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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9032041 No.9032041 [Reply] [Original]

If you had to pick one, and only one, what would it be and why? They have a lot of crossover, but there's few multiplats on the Gamecube that weren't also on the Xbox. Xbox however has a number that were not present on the Cube at all. Feature wise, apart from the online they cover a lot of the same bases. It largely comes down to the library.

Which do you go with?

>> No.9032072

Personally I would go with the Xbox because it had a lot more arcade style games compared to the scotformer centric GameCube. The online being down is a much bigger hit against the Xbox than the cube or PS2 though.

>> No.9032084

Second this.

>> No.9032087

Xbox, I can run every game from the hdd

>> No.9032096

Xbox has more games that interest me now, especially with the Japanese only releases mixed in so I would pick that.

>> No.9032114

Xbox, it multiplats and some good exclusives. Cube has some good games, but there's nowhere near enough.

>> No.9032150
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x2268, DC 1 & 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xbox hands down. Gamecube was never good.

>> No.9032181 [DELETED] 

Sexbox. Gaycube is weak and kiddie as fuck.

>> No.9032183

DC's hardware has more in common with the gamecube than xbox.

>> No.9032195

BasedCube, no question. Resident Evil 4 blows anything and everything on Xbox out of the fucking water, graphically and otherwise. That one game alone makes the BasedCube the obvious choice. Then there's shit like Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, F-Zero GX, all the good ports of DC games like PSO and Sonic Adventure 2, tons of good multiplayer games, multiple Zelda games, not to mention good versions of multiplats like Timesplitters 2 and Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance. Then you have to factor in the BasedCube's superior build quality and longevity, the controller that (while unorthodox) actually feels comfortable to hold and has decent button placement unlike the shit-tarded Duke and even worse Type S, and I like the system bios that's very clean and makes data management easy, plus the bice ambient sound effects. Mind you, I love the Xbox 360 and Series X, the brand as a whole is good, but the original console simply does not have better games than the BasedCube.

>> No.9032207
File: 80 KB, 600x315, all this plus spikeout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no online
>can't even play a damn CD
Gamecube is wack. Dreamcast's software and gaming legacy lived on through the BOX

>> No.9032219

They all have very little in common with each other.

>> No.9032221

>no online
I guess I never played PSO on SCHTHACK or mario kart over xlink kai, mustve been a dream
>muh spiritual successor
lol interesting then that the BasedCube got all the sonic games, the best version of SCII, best version of PSO, skies of arcadia, ikaruga and tons more. meanwhile Xbox got, uhhh... JSRF?

>> No.9032231
File: 42 KB, 327x466, PGR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best version of SCII
Xbox 720p
>best version of PSO
I posted more games than you named so I win.

>> No.9032232

Only games I had on the OG Xbox were the Halo games, everything else I had on PS2 and Gamecube.

>> No.9032268

>Xbox 720p
>capeshit guest fighter instead of based Link
if we're including PC in this argument then the Xbox doesn't even need to exist since all it has are watered down PC ports anyway.
>I posted more games than you named so I win.
crazi taxi was on cube too, plus cube got shit like code veronica and super monkey ball. both consoles have 40ish sega games on them and half of the xbox's are just sports games. im not gonna argue about this because in actuality, being the Dreamcast 2 is more of an insult than anything, but still.

>> No.9032273

I like the OG Xbox, but the whole Dreamcast 2 meme needs to die.

>> No.9032284 [DELETED] 

you're trying too hard

>> No.9032289

Xbox 360 was the Dreamcast 3, at least at the start

>> No.9032290 [DELETED] 

no u

>> No.9032292 [DELETED] 

Rule change was a mistake. Shouldn't even have this zoomer thread on /vr/.

>> No.9032298

I have 108 OG Xbox games.

I have 16 Gamecube.....

That sort of says it all.

>> No.9032303

it says that you're a retarded faggot with a whole lot of shitty games, yeah

>> No.9032310

Blow it out your ass tryhard. Ain't many shitty games in my Xbox collection.

