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8994241 No.8994241 [Reply] [Original]

It was retarded to retcon her accent in Twin Snakes because people born in America often retain their parents' accent. I live in NYC and know plenty of Greeks, Latinos, and Asians who were born in America and sound like they weren't. Mei Ling was from "Chinatown," which could be NYC or LA, but the same thing applies.

Mei Ling wasn't even born in the US, she came from China as a child. I hate know-nothing cosmopolitans who are so fucking dedicated to making us all one generic mass.

>> No.8994281

You okay there anon? Twin snakes is stupid and easy to forget.

>> No.8994294

>this inferior remake has something in it that is inferior to the original game
thanks you double nigger

>> No.8994306

>You okay there anon?
Yes, thank you. I just find it to be a very SJW change that flies under the radar among people who would normally despise such a thing.

>> No.8994314

I don't need one extra thing to be mad about, my plate's full.

>> No.8994317

>Twin Snakes


>> No.8994325

>just find it to be a very SJW change

Stop, take a break from the internet especially 4chan, realize that this shit doesn't matter, and move on with your life. The SJW ghost can't get you through the video game anon. Relax, let it go.

>> No.8994336

This kind of dismissive post is the worst content. Just fuck off dude.

>> No.8994383

Bruh the entirety of twin snakes is cringe when comparing it to the original and it hurts knowing that mostly the localization team made it as amazing as it is

>> No.8994415

They went from an over the top "would you like fried rice with that?" accent to a normal chinese accent. It's not an SJW thing, it's being fucking possible to understand at all.

>> No.8994417

cope and seethe

>> No.8994435

>Caring about any MGS1 dub besides the Japanese original

>> No.8994440


>> No.8994446

No they didn’t, she explicitly has no trace of a Chinese accent in the gaymake.

>> No.8994458

The English language versions are the definitive versions.

>> No.8994469

keep replying you're totally pwning him anon

>> No.8994474
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>> No.8994479

Thanks pal we have him on the ropes

>> No.8994523

>realize that this shit doesn't matter
Not understanding subjectivity is unironically autistic. You might not care about something but that doesn't mean other people aren't allowed to.
Even if it doesn't matter to you, I think Mei Ling's accent is cute and I'm allowed to.

>> No.8994539

Where does he say the Japanese language version of the game is the definitive?

>> No.8994670

Where does he say the English language version of the game is the definitive?

>> No.8994694

>Where does he say the English language version of the game is the definitive?

There was a brief period of time when Integral was released where Kojima-san considered it the definitive version. MGS:Integral only has English with no Japanese audio options. However, supposedly what I heard is that Kojima-san flipped his lid when he learned that Blaustein made alterations with the script and demanded all future translations to be much more literal. which is why 2-4 have this weird sorta direct awkward unnatural way of speaking and the dialogue is way less memorable.

>> No.8994698

>which is why 2-4 have this weird sorta direct awkward unnatural way of speaking and the dialogue is way less memorable.
MGS2-4 sounded fine to me.

>> No.8994716

As someone who is competent at Japanese (I don't dare to call myself fluent yet), there are many instances in the translations for MGS2-4, PW and V that aren't exactly literal. Take for example the "Leave that crap in San Hyeronymo behind" line in PW. In the Japanese original it's more like "now we can cut our ties to San Hyeronymo" (サンヒエロニモとも縁が切れたし). Likewise, the "You're talking to yourself", "You belong in this boat" and "They played us like a damn fiddle", are all lines that only exists in the English dub of MGSV.

Seems to me that all the lines about Kojima demanding "literal translations" of his games are a bit bollocks.

>> No.8994805

this story is a bit overblown. what actually happened is the team went to kojima and, from a place of humility, said shit like "we fucked up your game real bad bro" and kojima didn't really know the difference at the time

>> No.8994825

Yeah but they kept her new voice in MGS4. Her accent was cute. And I want it back

>> No.8994929

I agree with you, Blaustein was a great writer who was done a massive injustice by the industry. I say this as an anti-semite.

>> No.8994950

MGS4 was meant to be shit, kojombo was fed up with the series

>> No.8994974
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I guess russian accent only belongs to bad guys

>> No.8994979

I never understood why people have issues with heavier accents.

>> No.8994981

That's horseshit. 99% of Snake is Kurt Russell, aka "Snake Plissken."

>> No.8994982

Mgs4 is fucking stupid anyway. The only good thing plot-wise is the obvious point about war economies and such.
The gameplay is great, the plot is fucking dumb.
I like the premise, but the execution is shit.

