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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 287 KB, 927x1200, FFinalFihthgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9002057 No.9002057 [Reply] [Original]

I like beat em ups, do you?

>> No.9002079
File: 13 KB, 320x240, kill a tranny for Christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most based retro genre there is.

>> No.9002089
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If by beat em ups you mean Streets of Rage 2 and 3, then yes.

>> No.9002186

World heros 2 supreme Justice, Night Slashers x, super Double Dragon ultimate, Rocket Viper 2, Bare knuckle vacuum


>> No.9002226
File: 326 KB, 723x876, 7817380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>night slashers x
nice, also:
Final Fight Ultimate LNS
Streets of Rage Remake V5.2

those are the only two you like? maybe you just like streets series, not the bmup genre

FF3 is classic

>> No.9002275
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>> No.9002327
File: 158 KB, 1000x489, 0 sMR2VlT0gZ9W6ftV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom 2016 got me into FPS games in a big way, a genre I'd not liked much before. Looking for a game like that to get me into Beat Em Ups, Streets of Rage 4 the best bet?

>> No.9002351

That's not retro, but yeah it's really good with the DLC and once you find a character you enjoy.

Streets of Rage remake is also great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ6jQib_PRk

>> No.9002353

Captain Commando was my jam

>> No.9002354

I don't particularly like beat em ups as I personally find the genre a bit repetitive, though I do enjoy Turtles In Time and Battletoads (NES and & Double Dragon.) I feel bad for fans of the genre as there seems like there was a huge drought once the 3D era kicked in full swing, but indie games seem to have brought it back.

>> No.9002404

Meh. They're okay but I'm not sad the genre is mostly dead. They were always more fun in an arcade setting

>> No.9002418 [DELETED] 

I like snes megamanvanias

>> No.9002512

SoR2 (mania)
Aliens v Predator
Knights of the Round
Final Fight 3

>> No.9002517
File: 49 KB, 350x278, ezgif-2-a0448cb39c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing "Crystal of Kings" right now. Mainly playing with the shounen warrior and the T&A elf. Not sure if the other two characters are viable.

Good game. I like that you can block, the boss fights and there's also some really interesting tunes (the theme for the whip demon stands out.)
Honestly if your belt scrollan doesn't have big hulk type character I deduct a few points.

>> No.9002521

>doesn't have big hulk type character
On character select, put the cursor on Lustro Furia and hold up for a few seconds.

>> No.9002539 [DELETED] 

Yeh I like smashin’ baddies faces in

>> No.9002547
File: 779 KB, 760x1000, 1654406194068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bmups managed to be challenging and fun single player games without resorting to strict, monotonous route memorization crap like shmups did (which is why they died and bored everyone to death)

>> No.9002664

>I feel bad for fans of the genre as there seems like there was a huge drought once the 3D era kicked in full swing
Spikeout is all you need 2bh
forgot this existed, it's ugly but maybe I should give it a proper try some day.

>> No.9002668

maybe but no bmup will give you the satisfaction of a 2-all or a decent score

>> No.9002792

>Night Slashers x
just got this today and it's so sick
well the ReBalanced version 1.31


>> No.9002803

Never got satisfied with either of those, it was more like a relief that the grind was over and I could move on to fun games (bmups)

>> No.9002842

Spikeout is one of the hardest games ever made. The arcade version (Final Edition) is also significantly harder than the hardest difficulty of the Xbox version even on the easiest difficulty. Faster and more aggressive enemies and the grab special attack being much weaker seal the deal.

>> No.9002869

Sick, thanks for the tip. That's a nice secret that you can play as Conan.

>> No.9002936

Can't go to any other beat em up because this ones too good, be honest who skipped over playing as Lin because she was too 'hard' to use?

>> No.9002970

I just go straight to Arnold in that game.

>Can't go to any other beat em up because this ones too good
sounds like a cope if I've ever seen one.

>> No.9002994

>A hundred unnecessary inputs
that looks tiresome and gay

>> No.9003005

so you got filtered and cope with an easier genre, got it

>> No.9003024

>so you got your goals and moved to the better genre, got it

>> No.9003039

>bmups managed to be challenging and fun single player games without resorting to strict, monotonous route memorization crap like shmups did
you can make them as boring and hard as shmups by speedrunning them on hardest dips, and you'll get a route memorization garbo

>> No.9003050

still sounds like a cope as bmup goals are too basic
take the racing pill, best of both worlds

>> No.9003135

>best of both worlds
don't racing games basically require routing the laps for each map? same problem I have with shmups if that's the case

>> No.9003191

that's circuit racing but even then it's not just memorization, there are many extra factors like other cars/weather/car condition/settings etc. so there's a lot of adaptability to it and more room for mistakes, learning the circuit is just the "basic strat".
and then you have rally racing which is 100% adaptability/fundamentals while still being all about competition.
also lots of arcade racers that you can play more casually or gradually improve if you want to.

>> No.9003203

that sounds fine then, what would you recommend in that style of adaptability?

>> No.9003246

anything rally, for older games try the collin mcrae series, rallisport challenge, mobil 1 rally championship, rbr pro etc. for modern games dirt rally 1/2, wrc 10, dirt 3. maybe try sega rally too but those are more arcade than real rally.
the only problem with rally games is that you'll learn some stages eventually after you play them a lot, so the experience will turn similar to circuit stuff, dirt 4 tried to fix this with random stages but still wasn't perfect.

