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File: 205 KB, 680x596, c49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9017517 No.9017517 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people who unironically think it's pronounced "hydrossity"

>> No.9017523

Okay good to know

>> No.9017542

>Hid Rock Itty

>> No.9017545


>> No.9017549

Tails doesn't deserve this.

>> No.9017590


>> No.9017595

I'm pretty sure it's pronounced like ハイドロシティ

>> No.9017609
File: 324 KB, 1086x678, 99B2040E-DDD4-4B8C-92FC-A9D3BA843D2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bubble Lead

>> No.9017935

Based post

>> No.9017940

hydro city
hyd ross itty

>> No.9017986

when in doubt, kana your way out >>9017595

>> No.9017991
File: 75 KB, 446x409, Maximum_Kimara_FF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, it's a chim-er-ra!

>> No.9018001
File: 499 KB, 500x384, robuttnik.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high-draw-city (like velocity) > hydro-city

puns are fucking based.

>> No.9018026

I can’t read those moonrunes.

>> No.9018048

ching chong ding dong

>> No.9018052

apparently people are having enough difficulty reading english

>> No.9018060

>Haidoro shittei

>> No.9018069
File: 385 KB, 972x1452, 2A7C018E-9A9E-41CE-9E39-B86D1ABD3500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9018076

the "te-i" at the end is actually pronounced "ti"
as in the english word "tea". the little vowels were added to some katakana to encode a few extra sounds not in the original language. in this case the special chi sound took the place of where ti would have otherwise been

>> No.9018080

Changing the pronunciation doesn't turn it into a pun.

>> No.9018082

I know how it works mate
I was taking the piss

>> No.9018090

Astro City is separated that's not the case with Hydrocity.

>> No.9018116

that's not ching chong
that's takataka

>> No.9018129

>we're so low in quality that 99% of anos don't even know kanas

>> No.9018257

The hiding hydrosians

>> No.9018263

I called it Hydro City because other games like Pokemon would stick two words together (ThunderPunch, SolarBeam, etc.)

I used to say it like Kimmer-ruh when I was little.

>> No.9018269

That explains a lot.

>> No.9018270

Hydro City for me. I always imagined the levels to be read by an announcer.

>> No.9018276

The s is silent, it's pronounced atrocity

>> No.9018287


>> No.9018292

It's a city under water, thus Hydro-City makes sense.

>> No.9018335

Why not call it Hydro City Zone instead of HYDROCITY Zone?

>> No.9018343

My autism is incorrigible, thus High-Draw-City makes sense.

>> No.9018780


>> No.9018787

It's Hydrocity you fuckhead, it says it right there in the game

>> No.9018921
File: 362 KB, 640x480, 1574147217771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys can meme all you want, but know that for a 7 year old non-English speaking kid like me names of the zones in Sonic were a fucking nightmare to comprehend.
I already knew ABC by that point but not proper way of spelling words, so w... uh, what was the name of that zone again, Schemiary Plant? Knemisal... fuck.

>> No.9018958

Because hydro is generally a prefix, not a standalone word.

>> No.9019139 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 700x700, 1653228591163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pronouncing hydro as "hydra"
It's a Japanese pun. Velocity in Japanese is pronounced ベ ロ シティ, not ベ ラ シティ
The actual sound of the pun is lost in translation as we pronounce velocity as "vəˈlɑsəti" and not "vəˈloʊsəti".
An "accurate" pronunciation would sound like "Hy-dro-cit-y" (ˈhaJdroʊsəti).
>but but but dross is gross
Hy-dro-ci-ty. Not all slurred together like hyd-roc-ity. Enunciate.
>I can't read this weird shit
It's called international phonetic alphabet, there's site applets that can pronounce them for you
>I have crippling laziness

>> No.9019163
File: 51 KB, 700x700, 1653228591163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pronouncing hydro as "hydra"
It's a Japanese pun. Velocity in Japanese is pronounced ベ ロ シティ, not ベ ラ シティ
The actual sound of the pun is lost in translation as we pronounce velocity as /vəˈlɑsəti/ and not /vəˈloʊsəti/.
An "accurate" pronunciation would sound like "Hy-dro-cit-y", but the actual phonetic spelling needs some finagling as the "near-close near-front unrounded vowel" on 4chan is replaced by a capital J, likely as it was never expected to be used.
Instead replace the [] in the following phonetic segment with a near-close near-front unrounded vowel:
/ˈha[]droʊsəti/ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-close_near-front_unrounded_vowel))
>dross is gross
Enunciate, then.
>I can't read this weird shit
>I'm not comparing phonetic writing
That's tacitly conceding
>I'm still saying hy-draw-city
You're allowed to be wrong
>I'm still gonna make threads about my incoherent interpretation of a Japanese pun
You're allowed to show everyone else you're wrong, too

>> No.9019165

why do the dreamcast models look so bad? They look like playstation models. Is it the gourud shading?

>> No.9019169
File: 8 KB, 149x121, loonyzoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They look like playstation models

Obviously you haven't seen one.

>> No.9019187

Whenever I see someone say it this way it reminds me of when I was younger and read Transformers comics and thought the character named Bludgeon had his name pronounced "Blood-gee-on" because that was more robotic sounding.

>> No.9019195

>he doesn't pronounce velocity velo-city
fucking yanks man

>> No.9019209

kek what is that from

>> No.9019219
File: 53 KB, 506x200, Audacity_Logo_With_Name.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awda City

>> No.9019224

"Audacity" is an actual word, divorced from the pun. "Hydrocity" is clearly a portmanteau of "hydro" and "city."

>> No.9019231
File: 50 KB, 225x157, 225[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spacing is an afterthought in this game.

>> No.9019236

I've been pronouncing it like atrocity since I was a kid, it sounds more memorable to me. Hydro City Zone sounds generic, besides Hydrocity is sunken ruins, where's the city?

>> No.9019240

>is ruins
>where’s the city
Anon, I…

>> No.9019241

This menu is aesthetic as fuck

>> No.9019262

but it's not Hydro City. It's Hydrocity. Just like it's Mexico City not Mexicocity, which sounds like a word used to describe the traits of being like Mexico.

>> No.9019264

>going based off butchered jap transliteration of english morphemes
sasuga /vr/

>> No.9019270

What is the Japanese pun though?
Do you mean the Japanese pun is for velocity or do you mean the Japanese pun is for some other word or phrase?
If you mean the former then I don't think it makes sense to say that pun is lost in translation since you can definitely pronounce hydrocity in a way that sounds like velocity without needing to pronounce either word the way a Japanese person might pronounce them.
But if you don't mean the pun is for velocity then it's pretty weird you wrote all that up without mentioning the actual pun you were thinking of.

>> No.9019272

Except hydro is a Greek word and -city is not a suffix
It is a Latin word turned English from tatem tae or tas
Therefore hydrocity is incorrect
It’s also listed as hydro city in generations

>> No.9019275

Mexico is a standalone name. Hydro is generally a prefix. You see it attached to other words to create other words e.g. hydroplant, hydroplaning, hydrocephalus, etc.

>> No.9019276

>Except hydro is a Greek word and -city is not a suffix
Language evolves and prefixes from one etymology can eventually end up part of words with suffixes from an entirely different etymology.

>> No.9019282

Again, it’s not a suffix

>> No.9019283
File: 532 KB, 890x1526, GreekLatinHybrids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except hydro is a Greek word and -city is not a suffix
Real Pseud Hours
Tell us more about how none of these words are real either.

>> No.9019290
File: 161 KB, 893x587, megacity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have a word that ends with city. Not even part of your argument is valid.

>> No.9019291

Because it’s not a suffix moron
-ity is the suffix
Hydroc is not a word

>> No.9019292

That literally proves it is is hydro city you moron

>> No.9019294

Pick an argument.

>> No.9019297

>-ity is the suffix
>Hydroc is not a word
-ity is the suffix in megacity in your mind? And megac- is the prefix?

>> No.9019301
File: 16 KB, 616x145, 91CD87AF-E2BE-4306-8B8C-5DE785A086C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, you’re the one that proved it

>> No.9019307

Proved what, that you're wrong about Latin and Greek not being able to exist in the same word? Or that you're wrong about words not ending in city?

>> No.9019308

Those are two words together which are pronounced the same apart
Or do you think it’s supposed to be magassity

>> No.9019309

We’re talking about pronunciation

>> No.9019310

>Those are two words together which are pronounced the same apart
I never said they weren't.
>Or do you think it’s supposed to be magassity
I don't think hydrocity should be pronounced like velocity. I just think you're an idiot who keeps posting incredibly retarded and wrong arguments.

>> No.9019352

I still don't know how to properly pronounce shin megami tensei.
I just say "Shayn May-Guh-May Tawnsee" but I dunno.

>> No.9019409

All you need to know is that if it were intended to be Hydro City it would be ハイドローシティ instead.

>> No.9019414

Lol what?
That is not what hyphens are used for in kana

>> No.9019434

The o in hydro is a long vowel, anon.

>> No.9019467

I want to know how you say hydro

>> No.9019491


>> No.9019547

As in, your shins.
As in, Meg from family guy.
Kinda pronounced like army.
Like the number 10.
Say. Now you can SAY Shin Megami Tensei.

>> No.9019575

Its pronounced like velocity. Its a pun; velocity (speed) because its sonic, and hydro because water

>> No.9019934

>Angloid problems

>> No.9019938
File: 274 KB, 340x441, Screenshot_47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9019947
File: 159 KB, 758x644, bimajo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a hyphen. When you see that in Japanese it means to accent the one that comes before it. It's why Yatterman's title sounds like nonsense: Technically the name is Yattaman (like, "yatta, hooray!"), but it's ヤッターマン, so they want that second a to be emphasized. Since Yattaaman looks awkward, translation goes with "er" because it accomplishes the same effect.

On a similar, in a later show in the same series, the character named ビマージョ is officially translated as Bimajo rather than Bimarjo because translation is weird that way.

>> No.9019954

Hydroclitty uwu

>> No.9019962

>mfw Metropolis Zone is actually pronounced Metro-pollys because it's a pun of Metro (which is a fast train system and Sonic is fast like a metro stystem)

>> No.9020006

>Since Yattaaman looks awkward, translation goes with "er" because it accomplishes the same effect.

no it doesn't. That's fucking stupid and makes no sense.

>> No.9020008

gr8 thred

>> No.9020037

I would also add that the first syllables should be emphasized, so SHIN MEGami TENsei.

>> No.9020107


>> No.9020109
File: 172 KB, 680x596, hydro city fan hydrocity enjoyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the incorrect pronunciation, faggot.

>> No.9020120


>> No.9020129

Are you done retarded hick or something who thinks it's 'mare-ee-oh' too? You can't even speak english. You have zero Intuition for unfamiliar words. Low verbal IQ is sad

>> No.9020134

it rhymes with woodrow

>> No.9020164
File: 10 KB, 320x240, sega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the more pressing question...

Is it pronounced Sayguh, Sehguh, or Siiguh?

>> No.9020186
File: 12 KB, 532x321, sega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SErvice GAmes

>> No.9020251

They have a chorus that literally pronounces it for you. Debate over

>> No.9020268

The chorus is pronounced differently depending on the game, though.

>> No.9020269
File: 62 KB, 600x628, 08c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can definitely pronounce hydrocity in a way that sounds like velocity without needing to pronounce either word the way a Japanese person might pronounce them.
You just described why it only works as a Japanese pun without realizing it.
>>Guys guys it's not a Japanese pun if you don't speak Japanese!
I swear half this site is functionally illiterate.

