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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 56 KB, 267x374, Sonic_2_US_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9020598 No.9020598 [Reply] [Original]

What a time to be alive.

>> No.9020605

soulful cover art

>> No.9020608

The 90’s all the way up to the early 2000’s were a great time to be a kid. On one hand I’m glad I got to live in it, on the other, damn did it fuck our generation up.

>> No.9020610

Legendary. Seriously you had to be there to understand what sonic 2

>> No.9020612

I got Turtles in Time for Christmas that year and I regret nothing.

>> No.9020621

I’d argue the 80s made more manchildren than the 90s but the 80s also seemed like a pretty great time to be a kid.

>> No.9020717

A generation of kids raising kids. Makes me wonder how the majority of zoomers will turn out, though a lot of the zoomers I know seem to have a good head on their shoulders compared to their parents.

>> No.9020719

Sonic 2s day > Mortal Monday.

>> No.9020727

I see you saw the video too. I will admit I didn't get much into them at first because he gave me a "DreamcastGuy" kind of vibe with how he speaks and he still does in a way. But you can tell he absolutely loves old school SEGA stuff.

>> No.9020730
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>> No.9020759 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 400x339, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christmas 1992

Christmas 1993.

>> No.9020763
File: 122 KB, 800x640, SegaGenesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Christmas 1993

>> No.9020772

THIS is the Genesis I remember and grew up with. Model 1 is definitely the classic, but this was the one I had.

>> No.9020778
File: 369 KB, 890x664, freesonic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

January to April 1993:

If you bought a genesis model 1 with Sonic 1 between December 1992 to April 1993, You could get a mail in voucher for a free copy of Sonic 2. This deal pushed a lot of Sonic 2 copies. Later in 1993, Sega released the Genesis Model 2 with Sonic 2 bundle.

>> No.9020782
File: 266 KB, 266x370, 1624737814826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did people react to the DBZ reference back then?

>> No.9020787 [DELETED] 

Sega lord X posts on /vr/ confirmed

>> No.9020790 [DELETED] 

that'd be pretty based ngl

>> No.9020796 [DELETED] 

Then he would have ended the post with I'm Sega Lord X. Thank you guys for reading and I will catch you next time.

>> No.9020804

>THIS is the Genesis I remember and grew up with. Model 1 is definitely the classic, but this was the one I had.

Me too. That's why I posted that image. My parents got me a Genesis Model 2 for Christmas 1993, and it came with Sonic 2. It was actually the first game that I owned for the console.

>> No.9020819

my sister got this for her birthday in may 94
legit my first video game experience at 3 years old

>> No.9020835


I would argue that early Genesis games had the most magical aura about them.

I remember going into Macys and seeing Altered Beast and Golden Axe right when they came out and couldn't believe how amazing the graphics were.

Not just graphics, the whole Sega aesthetic really. At the time it seemed so cutting-edge compared to Nintendo.

>> No.9020840 [DELETED] 

>The Saturn is his favorite SEGA console
>Still has soulful intro's and lead-in pieces
>Doesn't need to yell "FUCK! SHIT! CUNT! SHITTY ASS PUSSY XD XD XD!"
>Doesn't use facecam at bottom right of the screen covering up video just so he can make ridiculous jump cuts to his face and "reaction" faces

I'd be more shocked if he DIDNT come to /vr/. He's even interested in the Mega Drive 2 and gave an actually good prediction list for the games that SEGA might announce for it.

Any other good YouTube guys for retro games and content?

>> No.9020848

ah yes the sonic 2 syetem

>> No.9020874 [DELETED] 

SNESdrunk is good, at least when it comes to SNES-era stuff.
There's many good retro game youtubers but they aren't in english.

>> No.9020912
File: 97 KB, 544x626, 1654316156647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>born right before the 80's
>Iived through the peak of post-industrial society
>will die right before shit completely collapses

sucks to be you zoomers

>> No.9021000 [DELETED] 

SNESdrunk if fucking based. Feel like me and him could chill, drink beer, and play bomberman 64 or some other co-op

>> No.9021003 [DELETED] 

Isnt there also some guy who actually did/does come to /vr/ that going on a "retro journey"?

