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File: 193 KB, 800x1133, 122092-sonic-the-hedgehog-sega-master-system-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9010728 No.9010728 [Reply] [Original]

Are the Sonic games for the Master System and Game Gear any good? Are they just watered down versions of the Genesis games, or do they have something unique that sets them apart as their own thing?

>> No.9010805

Have you tried playing video games

>> No.9010826

They don't have the physics that make Genesis Sonic what it is, but they're nice little linear platform games with cool secrets to find. They have the same charm that something like the Super Mario Land games do - not as technically impressive as their console counterparts, but you can just tell the developers were trying their best.
The first one is by far the best, and then Triple Trouble and 2 are both alright and Chaos is meh.

>> No.9010963

>Chaos is meh
Chaos is the best one. Stop doing drugs.

>> No.9011008

they're pure shit that should have never been made

>> No.9011034

Sonic chaos and triple trouble are literally the only good 8-bit sonic games.
The rest are either shitty demakes or shitty spinoffs.

>> No.9011038

better scotformers than anything on the NES

>> No.9011093

>Are they just watered down versions of the Genesis games
Sonic 2 and especially sonic chaos tried to imitate the genesis games a lot which didn't work out well in my opinion, the games are still decent though. The first one is a lot better, but feels very different from the genesis games of course. Its really more about precision platforming than speed

>> No.9011136

Sonic 1 and 2 for MS are very good and in my top 5 Sonic games. Chaos is not so good.

>> No.9011148

Yeah pretty good, worth a play.

>> No.9011246

Better than the 16 bit versions

>> No.9011448


>> No.9011580

1 is a legit good game.
2 is decent but feels cheap and rushed at times.
Chaos is braindead.
Never finished TT.
There is also Blast with a playable Knuckles, but it is by far the worst of the bunch.

>> No.9011706

hi, australia-kun.
reminder that the Game Gear version of Sonic 1 is superiour to the Masturd Shitstem version.

>> No.9011730

Copied from the last thread when a silly opinion like this one was voiced:
>The sprites for Sonic, invincibility, and shields were all redrawn to be smaller, to account for the reduced screen size.
>Most stages have altered layouts, from simply moving a few rings around to completely removing or replacing entire chunks of levels.
>Warning signs were added near spike pits and cliffs in Green Hill in the Game Gear version.
>The Special Stages have different layouts in the Game Gear version. On the first "loop", the stages have a time limit of 2 minutes rather than 1.
>Due to the smaller screen, the Green Hill boss flies much lower and can be reached from the ground, making it a complete joke.
>In the Master System version of Jungle Zone Act 2, the screen continuously locks as Sonic travels upwards through the stage, with the bottom of the screen acting as a bottomless pit. This little challenge would naturally have been completely unfair on the Game Gear, so it was removed.
>The first two Acts of Labyrinth Zone have radically different layouts between versions. Most notably, the Chaos Emerald is much easier to get. In the Master System version, the Emerald is sitting in the middle of a spike pit; to get it, the player must collect an invincibility power-up a few screens below, run through a lengthy obstacle course to get to the spike pit, jump in, grab the Emerald, and jump out before the invincibility wears off. In the Game Gear version, it's just... sitting there, out in the open, very near the end signpost.
>The final boss no longer enters a second phase, and attacks with three floor-mounted flamethrowers rather than a moving electric wall. The homing device was also moved from above Robotnik to the middle of the ceiling.
>tl;dr: Master version is more challenging and the game had to be dumbed-down to work on GG.

>> No.9011748

Try them and find out. I'm not trying to be an asshole but how long does it take to load a rom?

>> No.9011754

I guess you'd prefer him posting that they're shit trying to bait replies

>> No.9011935

Never give up, eh? Sasuga oster. Unfortunately for you, you're always wrong.
>Green Hill boss flies much lower and can be reached from the ground, making it a complete joke.
wasn't this addressed here?:
> the first boss fight against Robotnik, on the SMS, he will simply fly on the upper part of the screen and you can't hit him at all, he won't attack either, it's just a time waster and something the devs didn't have into account when making the SMS version. On GG, you can hit him.
>completely removing or replacing entire chunks of levels.
Examples of this? Especially the removing part.
>>The sprites for Sonic, invincibility, and shields were all redrawn to be smaller, to account for the reduced screen size.
You forgot to mention the Sonic sprite is more detailed on Game Gear than on SMS.

