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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8992102 No.8992102 [Reply] [Original]

All new RPGs are trash. Not a good example, but I played Vagrant Story & FFT when I was 32 and couldn’t believe how good they were, despite not being that long. I used to think I got old and that’s why I don’t enjoy new games but nope, the quality did take a nosedive to the abyss. Recommend underrated classic RPGs, preferably pre-PlayStation era.

>> No.8992110
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>All new RPGs are trash.

>> No.8992121

well, try tactics ogre for the SNES
maybe vandal hearts 2

>> No.8992129

Not all of them to be fair. Skyrim and Persona are what I can think of right now. Generally though, it’s gotten quite bad.

>> No.8992216

PS1 is Classic RPG now? I thought Classic RPG was stuff like Betrayal at Krondor, Lands of Lore, Ultima Underworld, etc.

>> No.8992251

I wish vagrant story was a better game. the whole weapon skill and damage system is hot garbage and renders it nigh unplayable. everything beyond these mechanics is fantastic though which makes it a real shame

>> No.8992254

>PS1 is Classic RPG now?

>> No.8992732
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>> No.8993131

diablo 2 for gay kids

>> No.8993150

Does this personally offend you, you nu-gaming industry scumbag? What's the evidence to the contrary?

>> No.8993153

Don't back down to that faggot. Skyrim could be considered retro by some, Persona 5 was like one in a sea of boring CRPGs and moe-shit, and like 5 years ago. I liked SMT5 though.

>> No.8993173

Harsh, and only superficially correct. It's rough for sure, but it differs in how avoiding traps and finding secrets matters in the environment, and has far more reactive, mechanics based combat. It a lot more in common with SNES ARPGs than Diablo. It's not just numbers-on-numbers rock-em-sock-em skinner box, as good of one as Diablo 2 is.

>> No.8993190

>spending 3/4 of the game screwing around in menus to pick the right equipment with the right parameters so your sword swing does any damage at all

>> No.8993195

Yes. Maybe this explains my whole computer hobby and my affinity for MAME and Retroarch

>> No.8993246

>pick the right equipment with the right parameters
blunt, slashing and piercing are the only stats that matter, everything else can be covered by buffs

>> No.8993248

>PS1 is Classic RPG now?
Bruh even skyrim is a classic rpg now >>8993153

>> No.8993249

buffs are still a little tedious to use and the whole game could use some animation/UI/hotkey speedups but yes.

>> No.8993261

If someone made a spell animation speedup and UI flow/hotkey improvement hacks this would be a 10/10.

>> No.8993290

Developers can rip this game off any day now, please.

>> No.8993317

oh yeah the game very badly needed some kind of weapon quickswap, even if it was just a button that cycled through your weapons one by one

>> No.8993373
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>> No.8993382

>It a lot more in common with SNES ARPGs than Diablo
yeah you're fucking retardes. it's a third person isometric action RPG for PC with pre-rendered 3D graphics where you oick a class, kill monsters, do quests and collect loot. they even ripped off diablo's minimap and general HUD layout. honestly, how stupid do you have to be to even say something like this?

>> No.8993409

It plays nothing like it in practice though. You actively block and dodge and deal with hazards in a more Zelda-like way. Yeah, it was trying to steal some of Diablo 2's lunch but it's no replacement at all. It's not a semi-roguelike loot mill. It's a static map/drop ARPG with far less loot variety. Way to prove my point with all that superficial bullshit.

>> No.8993421

It's westerners can't deal with early 3D limitations episode #32189012

>> No.8993427

bro you are legit retarded. anybody with a pair of eyes can see the game is obviously a diablo clone.
>superficial bullshit.
outright copying snd stealing from diablo is "superifical bullshit" but "MOVING AND DODGING LIKE MUH ZELDA" is supposed to be an argument for how this game is akin to a fucking SNES ARPG? holy shit you're dumb

>> No.8993434

Marketing/presentation vs reality.

>> No.8993439

the reality is that both games are isometric ARPGs for PC released at nearly the same time that share everything from visual design to combat to HUD elements and your demented, diseased brain thinks one of them is actually closer to a SNES RPG because of some vaguely Zelda-reminiscent elements that don't really exist anyway. there's nothing else i can say, you're extremely stupid and you should feel bad. goodbye now.

>> No.8993440

Yeah. Leave.

>> No.8993474

I'm still confused by the risk system. Like, how do I know when to stop attacking? Should I keep going?

>> No.8993493

From the new ones, I kinda dig Pathfinder and deathtrash. The first is a pretty standard cRPG, while the latter is a fairly simplistic hack and slash

>> No.8993527
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gotta have muh 100 polygones a day u geriatric cunt

>> No.8994883

>Vagrant story is my fave RPG of all time
>I still enjoy Persona
Perhaps the problem is (You) op, stop being so bitter.

>> No.8996429

You sound like a dumb nigger incapable of discerning nuance or understand the gestalt of design.

>> No.8996435

Meant for >>8993427

Not having IDs on this board makes it how to figure out who is sperging out at who at times.

>> No.8996442 [DELETED] 

pseud drivel from a retard who can't even respond to the right post. nox has nothing in common with a SNES game. you are gay and retarded.

>> No.8996542

Triangle strategy is the best jRPG in years. For retro, replaying the Suikoden series and loving it