>> No.9003475

thanks bruv

>> No.9003608
File: 200 KB, 1280x960, haggar if he real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final Fight 3
This one's a snoozer, even on Expert. Remove it for the original arcade FF, Cadillacs 'n Dinosaurs and/or Warriors of Fate.

Also, SoR3 (US) is better than SoR2.

>> No.9003619

What's a beat 'em up that doesn't get boring after 20 minutes if you're playing alone?

>> No.9003637

I like beatin up yo mamma

>> No.9003815

Any of those randomize your controls while playing or completely change the physics while driving? I can't take those games seriously because they still rely on memorization basically.

>> No.9004342

>Also, SoR3 (US) is better than SoR2.
Not according to best players in the world.

>> No.9004348

What killed beatemups anyway? It can't just be the decline of arcades because you could still make them for consoles

>> No.9004365

I do enjoy them. One of my fondest gaming memories from the last 10 years was sitting down one evening with a friend and playing Streets of Rage 2 from beginning to end on original hardware.

>> No.9004370

then you'll get filtered by any game ever because all games require memo to improve
you can tune cars and even tweak physics in some games though so there's room for variation, trackmania has a random track generator iirc

>> No.9004371

Same thing that killed a lot of genres. A desire to be more cinematic.

>> No.9004541 [DELETED] 

Figuring games do memorization right, you have to memo strats, combos and techniques yet their application is going to vary dramatically with each set, so you can even have mirror matches that stay fresh and surprising.
Shmups fall in the speedtranny category of rewarding and skinner box conditioning the player to do the same thing over and over, the same way, hoping for that lucky rng run when the stars align

>> No.9004543 [DELETED] 

Figuring - fighting games
Damn autocorrect

>> No.9004551 [DELETED] 

fighting games have almost as much memo gay shit as shmups, just play windjammers

>> No.9004563

Not that anon but I think SoR2 is the best beat'n game made, for several reasons, and that's neither roster or graphics. I mean I can elaborate, but it would take effort to come off as some stupid fanboy who "just likes it, ok"

>> No.9004616

Actually it's the same reason they won't make a new Starfox game, because these games existed in a time where short, arcadey playthroughs that take an hour were the norm. Nowadays people want more bang for their buck so even if a game is really replayable, they don't want to spend 60 bucks on it if it's super short.

>> No.9004619

Name of game?

>> No.9004628
File: 86 KB, 749x770, qah5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knuckle bash

>> No.9004629 [DELETED] 

It's not the memo itself, it's the application of the memo in the same way from start to finish that creates a dull, repetitive and predictable experience that inevitably leads to boredom in shmups similar to speedtranny runs.
Fighting games have a lot of memo but the application is constantly varied and different, you can't pre-arrange and predetermine how your going to fight your next opponent start to finish, even if you study all their replays it can't be done. The only real variety you might get in shmups is due to human error and you need catastrophic errors to really feel a difference between runs, and whatever rng shmups offer is usually minimal or can be manipulated to become trivial. Overall you get very dry and repetitive runs over and over.

>> No.9004761 [DELETED] 


Memo is fine, like in fps pvp memorization of maps is a must, but each match is going to be chaotic and unpredictable. but routing entire games
that are nearly totally scripted is lame and boring.

>> No.9004837

>routing is boring
wrong, routing is fun, doing attempts is boring, but you can play easier dhmups more casually anyway no need to go full autism

>> No.9004848 [DELETED] 

>you can't pre-arrange and predetermine how your going to fight your next opponent start to finish
they are still 90% autopilot memo gay frames, combos, hitboxes etc, someone who memorized more bullshit will always be the better player

>> No.9004945 [DELETED] 

Wut? You ever play fighters lol
there's so many noobs who know crazy combos and frame data but have shit fundamentals and terrible decision making so get creamed by players with less info but better execution and decision making

>> No.9004948

Not one of my fav genres but I've had fun with some of them, e.g. Turtles in Time.

>> No.9004974

Sor 2 has the best soundtrack to any beat em up

However, I also think double dragons soundtrack is fire

>> No.9004993 [DELETED] 

wrong, those better players are just better at memorizing the actual useful shit

>> No.9005163 [DELETED] 

>Memo more
>That goal post shift
Now you're switching from who memos the most quantity to who memos the better quality, and still ignoring real time execution and decision making kek

>> No.9005167 [DELETED] 

>memo memo memo


>> No.9005176
File: 32 KB, 260x382, Die_Hard_Arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rescue the president's daughter
>she makes u fight each other to see who is going to be her new bodyguard

>> No.9005204

Fighting games > bmups > 2d platformers > run n gun > 3D action > fps > racing > action RPGs > dungeon crawlers > roguelikes > shmups > JRPGs > sports games > mobile gacha

>> No.9005208

The best beat em ups are the ones with great cooperative play especially when you can turn on the second player and kick the crap out of them.

