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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8982957 No.8982957 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8982960 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.8982961

Nice, what part of the Philippines do you live in?

>> No.8982962

I'm a white Australian man you monkey

>> No.8982970

Sorry Abbo, only Pinoy chads can be the master race

>> No.8982974

Hell yes. It's frankly kinda unreal how much better the Micro is than the SP. it shouldn't be more comfortable to play on, but somehow it is.
Do you have a flashcart or are you playing regular cartridges?

>> No.8982976 [DELETED] 
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You really want some of this black boi

>> No.8982978 [DELETED] 

Thanks for sharing your private gay porn collection

>> No.8982983

Micro is love micro is life.

>> No.8982984 [DELETED] 


>> No.8982987 [DELETED] 

These two anons have been thoroughly owned by a confident micro king

>> No.8982993
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I've got a collection of gameboy advance games, so I'll play these for now...the micro is fantastic, great pixel density, I've got 20/20 vision so the small screen doesn't bother me, but honestly this is more of a collectible than anything else

>> No.8983001 [DELETED] 
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You wouldn't last a round with an Australian king you amerimutt

>> No.8983005 [DELETED] 

babby hands
no wonder you need babby size console
go back to the crib and suck on some milk, negro

>> No.8983007 [DELETED] 

Jokes aside, I must admit the micro fits my hands very well

>> No.8983014 [DELETED] 

Kek just bustin your balls friend. Nice micro and albino hands btw love

>> No.8983019

SP any day fag.

>> No.8983034

yeah the master race of gays

>> No.8983036


>> No.8983040

Sorry I can't hear you I'm using my headphone jack.

>> No.8983049

Its amazing how many times they rebranded the same console and people still bought it

>> No.8983070

Dawg I posted that as someone who formerly owned a Micro and currently owns an SP and GBA. The Micro is better.
Despite all odds (namely the smaller screen) the Micro is far and away the best model of Game Boy Advance.

>> No.8983075

This might sound pretentious or preposterous, but get an EZ-Flash or an EverDrive and you've seriously got a lifelong video game console on your hands.
Any way that you can find to load roms (and GB roms) on to that thing will add soooo much to your enjoyment of the console.

>> No.8983084 [DELETED] 

confident micropenis*
hey, it's the motion of the ocean, not the size of the boat, or whatever. :^)

>> No.8983089

I'm on the same exact wavelength as you comedy-wise anon, but the Micro really is the best GBA.
My adult hands cramp using the SP but don't with the Micro, and the Micro both feels just as comfortable as the base GBA (somehow??) and has a better screen than it.
My penis is decidedly average btw. :^)

>> No.8983110 [DELETED] 

fucking dog cunt stop being so obnoxious with your dyel arms. a kangaroo would kick your ass fuckhead.

>> No.8983126

Yeah, at some point that's a must

>> No.8983172

Not bad anon how is it? how do you like it compared to an SP? I remember wanting one back in the day but it seemed like they dissapeared as quick as they came. what’s the condition like? are the screws clean?

>> No.8983261

I got it from a pawn shop, condition was listed as new and my inspection seems to match it. Looks hardly a day out of the box.....imo it's better than the sp, you feel like your getting a real gadget with the micro

>> No.8983325

Micro screen sucks ass, it's washed out compared to the ags 101

>> No.8983329

I've had a micro for ages because I thought "Oh! I could use this at work at my desk! Sneaky..." But I've barely used it because when Covid hit I had no reason to use a micro when I have a Gameboy player, the GBI on SD and a CRT. But I ordered an EZ IV because I want to play the Klonao games on there.

Anyone able to recommend some fun GBA games that play well on GB micro? Don't recommend JRPGS. Don't get me wrong I love FFTA etc but on the Micro they strain my eyes.

>> No.8983345

Astro Boy Omega Factor since the sprites are generally pretty big and it's easy to play.

>> No.8983359

AGS 101 is better, micro is uncomfortable and the screen is tiny and washed out.

>> No.8983363

Sounds like you got a steal I hope that it still has the OEM screws. What do you like more about it than the sp? how much did you get it for? Maybe I should check out some pawn stores for Nintendo merch.

>> No.8983371

Is that your only gameboy? If it was that and a gbc you'd be set. Otherwise you can't play all the gameboy games.

