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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 123 KB, 1600x1112, Sega_Multi_Mega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9021228 No.9021228 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most "obscure" piece of retro tech you own?

>> No.9021236

Official wireless 6-button controllers for Mega Drive
They're actually really damn good, even though IR means you have to point em directly at the console

>> No.9021243

A 32x plugged into a CDX

>> No.9021248

I mean, that does work, you don't need that spacer that never got released.

>> No.9021256


>> No.9021261

I dunno, the PS1 mouse maybe? I also have the Dreamcast keyboard, and a PS1 dance pad for DDR but I think it's a common third party one. I'm not sure if any of this stuff is really obscure though

>> No.9021262
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>> No.9021263

This looks like it'd only work on model 1 and 2 Genesis.

>> No.9021264

Fake as fuck

>> No.9021270
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Probably a 32X, not the most obscure thing out there but still.
I have been thinking about picking up a Virtua Stick as well as a Virtual On stick.

>> No.9021275

Only problem you might run into is the controller port spacing. Add some extension cords and it should work on everything.
There's a three button wireless controller that's manufactured by the same company that made the official Sega pads but without the Sega branding that's got the receiver module at the end of wires, more compatibility but looks much worse.

>> No.9021295

Telegames Dina (Sega 1000 + Colecovision clone released in states)
Sharp NES tv
Super FamicomBox
Lightgun to a Nintendo VS machine
Nintendo Super System controller
Pikachu edition Sega Pico
PC Engine Shuttle
Lol playstation tv?

Probably some other jankery im forgetting.

>> No.9021296

Is it really necessary to use both ports at once?

>> No.9021298

I think my most obscure stuff is the N64 DD and Mouse, the Neo Geo CD model 2, and the Sharp Twin Famicom. Wouldn't call any of those really obscure but that's the best I've got and it's not like Joe normie's gonna know what they are.

>> No.9021301

If you're only using one wireless controller, no.

>> No.9021493

You posted it

>> No.9021661

Impossible to say. I own hundreds of things you've never even heard of.

>if i never heard of it it dosn't exist
Yup, that'd be a zoomie. I also own that, with two controllers. I have several large boxes full of shitty old IR wireless controllers.

>> No.9022082

I got one of these for my 500, so it can connect to a television. Apparently its somewhat rare

>> No.9022084
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>> No.9022086
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not obscure, but i have a ps2 aqua version which i think is pretty rare. how much could it be worth?

>> No.9022118
File: 7 KB, 475x475, Madrics-vertical-stand-PS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A color matching silver Multitap vertical stand for my PS2. In fact this is the first time I've ever been able to find a picture of a similar unit despite several attempts. I should take a photo of my own one sometime.

>> No.9022540

probably the mini turbografx and extra controller that came out early in covid. I guess that probably doesn't count though. Otherwise I have a sharp twin famicom.

>> No.9022551

Maybe the Sharp Twin Famicom, but I don't know if it's that rare

>> No.9022574

Bundle it with a smurf gaem and there ya go

>> No.9022815
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Got this at some auction mixed in with a bunch of computer stuff long ago. All I know is it turns on. Don't have any games for it nor do I care to obtain any. It's just there.

>> No.9022886

I knew I should have bought the entire stock of game boy micro link cables from that ebay seller in Spain. I could have retired with the profit from that.

>> No.9022935

That's one step away from owning a Nuon

>> No.9023147
File: 2.10 MB, 2770x3024, IMG_20200530_210945_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a VPORT tv.

>> No.9023162

Doesn't the Amiga 500 have normal video out to a composite tv? I have a us version that does.

>> No.9023476

Vectrex probably.

>> No.9023498
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Net Yaroze.

>> No.9023505
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The ultimate Nanosaur & Escape Velocity machine.

>> No.9023506

Off the top of my head, the PC Engine. Everybody I know gets confused when I don't mean a desktop computer, and I have to explain what a TurboGrafx 16 is and that it came out here in 1989 but wasn't popular, but the Japanese model was easier for me to get and plays the same games.

That and the Virtual Boy, but while I still have my controller, the actual console is missing.

>> No.9023535

Game Boy Camera with a Game Boy Printer and a flashcart to dump them photos. Guess that's kinda obscure?

>> No.9023567

Yeah no shit, nothing works on model 3 genesis. It's a stripped down shit console.

>> No.9023572
File: 2.09 MB, 2927x3231, ツインファミコン&ソフト.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Include me in the Twin Famicom count

>> No.9023584


>> No.9023597

get your pvm off the carpet anon

>> No.9023604

I imagine the twin fami is probably obscure in the west but it seems really popular in japan, I don't think I've ever seen a japanese game collection that actually has a fami+FDS instead of just a twin famicom.

>> No.9023670
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>> No.9023675

Wish I could buy that spacer

>> No.9023680

>have a 15' CRT
>just realized I have some PC speakers stashed away somewhere
>holy shit I could have been playing in stereo all this time
I am retarded. Thank you for your post, I had an "eureka!" moment.

>> No.9023693

The arcade board for punch-out and the conversion chips to turn it into super punch-out and that arm wrestling game.
I also have a night slashers board that suicided on me cause of its retarded design, Im hoping to fix it.

>> No.9023701

You'll need an RCA-to-3.5mm breakout cable or adapter, but it should work.

>> No.9023745

I actually have a few of those adapters somewhere, just need to dig 'em out. Thanks again, nice one.

