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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8992923 No.8992923 [Reply] [Original]

30+ thread, what retro vidya have you been playing this week? Give it a quick rate too

>> No.8992926

Nothing. Fucking. Nothing. Again. I'm not sure I even like video games anymore.

>> No.8992927
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>> No.8992941

Most recent one was Castlevania (NES). The majority of the game is good; the main problem is the bosses. It's too much of a pain in the ass to fight them "legitimately" so I just end up cheesing them with Holy Water. I wonder if the developers intended this since it's so easy to do. It's not fun, though, and it turns the bosses into a dull chore. I got to Dracula and after dealing with him disappearing and spawning on top of me enough times I realized I wasn't enjoying myself anymore. Started (not retro) Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon afterwards which I enjoyed a lot more since it had fun boss fights.

>> No.8992949

I kinda like the casual variety non-retro games more these days...

>> No.8992953 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 1440x1080, lunar2_unworked-220607-180611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32 here.

I've been playing the Lunar games the past two weeks. Finished Silver Star Story (Saturn) on Memorial Day, then started Eternal Blue (Sega CD) which I just finished a few days. Now I'm playing the original The Silver Star on Sega CD as well.

SSS was great, as was Eternal Blue. TSS is rough around the edges, but I am having regardless.

Funny how I hated JRPGs as a kid in the 90's, yet a good JRPG is some of the most fun I have with vidya today. When I find a JRPG that clicks with me, it just sucks me in.

>> No.8992958
File: 41 KB, 1440x1080, lunar2_unworked-220607-180611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32 here.

I've been playing the Lunar games the past two weeks. Finished Silver Star Story (Saturn) on Memorial Day, then started Eternal Blue (Sega CD) which I just finished a few days ago. Now I'm playing the original The Silver Star on Sega CD as well.

SSS was great, as was Eternal Blue. TSS is rough around the edges, but I am having regardless.

Funny how I hated JRPGs as a kid in the 90's, yet a good JRPG is some of the most fun I have with vidya today. When I find a JRPG that clicks with me, it just sucks me in.

>> No.8992959
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I dislocated a shoulder in a rotary phone accident and it's still tender so I'm mostly playing jRPGs, any recs? (inb4 "just AltaVista it dude")

>> No.8992961

Grandia 2. Doesn't require you to play 1, doesn't have random encounters, palpable dreamcast charm, banger soundtrack and pretty good main character/dialogues.

Make sure to emulate dreamcast as ps2 port is fucked up

>> No.8992963

i'm a retired gamer

>> No.8992964


Sega Rally 2, like I have since I was 10.

It's killer.

>> No.8992969

im more cataloguing and creating a complete offline archive on my pocket server (custom pages for all my favourite games and 'must plays' for each console, complete with reviews, pics, playthroughs\speedruns, cheats, etc, as well as a download link) than i am playing these days

>> No.8992970

There's nothing super special about it per se, it just feels satisfying to play on a basic level. Horror vibes are always good with me too.
I give it a 9/11

>> No.8992972

stop posting. no one cares that you wanna kill yourself.

>> No.8992973

Not retro: Resident Evil VIII. It feels like playing a movie.

>> No.8992981
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I’m playing through the Klonoa series.

>> No.8992984

played worlds 2 and 3 of SMB3 on All Stars yesterday night. Comfy as fuck. Got the anchor in world 2 and had to use it in world 3 (well, not "had to" but I lost against Wendy once and didn't feel like chasing the airship through the map, and also kinda wanted to use the anchor because otherwise I end up hoarding it)
10/10, just a classic.

>> No.8992986

I'm trying to get used to the new re on PS4, like some of the stuff in re 2 but vii is fps and I can't get adjusted.

>> No.8993002

Here's what I've been through in the last month, if we will walk about retro only:
WH40K Chaos Gate - started it years ago, but finished the last couple missions this year. It's a killer. Takes a while to get into it, but when you'll get into it it won't let you out. I'm still not sure why the hell I've left it back in the day, parhaps something important was there in my life and I'v had to ditch games for a while.
Threads Of Fate/Dewprism - played it as a child. Either my bootleg version was bugged or I was one dumb child, but I haven't got anyhow far. So I've decided to download and complete it in the last month. There are two characters and the game is kinda designed for two playthroughs. I'd say it is very important to play this game right, but as I play JRPGs rather rarely, I've resorted to Cheat Engine on my first playthrough rather quickly. Second playthrough I've played it right and breezed through without problems. Overall, I've liked it. Not sure how high it is in the eyes of the JRPG fan, but for a casual gamer, I'd say just go through it with Rue and make a second playthrough with Mint only if you've liked the game. You won't miss much if you won't play with Mint, aside from extra ending scene, which you can watch on YouTube either way.
WipEout, WipEout 2097, WipEout 64 - friend kinda dragged me into the series, I usually prefer vehicles with wheels. But I gotta say, it drags me in. It has kinda a lot of lore for the racing game and I like taking gold for my team. Went through these three titles rather fast. Used savestates between races in order not to replay the whole championships, but that was about it - I've got used to the physics rather fast. I've liked WipEouts a lot so far, but it can be a pain if you won't figure out how to control ships correctly.