>> No.8983415
File: 283 KB, 1170x967, F4730B0A-DBB3-416A-8991-5FF65F6FCBFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome home

>> No.8983463

Ofcourse it has all the oem screws, not sure why your obsessed with this...shits all over the sp but I haven't had an sp since I was a kid so I can't remember much about it...I didn't get it for cheap, they are relatively rare to find so I just paid ebay market value for it which is 170 AUD so about 130 USD...I have a switch, multiple ps vita, multiple psps, a gameboy advance, ds, 3ds etc, but the micro offers something completely different, i mean just look at it

>> No.8983472

I have this and a regular gameboy advance, I don't have a gameboy colour.....I heard the regular gameboy advance could play old gameboy games not sure

>> No.8983478

A brother, plus your white

>> No.8983572
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>Doesn't have the Advance crew
This guy...
>nb4 the fuck's up with that GBA???
Literally niggers left it after kicking them out for late rent. I'm just glad it came back alive after cleaning the board. Definitely needs a shell swap bare minimum.

>> No.8983586

Those old consoles make me so happy to look at fuck zoomers and their rectangular wireless communications gaming devices

>> No.8983595

Seig heil brother

>> No.8983615

You purchased the white Jap Saturn? Based

>> No.8983618

Not retro. Post 2000

>> No.8983720

I don't get it

>> No.8983958
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>> No.8984129
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Sexy. My is the same, but inverted.

>> No.8984140

its micro, like ur penis. thats said, pc engine gt is better

>> No.8984174

Is there a good source of faceplates? The chink ones seem to suck.

>> No.8984181

What sucks about them? Mine is scratched up so I ordered a chinky one.

>> No.8984195

I can't get it on camera well but the couple I have have had divots in the screen.
Also why do they all have an anime option from that railgun anime?
Just seems odd.

>> No.8984201
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The Micro is cute

>> No.8984204
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What is the littlest thing I can play a retro game on that actually works right

>> No.8984230

Greetings brethren. May the Gods look down favoury upon thee

>> No.8984250

It’s alright, but I’d say it’s more of a novelty than anything else. The screen is so small that playing the castlevania games on it was sort of a misery. I also need to get into mine at some point and do a repair on the speaker.

>> No.8984348

I find mine perfectly playable long term, even though I have above average hands. I just hold it closer to my face when laying on a couch or bed or something, maybe not the best to play while sitting.

>> No.8984420
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>> No.8984450

Salutations brother

>> No.8984921

floweranon is based af
i used to hate fagposters like the /vr/ handwritten paper guy and flowerbro
but they are part of our frogposting community

>> No.8985178

i dunno, the micro is way too small for me. if it had been scaled up a little and kept the shape that would have been cool imo and i might have wanted to get one (if i didnt already have the SP).
that, and the fact it can only play GBA games for no fucking reason (maybe size?) is pretty gay. if nintendo didnt fuck that up i wouldnt be inclined to make fun of it.
and good to know, anon :^)

>> No.8985489

You can't be part of the master race and also have manlet hands, OP.

>> No.8985634

I used to work at a call center and I would play advance wars against a coworker, passing around a gba micro - fun times. Other than that though I never had a reason to play it, people aren't exaggerating when they say it's uncomfortable. And playing anything on it that requires using L and R is just not fun

>> No.8985649

Pure cope of a freak with fat, clumsy ape mitts, who's excluded from based tech
Master race have just-right hands. Big enough to enjoy using Dukes and small enough to comfortably use the GBA Micro.

>> No.8985716

I don't even understand the small hands Micro meme, do people really think because it's small, you need small hands? I have quite big hands, way above male average and I find the Micro very comfortable to hold, even long term.
Meanwhile my girlfriend with average sized female hands doesn't. It's actually worse to hold long term when you have small hands, but people think "small thing needs small hands" and meme it without ever having held one themselves.

>> No.8985835

I have big hands and it's not an issue, the biggest issue is that the screen is so small. Thankfully you can just bring it closer to your face, but that gets uncomfortable over time. I respect the micro as the only realistically pocketable handheld.

>> No.8985860

Of course GameBoy Advance can play original GameBoy games.
The micro can't though so it's not even a real GameBoy.

