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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 191 KB, 385x266, Marble Zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9026717 No.9026717 [Reply] [Original]

Who thought it was even remotely okay to put this here

>> No.9026724
File: 95 KB, 1200x800, selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who thought it was even remotely okay to put this here

>> No.9026726

to be fair, you're probably going to be going slow in that slow ass level anyway to watch out for lava

>> No.9026750

Babies like you are why there's an extra life instead of a backwards spring in the beginning of Hydrocity Act 2.

>> No.9026757

It's a trap, it's to keep you from just holding forward.

>> No.9026758
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, hold right 2 win.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bad design.

>> No.9026768

Hold right to win babbies absolutely destroyed

>> No.9026779

The point of it is that it's a trap. It's to prevent you from holding right.

>> No.9026805

Me standing outside your house with a bat is also a trap. It's to prevent you from from just walking forward.

>> No.9026808

Woooow how the fuck was I supposed to know that would happen?

>> No.9026823


>> No.9026825

Except he didn't design the levels.

>> No.9026857

*sighs and crosses arms*
Sonic the Hedgehog is objectively badly designed because you can't see what's coming before it's too late. These games were never good and only sold because of the character.

>> No.9026860

Shitposting aside, Sonic is fundamentally flawed.
It makes no sense to design a platformer about running fast on the ground. The running and platforming will inevitably clash. Sonic doesn't have anywhere near the sense of flow of Mario, because Sonic's speed is wildly inconsistent. This is the underlying reason why Sonic has had a long-term identity crisis - you can attribute some of it to incompetence, but the actual design formula of Sonic is the problem.
The ring system is also nonsense and feels like it's different for the sake of being different. It makes you effectively invincible in most cases because all you need is a single ring to get by. Whereas Mario has essentially a simple health system. Acquiring a power-up turns you into Super Mario and lets you survive an extra hit. These power-ups have to be sought out, unlike rings which are everywhere. Elegant and balanced.

>> No.9026868
File: 34 KB, 360x360, 1607462917388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I know to jump here? Shit level design

>> No.9026890


>> No.9026936

>One level in one game filters so many fucking plebs and makes them bitch about it, outing themselves to the world that they have been filtered
Is Marble Zone the most based level of all time?

>> No.9026943


Uniracers is the real Sonic. Nintendoes what Segagsonandeventuallyvomitsout

>> No.9026945
File: 820 KB, 320x240, Sonic.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really are a fucking retard
Sonic is about using the level geometry to gain speed to make jumps that would be impossible on level terrain/from a standstill. This will let you get to the higher roads, find secrets, and beat the lev quicker. THIS IS the platforming in Sonic

>> No.9026952
File: 173 KB, 785x601, Chadlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and it's part of the Based quartet:
>Marble Zone
>Carnival night zone
>Chemical Plant Zone
>Sandopolis Act 2

>> No.9026972

Too bad Sonic 1's levels a lot more more dull. Hatred of Marble and Labyrinth is too strong - they're fun, and they work - but you can't do much really interesting stuff.

>> No.9027027

The Springing Somalians.

>> No.9027041

>*sighs and crosses arms*
cringe AND based

>> No.9027060


>> No.9027063

Why are you afraid to admit that you just aren't very good at the game?

>> No.9027105

I thought Labrynth Zone would be the great Sonic 1 filterer.

>> No.9027273


>> No.9027719

>game is (in theory) all about going fast
>punishes you for it
great game design, of course you need to make the gameplay more dynamic but either you get shit like this or you get stupid loops and shit where everything's automatic and you literally just press right

>> No.9027727

but you can just jump so you don't run into it, do you have a 1+ second reaction time or what?

>> No.9027732

God I love Sonic when he starts to outrun the screen. Also Chemical Plant zone is one of the best levels ever created. Post Mario 3 and fucking Kirby games are a joke by comparison.

>> No.9027747

It punishes you for not being quick enough to avoid the trap.

