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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9010072 No.9010072 [Reply] [Original]

How did developers pump out games so fast in back in the retro era? In 4 years from 1998 to 2002 we had OoT, the Oracle games, MM, 4swords and WW. In the last 10 years all we've had are Tri Force Heros and BotW. What was different back then?

>> No.9010076

Those games specifically are different teams and reused/shared assets/using the same engine.

>> No.9010086 [DELETED] 

>all 3 men contributing while the women sit back and do literally nothing
and you wonder why games turning to shit scales directly with increased female interest in the industry. i wonder how many dudes at that office fucked those two cuties raw.

>> No.9010087 [DELETED] 

>In the last 10 years all we've had are Tri Force Heros and BotW
You could add Hyrule Warriors+dlc for Wii U and 3DS, Age of Calamity, and idk about last 10 years but the Oot& MM remakes and ALBW
Also consider BotW still sells, so a sequel (from Nintendo’s perspective) could cut into those sales. Nintendo is also only indirectly competing with others in a way, cult like following etc; they don’t need new games constantly to capture a % of the market, they already have their core.

>> No.9010091

Yeah and BotW2 is going to use the same engine and it's been over 5 years since BotW already

>> No.9010101

Do you not realize how much more expensive and time-consuming it is to create games in the HD era compared to 480p and less? Not to mention how many more people it takes.

>> No.9010103

Because the companies are bigger today and everything is much more hierarchic and corporate and spending money is tracked to death. You want to do a test with something particular? Submit a ticket, send an email and wait for someone to approve it (after he gets an approval from his superior) etc.
Before this bullshit it was just a bunch of guys sitting at the office...

>> No.9010104 [DELETED] 

Yeah but did you consider that it still requires a larger team/more resources than a gameboy game?

>> No.9010118

They had to.

>> No.9010160

Back then you had to code in assembly language with incredibly primitive tools. Do you have any idea how much easier it is with today's tools and programming languages?

>> No.9010167

i like how all 3 guys are contributing while both women sit and do nothing. you wonder why games today are such shit. i bet every dude in that office railed those cuties raw.

>> No.9010174

Having tools to make it easier doesn't negate the fact that games take an order of magnitude more time, money and manpower than they did before the era of HD consoles, unless you want to make an indie pixel art game.

>> No.9010181

In the olden days there were no grils or 10 million quid budgets. Just 1-2 mad lads with a ZX Spectrum making cutting edge games that are more fun than Dawn of War will ever be.

>> No.9010256

Much smaller teams and more modest hardware. You had many more corporations manufacturing different kinds of chips and accelerators these companies could tap into. Don't forget the PS2's GPU and CPU are custom silicon designed by Sony in-house. They didn't license or purchase hardware from SGI, ATi/AMD, Nvidia, they worked on what they knew, addressed the flaws developers requested as they knew how and planned around extreme but ultimately affordable hardware solutions and made one of the most powerful pieces of mass produced hardware to date and the way it functions is custom and unique to itself.

>> No.9010302

Sorry buddy but PS2 has a MIPS cpu and it's GPU is based on Silicon Graphics hardware... These were not "designed" in-house as such. You can google both of these names if you don't know the history of computer graphics.

>> No.9010306

totally missing the point gj genius

>> No.9010347

the most time and resource consuming part of the game is creating all the models an assets. today games are far "bigger" overall than old ones that had relatively small worlds, basic 3D models, and little content.
besides, both N64 and PS games were mainly coded in C. even then, coding in assembly may be hard, but it's not the most time consuming part of a game's creation, and old games were relativey simple in execution. that's why some companies made dozens of NES games with relatively small staff. today you'd need hundreds of people working for several years.

>> No.9010971

I hate seeing this excuse still used 15 years later. So stupid and naive if you believe it.

>> No.9011137

Overtime was still paid.

>> No.9011158

It's obvious BotW2 has hit some kind of snag. A game made largely of recycled assets shouldn't take this long.
Either they retooled the entire project half way through, or something major about the game is broken.
Or it's possible they're just delaying it for Switch 2.