>> No.9011980
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, FromSonicToDwarfhog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You forgot to mention the Sonic sprite is more detailed on Game Gear than on SMS.
do ggfags really

>> No.9012164

They're different enough from the Mega Drive games that they're definitely worth playing. 1 and 2 are actually harder overall compared.
Chaos and Triple Trouble are also pretty cool. Blast is dogshit.

>> No.9012305

Why are Sonic's shows yellow on the left side?

>> No.9012329


>> No.9012874

I'd rather replay SMS Sonic 1 right now than Megadrive Sonic 1

>> No.9012883

So this is the power of 6 double A batteries per hour.

>> No.9013439

What about the other Game Gear/Master System Sonic games, I need a full autistic comparison to know what version to play

>> No.9013446

A good rule of thumb (especially if you're on /vr/) is to always play the original versions. Sonic 1, 2, and Chaos' original version is Master System; for Sonic Blast, Master System was the port.

>> No.9013474

Sonic the Hedgehog (SMS) is good. the rest are pretty bad though.

>> No.9013525

Game Gear version seems to be more polished

>> No.9013545

actually this has been debunked

>> No.9013563

One guy tried but he was wrong

>> No.9013643

Sonic on master system is a better Classic platformer but doesnt have the genre redefining physics.

Also big bridge music is the best 8 but tune ever made. Not fucking moon from ducktales or Wiley's theme from rockman 2. Big bridge

>> No.9015584

Sonic Blast was a port but it actually improved it by having more visibility and less slowdown so all the 8 bit sonic games should just be played on the Master System. This is why it sucks when the compilations included the Game Gear versions with the screen crunch.

>> No.9015663
File: 376 KB, 1080x833, donotadjustyourtv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't even reposition the HUD or redraw the Special Stage, and the game noticeably looks less vibrant. It's a poor port, almost as bad as Sonic 2's conversion to Game Gear. The resolution isn't as big as deal as the previous Master System games because the level layouts were specifically designed with the smaller screen in mind. Sonic Bast sucks anyway.

>> No.9017384
File: 37 KB, 396x633, P3n8CCl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are the Sonic games for the Master System and Game Gear any good?
Yes, some of them can be quite good, not all though. I'd stick to Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble, for the classic platformers at least. If you want something different, Tails Adventures is a lovely MetroidVania.

>Are they just watered down versions of the Genesis games, or do they have something unique that sets them apart as their own thing?
No, they're not watered down versions of the Genesis games, even the ones which are ports actually go in their own direction regarding level design and feel unique because of it, they don't feel watered down, just different and more traditional in a way.

>> No.9017563

Game Gear version looks crummy.
Many cases of easier bosses, shorter pits, some traps made more obvious, some removed altogether.
SMS is clearly the definitive version.

>> No.9017763

>some removed altogether.
Which ones?
Anyway, there are some small differences but none of them make either game easier. If anything, GG should be harder because of the shorter resolution, but since the game was developed for it...
Having to wait until Robotnik comes down doesn't make the fight harder.
Dying on the waterfall part by falling on the pit because they forgot to make the screen scroll vertically down doesn't really make it harder, just glitchier.
The definitive version is on GG where it has better colors, better sound, more assets and is the version that Yuzo Koshiro personally worked on and the reason he founded Ancient.

>> No.9017768


>> No.9017831

Why are Snaic's shoes yellow on the left side?

>> No.9019365

GG looks much better, was the GG really that much better than the Master?

