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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 136 KB, 483x479, SML3WarioLand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8988229 No.8988229 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on the Wario Land games, anon?

>> No.8988231

Weird how it strings two series together.
Wario Land II is best on gb

>> No.8988251
File: 919 KB, 1080x1345, hur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about a 6.8/10 overall

>> No.8988253

Amazing games, like a tough, raunchy and greedy take on Mario in the best possible way.
SML3 might be my favorite but Virtual Boy Wario Land is a masterpiece on its own.

>> No.8988262

what the fuck is this

>> No.8988275
File: 108 KB, 466x366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VBWL > WL1 > WL4 > Shake It! > WL2 > WL3 > World > Master of Shit

>> No.8988280

2 was my fav followed by 3 then 1. Didn't play the rest.

>> No.8988286

I wish there was a good way to play the Virtual Boy game without needing a fucking Occulus or something.

>> No.8988294
File: 221 KB, 600x528, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo really missed a golden opportunity to port the game to the 3DS.

But you could just play it on an emulator, and if the red bothers you change the palette to grayscale instead.

>> No.8988331
File: 528 KB, 800x801, 800px-VBWL_EagleWario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtual, 2 and 4 are almost masterpieces in different ways. Virtual Boy is a hectic speedrun friendly action platformer with gorgeous spritework and animation and great settings, Wario Land 2 is an action puzzle platformer with a cyoa freedom to it and a massive world and 4 is probably the artsiest game Nintendo has ever put out; feels like a 90s MTV transgressive art piece in playable form on top of also being a solid as fuck action puzzle platformer with speedrun elements. 3 and 1 are not that far behind, and Shake it has its moments too, despite the weak controls and the nerf to Wario's moveset.

I put it in VBJin and it worked fine. Can't save your game though, use savestates if you need to quit.

>> No.8988339

It annoys the hell out of me that they abandoned the Mario land series so that they could work on these shit games. Wario is a game thief.

>> No.8988342
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>> No.8988346

>Wario Land II is best on gb
Based m8 with gr8 taste
WL2 is the first game I ever felt compelled to 100% in my life because finding the branching paths is so satisfying. I was chuffed beyond belief at the "stay in bed" pathway existing.

>> No.8988348

Super Mario 3D Land exists.
SML2 was a great game anyway, if they kept making Mario games people would complain that Nintendo just does Mario and Zelda the list goes on.

>> No.8988357

That's really more of a complaint in hindsight. Besides SM3DL is more part of the new super mario bros series in my eyes

>> No.8988369

>I was chuffed beyond belief at the "stay in bed" pathway existing.
Figuring that one out myself after shoulder bashing and buttstomping every tile of the level with no secret passages showing up is one of my proudest childhood achievements. What else could it have been?

>> No.8988428

>I put it in VBJin and it worked fine.
How? Mine is all pink and black and obstacles just look like a blurry mess.

>> No.8988438

Well, SML1 and SML2 are pretty different too, SML1 is like a surreal, almost /x/-ified take of SMB in a different land, while SML2 feels like an alternate, portable offspring of SMW. (SML3 also has SMW-esque elements, from visuals to level design with all the secrets and stuff. Of course it also has Metroid elements).
I'd say SML2 is closer to SML3 than it is to SML1, besides the fact you control Mario.
What would have been cool is an original Super Mario for GBA though, they got kinda lazy with the All Stars ports.

>> No.8988463

SML, SML2, WL and WL2 all have a continuity was great. You'll likely never get that in Mario again

>> No.8988467
File: 17 KB, 640x576, wario_2_sleepa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit is a moment that will live with me forever. I just thought it would be funny to watch Wario sleep when I realized he wouldn't wake up until you hit any button, and then boom.

>> No.8988475

Fiddle with the video settings to fix that anon, if a shitter like me could, so can you.

>> No.8988567
File: 8 KB, 508x361, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are literally my only video settings.

>> No.8988663

A dog put through faceapp

>> No.8988672

This QR code is just for an image?

