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File: 115 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9021679 No.9021679 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to get it /vr/?

>> No.9021687

I got it just to support Darkstalkers.

>> No.9021689

I bought one of the SF 30th collection when it was on sale for $12 and it was still far too bare-bones to justify the purchase. It didn't even present the games intact as arcade games. You can't enter the service menu.

>> No.9021763

I’ll see if it’s just “rom museum” or if there is any unique content. E.g the Darkstalkers Resurrection had fun little combo challenges to do. Yeah, a fucking checkmark for each character. It’s not much but at least it’s something new for the content provided.

>> No.9021773

does this cash grab even have online multiplayer?

>> No.9021801

yeah but it's going to be dead. The only mainstream game is hyper fighting hidden on there, people who want to play darkstalkers are on fightcade.

>> No.9021802

I'll wait and see. The beat em up bundle was pretty good but the Street Fighter one was horrible butchered.

>> No.9021865

I want to do the same but A.) I'm a poorfag, B.) This will never sell well enough to convince Capcom to make a new one anyway and C.) This >>9021801

>> No.9022017

I already got it because I'm a Capcuck with no self-control, but more importantly because I'll buy anything that has Puzzle Fighter in it. That game is my crack, I've even been trying to get the cabinet of the game.

For what it's worth, it's made by the Beatemup team, not the SF collection team.

>> No.9022031

Not yet but planning on it.

>> No.9022048

Which one? The 30th edition? I was wanting to get it physical IF it wasn't censored. As for the fighting collection, I will buy it just to play darkstalkers again, red earth looks cool too. I'm not into fighters but they are fun.

>> No.9022087

Red Earth is neat for what it is, Capcom never really made anything else like it.

>> No.9022131

has this EVER worked? and no DD doesn't count it's only 10 years old.

>> No.9023180

The problem is they've only really tried once before. But Capcom in their retardation released Darkstalkers Resurrection in a time when they also released SFIV Arcade Edition, MvC Origins, XTekken, and 3rd Strike Online Edition in the same 2 years so everything cut into each others' sales. So of course DS did badly that they abandoned the whole "Darkstalkers is NOT dead" thing". But at least this time, DS isn't competing with anything.

>> No.9023274

I've got it preloaded on Xbox. I'm a sucker for Darkstalkers and Puzzle Fighter, and really enjoyed the Beat 'Em Up Bundle. It's also pretty cool that we're finally getting Red Earth, so I'm willing to pay full price.

>> No.9023387

The producer has already said that buying it won't have any factor in Capcom wanting to make a new Darkstalkers game. Anyway, no I'm not getting it because all of the games outside of Night Warriors and Vampire Savior suck. If they'd included some of the games that they've basically abandoned i.e. Rival Schools/Project Justice and Plasma Sword, then that might be a reason to get it.

>> No.9023391
File: 356 KB, 780x1400, 1653967617377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i buy this
buy an optiplex
build a 1up cabinet from craigslist
decorate it, customize the controls
& set steam to autolaunch this one title specifically upon boot?

will morrigan visit me in my dreams then?

>> No.9023398

>Darkstalkers is not dead"
That was something Ono did all on his own to more or less try and force Capcom's hand. Inafune never wanted to make a new Darkstalkers game so he basically countered by setting the sales goal for Resurrection to an absurd amount he knew it would never reach so he could justify not making a new one because oh look, the game failed to meet sales expectations so there's clearly no interest in it anyway.

Funny thing is that he shortly after got a taste of his own medicine with the Mega Man Legends 3 debacle where he pulled people off of other games and started work before announcing it or getting approval from Capcom hoping he'd be forcing their hand and instead they cancelled it and he fucked off to Inticreates.

>> No.9023424

The thing is, Resurrection didn't sell that badly all things considered. But it sold nowhere as good as it should've because it had to compete with 4 other fighting games releasing in the same period.

>> No.9023426

I don't like VSav, push-block ruined it. I much prefer Darkstalkers Revenge.

>> No.9023428

At least we got a really good engine out of that debacle before he left, Capcom used it to make EX Troopers

>> No.9023436

Sorry, 5 other games. I forgot the JoJo HD edition released around that time too.

>> No.9023480

no and you have to be really stupid to buy it

>> No.9023504

SF30th has other issues besides censorship, every game is emulated with the bare minimum of enhancements, no 3xP/K macros, Training and Online mode being only available for certain games (SF2T, ST, SFA3 and 3S), awful online netcode and a half-assed gallery mode.