>> No.9027796
File: 1.20 MB, 4005x2480, FRHZrKaaMAEReTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obstacles in Sonic mean fuck all
unless you fall in a pit or get crushed, you can only be mildly inconvenienced at best, the game is built for you to be able to soak hits and keep moving

>> No.9028183

That's because Sonic is not about merely going fast, it's about being fast by using the physics and the stage design around you and memorizing the levels.

>> No.9028245

Dr. Robotnik

The manual for the game literally tells you to be careful because Robotnik has placed traps throughout the environment to take advantage of Sonic's speed.

>> No.9028291

That's one of Sonic's problems, tho. You're going through a stage on a first or second playthrough, and you couldn't have memorized the level. Then, you decide to make a jump at a random spot during a zippy-section like in the vid, and you wind up with accidental sequence breaking. At that point, it sets it up for confusion as you're not entirely sure what's in any direction and may wind up going backwards. That's not a positive about the level design.

>> No.9028307

>you cant use arcade game design
>stop making good games

>> No.9028319

It's not a good game, lmao.

>> No.9028453
File: 6 KB, 275x183, temper tantrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm lost in my video game!!!

>> No.9028628

It is a retard filter. Why are you mad?

>> No.9028638


>> No.9028643

>hold right
>jump to upper path
>hold right
the only thing 'lost' here is your marbles

>> No.9028805

I seriously cannot even tell anymore how much you people are trolling or not.

>> No.9028809

god i miss miiverse

>> No.9028895
File: 199 KB, 900x506, sonic-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2D Sonic will always be better than Mario for one simple reason: branching paths.

When I was a kid I always felt so embarrassed for Mario that he just ran along the ground with an occasional death pit or floating platform.

Meanwhile our friend Sonic was going underground, way up high and every which way. You could find different routes through the same level and secrets you never knew were there!

Sorry, plumber boy. You're okay, but next to Sonic, you just can't keep up.

>> No.9028980


>> No.9030136

>I'm not speedrun-tier on my first time playing
>therefore the game is bad
Also, the levels are designed so that you are always making progress. You can make progress less efficiently to be sure, but there is no getting lost

>> No.9030153

the one and only thing i hate in sonic are the speed boots, they feel more like a punishment than a power up
>inb4 someone posts a webm using the speed boots by some autist who sunk 10,000 hours into memorising a level
fuck off nerds

>> No.9030219


>> No.9030227

>you can't see what's coming before it's too late.

for the umpteenth time
"going fast" isn't the standard gameplay in Sonic, it's the reward you get if you are good at the game.
Unfortunately, all the 3d titles managed to miss out on this part.

>> No.9030454

>level has obstacles and traps
wtf? the game should just take you to the end credits when you press start and pat you on the back

>> No.9030463

Sonic is 1/2 pinball machine 1/2 platformer and till you understand this you are incapable of forming a cohesive opinion on it. Mario is a tactical platformer (especially on super hard shit like the lost levels), every jump counts, with Sonic it is just “whoa he’s spinning and looping fast” and “let me take this part slow so I don’t get killed”. You make the mistake of assuming it’s a precision based platformer, it only has small elements of precision to it.

>> No.9030467 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 540x379, images - 2022-06-22T183708.137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a cow abunga piece of shit.

>> No.9030581

Alright...never realized speed intensified jumps this way.

>> No.9030598

>accidental sequence breaking
it's not accidental, they built each level to be a network of paths

>> No.9031143

You're bad at the game?

>> No.9031198

The slope gave it angular momentum allowing him to redirect his speed into his jump.

>> No.9031267 [DELETED] 

Sonic had, if I may be so blunt, some rough trannies in 2D.

>> No.9031274

>le hold right to win
>wtf why can't i hold right win?

>> No.9031286
File: 94 KB, 512x644, Legacy vs Modern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense, modern Sonic stole this from us

>> No.9031493

>Shitposting aside
>Proceeds to shitpost

The rings system is unironically one of the best design choices sonic team ever made. Rings protecting you and also being recoverable after a hit encourages the kind of speed and borderline reckless behavior sonic is meant to be about. If you were to adopt a mushroom system for sonic, all the kids playing it would suffer one hit, then cautiously trudge through the level until they find another mushroom, which would make all the meme complaints about sonic not being able to see obstructions valid.