>> No.9019447
File: 85 KB, 1025x377, MSg478247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we watch the same half-hour (2x ftw)? The versions look near-identical outside of some minor background details. Sonic's main sprite looks awful redrawn, but it's practical necessity as Sonic 2 GG kept the same sprite as MS and hurt the game. So yeah, more thought went into this port than subsequent conversions, but it's still nearly all downgrades across the board in things that matter. You can't even see the path to the sixth Emerald on GG and have to make a completely blind jump that's impossible to know unless you saw a guide, whereas on MS you can barely make something out and are rewarded for testing an observation. Anyway, no, GG was not that much more powerful, it's basically portable MS with increased color palette, but most games did not take advantage of that until Sega discontinued the mutiplatform approach and just focused on GG.
>Which ones?
Try the simplified Labyrinth layout for one.
>Having to wait until Robotnik comes down doesn't make the fight harder.
Yes it does because it makes you likelier to get caught off-guard by his one attack before enough hits.
>Dying on the waterfall part by falling on the pit because they forgot to make the screen scroll vertically down doesn't really make it harder, just glitchier.
Yeah that looks very intentional to me, the game showcases vertical scrolling in other areas, the game's giving you the illusion that Sonic was swept by the waterfall itself.
>better sound
Wow, that grainy one-sec imitation of the "Sega" chant is sure impressive.
>the version that Yuzo Koshiro personally worked on
Uh, no? He's credited in both versions and doesn't deny MS involvement in this interview. If another interview said "GG" then I'm sure it's because the MS versions weren't released in Japan until Virtual Console.

Anyway the definitive versions are probably the PC fan-reconstructions.

>> No.9019830

you're just minimizing the pros of the Game Gear and twisting the glitches and oversights of the Master System version as "it's harder so it's better". It's not harder.
Game Gear version has more actual content and more polish.
Sprite looks better too, more colorful, more detailed.

>> No.9019963
File: 19 KB, 360x280, MasterSystemSonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're just minimizing the pros of the Game Gear and twisting the glitches and oversights of the Master System version as "it's harder so it's better".
No one's actually saying that. And what glitches and oversights? Pausing during the ending (Master System version)? That doesn't actually affect your enjoyment in any way. How about forgetting to disable the ring hud during the same sequence (Game Gear version)? That's a present distraction that makes you think, "oh shoot, are we still in gameplay?".
>It's not harder.
It's really not. The majority of the changes to the Game Gear version was because of the smaller screen real estate (Green Hill signs, Jungle and Labyrinth designs, etc.), but the Game Gear version still has the harder moments due to screencrunch (Chaos Emerald search for one, outside of the Labyrinth one where it's now handed out like free candy). As a result, the Master System version has fairer challenge balance.
>Game Gear version has more actual content and more polish.
Actually explain yourself. If this was Sonic Chaos where there's redone character select artwork and a few extra animations and music touch-ups then maybe you'd be on to something, but you're talking about Sonic 1 8-bit. There's a whole analysis making you look foolish.
>Sprite looks better too, more colorful, more detailed.
Again, details. If you're talking about minor incredibly things like the Green Hill flowers and the slightly altered palette (that you'd no doubt only notice on a sharper emulator screen rather than the ig handheld screen and only then side-by-side) then I'd like to know how such a thing completely changes the game experience; if you're talking about Sonic's sprite then I have to say is btfo & gtfo.

>> No.9019965
File: 17 KB, 360x264, GameGearSonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I'm nearly convinced the outta-woodwork GGfags is just one weird anti-MS gaslighting contrarian.

>> No.9020319

I somewhat don't like 1. 2's difficulty is kinda unreasonable and part of this is the kite bullshit with weird controls. Chaos is super easy but pleasant. All of them have hidden Emeralds monitor and I was never able to found them all. Probably does nothing anyways
Triple Trouble is pretty good, the closest to a real Genesis Sonic game. Emeralds has these timed stage that are actually gets pretty hard quick
Blast is horrible
Drift 1/2 are an OK Mario Kart clone but not much more than that
Labyrinth is a cool puzzle games, too short however but it's a speedrun game
Tails Sky Patrol, I'm unsure if it's just a resprite of another game? But it's hard as balls
Tails Adventure is actually a pretty decent, uh, is it a Metroidvania?
Spinball is ok
Mean Bean Machine is probably more playable than the Japanese Puyo Puyo 2 cart I have with the Puyos being too damn small. The field is smaller than usual and there's a cool puzzle mode
All played when unlocked within SADX, which allows splitscreen (even if single player) and multiplayer

>> No.9020402

>Are they just watered down versions of the Genesis games

Its really just this. Sonic didn't translate as well on weaker hardware unlike Mario because Mario started out as a franchise on weaker hardware. So much of Sonic's appeal gets lost on those Game Gear games. Mario though its not the same. In fact I think the best 2D Mario is still SMB3.