>> No.8988776
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wario World sucked ass

>> No.8988865

prove to me VB wario isn't just lauded by contrarians because of the obscure console. I played about an hour of it once and it just felt like a more polished version of the first game. Going into the background didn't feel like it added anything, either

>> No.8988897

It was really bad graphically and ugly aesthetically.

>> No.8988903

Just finished Wario Land 3 for the...third or fourth time? I still like it a lot but I don't like it as much as I used to. The levels feel really small and the items feel more like keys into areas instead of actually being relevant to the area.

>> No.8988947

Why are you adding me to the responses? I'm literally bemoaning the fact that I don't have a good way to play it, I can't form an opinion on the game yet.

>a more polished version of the first game.
Sounds kino to me.

>> No.8989667

>and if the red bothers you change the palette to grayscale instead
You miss out on the awesome 3D effects if you don't get a pair of 3-D glasses and change the pallette to red-blue.

>> No.8989674

WL4 is one of the most enjoyable platformers I've ever played. The other ones are good but that's easily the best one.

>> No.8989714

Did it really? I was super hyped about it back when it was being teased but remember reviews being mixed at best and so I lost hope. Still gonna end up playing it eventually, but is it really that bad?

>> No.8989813 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 500x448, images - 2022-06-08T074138.547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people hate this game? Because It's not Wario Land? It's pretty kino if you ask me.

>> No.8990010 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 448x970, 29578[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played it in well over a decade, but from what I remember...
>Aesthetic is kinda weird. IMO the spritework is the ugliest in the series.
>Transformations being on demand take some of the challenge out of the game, as you always have what you need when you need it.
>Transformations are also annoying. I remember the game misreading my drawings quite a bit.
>Minigame chests are too frequent
>The game is simultaneously too short and too long. I remember levels being really long but there's only 10 of them. Somehow Wario World did the pacing better with a similar style.
Take my post with a grain of salt, but I remember the game being way too slow as a result of all these.

>> No.8990382

You can just emulate it.

>> No.8990387 [DELETED] 

Gameboy games are just NES games but worse.
Not retro (yet)

>> No.8990648


>> No.8990691

The Wario games you can't die in are fucking cringe. What's the point of playing a game if there's no hard fail condition?

>> No.8990698 [DELETED] 

Touch grass.

>> No.8990840

Wario Land 3 is the quintessential example of a vidya black sheep. Changing a series' genre in the third entry is beyond retarded, but it makes even less sense for a series like Wario where you don't have a consistent 'suit/loadout' that can be improved upon. You just randomly unlock fundamental moves like bouncing on enemies 3/4 through the game with an item that you don't even visually equip. It's just asinine.

And don't even get me started on the final boss. Literally the only part of the entire game where Game Overs even exist, because they were too fucking lazy to make an actual challenging final boss. So instead, he just continuously throws instakill moves at you that make throw you back to the title screen and rewatch the agonizingly slow cutscene before him.

And THEN, the ending is just some random OOC anime chibis that you save. It's just all so half-assed and terrible.

>> No.8990853

Wario Land 2 gets a pass because at least you lose money on damage, and money is your lifeblood in order to get all the treasures/panels. Wario Land 3 is just retarded garbage for niggers.

>> No.8990920

Only pairing up against Mario or Zelda or something. It's fine. Just more of that weird Nintendo shit from that era.

>> No.8990958

You sound uneducated.

>> No.8990989 [DELETED] 

>no argument
>ad hominem
You sound jewish.

>> No.8991015

Agreed. Much like how Shake It was just a poorer and more gimmicky version of 4, 3 was just a poorer and more bloated version of 2.

>> No.8991036


>> No.8991042 [DELETED] 

>come in hoping for a comfy Wario Land thread
>get screeching retards mad that Wario can't die in some of the games
Why even enter this thread at all?
Why do people go to 4chan just to be angry and bitch about things instead of finding/making their own threads to talk about things they actually like?

>> No.8991070
File: 153 KB, 500x270, 1399509315180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wario Land 2 for max comfy
Wario Land 3 for pseudo-metroidvania fun.

>> No.8991074

This guy gets it.

>> No.8991080 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 754x734, 1647493232173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8991087 [DELETED] 

Nah you need medication.

