.9065997 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.9066001

I'm not playing a game right now hence browsing 4chan

>> No.9066002

then play a game so you can post in this thread

>> No.9066005

But then I'll be playing the game instead of posting

>> No.9066007

play the game AND post here

>> No.9066013

I'm currently playing RE Director's Cut on my PS2. Actually I'm taking a break from RE and playing a bit of Bioshock as I type this up, but will play more RE later on.

>> No.9066014
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Was just playing Seikima II: Akuma no Gyakushū! out of a random romset I was randomly scouring through.

>> No.9066016
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>> No.9066017
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In-between games, but just completed BoF2.
Holy crap this game needed more polish.

>> No.9066021

is it at least fun? It's on my backlog of RPG games to play

>> No.9066025
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going through some rpgs and platformers
right now it's earthbound and mario 3 on all stars
just got to fourside

>> No.9066029

Not really. It's very tedious, even with a 2x XP/half encounter rate hack. Cutscenes un-fuse your characters (making you leave the dungeon and go back to town to re-fuse them). Some party members (like Katt/Lin) seem to have no use in a party outside of fusions.
However, there were some really cool moments and I enjoyed how the story didn't lay everything out in front of you, letting you piece it together yourself.

>> No.9066032

To me thats the only good thing about Breath of Fire II, is how the story unveils itself near the end and the final boss speech. Otherwise it's a very skippable game.

>> No.9066067

moonside is the coolest part of the game IMO. have fun

>> No.9066353
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It's a chore, but very comfy. Just working through the expacs.

>> No.9066364
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Playing through ff7 for the first time. Haven't gotten past the first disc yet.

>> No.9066370

It's Okami. I'm not going to find a picture but there is a dog in it.

>> No.9066378

me too, but if I were gonna continue a game I was recently playing it would be Gargoyle's Quest (not turning out to be a new favorite of mine, but I like it fine)

>> No.9066381

Oh. Cool.
Look up "Gaia Beam"

>> No.9066382

i was playing the saga2 remake on ds its really good i still like the original better but im pleased with the remake too. i just finished the nasty dungeon and havent played for a few days cause im not looking forward to sorting my inventory. im running with a human, robot, monster and mutant/esper maybe ill finish the game tonight who knows.

>> No.9066384

That's something I'm planning to play. Wish 2 and 3 had Wonderswan versions like 1 did, cuz I loved that shit.

>> No.9066391
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why shoot one enemy when many does trick
although, if the drop rates were more like mother 3's, i'd probably do it, but the star pendants in the last sanctuary would still be a pain

>> No.9066407
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>why shoot one enemy when many does trick
Surely, you will overcome everything but your own arrogance.
You have forgotten about the abundance of self-destructing enemies towards the latter half of the game.

>> No.9066464

someone should just make a color hack for the original. like i would myself and ive thought about it but im also retarded.

>> No.9066469

Yeah I'm retarded as shit too but that'd be awesome. Think SaGa's too niche for anybody to really do that though. There's like, less than thirty english speaking SaGa fans.

>> No.9066472

iwe used to actually have regular saga threads on this board a few years ago i dunno what happened tho

>> No.9066479
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>> No.9066485

can you play this offline?

>> No.9066487

I can't since it's not a /vr/ game

>> No.9066491
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Probably ran off to /vrpg/ or something.
Nah, but you can play 99% of it solo if you're on retail and not a private server. There's a few quests where you need another player to open doors and shit.

>> No.9066550
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>> No.9066562
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the original translation is bad but still has some great lines like this

>> No.9066578
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Doing my yearly replay of blood omen

>> No.9066591

Castlevania COTM

>> No.9066596
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Some anon recently tricked me into playing this.

>> No.9066601
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I love the britbong version of this game, love how they say MUNKI, and I love the artstyle. Just wish I could change the the jump button to X, in game.

>> No.9066936

I've been curious about that
it looks nice at least

>> No.9067015
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>> No.9067035

This game was mentioned in the Video Game Anime thread recently. It has an OVA.

>> No.9067038

> t. games journalist

>> No.9067048

I grew up with the EU dubs of the Ape Escape games so I'm much closer to them compared to the US ones. I didn't even know that they had a US dub for the longest time.

>> No.9067060
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>> No.9067065

>you like RPGs don't you?

>> No.9067147
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p fun so far just got the infrared goggles also si there something i need to do about the switch on the left ?

>> No.9067542

Banjo Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge for the GBA. It's a lot easier than I remember when I first played it, and after 5 hours I managed to collect almost everything except one music note on the last level that I can't seem to find where the fuck it is after going back over the level a few times.

>> No.9068153

Blackthorne, Syndicate, Ugh.

>> No.9069776

fuck bianca

>> No.9069957
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Purple cunt took me 13 tries I forgot how hard the final bosses in these games were.