The end kana of "hydro" is ロ, which is shared with the second kana of velocity
>ベ ロ シティ
This is what makes it a pun, you're combining two words with a matching sound. Emphasis on matching.
By asserting that
>you can definitely pronounce hydrocity in a way that sounds like velocity
You're ignoring the core element of the pun, the ロ sound. By changing the ロ sound in "hydro", it's no longer a pun. This is why I said
>we pronounce velocity as /vəˈlɑsəti/ (ベ ラ シティ) and not /vəˈloʊsəti/ (ベ ロ シティ)
>[In Japanese, velocity is spelled] ベ ロ シティ, not ベ ラ シティ
Because trying to say hydrocity as velocity means intentionally mispronouncing "hydro" as "hydra". By saying "hydra" instead, you're replacing the core element of the pun, the ロ sound, making the pun not work as it did before.

Even if you're pronouncing the stage as a Japanese person would (/ˈhaidroʊsəti/), it still doesn't sound as /vəˈlɑsəti/ does, so it isn't a pun there, either. That's why it's "lost in translation", because the pun was built from Japanese pronunciation.

>if you don't mean the pun is for velocity then it's pretty weird you wrote all that up without mentioning the actual pun you were thinking of.
The japanese pun is a combination of the words Hydro and Velocity. The English approximation of this Japanese pun is taking the final Japanese title, Hydrocity, and rhyming that with the English form of Velocity, while ignoring how doing so isn't even a pun any more because we're not pronouncing "hydro" correctly. We don't say "hydraelectric", and we don't say "hydroulic".

>> No.9020303

why are you going based on limited jap phonology of something transliterated from english. This is like saying Griffith is incorrect pronunciation and we should all be saying Gurifisu unironically.

>> No.9020332


>> No.9020396
File: 62 KB, 817x857, 1651236573210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The transliteration is what makes the pun work. Because it's a Japanese pun.
>This is like saying Griffith is incorrect pronunciation
How? It's not a pun, it's not Japanese, you couldn't have picked a worse example.

>> No.9021068
File: 40 KB, 600x500, 908ZxDkrA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tengo que ir rápido

>> No.9021403

So which is it /vr, travelossity or Travelo City?

>> No.9021480

That appears to be an English pun, so it's not comparable.

>> No.9021485

Neither it’s
Tra velocity

>> No.9021489

>sonic thread
>is full of retarded non jokes and manchildren
color me surprised

>> No.9021494

So is hydrocity dumbass

Jesus Christ this thread is the most autistic I've ever seen

>> No.9021498

>Because trying to say hydrocity as velocity means intentionally mispronouncing "hydro" as "hydra"
We do this in hydrolic. English frequently shifts vowels depending on where the accent falls like photo and photography. The pun works in both languages you dumbass.

>> No.9021504

Why didn't they call it Hydropolis like every other Sonic city level?

>> No.9021507

ableism is not cool, dude.

>> No.9021559

So what we've learned in
>the name is a pun based on Hydro and city resembling velocity
>it's still pronounced "Hydro City" even in the original Japanese
>Americans can't speak right

>> No.9021573

because they didn't think about how autistic sonic fans were

>> No.9021579
File: 57 KB, 1312x362, it's not spelled that way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9021609

Whatever nigger it's the same root and vowel shift, the point still applies with words like hydrolysis

>> No.9021613

sonic was never good to begin with

>> No.9021619

You'd have a point if you were talking about Japanese

>> No.9021626

The pun works in both languages. You're saying hydro city while in your mind recognizing it's modeled after a word like velocity. It's really not any more complicated than that.

>> No.9021642
File: 41 KB, 480x480, loading.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The japanese pun is a combination of the words Hydro and Velocity. The English approximation of this Japanese pun is taking the final Japanese title, Hydrocity, and rhyming that with the English form of Velocity, while ignoring how doing so isn't even a pun any more because we're not pronouncing "hydro" correctly. We don't say "hydraelectric", and we don't say "hydroulic".

>> No.9021651

You *are* pronouncing hydro correctly you dumbass. It's taking a theoretical word hydrocity meaning "the state of being wet" (by analogy of velocity or ferocity, where both roots shift long o to short o in that position), and in that position, o shifts to /a/ like in hydrolysis and hydrology. It's a pun because it can be read as hydro city or this theoretical word.

>> No.9021657

And the reason you don't say hydraelectric is because the stress is ect, if the stress were on dro like in hydrolysis it would be an a.

>> No.9021737
File: 47 KB, 640x640, BoHtqaBIEAEZ2Fm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the state of being wet
>"theoretical word"
Literally grasping
>if the stress were on dro
>it would be an a.

>> No.9021753

In many accents short o and long a are merged together. Hence why in your IPA earlier you listed the O in velocity as /a/.

>Mocking that it's a theoretical word
By saying the pun is based on velocity you're already acknowledging that it's a theoretical word, a word modeled on another word with the same pattern. -city as a suffix indicates "the state of". Velocity is the state of how fast something is, ferocity is the state of ferociousness. Hydrocity is a made up word that fits the pattern of velocity and ferocity and can have a predictable meaning based on knowing what hydro means.

Yes that is a real word but that means the amount of water in the body retard. I never suggested the word was a serious attempt at coining a new concept to be used by hydrologists anyway.

>> No.9021768
File: 16 KB, 213x194, 1592097141740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must not realize you're granting your own premise linguistically. Allow me to correct your miscomprehension:
This pun is built off two real Japanese words, "hydro" and "velocity". They're separate.
The pun is that the end of "hydro" sounds like the beginning of "velocity", in Japanese.
Thus, the phrase becomes hydro-city, a description of the city full of water. The pun is now complete. In Japanese.

>> No.9021782

That same explanation works for my explanation. If we took "hydro" and added the suffix -city by analogy of the word velocity (or if we just took the word velocity and replaced the prefix with hydro as you prefer to explain it) it would also have the same pronunciation as velocity. Your argument against this is that we don't pronounce hydro as hydra, but we DO, because English shifts stress and vowels shift quality when stress is shifted. Photograph has a long o in the second syllable, photography has a short o in the second syllable. It's the same exact principle.

>> No.9021784

It’s pretty funny how forgetting to put a space in the name has lead to this much autism
If you follow the naming conventions of literally every other sonic it quite clearly is Hydro City

>> No.9021789

TLDR: the pun works in both languages for the same reason. Now eat shit and die.

>> No.9021791

It's a pun. It's obviously a city but it obviously also has a secondary meaning.

>> No.9021797

every sonic game has at least one zone that breaks convention by being just one word

>> No.9021814

Yeah he does, in the comics he argues with Sonic about it. Tails is team "hydrossity" while Sonic has the correct opinion of "hydro city"

>> No.9021821

I always laugh when people are pathetic enough to re-edit virgin/chad memes when they get mad that they're on the virgin side. Literally proving the point of the meme. Cope harder

>> No.9021825

Hydro is generally a prefix, not a standalone word. Same as how megacity is one word and not two. It doesn't mean it's a pun or that the pronunciation is unlike what a two word city name would have.

>> No.9021834

There are three that I can think of. The original Sonic 1/2/3/K version, the Sonic 3D Blast version, and the slightly more modern version that was in Unleashed and probably a bunch of others. All three sound pretty similar, some leaning closer to Sayga and some leaning closer to Sehga but both pronunciations sound almost identical anyway so it doesn't really matter

>> No.9021840

Even if you use the "it's one word" argument, I'd like someone to show me a single word with "hydro" in it where it's pronounced as it would be in "hydrossity". Yes Hydrocity is one word but it's still pronounced "Hydro City" just like hydrogen, hydroflask, and hyrdochloric all start with "hydrow" rather than "hydrah". It's really not that fucking complicated

>> No.9021849
File: 63 KB, 360x629, page41-360px-Sonic3_MD_JP_manual.pdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but we DO
"We" aren't Japanese. It's a Japanese pun. The stage title is Japanese. The fact I'm not even humouring your explanation to the mechanism of English approximation should have indicated why your incessant bloviating hasn't affected that fact.

>> No.9021851

>Even if you use the "it's one word" argument, I'd like someone to show me a single word with "hydro" in it where it's pronounced as it would be in "hydrossity".
I don't think it should be pronounced as anything other than hydro-city.
That said though, hydrolysis is pronounced the other way.

>> No.9021853

>it's a Japanese pun
The words are fucking English in both languages and the pun works in both languages.

>> No.9021864

And hydrology.

And yes I'm arguing that it's pronounced hydro-city but the pun is that you can mentally recognize it as hydrocity, a word like velocity,vas well, the same way the Japanese thought of it.

>> No.9021871

>Hydrocity is one word but it's still pronounced "Hydro City" just like hydrogen, hydroflask, and hyrdochloric all start with "hydrow" rather than "hydrah". It's really not that fucking complicated
They start that way because the stress patterns are all on the first syllable. If the word demanded a stress pattern of a second syllable it would take the ah pronunciation like in photograph/photography. Hydrolysis and hydrology shut your argument down.

>> No.9021875
File: 104 KB, 245x315, 1590713826585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you're just going to reassert your stance instead of substantiating it, I'm going to restate my previous post at that refutes this stance outright
The end kana of "hydro" is ロ, which is shared with the second kana of velocity
>ベ ロ シティ
This is what makes it a pun, you're combining two words with a matching sound. Emphasis on matching.
By asserting that
>you can definitely pronounce hydrocity in a way that sounds like velocity
You're ignoring the core element of the pun, the ロ sound. By changing the ロ sound in "hydro", it's no longer a pun. This is why I said
>we pronounce velocity as /vəˈlɑsəti/ (ベ ラ シティ) and not /vəˈloʊsəti/ (ベ ロ シティ)
>[In Japanese, velocity is spelled] ベ ロ シティ, not ベ ラ シティ
Because trying to say hydrocity as velocity means intentionally mispronouncing "hydro" as "hydra". By saying "hydra" instead, you're replacing the core element of the pun, the ロ sound, making the pun not work as it did before.

Even if you're pronouncing the stage as a Japanese person would (/ˈhaidroʊsəti/), it still doesn't sound as /vəˈlɑsəti/ does, so it isn't a pun there, either. That's why it's "lost in translation", because the pun was built from Japanese pronunciation.

Also hydrocity is not a word to describe hydration. That word is called hydration. Go learn to read kana and this won't be confusing for you anymore

>> No.9021882


>> No.9021901

The end of hydro is o which is shared with the end of velo. This is what makes it a pun, you're combining two roots with a matching sound. Emphasis on matching.

For the record, the o in the velo root is actually supposed to be long, just like hydro is, from Latin velōx. In the word velocious, not used very much today, it is long. The suffix -city shifts the o due to the surrounding vowels and stress pattern, in the way hydrocity would also shift the o. This same pattern appears in ferocious and ferocity.

>Also hydrocity is not a word
It's called wordplay.

The pun works in both languages even though both languages. Get over it retard.