>> No.9024575

It does. That's why some people wanted that device.

>> No.9024592

Panasonic 3DO FZ-1 (matte top)
An absolute fuckton of complete in box software and games for personal computers from the late 70s onward that I've accumulated over the years.

>> No.9024602
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>JVC X'Eye
One of my biggest /vr/ regrets is seeing one of these at a flea market about 15 years ago or so sitting there in a box of dirty old electronics, and not buying it for the probable pittance they would've asked for. In my defense, however, I didn't know what the fuck it was. I knew it was a console, but I assumed it was just another one of the many failed consoles that came out in the early 90's that no one cares about.

>> No.9024607

I got mine a month ago at a thrift store for $100. Has some epic vertical jailbars over composite, so it might need a recap, but I haven't tried RGB yet. If I recap it, I'm probably going to do the s-video mod as well because why not.
It's not even the rarest thing I've thrifted; that would be my nearly pristine, unopened Game Boy Pocket Dr Mario Best Buy bundle, which I shelled out a whopping $4 for.

>> No.9024859

what does the vport even do

>> No.9024915

Literally just component video in a funky port.

>> No.9024921

>doesn't play retro games so makes threads about hunks of plastic instead

>> No.9025005

I don't think they're that obscure but probably my PS1 dual analog controllers. Most people don't realize they're actually different from the dual shocks.

>> No.9025014

Wouldn't that get annoying after a while?

>> No.9025023
File: 54 KB, 640x480, c0004568_1935291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Hori Playstation Super Robot Wars one-handed controller.

>> No.9025029
File: 2.47 MB, 4040x2260, 96EFE3CB-9CDF-4834-8EA4-449ED710E9B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SNES mouse & mousepad

>> No.9025032

The game boy printer

>> No.9025351

Nothing extremely obscure but got a nomad, 32x, vectrex, CDI and a 3do. Also I guess the sega genesis mega mouse is obscure?

>> No.9025359 [DELETED] 

looks like the torso of an older latino woman after having 4 beanlets

>> No.9025367
File: 2.56 MB, 636x376, All-Hail-The-Virtual-Boy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my virtual boy

>> No.9025610

Looks more awkward than a one armed blind 12yo virgin with ALS feeling up his passed out drunk grandma.

>> No.9025823
File: 612 KB, 2592x1944, I_gots_the_hookups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be the gSCARTsw JP21 edition. Everyone else uses SCART, when I've been on JP21 for decades, so when retrog said he was making some JP21 versions of it, I signed up for one. I didn't want to seem greedy asking for only one even though I really wanted 3, just to not put added pressure onto retrog because he only wanted to do a few. Turns out, he doesn't want to make anymore of the JP21 editions, but kindly made it open source. The regular editions of the gSCARTsw has had new advancements since. The open source of the JP21 editions would be great if they had any of the improvements, but no one wants to make them and I don't have the means to make them myself. So, this is one of the last few of its kind.

>> No.9025836

Damn i honestly cant compete i would say my rarest item is the 1 in 1000 Char wavebird GC controller.

Only listing i cound find on ebay atm, seems quite rare now https://www.ebay.com/itm/122872453345?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=VRXLjMO4RXq&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=8Z3AIat2Sry&var=423826694873&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

>> No.9025848
File: 37 KB, 585x436, FVl-gd4VIAAH-qU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a Donkey Kong dual screen Game & Watch.
I knew someone who gave it to me in school along with Oil Panic and thought they were cool. Unfortunately Oil Panic had some damage to it and I ended up selling it a few years back since I didn't have the know how or skill to attempt a repair. I probably should have kept it for memories but that's why I still have the Donkey Kong one.
Other than that, probably just my Pocket Station and an original Xbox light gun, something I didn't even know the original Xbox had until I looked into House of the Dead ports.

>> No.9025886

I guess my Atari Jaguar

>> No.9025898
File: 58 KB, 390x609, CD32X - an addon combo denied its spacer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe someone can 3D print it?
I mean, if they haven't already.

>> No.9025934
File: 82 KB, 750x687, Fujitsu ICL PCTV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this PC and TV all-in-one with a multisync monitor in my folks' garage wrapped in cling film. Keyboard and trackball don't work. Going to take the machine home to try tomorrow.

>> No.9025991

They have

>> No.9026283

theyre a few bucks from japan buddy. sorry

>> No.9026297



>> No.9026321

welp, at least it looks nice

>> No.9026331
File: 26 KB, 640x514, Twin Strike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. I even tried to play Half Life with it.

>> No.9026908

I'm kind of curious about how you organize and store everything.You have got so much stuff and also seem to know where everything is at so you can take these photos.

>> No.9028486

Why's the spacer even necessary? My CDX works fine with the 32X without the spacer, CD tray can still open and all.

>> No.9028592

I mean, it is applying pressure to the cart socket. That can't be great for the motherboard over time.

>> No.9028728

Looking at how the spacer overlaps the back-end and needs a cutout for the AV cable, it's probably to make the CDX slightly less back-heavy than plugging the 32X into it causes.

>> No.9029974
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They are all tetrised into boxes. It is best to keep mobile, since the slumlords around here keep raising the rent without timely fair responses to issues with the property. You kind of get familiar with the location of stuff since it is always being interacted with.

>> No.9030126

Boxed PC-FX