>> No.9021089

R.I.p Taylor Hawkwind.

>> No.9021092

Sure kiddo. Sure.

>> No.9021105

On death we will freeze your head and bring you back when the technology is available.

>> No.9021128 [DELETED] 

Is this a Sega lord x thread?

>> No.9021218 [DELETED] 

Classic Game Room's old episodes are good.

>> No.9021317

I just had a copy of this delivered today. Played it but never owned it but now I do

>> No.9021359
File: 27 KB, 278x290, sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, its autumn 1994

>> No.9021454

>ah yes the sonic 2 syetem

I wonder when Sega discontinued the Sonic 2 System bundle? I think SOA launched the Genesis Model 2 and Sega CD model 2 at the exact same time in mid 1993? I had this bundle, i knew others who had this bundle. I live in Canada, and this bundle sold incredibly well over here. On top of that, they also switched to their 'coloured bands' branding. Genesis = red, SCD = Blue 32x= orange, GG+ = purple. moved away from the 80's grid designs. The Genesis Sonic 2 System came out at peak Genesis sales in NA. The Sonic 2 System sold a lot of units, especially black Friday/ Christmas 93 and 94. I think I saw Genesis Sonic 2 units still for sale in 1995. I think they just ran out of 'not for resale' Sonic 2 carts, and were swapping the pack-in game with other Sonic titles, like Sonic Spinball, Sonic & Knuckles, and Sonic 1 with the Sega 6 - Pak.

>> No.9021508

>I think SOA launched the Genesis Model 2 and Sega CD model 2 at the exact same time in mid 1993? I had this bundle, i knew others who had this bundle.

Not even Sega Retro knows when the Model 2 units dropped. Their guess is July 1993. The infamous 'Blast processing' advertisement was from 1993, and still showed the model 1.

Sega releases a second 'Blast processing' in 1993 with the Genesis model 2 unit:

Or this Sega genesis Christmas/ Holiday commercial from 1993, showing a kid unbox a Sega Genesis model 1, but at the end they feature a model 2. Maybe the advertising team didn't know about the model 2 when they filmed this?
I think Sega had a stealth release of the model 2 unit.But it definitely did come out in mid 1993, and was sold on a lot of store shelves by holiday 1993. But I think Model 1's were still being sold alongside it too.

>> No.9021540

Sonic and knucks

>> No.9021574

>Mom I want sahnik on gensys
>Mom: we have sahnik at home
>fires up gamegear version

sad times, sad times indeed.

>> No.9021575

One of the Sonic 2 pre-hype commercials that aired on TV when I was a kid:

>> No.9021623

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07uYLO61u0k [Remove]
>Sega releases a second 'Blast processing' in 1993 with the Genesis model 2 unit:
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlulSyBI2aY [Remove]

The Blast Processing commercial does fit the thread, as it features Sonic 2 promptly on the back of the Dragster. I have never seen the commercial with the Model 1 on TV, but I know I have seen that model 2 variant on TV. It is like Sega told that advertising crew to re-film the intro with a model 2 unit. It also looks like the hand is putting in a 'not for resale' Sonic 2 cartridge. Which was the Model 2 pack-in game.

>> No.9021790

Nobody knew, the few weebs getting the reference mostly didn't care.
DBZ became popular years later both in Usa and Europe.

>> No.9021963

Wasn't France and spain really into dbz by 1992?

>> No.9022013

I have noticed that the 80's nostalgia has lasted a long time. every generation has a nostalgic revival but the 80's one seemed to have lingered longer than the others.

>> No.9022141

Stop being so influenced by YouTubers.

>> No.9022302

The manga? Sure.
At least in other countries, the anime appeared in the second half of the '90s.

>> No.9022598

This was society’s peak. Played it all 1995. Then 1996 destroyed the world.