>> No.9032318

At the time I played my XBox more, and I'd still go with it. Lots of odd little games I liked. Phantom Dust and Panzer Dragoon Orta and such.

>> No.9032323

you know what good exclusivea the Xbox has?
Halo 1
that's where the list ends.

>> No.9032326
File: 151 KB, 1000x643, max rabies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my GameCube. Xbox is like... Halo and a bunch of ports not worth playing anymore. Fuck Fable.

>> No.9032330

Nintendo games just aren't very fun, lots of tedium and middling game play. I think people who love them just don't play a lot of games. Xbox is significantly better in every way and many games that are on Gamecube are best on Xbox.

>> No.9032347

>insert Resident Evil 4
opinion discarded

>> No.9032352

>I think people who love them just don't play a lot of games
You probably just prefer arcade action. Don't generalize your opinion. "If they played what I like they would know better" yeah that's not how it works.

>> No.9032387

I'll stick to the superior ps4 version

>> No.9032403

There's very little reason to go back to the GCN version of RE4 though. Even back in the day, the SourceNext PC port was better.

>> No.9032409

Nigga halo mogs every GameCube exclusive, and there's TWO Halos

>> No.9032414 [DELETED] 

Neither one is retro. I'll stick with my Super Nintendo.

>> No.9032416

true, cube didn't have any good fps games for friends.

>> No.9032421 [DELETED] 

Careful anon, mods don't like it when you say that

>> No.9032426 [DELETED] 

Careful anon, mods don't like when you say "Careful anon, mods don't like it when you say that"

>> No.9032428 [DELETED] 

careful anon, just be careful I'm worried about you.

>> No.9032431 [DELETED] 

I'm just informing you on your levels of basedness, stay safe brother

>> No.9032448

>true, cube didn't have any good fps games for friends.
Timesplitters fucking rapes Halo, dude. Xbox has Timesplitters also, but GCN/PS2/Xbox are all even on the FPS front because nothing on any system is better than TS.

>> No.9032453

Nothing I can't already play better versions of on Xbox. Plus I enjoy Halo plenty, as do millions of others. Nobody enjoys say, Geist.

>> No.9032458

Geist is actually a pretty cool game, definitely not better than Halo but good.

>> No.9032462

I played it, and it was fucking awful.

>> No.9032465


>> No.9032467
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Fuck off timesplitters has tiny maps and no physics. Controls are shit too

>> No.9032507

>tiny maps
yeah, and huge ones too. you can also make your own map bigger than any MP map in Halo 1-2 because Timesplitters has a map editor.
>no physics
so that's what makes a shooter good? jumping around like a faggot?

>> No.9032526

GameCube. I like both, but I find the exclusives better on the GameCube.

>> No.9032547

>so that's what makes a shooter good? jumping around like a faggot?
There's more to physics than jumping.

>> No.9032551

and there's more to shooters than "physics" to shooters.

>> No.9032552
File: 832 KB, 720x404, halo-mp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9032561

So you’re an idiot?

>> No.9032568 [DELETED] 

Doom 3, morrowind, fable, kotor, panzer dragoon orta, tendiecube couldnt even run these games. Also multiplats are usually best played on the xbox, like san andreas, it's even better than the piss poor pc port.

>> No.9032575

>Even back in the day, the SourceNext PC port was better.

No it wasn’t.

>> No.9032576 [DELETED] 

none of those games are exclusives except panzer dragoon retard

>> No.9032579 [DELETED] 

Snes is the worst 16 bit console. Anything that doesn't involve mode 7 could be done better on any system at the time.

>> No.9032580 [DELETED] 

They were exclusive to xbox unless you owned a gaming PC, which was twice as expensive as those consoles at least.

>> No.9032582 [DELETED] 

Sure, but they were console exclusive to Xbox. Don’t be one of those anons that pretends everyone owned a capable gaming PC.

