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File: 55 KB, 370x270, Chrono_Trigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9061158 No.9061158 [Reply] [Original]

Was anyone else disappointed that Lavos wasn't really an organic parasite and more of an alien surrounded by high tech gadgets? The idea of Lavos being a killing machine who's only purpose is to feed and spread his seed throughout the galaxy was great. Instead I guess Lavos' outer shell was built by someone?

>> No.9061216

I don't remember what Lavos's plan was and when I played the game I had no fucking clue what Queen Seal's endgame was, but the final boss was cool

>> No.9061581

You sound like a whiny cunt.

>> No.9061585

The fuck are you talking about? It WAS organic.

>> No.9061587
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, unicron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't put too much thought into it. I liked the Transformers version better though.

>> No.9061664

>It WAS organic.
Once you are inside his shell there is a giant robot thing at it's core. Then inside that there is an alien creature wearing some kind of suit with orbs next to him. It's literally the equivalent of Krang in his rubber body in TMNT

>> No.9061676

not that anon but I'm pretty sure everything in Lavos was still organic

>> No.9061684
File: 782 KB, 1125x992, FE67C98C-9624-4A14-935B-D39D7E7FD071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mechanical/robot…

>> No.9061686
File: 206 KB, 739x783, 7EE69BCF-DC89-4F1F-85DD-87ECED8B4DC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the way Toriyama draws his ultimate life forms.

>> No.9061690
File: 600 KB, 593x473, 34B6924B-BCCD-48B6-857B-CDB2FF6A0E9C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example: Calasmos from DQ XI

>> No.9061692
File: 7 KB, 266x190, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about that head though

>> No.9061701
File: 2.77 MB, 1350x2882, DD4ECA3C-D720-4A74-B06E-0104C72F5D58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example could be seen in Cell.. another full organic that looks like a guy in costume.

>> No.9061710
File: 114 KB, 852x1136, ddd5jux-efd01e4c-ef59-478f-857a-8d62b2e5a95d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong cell and technically he's an android

>> No.9061720

> Lavos being a killing machine who's only purpose is to feed and spread his seed throughout the galaxy

When you're an edgy alien and you cum into the universe to assert your dominance...

Was Lavos a "source" being, like, a father of its kind or just one of the myriads identical creatures roaming in the space? Can another Lavos land on Earth sometime in the future?
I don't remember CT story in details, so excuse me if the answer was already given.

>> No.9061725

Androids in DB world are organic, though. Hence why they’re able to breed.

I think you’re just seeing things in an overdesigned form. Or one could argue that this is related to the revelation from translation / Chrono Cross, that Lavos affected technological evolution of the planet. Kinda like how many of our ideas are originally based on something we’ve seen in nature.

>> No.9061728

>Androids in DB world are organic, though. Hence why they’re able to breed.
no, android 18 was wished into a real being by Krillin
Also I think Epoch being Lavos head is just a fan theory in which I think is cool

>> No.9061734

>Was Lavos a "source" being, like, a father of its kind or just one of the myriads identical creatures roaming in the space?

It kinda seems that each Lavos spawn is one waiting to be launched into space to devour planets. Of course many of them won’t survive as long as our Lavos. Apparently Lavoses also absorb the dna of the planets they land on, assimilating traits that make them stronger. But badic gist that it’s just one of a species, making it way more horrifying.

>> No.9061741

Wait, actually remembering it now 18 and 17 are cyborgs where 16 is an android

>> No.9062310

lavos is the right orb though

>> No.9062352

>and more of an alien surrounded by high tech gadgets?
What? It was organic.

>> No.9062354

>nd technically he's an android
Cell isn't an android I don't think. He's a fully biological being. Though I guess he might have obtained some android bits after absorbing 17 and 18

>> No.9062375

Scifi term is bioroid I think

>> No.9062975

All of it is fully organic. Even the very bottom, the core, is a conglomeration of all life on the planet. Lavos never stops being a brutal harvester driven by instinct, but the reveal is that it's also a conceptual harvester as part of that crazy powerful instinct.

>> No.9063035

I think OP is so incredibly retarded that he thought the Black Omen was part of Lavos or something.

>> No.9064123

Why was Lavos trifling with that ho of Zeal anyway?

>> No.9064139
File: 18 KB, 512x448, 75-086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a translation quirk. Cell and the other androids are all called Jinzoningen in Japanese which sort of translates to "artificial human."

I think the thing with Lavos is that he's evolved to take on the characteristics of all the various lifeforms on the planet since he was feeding on it the whole time. This probably includes robots which would have been in use in 1999. The characters even comment on it before the fight.

>> No.9064141

It wasn't. Zeal was siphoning it's power while it slept and then fucked up and woke it up briefly.

>> No.9064172

They seem pretty chummy when she jumps atop its shell.

>> No.9064242
File: 1 KB, 175x139, Chrono_Trigger_Lavos_core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can defeat the "main guy", battle continues
>can defeat one of the bits, battle continues
>defeat the other bit, battle ends and you win
Wow. I wonder what this implies about Lavos' true form?