>> No.9005269 [DELETED] 

>muh execution
basically just useful memo

>> No.9005272

>muh execution
basically just useful memo that you repeated so much in trial & error rock paper scissor situations

>> No.9005360 [DELETED] 

So basically apply memo in different situations and sequences so each set is significantly different and can't be choreographed start to finish like a fag dance or speedtranny route (or shmup route)

>> No.9005368

I would love to hear from you, anon

>> No.9005412
File: 325 KB, 2684x1362, fighters_bmups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fighting games > bmups
lol, no

>> No.9005413
File: 31 KB, 640x432, bloodomenlegacyofkainvorador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a few of them are worth playing imho. I used to really love them but after I played a few I realized that they are mostly repetitive nonsense with no depth.
Final Fight, Streets of Rage, Knights of the Round, Sengoku series, D&D, and AvP are stand outs I remember as being great.

I don't know why some of them make you realize how bland they are but I guess half of them released just had me aware that all you do is press one button over and over and over again.

>> No.9005486

PvP > PvE
Always and forever

>> No.9005501 [DELETED] 

PvP sucks because it's wierdos like you.

>> No.9005507 [DELETED] 

>different situations and sequences so each set is significantly different
lmao no fighting fags are just memorizing limited rock paper scissor situations within limited game rules, it's way more basic that what u think, learning to play fighting game is not that different from learning a decent route in a shmup
>and can't be choreographed start to finish like a fag dance or speedtranny route (or shmup route)
shmups fundamentals transfer as well if not better than fighting gays

>> No.9005514
File: 32 KB, 220x328, Franko_The_Crazy_Revenge_Amiga_Cover_Art (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure do!

>> No.9005586 [DELETED] 

>Learning to
>Learning to
>Learning to
Hey the learning phase of shmups isn't so bad, it's the actual running and playing attempts that gets nauseatingly dull meanwhile both learning and playing fighters is fun and challenging and doesn't fall into the speedtranny choreographed trap where all your runs blend together feeling samey as fuck start to finish

>> No.9005613

Guardian Heroes

>> No.9005623 [DELETED] 

>coped out of his mind
Which fgc filtered you this hard?

>> No.9005638 [DELETED] 

your own fault for trying to go hard on a genre you don't even like retard lmao, again no need to play shmups like that, people who do it enjoy the long-term perseverance aspect of it, while stuff like fighting games are more about short term instant gratification

>> No.9005649 [DELETED] 

>he still can't accept the truth of his toys
sad, happens when you get filtered by shmups and cope with a different genre

>> No.9005659 [DELETED] 

>dodge and deflect and project
filtered beyond salvation

>> No.9005661 [DELETED] 

>buzzword buzzword buzzword
meanwhile shmups still live rent free in your mind

>> No.9005678 [DELETED] 

I'm not the shmup guy

>> No.9005683 [DELETED] 

yet you keep whining about shmups all day despite fucking off to a different genre lmao

>> No.9005687 [DELETED] 

all that copium made you illiterate and confused

>> No.9005691 [DELETED] 

t. malding fighting fag with no argument

>> No.9005917
File: 942 KB, 1019x759, kingofdragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about King of Dragons?

>> No.9006306 [DELETED] 

>stop getting good and you'll have fun with shmups
being a casual shitter isnt fun

>> No.9006318 [DELETED] 

PvP is for psychopaths and troons.

>> No.9006323


>> No.9006374 [DELETED] 

filtered by real competition

im psycho and fug troons (cute asian ones only)

>> No.9006760 [DELETED] 

you still improve in shmups by playing more slowly, why the rush in games you don't even like? again here the player isnat fault not the games
>being a casual shitter isn't fun
nvm you're just a hardcure gamung tranny coping with video games and got mad because shmups filtered you

>> No.9006934

...do people actually think that? She's my favorite character to use.

But yeah I do agree, AvP has this sense of mobility that other beat em ups just don't have, it's hard going back.

>> No.9007418

wut, just use the gun 90% of the time. you can go full acrobatics autismo if you want but that's optional

>> No.9007969


>> No.9007978
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything that has a splash screen with Konami. Including the games I never played as a child.

>> No.9008667

Where is Crime Fighters 2 you absolute faggots. They don't make em like this anymore.

Honorable mention: violent storm

>> No.9009539 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 640x774, 1A15E888-7135-46BE-B3A9-3ED75D2C1FCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Repeat same canned animation for combos for hours
>No reward for any sense of accuracy like a shooter
>Janky looking long hitstuns on enemies and z-depth non-collisions
>Scoring systems mostly jokes because of boss milk strats in virtually every beat em up
>Animation exploits like in Final Fight are a lot more common in this genre and are not caught in QA before the game is released
>Lack of creativity in genre where every creator is shamelessly derivative of Streets of Rage 2 which is at best known for hype music and mediocre gameplay
Even the best beat em up (Fight ‘n Rage/Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon/Ninja Gaiden 2) is pretty underwhelming. It is difficult to consider a genre with a greater lack of originality and stagnation to introduce any fresh ideas to make the genre more fun/skill based in a tactile manner outside of dolefully waiting out exact same 1.5-3.5s frametime of the same combos over and over without any varation. At least frame-link combos in fighting games are fun because of the pressure/mind-games involved in fighting a real player instead of a digital hacky sack simulator of showing people “how fire your 158155 hit combo is in DMC3” of hitting a practically lifeless body as if that’s somehow skillful or interesting.

