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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3 KB, 160x144, Pokemon Blue (UA) [S][BF1] (patched).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8992312 No.8992312 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't this plotline way too fucking dark for a kid's monster taming game?

>> No.8992320
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>> No.8992330
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>> No.8992351

I don't remember blood being there. Did re-releases remove it or my memory's just fuzzy? It's been ages since I saw Bambi.

>> No.8992356

Also, does every Cubone in existence have their mother dead and puts on her skull? THAT'S dark.

>> No.8992360

Not as dark as Gen II where Team Rocket cuts off the tails of still-living Slowpokes and Lance has Dragonite hyperbeam a motherfucker point-blank

>> No.8992392

Kids weren't so coddled in the 90s

>> No.8992410

I always remember the blood being there

>> No.8992468


>> No.8992550

Are modern players really so neutered and pussified that they think ANY amount of unpleasantness in a game is TOO DARK?

>> No.8992862

Dora the Explorer isn't the darkest thing a kid can handle, anon

>> No.8992983

There is no scene with Bambi next to his mother’s corpse at all.

>> No.8993014

You have no idea how bad zoomers really are.

>> No.8993291

Mandela Effect

>> No.8993329

>game about animals
>animals die in the wild to other animals

that's just nature, nature isn't dark. pokemon's problem is that the further the series goes along the more disconnected pokemon are from a natural, believable world.

>> No.8995564

Dora is the darkest kid I could handle.

>> No.8995592

the animals were killed by the mafia though
that's the exact opposite of nature

>> No.8995598
File: 22 KB, 375x270, latest-664578225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might want to take into account that most of us saw Littlefoot's mother die. We're that old dude.
Kid's media didn't fuck around when we grew up.

>> No.8995607

It's actually because they were kids and their parents shielded their eyes and no I am not kidding. That's why they think the scene was never there.

>> No.8995669

It's just absurd.

>> No.8995676

If you think that's bad wait until you see /co/ call kiddie shows "too meanspirited".

>> No.8995712

Git gud

>> No.8995717

>people worrying about dark themes in kids media
>in the age of the internet, where kids stumble onto porn and gore without trying

>> No.8995724

Don't worry the ego of parents isn't stopping there.
How many shit/mediocre athletic shorts of people's kids have you had forced on you?

>> No.8995824


>> No.8995906

>Don't say the D-word in front of kids
Get fucked, /pol/

>> No.8995938
File: 25 KB, 355x236, Farthing wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was on TV when I got home from school.

>> No.8996000

Pokemon Origins fucked this up as in the Cubone episode Cubone already has his skull before Team Rocket kill his mum

>> No.8996003

It's well-established that the Pokedex is a load of bollocks.

>> No.8996040

Life was tough in the 90s. Kids were used to seeing stuff like this.

>> No.8996058

>Team Rocket cuts off the tails of still-living Slowpokes
But they're too dumb to feel pain and their tails regrow. Even as a kid I wondered why it was considered evil.

>> No.8996065

For me it was watership down

>> No.8996067

It was all to prepare us for whats to come..

>> No.8996128

why do nintendo games give the american children nightmares

>> No.8996594

Pokedex entries constantly mention Slowpokes use their tails to dip in water and either fish for prey or a Shellder so they can evolve.

>> No.8996641

Didn't think of that, guess they can't feed themselves until their tails regrow.
Later games let you cook with Slowpoke tails though.

>> No.8996651

Not really? It's pretty standard stuff in the monster-raising genre. Yokai Watch has a major character that's the ghost of a cat that was hit by a car. The Digimon anime has main character deaths multiple times per season. Pokemon is babby-tier by comparison.

>> No.8996664

That cartoon was some seriously depressing stuff

>> No.8996723

This image is either a well done fake or a deleted scene. There is no such scene in Bambi.

>> No.8996732

This is one I still refuse to watch. Grave Of the Fireflies too.

>> No.8996737
File: 46 KB, 1000x500, Cubone-and-Marowak-in-Pokemon-Origins-Anime-Cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hatch a Cubone in Gen II
>Pokedex Entry: It lost its mother after its birth. It wears its mother's skull, never revealing its true face.
>Mother is clearly still alive in my party
>Male Marowak and Ditto results in a Cubone with the skull of his mother that doesn't even exist
What did they mean by this?
They really should've made an alternate skulless form of Cubone and Marowak that's only obtained through breeding

>> No.8996748

lol pretty sure Cubone's mom is just a folk tale in-universe

it's like how IRL we have a million different myths and stories about how (insert animal here) got its (stripes/spots/other distinctive feature)

>> No.8996786

It's vitally important that child get exposed to dark stuff every once in a while so they can be prepared for when that shit happens in real life when they get older.

>> No.8996827

Not to mention some of us had to deal with Sesame street of all goddamn shows hititng kids with "Oh by the way, you're going to die, there's nothing you can do about it, and everyone you know is going to die before you, have fun!"

>> No.8996841
File: 32 KB, 500x273, a6LvXEA_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus wait until you see felidea.

probably the most adult animated movie Ive ever seen

>> No.8996890

>ludonarrative dissonance

>> No.8997060

wow bro so FUCKING DARK
how did children ever recover from 20 years ago

>> No.8997090

The first movie opens with Mewtwo massacring a building full of scientists, after watching all his friends die

>> No.8997101
File: 278 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2022-06-11-04h09m58s222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys, none of these films have anything on the TRUE darkest kids movie ever, Penguin's Memory Shiawase Monogatari.
I saw it for the first time two days ago and cried twice. This film is fucked up.