>> No.9021910

Yes I know that Japanese doesn't have shifting vowel stress like in English. Japanese pronounces velocity and hydro identically. English would do this as well if hydrocity were a word, and so it's punning as though it were a word, while also punning on the fact that it's a city

>> No.9021924

Ah, yeah, fair enough.
Being kinda pedantic but I think that would be pronounced that way because of the -ology suffix rather than the hydro- prefix
"Photography" is admittedly a pretty good argument but I'm still calling it Hydro City

>> No.9021931

>Being kinda pedantic but I think that would be pronounced that way because of the -ology suffix rather than the hydro- prefix
That is the argument I'm making. And the long o in velox is shortened because of the -city suffix as well. To be really technical, suffixes that move the stress to the antepenultimate syllable (the third from the end) that end in a front vowel reduce otherwise long vowels to short vowels.

So whether we're using Japanese phonology and prosody or English, the pun works in both languages.

The pun works in English because you can read it both ways.

>> No.9021936

Also the suffix is -logy, not -ology, so it's not vowel assimilation (taking the vowel of ology) if that's what you meant. It's hydro-logy.

>> No.9021956
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>> No.9021959

Atrocious and atrocity. Another good example. Thank you.

>> No.9021993
File: 71 KB, 660x492, I_Like_Your_Funny_Words,_Magic_Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the o in the velo root is actually supposed to be long, just like hydro is
Why are people saying hy-draw-city, then? You do understand that means /'haidroʊsəti/ would be the most correct form, don't you? Have you completely lost the plot?

>> No.9022006

For the reason I just gave here >>9021931 and have argued for the past 20 posts. Keep up. English shifts vowel qualities if the word adds more syllables, particularly if the extra syllable causes the stress to fall on the antepenultimate. Derive-derivative. Photograph-photography. Velocious-velocity. Hydrogen-Hydrolysis.

>You do understand that means /'haidroʊsəti/ would be the most correct form, don't you?
If the stress were on the first syllable yes. But the -city suffix takes the antepenultimate. So it would shift the vowel.

What makes the pun brilliant in English is that you can read it both ways. You can read it hydro-city, city of water, or hydrocity, a word modeled after velocity.

But the pun works in Japanese as well because they don't have to do the vowel shift. They recognize it as hydro-city and hydro/velocity.

Whether we are using English or Japanese phonology/prosody, the pun works.

>> No.9022045

Indeed, what makes English brilliant is its ability to assimilate any language it comes across, context be damned.
For example, you've invented a word that works off conventions you're familiar with, and yet, you have yet to give one actual definition for the word "hydrocity" without associating it with terms like "theoretical". This is because it's not a word and you're pretending it is. It's effectively a bastardization of the original Japanese title.

>The stage is called hydrocity! It's so wet, you'll be at varying levels of hydrocity!!
>>Don't you mean hydration?
>Just let me have this please!!

>> No.9022062

The level name's not a real word in either English or Japanese.

>> No.9022071

It's a portmanteau of "ハイドロ" and "ベロシティ".

>> No.9022154

this is the most autistic thread I've seen on /vr/ and I love it

>> No.9022207

>english pun
so like hydrocity then

>> No.9022209
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>> No.9022213

baby's first intro to english phonology. unstressed vowels get reduced. Just like the "o" in velocity isn't pronounced as a long OH sound

>> No.9022217

it's a portmonteau of english morphemes. Just because japs transliterated it into moonrunes since that's their native writing system does not mean it's not english anymore.

>> No.9022223


>> No.9022226

do you also pronounce velocity as velowcity?

>> No.9022235

If that makes you feel better about conceding, sure.

>> No.9022253

what do you think transliteration does anon

>> No.9022280
File: 57 KB, 323x311, Knux1-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a portmanteau of "ハイドロ" and "ベロシティ".
You can say the same thing for hydro and city in English so I don't know why you're arguing it isn't a real word in English.
Your other tangent about the vowel pronunication not being the same doesn't have anything to do with this point by the way. There has never been a rule that you must abstain from vowel shifts in order for a pun to count as legitimate you pseud. Everyone recognizes "idiocracy" as exactly that sort of case and it doesn't matter that you don't pronounce "idiot" like it rhymes with "hot" or that you don't pronounce "democracy" like "dem-uh-cracy."

>> No.9022435

This is the worst post I will read all day. I already know.

>> No.9022453

I'd believe this if pun level names were common in sonic, and not just descriptors.
Marble garden, a garden with marble statues. Carnival night, a carnival, at night, green hill, with hills that are green, oil ocean, where the ocean is made of oil, hydrocity, a city full of hydro.

And not "hydrossity", a word that doesn't exist that sonic autists will bend over backwards to convince us is a Japanese pun for "go fast wetly"

>> No.9022454

Timeatt ACK

>> No.9022461

pol ack anon, why are you so obsessed with ack?

>> No.9022476


>> No.9022489
File: 208 KB, 1228x1299, 1653330843044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy I give a fuck.

>> No.9022675

> Pepe

Even worse than people who pronounce it wrong

>> No.9022696

>Indeed, what makes English brilliant is its ability to assimilate any language it comes across, context be damned.
The Japanese name is assimilating English words to begin with. City, velocity, and hydro are all borrowed from English. They have other sources of course, but English is the intermediary in this instance.
>For example, you've invented a word that works off conventions you're familiar with, and yet, you have yet to give one actual definition for the word "hydrocity" without associating it with terms like "theoretical".
There's no way you aren't arguing in bad faith. I gave a definition of the theoretical word, it would be the state of being wet, or, the amount of moisture in any given area, or whatever. It's not a real word. It's just a word that has a meaning that could easily be predicted based on knowing the prefix hydro. If you asked somebody to guess the meaning, they could easily come up with something involving measuring water. It's obviously modeled after velocity, you're arguing yourself that it's a portmanteau of the two words, obviously the Japanese also see it as "hydro city" and whatever this portmanteau means.

This retarded argument is like if I named a town shitposticity and then said it's both a town of shit posts and the state of shitposting and then you went "that's not a real word! You have to claim it's theoretical for your pun to even work!" No shit, most wordplay involves creating words that "aren't real" but whose meaning is immediately recognized, like when some retard on here says copetendo.
>>Don't you mean hydration?

>> No.9023129

your basic knowledge of a few kana is cute and all but you will never be japanese

>> No.9023551

Post related. My favorite level in Theme Hospital, Toxy City.

>> No.9023612
File: 290 KB, 1280x720, 1616794437216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can say the same thing for hydro and city in English
No, as they don't sound alike. You're thinking of a compound word
>I don't know why you're arguing it isn't a real word in English.
What I'm arguing is that the title "hydrocity" is specifically a Japanese pun and cannot work in English without creating a new, separate pun. The fact that Hydrocity isn't an actual word like Verocity and Hydrolysis was peripheral to the actual point above.
>Things only exist in patterns
No, but whatever.
>Go fast wetly
No way it's referring to the speed of sonic in water (which is slow).
>City, velocity, and hydro are all borrowed from English.
Transliterated to Japanese. Meaning it's Japanese.
If you order a croissant, are you ordering in English or in French? Hint: it depends on the words surrounding the borrowed word aka the language you're speaking.
>It's not a real word. It's just a word that has a meaning that could easily be predicted based on knowing the prefix hydro.
You are so close to getting it. The Japanese already gave the title a meaning, it's talking about "hydro" with velocity. Out of sheer linguistic coincidence, the term "velocity" has the word "city" left unaffected, giving the title it's final meaning: A city of fast-flowing water.

The issue is that we don't pronounce "velocity" like the Japanese, which means the original linguistic intention is lost and has to be approximated with a metric ton of special pleading

>> No.9023660


>> No.9023690

>Because trying to say hydrocity as velocity means intentionally mispronouncing "hydro" as "hydra".
Is this American linguistic heat death? This is suggesting that velocity is pronounced /vələ'səti/

Anyway the velocity pun is probably the correct etymology, but without knowing the pun I've always pronounced it as Hydrocity instead of Hydro City given it's ONE FUCKING WORD WITHOUT A SPACE and the fact there's NO FUCKING CITY TO BE SEEN. What fucking city even has "city" as a suffix? There's no Miamicity, Londoncity, Pariscity, FFS anybody who calls it Hydro City is a retarded cunt

>> No.9023879

>The issue is that we don't pronounce "velocity" like the Japanese
That doesn't matter at all.
>What I'm arguing is that the title "hydrocity" is specifically a Japanese pun and cannot work in English without creating a new, separate pun.
It's the same pun. Your hangup on it needing to be hydurushitty to count is inane. Nobody has trouble recognizing how the similar joke name idiocracy is pronounced and the fact idiot and democracy don't have the same o sound isn't an issue. I pronounce it as hydro-city and haven't seen any real evidence it was meant to be a pun, but to the extent it might be a pun in Japanese it's the same pun in English and pronounced the way you'd expect words like velocity to be pronounced.

>> No.9023990

>There's no Miamicity, Londoncity, Pariscity
Miami, London, and Paris are all standalone nouns. Hydro is generally a prefix you attach to make new words (without a space). Megacity is a word and works that way too:

>> No.9024010

Star Light zone has a space but Hydrocity doesn't

>> No.9024120
File: 46 KB, 397x520, 1619762791904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we pronounce velocity as /vəˈlɑsəti/
>This is suggesting that velocity is pronounced /vələ'səti/
Nice reading comprehension.
Aqueducts were used to establish cities, it's an accurate metaphor
>What fucking city even has "city" as a suffix?
It's the name of the zone, there's no municipal government for you to complain to about the name.
>That doesn't matter
I explained why it does. You can only name a thing once, everything after that is derivative.
>It's the same pun.
If it were the same pun, it would sound the same. It doesn't. You know, because
>we pronounce velocity as /vəˈlɑsəti/ (ベ ラ シティ) and not /vəˈloʊsəti/ (ベ ロ シティ)
>[In Japanese, velocity is spelled] ベ ロ シティ, not ベ ラ シティ
>By saying "hydra" instead, you're replacing the core element of the pun, the ロ sound, making the pun not work as it did before.
Thus not "the same pun"

>> No.9024143

aqueducts aren't cities you mongrel
Like holy fucking shit use occam's razor cunt there's no city in sight and it's one word, therefore it's pronounced like one word. You really are retarded

>> No.9024159
File: 119 KB, 320x222, 1619720551736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a metaphor
>in sight
Because you're underground.
If you're in a sewer, are you in a city?

>> No.9024178
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what about Dinossity?

>> No.9024183

Look at ハイドロシティゾーン
This reads as Haidoroshiti Zōn
Notice the lack of any long vowel. Kana has markers for vowel length as seen with Zone here (hence we know it is "Zone" and not "Zon"), yet "Haidoro" has no long vowel. If it were ハイドローシティゾーン then it would indeed be Hydro City (haJdɹəʊ.'sJti) but the evidence overwhelmingly suggests /haJˈdɹɒsəti/ so yeah you're gay
>If you're in a sewer, are you in a city?
no you're not in the fucking city cunt where is the central business district of a fucking sewer you inbred cunt

>> No.9024264 [DELETED] 

>so yeah, you're gay
>*plays enter sandman shittily*
Apt metaphor, considering I wasn't arguing that "haidoro" had a long vowel. I was arguing that it isn't spelled "haidara". Since that would be how the English approcimation of the final name sounds. "Haidarashitei". "Hy-draw-city".
>where is the central business district of a fucking sewer
Cities. Sewers are city infrastructure. Kek

>> No.9024272

>so yeah, you're gay
>*plays enter sandman shittily*
Apt metaphor, considering I wasn't arguing that "haidoro" had a long vowel. I was arguing that it isn't spelled "haidara". Since that would be how the English approximation of the final name sounds. "Haidarashitei". "Hy-draw-city".
>where is the central business district of a fucking sewer
Cities. Sewers are city infrastructure. Kek

>> No.9024294

where the fuck is haidara coming from?