NG2 is really the only non-terrible beat em up because dismemberment system creates a modal context to engagements that change the meaning of what relative spaces mean during combat (e.g. close/mid/far distances to enemies contextually change as a dismembered enemy either presents an opportunity for a quick kill with an obliteration or a potential liability from a desperation suicide attack from the enemy). No other beat em up considered changing up the fundamentals of the genre with something visceral and innovative like NG2 and instead opted for the same stretches of watching the same 1.5-3.5s combos replay until game end as if you’re just watching an animated gif until the enemy’s life gauge finally depletes.

>> No.9009956

meds now

>> No.9010848

tmnt turtles in time was iok so maybe this dot emu reboot/remake is gonna be good too coming June 16th who grabbing it??

>> No.9010859

>Sailor moon bmup one of the best
you downloaded iconoclasts' opinion just to make a tryhard cope wall of text

>> No.9010868 [DELETED] 

>ctrl+f beat
>17 results
>ctrl+f bmup
>10 results
>ctrl+f shmup
>23 results
rent free

>> No.9010926 [DELETED] 

shmup cope happens in many threads
I've seen it in racing, fighting game and jrpg threads
something wrong with that community

>> No.9010951

Is there an emulator that can actually play the music percussion accurately for final fight 3? I remember as a kid I loved the sharpness of the snare drums and really made me enjoy the music. Every emulator I've played it on seems to have too soft of percussion samples.

>> No.9011421


Based Metamorphic Force enjoyer.

>> No.9011425

extremely based setting, I'd wager that the concept of mashing up thugs in the concrete jungle owed a lot to the wave of Death Wish-style vigilante movies which were massively popular in the 70s and 80s

>> No.9011556 [DELETED] 

Fuck I hate this anti-memo autist. You will never be good at anything, including fighting games.

>> No.9011583

Power Rangers the Movie

>> No.9011663 [DELETED] 

memo is fine when done right (i.e fighting games, online fps, etc) memo is done wrong in shmups and speedruns

>> No.9011780 [DELETED] 

There are a lot more people than Iconoclast that have played Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. It gets memed on /vr/ with that one weirdo posting “Games that make you feel bittersweet” or whatever. But the ad-hom instead of engaging with any of the arguments shows you have nothing to say.

>> No.9011918

>pee shirt axel

Posting a pic of that censored SOR3 garbage isn't anything to be proud of anon.

>> No.9012209 [DELETED] 

t. can't get good scores/times so has to cope by playing against noobs in pvp trash to inflate his fragile ego

>> No.9012384
File: 2.07 MB, 2016x1512, Professor_Snape_was_edited_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pretty cool, but I think you're confusing it with Double Dragon, where Marion makes to brothers fistfight to the death for her.

>> No.9012415 [DELETED] 

Phoneniggers being horrible posters as expected

>> No.9012427 [DELETED] 

>memo strats, combos and techniques yet their application is going to vary dramatically with each set

Haha yeah no. In PvP you usually just micro-repeat certain things in a different order instead of having one long course

>> No.9012456 [DELETED] 

Yep, beat em ups are forever my favorite genre and I enjoy playing them damn near everyday even if I know the games so well by this point.
TMNT Shredders revenge tonight!

>> No.9012470

yup, my favorites are
Final Fight
and Golden Axe

>> No.9012491 [DELETED] 


>> No.9012557

I think I've tried every single one

>> No.9012606 [DELETED] 

>real competition
Lol. Go play a real sport faggot.

>> No.9012619
File: 52 KB, 500x417, godhand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes 2D beat 'em ups obsolete
heh nothin personal, pendejo

>> No.9012621

whoa so edgy xD

>> No.9012623 [DELETED] 

Holy cope.

>> No.9012721

If only there were good tutorials on how to make one on a game engine. So people who do cool art, but don't know how to code can go ham.

>> No.9012741
File: 376 KB, 720x1212, 1635158339266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9012745


Joke game

>> No.9012943

I don't know how you can post that picture and say that, the two player duel at the end was definitely a thing

>> No.9012956

Do you even know what the fuck youre talking about?

>> No.9012962


>> No.9013032

sup IGN

>> No.9013105

>many different kinds of beat-em-ups

There all the same tho.

>> No.9013149

t. clueless tard

>> No.9013881

>dynamic difficulty is bad because... IT JUST IS OK?!

>> No.9013890

3D. Same thing that killed all 2D shit.
The genre evolved to Die Hard Arcade then slashers like God Hand, Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden Black.

>> No.9013991

t. zoomer tard with 0 arcade clears

>> No.9014198 [DELETED] 

now it happened in the tired gamer thread

>> No.9014270

You don't slash in God Hand, though...

>> No.9015204 [DELETED] 

just a jarpig coping, nothing new

>> No.9015992 [DELETED] 

so whats the /vr/dict on the new tmnt

>> No.9016000 [DELETED] 

jarpigs don't need to cope because they don't use gaming to validate themselves like shmupfags do who want everyone to know how hard their game is and how easy every other game is

>> No.9016005 [DELETED] 

it's good - very fluid movement and acrobatic moveset - good enemy variety and level design - bosses have fun mechanics - it makes most arcade bmups feel like stiff 1Dimensional shit minus the rate exceptions like battle circuit or AvP

>> No.9016014 [DELETED] 

>they don't use gaming to validate themselves
said the jarpig whining about casual gaming
>who want everyone to know how hard their game is and how easy every other game is
nice projecting but no, most have sisyphus mindset

>> No.9016031

Good for you, bitch tits. Found this:
...which will link you to this:
Now - go fuck yourself. :D

>> No.9016035 [DELETED] 

>most have sisyphus mindset
Sisyphus had autism and narcissism? Ok.
we get it you aren't having actual fun grinding the same routes anymore, the PBs aren't satisfying or meaningful either, so you have to attack players who play other genres for fun not achievement validation.