>> No.9020452

I prefer the physics in the SMS games to the Mega Drive titles. 1 in particular is markedly superior to the Mega Drive equivalent IMO.

>> No.9020604

Yeah, details that make the game have objectively a better presentation and more assets. This is a hard fact.
Your stuff is mostly up to interpretation, "maybe they did this on purpose, maybe not", the actual extra stuff on Game Gear version is there and there's no denying it. It's not just the animated flowers in GHZ, but even if it was just that, that's enough to prefer the GG version. Gameplay-wise both are about the same, the only thing is that SMS didn't account for the extra screen size, the game was developed for GG.
I'm not anti-SMS, Sonic 2 is better on SMS. Sonic 1, however, is better on GG. In this case, the devs did have the bigger SMS resolution into account and the very first boss showcases that.

>> No.9020936

>SMS didn't account for the extra screen size, the game was developed for GG
okay retard

>> No.9020948

Lol, it takes awhile for those who play retro games correctly on real hardware.

>> No.9020950

nice retort.

>> No.9020990

Thanks, dude. I can't believe that deluded blockhead still thinks the GG version came first.

>> No.9020993

Sonic 1 8-bit started development for the Game Gear, Koshiro himself explained that in interviews.
The SMS version was released earlier likely due to not much fuck givens in regards to polish, and it shows.

>> No.9021147

The sms games even have some things that the 16 bit versions don't. In sonic 2, sonic can bounce along water, a secret level, hidden gems. Sonic 1 feels like it runs out of memory later in the game so I like the later levels in sonic 2 vs 1 on sms.
Overclock the emulator because there is lots of little slowdown that seems intentional but once removed feels more fluid.
16 bit version is more replayable because you can exploit the physics to do stunts while in the sms you mostly play how the designers intended.

I can certainly see why people like the sms versions better, sometimes I just prefer a quick sms blast.

I couldn't believe how good this hack looked.

sonic 2 is better, get good. I think the speed shoes don't actually do anything in 2 but in sonic 1 they are pretty much used on the first level.

>> No.9021154

I really like how the second movie seems to have breathed more life into classic sonic discussion.

>> No.9021184
File: 19 KB, 289x400, SonicBlast-SMS-BR-A-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Controversial opinion,but I like Sonic Blast (not 3D).

>> No.9021202

Nothing wrong with liking what you like, but man is that screen pulled in close. Still, I need to give it and 3D Blast a go at some point just to see if little kid me was right to dislike them. I’ve come to find I’m a lot more forgiving as an adult.

>> No.9021214
File: 640 KB, 1004x1386, Tails_Adventure_GG_US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit surprised nobody's tried remaking Tails Adventure considering the lengths some fangame makers go to.

>> No.9021220

Someone made their own fangame based off that game,I don't know where the footage though,all I know that it was in 3D and is getting some type of voice acting.

>> No.9021267

I played the GG ver, maybe the higher res on SMS would make it better, but it probably doesn't run any better

>> No.9021320
File: 61 KB, 725x1024, 192360FF-E165-4C09-B96C-82F012A371F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is it better to play these on the GG or SMS? Gonna grab the roms tomorrow.
>just beat the last of my rom hacks and played through the series multiple times
>tfw just finding out about these

I’m glad the ride isn’t over.