>> No.9011169

there's a lot you could criticize, shitty corporate policies and marketing schemes, consolidation of games into AAA properties, popularization of the open world genre, but the unavoidable issue is high fidelity hd assets. assuming games of equal scope you will need ^2 more artists working longer to match the older titles.

>> No.9011179
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t. armchair nerds who have watched Unity and Blender tutorials on YouTube and haven't delivered and shipped a single professional enterprise-level software project in their lives

Software development today is 100x times more complicated than it used to be. Mind you: not *harder*, not *better*, I said *more complicated*. Your mistake is in thinking that the process being 100x more complex would necessarily lead to 100x more sophisticated results, but that's not the case. The more complex a software project is, the people and resources required increase exponentially and there are huge diminishing returns.

Real life doesn't work like a videogame. Even if it's not something software related, if you have a project with 100 people working on it and throw another 100 people at it, you don't go twice as fast. In fact, not even close. You'll be lucky to get 1.15x of the speed out of that, and that'll be after the 100 new people catch up to the speed of the rest of the team.

Aside from new-ish, very specialized fields like AI research and such, computer science is mostly figured out, top to bottom. What most of the superstar engineers you see actually do is manage and juggle the huge clusterfuck of complexity that you need in order to ship anything nowadays, not come up with new and exciting algorithms on a whiteboard.

Today, the entry barrier is lower. The top ceiling is much, much, much higher. Keep in mind that we are talking about *complexity*, not quality. It doesn't mean the results are better (and in fact they are not), but the investments needed are.

>> No.9011181 [DELETED] 

Nice essay faggot

>> No.9011183 [DELETED] 
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>Nice essay faggot

>> No.9011190 [DELETED] 

>reddit spacing
opinion discarded

>> No.9011193

A better question is how the fuck did square make so much gold on the ps1 like it was nothing? THREE final fantasies, chrono cross, fft, saga frontier 1 and 2, parasite eve 1 and 2, xenogears, front mission games, threads of fate, vagrant story, legend of mana and more. And each game is so beautiful and well crafted. Either they must have hired tons of people or it must have been extreme crunch, because those prerendered backgrounds must have takem ages to make.

>> No.9011197 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 645x770, 1609006253953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opinion discarded

>> No.9011205

It took 3 Months to make mega man 7

>> No.9011207 [DELETED] 

good informative effort post

>> No.9011210

high quality effort post

>> No.9011217

It's shit though, there's nothing there that's remotely believable.

>> No.9011227

People who aren't professional programmers just don't understand how fucking bad it is now. Even with QA, testing frameworks, code reviews, good practices, standardization, good libraries and so on everything is just so time-consuming and tedious now. Even without bloat, the cancer that is Agile, incompetence, management cutting corners on personnel, featurism and many, many other problems it simply takes much more time now to make even simpler functional, bug-free programs. Unless you're doing something really simple like a text-only utility only ever meant to be run in a Linux terminal.

>> No.9011230
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The fact that you need to "believe" it or not makes it clear that you don't know shit about software development.

And while we're on the topic of beliefs, you can keep believing that the whole industry and the best engineers in the world are unnecessarily sinking hundreds of millions on development costs and you know better than all of them because you thought about the topic for a good 5 minutes, faggot.

>> No.9011234 [DELETED] 

>I need complex topics explained to me in meme format because I have the attention span of a conservative

>> No.9011236

Primitive tech didn't need many people and games could be made quickly. Pre-crash game dev was basically like a modern game jam.

>> No.9011237

>the best engineers in the world are unnecessarily sinking hundreds of millions on development costs
Yes, it's a money laundering scam to make life unnecessarily more complicated.

>> No.9011263

Wrong. That anon is 100% correct.
1. It's neither laundering nor a scheme. It's essentially exploitation of brainlets.
2. There is no deliberate, malicious complicating things just for the hell of it. It's a runaway sunk cost fallacy, multiplied by inertia, multiplied by corporate culture, multiplied by corporate greed. Find a combination of boot loader, kernel, userland etc. that is not terminally ill from all of that (i.e. definitely not Ubuntu or modern Windows) and you'll see that it works and quite beautifully so. Even despite the hardware requiring more and more complex drivers as years go by.