>> No.9032586 [DELETED] 

>poorfag cope
you don't get to exclude PC as a platform just because your mom couldn't afford to buy you one. exclusives are exclusives.

>> No.9032587

>you don't get to exclude PC as a platform
the choice was between xbox or gamecube, nothing else.

>> No.9032595 [DELETED] 

Windows and xbox are both owned by microsoft so those games are all microsoft exclusives.

>> No.9032601

Plus, KOTOR debuted on Xbox and was later ported to Windows, not the other way around.

>> No.9032602

i can be forced to choose between the two and still play another platform. if i choose gamecube, i get a PC + games i cant play anywhere else (unless via emulation, and on a modern machine), with xbox i get no gamecube and a machine who shares a significant portion of its library with PC and the PC versions are better. gamecube wins.

>> No.9032603 [DELETED] 

lmao okay then all nintendo-made gb, gbc and gba games are also part of the GC's library and xbox still loses

>> No.9032604 [DELETED] 

Why do you capitalize 'PC' but nothing else? I don’t trust people that type like you. Use capital letters.

>> No.9032607 [DELETED] 

>pseudo intellectual grammatical criticism as substitute for an argument
redditor identified

>> No.9032608 [DELETED] 

Only filthy, disgusting zoomers type in lowercase with no punctuation. If you’re over the age of 15, you really need to knock that shit off, anon.

>> No.9032616 [DELETED] 

you just exposed yourself as redditrace, get out of the thread.

>> No.9032620 [DELETED] 

>no u
lmao yeah you're mad

>> No.9032624 [DELETED] 

Frankly, typing in all lowercase with no punctuation is a feminine trait. It’s how all zoomer social media thots post. Don’t be like them, fellas.

>> No.9032625 [DELETED] 

Gamecube troll.

>> No.9032628 [DELETED] 

no actually bothering to punctuate properly on 4chan of all places is an indication that you are a homosexual

>> No.9032632

Only right answer. Get an Xbox, hack into that shit (relatively easy) and play all the gamecube games too.

Only downside is the shit controller but there are work arounds.

>> No.9032634 [DELETED] 

Whether it’s 4chan or an essay, you shouldn’t type like girl, anon. This being 4chan is not an excuse.

>> No.9032637 [DELETED] 

nope, you talk like a girl. you put in extra effort to capitalize like a woman putting on makeup.

>> No.9032638 [DELETED] 

On the contrary, all zoomer thots type like you. This should be deeply concerning and you should reevaluate your decisions.

>> No.9032640 [DELETED] 

>On the contrary
autism alert lol

>> No.9032646 [DELETED] 

Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of stupidity, anon. At least I tried to warn you. You’ve let them get to you and now you type like a dumb teenager. Very sad.

>> No.9032647 [DELETED] 

>gets BTFO about the actual topic
>spergs about grammar out of anger
>types like a woman on reddit
kinda gay bro

>> No.9032649 [DELETED] 

At least I tried. Literacy rates are only getting worse and you’re certainly not helping the cause.

>> No.9032654

Gamecube if you just want to play 4player smash bros otherwise Xbox all day every day.

>> No.9032656 [DELETED] 

how interesting that you're concerned with literacy rates when you bought a nigger console

>> No.9032657 [DELETED] 

That was the PS2 though. Black guys are huge weebs.

>> No.9032659 [DELETED] 

>i said "a" nigger console, there's clearly more than one. i thought you were concerned about literacy?

>> No.9032660 [DELETED] 

Why did you greentext that?

>> No.9032662 [DELETED] 

because i added an arrow by accident. mad fagoid?

>> No.9032664 [DELETED] 

How embarrassing for you.

>> No.9032665 [DELETED] 

cube kiddies attempt to ruin another thred

>> No.9032668 [DELETED] 

i guess

>> No.9032669 [DELETED] 

How do you “add an arrow by accident”? Explain yourself.

>> No.9032671

Xbox had a lot of the same and in many cases better multiplayer games to pick from

>> No.9032673

GameCube’s exclusives are better imo. Both my Xbox and GC got more playtime than my PS2.