>> No.8997114

>check this
>Akif Pirinçci
>check his works
Sounds like a great guy

>> No.8997120

Fuck off retard

>> No.8997142

watched an elfen lied rerun as a kid, fucked me up
also, gollum used to scare the shit out of me

>> No.8997593 [DELETED] 

Generic borderline-noncon fantasy #326
Being a hot secretary who gets constantly shuffled from floor to floor so that all the men in the building can have their turn with me. Who is she? Does she have a husband? What are her dreams and aspirations? Who knows, who cares?

>> No.8997598

What the fuck just happened?

>> No.8997615

>>Fuck off retard
>parrot so easily triggered

>> No.8997621

They literally didn't. They wrote copypastas about it and keep playing the games into their 30s. If that's not cursed you can't tell me shit

>> No.8997681
File: 1.02 MB, 320x240, OtHg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's got cute animals in it then it's kid friendly, right?

>> No.8997714

Death is a natural part of life, just like nudity

>> No.8997753
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>> No.8997761
File: 57 KB, 252x221, 1273754796678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw shit nigga, this traumatized me as a kid. I thought I was watching a wholesome cartoon about rabbits doing rabbit things, and then this shit comes up.

>> No.8997804

Watership downs is even more harrowing..

>> No.8997809
File: 64 KB, 490x529, Watership Downie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8997837

aren't 4chan and 9gag basically the same thing?

>> No.8997886

No piece of media I know of illustrates just how fragile life can be like Watership Down.

>> No.8997905

I'm 32 and had pokemon blue when it was new. I never played another pokeymans.
Gameplay was shit but the music was good

>> No.8997909

Man, way to spoil one of the greatest endings to a show ever.

>> No.8997912

>White power symbol


>> No.8997914

>unironically thinking that white supremacists use gang signs

>> No.8998187

Name of the show?

>> No.8998210

Yep, and zoomers are even more fucked up.

>> No.8998418

The very definition, aspie.

>> No.8998436
File: 128 KB, 409x600, 1257536896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8998514

this is your brain on psyops

>> No.8998642

Stupid ass foreigner, shut the fuck up already.

>> No.8998730

>pokemon red/blue
>in color
>female character
explain this picture

>> No.8998791

Kinda like the Kardashians?

>> No.8998957

Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
The anime is worth watching if you're an english speaker. The manga series is way better, however the franchise as a whole has like a 150 volumes and is still on going and most if it is only available in Japanese and Finnish.

>> No.8999095

*laughs in plague dogs*

>> No.8999097
File: 890 KB, 868x813, 711759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8999510

Cubone's mom was trying to get rich...

>> No.8999980

>Calls out white power symbol (which is actually 4chan trolling but people are idiots)
>Uses the slur aspie, which is derived from the goose-stepping nazi Hans Asperger who literally sent children to their deathhs
Whose side are you on?

>> No.8999984

Probably a romhack that adds color and some content

>> No.9001078

They really robbed this mon of a leading role in the anime. For fuck sake he's the only pokemon besides Mewtwo with an actual storyline in the game.

>> No.9001779

It's kris from gsc

>> No.9001842

Yeah but that pokecenter is not from gsc, it has to be an hack

>> No.9002050

Oh no! Your deductions literally mean that the mongoloid is a white supremacist!
I must alert the authorities at once!

>> No.9002071

nature is unbelievably dark, and cruel. you get to sit there in your chair and type this gay opinion because people suffered for thousands and thousands of years before you to take human beings out of the food chain.

>> No.9002074

didn't /co/ become some sjw stronghold? makes sense since comics are faggy as fuck.

>> No.9002076


you guys are a bunch of sweeties. i wish i was as sheltered and innocent as you all were and in some cases still are. you probably shouldn't be on this website, lol

>> No.9002940


>> No.9003042

No you are just dumb

>> No.9003154

I’ve never fully understood the type of person that comes to 4chan seeking out fucked up gore videos and such. I just enjoys engaging in pointless, silly arguments that I’ll forget about the next day.

>> No.9003197

kids weren't pussies back then

>> No.9003206

Kids were always pussies, but parents are too and don't want to have to explain the abstract concept of death to a child.

>> No.9003215

I found 4chan in 2004 as a horny teenager looking for hentai, a year older than moot at most. I ended up staying for the zaniness and early memes, and I was never a queasy person so the guro shit that would get spammed from time to time didn't faze me that much.

>> No.9003976


>> No.9004005

>Isn't this plot kind of dark
>From the same nation where some of its popular animes deal in wartime themes and people die left and right.
No, its not dark at all for its country of origin.

>> No.9004017

Yes, the cancer is inoperable

>> No.9004082

Also, doesn't really add up mathematically.

I remember having to let my monsters die in Monster Rancher in order to get better monsters. You would just go to a new week, and then it would show your monster's corpse, and Holly or Colt would cry and you'd have a funeral. Was quite a thing at the time.
Man, I love Monster Rancher.

>> No.9005470

Chill the duck out edgelord. Most of us have seen all of the disgusting shit that this world has to offer, that doesn't mean that you have to behave like an autistic spaz and not have feelings for shit like this.

>> No.9005847

He really does. Wish there were more people like him around, these days.

>> No.9005910
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>> No.9006036
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>> No.9006223

>parents are too and don't want to have to explain the abstract concept of death to a child.
Parents find it difficult to talk about sex, it's consequences and other important things with god damned teenagers, then are shocked and surprised when their daughter comes home pregnant from some low-life loser that she found exciting because he's an outcast.