>> No.8993005

Playing the Pac Mans on the Pac Mans Museum on xbone.
Pac and Pal is the MVP.

>> No.8993023

Playing fatal frame on PS2 and fatal frame 2 directors cut on Xbox. I'd say they are 8-9 out of 10. Wish I knew my way around Japanese houses better but they are really enjoyable and engaging. In non retro world I just started Bowser's inside story and it's a 9 right now would be 10 but my hands get cramped holding a+b.

>> No.8993024

Around 5 minutes of my favorite NES games, then a feeling of emptiness and a sense that if I play any more I'll spoil it.

>> No.8993029

Just played Mega Bomberman and Street Fighter II yesterday. In general it's been a lot of Genesis and Wii games recently. Sprinkle of Dreamcast and NES games.

>> No.8993032
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Doom 2. Though this is mainly in short bursts while I test new additions to my mod. I give Doom 2 itself like an 7/10 for some annoying maps but 10/10 for its moddability and the addition of the new monsters.
I also recently played through Jill of the Jungle. That game is fucking weird but I give it a 7/10, the first episode is the best one. I'm gonna be playing Xargon in the near future, curious to see how good that is.

>> No.8993051

31 (I think) Chrono Trigger and Gameboy Picross. They're both incredible. Picross on GB has input delay or drops. That's annoying, but really the only downside.

>> No.8993070
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just started playing sonic robo blast 2 which is pretty cool
but now I started playing the kart game and it's so addicting, i don't understand why modern games give this feeling of fun and makes you want to return to them anymore

>> No.8993082


>> No.8993085

how does jill hold up to the classics like duke (and keen lol). i remember playing shareware back in the day but always went back to duke 1 and 2

>> No.8993180

Turning 40 in a few days, I still like Raiden series, Doom, Quake. My port of C&C seems to be malfunctioning though

>> No.8993185
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>Titan Quest
Not digging it, uninstalled
>Temple of Elemental Evil
Great game, not in the mood for a classic rpg like that, uninstalled

>> No.8993270
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I've played Sega Rally 2 many times before, but I just tried the SR2 deluxe cab at my local arcade this past week for the first time.

It's one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I've had. Especially the snow stage. The full motion platform adds a lot to the experience.

>> No.8993272

Nice man. Turning 40, how do you feel about the state of video games and the industry today?

>> No.8993278

I play Doom community made wads. I'm 36 this month. Still look 27, still full head of hair, still a handsome bastard but my stomach is chronically fucked up and I have a lota regrets.

>> No.8993282
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I tried Chrono Cross remastered but the framerates make me feel like massive input lag so I dropped it. Then I tried Dark Cloud 2 and I just couldnt get into the story or gameplay. I tried 2 other modern non retro games and sort of gave up on games for awhile. I hope I'm not like >>8992926

>> No.8993289
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33 here
finished the lost levels after a week (no save states, multiple game overs)
playing smw atm

>> No.8993402

SMAC and Impressions city-builders, been introducing them to my wife and it's been great rediscovering them.

>> No.8993413 [DELETED] 

>been introducing them to my wife
boy i bet she's having a great time
>inb4 w-well yes she is actually
lol nah
>inb4 trust me we have a lot of sex snd she doesnt resent me for trying to force my hobbies on her
lol nah

>> No.8993420 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ, you poor circumcised golem.

>> No.8993430 [DELETED] 

t. cuck

>> No.8993432 [DELETED] 

And here we see a not-so-rare schizo having an actual mental breakdown with himself in public.

>> No.8993441 [DELETED] 

looks like i hit a nerve

>> No.8993450 [DELETED] 

Is this what people mean when they say "schizoposting"?

>> No.8993454 [DELETED] 


>> No.8993456 [DELETED] 

no it's called the truth

>> No.8993458 [DELETED] 

*if you have schizophrenia

>> No.8993459

Genesis games on the Switch.
Golden Axe aged kinda bad, loved it as a kid. But it's painfully repetitive. A solid 6/10
Castlevania Bloodlines, first time playing a Castlevania, looks great, plays great. 9/10

>> No.8993465 [DELETED] 

you can joke all you want but if you think any woman in 2022 wants to play old city building games, you're very wrong. she resents you and any interest or enthusiasm she may potentially show for it is just an attempt to spare your feelings. you've been warned.

>> No.8993785 [DELETED] 

Yes, I've been warned not to engage with schizos.

>> No.8993787

Master of Orion 2, during brief breaks from work. I take a few turns each break.