>> No.9016059 [DELETED] 

You spend more time shit talking shmups across threads on this dead bored for years than anyone else. Obsessed to the bone. There some deeprooted shit going on in your autistic head.

>> No.9016101 [DELETED] 

projection cope, other genres' communities suffer as much if not more from those, just look at you seething about shmups 24/7 like a wanker lmao, most decent shmup players just stick to their thing

>> No.9016152 [DELETED] 

This is true for me.

So he hit a nerve.

>> No.9016161 [DELETED] 

>jarpigs don't need to cope because they don't use gaming to validate themselves
They do though, they even have their own board.

>> No.9016204 [DELETED] 

you won't believe this but they hate JRPGs because they think JRPGs killed their shmup games

jealous lol

>> No.9016247 [DELETED] 

>jreplying to yourself
lmao schizo take, only ric hates jrpgs which lead to all this anti-shmup damage control from some jarpig autists, most people don't really care about jrpgs

>> No.9016275 [DELETED] 

You bring up shmups and jrpgs more than anyone.

>> No.9016374 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 640x692, chinchilla.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9016386 [DELETED] 

>only "ric" does that
Most shmup threads end up derailing because shmup players are insecure about other genres, even bmups and fighting games cause them to cope and seethe

>> No.9016392 [DELETED] 

>you won't believe this but they hate JRPGs because they think JRPGs killed their shmup games
somewhat correct. it's more like games with progression systems (which include jrpg shite) killed off skill-based genres (such as shmups and other types of games you'd find at an arcade). gaming was better when pure action games were the norm, before RPG elements infected everything like the cancer they are.

>> No.9016418 [DELETED] 

Having a lot of fun with Night Slashers (jp) and the night slashers X version rebalance. Both are great, good challenges and don't have to route them like an autist just execute good strats and have good reaction time, the enemies can be surprising and each run different enough so no shmup syndrome experience

>> No.9016424 [DELETED] 

worse than fight'n rage as expected

>> No.9016452 [DELETED] 

FnR is pretty damn good tho so...

>> No.9016545 [DELETED] 

I like tmnt better

>> No.9016561

Rewarding people for losing and punishing them for winning is bad yes

>> No.9016568

>then slashers like God Hand, Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden Black.

Completely wrong. Beat'em ups always incorporated things like co-op, timers, item usage (both you can enemies could use them) and emphasized crowd control over combos. Those games don't share any of these features. The real 3D successor to beat'em ups is Spikeout.

>> No.9016569

More like
>game growing harder as you play better is a good thing

>> No.9016574 [DELETED] 

>it makes most arcade bmups feel like stiff 1Dimensional shit
see >>9013991
that's how a lot of arcade games work, though it makes more sense in that environment

>> No.9016637

yeah, i love them, especially with friends and siblings. but it doesn't appeal to the modern fag gamer who either plays to unstoppable megafag or a expert gaymer who pwnz n00bz

>> No.9017223

Urban Reign is still the best 3d beat em up. Should have been a Tekken spinoff from the start.

>> No.9017493
File: 2.10 MB, 2016x1512, Deep_bass_attract_sounds_for_arcade_attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant more ... I don't know the word for it. Hardcore? Savage? To have brothers beat each other to the death, after going through a gang, over a possibly cheating girlfriend, which will eventually get shot.

>> No.9017507 [DELETED] 

having arcade clears doesn't change the facts. Arcade bmups feel stiff and limited in general, undercover cops feels retardedly stiff for example so does final fight, captain commando, night slashers, etc...there are some exceptions like AvP or Sengoku 3 and battle circuit but majority play like stiff shit compared to the high tech modern bmups we are getting lately

>> No.9017554 [DELETED] 

you are just a zoomer thinking bmups are about combos and flashy useless moves, but they are essentially about defensive play, spacing, crowd control, enemy design etc. clear a few a games and you'll see you are wrong, battle circuit isn't even as good as final fight

>> No.9017558


>> No.9017560

haggar if real is DON FRYE

>> No.9018279 [DELETED] 

This. Once I stopped approaching beat em ups like a DMC game, I started to actually enjoy the genre.

>> No.9018290
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>> No.9018304 [DELETED] 

Once you played character action games, bmups become unplayable. It's like trying to eat shit after some top tier pizza.

>> No.9018334 [DELETED] 

manchild food, like clockwork zoomie

>> No.9018409 [DELETED] 

>not liking pizza
you must be a hit at parties

>> No.9018417 [DELETED] 
File: 3.93 MB, 1172x1172, 1639499048685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not liking fucking pizza. You're a 100% sociopath. I'm also not only much better than you at games, but possibly older as well.

