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9038607 No.9038607 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone gotten all the Gold Medals legit?

Does having one or several thieves in your party help with the drop rate? Does the luck stat matter?

>> No.9038631

>Has anyone gotten all the Gold Medals legit?
>Does having one or several thieves in your party help with the drop rate? Does the luck stat matter?
beats me lol

>> No.9038706
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Did you do it? How long did it take?

>> No.9038718

I just kept farming the medals
I'd take my GBA SP out with me when going places and play on the way to places
Eventually I got them all
It wasn't worth it

>> No.9038726

Love how the SF version of DQ3 looks

>> No.9038735

Too bad it's the most casualized version. The encounter rate is ridicously low, lower than the other versions, and that's on top of all the things added in the GBC/SFC versions that make the game easier

>> No.9038795
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>lvl 1 sage with 154hp

doing well

>> No.9038810

>dragon quest thread
>posts dragon warrior
is it really a part of the dq series

>> No.9038901
File: 337 KB, 572x670, DQ3_thieves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does having one or several thieves in your party help with the drop rate? Does the luck stat matter?
Having a Thief is the worst you could do because you will have more chances of getting an item screwing the chance of getting a Monster Medal, best you could do is not having them except when farming seeds or items, that's when you put three of four of them in your party.
Luck works when a stat based spell is cast on you or if you become confused, the game checks if you are going to be affected by checking your luck.
I had all silver medal thanks due to the Old Man who change bronze medals for silver ones, but considering that you have to grind for the golden ones and that the reward for it is putting the strongest monster in the game to sleep makes the reward worthless.

>> No.9038915

>Having a Thief is the worst you could do because you will have more chances of getting an item screwing the chance of getting a Monster Medal

What? I was sure this one time I got an item AND a medal. Did I remember that wrong?

>> No.9038927
File: 2 KB, 160x144, Dragon Quest III_1656167381349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did, you get either an item or a medal.

>> No.9039443

>considering that you have to grind for the golden ones and that the reward for it is putting the strongest monster in the game to sleep makes the reward worthless.
The plan was to give Dragon Quest IV a GBC remake and have the Great Dragon transfer your medal collection over, but Enix decided to put it on PS1 instead and so that plan was ditched.

>> No.9039448

>DQ4 PS1

Does this version have a translation?

>> No.9039456

Not that I know of. Enix cancelled the localization because their usual company for it went bankrupt, then they got a new one for DQ8 that did away with the "Dragon Warrior" terms.

>> No.9039462

Actually, to correct myself, they didn't get rid of all the old DW terms. They reinstated Erdrick as the original hero's name instead of keeping it as Roto/Loto.

>> No.9039502
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There is one in the works with a fellow at Romhacking, he managed to translate part of the begining but I doubt it will be done any time soon.
This is the fellow.

>> No.9039504


>> No.9039513

trying to do a slow crawl through all mainline games with their japanese originals, and i mean like an hour a day at most. biggest problem for me right now is not so much the archaic quality, just that i've beaten dq1 and 2 before with the crappy switch versions and the games are just slow

>> No.9039826

One hour a day isn't going to take you far unless you can do more on the week end, but I appreciate playing the original versions, every port/remake I've tried has been a worse experience so far because they all make things easier one way or another, sometimes to a ridiculous point like DQ3 on SFC. Although I see no reason to play DQ1/2 over DW1/2.

>> No.9039853

What was your sage's previous class and level before switching?

>> No.9039873

I believe it's the merchant that raises the medal rate in DWIII GBC

>> No.9040154
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Dragon Quest games were retitled Dragon Warrior in the US until like 2005. There was an old tabletop RPG that already had taken the name Dragon Quest

>> No.9040189

JRPGs don’t take skill so who cares? It’s a bloated genre designed to waste your time so honestly it’s for the better

>> No.9040490

Then Wizards of the Coast bought it out to kill it, the trademark went up for grabs, and Enix immediately snatched it up.