>> No.8993791 [DELETED] 

>no u
the de facto response of every man who's ever been cucked by words

>> No.8993802 [DELETED] 

That wasn't a "no u", retard. It would be if you had called me a schizo. Jesus you're dumb.

>> No.8993813 [DELETED] 

>you've been warned
you were too dumb to figure this out

>> No.8993825 [DELETED] 

That's not a "no u". A "no u" is when someone insults you and they "no u". Pretty basic.

I can see you're an extremely low-IQ individual so I won't waste any more time with you. Filtered and hidden. Feel free to keep the thread bumped with your schizo posts that I won't see.

>> No.8993829 [DELETED] 

>That's not a "no u". A "no u" is when someone insults you and they "no u". Pretty basic.
lol fucking newfag

>> No.8993836 [DELETED] 

and obviously you haven't fucking learnt considering answering that IS already engaging. Now half the thread is shit and you're partially responsible

>> No.8993850

Just saw this. Well, I guess one thing is they need to stop putting woke shit in games to appease "Black Rock". I like the new retro revival, with games like Butcher and Valfaris and various roguelikes. That's about it.

>> No.8993862

I have 1 and 2. Thanks for reminding me I had these games

>> No.8993868

Why are the threads that explicitly ask for older posters always the ones most filled with underage shitposting schizos?
gonna play all of the GTA3 trilogy this summer. currently playing Turok and Giga Wing

>> No.8993872

Same, been too busy drawing my webcomic

>> No.8993876

i turned 30 two months ago, im just being honest, no woman wants to watch you play sim city and majesty

>> No.8993882

Final Fantasy V Advance on a Vita.

>> No.8993889

actually you'll find that when someone loves you they enjoy engaging in your hobbies with you just because it's something you love

>> No.8993890

your wife doesnt want to watch you play sim city. you have aspergers.

>> No.8993893
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Picrel. More trying and mostly failing to find old utilities that allowed to mod the game than actually playing, sadly. No, OpenApoc is too raw for me still.

>> No.8993904

This is true. My wife prefers pushing me off the computer and building it herself.

>> No.8993908
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Since turning 30 I've taken the /vr/ boomer pill and have been having a blast.

The funny thing is I'd be accused of nostalgia for praising older games even though I barely played anything as a kid and only got into games in the mid-2000s, which are games I haven't been playing as much even though I grew up with them.

>> No.8993909

Mega Man X6, once you understand the bullshit it's a surprisingly fun game.
Shadow Armor X is great. I only wish you could leave stages any time because rescue reploids give you lives like it was s punishment

>> No.8993912

no she doesnt

>> No.8993913

But >>8993850 is 40. The other guy I have no idea

>> No.8993921

>I'd be accused of nostalgia for praising older games
why are people like this?

>> No.8993924

t. not married
Are you one of those goblins who refuse to believe girls like playing games?

>> No.8993927

>My port of C&C
Huh? They've made it free years ago.

>> No.8993935 [DELETED] 

t. has never put his pee pee in a vagoo. women dont like games dude, if they do it'a gay shit like animal crossing that they only play super casually or they're pretending to like games because they like the aesthetic and free choice of dicks

>> No.8993940 [DELETED] 

you could have just said
>Yes, I am.

>> No.8993947

>Girls don't play games
You've never met the Mega Man Zero fangirls, have you?

>> No.8993950

>tfw 36 with 2 kids under 2 years
>the only have time to play games while taking a shit
hold me bros ;_;
at least I can 1CC double dragon on the shitter I guess ;_;

>> No.8993954 [DELETED] 

t. virgin

>> No.8993962

Start something TB and keep extensive notes. Take it slow.
Also, doesn't have to be on the shitter as you ought to have other small spans of free time elsewhere.

>> No.8993964

>I'd be accused of nostalgia for praising older games
This! Five THOUSAND times this.

>> No.8993973 [DELETED] 

An actual example of projection

>> No.8993979 [DELETED] 

t. an actual example of a virgin

>> No.8993983 [DELETED] 

He keeps projecting ladies and gentlemen. Poor soul

>> No.8993989 [DELETED] 

more virgin cope. tell me more about your wife's passion for age of empires

>> No.8993993

34. Advance Wars. I've mainly been playing the non-retro Tom Clancy's The Division. It's difficult to play games anymore because of my severe depression. Planning on doing my best to beat Streets of Rage on my new Genesis and Mobile Suit Gundam Zeonic Front on PS2 once I can work up enough desire and energy to do so.

>> No.8994001 [DELETED] 

My wife doesn't play age of empires. I don't know what you're talking about, you have me confused for someone else? IMy wife plays fps games
Regardless, seek some counseling pal

>> No.8994006

>my severe depression
get in your car, get a coffee, go drive around the most rural area you can find on a sunny day, talk to yourself about any problems you're having. go home, cook dinner, masturbate to lesbian facesitting porn, then watch tim and eric's billion dollar movie, then get drunk and play resident evil 4 and then go to bed. if you do it you will be saved. if you ignore this advice, there's no helping you.