>> No.8991101 [DELETED] 

Nah, you need to accept that some people don't have the same taste as you, faggot.

>> No.8991171
File: 142 KB, 2133x1208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SML3: enjoyable albeit somewhat too slow platforming goodness

VBWL: brilliant in every way, truly the magnum opus of the Wario series

WL2: decent platformer, though pales in comparison to the previous two entries

WL3: more or less like a bad Metroid game, easily the lowest point in the series

WL4: basically a synthesis of the Hat Wario-era and Transformation-era, breddy great

World: has a lot of faults, but it was a better transition to 3D than SM64/Sunshine/etc.

>> No.8991193 [DELETED] 

>Wario Land 3 for pseudo-metroidvania fun.
You're a garbage person.

>> No.8991223 [DELETED] 

at least I don't pass judgement on others

>> No.8991227 [DELETED] 

You did until it was socially unacceptable for you to do so as a transsexual.

>> No.8991294

I used Mednafen and played it in black and white, not a terrible experience but I understand if you wanna give it more 3D depth. I'm not a huge purist when it comes to emulation so wouldn't be surprised if some small bit was off, but I didn't see anything glaring once I set the colours right.

>> No.8991306

>doesn't have a gf
He absolutely has a main squeeze, but doesn't need to romance her.

>> No.8991374

Oy vey, take us seriously!

>> No.8991436
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Who, Syrup?

>> No.8991509
File: 2.92 MB, 1280x720, 1645047711774.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was working on a stripped-down VB emulator earlier this year hoping to get the game running on the 3DS. It's just too slow. Gonna need static/dynamic recompilation or a full decompilation and port to achieve full speed.

>> No.8991516

Wario Land 3 and 4 are the peak of portable platformers

>> No.8991525

WL3 isn't a platformer, it's a shitty excuse for a metroidvania.

>> No.8991614 [DELETED] 

Nah you need medication.

>> No.8991618 [DELETED] 

>muh sluggish schizophrenia
Why do commies like WL3 so much?

>> No.8991619 [DELETED] 

Rent free.

>> No.8991623 [DELETED] 

Take it easy, we’re not making a western here.

>> No.8991625 [DELETED] 

Right on the money, rather.

>> No.8991627 [DELETED] 

What does this post have to do with the Wario Land series of video games? Are you sure you're in the right place? Did you get lost?

>> No.8991629 [DELETED] 

Mental illness has ruined every board and every thread. I miss old 4chan so fucking much.

>> No.8991631 [DELETED] 

>assert that I need medication because I don't agree with you
This is sluggish schizophrenia, aka kike soviet gaslighting. You may be able to bully goyim into liking your shitty kike game, but not me. Eat shit, kike.

>> No.8991636 [DELETED] 

Perhaps I just didn't appreciate it back then, but two things that bugged the shit out of me, three really, was that sometimes my drawings didn't register as I would like, the minigame chests were annoyingly prevalent, and I hated the literal shit art attack. I know, I know, it's a part of Wario's character, but the games prior would pretty good about keeping that out of the games, or at least down to a minimum if I'm remembering wrong.

>> No.8991667 [DELETED] 


>> No.8991676 [DELETED] 

>if you criticize anything, you're mentally ill

>> No.8991684

I've only played WL1and WW at length. Haven't beaten either of them. Maybe I'm too old to try to get into them, but I'm trying Wario Land 4 in my spare time and liking it so far.

>> No.8991694 [DELETED] 

I don't see any criticism ITT. Just autistic screeching and /pol/ shitposters.

>> No.8991702 [DELETED] 

Right here, dipshit. >>8990840
Dead internet theory is right, none of you bots even parsed that.