>> No.9006247
File: 47 KB, 694x652, msn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it somewhere between 2007 to mid 2008 because I saw someone mention it in an group about anime & manga on MSN. I just checked what it was about because the name had me curious, didn't think much of it then left and forgot about it, somehow returned to it some time later, only lurked for nearly 2 years then I became an active poster and spent the next 8 or so years of my life in 4chan every single day. Decided to "quit" about 4 years ago, and here I am again now that I'm jobless again, but I don't spend anywhere as much time here as I used to back then.
It's good to come here and get some information or talk about things once in a while but this is a huge time sink just like social media.

>> No.9006284

I'd rather children are exposed to something like this than tranny twerking

>> No.9007589

I've been here roughly the same time range and I agree this place soaks up loads of time. Definitely worth it for all the amazing shit this place has introduced me to.

>> No.9008023
File: 142 KB, 600x600, 1641124093631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. i think there has been a clear disconnect between the original 251 pokemon from rby and gsc to what it's become today. you know it's gotten stupid when a damn keyring is a pokemon.

>> No.9008045

Breh that's not even one of the worst ones.

>> No.9008071

>original 251 pokemon
nice try johtoddler, but there's only 151 original pokemon

>> No.9008084
File: 3.21 MB, 2100x1185, gen1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop trying to lump the first two gens, they are very much on different wavelenghts

>> No.9008096
File: 40 KB, 736x414, watership_down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watership Down anyone?
Fuck that shitty new one with the CGI or whatever. It depicted dogs as from the point of view of the rabbits so it made them seem like these vicious other-worldly creatures.

>> No.9008113

i thought orion was the end of the whole series?

>> No.9008132
File: 28 KB, 140x153, 1640615106575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The additional 100 in Gen 2 are mostly either additional evolutions for already existing mons or baby forms.
Also Tyranitar is pretty kino.

>> No.9008436
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>> No.9008486

Dear sweet Jesus the feels. My mom bought me that movie when I was 4. 33 years later I still think about it.

>> No.9008557
File: 782 KB, 725x458, giorno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your brain is mixing it with Lion King.
That's all.
This scene didn't happen.
But Lion King's did.

>> No.9008642

You have to manage it just like social media. Browse when you have nothing else to do and just want to chill and talk about random stuff for a while, when you want information or when something big related to one of your interests happens.
If you just browse 4chan all day everyday and are not doing anything else with your life, years will go by before you even realize and you'll be stuck in the same place.

Also, don't let the negativity here ever get to you.

>> No.9008663

>when you have nothing else to do
Anything other than social media is more productive. It is a roach motel, avoid it.
>inb4 4chan is social media.
If it scrolls infinitely it is poison.

>> No.9008682

Given that half of the gen 2 mons were in the beta for pokemon red, I'd say they were on exactly the same wavelength.

>> No.9008772
File: 269 KB, 1111x213, kaijusruined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>additional evolutions for already existing mons or baby forms.
that's part of the problem, godawful evolutions that clash with the rest of the evolution and cancerous filler baby trash.

not by any means the worst gen 2 has to offer but even then from pic related you can see how they are going in with different aesthetic sensibilities

I pray for the day people will stop parroting this wrong information. To clarify:
- gen 1 had originally 190 pokemon
- we know what all the cut 40 pokemon are from their backsprites
- it could be argued Tyranitar is an heavily reworked redesign of gen 1's cut pokemon - Gyaoon and Ledian may have been inspired by Weedle's original evolution but none of the other 98 gen 2 pokemon match any other cut pokémon in any way
- some of the cut gen 1 pokemon made it to gen 2's beta version but they all got cut again by the end of development
- even between different versions of gen 2 beta and the final version there's clearly visible heavy redesign changes even between the same pokemon meaning they were very actively working on it all the way through development.

and please don't tell me you're one of those morons who completely misinterprets bulbapedia's gen1 index number page, that's just sad

>> No.9008778

Not really, that sort of thing can be found if faery tales and Disney movies. For some reason Nintendo fans seem to love talking about how super dark certain games are, like they’re insecure about something.

>> No.9008779

found in*

>> No.9008803

Not even close. Orion got a sequel that itself got a sequel that started publication in 2019.
It won't end till the author's dead and I doubt even that will be enough.

>> No.9008887
File: 104 KB, 780x439, 031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy you're replying to but what is it about gen II that makes you consider it a downgrade from the originals? Is it because they look less like monsters?

Seeing the concept art of the original pokémon back in the 90s makes me think they were originally meant to be a lot more dinosaur-like than more modern pokémon are. I also feel an Akira Toriyama vibe from Ken Sugimori art of that time.

>> No.9008928
File: 286 KB, 500x600, birdmons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's plenty of reasons, less pokemon with kaijuesque influences being on of them, yeah.

though it goes a lot deeper than that and I don't have the willpower to go into it right now but it should be pretty apparent to anyone with eyes. I've already mentioned the terrible crossgen evolutions and baby shitmons too

>> No.9009051
File: 209 KB, 1669x1081, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can understand what you mean.

Barring a few exceptions they looked more like fantastical versions of real world animals and believable monsters, modern pokémon look more like random nonsensical creatures designed to be simpler and cute.

>> No.9009056

oh shit really? what's name of the next one in series? any links to sites where i can read it for free?

>> No.9009071

nvm i found them. noah is the latest.

>> No.9009079

Felidae is a legitimate adult movie, to be fair. Or it's just German, I don't know. There's cat fucking in it.