>> No.8994015

>lesbian facesitting porn
Sounds pretty based

>> No.8994018

that's because it is based

>> No.8994060

I play Top Gear, Outrun and Test Drive 2 with my son who loves cars
After he sleeps I'm playing Doom mods

>> No.8994071

Turned 30 this february, am I retro now?

>> No.8994073 [DELETED] 

no just gay and balding

>> No.8994119 [DELETED] 

Lol not only women hate games but mentioning or actually playing is the least attractive thing you can do in front of a woman (adult human female, no Y chromosome)
My wife actually likes Tetris and my mom used to play Puzzle Bobble on SNES but they need to really feel bored and now that we have smartphones with social media all the time that's almost impossible.
Real women just don't like lonely hobbies the way a man likes 'em. They do it for attention or to belong in a group mostly even if they don't realize it.

>> No.8994127 [DELETED] 

>the ramblings of an actual virgin incel

>> No.8994131 [DELETED] 

pretty much yeah. most of the guys on here still havent figured it iut because they're faceblind and mias social cues and don't realize the woman has no interest in playing games.

>> No.8994215 [DELETED] 

>all women are exactly the same, and I'm an expert on them!
lol lmao

>> No.8994216 [DELETED] 
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>You are an incel rambling and...ack!

>> No.8994219 [DELETED] 

autists get mad as fuck when you tell them the truth about women. you probably don't like perming your hair or watching the bachelor, why would they like playing games?

>> No.8994223 [DELETED] 

based ack poster from /pol/

>> No.8994225 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 618x551, F40D5B6B-997D-4861-8808-44FE3804CA81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the rule. (If you were born male just gtfo no one wants to see your hormone cones and whatever you have to say about women is fake and gay like yourself)

>> No.8994236 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 1200x900, i-img1200x900-1642913088z6tn42613291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys please let's stay on-topic and stick to talking about video games

>> No.8994237 [DELETED] 

Women lack passion to have ANY hobby, let alone playing games. Everything they do is a means to get attention. If pretending to enjoy this or do that will get them attention, them they'll do it as long as they keep getting something out of it.

>> No.8994246 [DELETED] 
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>t. has never even talked to a woman
This thread is hilarious.

>> No.8994247
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trying to play a different game EVERY day this summer busted out the Genesis version of this but wouldnt play on my 32X so I played the 32X version of it instead haha anyway hope you guys have a GREAT summer of gaming I sure know I will!! much love

>> No.8994251 [DELETED] 
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>Marriage is perhaps the most important event of our lives. How with the new game "Marriage", you can experience your future. Enjoy your imaginary life with the man or woman of your dreams!

>> No.8994254 [DELETED] 

you're absolutely boiling with anger. that's fine, there's no helping people who don't want help.

>> No.8994265 [DELETED] 
File: 828 KB, 1050x809, 1583697359476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok anon I hear you.
I deleted my off topic posts because you asked nicely.
Not the one about the women not enjoying video games like us though, it's on topic.
Women over 20 never play alone.
And even when they find something they like and we invite them to play it's puzzle games.
Ok but what argument can you offer other than "U R Incel"

>> No.8994268 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 583x616, c1hU1Rj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're absolutely boiling with anger

>> No.8994273 [DELETED] 
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No, you.

>> No.8994284

Reminder that the 15 year old kid who called you a faggot in the Call of Duty 4 lobby on Xbox Live is now 30

>> No.8994287

Maybe you shouldn't have been such a faggot.

>> No.8994289 [DELETED] 

>a literal NO U
Thanks for the laughs.
>Ok but what argument can you offer other than "U R Incel"
It's bizarre that nobody in this thread seems to be aware that women like to play casual phone games like Angry Birds or Candy Crush. Yes they are shit, but they are still games, which makes the seething incels in this thread really stand out. Plus, there are some (often tomboys) who play fighting games, platformers, rhythm games, etc., especially at arcades back in the day. Anyone who has left the house in the last 25 years should be aware of this.

>> No.8994295 [DELETED] 


Thanks for proving the rule.

>> No.8994308 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8994315
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It's tokimemo week this week.

>> No.8994389
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I'm playing through all the Chase H.Q. games
did you know that the two cops from Chase H.Q. are the same two cops that are in Crime City? I didn't know, never made that connection.

>> No.8994404

slowly finishing banjo kazooie. i've been more into movies lately since i got a vcr and started buying tapes again

>> No.8994406

Based. Thoughts so far?

>> No.8994408

lol lonely faggot who's never even hugged a woman knows what they want

>> No.8994410

I wish I could be 15 again and enjoy 2005 /a/, /v/ and /co/ once more.

>> No.8994413

holy based listen to this man (but also eat better and work out)

>> No.8994432

Thinking about playing videogames makes me tired so I just replay old games in my mind while I lay in bed.