>> No.8991712

Absolute, irrefutable proof that WL3 is the worst Wario game of all time:


>> No.8991758

I'd struggle to call it the worst Wario game of all time, but I'd be willing to say it's potentially the worst of the original 4 (specifying the original 4 because I haven't played anything past 4 in well over a decade)
It used to be my favorite for a long time, but going back and playing it now, it just feels...lacking. I enjoy it and I think the platforming is fine, but key item effects aren't integrated into the levels well. Too many of them just clear a previously unmoveable obstacle in order to let you into an area that has nothing to do with the other areas in the level.
I don't mind having to re-gain your abilities from 2 though. If they didn't remove your abilities, then their related blockades would just be replaced with more single use key items. Plus, it's nice going back to old levels and blazing through stuff that you struggled with before.
I do agree about the difficulty being too easy. Coins are in a weird spot in 3 since your primary means of collecting them is through music coins and literally the only thing you can spend them on is golf minigames. Typically, getting hit either pushes you back a few feet or puts you back in a previous area, resulting in nothing more than an annoyance and never having any lasting effects.

>> No.8991784

>calling WL3 "metroidvania"
Stop. It has nothing to do with either game.

>> No.8991795

My review I posted in an old thread:


It's a solid game that missed a bunch of potential. Wario's first outting in 3D deserved better but it's not bad.

>> No.8991819

WL4 is pclose to the platonic ideal of a perfect video game

>> No.8991847

WL3 has better progression, better and more unique level design, better bosses, and better music then WL2. WL3 also had the foresight to remove the scores of tedious breakable blocks that would only reward you with coins and that's it. Have you actually replayed WL2 recently? Every level feels the same, the puzzles and progression are samey. This is largely due to the fact that you have all your abilities from the very beginning, so the shit you were doing from the first world is exactly the same of what you were doing in the last level for all 51 levels. To avoid this it's why Wario Land 4 is a much shorter game, and focused much more on making every level completely distinct from each other so it doesn't feel like you are doing the same thing throughout the entire game.

All Wario Lands are barely platformers, they are puzzle and exploration focused. Hell they don't even have bottomless pits or death spikes.

How many years have you been posting this blogger now?

The fuck? Wario Land 3's entire design philosophy is absolutely based off Metroid in terms of progression, stripping Wario bare, regaining old moves, using power ups as keys for finding new areas to explore new paths in old levels you couldn't before. The only thing Wario Land 3 doesn't have is an interconnected world but honestly it doesn't really need it.

>> No.8991936
File: 102 KB, 187x277, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell they don't even have bottomless pits or death spikes.
Virtual Boy Wario does. Way to out yourself as a Wario newfag, champ.

>> No.8991986

As does WL1. I don’t know what series you retards are playing.

>> No.8992007

to me its just boring/bland but not terrible. just not as charming as banjo games and not as fun as mario sunshine/64 whatever

>> No.8992238

>mention wario land 3
>people start screeching.
Good to know that all the posturing wario fans are retarded faggots.

>> No.8992242


Look at these posts.
Perfect example of the dipshits who post "epic manly wario memes" but are too fucking stupid to understand wario land 3.
>inb4 muh backtracking muh coins muh upgrade system
Don't care.

>> No.8992258



Autism. Kill yourself.

>> No.8992262

That's because real Wario Chads prefer skill-based Wario games such as the first Land and VB Land, not the collectathon god mode bullshit of 2/3. Stop being a fucking pussy and take the HatWariopill already, bitch.

>> No.8992275

>Stop being a fucking pussy and take the HatWariopill already, bitch.
Wario land 1 requires less skill than a kirby game. I don't know what the fuck you're imagining.

>> No.8992276
File: 120 KB, 351x292, looks_guys_look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredible, incredible!

>> No.8992341

Second best series of games on the game boy behind the Pokemon games.
One is pretty good, the rest are fucking great.

>> No.8992405

i only played 4 but it was really good

>> No.8992538

Love this slag

>> No.8992864

I have taken that Wariohat pill already cause Virtual is one of my fav games but so is 2, for different reasons. Wario 1 is definitely easier than 2 though. The only real hard part can be bosses number 1 and 3 but once you know their gimmick it's over for them fast. Wario 2 in contrast has the plenty of fast-paced sections like the rolling, owl and fire wario puzzles, harder bosses, and the last stage, one that really pushes you to git gud at the core mechanics of the game. It's more of an explore-athon than a collect a thon and that is a great fit for the series. Also Wario has been wronged and is fucking pissed, constantly chasing Syrup so thematically it really fits he's unstoppable. Lives meant very little in 1 anyways. VB can be a lil more challenging, I'll give you that, the last boss always fucks me up.