>> No.9032675

Is an OG Xbox really capable of emulating the GameCube? That doesn’t sound right.

>> No.9032765

Xbox because i can play all GameCube games on a Wii but not all Xbox games on a 360

>> No.9032809

Xbox, easily. Much better library, much cheaper games, much better graphics, much better controllers, much better multiplayer experience, system link, no need for memory cards, easy to mod, the list goes on.

>> No.9032848

It's more to physics than jumping around, never mind that being a platformer already gives Halo much more depth than other shooters

>> No.9032851


>> No.9032854

Gamecube definetely. I pretty much grew up with the Gamecube. I barely touched my Xbox. Hell, pretty much all I used my PS2 for was Kingdom Hearts and Guitar Hero.

>> No.9033209

dreamcast > xbox > gamecube
I'll miss Metroid Prime, but I'll live

>> No.9033859

Oh. Well this post >>9032632 is very misleading then.

>> No.9033864


>> No.9033873

Obviously it's the xbox.

>> No.9033916

Timesplitters has physics too, and an actual mapmaker snd not just forge (which Halo 1-2 don't even have). Halo is a bad series.

>> No.9033964

your timesplitters custom maps don't have hills or any other sort of geometric feature cope and seethe

>> No.9034653

TS2 mapmaker levels can be up to 7 stories tall with all sorts of "geometric features" like bridges, ramps, walkways, bunkers, ramparts, obstacles/cover, windows, sniper perches and basically anything else you could want -- you can even give it custom lighting and make your own singleplayer levels with programmable game logic. If "hills" are so important to you then the multiplayer mode features tons of different maps ranging from a snowy space station, a derelict hospital, outdoor military base, robot factory, a gang hideout, a chinese restaurant, even a fucking circus and tons more. Your shitty B movie space marine trash has fucking nothing on Timesplitters. The first level of TS2 alone had more dev time than the entirety of Halo 1's campaign (which as we know is fucking garbage from the Library onward, so about half the game). Halo doesn't have a map maker. Halo doesn't have a quality campaign with widely varything aesthetics and cool boss fights and special objectives and secrets to find. It doesn't have leagues and challenges. It doesn't have hundreds of unlockables. It doesn't have dozens of cool weapons each with their own purpose and utility. It doesn't have a player profile screen that shows all of your stats in every mode from the time you first played. It doesn't have levels and objectives that change drastically based on difficulty level. Halo has fucking nothing. It has a 7/10 campaign and a bare bones multiplayer where a bunch of identical soulless robot men fight each other with the same handful of weapons (of which like 3 are actually viable in either game) and vehicles that are fucking garbage and get blown up by snipers and rockets before they can even do anything. Halo is a piece of fucking trash and does not even begin to approach the masterpiece that is TS2. You are a retarded faggot and you should literally kill yourself.

>> No.9034672

Out of those two? Xbox. And it's not even close.

>> No.9034781

Cube has the only FPS worth playing: Metroid Prime.

>> No.9034824

Xbox because I can emulate GC even on my phone.

>> No.9034907

Xbox has much better racing games and versions of Tom Clancy games

>> No.9034945

GC has actual good games
Xshit is normalfag shit full of western crap

>> No.9034946

Good games like Mario and Zelda and...

>> No.9034978

I played this and it was terrible and unfun until the artifact hunt, which is when I said to myself "the game wants me to play through everything? again?" and I just decided to start playing a good game instead.

>> No.9034995

Only Mario games, Zelda games were shit since Majora

>> No.9035003

... all the other games you never mention because your ultimate dream is to be railed in the ass by an obese, balding cartoon plumber and a dude in a skirt that you seem to fantasize about to the point of mentioning in every single thread.

>> No.9035012

Post disregarded.