>> No.8994480

Back when that came out I was annoyed with the clothing system but if I played it now I think I'd appreciate the satisfaction of learning the girls' tastes

>> No.8994502

I hope they have their shit together. I'd hate for him to still be calling people faggots at the workplace.

>> No.8994510

Been playing Deus Ex Revision all week long.

>> No.8994513

Depressingly in this same frame of mind.

>> No.8994528

Lol get deleted, dipshit.

>> No.8994532

How so? Video games and all other art, like movies and books, is basically the only thing that somewhat keep me out of depression...

>> No.8994537
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First game was a lot of fun and I got all of the little guys and did the bonus level. I'll play the rest in this order (as advised by a previous /vr/ thread):

1) Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil
2) Klonoa: Moonlight Museum
3) Klonoa: Empire of Dreams
4) Klonoa: Beach Volleyball
5) Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament
6) Klonoa Heroes: Densetsu no Star Medal
7) Klonoa: Dream Traveler of Noctis Sol (webcomic)

>> No.8994540

Because I have no motivation to play them whatsoever.

>> No.8994541

>be 30+
>play videogame
>get tired
>listen to the OST instead

>> No.8994550
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I used to be depressed like that, laying in bed for hours, thinking about games but not actually willing to get up and play
I can't stress enough how much working out helps
Also: family, friends, having a routine, making long term plans and unironically religion (I used to be le internet atheist) but it gives you a sense of belonging, a community to be a part of, the will to improve, and some time-tested advice.
Also, don't hesitste to go to a specialist, and take medication. It works but you have to want to improve until you don't need to use it anymore instead of becoming a lifelong slave to drugs.
My girlfriend pushed me to go to the doctor and saved my life, she's now my wife. I used medication for two years, gradually reducing the dosage until I felt good and confident about myself.
/vr/ related because I like playing old arcade racers with my son so it's good to be alive.
Also fuck jannies.

>> No.8994557

30+? I wish I was only 30+

>> No.8994560
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>get in your car, get a coffee, go drive around the most rural area you can find on a sunny day, talk to yourself about any problems you're having. go home, cook dinner, masturbate to lesbian facesitting porn, then watch tim and eric's billion dollar movie, then get drunk and play resident evil 4 and then go to bed. if you do it you will be saved. if you ignore this advice, there's no helping you.
Will talking to myself about any problems I am having, cooking and playing RE4 alone do anything to help me, do you suppose? Rest are either things I can not or will not do.

>> No.8994561

I replayed Trials of Mana. It was ok. Cutscene to gameplay ratio was heavily skewed so I ended up just skipping them by the end. I don't play games much anymore, I just watch anime now since it takes less effort and I can't be assed to "git gud" at hard games anymore.

>> No.8994601

I have no nostalgia for any of these games but having recently played Duke 1 and 2, and all episodes of Keen, including the fan episodes, I'd rank Duke 1 and 2 at top, Keen below that, and Jill at the bottom. Episode 1 of Jill is cool but the sound design gets fucking bizarre in the other episodes, overall the gameplay is fine though. Jill at its rudest is still nothing compared to Keen episodes 3 and 6.

>> No.8994664

Go do something with your hands. Clean up your workshop or whatever, even. Physical labour. You're welcome.

>> No.8994672

yeah i used to just smoke weed and lay in bed depressed doing nothing. but working out, eating better, and setting goals have changed a lot in my life. acid and mushrooms were also a big motivator for the change. but the biggest motivator was the knowledge that if i didn't do something soon, i might never do it. and if im already content being a failure then i have nothing to lose by trying something new.

i wouldn't recommend church unless you're already religious and determined to go but i've never enjoyed the company of anyone overtly religious, and i don't see a reason to change my principles just because a few of the people who share them are cringe. friends and community are important though and there're a lot of non-religious options.

>> No.8994674

Yeah who would've thought being a degenerate drug addict wouldn't lead to happiness.

>> No.8994675

That won't motivate me to play games.

>> No.8994709


>> No.8994751

40 just finished Lufia and starting 2 again. I love those two games so much you guys. I’ve been playing After the Fall on a quest with IRL friends. Also been playing Bloodhunt and Apex with friends. Gonna get back into trying to master a few NES games I got good times on next. A couple people already said it, but if you guys aren’t working out to keep it up to play video games, you gotta start. You’ll need a lot more energy to have a life and play. It started becoming necessary to work out almost every day a few years ago just to keep my reflexes. Luckily I skateboard so it isn’t super boring but I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I even have to force that.

>> No.8994757

It doesn’t always lead to unhappiness, me and my wife are fine. We both have full lives though which is way more important

>> No.8994774

Just finished Armored Core 1. Pretty good. Probably gonna play some other PS1 game before moving onto Project Phanstasm. Maybe TR3.

>> No.8994782

Arcade or nes?