>> No.9023554

This. If censorship was the only problem I wouldn't like it but it wouldn't stop me from buying the game, and I know that because I bought this and it censors VSav's endings (thank god I don't like VSav and wasn't going to play it to begin with). But the 30th anniversary colleciton was just a complete shitshow that there was no justification in buying it, it was literally just a rompack and a halfassed one at that.

>> No.9023556

Which darkstalkers home port is the best?

>> No.9023563

Which Darkstalkers, there's 5 games.

>> No.9023575

I'll eventually get it for a home version of Warzard but the price will have to be right.

>> No.9023576

I assume Digital Eclipse is really cheap to hire, despite how bad all of their collections are for exactly that reason. They're the reason the SamSho collection is so bad too. They just emulate and claim they're "preserving" the game.

>> No.9023608

>push-block ruined it
Ah, the pleb opinion.

>> No.9023649

I mean even Daigo thinks push-block ruined it and he loves DS.

>> No.9023653

Forgot vid

>> No.9023749

Daigo claims it was too strong, but it's balanced by the fact that offense in vsav is equally batshit. It's why it's a fun game, offense and defense are equally satisfying to use or shut down.

>> No.9023761

I'm willing to buy this just to show support for in house capcom ports like the beatemup bundle. Fuck digital eclipse.

>> No.9023823

No his argument was the offense and defense mechanics were balanced in DS Revenge, but push-block made the defense stronger than the offense and overly defensive games simply aren't fun (it's part of what killed XTekken)

>> No.9023856

Why is that whore hugging Leo

>> No.9023903

She's not hugging him, her hands are over him in a patronizing "aw, aren't you precious" way

>> No.9024883

Seeing how SF6 is turning out, and Capcom making their games more realistic looking and less stylized, maybe it's for the best for DS to stay dead. I don't want to see redesign to something that isn't broken, like a nerfed Morrigan with short hair, or covered up Felicia with short hair as well, like they did to cammy's new default canon outfit.

>> No.9024885

>more realistic looking and less stylized
lol that is definitely not the case, maybe you should watch the trailer

>> No.9024889

I did, lol

>> No.9024895

I mean they can make something in DS look, they just have to not use the RE engine.

>> No.9024896

and you think it looks realistic?

>> No.9024897

RE engine is fine, it's the artstyle and designs I'm worried about.

>> No.9024901

Not him but it KINDA does. Compared to SF4 or 5 it leans more into realism especially in the faces, it's just that they also gave everyone wierd proportions so it still leans into cartoony

>RE engine is fine
Sure, I liked how everyone in DMC5 looked except for Trish, but I can't deny that it's an engine designed for some level of photorealism.

>> No.9024902

True, you're right

>> No.9024906

I mean what else is there? The Marvel 3 engine is probably considered too old at this point, and Capcom seems hesitant to do a "cel graphics over 3D models" look like Arcsys now does.

>> No.9024913

I think they used MT Framework. I think they're still using it but for smaller titles after Monhun World.

>> No.9024916

MHW also runs like complete and utter garbage compared to Rise which uses the RE Engine

>> No.9024918


>> No.9024924

If we're being realistic, they'd just make a hypothetical Darkstalkers 4 in RE Engine. That or use unreal like they did for SFV

>> No.9025267

i'll buy it if Capcom make another collection for their 3d fighting games after
Rival Schools 1+2
Star Gladiator 1+2
Power Stone 1+2
Tech Romancer
Street Fighter EX1-3 if Arika permit

>> No.9025278

is it true they censored something in this version of DS?

>> No.9025424
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>> No.9025510

>they made one "realistic" (not even true) game that means every game they are going to make will be realistic toi
based retard

>> No.9025540


didn't the Capcom leak indicate they were working on Power Stone 3 (along with Dragon's Dogma 2, which was just confirmed)?

>> No.9025556

I kind of want it for red earth, but I'll probably skip it.

>> No.9025605
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It depends on how decent the art gallery they include with it is.

Let’s not forget the leaked docs from capcom showing that they’d greatly tone down some of the designs. I’d hate to see what they would do to my girl Felicia, though in reality Capcom has been doing her wrong for years as she was designed to be a somewhat thicc muscle girl.

>> No.9025821

>Itsuno gets to make a new Rival Schools
>fleshed out story mode
>brings back the dating sim/school life sim from the first game
It'd probably sell a lot based just on that.

>> No.9026381

Is that supposed to be Hauzer or someone else?

>> No.9026385

>Let’s not forget the leaked docs from capcom showing that they’d greatly tone down some of the designs.
Yeah but at the same time, they kept Cammy's original outfit in the game. So even if you believe the documents (which afaik no one at capcom has admitted are real, if they have then please correct me here), they're not even adhering to them.