>> No.9009082
File: 587 KB, 774x1181, Gdn1fin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Last Wars. That went on for a few years and was followed by Noah which is the current series.
There seems to have been some scanlation efforts on the internet but at least a quick googling isn't finding much. Pretty sure the series hasn't had any official english releases in years.

>> No.9009096

The perception of 4chan as the scariest place on the internet is very amusing to me. Probably the vast majority of content on this site is just people talking about video games and anime.
I mean, if you want actual shocking shit, you go on those unsanitary video sites, where every second video title is in Russian. Everyone knows that.

>> No.9009107

Eh, now its perception among the general public is less "that scary place with hackers, shock pics and porn" and more "that hotbed for alt-right/white supremacist views".

>> No.9009113

Even that though is immensely drowned out by people talking about Sonic the Hedgehog. People bait themselves into thinking the site is something it isn't.

>> No.9009118

Is there a board-by-board breakdown of traffic on the site somewhere? Like, which boards are the most frequented as such? Might be a somewhat useful metric to better determine how much or little of the 4chan userbase is concentrated in the "bad" parts. I say somewhat, because unfortunately the /pol/ brainrot has metastasized and spread to basically every other board to one extent or another.

>> No.9009143

Plague Dogs is definitely one sad movie. But I think Land Before Time got the most cries from me as a kid, to the point where I wouldn’t even watch the first part of the movie.

>> No.9009178

i found some blogger who translates noah. not the best english but ehh.. it's readable.

>> No.9009194

/pol/ is one of the best boards though. No joke here.
I mean, which one you consider the best one? /vp/ constantly discusses which pokemon they want to fuck. /v/ is basically /pol/ but worse. /tg/ is bearable, but was much better back in the days.
Hell, /vr/ is probably the only place better than /pol/ on 4chan in 2022.

>> No.9009201

>The perception of 4chan as the scariest place on the internet is very amusing to me.
This is an old perception from the wild west days of 4chan and the internet in general. I don't remember another place quite like 4chan 12 years ago.

As the years passed by, 4chan started to become more notorious and mainstream because of anonymous antics, this perception gradually became less factual.
4chan is mainstream now, only boomers, children and the most normiest of normies that frequent the internet have never come here or heard of it, even if they have already seen and been influenced by things that were born here.

>> No.9009213

Speaking of which, I haven't seen the words newfag, oldfag or whatever-fag in ages.

I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of the userbase nowadays has been here for around 6 years at most. Oldfags like me must be a tiny minority now, originalfags (2004~2008) have probably all left forums like this and moved on with their lives a long time ago.

>> No.9009221

I guess I'm just not attracted to schizo and alt-right shit. Just about every board has gone down in quality (/g/ was one of my main boards, and I can't stand it now), but my metric is the more a board can stay on topic without unironically bringing up politics or DA JOOZ at every turn, the better it is. Also, at least how I see it, the less pepes and s0ijacks posted, the better the board tends to be, which possibly coincides with a lesser concentration of post-2016 tourists.

>> No.9009227

I saw a graph that tracked site traffic year by year, and if it's to be believed, you'd be very right. Traffic has like tripled since 2015 or so. We are indeed very much a minority, though again, a few boards still have a decent amount of older posters, this being one of them, rule-change notwithstanding.

t. 2004fag

>> No.9009286

>Traffic has like tripled since 2015 or so
The elections definitely have a lot to do with it, but it was already getting bad before that.
I wonder if it's because "meme culture" became a thing or because of the rise of social media in the late 2000 and people started looking for alternatives in the early 2010s.

I know that at some point in the early to mid 2010s I started to feel like a foreigner here even though I have been here since around 2008.

>> No.9009358

>without unironically bringing up politics
Well, /pol/ is literally about politics, so it's about on topic, I guess... And I'd rather be around alt-rights than modern leftists.
But overall, yes, every board has gone down in quality. As about pretty much everything else in general. I hate to say it again, but I think the culture is dead, and without culture humans in general are... empty.
Either way, it's just good there are still tiny places like this one.

>> No.9009484

>even then from pic related you can see how they are going in with different aesthetic sensibilities
You're ignoring Dragonite entirely so I'm not sure what your point is

>> No.9009487

Thank you for this post. The amount of johtrannies claiming gen2 pokemon are gen1 leftovers is exhausting

>> No.9009517

Dragonite is a dragon and that post was about comparing pokemon with the classic Kaiju-like shape. Your post is the equivalent of someone making this >>9008928 bird comparison and you being like "but what about Ditto?"

>> No.9009704

you fucking pussy lmao

>> No.9009879

Cubone a cute

>> No.9010365

fuck hunters, fucking lol hard when they get stuck in the bear traps I set up for them

>> No.9010638

idk, but Cameron the Photographer in HGSS is pretty fucking creepy. He literally just follows kids around taking pictures of them? What the fuck is that?

>> No.9010659

Have you seen the ineffectiveness of the cops in Pokemon? You could quite easily spree there.

>> No.9010716

You're ignoring the context of it being a fairy type. Fairies in stories are usually mischievous shitheads who would steal stuff and piss in the milk jug, it makes sense a fairy Pokemon would steal some shiny keys and take the form of a ring to hold them. Additionally, it's not even a ring, it's just holding its arms together, its fainting animation shows its arms separating and dropping the keys.

I think it's a good design. What I don't like about Pokemon these days is the art style, it's too cute and round compared to the old style.