>> No.8985885

>way above male average
lmao. Also I bought one new at Wal-Mart for $30, I'm quite familiar.

>> No.8985889

>Doctor, this is the heaviest dose of copium we've ever administered, are you sure it's safe?

>> No.8986182

gameboy micro is so expensive baka

>> No.8986236 [DELETED] 


>> No.8986238
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Does this count?

>> No.8986269

China crap is a no go, but at least they copied the best looking micro.

>> No.8986332

AGZ micro when?

>> No.8986343

>SNES with cropped FOV and shit-ass sound
I'm good.

>> No.8986347

g o o m b a

>> No.8986364

I still hate him. He doesn't know how computers work and... of course a coomlector wouldn't.

>> No.8986394

Sucks and the screen is too small anyway

>> No.8986791

Do they still make ags 101 screens nowadays ?

>> No.8986861

it is comically small
that is the point

but it does NOT suck
its the only gba that isnt hot garbage

>> No.8986868

>way above male average
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ awu

>> No.8986957

If you have a micro don't try changing the faceplate, I did and the plastic hooks that hold it down had gone brittle and snapped off. Now I need to use tape to hold it down. Though I hear it's more common with the silver model. Also just get an original fat DS or SP for GBA games.

>> No.8986969

>master race

>> No.8987170

I've heard GB roms don't save when using gba flashcart. That true, any work arounds?

>> No.8987195

GB ROMs can't be played on a GBA flashcart except with an emulator. Ideally, you want a GB flashcart too.
The games save fine, but you have to convert the save from the emulator's format.

>> No.8987206

Ah I see. Thanks anon.
I have a GB flash cart but was looking at trying to play GB on the micro. Thinking I should just stick to playing GB games on my SP.

>> No.8987541

get a ds lite instead

>> No.8987545

Shit dpad and ugly tumor cartridges.

>> No.8987548

Ds lite is a good choice you can still find OEM back up screws for a good price. Idk how long the supply will last though if things continue the way they have from Covid

>> No.8987551

I'm using a aftermarket faceplate and it's fine. My original silver faceplate is fine too, even though I took it off and on dozens of times even in the last couple years. Sure you didn't go full tard strength on it? You need to push both holes gently to pop it loose.

>> No.8988220 [DELETED] 

cope and seethe

>> No.8989809

Is this thing legit playable or am I getting meme'd?

>> No.8989895 [DELETED] 

You're being memed, GB Micros are the reddit device de jour. I bought one when they were being blown out for $30 after being a miserable market failure, and I didn't like it then. I later paid some retarded price for one after they became meme-tier, and I remembered "oh yeah I hated this" and sold it promptly.

>> No.8990270 [DELETED] 

It's playable for most people, obviously some people will find it too small...and like that anon said it has become a reddit collectible

>> No.8990612 [DELETED] 

What makes it reddit?

>> No.8990615
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I love my micros, one of the best portables ever made

>> No.8990617 [DELETED] 

not him b it's a shittier GBA made for manlets that costs $200+ used and has a tiny screen. yeah, it's pretty reddit.

>> No.8990657

A brother

>> No.8990663 [DELETED] 

The fact that redittors love it and make threads about it...I didn't mean it in a bad way

It's pretty based to me

>> No.8990674 [DELETED] 

i dont know whats based about paying 200 for a shittier GBA SP made for nip manlets but you do you

>> No.8990679 [DELETED] 

>you do you
I will

>> No.8990682 [DELETED] 

okay retard

>> No.8991325
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I bought one of these like 10 years ago to have something to play at work. Imported from EU, complete in box, cost me $70 at the time.
I only used it a handful of times before shelving it. It's so small, my hands cramped up after only a few minutes. Wound up just dusting off my PSP from high school and emulating on it instead.

Would have loved it when I was a kid, but it's just not made for adults. At least not non-nip adults.

>> No.8991330

What's with people's obsession over this video?

>> No.8992987

>mother 3 model

>> No.8993358

Bought one of these in 2010 and every final fantasy cart and the golden suns for maybe $120-$150 back in 2009 when I was living in my car and had a dumb phone. Good memories of laying on my back and playing till the battery ran out.

>> No.8993672 [DELETED] 

I paid good money to see this twin dick faggots micropeni and all I got was lousy toypic.