>> No.9026435

What recent Capcom title DOESN'T look realistic?

>> No.9026443

MH Stories?

>> No.9026446

>Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting success on XBLA directly lead to SF4 development and by extension the revival of the entire genre
So yeah it works with Capcom in particular.

>> No.9026448

I didn't see that, I saw a PS remake

>> No.9026465

>Capcom making their games more realistic looking and less stylized
Because it's the trend that every fucking company is following.
>(semi) open world
>RPG elements
>made to appeal to "everyone"
They butchered God of War like this.

Instead of having many games with their own art styles and play styles and genres, now everything is looking the same.

>> No.9026496

MH Rise
RE Resistance

They make every big title look realistic.

>> No.9026510
File: 548 KB, 660x405, Chunners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hate for DS to get this treatment.

The characters themselves do not look stylized.

>> No.9026515

My friends wife thought it was something for Tekken 7 when I showed it to him. Not only is it barely stylized, but the new character designs look extremely bland.

>> No.9026796


>> No.9026804

No, FFFFFFFFUCK this game.

Also I don't know why it didn't include Ring of Destruction. That's a 2D fighter.

>> No.9026818
File: 197 KB, 790x1592, lilith-xedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a nerfed Morrigan with short hair

>> No.9026968

The wrestling game that Tetsuo Hara did the character designs for?

>> No.9028154

it is very stylised
what you mean to say is it doesn't look like anime

>> No.9028413

>but more importantly because I'll buy anything that has Puzzle Fighter in it. That game is my crack, I've even been trying to get the cabinet of the game

Oh so YOU are the reason Capvom rereleases that thing in every console, marketplace, collection and mini console known to man???

>> No.9028520

When a game tries to show individual hairs and pores and sweat glands on a character model, that's realism.
Random color splashes isn't what anyone would ever call "stylized".

>> No.9029031

hyper st fighter and puzzle fighter are cool af.

but honestly i doubt i'll get it. maybe when it goes to less than 20 bucks. i have the street fighter anniversary collection and i rarely play it and it has capcom's 3 best sf games (super turbo, alpha 3, and 3rd strike).

>> No.9029060

>I can't deny that it's an engine designed for some level of photorealism
it's not like the RE engine has a set in stone pack of shaders that can't be swapped out and every game is forced to use them
look at the new ghosts n goblins game for example
they definitely developed the engine in line with the photogammetry used in re7 and the RE engine is built to handle extremely high detail like that, but it doesn't mean every game has to use photogammetry or the "default" set of shaders
SF6 seems to be using a lot of the same shaders as MH Rise and DMC5...probably because they need the game to run on the last gen consoles
it's more of an art direction thing. i'm 100% sure if capcom was willing they could do a very stylized 3D game with the RE engine, just like arcsys used UE4 to make Xrd, DBFZ, GBFV, Strive, DNF Duel, etc, which look absolutely amazing and very different from other UE4 games

>> No.9029123

Making more fighting games in general just seems like a pointless idea for Capcom these days. If anything they'd sooner add Darkstalkers characters into Street Fighter 6 as DLC than make an entirely new Darkstalkers game.

>> No.9029149

>I'd hate for DS to get this treatment.
You mean a massive improvement? MILF-Li > your shitty nostalgia waifu.

>> No.9029192
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>> No.9029205

wow that's way better, not perfect, but way better.

>> No.9029332

People are too busy hyping up the garbage to actually look at it

>> No.9029407

How do I make my own one of these? I like these compilations of games but they don't have the games I want on them. For example how would I make a Konami beat em up collection I can run on PS2, so when I pop it in it launches an arcade emulator from the disc?

>> No.9029998
File: 876 KB, 2592x1944, Whoops_forgot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have made that mistake before. Tattoo a "don't believe his lies" onto yourself for a reminder.

>> No.9030034

I might be responsible, yes.

>> No.9030040

You'd have to completely redesign the way the characters fight for that because Darkstalkers basically created the anime fighter, they don't play anything like SF characters.

>> No.9030098

No idea what Capcom was thinking with those bangs, the fuck

>> No.9030156

In terms of overall content and features, the PS2 Darkstalkers Collection. Has all 5 original arcade releases, plus full roster versions of Savior, Savior 2 and Hunter 2, and the ability to play with or without glitch fixes. However it has input lag issues. In terms of pure gameplay experience, Darkstalkers resurrection. Arcade perfect with good netcode and no input lag. But is limited to only Night Warriors and vanilla Vampire Savior.