>> No.9010729

children should learn about death

>> No.9010905

I don't even know what's fairy-type or not. I haven't kept up with modern pokemon. I've basically stopped trying to catch up to it after Gen 3. I've only pointed that one out because I saw that somewhere.

>> No.9010914

>not by any means the worst gen 2 has to offer but even then from pic related you can see how they are going in with different aesthetic sensibilities
I can see where you're coming from. Gen 2 looks less aggressive and more fantasy-like compared to Gen 1. Though honestly, I'm personally not as bothered by Gen 2 designs compared to the later ones. So much so that given the choice, I'd rather have Gen 1 and 2 be the end of Pokemon just like the original game director intended to.

>> No.9010927

Is that the new nidoran design? wtf.

>> No.9011242

It's a mock up of what it would look like if it was designed today

>> No.9011342

That's pretty hideous.

>> No.9011439
File: 78 KB, 602x541, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even the worst part!

>> No.9011598


>> No.9011619
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>> No.9011682
File: 294 KB, 846x846, 081Magnemite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because the idea of regular everyday objects being Pokemon is completely ridiculous, they would never do that.

>> No.9011684
File: 291 KB, 600x600, 050Diglett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9011720

To be fair this was my least favorite mon in the first gen. That and Ditto.

>> No.9011743

There's always some retard who posts pokémon like Voltorb, Ditto and Grimer in these kind of discussions thinking it makes him look smart when no one says gen I didn't have bad designs, just that there were much less of them and that quality was higher overall.

>> No.9011818

this: >>9011743

>> No.9011882

Aren't those the Konami penguins?

>> No.9012028
File: 93 KB, 500x278, techmons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that an everyday object? It's a little magnet robot in a game which has the main theme of the impact of science and technology. The gen 1 "objectmons" are all super fitting, voltorb, magnemite(+ porygon) represent the development of technology while koffing and grimer are the manifestations of pollution that come along with it. This combined with the mewtwo storyline wraps up nicely a cohesive universe. It's not just random shit like anchors and icecream and keychain fairies and teapots and whipped cream and apple pies, etc.

Diglett has always been a purposefully silly outlier, it's fine addition on its own and doesn't exemplify a runnig trend across the board

>> No.9012135

Good point.
But I just do not like Magnemite design ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As for Ditto - I just dislike the whole concept, both lorewise and gameplay-wise.
And, to top it off, >>9011743 pointed out exactly that. They might fit the universe and round up the universe, but those designs are mediocre at best.

>> No.9012139
File: 721 KB, 1908x2676, 4stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>board-by-board breakdown of traffic on the site
Yeah, I don't know anything about who runs it. Pic related.

>haven't seen the words ... whatever-fag
I think it was part of a larger phenomenon that has largely faded. When I was in college (18 years ago lol), it was fairly common to hear people describe themselves as "poetryfag", etc. Probably related to saying "I'm gay for" whatever.

>> No.9012182

Don't forget the fossils. This part of what makes gen 1 so cool, it felt a bit more grounded like soft sci-fi or least science-fantasy. Now it's just summon pokegods of time and space and good and evil to save the world type shit

>> No.9012235

>/pol/ at number 1
And there it is. Although /v/ and /vg/ are not far behind, and let's not forget /v/'s bullshit attracted a lot of retards who don't shut up about politics prior to 2016 and was one of the reasons moot abandoned ship.

>> No.9012258

No wonder /pol/ is number one. For a lot of people it's about the only place which is actually populated by other people and where it is possible to post your honest thoughts.
I wish /v/ could keep it on topic, but at the same time I guess I can understand why things turned out this way.

>> No.9012268

There's an element of that, yes, but let's not pretend there's not a lot of bandwagonning and yes, virtue signaling going on there, to say nothing of outright trolling and shitposting. People here are quick to point fingers at the wokelets for virtue signaling on social media, but I find it's just as prevalent here, which in a way is more sad because we're fucking anonymous, and yet people try so hard to fit in. There's very little original thought going on, though that's true of the human race in general. If you ask me, I think it's just this is one of the few places where people can come and bitch about niggers, trannies and jews without hindrance.

>> No.9012313
File: 387 KB, 852x852, 232Donphan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's someone in this very thread that's trying to claim that Tyranitar is a bad design that runs counter to Gen 1 because it's not the exact same body type they used for multiple earlier Pokemon. It's clear that there is an utterly insane bias towards Gen 1. The fact of the matter is, someone will always bitch about later gens by cherrypicking something like Klefki without understanding that it's an adaptation of the classic concept of a fairy stealing human objects. Magnemite is not a bad design or concept in the least in my book, but when someone's bitching about, for example, that "they made HUMAN TRASH into a pokemon" when Grimer existed in the very first generation as an execution of that same concept of the coexistence of humans and Pokemon affecting them, they're going to look stupid.

No one thought any of the Pokemon you mentioned were particularly bad or standout (because they aren't) until they started being used as examples to show that the logic behind Pokemon design did not undergo some kind of drastic negative change.

>It's okay because it's Gen 1
What an argument. The fact of the matter is that they were always down for creating more cartoonish adaptations of animals, and there are still tons of examples of "it's a normal animal but adapted into a pokemon" to this very day, with plenty in Gen 2's roster itself.

>> No.9012330

Darn, you miss the point. The argument is not "they made a trashbag into a pokemon". The argument is a puddle of waste with eyes and trashbag are both bad designs starting with the concept, but 1st gen only had that much bad stuff, while newer gens are full of it.
>without understanding that it's an adaptation of the classic concept of a fairy stealing human objects
Alright, I understand it now. Now I can say: this adaptation totally sucks. That's anyhow better?
While I'm posting, gotta point out that I fully agree.