>> No.8994152 [DELETED] 

when somebody stay something is reddit it's troglodytespeak for 'i don't like it but I can't articulate my thoughts'

>> No.8994156 [DELETED] 

t. reddit

>> No.8994245

Just put luma on a 3ds and play gba with that.

>> No.8996083

those look like Tachikomas

>> No.8996130 [DELETED] 
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You definitely didn't join the master race of knowing how to edit your photos.

>> No.8996167 [DELETED] 
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Don't care.
Didn't ask.
Dilate tranny.

>> No.8996169 [DELETED] 

oh noo, impotent zoomer rage from a new ip
someone didn't get any tendies tonight ;_;

>> No.8996715

And they keep doing it more and more
>DS, DS Lite, DSi
>3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, 2DS XL
Can't wait for the Switch DX

>> No.8996720 [DELETED] 

>tranny posting off-topic fag shit
like clockwork

>> No.8996727 [DELETED] 


>> No.8996749

Both of these look really good, an all black would probably look amazing too.

>> No.8997405
File: 60 KB, 1000x1000, rg351m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is chink shit stop beating off your high horse
Anbernic puts out trash handhelds but the gba ones are a big exception

>> No.8998195

Micro always seemed appealing with the exception of the tiny screen. It's more portable, buttons look comfier, and the screen would probably be more crisp because of pixels per inch, but still. My modded backlit sp is just dandy. You do you though, enjoy it

>> No.8998709

What's the chink to order faceplates from? I bought one off amazon like 10 years ago and it didn't really fit, making buttons almost impossible to press down.

>> No.8998715

*the best chink

>> No.8998782 [DELETED] 

>"y-yeah? Well... y-you're a retard!"
Again, this is why under 25s should be banned from this board.

>> No.9000586

Bros, I love the Micro so much.

>> No.9000597

how do I stop getting hand cramps

>> No.9001006

It's the Doom of animation. Runs on everything from calculators and 8-bit machines to the original IBM PC and Tesla cars.

>> No.9001212
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as for me

>> No.9001227
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>> No.9001754

Stop being weak

>> No.9001819
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>> No.9001961

I got a GameBoy Micro when it was released in 2005. The screen is way too fucking small and the colors are extremely washed out. It also can't play GB/GBC games or even use GBA accessories. The faceplates and multiple brightness levels were pretty cool though.

>> No.9002064

SP master race

>> No.9003449

>the colors are extremely washed out
are you sure your unit wasn't defectuous? colors look incredibly vibrant on mine.

>> No.9003463

Not him, but the colors definitely are paler on my GBM than my AGS-101 or any of my DSs. I don't mind though since GBA games tend to use saturated palettes.

>> No.9005310
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Let me share in your joy, my friend.

>> No.9005317
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That’d be the Funkey S

>> No.9006938

Looks neat but it's odd that two of the three colors they sell them in are purple. Like who did they poll to come up with that.

>> No.9008582

>kicksharter only
Fuck I hoped it was out already, was ready to order right now

>> No.9008653

>It also can't play GB/GBC games
use Goomba

>> No.9009934

why would you want to play GB games in anything other than an OG DMG screen or a GB Pocket or GBC games in anything other than a GBC?

>> No.9012332
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If I get a micro, will I get a qt micro gf?

>> No.9012412

>pink hair

aaaand dropped

>> No.9012432

It was different back then.

>> No.9012887
File: 254 KB, 860x1242, 375-3754414_pepe-meme-rarepepe-happy-happypepe-dad-dadandson-happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2002 colored hair
>I'm wacky

>2022 colored hair
>I'm offended

zoomerbros you didn't deserve this

>> No.9013225

Retard detected. That's good. Perfect middle ground between the truly washed out colors of the 001 and the oversaturrated 101

>> No.9013275

Does the micro have the GameCube port?
It's the only model I don't own but if it doesn't have a GC port then I think I'd rather get an extra SP instead.

>> No.9013301
File: 54 KB, 1024x576, yuj675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2002 colored hair
Let's have fun this is the scene, drop out, get high
>2022 colored hair

>> No.9013464

that's not a gamecube running swiss with a gb player and a gchd mkii outputting rgb to a crt

>> No.9015057

that's right, it is not.

>> No.9015063

teach me.