You needed to hit those with the remote control missiles, iirc that's further in the game

>> No.9070000
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Just lost this fucking shit at 8-4. Had a fire mario at the end of the level and could just shoot or rush Bowser with no risk, but jumped into the last lava pit like a retard. An hour of my time gone.

>> No.9070021
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>> No.9070034
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>> No.9072353

Seiken Densetsu 3
Quake 3 Arena
Fallout 2

>> No.9072361

I'm bouncing in-between ESWAT and Dynamite Headdy. I've been chipping away at it and got to stage 7, and now to the boss as well. Just need to beat that and get to the last stage. I only got half way through Dynamite Headdy. Not looking forward to redoing the outside tower scaling battle but oh well.

>> No.9072367


>> No.9072369

Silent Hill 3 on my ps2.

>> No.9072374

How's the ps2 remake? Is it better than DS version?

>> No.9072407

i don't browse the internet nor do anything else when i'm playing.
i like to be fully immersed in my games.

>> No.9072589
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Marathon 2: Durandal.
Durandal is one moody mofo for an AI.

>> No.9072603

FFVi for the first time on my new 2DS, pls no bully. Enjoying it so far just got to the first save point on the ghost train. Am playing it “blind”.

>> No.9072717
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Side-view mecha action RPG called Blood Gear from Hudson for PC Engine
It's not bad but the combat is often a bit goofy, where you're either dominating or getting dominated depending on how you're currently outfitted

>> No.9072756

Gran Turismo 2

>> No.9072765
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FF7 replay. Got a disk 1 omnislash this time.

>> No.9072791
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Not sure why I'm putting myself through this.
Even with the fast text hack I'm 15 hours and still in the Nortune D Block.

>> No.9073314

i gave up trying this game for the last time after twenty something years of trying. it's just too boring for me.

>> No.9073442
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I'm playing Battle Network 6 Gregar version.

>> No.9073508
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>> No.9073707

Did you spoil the story since you aren't going to finish? It's pretty cool.

>> No.9073729

based ps2 dqv enjoyer

>> No.9073829
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FUCK Castlevania 3 (Japanese™ Version™)

>> No.9073858

if you got past stage 7, you can do that one
it's still pretty hard but it ain't bullshit at least

>> No.9073870
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And just finished it today
Overall I'd say it's kinda okay. There's too many trial-and-error instant-death situations that require you to repeat a non-threatening, non-profitable section in front of them in order to have another try at figuring out what to do. The things you need to do to beat them are somewhat interesting but they really needed save points in front of them.

>> No.9073878

I'm playing FF8 and trying to get through it.
It's actually not as bad as people make it out to be

>> No.9073892

It's pretty bad, man. Only 12 or 13 can rival it.

>> No.9073894

I had a demo disc when I was a kid with a promo video of it.
I always wanted to play it, and I think I will complete it just for the nostalgia

>> No.9073903
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Home stretch baby
(I thought this stage was weirdly placed after the block 7 gauntlet and CV1 throwback, much easier too)

>> No.9073906

By all means, finish it. Beating all the numbered mainline FFs is a nice journey. I'm just saying FF8 deserves the reputation it has.

>> No.9073917
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The setting of Ivalice, Sakimoto's music and the beautiful art are all wasted on FF12. Jesus christ fuck that game.

>> No.9074308
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Nice I won. I was wayyy over prepared and had a full party of the best demons so luci was a pushover

>> No.9074547

Playing Ogre Battle 64 right now
Any tips?

>> No.9075132
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Double Shotgun. Hell yeah!

>> No.9075184
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Working on completing the pokedex, got the 3ds version that has wireless trading and the celebi event included.

>> No.9075219

I don't play games, i just come here to shitpost about CRT filters.

>> No.9075404
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This isn't your average everyday rentalfuckery, this is advanced rentalfuckery

>> No.9075467
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Now I'm starting Cosmic Fantasy 3
Cosmic Fantasy series's first Super CD-ROMROM game, complete with its first color disc label.
I've heard Cosmic Fantasy's gameplay continues to get worse even as its presentation improves, we shall see

>> No.9075635
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>I (A) button dash instead of II (B) button dash
This will take some getting used to

>> No.9075681

Just learn the level by heart

>> No.9075685
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Too hot for Christian image boards

>> No.9075707
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Trying this game, but I don't know what I am doing and I feel bored reading a 50 pages long manual. Welp

>> No.9075846

Metroid Prime 1 with the Primehack mod for mouse+kb controls

>> No.9076226
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D-series gang. Rise!

>> No.9076245

Good one!

>> No.9076259

It's not like Ihave much choice, don't I. But it just keeps going. I think I made it 3-4 minutes in, but I make some dumb mistake or forget an alien is coming and death. This is fucking torture.

I miss this game. Maybe I'll play it next to clean the taste of dolphin off my mouth. I don't think even Animal Antics took me a much as some Ecco levels are taking me.