>> No.9011504
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>What was different back then?
This is the reason

>> No.9011571

The problem is "'"designers""" and """art directors""", if we can get rid of these worthless niggers, we'll have more quality games in a shorter period of time.

>> No.9011594

Good post

>> No.9011609 [DELETED] 

t. Never had sex and watches too much porn

>> No.9011615

Look at itch.io and the amount of games that come out on it and realize nothing changed except bigger, more expensive games take longer.

>> No.9011628 [DELETED] 

no u

>> No.9011632

As others have mentioned, it's a complexity issue. Creating a character in the NES era meant drawing 8 frames to 24 frames per character, usually a 8x8 pixel frame then slapping them into the rom. Creating a modern 3D character involves creating the model from a lot of polygons, texturing all of the polygons, rigging the model for movements and animations, and then creating all the movements and animations. This doesn't include stuff like light/particle effects, body physics, alternate costumes, etc.
A single person could create a complete character for an NES game in less than an hour. You would need a full team of people to create a decent 3D character in a single hour, if you could. This is why AAA game teams were 5-10 people in the NES era, and hundreds of people today.

>> No.9011693

Smart ass fact checker fags like you are unironically making people more stupid so please fuck off.

>> No.9011713

explain this >>9011193 then

>> No.9011725

He’s right though. Software development today is an incredibly bloated industry full of retarded processes that drag everything down so that more people can be employed as inane shit like “scrum masters”

>> No.9011731

>it's more complicated... not harder!
pseud, discarded

>> No.9011896
File: 41 KB, 503x337, 1646415084153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't tell the difference between something hard and something convoluted. They're the same thing!
Poor language skills and problems with reading comprehension are among the main symptoms of autism

>> No.9011917

you use this same insult almost every single day, sometimes coupled with that exact same image. i'm pretty sure you're the autistic one here bro.

>> No.9011925

Amazing to see how much hate this post is getting. Shouldn't even be allowed to reply to this post without having gone through Agile Method. Software Design was the course everyone from my year resented back at uni.Glad I ended up working at a small business with just a few dedicated people so I am spared that charade. I have some friends whom I'd call accomplished programmers but they're completely self-taught and always only did their own thing, they shudder in terror when I tell them about Scrum.

>> No.9011928 [DELETED] 

>angry tranny

>> No.9011936

Better global zeitgeist hence better, more creative, more ambitious people. Not every genre, sub genre, and avant garde experience was done 20 times over yet.
Hardware that was growing and changing in significant, exciting ways; not just allowing devs to use easier tools to make last generation looking games + a raytraced reflection or two. No ubiquitous pocket social media making a hyper-self aware, overly reference driven culture.

>> No.9011942 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 503x337, 1646415084153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get called an autist almost every single day here. It's not related to the stupid shit I say; it must be the same person all the time!
Self-importance and apophenia are among the main symptoms of autism

>> No.9011945 [DELETED] 

lol didn't read

>> No.9011953 [DELETED] 

A delusional tranny like yourself would know.

>> No.9011967 [DELETED] 

nigga it is worse today but you come off sounding like you're on some vaxx defense force.

>> No.9011975

Sony was paying for a lot of that including the marketing budget so Square didn't really need to be that concerned about costs. In the cartridge era they really pinched pennies which was why NES FF3 never got an international release. But also because PS1 coding was done in C which made their job a lot easier than in the earlier days.

>> No.9011995

>not thousands and multiple companies behind it

>> No.9012212 [DELETED] 

Actually joined one two weeks ago.

>> No.9012376

But people only buy good looking games, always.

>> No.9012419

these people are no longer making good looking games. modern visual design is so fucking awful and is exclusively carried by technical capability

>> No.9012424

Yes it's easier to make a ZX Spectrum game than it is a PS3 game. We know.

>> No.9012429

Japan also suffered incredibly severe COVID restrictions, especially in areas like Kyoto. No doubt that compromised the project as people had to work from home.