>> No.9024298
File: 543 KB, 657x641, permanoob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that would be how the English approximation of the final name sounds. "Haidarashitei". "Hy-draw-city".

>> No.9024314

americans are strange creatures, seeing them write phonetically makes me want speak another language
Anyway that would be haidorō

>> No.9024315

in a perfect world this logic would be sound, but the reality is that japs do an awful job with transliteration -- even when they don't it's still a limited syllabary -- and you can't really make "katakana is law" arguments most of the time

>> No.9024327

do sewers have addresses

>> No.9024345

>that would be hydorō
Thanks, I've said that already.
>japs do an awful job with transliteration
And yet, you can only name a thing once. This would indeed mean that
>"katakana is law"
Because it shows very plainly how the name is pronounced. If you want to call it something else, that's fine. Just understand that's effectively like calling Snivy "Smugleaf". It's non canon.
They do if you aflush them down

>> No.9024354

no you said it would be haidara

>> No.9024368
File: 46 KB, 380x335, sofa-king-wee-todd-did.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>9024272
>I was arguing that it isn't spelled "haidara"

>> No.9024380

dont care

>> No.9024386

it’s a chimichanga

>> No.9024434

>Because it shows very plainly how the name is pronounced.
again, it would be nice if this was the case, but japs don't always choose exactly the right katakana to convey meaning. i know what you're saying, that the -a syllables would more closely approximate certain english pronunciations that are spelled with an o, but they just aren't cognizant of this a lot of the time. this is a huge problem with certain people's names when they work with/move to japan, they try to alter their name a bit from the "standard" and japs just beat them down with a worse, tried-and-true version of their name that doesn't sound right at all.

i mean, one look at ワクチン for example tells you that the japanese cannot be trusted with this shit. things aren't even uniform, usually a v sound is just a バ/ベ/whatever, sometimes it's like a ウ with a dakuten, here it's a ワ. what the fuck?

>> No.9024532

>japs don't always choose exactly the right katakana to convey meaning
So what? We are talking about this instance specifically, i'm not saying that kana is a superior writing system. I'm saying the title was written in kana, that means it's a Japanese name. The fact it's transliterated from English is exactly what makes it Japanese. If you take issue with the kana choice, explain. If not, don't waste time discussing irrelevant topics.
>this is a huge problem with certain people's names when they work with/move to japan, they try to alter their name a bit from the "standard" and japs just beat them down with a worse, tried-and-true version of their name that doesn't sound right at all.
This is indeed why hydrocity is pronounced incorrectly stateside. How is this supposed to be supporting the alternative pronunciation being canon?

>> No.9024570

is there any reason why the Americans on this board have uniquely woeful English skills? There's always somebody arguing about how to pronounce an easily-pronounced word and making cope mental gymnastics about how his down syndrome version is TRUE and HONEST

>> No.9024574

>He doesn't know public schooling is severely underfunded and lacking in role models

>> No.9024581

knowledge is free you can literally just read Dakyn's Anabasis for $0

>> No.9024584

Look at the Japanese manual for Sonic 3.


Starting at page 40 are the level pages. For every level that's clearly two words, you see the two words separated with ・, which is commonly used (but not always) to separate foreign loan words in lieu of spaces. If you can't read Japanese, just look for the character that looks like a bullet point.

エンジェル・アイランド - Angel Island
マーブル・ガーデン - Marble Garden
カーニバル・ナイト - Carnival Night
ランチ・ベース - Launch Base

The odd ones out?

ハイドロシティ - Hydrocity
アイスキャップ - Icecap (yes, icecap can be one word): https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/icecap

This character isn't always used, but when it is used, it's generally used pretty consistency. I see no reason why there's a clear pattern in the Sonic 3 manual that isn't "Hydrocity and Icecap are both intended to be one word". In the Sonic and Knuckles manual, this character doesn't even exist in the levels section; this is what I mean by inconsistency. It's pretty much down to preference of whoever is writing the text.

If the pun doesn't work in English, why is this debate such a 50/50 split among English speakers? Hint: it's because it does work in English. The other half who think it doesn't work because of the high percentage of autistic Sonic fans that interpret everything literally. It's not that complicated.

>> No.9024585

>forgetting to put a space in the name
See: >>9024584
The Japanese manual is consistent. There was never meant to be a space.

>> No.9024608
File: 47 KB, 192x256, 5f7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it doesn't work, why do people still think it works?
Because they're wrong, and I've already explained why. This argument is effectively "if the clock is broken, then why are people still using it to tell time?". Who cares! It's a broken clock!
>Hint: it's because it does work in English
I've already explained why it doesn't:
>By saying "hydra [from hy-draw-city]" instead, you're replacing the core element of the pun, the ロ sound, making the pun not work as it did before.
Way to grant your own premise, you hack
>The other half who think it doesn't work because of the high percentage of autistic Sonic fans that interpret everything literally.
So what you mean to say is, autistic fans know it literally doesn't work, and you're discounting that because they're autistic
They may be autistic but that's just plain retarded

>> No.9025227

never discount autism, it's everywhere and can skew the data in either direction

>> No.9026184

Sure seemed like you did

>> No.9026272
File: 2.26 MB, 769x616, bluebutt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have sex with sonic the hedgehog. Why did sega make him so sexy guys?

>> No.9026439

Your argument is clearly wrong since there are so many who got the pun in English. Look at Sega's own Twitter poll: https://twitter.com/SEGA/status/1535669223023951873
>By saying "hydra [from hy-draw-city]" instead, you're replacing the core element of the pun, the ロ sound, making the pun not work as it did before
What are you even on about? I never said any of that shit.
>So what you mean to say is, autistic fans know it literally doesn't work, and you're discounting that because they're autistic
No, I'm saying that they are too retarded to understand a pun because puns are abstract. That you somehow interpreted otherwise makes me question your autism status.

>> No.9026463

>I never said any of that shit.
He was quoting his own nonsensical argument wherein hydrocity pronounced in Japanese counts as a legitimate pun because they pronounce the o part the same either hydro or velocity while hydrocity doesn't count as a legitimate pun in English because you use a long o for hydro and a short o in velocity.
Basically he is adamant this makes the English version of the pun completely different from the Japanese version even though it's the same combination of an English prefix with an English word because he has some bizarre belief in a lack of vowel shift as a "core" property of a legitimate pun, with pun titles everyone knows how to pronounce and gets in spite of vowel shift like "idiocracy" also secretly being wrong.

>> No.9026848
File: 118 KB, 855x1140, IMG_0008-e1548200746970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People can be collectively wrong so that means they're actually right
>Puns are abstract
Not necessarily, especially in this case. It's a homophonic pun, combining two literal words that share a literal identical sound. That's right up autist avenue. Also
>thinking every autistic person functions the same
This isn't about whether or not the mechanism of phonetic approximation is functional. In fact, since you apparently need it, this is me openly conceding to Americans and their ability to misinterpret information for sake of their own convenience. That wasn't up for debate.
The issue is regarding the Original name, and how pronouncing it differently makes it a Different name. I'm not saying it isn't used colloquially, quite the opposite. I'm simply stating that you can only name something once, and the language used to name something will inherently determine how we pronounce the Original name. For example, Italians are super picky about how to say shit like Mozzarella and Parmesan and so on, and the same thing applies to any other language. There is an Original name, and then there is the Americanization (since English is the international business language).
That said:
>it's the same combination of an English prefix with an English word
1. If it were a prefix it would be "hydrovelocity", which honestly sounds cooler anyway.
2. If the title was actually English, it wouldn't be accompanied by kana indicating a non-english pronunciation.
3. The title is accompanied by kana with non-english pronunciation because the word is intended for a Japanese audience
Those things considered, it's safe to say that the "English" in the title is more accurately described as "Romaji". Probably the Hepburn system, but that's up for debate. Either way, Romaji is still Japanese.

If the Japanese could read English, things like this shirt wouldn't exist

>> No.9026935

>If the title was actually English, it wouldn't be accompanied by kana indicating a non-english pronunciation.

>> No.9026942

Please just kill yourself

>> No.9027012 [DELETED] 

>being unaware romaji has numerous stylings
I said it was Hepburn earlier, but you're right. The lack of a long O would mean it's clearly the Nihon-shiki system, especially considering it was intended for a Japanese audience.

In case you didn't catch it: Romaji is still Japanese

>> No.9027043

>ikkekap zone

>> No.9027049

>the first syllables should be emphasized
fuck off

>> No.9027051
File: 25 KB, 864x766, 1618493235859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hid roke eye tee

>> No.9027114

Misremembering a spelling is not even remotely analogous to interpreting a compound word as a pun rather than just two words stuck together.
>Not necessarily, especially in this case. It's a homophonic pun, combining two literal words that share a literal identical sound.
Your entire argument is predicated on "it's a pun in Japanese, but not English". If it made no sense in English, there wouldn't even be a debate over whether it's a pun in English. Outside of Japan, the pun would be relegated to fun trivia about regional differences rather than the autistic screeching fest it is.
>>thinking every autistic person functions the same
Interesting to see you take what was obviously a joke about "retards being too stupid to understand wordplay" literally. Your autism is showing, anon.
>If the Japanese could read English, things like this shirt wouldn't exist
Wow, what a convincing argument that is totally relevant to pronunciation by devs that worked in the United States in a building full of English speakers.
>Those things considered, it's safe to say that the "English" in the title is more accurately described as "Romaji". Probably the Hepburn system, but that's up for debate. Either way, Romaji is still Japanese
There is no romaji whatsoever in any of the level names. What in the fuck are you even trying to say?
Also: >>9026935
You don't think the devs would ask the English speakers in the building "Hey, does this pun make sense?"? Since, you know, the pun is predicated on two English words being put together to make a homophone of another.

>> No.9027309

>No long vowel
This doesn't magically make ロ sound like ラ so that it phonetically matches the English form as it does in Japanese. It's as if the titles were created by Japanese people writing for a Japanese audience.
I wasn't expecting you to understand how denying reality and replacing it with your own isn't analogous, as that would involve acknowledgement that you're doing that. Case in point,
>interpreting a compound word as a pun rather than just two words stuck together.
It's not a compound word, if it were it would be "hydrovelocity". You clearly don't know what my actual argument is. Case in point,
>Your entire argument is predicated on "it's a pun in Japanese, but not English".
My argument is that the Original pun only works in Japanese, and the English approximation isn't the same as the original because they inherently sound different.
>Interesting to see you take what was obviously a joke about "retards being too stupid to understand wordplay" literally.
>obviously a joke about retards
>>autistic Sonic fans that interpret everything literally.
Oh yeah, super obvious. More obvious than the stereotype that retards interpret everything literally, which is in no way associated with autists. Special pleading much?
>devs that worked in the United States in a building full of English speakers
I'm sure they had meaningful water cooler conversations about phonetics and pronunication when they weren't busy working on Spinball. That would explain why the pun works in Japanese but must be phonetically modified from its original pronunication to work in English.
>the pun is predicated on two English words being put together to make a homophone of another.
Katakana isn't English. The English form of "hydro" and "velocity" don't share the homophonic characteristic the kana form does. Proof the title is Japanese.

Just a guess, the Japanese devs and the American devs barely communicated whatsoever because they were busy working on separate games.