>> No.9018423 [DELETED] 

>I'm also not only much better than you at games,
big words for a 0 clears zoomer rob wanna be

>> No.9018426 [DELETED] 

is it edible yes, do i pretend it is the epitome of food like a manchild, no

>> No.9018434 [DELETED] 

mental illness
it was clearly an example
he could've said steak or porkchops or chili or fuckin idk mostaccioli and meatballs

>> No.9018436 [DELETED] 

seethe fatass trash food consoomer lol

>> No.9018437 [DELETED] 

>immediately cowers before the THOUGHT of rob
get a job chav

>> No.9018440 [DELETED] 

t. still hasn't 1cced FF on hardest dips
not gonna listen to any of your copes until you prove yourself and get to my level, kid

>> No.9018469 [DELETED] 

>still seething
lmao this rob dick sucker is pathetic
either way rob is a sor4 pony and he only plays ot for jewtube money, most of his other bmups 1ccs are just default settings boring kusoclears with one character

>> No.9019285

final vendetta

>> No.9019403

based just playing it now
and discovered Battle Axe, by the same devs, very good

>> No.9020254

Ghost chaser desei snes
Guardians denjin 1 arc
Zero team arcade
Legonaire arc

Play them and apologize now!

>> No.9021669

If you haven't already, you could get into the 3D variety. They are often labelled "hack n slash", or more ridiculously "character action". Games like DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Godhand, etc. The 3D variety are almost always single-player focused. The 2D/arcade originals had more multiplayer appeal.

>> No.9021682

>real 3D successor to beat'em ups is [game/style that never succeeded]
No, 3D brawlers/slashers are their spiritual successors. All that matters is both being the dominant melee-focused games of their time, besides pure fighters.

>> No.9021858

if you like turtles in time or hyperstone heist i can't understand why you wouldn't like the new turtles desu

>> No.9021887

except spike out was pretty popular in asia and an actual beat em up, fag.
hack 'n slashes just have too many modern conventions to be considered beat 'em ups, it's like comparing fucking 2d shooters to fps.

>> No.9022043

>hyperstone heist
that one is really hard on Hard mode

>> No.9022050

i don't think turtles in time is 2 hours long

>> No.9022065
File: 137 KB, 1000x583, shadow_over_mystara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like beat-em-ups without the 'beating up'-- that is, characters just doing the typical 'wandering martial artist punching guys' shtick is boring to me.

Stuff with more character variety like the Capcom D&D games, or the old ADK Ninja Combat, I could appreciate more.

>> No.9022068

Crystal of Kings and Knights of Valour series
>All that matters is both being the dominant melee-focused games of their time

Why exactly would that be all that matters? A genre is about conventions, not popularity and vague similarities. I guess Call of Duty is the successor to Contra.

>> No.9022080

most capcom games have fine character variety (except punisher lol), but yeah the D&D games are probably the best for that, try Guardians too.

>> No.9022457

it's not 2 hours long, it's 1 hour 45 minutes long for players who suck and just do slow ass safe 1cc strats. Which are basically just casual strats.

Same thing happened when SoR4 came out, it took people 1 hour 40 minutes but then players got good and now can beat it in like 35 or 40minutes using actual smart strats albeit more risky.

>> No.9022501

footfag detected
3d era = dmc, god hand
this game is pretty cool, but none of the selectable characters are all that cool.
fag. coomlectors really need to stop showing off.

>> No.9022781
File: 41 KB, 498x421, FN_3BQYXwAYzXvz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any arcade beat em ups that are as good as Hyperstone Heist and have similar fast paced combat? I can't find any and I've tried dozens

>> No.9022858

Violent Storm is pretty fast, Aliens vs Predator play Linn

>> No.9023417

speedfag runs don't count, you can beat turtles in time or final fight in like 19 minutes that way. sor4 mania+ speedruns are still like 55 minutes long which is way too much.

>> No.9024753

Try Denjin Makai 2.

>> No.9024801

Yeah but i suck at em

>> No.9024951 [DELETED] 

>Playing well doesn't count

>> No.9024970 [DELETED] 

>playing well
pick one, if you need to route shit for hundreds hours for the game to under 1 hour, then there's something wrong with your bmup

>> No.9024978

what is she from? she is hot

>> No.9024983 [DELETED] 

Bmups are more fun faster, using turtle safe strats is boring af
Getting good makes you play faster and more efficient

>> No.9024986 [DELETED] 

>playing turtle is boring af
fixd, now go play a good game

>> No.9025004 [DELETED] 

now fix your esl

>> No.9025015 [DELETED] 

shit taste cope

>> No.9025081 [DELETED] 

No argument just mad? Easy win for me

>> No.9025110 [DELETED] 

>self-affirmation cope
lol, just enjoy your boring fotm game

>> No.9025186

Which game? I used turtle as a play style strategy, opposite of offensive play...not a turtle's game silly esl dork

>> No.9025197 [DELETED] 

>damage controlling and backpedalling on the tmnt discussion
it hurts tmnt bros...

>> No.9025214 [DELETED] 

>everyone who disagrees with me is one person

>> No.9025218 [DELETED] 

>i want to reply even if it's completely unrelated to the main discussion

>> No.9025263 [DELETED] 

>Complete unrelated
the main thing discussed at that point wasn't a particular game, but playing bmups better and faster in general
then you tried to shift to ''turtles bad'' when the speed topic crushed your tiny esl brain

>> No.9025281 [DELETED] 

>but playing bmups better and faster in general
that's just your speedtranny autism, the actual main point is about modern devs fucking up the length of bmups. you shouldn't need 300 hours of speedfagging to beat a bmup in under 1 hour.