>> No.9030178

Weebs deserve the rope.

>> No.9030183

>left: chun has actually aged and become a mature martial artist master
>right: same shit we've had for 30 years now that coomer losers can't let go of

>> No.9030190

Such a nonissue I didn't even spot the difference.

>> No.9030206

Great Memento reference!

>> No.9030214

If you don't want "the same shit" then why even make more Street Fighter? Why not make something else instead?

>> No.9030290

Are you retarded or do you just only consoom media that doesn't bother with things like aging and evolving characters?

>> No.9030293

Most of the media I "consoom" doesn't go on for decades and decades so it doesn't really ever need to address that sort of thing.

>> No.9030294
File: 392 KB, 644x926, Chun_Li.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's more because the bangs is the hair she's had in all the previous games other than Alpha

>> No.9030324

Why did they use Raptor, Jon and Felicia twice?

>> No.9030336

>wearing slightly less makeup is looking "aged and mature"

>> No.9030363

That edit is way better than Capcom's, but the eyes should be bigger, the new female chinese fighter in 6 has bigger eyes like chun did in previous games. Chun in SF looks like a new character, different skull shape, while everyone else retained the same skull shape.

>> No.9030365

Never noticed that, that is pretty weird. There's plenty of DS fighters to fill that box up, why repeat them?

>> No.9030383

Yeah and Ryu didn't used to have a beard, why aren't people losing their shit over that?
Oh right, their brains stopped functioning due to porn addiction and can only think with their chodes now.

If that's all you can pay attention to that speaks more to you than anyone else, dipshit.

>That edit is way better than Capcom's

>> No.9030393

yeah right looks pretty bland, she also looks unrecognizable, looks more like some weird MK knock off

>> No.9030397

Are you really surprised by /vr/ being full of NEW BAD OLD GOOD retards? How new are you?

>> No.9030543
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Why are you acting like there aren't people horny for Chun's new look

>> No.9030619

PS2 Alpha Collection that included A3 Upper, A2 Gold and that batshit version of A3 with a bunch of new Isms was great.

>> No.9030631

I think it's just the local schizo stirring shit up, he made the jump to the coomer stuff and throwing insults when discussion over Chun's head/face changes started.

>> No.9030652

Don’t use words that you don’t know the meaning of

>> No.9030902

>Chun now looks better than the edit
>no I will not point out which part specifically because I don't want my stupid opinion to be scrutinized

>> No.9030910

>Ryu didn't used to have a beard, why aren't people losing their shit over that?
Because the beard doesn't make him look ugly. Moreover, a statement you'll often hear is that beards are the equivalent of makeup for women, because beards make guys look BETTER.
Still, there is an issue with him that he shares with all the other fighters: Realism.

>> No.9031331
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I never said that.

>he made the jump to the coomer stuff
Because there's no other reason for you to give a shit about Chun's changes. People are mad about RE engine and Chun being older. If it wasn't about being horny for Chun you'd be pissing your pants over Ryu and Guile too.

lol type what you really mean.
>waste your time debating me anonymously because I've already decided I disagree with you unconditionally!
I don't give a shit about pointing anything out specifically, it's not that deep. She looks fine. She looks like a Chinese woman. She doesn't need to look like the same animu girl you jacked off to 30 years ago.

>Because the beard doesn't make him look ugly.
And the older more realistic look doesn't make Chun look ugly.

>beards make guys look better
Sure if you have a shitty jawline or double chin you need to hide. Actual men shave.

>make up makes women look better
And you guys are seriously trying to pretend this isn't about your fucking porn addiction lmfao

>Still, there is an issue with him that he shares with all the other fighters: Realism.
I know, I know, realism scary, you have to keep up the same shtick that was true in 2007 even though Capcom is one of the few devs to do it right in recent years. It's the nature of the engine, and it's worth it considering what they've given us with it so far.

Can't wait to see how assblasted you guys get when Cammy gets her official reveal and she's not wearing the dumbass leotard anymore.

>> No.9031338

If it's anything like SF Legacy Collection, it's only good if you're a console nigger who can't into Fightcade + MAME roms on PC.

That Capcom doesn't put effort into porting these games with all the extra shit from previous ports should be a red flag to avoid them.

>> No.9031341

definitely not a schizo sperging

>> No.9031360

definitely not a coomer malding

>> No.9031390

>only anime has bangs
Most intelligent SF6 dick sucker

>> No.9031478
File: 25 KB, 300x210, have you seen any thumbnails around here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It's the Capcom fighting collection."
"Want to play it?"
"Nah, maybe not."