>> No.9040598

i don't mind it taking more than a year, in fact i find that ideal rather than marathoning and burning out. when i get to some of the DQs that i really haven't dived into much at all i may end up playing more often, like 4, 7, and 8.

>Although I see no reason to play DQ1/2 over DW1/2.
i'm a militant dq localization hatefag

>> No.9040634

Kill yourself!

>> No.9040690
File: 155 KB, 256x369, Dragon_Warrior_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh cool I never knew that was why the name was changed. I really prefer the american art. 80s fantasy heavy metal art rocks.

>> No.9040982

The NES DQs do take skill, decision making, supplies management, and spatial awareness.

And then in DQ3 SFC you can go through entire dungeon floor without getting a single encounter. Even entire dungeons while getting less than half a dozen encounters. What's the point of playing this when there is nothing going on?

>> No.9040997

Cleric to lvl 20
Then Warrior to lvl 27-28
Then Sage

>> No.9041134
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I was playing the 5th Pachisi Track? I get a random encounter and at the end of it... I went form lvl 51 to max level 99!

>> No.9041350

don't you mean "kill thyself"

>> No.9041757

You know what, I'm not sure that's true. I'm trying with 4 thieves in my party and I'm getting a lot of medal drops.

>> No.9041806

Sounds like you stumbled into a well-known bug.

>> No.9041845

I haven't looked it up, but I suppose it comes from the "?" square in the mini game giving 10k exp, when you need less than that to lvl up, and it overflows

>> No.9042073

If I recall correctly, having thieves in your party actively hinders your chances for medals. I think if items drop, you can't get a medal. Thieves cause a second chance for an item to drop, so if you're hunting Medals then having a Thief is one of the worst things you can do because there's now a 1/4 chance for a medal to drop vs 1/4 chance for nothing and 2/4 chance for an item.
Again, IIRC.

>> No.9042186

That's assuming the check for the medal isn't done first, before items; and that it doesn't take into account having a thief in your party

Unless someone shows me the code I'm not going to believe it. I've been getting a lot of medals, and more silver medals than I got during my entire playthrough, since I've been messing with 4 thieves in my party

>> No.9042617



>> No.9042689
File: 81 KB, 500x574, 12277_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me was completely different, when I was farming for Mystic Nuts I had three Thieves and the Hero, medals still dropped rarely compared to when I was farming for them but not even close as the same rate.
Also considered that the level of the Thieves are part of the calculation for when they steal an item.

>> No.9042721
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Forgot to say that my Thieves where around LV50, here the math for the Thieves.
(original drop rate * thief's level)/8

>> No.9042769

Has ANYTHING been said about the newest DQIII remake with the Octopath-style graphics? Seems like S-E has gone totally mute about it since the announcement.

>> No.9042793

I think that compounds when you have more than one thief but I also think at a certain point the probability can not reach below a certain floor. At least that's how it worked with the thieves in 6

>> No.9042913
File: 330 KB, 1322x2000, EUMkIcXXsAAC3dM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, new classes, new dungeons, and you can visit the world of DQII.
Coming early next year in your wildest dreams.
They work differently from those in DQVI, where the game checks the class level instead of increasing every 8 level like in DQIII and it doesn't stack if that what you mean, the game checks if a Thief steals, if not it skips to the other one until one of them steals, so if you have 4 Thieves LV 56 in DQIII and try to get a 1/256 chance item you will have around 36/256 chance of getting the item instead of 144/256.

>> No.9042929 [DELETED] 

Wait, is not 36 and 144 but 49/256 and 196/256.

>> No.9043240

The Princess looks better as a blonde.

>> No.9044030

Has anyone here done a playthrough of DQ3 by either leaving the hero in the tavern, or doing a solo hero run?

The first option shouldn't really be a challenge but interesting nonetheless

>> No.9044426

I thought the Hero couldn't be removed from the party until the game is completed?