>> No.9025292 [DELETED] 

>1hour and 40mins for a scrubs first 1cc
>45 mins for an actual good player
>muh 300000 hours!!! DEVS OH NOOOO ITS LIKE A JRPG!!!

>> No.9025302 [DELETED] 

>it's not shit if you speedfag it for 300 hours bro trust me
cope, 45 mins is a shitty credit-fed final fight run lmao, stop trying to fix mediocre games with speedcoping

>> No.9025327 [DELETED] 

>this other bmup is shorter so uhhhh...
yeah so? if you like a bmup and get good at it you're gonna play it for more than 45 minutes or 2 hours lol

>> No.9025341 [DELETED] 

>this other bmup is shorter so uhhhh...
so it's always fun to replay without overstaying its welcome like the bloated modern trash you play.
>if you like a bmup
speedfags don't like bmups nor any other game, it's all a cope

>> No.9025376 [DELETED] 

>so it's always fun to replay without overstaying its welcome like the bloated modern trash you play.
maybe for you, not normal people who can game for 1.5hours without their heads exploding or hands falling apart, get gud

>> No.9025431


>> No.9025574

Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
Guardians: Denjin Makai II
Alien vs Predator
Violent Storm

>> No.9025575

I sleep in a big bed with my wife.

>> No.9025825

Silk Road...now THAT'S a belt-scroller.

>> No.9026182

the overrated Sengoku 3

>> No.9026245

>makes sure the health drops go to whoever needs it
I wish I could play with a clone of myself

>> No.9026274

Sengoku games are so stupid and weird. UGH. Couldn't SNK get a better side scrolling beat-em-up?

>> No.9026301 [DELETED] 

>get gud
i do in good games, not boring bloated modern trash for zoomers speedcopers

>> No.9026314 [DELETED] 

>normal people
you mean tards who don't know anything better and don't play older games.
>get gud
will never change the game's shit bloated design, so cope

>> No.9026357

They're kind of boring unless they're from the arcade or I didn't play them yet

The interesting part is how they made games worth playing under a few megabytes when they can't even make anything that fun now with almost 500gb

They can but it's a lot more rare now for them to make games that fun

>> No.9026379 [DELETED] 

I think it was quite fun, though I'm not a super hardcore genre devotee like some people in here.

>> No.9026673 [DELETED] 

It's fun and high quality gameplay so the length isn't a big drawback

>> No.9026676

I fucking hate you arcade fags. Get laid, find a job, neck yourself.

>> No.9026720 [DELETED] 

I know hardcore bmup dudes that vouche for it, it's good. Even fgc pros like smug are into it

>> No.9026731 [DELETED] 

>spongy super armor shit
>boring static boss patterns
>good design

>> No.9026737 [DELETED] 

>spongy super armor shit
>boring static boss patterns
>high quality gameplay

>> No.9026983 [DELETED] 

>Filtered by super armor
Learn to chain your charge move, slide/dodge behind them or throw, etc git gud

>Static boss patterns
You mean they execute patterns on a loop? So like many bmup bosses lmao...
And still need strats and good movement to beat them because of their armor, range and damage will rape you face to face

>High quality
Yes you ignore all the good points and worst you could mention is super armor lol and it's a bit longer than old bmups

exposed another contrarian fraud who doesn't play bmups

>> No.9027030 [DELETED] 

>Learn to
already did it's just typical boring zoomer gameplay design
>So like many bmup bosses lmao...
poser detected, good bmups have more pattern variety, erratic movement and rng factor, shredders revenge has braindead simon says design in comparison
>and worst you could mention is super armor lol and it's a bit longer than old bmups
because abusing super armor and length are fucking red flags in bmups unless you are a clueless zoomer retard. on top of that you have shitty simon says spongy bosses (super shredder lmao), filler gimmicky stages and okayish combat
keep seething zoomer

>> No.9027172 [DELETED] 

>Wall of cope
>New thing bad because uhhhh super armor filters me
Sorry you can't learn new games and new strats and are stuck in nostalgia land

>> No.9027185 [DELETED] 

don't get me wrong fight'n rage is pretty good for a modern bmup. shredders revenge is just overhyped shit for clueless zoomers, bloated, basic, easy, slow, shit bosses, overly dependent on flashy supers etc

>> No.9027205

Post your gnarly no death run...you probably can't even 1cc it lmao anyway
Even Juno said hard(gnarly) is actually pretty hard...
Except it's not. It's just longer than old bmups. But the gameplay and level design are tight and efficient, even the autoscroll parts are done well. There's no filler or bloat.
It has more depth and options than old bmups that's for sure
It let's you play fast if your good with the moves and anticipate enemies well, things you aren't good it seems
>Dependent on flashy supers
Flashy supers look good and you don't need them except at bosses, but I bet ppl will figure out faster boss kill strats in a month or two

>> No.9027259 [DELETED] 

>Post your gnarly no death run
why would i want to no death a mediocre game?
got to stage 10 on hard with 2 or 3 deaths, but stopped playing because shit's just boring and too long, the difficulty and speed isn't even close to fight'n rage
>streamer said it's hard so i believe him
>But the gameplay and level design are tight and efficient
enemy design is just okay but doesn't justify 2 hours, level design is mostly copy-paste from older games, hardly an improvement over the snes game
>It has more depth and options than old bmups that's for sure
t. tard who never cleared old bmups. shredders revenge has very basic crowd control and most bosses don't even have infinite mooks
>It let's you play fast
No it doesn't, lots of dead time and shitty sponge bosses, even memerunners don't see much speed potential compared to streets of shits 4
>Flashy supers look good and you don't need them except at bosses
>it' f-fun if you avoid supers except for the shitty bosses!
keep seething pathetic poser