>> No.9064247

Across the Scifi genre Android has been a very diverse term. It is an artificial creature representing a real creature, it can be biological or robotic. Electromechanical is most common usage but there have been many very different applications. In Phillip K Dicks Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep there were electromechanical people, cats, etc... While in Ridley Scotts adaptation they were artificial biological creatures of all sorts.

>> No.9064250

What are you implying? Because I just took it to me the bit that actually kills him is where he stored his vital junk but it's all 'him'.
It would be like someone complaining that they can stab you in the leg but you're still alive while stabbing you in the brain will instantly kill you and how that 'doesn't make sense' or whatever.

>> No.9065373

Its just a gameplay trick. The bosses throughout the game have parts you can destroy while the body is always the main thing. They flip the script for the last boss to screw with you.

>> No.9065380


>> No.9065386

That "bit" is the true Lavos.

>> No.9065402

What is the purpose of this? What does it mean?

>> No.9065404

It's all the true lavos. Lavos is every part of the creature.
Do you think that your arm isn't a part of you just because I can cut it off? Or that your hair and fingernails aren't a part of you even though they can be clipped off and replaced? Or hell, your skin even though you can slice bits of it off and up and it'll regrow?

>> No.9065421
File: 996 KB, 500x270, ACE6CF6B-42F7-494F-B34E-871AFB38F019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't not read this in his voice.

>> No.9065424

I want to EAT Lavos

>> No.9065431

Or it's like his brain/heart. Something essential he can't live without.

>> No.9065523

When they call them "bits", do they mean it in the sense of "a little bit of him" or "data"? Or maybe both at the same time?

>> No.9065940

Somebody pls explain

>> No.9065957

It could also be a trick from Lavos itself as a last ditch preservation tactic.

>> No.9066480

Lavos' end game? He's basically an alien sized version of a Xenomorph. Basically he crashes into a planet at some point as a baby, digs to the center of the earth and absorbs the mental / psychic energy of a planet's many many lifeforms over the next few thousands years at which point he emerges from the planet and fucks the entire planet up as he re-enters space and leaves it a dried up husk of a shell.
He was also somewhat manipulating the way things evolved to provide himself with more 'food' and such.

>> No.9066527

what was queen zeal trying to do

>> No.9066530

Harness his power for herself to become immortal basically.

>> No.9066542 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 974x998, E58B4E5D-48A4-46CC-AAF3-0AAD2DC83301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bit is the true lavos!

>> No.9067080

She believes Lavos is a god and went crazy from exposure to its amplified magic energy. She gains immortality and basically just basks in its amplified magic energy for millenia.

>> No.9067162 [DELETED] 

extremely low-quality post

>> No.9067325

>fucks the entire planet up as he re-enters space and leaves it a dried up husk of a shell.
It could be argued that it dies and only the spawn leave to other planets. I've seen theories that Death Peak isn't just where Lavos emerged, but is also it's shell/husk/corpse.

>> No.9067458

Omfg everything about Lavos is Organic, this thread is so fucking stupid.

>> No.9067464

Maybe but when you try to go to the Black Omen in the future Zeal says something like "Lavos rules this world" and then locks the door.

>> No.9067491

>Was anyone else disappointed that Lavos wasn't really an organic parasite and more of an alien surrounded by high tech gadgets? The idea of Lavos being a killing machine who's only purpose is to feed and spread his seed throughout the galaxy was great. Instead I guess Lavos' outer shell was built by someone?
So what is Lavos?

>> No.9067516
File: 20 KB, 580x472, R996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are forgetting a vital detail in this whole matter

>> No.9068280

I thought that was cannon? I haven't played CT through since the 90s, but that was definitely the conclusion I drew.

>> No.9068940

Is canon.

>> No.9068950

>DS version gives each part its own separate label and ruins the joke that the part you're supposed to hit isn't the obvious humanoid body

>> No.9069150

I was disappointed in the last battle being a boss rush where I could one shot every phase with Falcon Hit.

>> No.9070762

Pretty sure all 3 bits have to be dead to defeat him, if any remains, it starts the reviving process of the other two

>> No.9071162
File: 980 KB, 1367x830, 1649634232387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>display glitch

wao deepest lore

>> No.9071181
File: 22 KB, 450x338, 1181683465838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hedgehog is just a spaceship oh wait it made little spaceships oh no oops it doesn't make sense

>> No.9071207



>> No.9071254

>sauce my ass

>> No.9071312

Retard, it's a glitch on emulators. You won't see it on a real console, e. g. https://youtu.be/H7--AvTNkC0?t=10714

>> No.9071592

Although the SNES version I have always played it on emulators. The NDS version I played it on the real Hardware and funnylly there it happens just as like when you 'emulate' so lol?? You can't blame me for not knowing it's a bug if it turns out that the NDS port comes with the bug included.

>> No.9072316

>You can't blame me for not knowing it's a bug
I can blame you for not research it, though

>> No.9072354

Yeah thanks for the spoiler OP.

>> No.9072457

Lavos was entirely biological, and his design is very similar to Cell.

>> No.9072467

>no, android 18 was wished into a real being by Krillin
No, he wished for the bomb inside her to be removed

>> No.9074229

I didn't mind it being partly organic partly robotic, but I do think its second form was cooler than its third form

>> No.9076180

definitely has the best music

>> No.9077617