>> No.8994789

That will affect your brain chemistry in a way that will make resurgence of motivation more likely.

>> No.8994794

Playing Chrono Trigger in moon, just recruited Devilman. Usually drop it around Zeal. It's cool, underwater shrine dungeon sucked though.

>> No.8994795

I don't follow.

>> No.8994797

We can tell. If you aren’t a lazy shit about your life, you’ll learn how to be alert and awake enough to play something

>> No.8994801

Nice assumptions based on nothing, asshat.

>> No.8994830

You’re whining on this website of all places that tells me enough

>> No.8994843

35 yo and I started playing Doom for the first time last Tuesday.

It's ok, but not epic.

>> No.8994849

That means nothing.

>> No.8994884

>Also: family, friends
Yea, I feel that's the main trouble in my life. It's all better with a community, but I just hate the fucking people around, aside from couple guys, but they are always busy.
I'm kind busy as well, of course. Jobs and stuff.
Life sucks.
Video games, movies, comic books and all the other stuff is pretty much the only thing that keeps me alive.

>> No.8994897

>Will talking to myself about any problems I am having, cooking and playing RE4 alone do anything to help me, do you suppose?
This might sound like a weird question but, do you have whats called an internal voice? Like a sort of internal monologue? If so yes it will help.

>> No.8994906

38, felt a burning drive to play Super Mario RPG, so I am on my SNES mini, also did some DKC.
Gonna through RE2 and 3 again once Im done with SMRPG.

>> No.8994914

>30 years old
>reads comic books
>wonders why his life sucks and everyone thinks hes a faggot

>> No.8994925

Hello I'm your internal voice here. Fuck off this is a videogame board not a self help group. This is a lazy fatass who just admitted he will not move his fat ass to help himself and just wants to cook to eat more and play videogames. You can't help him but you can help us all by not engaging with a sad stupid lazy ass.

>> No.8994928

Dont be like that.

>> No.8995023

Gotta love this place

>> No.8995060

Hey guys, I turn 30 in December. Can I hang out too? Want to play some PS1 vehicular combat games with me?

>> No.8995086

life sucks no matter what

>> No.8995093

Been playing Sly Cooper 1 and 2 back to back. Glad I got to try them out since I missed them in my middle school days

>> No.8995214
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Ok Anon(s), feeling adventurous tonight. Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, Gundam Zeonic Front or Samurai Warriors on the PS2?
Your choices make sense. I've been working on bettering myself, and have dropped 40 pounds since Jan 1st, but to be brutally honest I feel too old to really be able to change my life for the better now. Still, glad to hear your life has gotten better Anon. Your advice seems to be helping people in the thread.
Of course I do, but I'm not one to talk -vocally- to myself.Inside my head it's a mix between the announcers from Mad World and a World Series game, with everything I do getting a play by play that is critical of my mistakes.

>> No.8995220
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>I dislocated a shoulder in a rotary phone accident
top kek

>> No.8995331

Doing useful stuff physically makes your brain feel better in several ways. A few of them are:
- feeling accomplished, which lets your subconscious "allow" yourself to relax and enjoy entertainment;
- release/increase of various thingies naturally produced inside your body, some of which make you feel better, others make thinking activities easier, more efficient and more rewarding;
- better blood circulation make you overall feel better after being less active;
- distraction you have to focus on put bad thoughts into background so you feel better even after your activity is finished for a while;
- having less things on a mental list of what needs to be done reduces the number of responsibilities so you become less concerned.
Doubt that I can simplify further.

>> No.8995336

typical defeatist cuck attitude

>> No.8995342

Same games I always play
A ghosts n Goblins game
Street fighter 3rd Strike
Streets of rage 2, 4, or remake
Some shitty shmup like Gunbird 2 or elemental Master

>> No.8995358

38. I just got a Series X and a really nice 4K TV.

Started playing DQ11 which is 4K60fps.

But because JRPG and how long the games are, after 10 hours on Xbox I started playing on PC so I could use Cheat Engine and play 1.75 speed.

I don't think I can ever play an RPG at normal speed anymore. I think I'm gonna sell my Series X and focus on PC. And my CPU can basically only play 1080P at ultra at 2560x1080p

>> No.8995395

Not retro

>> No.8995401

wth why aren't my posts coming thru

>> No.8995537

>lesbian facesitting porn
Do you have any recommendations?

>> No.8995541

Me too. /co/ didn't exist until 2006, but I'm sure you just misremembered. It was actually my home board once upon a time. I don't really have one these days.
Super Mario RPG is probably my favorite video game. I wish future depictions of Mario's world used it as inspiration.

>> No.8995769


>> No.8995814

That would just make me tired, it's the complete opposite of what you've been saying throughout.

>> No.8995916

36, playing Eternal Darkness on Gamecube. I don’t have much experience with horror games but I think this one is pretty exciting. Not too far in, would give it an 8.5 so far I guess

>> No.8995954
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>Some shitty shmup like Gunbird 2 or elemental Master
I like elemental master. The first stage theme is really good.