Rings in sonic make failure cheap and encourage risk-taking and experimentation.

>> No.9031503

>Two horizons

>> No.9031760
File: 113 KB, 474x529, 1586500179108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this thread really went into the discussion about Sonic being fundamentally flawed as a video game? Jeez, nothing against us having more controversion conversations, it's why image boards can be interesting in the first place, but as someone who got to see the rewriting of history this franchise has suffered, it always baffles me. At first most people agreed that Sonic was good up until the Adventure duology or Heroes... then suddently all of those titles started getting harshly criticized on the web and consensus shifted to only the 2D classics being good... and now suddently I'm seeing the argument that Sonic was never good a lot more often. I don't recall this happening to any other popular franchise, the idea that it was always fundamentally flawed and poor in concept, that all of the acclaim it got was some sort of collective delusion by most people at the time. Sonic is a platformer with physics and level design that encourage experimentation and learning to go faster every time, with the rings mechanic making sure you don't play too cautiously, to keep the experience exhilarating. Of course it slows down at times and some levels might be trickier to see what's coming ahead, which can lead to you getting hit... but it's a video game, you can win or lose, and as you play and learn you also get better.

>> No.9032375

Your existing upwards momentum is added to your jump height :DD

>> No.9032436

Speedrunning and it's consequences have been a disaster to gaming.

>> No.9032450

It's just people who suck at games (which is almost all of /v/ and /vr/) grasping at straws for excuses. It helps that Sega sudoku'd so they have the perfect pretext to say, "No, it's not me who's bad, it was the games all along".

>> No.9032459

haahah newfag

>> No.9032474

Sonic 1 is fundamentally a bad game. All these boomers talking about game design have never beat sonic 1. First zone is fun because you can go fast. Every other zone including the second one in OP can suck my nuts. It’s all just shitty slow basic ass platforming. Literally less fun and more slow than nes super mario 1. Sonic 2 and 3 and Knuckles and advance all fun, but there’s no excusing 1.

>> No.9032498

Marble and Labyrinth suck but the rest are good

>> No.9032508

These game designers need to respect their players by putting a jumping tutorial when the first goomba pops in on screen

This is so player hostile and transphobic

>> No.9032513

Wait chemical plant is a filter? How much of a faggot do you have to be to get filtered by this stage?

>> No.9032515

I had a theory that goomba is one of the deadliest enemies in all of video games. Lots of people play this as a first game and get killed by him.

>> No.9032517
File: 9 KB, 507x401, 1653153341893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9032520
File: 3.56 MB, 426x240, 627d7ce793224135097309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 5 year old faggot. The underwater climb at the end got me a lot as a kid

>> No.9032524

Ok to be honest i died at that part too

>> No.9032572

And some game developer who's laughing his ass off put a spring down there...
Hey, diarrhoea dipshit, I'm goin' the other way!

>> No.9033194

yes, there are times when you need to slow down and think about what you're doing. it's not just holding right. egoraptor is dumb

>> No.9033241

>known as 'gotta go fast', the game
>shit everywhere that slows you down
there are so many faster platformers out there

>> No.9033268

it's not about how fast you go it's about how you go fast

>> No.9033269

lots of games are "known as" things they are not

>> No.9033278

well, the genesis was also known for something they didn't even use in most games
that's advertisin for ya

>> No.9033282

You're a massive faggot

>> No.9033289

The entire time I've been on the internet the Adventure games have at best been considered highly flawed. Only now are we really seeing this modern revisionism that they're actually every bit as good as the classics, if not better.

>> No.9033350

the game has obstacles but what games are faster than sonic really? if you know where the obstacles are, sonic is the fastest 2d platformer of the 90s without a doubt. no other game would let you outrun the screen

>> No.9033376

nigga the adventure games were considered great at launch, it was only after 06 that liking sonic became cringe

>> No.9033386

That's just due to the weird way the map is rendered outside of the game.

>> No.9033501

Only if you suck

>> No.9033974

>Game has difficulty
>"Fuck this game, this is horrible!"
I'm sorry it's not like Gone Home.