>> No.9044539

Just beat 3 on snes. Fantastic game. Almost reminds me of Fallout 2 in its size and scale and “move from town to town and solve their problems” format which I actually like better than the soap opera format that most jrpgs follow. I’m trying out VIII right now. So far it feels kind of dumbed down. I read there are only 4 spells which is kind of whack. Also the game is so goddamned stingy with xp and gold drops. You’ll encounter 4 enemies and barely get enough gold to cover a medicinal herb from HP loss. Does the game get better if I keep playing? I remember DQIII also had a rough early game but around the time you hit level 20 your party gets insanely powerful and you never worry about good again.

Is VIII good or should i try a different one?

>> No.9044540

Not to hijack but what is the most meta party in DW3?
I personally went Hero, Thief > Sage , Cleric > Sage, Mage (up till I get oomph and bounce) > Fighter. Hero and Thief are male. I never bothered with Warriors

>> No.9044603

I really have no idea and this is just personal experience, but when I played it on NES, I went with Fighter->Warrior, Cleric->Mage and Mage->Sage (can only have 1 sage on NES unless you use the jester class)

On SNES I tried Thief and I was satisfied, so I used it again on GBC; and in both versions ended up with 2 sages starting with the dark world. Honeslty, in the GBC and SNES versions class choices don't matter as much as on NES considering that you can get as many Wreck Frails as you want and everyone can use them, and every female character can equip the Light Dress and you can also use as many as you want, although I'm talking post-boss here. So yeah the most important in those versions would be playing as women. + Thieves make it REALLY easy to farm for stat boosting seeds. So basically my strategy that got me to beat the God Dragon in 11 turns was boost the hero and the thief with bikill/twinhits, then have them attack and the two sages spam BlazeMost. Then the hero heals with HealusAll when necessary (previously that would be 1-2 people healing with sagestones/healus but now I got to a comfortable HP zone that all I need is healusall once in a while).

Also, both the SNES and GBC versions are so much easier than the original, especially the SNES version and its lower encounter rate, that it should easily be possible not to have a cleric as long as you get at least one sage in the end.
As for the rest, I found out that getting a Merchant early on was actually a good idea, as they lvl up the fastest and have a lot of HP, so whenever you change class you'll be starting off earlier than the others with comfortable HP

Now that I've seen what having max'd out stats can do, I would say the best party would be having as many physical attackers as possible + 1 sage for twinhits/bikill. Physical attacks deal 200-256 HP per turn against Grand Dragon that way, while spellcasters will only do 160-200 at the most with Blazemost.

>> No.9044629

I'm looking forward to that, but my real question is why haven't they just put 4-6 on switch like they've done with 1-3 YEARS ago. Is there any reason that a new collection of 4-6 hasn't been released or even teased or mentioned? I feel like an idiot for being the only person who wants this, it seems like it'd be real easy money for SE.

>> No.9044750

Any one of those games is the length of the entire 1-3 trilogy.

>> No.9044953

There's actually a few cool japanese only DQ3 romhacks. Shame they will literally never ever be translated.

>> No.9044967

Any DQ game is a localization migraine, both officially and unofficially.

>> No.9044970

No, it's not

>> No.9044984

I love the GBC version, the only thing barring it from perfection is the lack of battle backgrounds.
Having the battle animations and a consistent artstyle still gives it a huge leg up over the shitty Mobile/Switch versions, even if they do have the backgrounds

>> No.9044993

> a consistent artstyle

A lot of it is pretty charming, but I thought some of the backgrounds and enemy graphics didn't translate well at all to GBC

>a huge leg up over the shitty Mobile/Switch versions

Well sure, anything is better than any modern port or "remaster"

>> No.9044997

IIRC if you go to save now, you'll get a comment from the King that you leveled up in a strange way. Devs were aware of this but either left it in on purpose, didn't know how to fix it, or didn't have the time to fix it before release.