>> No.9027324

do white people really

>> No.9027336


>> No.9027412
File: 11 KB, 178x211, 9a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do I get the sudden urge to fuck Eggman?

>> No.9027427

The portmanteau in English doesn't follow the same stringent vowel loyalty as it does in Japanese. The pun, if there is one, is dependent on identical interlinguistic pronunciation of the word "velocity". It works in Japanese because the respective words use the same open back unrounded vowel, which thereby dooms any attempt to localize the joke as painful, unclever sounding, audible cringe.
"Hydrossity" sounds like a made-up word that only a weeb manchild would ever defend let alone insist upon using.
The double meaning is lost and cannot be salvaged. This is the fate of nearly all in-language jokes.

>> No.9027453


Anyone saying otherwise is wrong. Beyond the intended pun, the English language is a mish-mash of other languages and constantly breaks its own rules. Its why goose pluralized is geese and moose pluralized is not meese. Its why you can say "i before e except after" and then tons of words break the rules anyway. So people saying it has to be pronounced "city" because its spelled that way are fallacious. Theyre going on nothing but their own confirmation bias.

>> No.9027480

the fact that hydraussites only have a presumptive weeb appeal to autority for an argument really tells you everything you need to know

sonic level names are descriptions of the environment. the word velocity doesn't do this at all. even if it were technically a pun you're still supposed to think of it as "hydro city"

>> No.9027485

where is the city

>> No.9027491

green hill is actually a sloppy gaijin mistranslation of "gu-re-nia-riru" which is a based pun of 'green' and 'denial'. you see because people who make this argument are in denial of the fact that they will never be japanese and should have committed suicide long before they were old enough to post on the internet

>> No.9027495

Angel Island.
>Millenia ago, Angel Island was part of a continent on Sonic's world. Back then, this area was inhabited by the Knuckles Clan, a powerful clan of echidnas that heavily shaped the island's history. As such, several ancient areas that can be found on Angel Island were once built by the Knuckles Clan. These include giant temples, ruined cities, and complex underground waterways.
If I had to guess, I'd say it's above the waterways.

>> No.9027498

i don't see any duracells on flying battery so that must mean its real name if fryingidu battelididudesu

>> No.9027501

irrigation isnt a city

>> No.9027504

>what is a metaphor

>> No.9027505
File: 9 KB, 320x224, Lavareef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh where the coral reefs at that must mean this zone is pronounced lava refrigerator zone.

when do i get my free japan visa and race reassignment surgery?

>> No.9027509

>he thinks it's called coral reef zone

>> No.9027510

oh my mistake, i of course meant "ravadu leifligedatudufufududu" as the aryans intended it

>> No.9027512

no but i know what a reef is

>> No.9027514

it's a SANCTUARY and yet there's enemies? clearly it was meant to be called sky satanuary zone

>> No.9027515

you keep using that word but you don't know what it means

>> No.9027516

i see no murderous chicken in death egg zone hmm suspicious

>> No.9027519

flying battery is also a pun
do people not know this? lmao

>> No.9027521

Then you know reefs contain rock. If you want to be pedantic, it should actually be called magma reef zone.

>> No.9027526

and contains no double AAs so that must mean you're supposed to pronounce it differently

>> No.9027528

and you should know that they're only under the sea retard
>it should actually be
no. it shouldn't. that's the point. meds.

>> No.9027532

Where do you think magma comes from

>> No.9027540
File: 49 KB, 960x958, 1498382738203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this is fucking autistic god bless you

>> No.9027551

The network of waterways is analogous to the network of a city, it's a metaphor

>> No.9027558

that's fucking retarded. Sonic levels are about finding the shortest path - this is literally networking from basic maths. Every Sonic level could be called a city then. FFS use Occam's Razor

>> No.9027565

god among men
trust me my australian friend, it's not all americans. just the autists. the guy in this thread is probably the same guy i argued with about this the last time this meme argument was posted.
yes, saying "there's no city" is not the greatest argument in favor of it being a pun, but neither is "all levels are literal descriptions of the environment, therefore no fun allowed" a good argument in favor of it not being a pun

>> No.9027569

>Every Sonic level could be metaphorically called a city then

>> No.9027571 [DELETED] 

i will vigorously rape you and then say it's a metaphor

>> No.9027574

i thought literal descriptions of the environment was "no fun allowed". it's a symbolic city of water

>> No.9027576

how about you actually read my post you illiterate faggot

>> No.9027580

ア isn't used to transcribe a short o. Look at other loanwords like パソコン or コンビニ, which use a single オ to transcribe short o.

>> No.9027582

the naming scheme of every other sonic zone actually is a pretty good start as to where we could derive the meaning of hydro city

>> No.9027584

you do understand that it can be hydro+city *and* a pun on velocity, right? like, that's actually what makes it fucking funny?

>> No.9027592

>it's "hydraussity" because muh pun
>that's now how sonic level names work
then the whole argument is invalid

>> No.9027594

it wouldn't be a pun if the whole thing wasn't predicated on combining hydro and city to make a new word

>> No.9027598

i understand your logic but point is that's where they're coming from and is the only argument they've mustered for why it isn't hydro city

>> No.9027609

i always thought it was meant to be like electricity but hydro
Either way it's not Hydro City because Hydrocity is one word

>> No.9027615

that is totally not the "only argument" for why it isn't a pun. just because one retard is using bad arguments doesn't mean you can project it on another poster
yes, it's a pun, but the pun only works because it combines hydro and city. it's pronounced as one word, but it's still a compound word. i agree: it's hardly a city, but you've gotta go along with the name for the pun to even exist.

>> No.9027617

oh how could i forget the master's thesis of an argument WHERE'S MUH CITY

>> No.9027618

I know, that's why I said ロ isn't ラ. Because ロ has no ア sound.

>> No.9027623

i mean, it is hardly a city, but the level name clearly contains city for a reason beyond just making a pun.

>> No.9027627

i can't think of any other "arguments"

we all know its just cope for mispronouncing it as a kid. i already saw it right since i was already familiar with words like hydroelectric

>> No.9027630

>we all know its just cope for mispronouncing it as a kid
it's clearly a pun and you're autistic as fuck for denying at this point just because some faggots can't argue worth a shit.
>i already saw it right since i was already familiar with words like hydroelectric

>> No.9027639

i fucking see how its a pun, that just isn't an argument for why it's "hydraussity" as others have tried to claim

>> No.9027640

if it's not pronounced like velocity, how is it a pun?

>> No.9027642

It doesn't matter, オ is still used for the /ɒ/ phoneme.

>> No.9027643

It is pronounced like ベロシティ

>> No.9027646

in english, retard-kun

>> No.9027648

Exactly. You can't pronounce the pun in English without fucking with it.>>9027427

>> No.9027650

But you can?

>> No.9027653

hai-drossity does that just fine, retard. that's why there's a debate to begin with. if it didn't work, pretty much no one would think it did.

>> No.9027656

who the fuck sees the 'hy' and reads "heh"? learn to read english before you pretend to understand japanese

>> No.9027664

You have yet to explain how you're contradicting anything I've said
>we pronounce velocity as /vəˈlɑsəti/ (ベ ラ シティ) and not /vəˈloʊsəti/ (ベ ロ シティ)
>[In Japanese, velocity is spelled] ベ ロ シティ, not ベ ラ シティ
I agree, it's clearly pronounced like ハイ

>> No.9027669

the japanese pronunciation, and by extension how the pun works in that language, has absolutely fuck all to do with the pun working in english.

>> No.9027670

That's exactly why it's a different pun

>> No.9027673

you haven't explained what the "different" pun is. the pronunciation is the only thing that changes between languages, and that's only because japanese transliterates loan words imperfectly.

>> No.9027675

>>we pronounce velocity as /vəˈlɑsəti/
The accurate phonemic transcription is /vəˈlɒsəti/, not /vəˈlɑsəti/. In some English dialects /ɒ/ is pronounced as /ɑ/, but this is not universal.
This is why the Japanese transliteration is ベ ロ シティ. /ɒ/ is close to the /o/ vowel of ロ. The same pattern is used for other transliterations of this phoneme.
>and not /vəˈloʊsəti/ (ベ ロ シティ)
/loʊ/ wouldn't be ロ, it'd be ロー. Again, this is the pattern used in other transliterations.

>> No.9027695

The fact they're different languages. It's right there under your fingers.
>the japanese pronunciation, and by extension how the pun works in that language, has absolutely fuck all to do with the pun working in english.
>Japanese pun
>English pun
>absolutely fuck all to do with each other
You're so close to getting it.

>> No.9027705

The only people who enjoy this sbit are hydrosissys

>> No.9027706

>In some English dialects /ɒ/ is pronounced as /ɑ/, but this is not universal.
Never claimed it was. So, you just felt like correcting my phonemic transcription even though it wasn't necessarily wrong.
>/loʊ/ wouldn't be ロ, it'd be ロー
Both of which aren't ラ. If you're not even going to approach why I'm bringing up ラ then you're entirely missing the point being made.

>> No.9027709

them being different languages is not a pun, retard-kun

>> No.9027715

Nice reading comprehension. Consider rest.

>> No.9027724

By pronouncing velocity with /ɒ/, the pun works in English and the japanese transliteration of ベ ロ シティ is accurate. Correcting the transcription matters for that reason.

>> No.9027737

Wow I thought this was a joke thread, but there are really people up in here arguing for hydrossity.

>> No.9027741


>> No.9027757

kek nice

>> No.9027764

Well then, allow me.
>we pronounce velocity as /vəˈlɒsəti/ (ベ ラ シティ) and not /vəˈloʊsəti/ (ベ ロ シティ)
>[In Japanese, velocity is spelled] ベ ロ シティ, not ベ ラ シティ
/ɒ/ is the vowel sound of ア which includes ラ, so I'll have to heartily disagree that /ɒ/ is "close" to the /o/ vowel of ロ. ア is not a homonym of オ. Either it's homophonic or it isn't.

>/loʊ/ wouldn't be ロ, it'd be ロー
If you have a better phonemic transcription for ロ, feel free to correct it. The argument remains unaffected.

>> No.9027781

>/ɒ/ is the vowel sound of ア
No. There's no direct analogues between Japanese vowels and English vowels, but rounded open vowels (/ɔː/, /ɒ/) are consistently transliterated as オ while unrounded open vowels (/æ/, /ɑ/, /ʌ/) are consistently transliterated as ア.

>> No.9027784

>/ɒ/ is the vowel sound of ア which includes ラ
no you fucker the vowel there is /a/

>> No.9027802

meh-gah-mii sounds better imo

>> No.9027810

wait, how is that a pun?

>> No.9027814
File: 9 KB, 302x151, velocity_velawcity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this whole thread is just Americans arguing with Brits and the rest of the English speaking world (for whom the pun was intended, along with the Japanese), right?

>> No.9027817

battery (noun)
1. a container consisting of one or more cells, in which chemical energy is converted into electricity and used as a source of power.
2. a fortified emplacement for heavy guns.
flying battery (sonic zone)
1. stage is full of electromagnets and other electric hazards
2. it's a flying battery, as in artillery battery (it just drops bombs, but close enough. i think they were going for a play on "flying fortress")

>> No.9027825


>> No.9027831

Japs didn't invent a fake word with their portmanteau the way hydrautists have.
In Japanese, ハイドロシティ is a linguistically sound concept where no alterations in pronunciation are involved with achieving the pun.
Words need to be similar in the first place in order to be blended into amiably resonating portmanteaus.
That's the difference.