>> No.9012352

>Darn, you miss the point. The argument is not "they made a trashbag into a pokemon".

>i think there has been a clear disconnect between the original 251 pokemon from rby and gsc to what it's become today. you know it's gotten stupid when a damn keyring is a pokemon.

There are multiple anons in this thread making different points.

>The argument is a puddle of waste with eyes and trashbag are both bad designs starting with the concept, but 1st gen only had that much bad stuff, while newer gens are full of it.
The thing is that back in the day when Gen 1 was new no one had any issue with Grimer whatsoever. The only major complaint anyone had back then was that designs like Dugtrio/Magneton were a bit dull due to being the same creature copypasted multiple times, but even then no one cared THAT much until it started being some contest of "Oh fuck, I'm going to look really dumb if someone points out that they have always been doing this sort of thing I'm suddenly bitching about, I need to disown these Pokemon that no one had issue with before".

>> No.9012630

I sincerely wonder if the radical shift in design between old gens and newer gens is the reason why cancerous degenerates who create pokephilia threads in /vp/ and /v/ never appear here. It looks like about 90% of designs that attract those sick fucks came in gen 4 and later.
I also wonder if it was a deliberate attempt to draw those people into the fanbase. I think it was, because we know for a fact other corporations do it, plus there are things like heart-shaped cutout around the tail of Pikachu Libre.

>> No.9012642 [DELETED] 




>> No.9012650

poop 1995

>> No.9012728
File: 94 KB, 475x475, 758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They know

Sun For some reason, only females have been found. It creates a reverse harem of male Salandit that it lives with.
Moon Filled with pheromones, its poisonous gas can be diluted to use in the production of luscious perfumes.
Ultra Sun Salazzle lives deep in caves and forces the Salandit it has attracted with its pheromones to serve it.
Ultra Moon It punishes Salandit that couldn’t bring it food with a fierce slap of its flame-spewing palm.

>> No.9012735
File: 64 KB, 900x530, tawna-redesign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>designs that attract those sick fucks
>They know
I don't feel so good b/vr/o's

>> No.9012742
File: 102 KB, 900x546, dd7jjv7-6da963b2-6d29-4bf4-8da5-50edc528bc40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who put gore and disturbing imagery in childrens movies are creatively bankrupt talentless hacks. "oooh look i'm so edgy. let's induce childhood trauma. I love trauma, so deeeeep" I took one look at the Author of felidea and concluded that if I met his cold dead eyes on whatever hellspawn of a battlefield those filthy fucking krauts whipped up 80-100 years ago I would have no hesitation about driving a 2 inch bayonet into his sternum and sleeping like a fucking baby the following night.

Pokemon is not "dark" though. It's marketed toward 5-8 year olds who had probably already seen the Lion King and Tarzan and probably already have a grasp on what death is. My grandaddy blew his fucking brains out when I was 7 years old. Most people have some story like that.

>> No.9012743

Nah, they want to fuck Charizard, Lapras, any Eevee evo, or Lugia.

>> No.9012778

And Lucario, Cinderace, inteleon, Incineroar, obstagoon, zeraora and every other fursuit design

>> No.9012783
File: 917 KB, 1174x918, 3ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that you post it in a thread full of people who grew up on those cartoons, I suppose it is a bait.
Also, you should probably never touch some of the Pokemon mangas. I overall highly doubt Pokemon is marketed towards 5-8 year olds. It might have been the case back in the days, but it seems that as the fanbase matured, so did the series.
There's a lot of stuff like >>9012728 nowadays.

>> No.9012787

I think what OP was referring to is that besides the whole cliche dead mommy plot, taking her bones and using them as weapons is indeed pretty metal and, as far as I know, not something you find in other media.

>> No.9012797
File: 1.92 MB, 640x414, and-now-its-a-fetish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9013475

>And Lucario
Ugh. Every time I see one of (((those))) arts with Lucario, I feel so darn empty...

>> No.9013503
File: 1.35 MB, 1649x929, Penterra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Four fingers and a thumb.

>> No.9013506

maybe, but back in its heyday it was clearly marketed towards kids, and no some kids mom dying in an 8 bit game is not too dark. As for the mangas. I've never met anyone under 13 that reads manga, but that's just me I guess.

It's dark if you have the adult context to understand what that means. In 8 bit game with little pixie art it's not that dark. The concept of Charizard is kind of fucked up if you've seen footage of Americans with flamethrowers frying japs until hey look like burnt fucking pinnochio dolls in the pacific, but if you're a kid and you're playing an 8 bit gameboy game it's not at all. Showing full animated sequences of dogs blowing people's faces off with shotguns is completely different.

>> No.9013552

They're all so desperate that if you put a face on it and they'll try to fuck it. This is why "sex positive" people are, at best a bad influence and at worse a danger to the innocent.

>> No.9013581

>children can’t understand death!
I hate this postmodern development so much

>> No.9013583


>> No.9013594

The first real bump came with gamergate

>> No.9013601

/pol/ has been one of if not the most popular board since its creation, newfag

>> No.9013603

Pingu goes to Vietnam

>> No.9013770
File: 661 KB, 1000x1151, 21117e2d-1d36-4188-8774-624ac1bf390a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 90% certain that Cubone/Marowak were leftovers from the earlier, much more irritating vision of the games. Originally, back when there were going to be 250 Pokemon in Gen 1, the idea was that there were some Pokemon you caught, some you only saw being used by trainers, some that you only ever read journals for, and some you could fight in battle, but never catch. I think Cubone/Marowak fell into that last category. You can't catch the dead Marowak's ghost, you can't catch Mr. Fuji's Cubone, and it's Pokedex entries are obviously about THAT specific Cubone and Marowak. You weren't suppose to originally catch them; it was just a sad story.