>> No.8995973

I replayed RE2 after many years and it was enjoyable but very easy. But now I can't defeat Nemesis in 3. Weird, I did it before without much problems.

>> No.8995994
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Come get some

>> No.8996020

32, currently playing:
-Wario Land (just started)
-Metroid Zero Mission (just started)
-Final Fantasy V Advance (just got the airship)
-Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 1, Dollet)
-Final Fantasy X (Macalania)
-Skies of Arcadia Legends (just got the Delphinus)
-Sword of Mana (just started)
-Dragon Quest IX (finished wight knight story)

I had a long stretch where I got burned out from playing games, but I got back in to it a few years ago. The trick for me is to play games in bursts of 1-2 hours max. I also don't worry too much about creating a backlog. If I feel like starting a new game, I just do it. I don't really feel the need to finish every game I start.

For me it's a great way to relax and end a working day. I always have something to look forward to. And if I don't find the time to play games, it's no big deal.

For anyone that's feeling depressed... Nr 1: avoid watching or listening to the news. Other than that: find a good balance between work / side projects / entertainment. For example, avoid spending an entire weekend playing games or browsing 4chan. Better to do a bit of housework and play for an hour or two in the evening. Like some other people have said, working out helps a lot too.

>> No.8996109

voyager elite force
I only played the first level, it's ok I guess

>> No.8996212
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>>Titan Quest
the damage monsters dish out in that game is just too high for me, played to completion one time but now i can't find reason to do a second run. Play grim dawn thou it's an amazing game and much more polished i recommend it

>> No.8996303

Neither of those things would cause your life to suck, retard.

>> No.8996324

>the damage monsters dish out in that game is just too high for me
Final boss of the vanilla campaign absolutely shut me down and filtered me. Two shot at best by it, and my build was effectively powerless against it. Great game otherwise.
>Play grim dawn thou
I've played quite a few hours of it over multiple attempts but it always feels like I'm missing backstory or setting info. Solid game otherwise.

>> No.8996328 [DELETED] 

if you read comic books at 30 years old you are a gigantic faggot and mentally a child. kill yourself capeshit consumer retard

>> No.8996335
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Nope. But thanks for giving me the chance to post this.

>> No.8996336 [DELETED] 

im not reading any of that but i repeat, if you are 30 years old and you read comic books, you are a faggot.

>> No.8996348

That's fine. Everyone else knows you lost.

>> No.8996352 [DELETED] 

t. fat virgin faggot that reads comic books

>> No.8996361

Since you're just going to repeat yourself now after having your argument thoroughly debunked, I'll simply hide and filter you. Feel free to keep bumping the thread for free ;)

>> No.8996365 [DELETED] 
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>Since you're just going to repeat yourself now after having your argument thoroughly debunked, I'll simply hide and filter you. Feel free to keep bumping the thread for free ;)

>> No.8996373

Ahh.. seeing that post count go up without being able to see the post.. the sweet taste of victory.

>> No.8996379 [DELETED] 

t. fat virgin that reads comic books

>> No.8996395
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>> No.8996430

I play Killer Instinct with my son a lot. They really nailed the designs. Who wouldn't love playing as a robot, a skeleton or a dinosaur

>> No.8996441

Drakan order of the flame on my 98 build. I really like it but I also played it when it was new. 37 here, sharing a lot of games with my kids

>> No.8996561

lol well if you're already determined to fail nothing in this world can help you

>> No.8996569

you're posting on the retro video games board, nothing about this hobby is above reading comic books

>> No.8996576 [DELETED] 

yeah nah, resding comic books is a lot gayer than BTFOing fags in Quake. sorry retard

>> No.8996579

Do 30+ year olds look like that guy? I look wayyyy younger and I'm 35 lmao.

>> No.8996583

best western fighting game

>> No.8996603

No that's mid-late 40's

>> No.8996607

I'd say that looks more like 50, then again it depends on many things.

>> No.8996673


>> No.8996698

Thanks, mods.

>> No.8996706

It really depends. If you smoke or get fat/bald you can look way older than you are. I'm 30 and there are plenty of 20-year-olds who look older than me.

>> No.8996721

what geam?

>> No.8996821

I'm 35 and get carded and generally treated with disbelief when it comes to my age because I still look like I'm in my late teens. I still have to show my ID to buy M rated games for fucks sake.

>> No.8996828

fuck I'm gonna look like a kid for the rest of my life

>> No.8996850
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Just beat MGS Ghost Babel.
Production values on this were nuts considering it was on the GBC. Great game all around.

>> No.8996951
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22 year old zoomer here
I was looking to play through the entire Sonic franchise to prepare for the new game coming out, but ended up playing and loving a lot of the older SEGA games from the 90's.