>> No.9021420
File: 124 KB, 794x792, sonicshock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is true
It's hard to believe, because half the 8-bit Sonics don't feel designed for the Game Gear at all. Sonic 2 especially. Even the guy interviewing Koshiro seemed surprised to learn this. I'll take slightly less polished pixel art over having to make leaps of faith, thank you very much.
SMS for sure. Sonic is a game where the more screen real estate, the better. It's one of the few retro games that really benefit from having a widescreen version.

>> No.9022316
File: 489 KB, 336x224, 95111C32-A12D-4E61-A071-71305647DA4B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, then that’s the route I’m going. I appreciate the help. Can’t wait to play em

>> No.9022331
File: 2 KB, 248x192, Skyhigh2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this level's emerald was so hard to get

>> No.9022364
File: 293 KB, 707x603, bearing_stunned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not just the animated flowers in GHZ, but even if it was just that, THAT'S ENOUGH TO PREFER THE gg VERSION.

>> No.9022389 [DELETED] 


Zoomer detected.

>> No.9022415

Once you figure out how to hit the springs, it's not too hard. Using the hang-glider is for the challenge.

>> No.9022504

It's hard to believe because it's "half-true" (aka bullshit): https://tcrf.net/Proto:Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(Sega_Master_System,_Game_Gear)

The Japanese devs were fully aware that the Mark III was more or less dead in their market and that they were definitely commissioned Game Gear versions. This is also why the Game Gear versions were the most re-released up until then; as >>9019447 points out, Japan didn't get the Master System versions of 1, 2, and Chaos until Virtual Console twenty-some years later. However, we have release dates, build dates, and in-development material like the above proto ROM all proving that the Master System versions were created first and then converted to Game Gear. It makes less sense to do it the other way around because there'd be more work to retroactively fit technically weaker hardware. You'd get results like TecToy's much-maligned Master System ports of Game Gear games (ie. Sonic Blast). It's also a way to get used to new hardware while gradually migrating from familiar architecture.

>> No.9022542

The thing with Sonic 1 is that it actually is better on Game Gear, which is NOT the case with Sonic 2.
This is all stupid inbred console warring anyway, you guys are trying to force a GG vs MS war when in reality it's just about which version is the better one.
I'm sorry but GG Sonic 1 has better presentation and the gameplay is actually good and you can tell it was made with the GG in mind
>noooo but you have to make a leap of faith jump to get 1 (one) emerald!
okay, maybe they encouraged exploration more, I don't really care about 1 instance when the full game is more polished on GG than on MS, where it looks uglier and emptier.
Sonic 2 is a different story, the GG version is all cramped and the MS version is obviously better to play.
Sonic Chaos is better on GG again.

>> No.9022567
File: 26 KB, 640x480, 1CE89630-B27E-499F-A2B7-5E4284EA23E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got curious so I looked up some stuff about the development. I like how Koshiro made it a family affair. It would have been neat to see him working with his sister and mom.

>> No.9022717
File: 132 KB, 1000x667, processingblast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the presentation & speakers are something else alright

>> No.9022724

first one is fun
the rest suck ass

>> No.9022754

Never even knew what the Master System was until a few years ago, I shit you not.

>> No.9022761

I'm 31 by the way and had a Genesis as a child.

>> No.9022818

I didnt read any of this thread I wanna get bred by sonic the hedgehog

>> No.9022991

Thanks for the correction. Your theory makes a lot of sense and explains the oddities with these games.
Sonic 1 GG isn't as bad but it does have some obvious "wasn't tailor-made for GG" moments, like the GHZ boss. For me, Sonic benefits from a bigger screen because he's so fast-paced, even in his 8-bit outings. I also don't care much for the Advance & Rush games for that reason.

>> No.9023184
File: 26 KB, 320x224, 77E32D40-5D65-4634-904F-25604D3D002D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well ask this here instead of making another sonic thread. Does anyone have a patched rom of Sonic 3D Blast Directors Cut that they can confirm works all the way through? Sounds like the one on CD-Romance has a game breaking bug at the end game, and I’m not sure if the hacks I’ve found include that bug or not.

>> No.9023323


>> No.9023335

Looks like all the links were taken down but I think I found it here.