>> No.9031540

If you're just going to be needlessly pedantic don't bother replying, Ono dick sucker.

>> No.9031609

>Can't wait to see how assblasted you guys get when Cammy gets her official reveal and she's not wearing the dumbass leotard anymore.
I think you missed when that already happened and there was a complete meltdown until it was confirmed that her leotard is still in the game.
Also, you can't separate the FGC from coomers so that's the most retarded complaint you can ever make. It's a core part of the community whether you like it or not, there has never been a point where we DIDN'T want the girls in fighting games ridiculously sexualized.

>> No.9031619
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>She doesn't need to look like the same animu girl you jacked off to 30 years ago.
Yes she does.
>And the older more realistic look doesn't make Chun look ugly.
Yes it does
Calling me a coomer as an insult doesn't work when I like the fact that I am one.

>> No.9031648

>Sure if you have a shitty jawline or double chin you need to hide. Actual men shave.
I don't shave because my god forbids it

>> No.9031667

Stop saying "we" faggot. You don't speak for shit. Besides, realistic milf chun is hotter than generic boring old chun anyway. You're not just coomers, you're coomers with boring juvenile taste.

>> No.9031675

>Stop saying "we" faggot. You don't speak for shit.
I've gone to EVO almost every year since it's in my town, and I can say that the venn diagram of cheesecake lovers and fighting game players is a single circle.
>Besides, realistic milf chun is hotter than generic boring old chun anyway.
See this just makes me think you're a capcom shill trying to deflect away from criticism of the game's look.

>> No.9031683

Oh yeah bro Capcom is paying me to come advertise their game on a retro game board in a thread with 48 unique posters. Sorry you can't cope with the reality that people have different taste.
And for the record, since I know you'll get hung up on something retarded to keep the argument going, let me be clear: The attractiveness of young/moe Chun vs. older/realistic Chun is 100% subjective. I'll make fun of people for being cliche like >>9031619 but at the end of the day it's a matter of taste.
The fact that she doesn't NEED to turn you on with her character design is objectively true, and it doesn't matter how pathetic and coomer-filled the FGC is. Whether it's Capcom or Arc or Nintendo it doesn't matter, their artistic vision > appealing to their shitty fanbase that can't even be bothered to shower.

>> No.9031685
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People don't like new Chun-Li because her face is ugly. Putting a kinda but not quite realistic asian face but on a body that still has old Chunners proportions, looks wierd as fuck and is especially jarring because none of the other characters have this issue. Li-Fen still looks like an anime character. Luke, Flavortown homeowner that he now is, still looks like an anime character. Guile looks like he has a bald spot now but regardless still looks like Guile. Cammy from the footage that was leaked still looks like Cammy. The only one that has this problem is Chun-Li.

>> No.9031695

Hey can you virgins take this to /v/, jesus christ lmao at both of you losers. SF has been garbage for years and here you people are arguing about the next one. Enjoy your cinematic open world.

>> No.9031708

Agreed, it's not even the same fighting game series this collection is about, unless you could Hyper SF2 being in the game but that just feels like it's there as a bonus.

>> No.9031769

>has no reply

>> No.9031774

>more realistic look doesn't make Chun look ugly
Realism makes EVERYONE look ugly

>> No.9032095


>weebs still seething
I miss when 3DPD was just a meme before incels started taking it seriously. At least you'll never reproduce.

>> No.9032104

>paying for emulation
>let alone CAPCOM Kikellection number 112352315

>> No.9032149

Yes, but RoD is a 2D fighting game, not a wrestling game. It has a few wrestling quirks but matches are decided by KO and played in rounds.

Saturday Night Slam Masters is a wrestling game.

>> No.9032215

>She looks fine. She looks like a Chinese woman
She's supposed to look like Chun Li, not a random china woman.

>> No.9032334

Looks like Chun-Li to me.

>> No.9032376

Why are you replying to someone who thinks only anime characters have bangs?

>> No.9032574

>censored shit.
no thank you i prefer to play the games as they got made so enjoying them on mame.
also have the saturn CD just in case.

>> No.9032584

Thankfully, the game that's censored in the colleciton is the one I can't stand playing.

>> No.9032589

Why are you still strawmanning this hard?

>> No.9032613

Anon just stop replying to them, they've been doing the equivalent of "have sex incel" the whole time to anyone disagreeing with them, they shouldn't be engaged with seriously. Not even worth giving a (You).

>> No.9032729

Why are you crying about it instead of just dropping it? Indirect replies in a slow board are still gonna fucking be seen.