>> No.9027265 [DELETED] 

>Filtered before 1cc
>Juno just a random streamer
t. hello newfag

>> No.9027284 [DELETED] 

cope, literally said I had a chance to 1cc but dropped it because shit's just boring
>downloading opinions from streamers instead of using personal arguments/experience
lmfao peak zoomer shitter

>> No.9027314 [DELETED] 

>muh personal argument
You couldn't 1cc it, yet better players are saying it's actually hard. Obviously I don't think it's too easy either, the difficulty on gnarly is just right imo

>It's boring
Shit taste in action games or just hate new things cause new and not exactly identical to old shit

>> No.9027392 [DELETED] 

>You couldn't 1cc it
couldn't =/= dropped on stage 10 bc got bored, but keep coping and downloading opinions from streamers lol
>better players
at shitter's revenge maybe, not like I care, there are better and harder bmups out there.
>just hate new things cause new
cope, already said I like fight'n rage. you're just a zoomer shitter overhyping new shit just because it's new, you can't do any kind of critical thinking and just download opinions from streamers, sad!

>> No.9027431 [DELETED] 

>I wish I could play with a clone of myself
Now NEITHER of you will be virgins!

>> No.9027478 [DELETED] 

>I'm good please believe me
>My taste isn't shit please believe me
you don't convince me, try again

>> No.9027481 [DELETED] 

>at shitter's revenge maybe, not like I care
newfag doesn't know who Juno or iconoclast are. Oof

>> No.9027486 [DELETED] 

>i copy-paste/dick-suck opinions from streamers pls believe them
not gonna happen
both worse than pasky, dumb newfag lmao

>> No.9027490 [DELETED] 

all better than chav

>> No.9027508 [DELETED] 

Mystara is really good makes the others in that list look mediocre

Still better than spic

>> No.9027538 [DELETED] 

>didn't delete the blatant non-retro tmnt shilling
sasuga janny

>> No.9027786

t. Can't combo and understand complex inputs

>> No.9027839

The cleric sound effect is hardwired into my brain.

>> No.9027851

I wish the sprites were a bit bigger and the width of the playing screen a bit shorter, ideally like Hyperstone Heist. So you could dash and slide from end to end really fast. Otherwise no complaints

>> No.9029563 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 921x1200, FnR F.Norris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Fight'N Rage anons, I can't get enough of doing 1cc runs on Unfair with Turbo speed as all of the characters, they're all so fun to play.

I wish the game was moddable to the degree there could be custom characters, stages, bosses etc just so there'd be more stuff to play and have fun with.
Any FnR fans here think we'll be seeing a FnR 2 within the next couple years?

>> No.9029572 [DELETED] 

Ya that not retro

>> No.9030182

too bad sengoku 3's "complex inputs" are wasted on repetitive, copypaste and dull as fuck enemy waves, some of the worst in any arcade bmup.

>> No.9030410

>repetitive, copypaste and dull as fuck enemy waves
the bmup genre isn't for you then, simple

>> No.9031260

no, other bmups handle enemy variety much better. you literally only fight the same 3 or so enemy types for the first half of sengoku 3 before they introduce any new ones, lazy as fuck design. anyone that ranks sengoku 3 as a top tier bmup is a clueless retarded zoomer who's only into it for muh flashy combos, stick to your devil may soi if you want that gay bullshit.

>> No.9033029


>> No.9033041

filtered by combos and enemy placement
Sengoku 3 is great but there's a learning curve you can't handle!

>> No.9033237
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Nothing killed them, they've just evolved.

>> No.9033548

So... they got jarpig'd?
Why does every genre succumb to that cancer?

>> No.9033569

A metroidvania lol

>> No.9033571

>What killed beatemups anyway?
Side scrollers are only fun to play with real people at home.

>> No.9033593

Turning them into jarpig cutscene simulators isn't evolving

>> No.9035492
File: 88 KB, 500x375, 15001-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mini boss can become invincible and perform a super move whenever they want, including during hitstun, as many times as they want

I really want to like this game but this is some grade A bullshit. I swear to god all the gatekeepers in dragon's den pull this off whenever you hit them a single time. It's like the game actively punishes you for doing more than a two-hit combo, which is really a shame because you can do some crazy shit in this game.

>> No.9035752
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probably my favorite along with sor2. runs really nice on rcps2 now in 4k

>> No.9035761

this ain't dmc kid

>> No.9036430
File: 22 KB, 286x280, 1544696254070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting a not-retro meme
>meme also has been distorted to be another "thing bad & thing good"

>> No.9036454

>Final Fight Ultimate LNS

Really awesome fan game, but I was disappointed that they didn't use the arcade version sprites.

>> No.9036459

Wait is this a beat em up or a Gauntlet clone??

>> No.9036469

This desire also seems to kill real life as well, if one allows it.

Anyway agreed, 'cinematic' was one of the worst things to happen to gaming. Although there are certainly still good games with movie-like attributes. If the soul of the thing stays true, then no worries.