>> No.9027841

so the pun works in both languages, but works differently in each. thanks anon, glad you could clear that up for us.

>> No.9027845


Americans pronounce velocity differently to most of the English-speaking world. The pun works in British English, Australian English, etc., but not in American English.

>> No.9027847

Not retro, but my favorite pun in Sonic is the last "stage" in Colors being high speed escape through the self destructing entry terminal of the interstellar amusement park being titled "Terminal Velocity".

>> No.9027849

That's clever, I never noticed that.

>> No.9027853

>rounded open vowels (/ɔː/, /ɒ/) are consistently transliterated as オ while unrounded open vowels (/æ/, /ɑ/, /ʌ/) are consistently transliterated as ア
So that's why you asserted the perfectly valid form of /vəˈlɑsəti/ was wrong, because it violated those rules.

It's almost like I'm not arguing against /vəˈlɒsəti/ sounding like ベロシティ then, innit

>> No.9027854

Fuck you people are time wasters lol

>> No.9027856

I've lost track of this argument. What is your original point?

>> No.9027949

>unrounded open vowels (/æ/, /ɑ/, /ʌ/) are consistently transliterated as ア
>[Americans] pronounce velocity as /vəˈlɑsəti/ (ベラシティ)
>Velocity in Japanese is pronounced ベロシティ
Im still unconvinced that ロ has an /ɒ/ phoneme, however. It's a lot closer to /o̞/.

>> No.9027960

ロ isn't /ɒ/, but /ɒ/ sounds closer to /o̞/ than to /ä/ does which is why it gets transliterated that way instead of ラ.
If you wanted to transliterate the specifically American pronunciation I think ラ would fit better, but ロ fits for other forms of English like RP.

>> No.9027992
File: 9 KB, 669x250, hydro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are saying it's a British thing, but that doesn't check out.
No one can expect anyone to see the 5 letters "hydro" and not pronounce it like the word "hydro".
Absolute foolishness.

>> No.9028003


>> No.9028005

The prefix there is hydr- not hydro-. The original o of oxide is retained.

You still have to pronounce it slightly differently, but it's a much slighter difference than in American English.

>> No.9028009

>/ɒ/ sounds closer to /o̞/ than to /ä/
Perhaps so, but /o̞/ is closer to /o/ than /ɒ/. I'm fairly certain ロ is /ro̞/, not /rɒ/.

>> No.9028010

That's right, yeah.

>> No.9028014

>not hydro-
You're fucking joking. Break down the etymology for me then: what the FUCK IS A "HYDR"??? You're trolling, I know you are, you can't be this stupid and not aware of it. It is astonishing that you typed that holocaust of the universe and actually believed it. You can't even imagine how retarded you are. Nevermind that Hydrocity could perhaps BY YOUR OWN LOGIC have omitted the o from "hydro" and appended "ocity" from "velocity" to it. I'm really disappointed and I'm feeling depressed on your behalf; these feelings are compounded by knowing you lack the ability to introspect and can never really feel

>> No.9028026

That would mean /ˈhaidrɒsəti/ would be incorrect. It would be /ˈhaidro̞səti/.

>> No.9028031

It's common to remove a vowel from a prefix to avoid two consecutive vowels (hiatus). Philo + anthropy = philanthropy, for example. It's the same thing with hydroxide.

I agree that hydrocity rhymes with velocity, though. I'm just clarifying how prefixes work.

>> No.9028037

It's not assimilation, it's stress pattern that gives it its pronunciation in that word.

>> No.9028039

Oxide already has an o, a vowel is clearly being elided.

>> No.9028046

The Japanese /o̞/ is approximating English /ɒ/.

If it were approximating /ɑ/ it would be /ä/ and if it were approximating /oʊ/ it would be /o̞ː/

>> No.9028062

Downright retardation
/o̞/ isn't in English. What's significant about using kana here is that Japanese has a non-close back rounded vowel and is able mark for the length of this vowel. English uses the letter "o" for the concept of a non-close back rounded vowel. Since there is no marker in the kana for vowel length in the "hydro" part, we can say without any doubt nor conceivable counterargument that the "o" in Hydrocity is a short non-close back rounded vowel. This vowel is given in English as /ɑ/, /ɔ/, or /ɒ/ depending on dialect. Never mind that there is no city. So yeah, you're gay.

>> No.9028072

Wishing a good morning to everybody in this thread except the Japanese autist

>> No.9028117

>if it were approximating /oʊ/ it would be /o̞ː/
This seems familiar.
>/ro̞ː/ - ロー
>/ro̞/ - ロ
That confirms it, then. /ˈhaidro̞səti/.
What you meant to say is
>/o̞/ isn't used in Recieved Pronunciation
While ignoring that it is used in various other English dialects
>This vowel is given in English as /ɑ/, /ɔ/, or /ɒ/ depending on dialect
And /o̞/, because General American is an English dialect whether you like it or not.

>> No.9028134

General American represents that as /ɑ/

>> No.9028150

>GA represents open back rounded vowels as open back unrounded vowels
Uh, no?

>> No.9028160


>> No.9028165

Some accents are famous for having the distinction between the two, but those are accents that haven't undergone this:


>> No.9028175

That's a different merger, actually. Both /ɒ/ and /ɔː/ are rounded vowels with similar height and backness that are mainly distinguished by length. The actual merger is between /ɒ/ and /ɑ/.

>> No.9028178

>non-close back rounded vowels and close-mid back rounded vowels are the same!!
No, they really aren't

>> No.9028179


>Hydrogen + oxide = hydroxide.
The 'o' from "oxide" gets retained.
>Hydro + ocidity (as in "velocity") = hydrossity
is the argument, but I don't buy it, because hydro and city are separate words, so even if you jam them together, you can't expect people to think the ocity is a play on velocity. Non-autists will see Hydro City.
>B-but the Japanese!
The average Japanese person would not know the word ベロシティ to mean velocity. They have a non-katakana Japanese word for that. Possibly the people that named the level could have been really clever, but you can't argue that it's some pun that all Japanese players picked up on.
I personally think that on the Japanese side as well, they just put together the words Hydro and City.

>> No.9028190

I always thought it was electricity but hydro instead so even with a potentially incorrect etymology I still decided to pronounce Hydrocity - which was written as a single word - as a single word. Also, there's the kana. Hydrocity is correct so shut the fuck up there is nothing left to dicuss

>> No.9028194

>The average Japanese person would not know the word ベロシティ to mean velocity.
That's what makes it a cool pun. In appearance it's just saying hydro city, but if the katakana is read, it sounds a bit like "high velocity".

>> No.9028223

Kana could also just by hydro city, though.
Maybe they just forgot the ・ or didn't want to put it for some reason.
At this point I'm certain you've thought about it more than they ever did.

>> No.9028231

>or didn't want to put it for some reason
Maybe, possibly, because they were making a portmanteau

>> No.9028243

Mate, it could have a fucking・but the lack of ー (vowel length marker) is more telling. Am I getting through to you with this vowel length talk? For English that would differentiate əʊ from ɒ

>> No.9028256

You're being condescending to the wrong anon, anon. Stop playing guess who

>> No.9028510

I think we can all agree he's by far the worst part of this thread in a way that's transcended the original hydro city vs. hydrossity debate.

>> No.9029446

If it's not supposed to literally be interpreted as "Hydro + City" then it's the only Sonic level whose name doesn't specifically reference the physical characteristics of the level in any manner.

>> No.9029746

its that, and the pun on velocity. it wouldn't work otherwise.

>> No.9029881

top lel

>> No.9030301

That would be /ˈhaidro̞səti/

>> No.9030327

no, it wouldn't, because it's a fucking pun
pronounce it like that and the pun doesn't work

>> No.9030347

Pronounce it as written and the pun works fine.

>> No.9030364

hydrocity like velocity
simple as

>> No.9030374 [DELETED] 

ITT white people thinking there's a pun.

>> No.9030414
File: 45 KB, 402x301, 1482787011932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> -nik is "one who does"
>Robotnik does machines

>> No.9030415

/ˈhaidrːo̞səti/ like high velocity
/ˈhaidrːɒsəti/ if you're using RP

>> No.9030418

>geminated r
What trolling is this

>> No.9030425
File: 1.53 MB, 1613x907, Sonic_Adventure_2_(Dark_Story___Final_Story)___Real-Time_Fandub_Games_12-59_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pis drːɒplːəts/

>> No.9030428

>The most common sound represented by the letter r in English is the voiced postalveolar approximant, pronounced a little more back and transcribed more precisely in IPA as ⟨ɹ̠⟩, but ⟨ɹ⟩ is often used for convenience in its place. For further ease of typesetting, English phonemic transcriptions might use the symbol ⟨r⟩ even though this symbol represents the alveolar trill in phonetic transcription.

>> No.9030435

READ NIGGER, "geminated"
You fucker, you have to be the same person who was obtuse about vowel length if you're also obtuse about consonant length

>> No.9030456

By not addressing it, I clearly don't think it's wrong. How about using your words to explain your contrary viewpoint, rather than failing to elucidate your issue due to your numerous displays of neurotic frothing

>> No.9030603

ENGLISH DOES NOT HAVE CONSONANT LENGTH (except when a word ends with the same consonant the next word begins with)

>> No.9030610

Like holy fuck the fact you put a colon after the /ɹ/ suggests you actually are a DROOLING retard who drawls because he is fucking inbred. There is no other explanation (aside from trolling) why you think people hang onto that fucking r when they speak; you have a profound speech impediment.

>> No.9030660
File: 413 KB, 640x480, 1615478919878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(except when a word ends with the same consonant the next word begins with)
I'd explain how this applies but you'll just continue neurotically frothing as it involves disputing your insistence on the title being a pun on just "velocity" and not "high velocity".
>you think people hang onto that fucking r when they speak
I'm not the one asserting how people must speak, that's you. I've transliterated the original title with pun intact and you're too preoccupied with obstinate pedantry to see that.

>> No.9030667

>disputing your insistence on the title being a pun on just "velocity" and not "high velocity".
what the FUCK does this have to do with consonant length?
>I've transliterated the original title with pun intact

>> No.9030681
File: 5 KB, 580x139, notlong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hydro doesn't have a ー

>> No.9030684

Is adding length to match a longer phrase not self evident enough for you?

>> No.9030686

you really are a stupid cunt making up bullshit
>no actually my speech impediment has intent, you see-

>> No.9030694

This is a specific use case to communicate an idea, an idea you had no problem understanding. You are inventing things to get upset about.

>> No.9030765

kill yourselves.

>> No.9030782

>high velocity
kill yourself harder

>> No.9030784

even with your bullshit cope you missed the mark in actually accurately transliterating what you're trying to get at. Idk why you need to save face so hard on an anonymous message board, holy fucking shit have you ever worked one day in your life?

>> No.9030890

>insisting it's inaccurate
You clearly understood the /r/ consonant was to be extended, and yet,
Misrepresentation doesn't get much more blatant.
>[high] [ve'locity]
"Hydro" still sounds like "hydro", and the structure is far closer to the original pronunciation.
Because it's supposed to sound like high velocity. Your interpretation doesn't even sound like "hydro", the core element of the stage.
Hydrocarbon. Hydrofoil. Hydrohydrodesulphurization. It's hydro+city, not hydr- + -ocity.
It's a metaphor
Yours is just hydro+velocity. The original is hydro+city/high velocity.