That's the worst thing about 3, the coins are fucking worthless.

>> No.8992892

What's the difference between WL2 on GBC and GB? Why does it erase the save file?

>> No.8992924


>> No.8993717

Commendable effort, anon

>> No.8993738

Did my Master of Disguise post seriously got deleted? Jesus christ what a retarded schizo board.

>> No.8994132

My response got deleted too. DS isn't retro yet.

>> No.8994161
File: 52 KB, 644x800, 1234215431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This lmfao just because you can die doesn't mean the game isn't piss easy. I beat it when I was 8, there's no skill involved.

>> No.8994305
File: 8 KB, 480x320, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how the soijak faggots come crawling out of the woodwork when you attack their favorite Wario entries and confront them with truth.

>no skill involved
No, that's Land 2 and Land 3, the Wario games for casual shitters who need invincibility cheat.
>hurrdurr but Hat Wario is so easy
Have you no-death cleared Land 1? Let alone VB Land and its Expert mode? Then shut up.

>> No.8994405
File: 733 KB, 786x920, Wario_reading_WL4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I no-death cleared Wario Land 1 pretty easy and got everything on my last replay, last year. Not that it matters because of how easy it is to get full lives in that game. Virtual is another story, the first and last boss always stump me. But I'd argue getting through Wario Land 2 without losing at any boss and doing every challenge perfectly and specially getting a good time in the final cave is much, much harder than anything WL1 can throw at you. I love the game to death and know its every nook and crany but it is easy. A step up SML2 at least. And that's also a good game, imo.

Honestly, I don't get the weird hostility in this debate and don't mean just you, the other guy's getting pretty retarded as well, it reeks of /v/. To me Wario Land has always been great because of how experimental and different they got with them.

>> No.8994431

The hardest in the series is Wario Land 3, some of the moves required to make can take great timing and the price for failure is often huge, having to go through entire chunks of the levels again only to try again.

>> No.8994796

I don't remember any instant death pits, there are hazard spikes but very rarely. I think I remember a segment in Virtual Boy Wario Land where there's a bunch of platforms that flip you to the background and if you fall you get hurt.

>Stop being a fucking pussy and take the HatWariopill already, bitch.
As much as a I love Virtual Boy Wario Land it was actually THE GAME that made me reject the HatWario pill

Having your default moveset, abilities and movement being constantly neutered or change that drastically permanently due to a hat fucking annoyed me and made me realize why Wario Land 2 and beyond went with temporary state changes instead. Going from the kino that was Bull Wario and losing that momentum really doesn't feel good at all. I don't miss the hats

>> No.8994965
File: 729 KB, 1373x1397, Pacman_World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four is the only one worth playing. They're all inferior to other platformers in the world and a mediocre platform game is probably the most tedious of game genre to play.

>> No.8994983

It appears you haven't played Wario Land 1 and Virtual Boy Wario Land

>> No.8995089
File: 36 KB, 300x323, wario_doc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ario Land devolving further and further into petty tribalism and bullshit

Please don't. Please fucking don't, it's starting to look like a Castlevania thread and that is a terrible, terrible thing. I get that the games can rather different from each other, but that's not a good reason to be stupid about it.

>> No.8995101

Its true I never played vrw but neither did you, big smelly liar. And wl1 was my very first gameboy game and it doesnt hold up like the mario gb titles do. Wl1 is just slow and boring.

>> No.8995121
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4 is pretty based for attempting to fix the faggotry that 2&3 caused, yeah.

>> No.8995137
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>> No.8996539

somehow, Wario Land 1 was the only video game my ex-gf liked to play.
We played it on the Super Game Boy, and she'd get super nervous in that one level a big thwomp is chasing after you. She'd get mad after seeing how easily I could go through it kek

>> No.8997773

Based Wario.

>> No.8997919

I have only played the first one, but I loved it.
I am trying 4 at the moment and it is tough as balls, but you can see the devs had a lot of fun designing it and it feels it.