>Vectorman 1 & 2
>House of the Dead 1&2
>Comix Zone
>Saturn Bomberman (not SEGA game but on Saturn)
>Saturn port of Resident Evil
>Earthworm Jim
>Knuckles' Chaotix
>Saturn version of Sonic 3D Blast
>Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

all very comfy, fun, and full of SOUL, Ristar was probably my favorite so far
gonna check the dreamcast library out eventually

>> No.8996965

Fallout 2. Not sure why, but i was able to breeze through and get in to FO1 really easily, but FO2 I just keep quitting after Vault City

>> No.8996982
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36 here and currently playing Pokemon Emerald. Played gen 1 when it came out then didn't play any of the others until gen 6 so I'm going back and playing the games I missed. Probably going to play Gen2 when I'm done with emerald.

Also planning to finish Zelda 2 sometime this weekend and maybe play a bit more of Oblivion

>> No.8996995

This was honestly good advice. I'll try to take it to heart. Thank you.

>> No.8997002

Vault city is the part just before it gets really good

>> No.8997023
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45 here. Going through some Sega CD games I can't remember if I've beat or not. Finished up Vay a few days ago and now I'm on Popful mail. Lunar 2 will be next.

>> No.8997026

Funnily enough I recently tried popful mail out myself and was enjoying it up until your pic...fuck the wood golem. Doubt I'll ever bother with it again sadly.

>> No.8997028

Having somewhat healthy lifestyle and working indoors are the greatest factors. People who have worked outside their whole lives always look like old men, construction workers etc.
Staying indoors and having a slightly bloated face makes you look younger.
What I'm playing? Metal Gear Solid and Gran Turismo 2, possible Final Fantasy VII. Sounds very cliche really (like Emulation 101) but it's been so many years since I last touched any of these.

>> No.8997030

Emerald... Man, the memories... I've never finished the secret base of my dreams...
Maybe one day I'll actually launch the emulator and fucking do it.

>> No.8997042

Some of the bosses can be a bit unfair if your reflexes have slowed like mine but the game is overall fun enough to push through those parts.

>> No.8997048

ok this is based as fuck

>> No.8997248

There's probably a patch to undo the inflated enemy damage of the North American version

>> No.8997267
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Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart
They play every weekend but you'll want to practice the controls and tracks first >>>/vm/620037

>> No.8997270

Bald here, 37. Being bald is kind of a souble-edged sword and depends on a lot of things, if you're balding but still keep your hair grow, exposing the bald spots on the top, yeah you will look like shit (unless you have a similar aura as Bill Murray, one of the few examples I can think of that can pull that off).
I just shave it all to 0. Been doing it since I'm 20 and yeah, back then I looked older, not much, but you don't expect a 20 year old to be bald/totally shaved. However, now at 36, I don't think I look older, and in fact people always tell me I appear younger. I have the theory that when you're old, being bald sort of makes you look younger because you don't expose your grey hair at all. Of course it depends on many factors like how your skin looks, your facial structure, etc, etc so there's not a definitive law to it, but I always recommend shaving to people who are balding, unless they have a weird skull shape or ears that stick out too much.

>> No.8997356

I've been rapidly on my way to looking like George Costanza ever since I hit my late 20's, and finally noticing all the space between my hair in the front and the rest of it on top put the fear of God in me. I've always assumed I would shave it when I got to this point, but my wife insists I look better this way, and I value her take on it more than I would anyone else's, even my own, since she sees it more than I do. I still kind of want to try it out someday, but it takes too long to come back from if it turns out that it doesn't suit you.

>> No.8997384

Yeah, bald look can go either way
Makes some people look younger, others older. I guess a lot is rooted in head shape, because if you have a pleasantly shaped head going bald seems like a style choice, but if you've got something all wonky and misshapen, it looks like you either have cancer, alopecia, or are shaving due to balding.

>> No.8997414
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Played a Jack Rabbit cabinet at an expo last week and now I'm playing it on Mame to see how good I can git.

>> No.8997817

He's not a kid anymore but you're still a faggot.

>> No.8998859

I'm playing Blade Runner. Gameplay fits the slow pacing of the film perfectly. Sitting with an Esper analysis is nice and contemplative. Game has great atmosphere, I like this game but I suck at it, took me a while to get used to how it works. Used to be extremely immersed in Monkey Island, DotT and, Simonn, and Sam & Max when they all came out. Nice to play a point and click again.
turning 40 in a few weeks myself, congrats old man

>> No.8998938

Mid 30's
Finished Cotton 100 last week for the first time
Playing stories of Ivanaho and Final Fantasy 1 on psp now. I am dead set on finishing FF1 for the first time.

>> No.8999026

Forbidden Siren
I had no idea that horror games can have such an enjoyable gameplay. Siren is FULL of neat and bold ideas. It really makes you wonder why newer horror games feel so primitive, it's like everyone decided that the original Echo Night was the best thing ever and we shouldn't venture much farther than that.