>> No.9076412
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Geh, okay, don't need to yell.

>> No.9076451
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DK 4 life!

>> No.9076472
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>> No.9076579


>> No.9076881
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It should be illegal for a genesis game to look this good

>> No.9077023

Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

>> No.9077686


>> No.9078083

that honestly doesnt look much better than a decent NES game outside of the special fx.

>> No.9078097
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Still on Yuuyami Doori Tankentai, quite a long game.

>> No.9078425

Resident Evil - Code: Veronica X, specifically the Gamecube port on Dolphin.

>> No.9078502

nice machine

>> No.9078560
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>> No.9078660
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>make it to the end of The Machine
>transitions to the next stage in a very confusing sequence, looks like a glitch
>game spawns you on a collision course with an alien mook that might very well kill you in 1 hit
>"here's the final boss btw your health regen powers no longer work surprise"

The little respect I had left for this game just evaporated

>> No.9078667

And if you die, you restart from the Machine level
I suggest you to just look a guide how to beat the boss, because it's very unfair.

>> No.9078673
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>And if you die, you restart from the Machine level
I already learned that anon, believe me.

I'm playing on 3DS so what I'm gonna do is make it through the Machine normally again and make a restore point before the bitch, that's it, this game's not gonna Ninja Gaiden 1 me.

>> No.9078793

I did it. This last stretch took me 5 hours across 3 days and I succesfully went through the machine twice. Game took me 16 hours to beat total. It's not a bad final boss at all, I think with some fast swimming you can avoid most of her attacks easy, but the problem is the same as always, with Ecco. Enemy respawning. There's alien fuckers constantly spawning above, and I don't even know why or how but they stack and you can have up to three, and even this makes the game chug like a motherfucker, and did I mention they spawn you right above there. It's so terrible.

What a game. I actually really liked the swimming controls and the jumping, and I think I would have liked this game a lot more if there was more swimming in open spaces and less miserably squirming around trap-filled scum mazes pushing blocks and being ambushed by homing enemies.

>> No.9080191
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Get your eyes checked anon

>> No.9080259
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Okay but it's not vr related but does invoke vr feels

>> No.9080263

re2 1998. been awhile since ive played and im kind of surprised how comfy the police station is

>> No.9080279

Morrowind a.k.a. walking simulator 2002

>> No.9080281

Didn’t mean to reply

>> No.9080421

So much cringe in one picture...

>> No.9080468

the only cringe i see is wearing socks in july

>> No.9080602

Stop now, it gets worse

>> No.9080658
File: 83 KB, 1284x724, SMT3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m playing SMT3 for the first time right now.
I was having a good time untill this spanish motherfucker blocked my way and one-turn-killed me out of nowhere.

>> No.9080926

Speaking of SMT3, how’s the remastered version of this game?
I heard it got voice acting and a few quality of life features that weren’t in the original.
Is there any reason why you should play the original and not the remastered version as your first experience at SMT3 today?

>> No.9080930

>Is there any reason why you should play the original and not the remastered version as your first experience at SMT3 today?
No microtransactions.

>> No.9080948
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Ogre battle: The March of he Black Queen. What a fucking great game. Absolutely nothing like it on the system. About half way though almost about to gather all of the zodiac stones to get to world ending. Here’s a photo of my last playthrough.

>> No.9080951

I don't like voice acting in video games, so that's reason enough for me to play the original over the remastered version

>> No.9081012

they added microtransactions?

>> No.9081016

As far as I know, you have to pay for Dante. You know, him from the Devil May Cry™ series.

>> No.9081023

looking forward to playing this once I'm done playing MT2, and smt1-2

>> No.9081028

I haven't played the DS version, but I thought the PS2 version, compared to the SFC version, was one of the only remakes I enjoyed better than the original

apparently the DS version is mostly the same as PS2 except it looks worse but plays a bit faster

>> No.9081037

I dropped this game a while ago and I really should pick it back up.

>blue hair

>> No.9082508
File: 231 KB, 1440x1080, ff2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically I'm playing a lot of things but I just picked up my save of FF2 on the ps1 as far as retro games go and did the Deist cavern dungeon.
I don't know, I don't find it as annoying as most people do. It's interesting to figure out the mechanics and go along for the ride at least, though I wish the inventory was bigger or that you could stock away items somewhere. Some items I think I'd use for the endgame like hellfire or other spell related items but they might be bust for all I know and I'm starting to stack up on too many of them. Guess I'll at least sell those I have too many of.
Still I feel like this is part of the emphasis on actually managing shit. In FF1 ps1 for example I had to plan ahead when I was heading toward a dungeon.
People would call that tedium I suppose but I think it makes the game a generally more involving experience than what the later ports turned it into, for FF1 that is. FF2 can rightfully be called tedious in some places but I'd rather have that than something too simplistic with no real stakes.