>> No.9012508

Whatever, it is what sells.

>> No.9012527

Ease of coding. The PS1 was much simpler than earlier consoles due to C and Sony's SDKs basically insulating the programmer from the bare metal. They actually complained it was too easy so they made the PS2 much more complicated and hard to program on.

>> No.9012547

I have some idea given I've tried both ways and while in some ways it's easier with modern programming languages the difference is not as big as you think and it's a lot smaller than the difference between shitting out old school pixel art vs. modern hd photorealistic 3d art. Both of which I've also tried. By the time the sprite artist has finished the game's main character with all the animations the modern 3D equivalent has maybe one textureless ear.
The art pipelines are 100% the reason modern games take more much more man hours to develop. It also doesn't help everything needs to be some giant open world with 10 minigames.
Oh and back in the assembly coding days it was a lot more permissive. You could use shortcuts and tricks that aren't even allowed by modern languages. Hell even if you wrote something in assembly today and used some of the techniques from the 80s you'd probably just get your executable quarantined by the OS for being a virus. Assuming you'd even get past basic memory protection. Self-modifying code anyone? Exploiting bugs in the CPU? Fun times.

>> No.9012976 [DELETED] 

Don’t post my picture, I didn’t give you permission, fart huffer.

>> No.9013038

It's funny when people assume retro games were "rushed" because they had 1-year development cycle. 1 year was plenty of time back in the day, most of these shovelware titles were shat out in a month or so.
Time isn't important, it's the talent. And also that games weren't treated like hollywood movies back then. Most of the time spent nowadays in development is rendering cutscenes and recording voices.

>> No.9013943

More often than not, videogame development is rushed, this is why cut content is a thing, there is no time to implement what originally was planned.

>> No.9014195

Ok but what I mean is that people apply modern schedule standards to retro standards and then you have retardos going around parroting that this or that classic game was rushed and unfinished.

>> No.9014239

It's a meeting. They're listening to the two guys make a presentation. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.9014298

you describe a workload issue as a complexity issue
effort is orthogonal to complexity

>> No.9014325

brainlet codemonkey take

agile and scrum are good tools to organize a team of developers and have a clear plan forward, without death marches of implementing shit the customer has long changed his mind about

the previous post is also retarded, assuming "complex" and "complicated" are synonyms

>> No.9014332

all 3 guys are interacting and the women are sitting silently in the corner lol. wake up roastie, you're ruining the industry with your vaginal smell.

t. neckbeard basement dweller virgin (aka real gamer)

>> No.9014352

The OP asks about why games take much longer to create nowadays. The issue being discussed is why release cycles are longer, and while the post you're replying to refers to effort, the context is that greater efforts require bigger teams, and time-to-completion doesn't scale linearly with the people-working-on-the-project, the reason for which is the complexity inherent to a bigger production apparatus.

In other words: if games (as a software product) are, for example, 10 times more complex to develop nowadays than they used to be, throwing 10 times more people at the problem doesn't get you an equal development time; the coordination, technical and bureaucracy challenges inherent to employing that many people on a project of that nature lead to much longer development times.

>> No.9014376 [DELETED] 
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>agile and scrum are good tools to organize a team of developers and have a clear plan forward
This implies that executing Agile and Scrum is often done correctly, which is not the case at all. The vast majority of organizations that implement it do so because "it's the thing to do" without any concern about providing the context to make it work right, how it fits within the organization or even the reason for it having been invented in the first place. Saying "this tool solves all your problems if you implement it right" and then finding out that somehow, for whatever reason, almost no one manages to implement it right is not a problem with the people, it's a problem with the tool.

>durr but if only the people were smart, if only we lived in a different world where people did things correctly
It's like saying "if only people had healthy lifestyles we wouldn't have to spend so much money on healthcare". It's an empty statement. The world doesn't work that way and there doesn't seem to be a way to make it work that way; an engineer solves existing problems, instead of crying and engaging in mental jerkoff sessions about a world in which the problems he or she is trying to solve magically wouldn't exist in the first place, like a child would do.