>> No.9035108

Can I have the PS2 as well? If so, Gamecube. If not, Xbox

>> No.9035154

>Xshit is normalfag shit
holy shit

>> No.9035161
File: 18 KB, 587x330, ExRBtGUUUAEneqx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamecube for Melee.

>> No.9035162

>Much better library, much cheaper games
Do you not realize how quickly you contradicted yourself?

>much better controllers

>> No.9035164

Star Fox
Animal Crossing
Superior version of PSOI&II

>> No.9035165
File: 34 KB, 535x462, 1463432266646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GC controllers are extremely overrated unless you have literal baby hands.
>price = quality
Neck yourself.

>> No.9035168

Just because you've fooled yourself into believing that unergonomic piece of shit Xbox controller is the norm because you grew up with it doesn't mean real controllers are worse.

>Neck yourself.
Nah sorry you can't handle the truth. Good retro games hold their value because people still love and want to play them. Xbox games aren't worth shit because it had nothing to hold value, it was the Halo console and everything else notable were multiplats lmao

>> No.9035169

>halo doesn't have a map maker
nigga in 2004 they gave us BUNGIE'S OWN SDK
and even in Forge you can make hills, allowing actually interesting level geometry. You make it sound like being restricted to a flat surface separated by staircases isn't a big deal; but it is. In Timesplitters you don't get:
>Speed Halo
>Fat Kid
>Whomp's Fortress
>Indiana Jones
So yeah you're gay

>> No.9035170

Halo ruined first person shooters

>> No.9035171

you have to be a 4ft tall alien to find the gamecube controller comfy, it just doesn't fill the spot

>> No.9035174

>halo mogs every GameCube exclusive
Ask me how I know you listen to Limp Bizkit.

>> No.9035176

You can make up whatever imaginary scenario you like but it's the only controller that has had multiple generations of official adapters so people could keep using it on modern consoles.

>> No.9035179

because 30yr old unshowering meleefags have profound autism

>> No.9035181

Clearly, you haven't played any of the hot garbage NES games currently worth thousands. Titles that appeared on both GC and Xbox are cheaper on Xbox, because retards like you are happy to shell out the Nintendo tax. Most of them even look and play better due to the Xbox blowing the GC out of the water specs wise.
Enjoy your manlet hands and shit opinions.

>> No.9035187

Xbots seething.

>> No.9035229

>nigga in 2004 they gave us BUNGIE'S OWN SDK
and this impacts the Xbox version of Halo 1/2... how exactly?
>and even in Forge
bro, there's no forge in Halo 1 or 2. Halo 3, an Xbox 360 game, has forge. you are literally comparing a 360 game to a 6th gen game. and no, you can't make hills unless you're talking about an even newer Halo. you are fucking retarded.
>Speed Halo
>Fat Kid
>Whomp's Fortress
>Indiana Jones
you're right, I get DM, TDM, capture the bag, bag tag, virus, regeneration, vampire, flame tag, assault, monkey assistant, thief, zones, leech, shrink, gladiayor challenge, arcade league, and a mapmaker where i can make my own game logic and recreate almost any of the game modes you mentioned and then some. and if i really want "hills" i can play... any non-mapmaker map in story or multiplayer. the fact you've devolved to use "hills" as an argument is not only gay and strange but also legitimately mentally ill, because you know, Timesplitters has hills too -- and hills aren't generally the first thing somebody associates with good FPS design. you're really weird man.

>> No.9035240

>and this impacts the Xbox version of Halo 1/2... how exactly?
if ur not a gamecube faggot stuck on a memory card you can put the maps on your xbox's hard drive
>i get peepeepoopoo
with no hills faggot
reminder that this webm: >>9032467
is impossible in Timesplitters

>> No.9035253

Gamecube, no question. The question isn't framed in a very specific manner but the Gamecube offers a more unique experience IMO. You have similar titles on PS2 as the Xbox while the only thing the box has that comes close to as iconic as Nintendo's franchises is Halo.

