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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9040127 No.9040127 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else get violently angry when people say things like "another one for the collection"?

>> No.9040135

Are you some kind of poorfag who doesn't have the entire second floor of the house set up as a gaming museum?

>> No.9040137

Mike Matei owns a legit copy of Sapphire for the PC Engine CD2. Let that sink in.

>> No.9040142

what bothers me is when people collect things obtrusively. i have no issue with somebody who hears about a game and thinks "wow that sounds awesome, gotta play this" and buys it and sinks a month into it and puts it on the shelf. if youve got like 50-100 games that you really legitimately enjoyed and sought after, there's nothing wrong with that. where it becomes a problem is when you collect not for the experience, but simply to amass plastic. the "collection" needs to be organic, it can't be acquired through hoarder mentality and faux enthusiasm or it's pointless and retarded. it would be like having a shelf od books you never read that you only bought because you liked the covers. collecting for the sake of collecting is a legitimate mental illness.

>> No.9040149
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>mfw I add another hidden gem to the coomllection

>> No.9040150

100% this.
I find that most of the people here at the very least buy games to play them.

>> No.9040157

Honestly why does it bother you? People can buy what they want as far as I'm concerned. People have different interests and hobbies, and different amounts of money. Some people can just drop amounts of money on collectibles or trophies that make other people's heads spin. That's fine. If you have less money, there's emulation. There's no scarcity in this hobby.

>> No.9040164

Is Joe still simping for Erin?
I remember when she started fucking Mike, Joe unsuscribed from her and all lol, but then some time later he wrote like a 1000 words essay on plebbit still simping for Erin and even sucking off Mike too. He's on a level of cuckness I never imagined.

>> No.9040165

maybe i would, if people actually said shit like that, but they don't

>> No.9040174

dude if you buy games just to stick them on a shelf, regardless of income, you're a retarded faggot. does it effect me directly? no, not really. people do plenty of things that don't effect me that still bother me. imagine if you walked into some guy's house and he spent an hour showing off a collection of things he had no actual knowledge of. you wouldnt think that guy was a pretentious douche? come on son.

>> No.9040204
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Why though? it has no effect on your life whatsoever.
Seems irrational.

>> No.9040209 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9040217
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So what you're saying is someone with a room full of collectable video games wouldn't know anything about video games?

>> No.9040219
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>> No.9040245

this is a very common occurence, yes

>> No.9040256

You fucking idiots. Almost everything has effect on me, on you, on everyone else. It's just not a direct effect, not immediate one, yet it is there. Just turn your brains on. Everything's connected, economy's global, internet is a massive thing. It's 21st century, and if you're on this here board, you are part of it. Wake the fuck up.

>> No.9040257
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Who the fuck still collects? I stopped in like 2014.

>> No.9040269

>owns hundreds of games but only plays roms on flashcarts
But that's smart, he's preserving the original cartridge. This reeks of "fag wants to collect old plastic at a reasonable price because playing roms isn't the same as muh childhood, damn those coomlectors for jacking up the prices"

>> No.9040293

Preserving it for who?

>> No.9040301

>game collectors
i don't see an issue with them unless they're not putting in any effort to make sure it's preserved (dumping and archiving).

>> No.9040303

I don't know what you want me to think with this information. He primarily streams on Twitch now playing retro games so at least he chips away at his collection and does challenge runs of games. I personally don't watch him but I've passed by his channel. It isn't like other youtube collectors that play a few minutes of a game at best and pretty much shelve everything.

>> No.9040307

Retards who buy old plastic for inflated prices because muh childhood

>> No.9040309

yes it can happen and its fucking retarded.
i mean for fuck sake i once saw a guy that had something like 20 guitars but he cannot play guitar he literally only buy them to collection them,how is that not a mental illness.

>> No.9040313

Not really, although it varies on the game(s) and the person buying said game(s), Is it a 30-40+ dude who genuinely enjoys gaming and is hunting for games they once had or missed out on and will play the games? That's fine. Is it some faggot youtuber/social media cunt that is buying games and making videos about specific games while having followers buying the same game in an attempt to control the market and cost? Fuck that sort. I have a few hundred games and a few are still sealed for example, but aside from a single sealed GBA game that's apparently rare now I keep some games sealed because I have not hit the point where I can open and play them. I feel dirty for not opening the GBA game because I'm unsure if I should play it, or sell it in the future.

>> No.9040316

Hi, Mike.

>> No.9040318

Everything is a mental illness. Being so irritated about that guy is a mental illness as well.

>> No.9040320

>that data belongs to the people, comrade
Every game sold in a store has been backed up. Frankly I don't care about shit that was never released and the japanese asshole who programmed it made no effort to preserve their own work.

>> No.9040328

Him owning or not owning it will affect the price of it, nor prevent you from emulating it. You're looking for reasons to bitch at others for some inane reason.

>> No.9040329

No. Take your meds.

>> No.9040334

this is a really gay and beta way to absolve yourself of bad habits. there isnt a fucking person alive who doesnt see something they hate and feel at least a tiny bit bothered by it, even if only internally, otherwise they wouldnt hate it -- and everybody hates something. chocking up the disdain of a bad habit to the same severity as a bad habit itself is pure cope. spending money on useless objects that you have no real understanding of and no purpose for is lust, greed, avarice and gluttony. any adult man who fills his life with pretty objects to entertain himself is basically no better than a vain woman.