I’d feel more comfortable if it was a rom somebody had beaten as I don’t want to sink all my time in and get a game breaking bug at the tail end, but this one looks pretty legit at least.

>> No.9023338

nah, not broken but i forgot you have to be logged in, my b

>> No.9023395

No worries, I’ll go ahead and make an account as that seems like a pretty decent list of roms. I appreciate the help!

>> No.9024418
File: 398 KB, 1050x1274, E1F97B63-5612-401C-998F-6F2FEB2450FB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, these are surprisingly fun. It’s like sonic but has a flavor of its own. Kinda excited to get to Tails Adventure after Sonic 1 and 2 being surprisingly good.

>> No.9025242


>> No.9025647

The existence of the Game Gear (LCD) proves you don’t need a CRT TV to enjoy retro games.

>> No.9026236
File: 101 KB, 855x1026, 1649993546854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of visuals, sound, physics, and overall experience, what is the definitive way to play Sonic 1, 2, Chaos, Triple Trouble, and Tails' Adventure? MS or GG?
Not reading all the gay bickering in the thread. I probably lean towards MS because of the larger screen size and you know how fucking annoying Sonic games can be when you move too fast to avoid running into shit.
Regardless I'd still appreciate a concise answer.

>> No.9026292
File: 113 KB, 900x1324, super_sonic_skyline_by_drawloverlala_d94dhel-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, with Tails Adventures you have to go with the GG version because it's the only one, it never got a MS port, which is a shame. Triple Trouble is a similar situation, though I recall someone made a port for the MS, a hack, something like that, but it wasn't an official release by SEGA at all. When it comes to choosing between the GG and MS versions, all that's left is Sonic 1, Sonic 2 and Sonic Chaos. Sonic 2 and Sonic Chaos have almost no relevant differences besides the resolution, so if you prefer visibility I'd go for the MS versions, still you can see this as a way to balance the difficulty. With Sonic 2, the low resolution on the GG makes it much harder than it has any right to be, but than can be good if you want something really tough, in this case the MS version is really balanced. Sonic Chaos is the opposite, I'd say the lower GG resolution is a way to make it a little more challenging, since it's an otherwise easy experience on the MS. Sonic 1 is probably where you'll find the most discussion, and it seems to be an even 50/50 split, I'd say both have their merits, I prefer the GG because of Sonic's sprite, but to each their own.

>> No.9026308

>Bearing and groomed Tails forced memes
Please inject COVID "vaccine" into self 100 times.

>> No.9026751
File: 142 KB, 1048x568, GG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaos is manageable on Game Gear (not necessarily preferable, but the least messed up from the conversion for sure), Sonic 2 is really bad on Game Gear, and Sonic 1 has the most changes (refer to >>9017768 for details) but overall Master System is a more consistent experience.
But honestly if you're confused just play the PC versions mentioned in the >>9019447 spoiler, they generally take the best parts of the Master System and Game Gear versions anyway.

>> No.9028082
File: 375 KB, 1020x570, leveldesign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master System for 1, 2, & Chaos, Game Gear for everything else. The first three were ported from Master System and don't really take advantage of the Game Gear like the later games do. For 1, they tried to modify the games by putting things closer together to minimize screen-crunch, but that also makes the game feel more claustrophobic as a result, you won't be running around as much because you can barely see the next obstacle in time, and veritcal scrolling is even more precarious (pic related is the most egregious instance but a casual view of that video shows a lot of times where the zoomed-in screenview is a hindrance). 2 is a more straightforward conversion and so it suffers the most on Game Gear. It's been a while since I played Chaos but I think it's somewhere in the middle, more effort than 2 but not as much as 1, but...
...I distinctly remember that Game Gear version of Chaos having a massive oversight: if you lose your last ring, it despawns at the top of the screen, whereas on Master System it then falls down as expected.

>> No.9028341

MS Sonic looks uglier, even if the game wasn't as good on GG. The spikes and chest in particular are terrible on MS.

>> No.9028430

Curved top spike is better on GG, but how's the chest better? It one of the areas with the weird dead-white pixels.