>> No.9030904

Good morning to everybody ITT except the Japanese autist

>> No.9030998

I don't understand, what option are you offering? I don't see how you could pronounce this word differently.

>> No.9031001


>> No.9031090

something overlooked is that hydrocity has those parts where fans blast you forward and high velocity/ハイベロシティ is a common sensational adjective used to describe fan speeds

>> No.9031173

Stirring overanalysis on a game made for babies.

>> No.9031197
File: 248 KB, 483x436, antigov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really have a 300+ post thread arguing over how to pronounce a level in a Sonic game, eh?

>> No.9031273

i agree its hydro city all this velocity talk is just hydraussity cope to begin with

>> No.9031279

'dr' isn't a full syllable retard. its 'dro'.

>> No.9031353

yes, well i'm sure you guys are here for respectable reasons

>> No.9031357

To laugh at you.

>> No.9031386

better than 300 threads about how what you use to play old games is inferior

>> No.9031416
File: 41 KB, 678x580, 1618351977484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needing to be spoonfed this much
Maybe this time you'll get it

>> No.9031594

it's still dro

>> No.9031615


>> No.9031724

Me? I'm a Hydro Shitty kinda guy.

>> No.9031874

Good for you, man.

>> No.9032404

Where does it say that?

>> No.9033379

a synonim for waterness that could have existed
not geedro/haidro city

>> No.9033394

no. these pronunciations are the same. the rest of the world doesn't see the difference and the topic of the debate is geedro or haidro - i think.

>> No.9033714

where does "it" say what?
1. hydrocity zone has those parts where fans blast you forward
2. high velocity/ハイベロシティ is something you can look at market listings for fans and see used as an adjective

>> No.9033739

Hi everybody, wishing another good morning to everybody in this thread except the Japanese autist

>> No.9033848

Where are you getting "geedro" from? I've never heard that pronunication

>> No.9034249

>can't dispute /ˈhaiˌd.ɹo̞səti/
>blogposts instead

>> No.9034493

my bad, this russian pronunciation isn't as widespread as i thought

>> No.9034515

Oh, cool. No worries, the beauty of language is in its variety.

>> No.9035294


>> No.9035321

nothing to dispute. that just isn't how its said. its hy-dro, not hy-d-ro. nobody has ever said it like this. this is just mental gymnast cope for saying hydro-city wrong your whole life

>> No.9035380

I found a way to pronounce the original Japanese pun in English. I never asserted that anyone ever said it this way before. Feel free to continue conceding

>> No.9035392

They have separated the first word and city before, so honestly it's logical that it would be Hydrossity.

>> No.9035508
File: 35 KB, 640x480, 393592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, boy! Hydocity! That's where I'm a viking!

>> No.9035614

Why can't it be both?

>> No.9035635

No, that's Donatello.

>> No.9035670

except that still isn't how you pronounce it. good for you that you know how to make up a fake pronunciation but its still hydro-city
>i never asserted that anyone knows what the fuck i'm talking about but everyone who disagrees with me is the same person

>> No.9035672

>doesn't have any hydras
>doesn't have any hydrox cookies
What a fucking weird name for a zone

>> No.9035674 [DELETED] 

that would imply the opposite

>> No.9035693
File: 1.72 MB, 2160x1286, 4bdf9536-dc01-46d3-adb6-3f0190641048-therapist-topper-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That logic extends from the original name to any localization.
>intentional misquote
Sheer desperation

>> No.9035697

except it doesn't because 'd' alone isn't a syllable. this just isn't how english works. hydraussity cope is hydraussity cope

you're still pretending i'm another guy lmao

>> No.9035720

This was perhaps their gravest mistake

>> No.9035724


you now have to enunciate each individual g because i put a comma and period where they don't belong :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

>> No.9035748

>'d' alone isn't a syllable
That's right
Like that
>you're still pretending i'm another guy lmao
Your insistence on something I didn't say isn't suspicious at all

>> No.9035750

>oi fo'en amuri'uns wif deh encurict pruhnu'iayshun uv uh bloo'y sownyc zouhrne
seriously hard to believe you guys committed a genocide every day for like 200 years

>> No.9035759

How's the video doing DandyMan140

>> No.9035763

still not how its said
>Your insistence on something I didn't say
meds. aren't they free in bongland?

>> No.9035771

>further insistence
You can lead an ass to water, but you can't make it speak English.

>> No.9035779

swapping phonetics around in ways that don't work isn't in any way convincing /fæg,g.ʌt/. your kindergarten teacher isn't here to give you a cookie for being creative. it's hydro-city.

>> No.9035785

>making me look that up
he's a draussity tard though

>> No.9035832

i read that as some variation of bussy

>> No.9035838

>tacitly calling it creative
Thanks, but it still needs improvement clearly; I say /haiˈd.ɹo̞ˌsə.ti/ is even closer to the original name. What language were you basing your version of "faggot" from? Because I'm getting the impression you forgot why I made a different transcription to begin with.

>> No.9035840

someone has to kek

>> No.9035951

unless you're trying to imply japanese and english are the same language i really don't see your point. it doesn't work in english so it doesn't work in english. the whole pun thing is a presumptuous excuse. no bong pronounces it "huhdrawcity" because they recognize the pun, they're just amazing at disfiguring the language they invented.

>> No.9035958

>Pronouncing an o like an o is disfiguring the language

>> No.9035960

>pru'uncen da aw loik an aw is disfeguren da loinguage
all those pajeets suffered for this

>> No.9035992

If it were the same language, there would be no need to transliterate.
>It doesn't work because I say so again
I've explained how it does.

>> No.9035996

Amerikens end British alaik prunaons evriþiŋ ritardedly ever sins Ðe Greit Vaowl Shift.

>> No.9036348

Good morning to everybody except the Japanese autist

>> No.9036821

>he's still blogposting

>> No.9037089

The stage is absolute trash regardless of how you pronounce it. FUCK Hydrocity.

>> No.9037095

What was cope doing there, anyway? Did the Japs think it was a positive thing like "Hang in there?"

>> No.9037246

Isn't it? I was under the impression "cope" only recently became negatively connotative.

>> No.9037268

there's no need to transliterate at all because it's hydro-city. you didn't invent the name. you messing with phonetics doesn't change anything. just an excuse so bongs don't feel like the retards they are. i can also explain how faggot should be pronounced like fagGot because i want to believe faggot is actually a pun of "bag got" but that doesn't make me correct

>> No.9037281

Cope is from French coup, it means a blow, like a punch to the face. The development of "to deal with" is more recent.

>> No.9037289

>there's no need to transliterate at all because it's hydro-city.
Then why didn't they put a space between Hydro and City?

Face it lad, it's Hidrawssity.

>> No.9037295

>Then why didn't they put a space between Hydro and City?
probably for the same reason almost every word with hydro in it is said like hy-dro. probably because it being one word doesn't actually help your argument in any way whatsoever

>> No.9037315

The pronunciation of o there is dependent on syllable count and stress. Antepenultimate rule. In most words where it doesn't land on the antepenultimate it will be long, when it does, short.

>> No.9037320


you will never be japanese

>> No.9037325

>There's no need to transliterate at all
Maybe if you're perfectly content with a shitty approximation of the original title. I'm not, so I decided to better approximate the original name.
>i want to believe faggot is actually a pun of "bag got" but that doesn't make me correct
Based on what pronunication? I'm basing my derivation from the Japanese pronunication of the original title. The reason you're "not correct" about the fag thing is because there's no precedent for you to pronounce it another way. I do have precedent, because the English transliteration is noticeably different from the original phonetic pronunication.

>> No.9037327

it's still hydro-city and any evidence of it being an intentional pun at all is still just weeb feefees

>> No.9037331

>Hydrocarbon. Hydrofoil. Hydrohydrodesulphurization.

>> No.9037335

>it's still hydro-city
That's right, /haiˈd.ɹo̞ˌsə.ti/

>> No.9037342

>all prounounced hy-dro
can't make this shit up. you even implying the name could've been based on "Hydrohydrodesulphurization" just shows how contrived this whole argument is.

>> No.9037350

>he still doesn't realise hy-dro can be pronounced /'haidrɒ/ and /'haidro̞/
This is why IPA is being used, get a clue

>> No.9037352

you could actually make the argument that the name was based on the word 'hydroplaning' specifically since that's literally what sonic does in the level. guess its hydro-city after all

>> No.9037356

Where the hell does "planing" appear in "city"? By your logic it may as well be a pun for any word with "hydro" as a prefix.

>> No.9037358

well if it goes either way then how is it an argument as to why its not hy-dro? its not an argument at all since i immediately broke the supposed grammar rule with a word that actually fits the elvel

>> No.9037360

i'm not seriously arguing it but its no more presumptuous than this high velocity shit. sonic gains high velocity in it but he also hydroplanes. don't see how one is more valid than the other besides weeb believees

>> No.9037375

It doesn't go either way. The Japanese kana specifically uses ハイドロ, which is objectively pronounced /hai'do̞.ro̞/. I simplify this to just /hai'd.ro̞/ to better match an English pronunciation.
It's like you're trying to ignore how the title is a Japanese pun of high velocity. You're basically admitting that you believe the title being a pun is just an assumption, meaning you can easily disregard it. Do you have precedent for that belief?

>> No.9037407

>I simplify this to just /hai'd.ro̞/ to better match an English pronunciation.
so english pronunciation suddenly matters when we're doing anything but isolating the d, something that also defies english pronunciation
>Do you have precedent for that belief?
you can see in this very thread how "hydraussity" was just the inherent pronunciation dumbass british kids made of it regardless of any pun. presumptions about muh aryan nihhonese intentions only came later as an excuse for it

>> No.9037483

That's not the antepenultimate. The stress there is the penultimate, the third syllable. Hydrometer, hydrolysis, and hydrology have it on the antepenultimate, the second syllable. The suffix -ity will have it on the antepenultimate, that is, the stress just before the suffix. And I'm arguing against the Japanese guy.

>> No.9037506 [DELETED] 

that's cool and all but its still hydroplaning not huhdrawplaning

not to mention there's plenty of other cases that defy the rule such as hydroelectricity

>> No.9037512

so how come all of those words are said like hy-dro, not huh-draw?

>> No.9037519

All of those words use the second o vowel in photography

>> No.9037526

dro is the antepenultimate in all of these

>> No.9037531

and other words with the same syllable count don't

>> No.9037550

No, the stress of the first word is on the third syllable, on the root, planing. It's not where dro falls in the word, it's where the stress falls in the word.

>> No.9037552
File: 20 KB, 480x357, 949765-skulltula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst people are the ones who pronounce Skulltula as skull-TOO-luh because they were too retarded to realize it's a play on the word tarantula.

>> No.9037557

doesn't mean you get to fictionalize where the stress is in hydrocity. point is there's four syllable words involving 'hydro' that defy said rule

>> No.9037559

Syllable count doesn't mean anything, it's specifically an accent rule in English about the antepenultimate syllable changing vowel qualities. So it doesn't matter if the word is four syllables, it matters if the stress falls on the third to last syllable.

>> No.9037562

i always said skull-tuh-luh but yeah it probably is moreso skull-chu-luh now that i think about it

>> No.9037568

The word is obviously punning on velocity atrocity ferocity and so on, all of which have an antepenultimate. So the word punning off it will also have that syllable stress. But it's a pun and can be read both ways. Hydro-city and hydrocity. Anybody who says it has to be pronounced one way definitively is a retard. The reason the pun is successful is because it makes you read it one way and then you realize it can be read another way.