>> No.9040335

Why are you stalking E-list YouTubers?

>> No.9040336
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>i don't see an issue with them unless they're not putting in any effort to make sure it's preserved (dumping and archiving).
imagine giving coomlectors the benefit of the doubt

>> No.9040339
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I don't care anymore. I just use roms.

>> No.9040340

I don't even follow or watch any of them, I just remember very funny screenshots of the cinemassacretruth subreddit where Joe called everyone losers while he himself was still simping for Erin.
The fall of an idol for me. Well, not an idol per se, but I believed his bullshit on Game Sack, he was the "cool gamer" guy and all that.
To top it off, Mike did a very machiavellic move and called Joe a scrub at video games in one of the james & mike mondays, centering a whole episode on making fun of Joe without James even realizing it. That was evil as fuck.

>> No.9040364

You know a lot about people you don't follow or watch.

>> No.9040385

I used to watch them many years back, but I didn't follow their gossip (I never browsed plebbit or youtube comments or the like), but here on /vr/ we used to have an e-celeb general containment thread and when people started talking about why Bootsy was fired, etc on cinemassacre reddit page, some of that reached here and people started noticing all the mike shenanigans and posting the evidence here too. Mike was deleting and banning everything posted about it on reddit because he was the admin of the cinemassacre page there, but here on /vr/ he could do nothing, so one time someone started spamming the AVGN theme song lyrics, and many anons realized it was most likely Mike himself trying to make the thread reach bump limit so it'd get 404'd (threads weren't archived on 4chan yet at the time iirc). It was kind of funny to see, and kinda obvious it was indeed Mike.
From there, the cinemassacretruth subreddit was created, since Mike kept banning with an iron fist, and that developed into a whole other shithole full of autism, but here on /vr/ more rumours about Mike started circulating, and well, the whole Joe and Erin thing became known.
I do not follow what's up with them anymore but this thread reminded me of them, as I said last thing I knew was Joe writing a fucking essay in reddit basically to be crowned as the cuck king, and Mike making fun of him on james and mike mondays in a pretty clever, if fiendish, way.
Oh yeah also mike made fun of him on twitter a couple times, when Joe was crying to him about rejecting a Joe-written idea for an AVGN episode.

>> No.9040387

I buy games I'm interested in playing but I end up never playing them. Yes, I am retarded.

>> No.9040395

Not really no becasue the internet exists, honestly the second the collectors market came in full swing I just stopped going to game stores and slowly stopped doing flea markets and garage sells. In the past decade 3 of my 5 local game stores have closed. The other 2 only remain in business because one branched out into nerd culture and the other wholesale buys then resells random shit on Amazon.

The collectors market overall killed gaming sells because most people turned to cheaper alternatives instead of paying.

>> No.9040405

No. I get pretty much disgusted though when i see his fat rubber sack neck. He has no chin =/

>> No.9040408

Seek help.

>> No.9040413

aha man I love how fat this dude got. more like HEAVY metal jesus amirite?

I buy the games I enjoy. I'm definitely priced out of sealed or wata graded shit, but I'm happy with carts and cib type deals. I dunno I mostly just enjoy replaying NES junk and having the manual or box is a pretty cool companion piece.

>> No.9040415

what for? I don't follow them anymore, I was a kid back then. I just remembered all that stuff that happened here on /vr/.

>> No.9040416

No because these people are either mentally ill or just petty resellers/scalpers and there's nothing I can do.

>> No.9040426 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9040441

>seething after 2 hours
you shit up the value of the board like coomlectors shit up the value of the market
think about it, /qa/glord

>> No.9040443
File: 116 KB, 1600x1027, MiSTer_Martin_complete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't care about faggy YouTube collectors. I used to be kinda bitter about them and the current state of game prices but I've long since moved on and enjoy my retro vidya through other means

>> No.9040447

Mike Matei owns a MiSTer

>> No.9040450

yes, especially those piece of shit nigger trash reseller youtuber's who ruin game hunting for everyone by buying games cheap at thrift stores for the sole intention of reselling on eBay for double or triple the price.
those people are truly worse than nigger trash and should have their wife gangraped by black men.

>> No.9040459
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Based Mike

>> No.9040464
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>>seething after 2 hours
>you shit up the value of the board like coomlectors shit up the value of the market
>think about it, /qa/glord

>> No.9040480

>The collectors market overall killed gaming sells because most people turned to cheaper alternatives instead of paying.
this,ever since prices sky rocketed it became hell to sell retro games if you dont sell on ebay,its honestly one of the main reason why i havent sold my entire collection since i kinda stopped having the motivation to play games and now that im getting older there are other things that i feel like i should invest time in,but still when i sell a game im done with they can sit for months in the local ads if i ask a price even 3/4 and sometimes half of the pricecharting price.

>> No.9040482

The way you said that I expected to look it up and see that it was a 30 grand game like Air Raid or something. It's probably not even in the top five most valuable games he owns

>> No.9040509


Please do not use closeup photos of the faces of hideous men in your thread-opening posts. There is NEVER any need to do this. It's an act of needless cruelty and it will probably drive some people to hide your thread.