>> No.8997954

There's literally one person on /v/ and /vr/ who all he does is seethe about WL2 or WL3. You'll never get rid of him. It is what it is.

>> No.8999282
File: 8 KB, 480x640, Wario Land 4 - Oh The Dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9000254

I'm >>8990840 and that was the first post I've ever made about WL3, after beating it last week.

>> No.9001449

Actually playing Wario Land SML3 now and it's very basic even for a GB game, especially with 2 other GB games prior to it for them to practice.

What I do like is how the overworld shows you changes after you clear a boss or whatever, but what sucks is having to replay levels and you don't necessarily know which have changed to find treasure.

>> No.9001474

>there are real videogamers who talk shit with a sense of entitlement from their epik skillz and its not just a corporate meme they write into pizza commercials and bad episodes of crime dramas

>> No.9001531
File: 60 KB, 358x500, 514DEMK6TTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is based

>> No.9001628

worst retro wario platformer.

>> No.9001649

treasure didn't make the jump into 3d well at all. the most 3d a treasure game should be is a shootem up.

>> No.9002206

Well I mean yeah, it was developed by Trashure

>> No.9002215
File: 17 KB, 507x485, wario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having not played the Virtual Boy one, Wario Land 1, WL4, and Shake It! are the only good ones.
2 especially is awful. It took everything about 1 that made it a unique, fun experience that looked and played great, into a tedious chore. And a fucking ugly one at that, good lord. It's a legitimately bad game.

>> No.9002549

Hi auster, how was your weekend?

>> No.9002586

Don't lump me in with that idiot boogeyman.

>> No.9002592

Im glad people are finally turning on WL3. Such a shit game. It baffles me that they could turn a perfectly good formula to shit just because they couldnt keep their metroidvania fix in check. WL3fags are just poorfag millenial zoomers who couldnt afford more than 1 game boy color game and that game just happened to be what they were stuck with for an extended period of time so they think the shitty puzzles and backtracking is "amazing".

>> No.9003837

You need to get on that shit, VBWL is Wario at his absolute peak.
>2 is awful
At least it's not the bloated garbage that is 3 or babby's first brawler like Wario World.

>> No.9003843

sure, "boogeyman"; auster.

>> No.9004489
File: 904 KB, 245x329, 1578281408279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>played great
Except 2 plays a billion times better than 1 and cuts a much faster pace, with improved mechanics and moves, a base Wario that's both nimble and more powerful than bull Wario in either 1 or Virtual, much better momentum in the air and way less floaty movement. Wario Land 4's Wario is based on it after all, it didn't backtrack to 1's movement because 2's was just so, so much better.

Just say the smaller sprites and exploration don't jive with you and be done with it, there's personal preference and then there's prefering Shake It to 2, when the former has such neutered and situation-based movement compared to 4. That's just a plain shit opinion, and I don't even hate Shake it. I'm so tired.

Also, do play Virtual. You like WL1 already, that game will drop your jaw to the floor. Genuinely amazing game.

>saw it happen to Castlevania
>saw it happen to fucking Paper Mario of all things
>am seeing it happen to Wario
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.9004610
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>> No.9004621

most butthurt to the Takehiko Hosokawa's Wario Lands is just that people only like to go to point A to point B and can't explore or puzzle solve at all. They basically just want Wario Land to be just "Mario but slower and less platforming"

>> No.9004724

It really never occured to you that more than one solitary shitposter from Australia would have genuine greivances with Treasure as a company.

You're just -that- set in your ways.
But that's neither here or there, your shit is offtopic and distracting.

>> No.9005203
File: 3.61 MB, 2231x1473, Garlic Cola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wario Land 1's a really cool puzzle platformer with an experimental vibe, the mix of hat powerups with throwing enemies leads to some interesting solutions you don't see anywhere else.

Having only played VB Wario Land recently, I was impressed; it was incredibly fluid in motion and animation, and has a lot of replay value through its compressed runtime and linear setup.

Wario Land 2 is probably my own favorite, taking a lot of WL1's challenges to the platformer genre and challenging the concept of health itself. Really like the multiple endings, and it felt like a constant duel trying to one-up Syrup.