>> No.9013781

>more irritating
That sounds rad as fuck. The idea of the Pokemon world being so vast and varied one kid couldn't possibly experience all of it directly and had to infer and only experience aspects of it once ever or indirectly is far cooler than the "catch them all" concept, even if it hurts your autism.

>> No.9013785

I think the other option is just as likely: Cubone's mother was a different pokemon or maybe even never meant to be seen, and Cubone was meant to be a one-off gift pokemon making it unique. Thus, Marowak (or whatever it may have been at this concept) would have been the "resolution" to that creature's "story". But that whole thing got scuttled when Cubone became just another random encounter.

>> No.9013814
File: 42 KB, 680x543, 6bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9013837

>more irritating vision
I honestly wouldn't mind this being the case. I think one of the reasons why Mew is such a memorable pokemon is because it is near impossible to get and its rareness produced stories about it.

>> No.9013840

Heck, look at how much more interesting Banjo Kazooie got to people with Stop & Swop.

>> No.9013858

of course this is posted at american hours

>> No.9013919

>Originally, back when there were going to be 250 Pokemon in Gen 1,
Stop making shit up

>> No.9014419 [DELETED] 




>> No.9014423


>> No.9014428

Marowak legit makes no sense. How tf did the skull transform into having mankey ass eyes

>> No.9014474

jesus christ zoomer are you serious? heart of darkness

>> No.9014479
File: 173 KB, 433x668, cubone-card-sugimori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fused with his own head. He wouldn't be able to take it off the way cubone can

>> No.9014519

there's no way Team Rocket killed all those cubones' mothers in such a short amount of time

>> No.9014556

In the game the people in town talk about how cubone skulls can be sold for a lot of money hence the rocket's interest in them

>> No.9014606

Literally old news. They whittled it down to 190 when they were actually programming the games, and then dropped it to 150 as development progressed.

>> No.9014634
File: 3.46 MB, 3414x1492, 03_pokemon_chart_dec2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still obviously kept most of these aspects in the game; you just have to put in the extra leg work to get them.

>Only seen used by Trainers
That's the only way you saw the starter neither you nor your rival chose, the fossil you didn't choose, and the trade evos
>Some you only read journals for
Mew, and the Eeveeultions. You only get one Eevee, so the notes for them in Bill's House are the only way you see the two you don't evolve yours into
>Battle but never catch
Ghost Marowak

Plus, you have the in-game trade=only Pokémon, and I think you never actually see any one use Lickitung.

Honestly, Mew worked because it was the only one that was completely unobtainable outside of glitches and events. If there were, like, a dozen of them, I think they'd be less impactful.

>> No.9014665

everyone knows about the 190. you made up the 250

>> No.9014776

Didn't Helix Chamber and Dr. Lava admit to making up nearly everything about the "beta" of Pokemon? It was always weird to me that there was suddenly all of this magical lore to justify dumb shit in the next game to come out that had been "available this entire time in Japan", but no one had ever heard about it before.

>> No.9014815
File: 938 KB, 3200x960, pokemon64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no pokemon 64

>> No.9014817

The thing that was "made up" are the front sprites/names/pokedex entries circulating around of the cut gen 1 pokemon. The way they were revealed was a shitshow mess of a stream of a fanmade romhack based on the actual real beta leaked backsprites that at the time led people to believe the entire thing was real and caused mass confusion.

Tajiri's japanese exclusive encyclopedia is real.
The beta backsprites of red and green are real.
The gen 2 spaceworld beta demos are real.
When Helix Chamber infers or guesses in their articles they make it clear it's speculation.

Gen 1 had 190 pokemon more or less fully realized and programmed into the game before 40 got cut. In interviews it has been mentioned how they sketched out more than those that never left the early brainstorming stages. The idea that it was 250 is made up unless the other anon backs his shit up(he wont).

>> No.9014831

So his whole post is horseshit, too? The stuff about them wanting to have uncatchable Pokemon?

>> No.9014836

Honestly, we were luck to get Pokemon games on N64 Nintendo was dumping all of its time and effort into the 64DD by the time Pokemon became a big hit, so them dropping everything to make a fully fleshed out port of a Game Boy game would have been a huge effort.

>> No.9014872

Yeah, I mean apart from Mew which was never meant to appear ingame(it was secretly added last minute by a single dev when he saw there was still a little cartridge room after removing the debug tools). So yeah that would technically mean they did want to have a pokemon that exists in lore that would only exist in game by means of the cinnabar journal references.
Unless you count the version exclusives or the pokemon you have to choose from(fossils, hitmonchan/lee, eevee's evos, etc).

As far as early categorization ideas one thing they did actually mention in interviews is how there would be an "elite" kind of pokemon that are unusually powerful(kind of like the percursor to legendaries but there wasn't necessarily only a single one per species) with Arcanine initially being meant to be one of those.
Also typings and evolutions didn't really exist with many pokemon later being assigned types retroactively and the rest of their evolution lines being created for them.

>> No.9015298 [DELETED] 


>> No.9015307

Kids games used to have a lot darker shit in them all of the time and it up until like 2010 and it was cool. Look at the Japanese translations of Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow, they flow quite nicely and have good themes and morals to them of Shadow starting off doing things because he misremembers his promises to Robotnik and remembers his promise to Maria, and in Shadow he stops caring about his memories and decides to have his own morals and forge his own story and stop looking back. It's heavy for a kid's game. Sadly it isn't carried through in the english translations.