>> No.9045003

If a message like this does exist, my first thought would be it was intended for cheaters (gameshark etc). Would be weird to be aware of a bug and instead of fixing it, going out of your way to acknowledge it and add a hidden message, all of which would take more effort than fixing the bug.

>> No.9045004

>I thought some of the backgrounds and enemy graphics didn't translate well at all to GBC
Fair, I mostly meant that it was consistent in comparison to the Switch port, which we are in agreement on being shit.

>> No.9045024

There were beneficial bugs in the original Famicom/NES versions because nobody in Enix found and/or fixed them. Sounds more like them covering their bases.

>> No.9045154

True, DQ always make fun of itself.
>Dragon Quest's Fighter ring supposedly raises your attack by 2 in the Famicom version but it bugged and doesn't nothing, remakes point this by asking the player if he is not ashamed of using such a ugly ring.
>In Heroes the Kyril and his Thwack spell is made fun of because the way DQIV styles worked.
Maybe the remake, you can speed up battles and you can see enemies on the field.

>> No.9045182

Kiryl's AI in DQ4 is considered such a meme that even in remakes where the AI is more refined, he'll still keep spamming Whack spells if you let him act on his own, and this is also juggled with healing Alena at the slightest injury.

>> No.9045237

I'll take them one day a time. I'm reading other anons say how terrible the switch ports are, I guess I'm just too uninformed to notice the problems as I've only played the nes version of 1 and the gb version of 1+2, but they play fine for me. Idk, maybe I've got the roms on a drive somewhere for 4-6, it just seems odd that those games haven't been re released since the ds.

>> No.9045317

I kinda wish we had a hack to invert the colors for the battles so the background is black and the windows are white. White backgrounds are an eye sore.

Also the lower FOV kinda sucks.

>> No.9045409

>Also the lower FOV kinda sucks.

Yeah it really sucks, I would never recommend that version on a first playthrough due to that alone. The NES version actually has the highest FOV.

>> No.9045484

>Play DQ11
>Find the Choker from DQ1 sitting on the floor somewhere
>Try to use it and get told that you're not going to as the "Cursed" jingle plays
It's the little things that makes Dragon Quest.

>> No.9045516

Which DQ games are worth playing for me if I've tried VII (on 3DS) and XI but didn't really like either? My main problems were the enemy designs, music and general lighthearted kind of goofy tone. Are they all like that?

>> No.9045523

More or less, yeah. Even at their darkest moments, Dragon Quest games don't really get much more intense than the average Shonen anime. It's as clear-cut a story of good vs. evil as RPGs get.

>> No.9046531
File: 6 KB, 458x184, fuckyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so it took me I would say about 6 hours to get one of each remaining bronze medal. That's 6 hours using 3x speed fastforward and a guide to tell me where the enemies are when I didn't know

But now I still gotta go back and get about 75 more of those same ones to get the silver ones, god this is depressing. At least the new dungeon is brand new, unlike the bonus dungeon around Zenithia which is 3/4th re-used rooms (lame)

I can't believe they initially planned the requirement to fight the ultimate boss to be ALL GOLD MEDALS. Not to mention that, this might have very well been all gold medals in DQ3 + the unreleased DQ4 for all we know.

>> No.9046554
File: 134 KB, 640x568, 561324_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is getting 2 bronze medal from each monster, is easier than it looks.
And yes, just fast forward away, since DQVIII3DS added fast forward I haven't felt guilty to do it on emulators.

>> No.9046569

>I kinda wish we had a hack to invert the colors for the battles so the background is black and the windows are white. White backgrounds are an eye sore.

Yeah white backgrounds are terrible, but this version uses black a lot of enemies details and outline hence why they went with white backgrounds

>> No.9046625

I really liked V and dropped every other game in the series pretty quick. I can't explain why.

>> No.9046661

VI and VII are usually the darkest of the series tone-wise overall and V is all about the MC with an ungodly amounts of suffering afflicted upon him. Otherwise it's always a lighthearted experience focus on adventure than story

>> No.9047445

The Monster Medals were only added because every GBC game at the time had to include some kind of collection feature so the IR sensor could get some use.