>> No.8995041

I think Kojima was simply saying the actor is indispensable to why we love Snake. It's fair to say most MGS fans feel the same way about David Hayter.

>> No.8995069

>people born in America often retain their parents' accent
No they don't. Are you a moron?

>> No.8995126

Yes they fucking do retard, I explain in that fucking post my personal relationship with that reality.

>> No.8995262
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>It's fair to say most MGS fans feel the same way about David Hayter

Absolutely, although I didn't hate him being replaced by Kiefer as much as I thought I would. I kinda feel like they let Hayter go so HAM in 4 it was the perfect send-off and V was so much less dialogue-heavy the voiceover didn't matter as much. I'm much more upset about the whole "not finishing the game" thing

>> No.8995374

>I didn't hate him being replaced by Kiefer as much as I thought I would
How could you? He had 10 lines of dialogue.
>I kinda feel like they let Hayter go so HAM in 4 it was the perfect send-off
It wasn't a send-off. Peace Walker exists and it's fantastic.

>> No.8995421

>How could you? He had 10 lines of dialogue.
I never understood this meme. Did people just skipped the tapes?

>> No.8995438

The tapes are dominated by Kaz.

>> No.8995446

Even then, Kiefer has plenty of dialogue in those tapes, along with all the main cutscenes.

>> No.8995453

>I live in NYC

Me too unfortunately, what a shitshow, especially the subways.

Can't wait to start teleworking and leave.

>> No.8995481

Yes it's a third world country, thank you for commiserating.

>> No.8995506

And she never appeared again after MGS1.

>> No.8995510

No one took the original game away from you. No one’s forcing you to play Twin Snakes. Grow up.

>> No.8995596

Why did they have to change naomi's accent? She's from central asia or some shit right, makes sense that she might have learned the queen's english in a colony.

>> No.8995830

false, a book she wrote is in MGS2 and referenced by the Colonel

>> No.8995896

I think what might have happened was that since Kim-Mai Guest and Jennifer Hale are both American, so maybe they asked the director to just drop the accents entirely. I mean, MGS3 takes place in the USSR and hardly anyone in that game has any accent at all.

>> No.8995902

>I mean, MGS3 takes place in the USSR and hardly anyone in that game has any accent at all.

Characters talk about how good Snake's Russian is. The idea is that everyone is speaking Russian they just don't want to show it.

>> No.8995920


>> No.8996154

It's interesting that they had Granin keep a russian accent, only one in the cast, I guess he was the only character that came off like an irl soviet instead of some spook superhero.

>> No.8996237

I'm guessing this is bait.

>> No.8996548

This is pol

>> No.8996676

>a very SJW change
what the fuck are you talking about? seek help.

>> No.8996694

Are you ESL

>> No.8996710

no, are you a fucking retard?

>> No.8996717

Apparently Akio Otsuka is actually fluent in Russian and wanted to speak it for the Japanese dub for MGS3, but all the other actors went against him.

>> No.8996726

No, are you? Or do you actually not understand what SJW means? Or are you one and you're fucking triggered?

>> No.8996729

I think Granin just talks like that because he's dead drunk when Snake meets him.

>> No.8996859

Cope seethe dilate, you don't belong on this board, go back to your discord
anyway as usual FPBP >>8994281

>> No.8996885

He's a third-rate hack who was lucky to get the job in the first place. Redditors love his whole sob story he loves to tell everyone after his career went nowhere because they're American and have an irrational hatred of Kojima. I think it's pathetic and his script sucks.

>> No.8996913

Everyone took MGS1's script dead serious and compared it to a Tom Clancy novel, while subsequent games are memed to hell. We know it wasn't Kojima who changed because his pre-MGS1 games feel goofier as well. I love the series, but I know it's not as good as it could have been in English.

>> No.8996930 [DELETED] 

The book she wrote, In the Darkness of Shadow Moses, is literally in MGS2, in its entirety. It's in the 'Previous Story' section of the main menu.

>> No.8997080 [DELETED] 

it's possible to consider something illfitting without it being sjw. It's possible Kojima wanted their to be a stronger naturalized american aspect to the character.

>> No.8997081

I don't think translation issues would really cover goofy shit like vamp or raiden or the cutscenes becoming more outlandish in general.