Wario Land 3 is among the most gorgeous GBC games I've played, not just in the sprawling environmental design but with the memorable bosses and character animations. The time attack mode was a really awesome addition.

Wario Land 4 is unique in the eclectic individual stage and sound designs that still unifies to a coherent whole. It's one of those games that's fun for casual play, but that rewards people who can go in harder difficulties without hits.

Not retro, but Shake It has really awesome writing and localization, and I love how the optional challenges build onto the hardcore options from WL4.

I don't know why people are fighting. Especially since WarioWare is far better than any of them.

>> No.9005336

Favorite game when I was a kid for about a year. I loved the dark atmosphere and the amount of secrets and contents. Big, detailed sprites for a gameboy game.
Its kind of boring for an adult, though.

>> No.9005384

ive only played 1 and 3, but they were pretty good.

>> No.9005684

1 & 4 are the only good ones. 3 is a crime against god.

>> No.9005705

still vibing to the WL4 intro music sometimes.

>> No.9005709

I tried Red cyan anaglyphic 3d on a crt and it worked surprisingly well, but i cannot imagine myslef playing like that for a prolonged period of time.

>> No.9005878
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No that's a stupid assumption, Wario 1 has plenty of exploration that unlocks secret levels (a whole fucking word even) and hidden collectibles, Wario has always had a strong exploration/level navigation component, even Shake It had treasure maps. Those people just hate the smaller sprites and the fact you can't die, plus they have a hat fetish.

>> No.9006663
File: 13 KB, 250x201, wario_thumbs_up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly, 1, VB & 4 is the holy trinity of Wario.

>> No.9006815
File: 98 KB, 1100x900, Wario.Land.full.3217941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*VB, 2 and 4
The Wario series is split in three duologies, with one game following up on the previous in which they experimented further with the formula.

Virtual is based on 1, and improves upon it. 3 is based on 2, but it's worse. Shake it is based on 4, but is worse again. Now that's a perfect golden pyramid of Wario, the three god tier games representing the three Wario playstyles. And yes, 2 is better than 1, whereas 3 and Shake It are around the same imo.

>> No.9006969

While you have a good point, it's just that Hat Wario is the best incarnation of Wario so those style of games get priority. 4 and Shake It! are the closest to Hat-era so those are next best.

>> No.9007008
File: 2.97 MB, 378x254, 1635640510076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say 4's Wario is the best incarnation. Minus Dragon Wario's projectile, even with the compromises that had to be made for the blue blocks, it can do everything VB Wario could, hat or not, and it's heavily based on 2's Wario. Honestly, minus the Virtual run button, 2's Wario is already capable of breaking all blocks in his path without stopping (not even Bull/Dragon Wario can do this), picks up enemies much faster, can pulverize them against a solid surface, bounces off their heads much faster... I think it's just plain more fun to control, and since I happen to really like all the secrets and paths in 2, prefer it to 1. Wario Land 1 is still great but I think its slow, floaty flow does not hold a candle to the trademark fast Wario movement that Virtual introduced, and 2 perfected with tricks like the charge slide (which got carried over to 4, and omitted in Shake it for gay controller reasons).

I mean, if you dislike the immortality and crap so much I get it whatever, but Wario 2 still offers many improvments to Wario's moveset, including many that stuck, it belongs up there with Virtual and 4.

>> No.9007579
File: 139 KB, 450x405, wario_3_flame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? Maybe I'm a bit of hypocrite because God knows I've got strong opinions on Castlevania that can and have clashed hard with and pissed off others, but even there, I can recognize that though the games can be very different even while being in the same template and can appreciate having a genuine discussion with someone else where we can both see why the other likes what he likes and maybe even get a new perspective on things. It's just that probably most CV fans, or at least the more vocal ones, are obnoxious assholes who will unironically lie about shit to score a stupid point and get one over someone else.