>> No.9028480
File: 103 KB, 640x416, 60C90BEF-4EF9-4C79-8B13-58FABBAC5D31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if the encyclo-speed-ia has more info on the game gear games development? I’m really interested in the story behind Koshiro and his family’s roles behind their development.

>> No.9028608
File: 391 KB, 1080x609, Egg_Plagiarismo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I recall, given large swathes of it were ripped from the wiki just like the Mario & Zelda Encyclopedias (such as the cameo section including screenshots) and the few bits of new info (renamed bosses) will be rendered obsolete come Origins.

But you can check for yourself: https://archive.org/details/sonic-the-hedgehog-encyclo-speed-ia-kindle-edition

>> No.9028635

the game gear actually has games that are more worth you time then sonic (ristar for example) master system is fine but when any PC can play sonic cd or chatoix I just never play the old sonic games any more.

>> No.9028680
File: 96 KB, 800x528, 561414D7-FACA-4248-B93D-F2B212131BF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotcha, figured that might be the case but thought I’d double check. Honestly, I bet the story behind that small family developing the games could make a neat little book in and of itself. Also, I appreciate the link.

If it gets a physical release I’m picking it up the moment it’s available. Hell, I’d even take a LR release.

>> No.9029062
File: 252 KB, 1036x1200, 0D962F61-B9F2-4AF0-8F3D-589EF538AA07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic Blast is nowhere near as bad as I’ve seen it made out to be. I actually like that they took away a bit of control on your jump but gave you a double jump to make up for it. Also, some of the boss fights have been pretty neat.

>> No.9029449
File: 64 KB, 515x876, 92749a26b1a791b4073ec4ff03c8ef3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>large swathes of it were ripped from the wiki just like the Mario & Zelda Encyclopedias
So we've narrowed it down to Ian Flynn, right? That's the common thread these books have. He the one who thinks this shit is okay?

God-fucking-dammit, he's a decent storyteller, too.

>> No.9029837

They blow the MEGA DRIVE versions out of the water. Fuck yes they're good.

>inb4 nostalgia boner
I grew up with both, I know what I am talking about.

>> No.9030048
File: 496 KB, 774x750, 6DC691C1-98BF-457D-92B0-C1B8A427CB3F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda a silly question, but is there a way to exit the continue/password screen on Tails Adventure?

>> No.9030346
File: 256 KB, 800x915, 119198-sonic-drift-2-game-gear-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Sonic Drift 2.

>> No.9030398 [DELETED] 

ebay scalper detected
don't you have a clueless redditor to rip off?

>> No.9030673

That’s some good, old cover art

>> No.9031220

Weirdly enough I don’t see anybody asking this question online and I’m not sure if it’s just a very obscure game, or if it might be the emulator

>> No.9031319

My favorite track in Sonic Drift 2 is probably Rainy Savannah,mainly because of the music.

>> No.9031373

Damn, that’s good

>> No.9031712

Why do zoomers say this, bros?

>> No.9032757
File: 78 KB, 637x680, CB327F66-E555-467A-8782-E6A4165ACA6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda off topic but what would be the best board for asking for comfy sonic art? I prefer the retro art but feel like it would be right on the line of actually being /vr/ related as it really wouldn’t have anything to do with actually playing the games. /v/ it would die in a heart beat as people are more interested in cooming, consooming, and shitposting there.

>> No.9032763

definitely here, there are art threads all the time

>> No.9032774
File: 466 KB, 1440x810, 7B7AE926-CF30-4B39-A919-934BB40CC7FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might start one tomorrow then and hope for the best. Dunno what it is but there’s something weirdly relaxing about Sonic’s world. Might just be a bit of nostalgia. The GG/SMS covers are also absolutely fantastic. Dunno what it is about that style but it’s just wonderful.

>> No.9032780

/w/ or /wg/ might also be good places to try.

>> No.9032791
File: 646 KB, 1280x903, 30815B6D-4B8C-40BB-919E-FF134E202A51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotcha, I’ll give those a go if it gets 404’d here. Thanks

>> No.9034079

the post that broke /vr/