>> No.9024886

Games were better in the 90's, but even as early as '95, it was clear that movies were getting worse. Terminator 2 was the last truly great movie.

The movies of the 80's are timeless. I was born in '87 so I never got to see any of them in theaters, but god damn, even as a 2000's teenager I was on a diet of 80's movies because, really, what else I going to watch?

>> No.9024950

Say what you like about it don't use an empty meme buzzword.

>> No.9025391

>born in 91
>in East Europe
>poor family
For my first 12 years of life I only had access to bootleg NES consoles and a Megadrive with Sonic.
Richer kids had PCs and a few had Playstations from what I heard years later.

>> No.9025394

collapse is the fun part

>> No.9025456

nigga owning one console as a kid wasn't some sort of mark of shame. It was pretty normal.
Not me though since I was a spoiled little shit

>> No.9025472


>> No.9025503

Its more or less due to upwardly mobile yuppie parents helicopter-parenting their children. a lot of basedboomers are children of the 80s, raised by vidya and movies.

>> No.9025519

>t. buttmad zoomie born after 1992

>> No.9025654

Oh don't get me wrong, I wasn't ashamed of it back then and not now, I didn't know any better and still had loads of fun.
I only regret not experiencing a lot of classics in their prime.
>spoiled little shit
I hope that transpired in you growing into a well adjusted adult.

>> No.9025684

Link? Channel name?

>> No.9025720

based af

>> No.9025728

I only knew about the DBZ reference because I lived in Hawaii at the time and that place was weeb as fuck even in the mid 90s

>> No.9027234
File: 16 KB, 400x300, 1508815964933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thaw out Disney first so at least they'll be some mildly racist hand-drawn kino to enjoy

>> No.9027250

A lot of 90s millennials were into 80s movies and music. Both were pretty bad in the 90s. So instead of there being a 90s nostlagia wave, we're just also nostalgic for 80s stuff.
Who the hell is nostalgic for grunge or nu-metal?

>> No.9027292 [DELETED] 

>I only knew about the DBZ reference because I lived in Hawaii at the time and that place was weeb as fuck even in the mid 90s

My parents bought my siblings and I a Genesis model 2 with Sonic 2 as a Christmas present back in 1993, when I was about 12. At that point in time, I don't think I knew what Dragon Ball was. Even when I completed Sonic 2 for the first time, I never could get all the chaos emeralds to unlock Super Sonic. I think I read about it in a magazine. I am pretty sure the original Dragon Ball aired on Canadian TV in 1995 or so? Dragon Ball Z didn't air over here until 1996-1997 with the Oceans group dub on YTV Canada. Though, the episode where Goku goes Super Saiyan for the first time aired for the first time in English around 1999 or 2000. The Super Saiyan transformation was always hinted at in the openings for the English version.

I use to think that Super Sonic was an original thing, and not a reference to anything. I didn't even get the reference until 1996-1997.

>> No.9027304

>Thaw out Disney first so at least they'll be some mildly racist hand-drawn kino to enjoy

My parents bought my siblings and I a Genesis model 2 with Sonic 2 as a Christmas present back in 1993, when I was about 12. At that point in time, I don't think I knew what Dragon Ball was. Even when I completed Sonic 2 for the first time,I didn't get all the chaos emeralds or unlock Super Sonic initially. I am pretty sure the original Dragon Ball aired on Canadian TV in 1995 or so? Dragon Ball Z didn't air over here until 1996-1997 with the Oceans group dub on YTV Canada. Though, the episode where Goku goes Super Saiyan for the first time aired in English around 1999 or 2000. The Super Saiyan transformation was always hinted at in the openings for the English version.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAOCnSKz-x8 [Embed]

I use to think that Super Sonic was an original thing, and not a reference to anything. I didn't even get the reference until 1996-1997.

>> No.9027449
File: 40 KB, 600x455, X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9027527

Best Christmas ever. I was in 5th grade and my dad came home with this from Wal mart. I had just got my genesis a few days prior on Christmas day. I plowed through sonic 1 and 2 on new years day 93.