>the previous post is also retarded, assuming "complex" and "complicated" are synonyms
complex - /ˈkɒmplɛks/ (adjective)
1. consisting of many different and connected parts.


complicated - /ˈkɒmplJkeJtJd/ (adjective)
1. consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate.

Good job there. Go ahead and reply "reddit women faggot roastie nigger".

>actually implementing stuff is unworthy of the size of my huge brain

t. an actual engineer

>> No.9014380
File: 132 KB, 640x640, 1654675079749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agile and scrum are good tools to organize a team of developers and have a clear plan forward
This implies that executing Agile and Scrum is often done correctly, which is not the case at all. The vast majority of organizations that implement it do so because "it's the thing to do" without any concern about providing the context to make it work right, how it fits within the organization or even the reason for it having been invented in the first place. Saying "this tool solves all your problems if you implement it right" and then finding out that somehow, for whatever reason, almost no one manages to implement it right is not a problem with the people, it's a problem with the tool.

>durr but if only the people were smart, if only we lived in a different world where people did things correctly
It's like saying "if only people had healthy lifestyles we wouldn't have to spend so much money on healthcare". It's an empty statement. The world doesn't work that way and there doesn't seem to be a way to make it work that way; an engineer solves existing problems, instead of crying and engaging in mental jerkoff sessions about a world in which the problems he or she is trying to solve magically wouldn't exist in the first place, like a child would do.

>the previous post is also retarded, assuming "complex" and "complicated" are synonyms
complex - /ˈkɒmplɛks/ (adjective)
1. consisting of many different and connected parts.

complicated - /ˈkɒmplJkeJtJd/ (adjective)
1. consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate.

Good job there.

>actually implementing stuff is unworthy of the size of my huge brain

t. an actual engineer

>> No.9014385

guise........ guise
let's be real.
game development used to be way more unorthodox back then, there weren't homogenization tools.
it was a different time.

>> No.9014420

>increased task complexity does not lead to coordination/planning/verification/bugfixing complexity, only more workload
Wew, lad.

>> No.9014431

let me put it this way:
a primitive farm used primitive tools made of sticks and stone, which are easy to make and operate, and were used for farms much smaller than today
a modern farm is massive, and the tools used in them are more complex, harder to make, maintain and replace, even if they are easy to operate
What I mean is that nowadays games have a bigger scope than before, using more complex technology to achieve these goals, tech that can run into more problems than the primitive ones, and that is why games take longer, even though the tools are easier to use

>> No.9014457


>> No.9014463
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I remember when Falcon 4 was considered to be hilariously delayed and that was only something like 5 years. Now we have been waiting years for GTA 6 and Final Fantasy 16, there is no shortage of demand so the quicker they bring them out the more money they make.
Going from wipeout 2097 to wipeout 3, a gigantic update with a whole new engine, same with Descent to Forsaken.

And a lot of times not 10 times better, the smaller indie games can be far more innovative and original while still having good graphics. Its like how gta wastes millions just to have lamo celebrity voice actors.

>> No.9014475

complexity itself is not scalable, you can't just say something is "10 times more complex" than another thing
team management and utilization is another orthogonal issue to tasks' complexity. you can have a list of trivial tasks and still get bogged down by poor team management. or you can have complex tasks done efficiently if team is utilized well

>> No.9014485

It is obvious why AAA garbage takes forever to make, but even games from small or indie studios don't sequels for years on end.

>> No.9014493

have you tried to make a single model that has millions of polygons and a shader that combines 20 different hd textures?

>> No.9014494

all that ranting based on a strawman implication

>> No.9014543

Think of your own brain to be just like AI. AI is trained by "learning" which just means millions and millions of records of data are being fed into the AI so it can understand the data, make predictions, etc. Well if you wanted to train an AI to make the best video game ever you would pick what is considered to be the best qualities of any game and use that to train it. Well, our brains have been fed all sorts of high quality games, and so the expectations for the developers, artists, etc across the board are going to be much higher. When video games were new people didn't have those references so they did whatever they could and could knock out games quickly.

>> No.9014571

It's like a real life /v/ simulator.