>> No.9048738

I'm almost to the end of DW3 on the gameboy color. I'm also near the end of DQ7 on 3ds. And a few hours into DW2 on nes. I have a problem staying focused on one at a time.

>> No.9048764

Item drops take priority.

>> No.9050256

I wish I could unlearn what I know about DQ1-4 only to discover it, especially the exploration. The worlds feel so grand when getting into the game, yet so small on replays... it makes no sense

>> No.9050321

Actually having a thief LOWERS your chance of getting a medal after battle. If you get an item (either natural drop or thief find) the game skips your medal chance roll.

Fun fact: If you get all the gold medals the Golden Dragon will be sleeping and you cannot fight it anymore

>> No.9051612

I want to flip that plate and rape the warrior woman

>> No.9052130

you reckon it was that and not how hard it would make everything to see on a pre-backlight gameboy?

>> No.9052325

Playing the DS remake of 4, I'm having more fun than I initially thought I'd have although as usual the remake/port made the game way easier.

Anyway I'm trying to steal metal babble helms using Taloon, and as it turns out I just found out the returned damage from Spike Armour OHKOs Metal King Slimes. Just a tip I thought I'd share for people who want to kill those fuckers for exp, go in with as many spiked armours as you can, although they tend to use magic more than physical attacks it's still a great bonus. Not sure it works in the original I'd have to try it.

Been using Taloon+Kiryl+Borya as my main, initially I wanted to go for Alena as well but turns out Taloon has been stealing tons of great stuff in the remake, very useful. He's the only one I let the AI do its things while I command the rest

>> No.9052398

Correction, the Spiked Armour does help but it doesn't OHKO them. It's the Magical Shield and its return damage that OHKOs them although it doesn't return damage nearly as often

>> No.9054306

Any long time fans here enjoyed XI? A coworker of mine is playing and was suggesting it, but I've been on the fence. I've played every game in the series (I and III multiple times) other than X and enjoyed them all for the most part.

>> No.9055295

It's fantastic, yeah.

>> No.9055374
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Does anyone like the Monsters spin off? I think it's mechanically better than Pokémon. Not retro but I'm still sour we never got DQMJ 3

>> No.9055381

all the monsters games on 3ds have been translated.

>> No.9055392

Unironically muh physical cart on original hardware. I'm not about to hack my system and emulating is not a comfy handheld experience. I'll just have to cope.

>> No.9055454

You sound like a supremely faggoty retard

>> No.9055487

Just get a flash card?

>> No.9056020

3DS emulation is a thing, worked well on my toaster, and you can even play with AI translation tool

>> No.9056119

The 3ds remakes are ugly as hell though.

>> No.9056221

It was the basis for the ds version.

>> No.9056230
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What's the T-edition?

>> No.9056582

If you don't make a male hero and give him all female party members for a harem you're a homosexual.

>> No.9056587

I enjoyed it on ps4 when it first came out but really liked the updated version with the 2d mode.

>> No.9056589

>team ended up with nothing but woman wearing garters with the Sexy personality wielding whips
just so happened that the BDSM crew happened to be one of the easiest ways to play

>> No.9057104

I'm still at it, doing it in small doses

>more than 1h30 attempting to get the 2nd bronze medal of BossTroll in the ice cavern
>still nothing

and yep that's still 1h30 with x3 fastforward speed... this fucking troll face is driving me nuts

>> No.9057315

Literally the best FF6 hack ever.

>> No.9057319

Softmodding a 3DS is extremely safe and easy. You sound like a faggot. Waaah waah! It wouldn't be OFFICIAL anymore!!!!

>> No.9057884
File: 1.43 MB, 1024x888, gsdx_20220702132954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love how the PS2 remake of DQ5 looks, it must be the first time ever I actually like the art direction in a remake better than in the original. Even better with emu upscaling and turning off bilinear filtering.