>> No.9035257

>if ur not a gamecube faggot stuck on a memory card you can put the maps on your xbox's hard drive
and who are you going to be playing with exactly?
>Halo 3 webm against TS2, a game from 2002
wow you sure showed me. hey, you know what's impossible in Halo 3? attaching a remote mine to a midget clown and watching him run into a herd of monkeys and snowmen fighting inside a russian military bunker and then detonating it to kill them all and immolating any survivors with a flamethrower. honestly, if you don't think that's more awesome than playing paintball with space marines, you are sincerely retarded.

>> No.9035264

your epic scripted event isn't as cool as that Sandtrap CTF webm this isn't up for debate

>> No.9035267

>a console with no games that never breaks
>a console with great-looking games that always breaks

>> No.9035268

>scripted event
please explain, how exactly is my choice to use a small clown as a suicide bomber, a quote, "scripted event"?

>> No.9035449

>relatively easy
It's not actually
You're either dealing with a dead mobo needing extensive trace repair, dead dvd drive or dead HDD. The later two means you're forced to hardmod with a modchip.

>> No.9035553

>The later two means you're forced to hardmod with a modchip.
The DVD drive isn't protected at all. You can just replace it with another Xbox DVD drive freely. There are also ways to get an HDD key without a modchip.

>> No.9035560

mario sunshine is the worst 3d mario

xbox is an easy pick with halo
also majority of multiplats were best on xbox

>> No.9035569

Best Jap games for the xbox?, not sega ones

>> No.9035575

>xbox is an easy pick with halo
The rule changes was one of the biggest mistakes of moderation since /l/ was deleted

>> No.9035704

Total score ITT
Xbox 17
Gamecube 12

>> No.9035997

Xbox has:
Ninja Gaiden
Out Run

Gamecube has:
Resident Evil 4
Killer 7
Eternal Darkness
Viewtiful Joe
Fire Emblem

Xbox is big, ugly, and unreliable. Gamecube is the opposite

>> No.9036009

Play Station 2

>> No.9036294

Just for Ninja Gaiden alone I choose Xbox. On top of that though Xbox had games like Kotor, Morrowind, Chaos Theory and of course Halo. RE4 got ported to PS2, which I also have. Outside of RE4 all GC has is the typical Nintendo slop.

>> No.9036319

misses the point because you can just play ts2 and fp on xbox making the gamecube useless twice over

>> No.9036320

I'd go with the Xbox. I liked the Gamecube a lot, but the games I want to play just aren't on it. Plus, compared to the Gamecube, more people were playing PSO on the Xbox. I'm pretty sure its easier to get private servers set up on Xbox than they are on Gamecube.

>> No.9036324

>Gun Griffon
>Gun Valkyrie
Are there any other games that start with GUN in the name?

>> No.9036335


>> No.9036340


>> No.9036346

Big boi Xbox for me. Still enjoy the GC however

>> No.9036360

GameCube. There’s a lot of games in its library I never got around to when it was current and the GC/GBA years are my overall favorite Nintendo era.

>> No.9037005

>Feature wise, apart from the online they cover a lot of the same bases
Xbox has a controller that's actually usable for both first and third party games, has 480p output that doesn't require a specialized component cable that take 15 years to make an alternative for, games fit on one disc, has true surround sound output, and more horsepower than the kids' cube.

So no they're not similar features wise. Aside from that, best non-PC third party ports and a handful of decent exclusives still put it over the gaycube.

>> No.9037015

and 4 zelda games that no matter what your personal tier list is, have at least a couple of top3.

>> No.9037030

I'm sure you need a component cable for xbox to output 480p, composhit doesn't do 480p

>> No.9037051

480p on xbox is about 1/3rd the price of gamecube 480p

>> No.9037053

I have never seen one, only 360 ones

>> No.9037057

you have options from generic (<$10), to quality clones ($30-40), to original ($70+.) Gamecube starts at 75 for component and many games just don't support it without homebrew. Xbox however literally every game except for one game supports at least 480p

>> No.9037075

give one good reason why 6th gen shouldn't be considered retro