>> No.9037580

i probably wouldn't be here if /vr/ wasn't on so many layers of contrarianism that people were seriously trying to argue that its huh-duh-raw-city zone. if its obvious it really shouldn't require so much stretching

>> No.9037596

Per normal rules of English pronunciation it should be hy-DRAH-si-tee, but that's not enough to answer the question. Is it actually a city? If it is then there's evidence for HY-droh-city. Or it can just be both and left as a pun.

>> No.9037598

its the ruins of a former echidna tribe city. old cities sink underground all the time

>> No.9037604

Then pronouncing it Hydro-city is fine, I think.

>> No.9037617
File: 155 KB, 1276x556, ErydFJJXAAAo493.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow would you look at that. straight from glorious nihhon too.

>> No.9037631

b-but muh pun! muh stresses! muh schtewpid yoinkees! 'oo eiven cehs wot yuh shuppowsed to cowl et?

>> No.9037635

>english pronunciation suddenly matters
I'm talking about the Japanese pronunciation mattering. I said
>better match
>exactly match
That said, you've tacitly acknowledged the English transliteration is hacky. Why not improve it?
>muh aryan nihhonese intentions
Oh right you take it as an affront to your identity for some reason. Oh well.
>The reason the pun is successful is because it makes you read it one way and then you realize it can be read another way.
The reason it works originally is because you're saying "hydro city" while sounding like you're saying "high velocity" at the same time. It's being read one way the entire time

>> No.9037640

You just came up with that high velocity stance three days ago.

>> No.9037648

straight from the horse's mouth >>9037617
>you take it as an affront to your identity for some reason
no i'm just aware of the fact that weebs are stupid and think they know everything about japan because they consume some of their products and can take it to very peculiar extremes especially on here.
>while sounding like you're saying "high velocity" at the same time.
literally nobody reads it like this but you

>> No.9037650

>/vr/ is easily baited into an argument about how to pronounce the name of a game for 443 replies

>> No.9037651

>game mags never misprint titles
ijidkijidk sun

>> No.9037654

>muh random game mag
>literally the official guide from the country of origin
you will always be british

>> No.9037667

You do understand that /haiˈd.ɹo̞ˌsə.ti/ is modeled from ハイドロシティ right

>> No.9037672

its sonic jam's guide more specifically

>> No.9037678

you do understand that you can see with your eyeballs that it's plainly hydro city in english and nobody reads it like that but you

>> No.9037683
File: 7 KB, 80x160, 1619276573002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>literally the official guide from the country of origin
>reads it in shitty approximated English anyway

>> No.9037690

i don't know about you but i can see HYDRO CITY right there

>> No.9037692
File: 8 KB, 236x142, 9SQAEwq(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9037696

yeah lol imagine defending "hydraussity" just because you can't admit your accent is invalid in spite of the facts

>> No.9037712
File: 931 KB, 1920x1080, Möbius_Dick_(Main_Episode)_-_415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've literally never heard me speak.>>9037692
Keep ignoring how I'm blatantly stating it's built from Japanese pronunication. Are you suggesting I'm a Texan Nip? Kek

>> No.9037715

love this typical troll tantrum when weeb assumptions about a japanese thing are met with the reality

>> No.9037716

and you're wrong. the og sonic team devs call it 'hydro city' in english so that's what it is. you can go on with your cute personalized translation all you want but that's not what it's -supposed- to be

>> No.9037727

That's what /haiˈd.ɹo̞ˌsə.ti/ sounds like.

>> No.9037731

>"hydurrro city"

>> No.9037732

Correct, that's not how you say it.

>> No.9037738

now i know why you should have a bad morning

>> No.9037740

You've conceded.

>> No.9037753

dammit all the facts were on my side until you said the word "concede". now what?!?!


>> No.9037774

You could start by getting over yourself
>pretending I care about being a nip
If that makes you feel better about being wrong kek

>> No.9037863

and ywnba, juan

>> No.9037898

it still isn't and will never be hyduro city

>> No.9037912

>get over yourself
>oh but also the name everyone but me uses is wrong
>i totally don't care about being japanese haha now please validate my kana knowledge
y w n b j

>> No.9037963

I'd fuck Jesse and James

>> No.9038087
File: 4 KB, 300x300, sa2_rank_e_by_hammerbro101_ddyb6ir-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet more insisting with no substance
barely made it

>> No.9038093

since you totally don't care and stuff i'll remind you again that you'll never be japanese

>> No.9038106

>the sky is blue, grass is green
>heh...yet more insisting with no substance
you don't have to substantiate basic apparent facts, especially after already being presented substantial evidence. it's hydro-city, with no magical english-defying dr syllable. its as blatantly factual as the fact that you will never be japanese

>> No.9038110
File: 798 KB, 3840x1960, hydro CITY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this.

>> No.9038116

hydraussites and the hydurotard just flat out don't care about the facts. they're just going to ignore this and act like there's no substance to the incredibly substantiated name hydro-city and keep insisting shit they literally just made up is the actual truth.

>> No.9038129

Good for you
My pronunciation doesn't contest "hydro-city". I'm not going to force you to say it.

>> No.9038138

except yes it does because you have to say it like hyduro city for your version of the pun to even work. 'velocity' doesn't have a long o either like there is in hydro-city. you're just too up your own weeb butt to realize you're actually simping for hydraussity

>> No.9038197

Hydrocity = "Hydrossity"
Hydro City = "Hydro City"

Learn English.

>> No.9038201

luuhn oinglesh yew baahmy coonts

>> No.9038208

>you have to say it differently than you wrote it for the pun to work
No, it works fine.
>I can't read this weird shit

>> No.9038217

wow velocity still uses a short o which means the pun doesn't work even in your made up version. still not exactly sure why you're so sure its a pun at all. no other sonic level in the entire franchise uses a portmanteau.

>> No.9038234

>b-but this kana character exists so you have to say it like-
or its just a sloppy approximation of a word from a language the developers didn't even speak. there's no actual reason to consider the kana word of god here. i think its more likely they just fucked up their own transliteration. it by all means being just hydro-city in english, even from official sources, speaks to this even further.

>> No.9038248

>wow velocity still uses a short o which means the pun doesn't work even in your made up version
the short o IS THE REASON IT WORKS, why the FUCK wouldn't you say it as hydrossity?

>> No.9038252

>velocity still uses a short o
In English. Which my version isn't transliterating.
>but English
/haiˈd.ɹo̞ˌsə.ti/ as a title is a proper noun, you can assign a title to anything and it becomes a proper noun.
>they fucked it up
And you didn't, right? Using English to pronounce a title written by a nip? Kek

>> No.9038254

because that just isn't how its said either in kana or english

>> No.9038261

>And you didn't, right?
well i happened to be right from the beginning but that's just a coincidence since i just happened to say it right as a kid and only found correlating evidence because of this thread
>Using English to pronounce a title written by a nip? Kek
yeah it would be really dumb to misapply english phonetics to explain away sloppy kana

>> No.9038264

>no other sonic game uses a portmanteau
>...oh but polis is greek for
polis isn't a word in English

>> No.9038267


>> No.9038272

fair enough. i'm too used to them to see them as metropolis portmanteaus. but do we now have to find a way to pronounce all of those like metropolis? no. that'd be stupid. them just throwing prefix words around like that goes to show that maybe there wasn't an encyclopedic amount of intention behind the hydrocity name. it being a single word could be completely meaningless.

>> No.9038276

no its not. some japanese game devs at sega don't care about your bong rules. it's pronounced hydro city so it's hydro city.

>> No.9038278

>noun + -polis suffix which is valid in English
Where's the pun?

>> No.9038281

they all end with opolis???? CUnt what the FUCK are you talking about? The stress patterns on opolis don't change you mutt

>> No.9038284

kill yourself
japanese transliteration of english is literally based on british pronunciation ROFLMAO

>> No.9038286

no see what i'm describing is if you tried to argue that sandopolis is supposed to be said like sendopolis to rhyme with metropolis

>> No.9038290

lol more bongs blindly speaking for sega cause they can't admit they said it wrong it as a child

>> No.9038291

You're really creative I'll give you that, but in a retarded way. Saying the "ocity" in "velocity" does not in ANY WAY imply changing the fucking a in "sand" to an e. How do you even come up with this shit?
It really cannot be overstated how much Japan aped Britain after the Meiji restoration

>> No.9038296

the connection between hydrocity and velocity is just as presumptuous as saying that sandopolis is supposed to rhyme with metropolis

>> No.9038298


>> No.9038304

Ironically "polis" is city in Greek so this whole issue could have been avoided had the nips tasked with naming the zones gone with "Hydropolis".

>> No.9038305

thats not a rhyme, just the exact same suffix

>> No.9038307

Alexa what is the definition of rhyme
Hydrocity and Hydropolis both have a short a

>> No.9038312

*cortana voice* surely not just the exact same word said over again you petulant little crumpet
>short a
i one day wish to have such a 4d understanding of the einglish loinguage

>> No.9038316

i meant short o forgive me for being dishonoraburu

>> No.9038317

every rap song now just rhymes nigga with nigga but yeah metropolis does rhyme with sandopolis

>> No.9038320

well you're wrong then
le wrong generation and no it doesn't

>> No.9038328

why would hydrocity and hydropolis have different stress patterns on the hydro
also metropolis and sandopolis both end with /ˈlɒ.pə.lJs/ so yeah you're gay

>> No.9038331

>well you're wrong then
Nigger shut the FUCK up both words have antepenultimate stress and would have to take the short o

>> No.9038337

If your (lack of a) mind automatically defaults to a short a whenever you see the word hydro, you probably had too much mercury in the diet as a youngin'. Not blaming you though. It's not your fault you were born British.

>> No.9038339

*with /ˈɒ.pə.iJs/
4chan hates ipa so pretend that i is a Near-close near-front unrounded vowel

>> No.9038342

was thinking of an earlier argument in this thread about the use of an a. Basically somebody said the o is meant to be a long o, because if it were meant to be a short o, the kana would instead read "ra" because Americans pronounce short o's like that

>> No.9038409
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>misapply english phonetics to explain away sloppy kana
How is it sloppy, and how is it misapplied? You've done nothing to substantiate

>> No.9038507
File: 100 KB, 750x450, deepfried_1655914294709~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unrefuted this whole thread

>> No.9038606

Based Germans keeping the pun intact.

>> No.9038738

>Dutch translates as water city
>German doesn't bother to translate city and keeps it the same

>> No.9038990

Hello all, happy weekend and good morning to everybody in this thread EXCEPT the Japanese autist

>> No.9039306

the official documentation i just showed you in this very thread
>how is it sloppy
because it comes to hydurocity when its clearly just supposed to be hydrocity

>> No.9039440

>official documentation

>> No.9039785

this does nothing to prove your point. nobody thinks its hydurocity but you.

>> No.9039812

can't wait for the next bad faith autist debate thread about how tails' name is actually kilometers prower

>> No.9039859 [DELETED] 

Not how it's pronounced lol
>miles are kilometers
No, kek

>> No.9039912

Not how to say /haiˈd.ɹo̞ˌsə.ti/
>miles are kilometers
No, kek

>> No.9039978

The word "CITY" is there for a fucking reason

>> No.9040070
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