>> No.8997094

It's possible to consider something to be illfitting without an sjw motivation, it's possible Kojima wanted the naturalized American aspect of the character to be more immediately apparent. He was pretty fastidious about other changes in the twin snakes

>> No.8997102

That's easy to say, but Blaustein made me think pretty highly of a Russian cowboy in Alaska whose superpower is *firing a gun*

>> No.8997103

>No goofy shit
Do people forget that the first game had Psycho Mantis, Vulcan Raven and a fucking Cyborg Ninja as characters?

>> No.8997106

>It's possible to consider something to be illfitting without an sjw motivation
Yes, but if you ignore that motivation when it fits, you're obviously motivated in the same way. The reason her accent was changed was racial sensitivity. Remember that this game was developed primarily by Canadians, not Japanese.

>> No.8997109

Ironically enough, Blaustein wanted to change the codenames of the FOX HOUND bosses because he thought a name like "Revolver Ocelot" was too goofy and his supervisors told him no.

>> No.8997116

My point >>8996913 exactly. I think it's fair to credit MGS1's serious reception as a victory for Blaustein. No, I'll go beyond that. It was his doing.

>> No.8997117

Very interesting and further evidence.

>> No.8997127

It really has nothing to do with Blaustein's translation. MGS1's reception in Japan was pretty similar and they played that game there without his translation (he couldn't really invent anything, except maybe a few one-liners here and there). MGS1 has a few weird elements, but its mostly grounded for the most part. It was MGS2 where they decided to bring back the previous game's villain as a ghost arm.

>> No.8997132

MGS has supernatural shit too. Like Decoy Octopus and Raven.

>> No.8997136

There's nothing supernatural about Decoy Octopus. He's simply an ex-Hollywood makeup artist.

>> No.8997143

Oh sorry my mistake. Meant Pyscho Mantis.

>> No.8997149

>Remember that this game was developed primarily by Canadians, not Japanese.
Kojima had granular involvement with story changes

>> No.8997150

Translators can't write anything on their own either way. They just translate already existing shit and occasionally alter one or two things.

>> No.8997180

I have no idea why this is a response to my post.

>> No.8997185

Is it not possible he was involved with the dub?

>> No.8997191

Considering he is generally a non-English speaker (I have met him), I sincerely doubt he was "granularly involved" in the English VA production, and that he asked for the accents to change.

>> No.8997210

blaustein came up with a few good lines, probably made the script a little sharper to western/american ears here or there. He's probably an asshole but things worked out with mgs1 to the moderate extent localization matters.

>> No.8997227

From my understanding, a guy Satoshi Hirano was involved in the localization of all the Metal Gear games since MGS1 (including all the way up to Survive), with Scott Dolph overseeing stuff during the MGS1-3 era. Afterward, Ryan Payton took over for Subsistence, MPO and MGS4 and then Sean Eyestone for PW and V.

>> No.8997254

I just find it funny that Blaustein did worked on both, MGS1 and SotN, considering one is regarded as one of the best videogame localizations of its time and the other is only liked for ironic reasons and memes. Makes me wonder if Scott Dolph breathing down Blaustein's neck is what made the difference.

>> No.8997286
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Your understanding is inaccurate. VA has been directed primarily by femoid related.

>> No.8997301

As Blaustein himself said (and I agree with him), it's the delivery which makes SOTN a meme. If you need some tie breakers to understand the reality of the situation, Blaustein worked on Silent Hill 2 and Shadow Hearts 2, both beloved works with time-honored dialogue.

>> No.8997303

Kris Zimmer is the voice director, but she has no say in the actual translation of the script they provide her. Check Satoshi Hirano's fucking credits on the mobygames page, he has many localization credits.

>> No.8997305

You could get Kevin Conroy to play Count Dracula and "What is a man?" would still be the corniest shit ever.

>> No.8997306

>she has no say in the actual translation of the script they provide her
What? We aren't talking about script changes... read the thread before you post.

>> No.8997310

Disagree, those lines could be delivered a thousand times better than the actors they sourced from the janitorial staff.

>> No.8997342

And Satoshi Hirano did have a say on the voice acting, since Blaustein ranted about him on a podcast (particularly over the direction of the game's ending).

>> No.8998368

You retards literally believe he wrote the script himself. All he did was translate it you moron. He had zero input in the plot or any characters. He's a talentless parasite who tried to take credit for the work of others like most filthy gaijin that have worked in the japanese games industry.

>> No.8998375

Yeah, it's further evidence that he would have butchered the script even more if he had the permission.

>> No.8999824

She wasn't even the worst. The change to Naomi's accent was far worse.