>> No.9014578

I still remember when Twilight Princess getting delayed by a year felt like it was a big deal.

>> No.9014587

Ah yes, Breath of the Wild, my favorites retro game next to Elden Ring.

>> No.9014630

Please get cancer

>> No.9014642

for a AAA game 6 months to a year was typical back then. shovelware 1-3 months. assuming a steady pace at a normal 8 hours a day 5 days a week workday it wouldn't be that hard to get the project done.

>> No.9014649

>we need physics for clothing and hair

do we really?

>> No.9014656
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>for a AAA game
>back then
No such thing as AAA back then.
Back then it was A vs B vs C, named after how movies did it.

AA and AAA didn't become a thing until the early 2000s, when budgets and graphics starting ballooning.
Sure you could apply the terminology, but its meaningless without proper context to stick it to a target surface that reflects reality.

>> No.9014660
File: 241 KB, 1256x707, 4B7B0D35-C3AA-4526-9303-B6A784728199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking for myself I just need pixel art and psx, maybe psx2 era graphics.

>> No.9014669

Its so odd. I guess its like the film industry, they went silent black and white to full colour stereo in a pretty short time then not much changed for 30 years. Cars went horse and buggy with motor to having power steering then not much changed for many years.
Nowdays Nintendo pumps out the metroid games when people thought it was dead for a while.

>> No.9014689
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>you can't just say something is "10 times more complex" than another thing
It's only a reductive example demonstrating that the relationship between complexity, manpower and delivery time isn't linear, and you know it.

If you're going to deliberately literalize and misinterpret everything you can just to dance around the issue with nitpicks, to shoehorn big brain STEM boy words like orthogonal into your posts and to reply with what basically amounts to "ur wrong" ("strawman! rant!") just don't bother, I won't reply to that anymore.

>you can have a list of trivial tasks and still get bogged down by poor team management. or you can have complex tasks done efficiently if team is utilized well
You mean to say that if you do things right, things go well, and if you do things wrong, things go badly? Pic related. Read that again and tell me how it contributes anything of value at all.

>> No.9014729

And yet a several frame animation of a pixel art character's hair moving around is more visually appealing than a physics simulation moving a million rendered hair strands around.

>> No.9016469
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Less spreadsheet jockeys to waste money and time back then. Just look at the credits for a modern game compared to a classic.

>> No.9016502

It's not easier at all. The complexity has grown much more than the tools

>> No.9016535
File: 1.05 MB, 2900x2700, 3DMap_LegendOfZelda-OcarinaOfTime-Future-ForestTemple(Side).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would argue its still just as bad with modern tools: Level editors simply did not advance.
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iqmg4gblreo

Realtime BSP and CSG isn't mature. And it still results in making a skeleton to create more work as you import more models later.
Bethesda has one of the more mature workflows in the industry, where its still a mess of trying to stack meshes to create geometry.

>> No.9016671

This is why most indie games (although needlessly derivative at times) are usually more fun and appealing.

>> No.9016889

Square around that time was effectively subsidized by Sony, so they could afford to take bigger risks.
Of those series, excluding the Final Fantasy titles, only SaGa is alive today(although mostly in Japan only). Front Mission kinda fizzled out in the West after 3 and 4 and even in Japan today it's basically dead. Parasite Eve only got one sequel and only on the same console (the PSP game being effectively a spinoff), so still effectively subsidized by Sony.
And most of the others didn't even get sequels at all.

>> No.9017105

Well for one the oracle games were developed by Capcom and probably only counted for 1 game or a little more since they're so similar. Other than that, it probably took less man hours to build older simple games

>> No.9017246
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Post 6th gen gaming is an embarassment

>> No.9017691

Probably in part due to a lot less distraction. You're in the office. You're either working or zoning out. Now, it's working or staring into your phone posting about 4chan wondering about where all the productivity went.

>> No.9017706

I like agile because it makes my job easier as a developer but it's pure bloat from a business standpoint. I don't know why the managerial class tolerates it.

>> No.9017865

>I like agile because it makes my job easier as a developer
No, it makes your job as a template-implementing assembly line part easier. I guess "developer" is much less of a mouthful.