>> No.9015345

>Sadly it isn't carried through in the english translations.
More like gringos just put their retarded fanfiction

>> No.9015382

>i know you might see a dick on the internet, so it's okay if you see the crazy dude on the street corner's dick, too
Fantastic argument.

>> No.9016519

Cursed pic

>> No.9016676

>kids shouldn't use their feelings... JUST BECAUSE THEY SHOULDN'T OK?!?!?!?!

>> No.9017127

Best part was that official Sun&Moon site which stated their pheromones also work on humans as well as pokemon.
It's deleted now, but you might still find a screencap of it in the archives.

>> No.9017139

Not really.
The sooner kids learn to cope with death the better. It's a bitter pill to swallow but it's more bitter the later you take it. At least kids recover quickly.

>> No.9017173

/pol/ is an inoperable tumor, if you excise it, the pus will kill the body. And it would be worth it.

>> No.9017239

I bet those people who this was written for raise that quote as their flag rather often. I'm not going to check it though.
You just gotta know how to handle it.

>> No.9017298

2006 is the first generation of newfag, which I am a part of.
An old fag is anything before that, I know two such people.
We all still browse this site, and never went elsewhere.

>> No.9017625

All hours are American hours, gaijin.

>> No.9018073

You think they ever got to that island?

>> No.9018386

Darn, man, of course they did, and don't you dare to say otherwise.

>> No.9018475

>Honestly, Mew worked because it was the only one that was completely unobtainable outside of glitches and events. If there were, like, a dozen of them, I think they'd be less impactful.
This is certainly a part of it but I think the lack of readily available wikis and information about these added to the mystery and lore. Now, you don't even need to find those hidden "easter eggs". You'll have 20 different e-celeb youtubers pointing that out for you.

>> No.9018483

Don't forget about Day 1 dataminers who dump literally everything possibly knowable about the game before most people have had time to turn it on. Mew would have been some autistic "point of contention" with Poketubers on how Nintendo is keeping players from truly beating the game if something similar happened today.

>> No.9018550

There are two points that I have to make for you guys.
First, internet is not mandatory. Just ignore dataminers, wikis and e-celebs. Especially e-celebs.
Second, your point is still correct in most cases, but that's why when playing modern games your best bet would be to look at something obscure/indy/underrated. Dataminers especially become almost non-existent once you move away a couple titles away from spotlight. And, honestly, most of the games that are in the spotlight shouldn't even be touched, but that's why we are in /vr/, right?
Either way, there are a lot of rather untouched games out there, both old a new. For example, Just Cause came out in 2006 and nobody gave a darn about it all this time. The Surge came out 5 years ago and still doesn't have a proper wiki just because "meh, it's not Dark Souls enough".
Etc, etc. The problem you point out is there, but it is not as all-encompassing and is definitely avoidable.

>> No.9018738

finally something creepy that's not anorexic like slendy man

>> No.9018778
File: 660 KB, 1008x876, 1654681058224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First, internet is not mandatory. Just ignore dataminers, wikis and e-celebs. Especially e-celebs.
Yeah, but I'm talking here in broad strokes. Of course, autistic retards here are already aware about this and would be the first to ignore them.
When I was growing up there was no option for me to look things up on the internet since we don't have one. For example, I have no idea about trade evolutions back then so imagine my surprise when I discovered that the graveler that was traded to me became a golem. That kind of crap is magical if you don't know they exist. In a way, I'm a bit sad for kids today since it's harder for them to experience that mystique and mystery that I experienced before simply because information is just more abundant nowadays.

>> No.9018806

>Mew would have been some autistic "point of contention" with Poketubers on how Nintendo is keeping players from truly beating the game if something similar happened today.
That's just stupid. People act like entitled schoolchildren nowadays.

>> No.9019281

Yea, information overload, poisoning the airwaves, it's all here without a doubt.
On the other hand though, I, for example, was a dumb kid, and I haven't figured out a thing about trade evolutions until I got to the internet. Frankly, none of my friends figured it out as well.
In my defence, the first Pokeemon gamee I've played was a pirated Leaf Green which was all japanese, and I haven't and still do not speak Japanese, so I've pretty much went up to defeating Elite Four and catching Mewtwo without understanding a single word.
All in all, internets is a double-edged sword, and I'm still not sure if does more harm or good. I guess, people just should learn to use it in the right way or something.

>> No.9019378

I absolutely agree; stuff like that IS why I prefer going back to old retro games. I can go play Monster Rancher or Jade Cocoon blind because people back in the day ignored them as Pokeclones, so now there aren't any big movements to unravel their secrets.

>> No.9019384

as a wee lad, the 1986 Transformers movie was my Saving Private Ryan. That was war nigga

>> No.9019405

Oof. Back to the topic of the thread, it was Monster Rancher that gave me trauma as a child.
Just like my Leaf Green, it was a pirated copy that was all japanese.
Somehow, I've still figured out how to do... something. Either way, I've got myself a dog-like monster, which was awesome, because I love dogs.
And at some point of the game it died. I haven't had a clue that in Monster Rancher them monsters can simply diee out of old age and I was left absolutely fucking devastated.
Nothing, not even >>8992320 or other stuff posted in this thread had this much impact on me. To this day I do not have even a slightest desire to launch Monster Rancher ever again.