>> No.9017886

I've done work on serious projects like designing and implementing complicated logistics algorithms or measuring G1-phase yeast cell diameters based on image data and the moment that sort of thing comes up, things that actually matter, this agile nonsense flies out the fucking window. However, managers love their dumbass metrics, so I can look better in their eyes by doing less real work and just closing a bunch of "tickets" or whatever other pajeet-tier term they use for their agile-variant gobbledygook.

See, I don't view it the way you do. I know that agile is bullshit. I just don't care. And I don't care because the point of working is to make money. Right now my industries are logistics and finance (banking, specifically), and I'm holding down two full time jobs, both WFH. I'm a functionary for both. Anything to get my bosses out of my face so I can enjoy most of my day, and that thing right now is agile.

I have no clue why it's tolerated, like I said. But it is.

>> No.9017976

>I've done work on serious projects like designing and implementing complicated logistics algorithms or measuring G1-phase yeast cell diameters based on image data and the moment that sort of thing comes up, things that actually matter, this agile nonsense flies out the fucking window.
And this is exactly what I'm talking about. For all the chest-beating in the last ~20 years, this cancer is still just a factory for churning out trash that is designed to function for a few months until it is superseded by an equally useless pile of shit devoid of any future.

>See, I don't view it the way you do. I know that agile is bullshit. I just don't care. And I don't care because the point of working is to make money.
It wastes you time. It forces you to learn useless, lame shit. Every few months. It forces white noise into your mind, basically.
Another consideration is not the Internet is shit. But also it is such thoroughly integrated-into-everything kind of shit that unless you become a de facto hermit it affects you. And the "apps" you have to use on a daily basis are terminally overbloated, buggy, cancerous spyware trash. And your viewpoint helps it perpetuate.
I'm not blaming you personally, you just go along with the flow and I kind of get it. But I can no longer take part in it.

>> No.9017982

Games were 20% engine 80% graphics.

>> No.9017983

>Another consideration is *now* the Internet is shit.
I'm not even phoneposting. That would have been fucking ironic.

>> No.9018009

>I'm not blaming you personally, you just go along with the flow and I kind of get it. But I can no longer take part in it.

I go with the flow insofar as it supports my interests. See, I agree with you. This society is cancer. The reason society in general is trash is because trash people subverted it. They call it the long march through the institutions; look it up if the meaning isn't obvious. What's left over is designed to be subverted, to be extracted from. So, do that. Then put those resources to good use.

Right now I bought a light printing press and one of those hydraulic paper cutters. I got them because I'm a /tg/ crossposter and I want a cancel-proof method of publishing and printing my own content, and the content of my friends. Next big purchase is going to be one of those book sewers so I can do bookbinding. You can see my first work, some pregens me and a pal designed, and then I printed and cut the edges off, on the fediverse: https://iddqd.social/@NEETzsche/posts/AKaleWeVQejBp08XSK

I'm motivated, but I'm not motivated to engage in this civilization. I'm motivated to extract from it and use those resources to make things as I see fit. Because the way they see fit is bullshit. And that reduces it from a matter of serious concern to a matter of a game to be played.

>> No.9018061

>there were no grils
Well that's just not true, there were plenty of women making important contributions to game dev in the 80s (e.g. Roberta Williams, Lori Cole, Amy Briggs, Anne Westfall) and one of the most influential developers of the 80s was trans (Dani Bunten).

>> No.9018135

literal fucking retard

>> No.9018194

brain rot tier post

>> No.9018218

the entire software industry needs to burn down

>> No.9018219

He only knows "assembly be hard". He has never tried writing in one of them.

>> No.9018268

Agile and scrum are pure snake oil. Very cancerous memes it's disappointing how many zoomers fell for it.

>> No.9018274

Complex and complicated typically have different connotations.

>> No.9018562

I would imagine part of it would be less intense executive meddling and conflict bogging down the time and morale the devs had
It was there but I doubt to the extent of today

>> No.9018585

Is this a bot?

>> No.9018803

internet. social media. Their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.