I can't believe I'm seeing this shit with Wario Land, though, because they're all well designed and have blatant similarities albeit not exactly the same. Why? Why go out of your way to tear down a Wario Land game of all things? Literally no good reason for it and I can only see it as malicious bullshit, honestly, because being polite and understanding should be damn easy here.
I pretty much agree with everything here except that, but then, I haven't played the Ware series all that much, might try Gold one of these days, but I want to add to 3 here, because I feel that calling it pretty kind of undersells it. I can definitely see how someone might not like it, because it involves watering down Wario early in the game, but I rarely see anyone comment on the game's complexities in its design.
>treasures that can add or straight up alter multiple levels
>getting your abilities back and strengthening them to delve deeper than before
>aforementioned making Wario possibly his strongest to boot, including motherfucking swimming through strong currents
>day/night cycle affecting levels and enemies for aesthetics and design
That always seemed like a lot to have to juggle, even for Nintendo devs, so while taking your powers is arguably cheating to work it out, I still find it impressive and not something easily imitable.

>> No.9008268

Ware is an ADHD simulator with Wario's face slapped on it that killed the real franchise. If it were a wholly original IP with a different mascot, it would be exactly the same as it is now. It's a waste of the character and took everything else he had away from him. Fuck you.

>> No.9009104
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I'm gonna keep on liking 3 and there's not a damn thing you faggots can do about it.

>> No.9009167
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I miss this little based penguin like you wouldn't believe

>> No.9010141

>If it were a wholly original IP with a different mascot, it would be exactly the same as it is now.
Mostly correct but Ware would not be as zany, meta or bizarre if Wario didn't helm it. Wario gives devs a lot of freedom to just do whatever the fuck they want and good reason to why he's the protagonist to begin with.

>> No.9011458

I liked Wario World, felt it got the wacky aesthetic from WL4 down really well.
It's by far not perfect but it's a pretty short game and is fun to pick up every now and then.
Shit runs at a native 60FPS, Wario controls smoothly and the combat's not too bad.

>> No.9011904
File: 613 KB, 800x1200, 24999124_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss all the pirate bosses. In fact, I miss the entire Black Sugar Gang. They were a great assortment of designs for little cute pirates and it's bizarre that Mario & Wario devs never saw their appeal to have them stick around.

>Pirate Goom

Love them

Wario Land 3 has the best level-to-level progression and exploration in the entire series in my opinion due to everything you mentioned. You are constantly being rewarded with new areas to explore or gain a new ability to use to open new paths. But it leans more into Metroid design philosophy which has ALWAYS heavily divided people. Especially those that think that any revisiting of a prior level is automatically bad.

I'd say the only mechanic not that great was the day/night cycle, but it wasn't terrible either, just not utilized as much as it should. But the music arranges alone justify it


>> No.9011938


>> No.9012220

People harp about the invincibility and the hats, but the real loss from the early days is the ugly-cool cartoon enemies. The penguin and the ducks feel like some demented version of Duck Tales characters, and it's great. The enemies in 2 and 3 are just fucking garbage, and many of them are cute for some reason.

>> No.9012323

I'd love to see any of them again, but it's especially a crime that Sports Bunny never got used as Mario spin-off fodder considering he's literally made for it.

>> No.9012350

Turns out b-ball bunny and soccer bunny are different bunnies.

>> No.9012762

With very rare exceptions, the only characters that get to be in Mario spinoffs are characters with pre-existing 3D models that can be shared between developers and projects. That's why nobody's favorite Wario Land/Ware character, or Donkey Kong character, or Mario RPG party member/villain, etc. has never and will never be in one, but the Kart games are full of babies, recolors, and outrageous left-field shit like the Queen Bee from Galaxy. It's why DK characters did appear in spinoffs in the Wii era. The absolute last thing they want to do is make new HD 3D models from scratch. Even back in the day, the reason Princess Daisy ever got to be in these was because the sports really needed characters with roughly human proportions, something in relatively short supply in the Mario universe.

>> No.9012819

This is pilpul.

>> No.9012978

Yes, and it has yet to be disproven.

>> No.9013025

Yeah this is the only explanation I can rationalize to why Funky Kong, Tiny Kong, Kremlings and the rest appeared in Mario spin-offs during that short time period, Nintendo had just gave them redesigns, new 3D renders and they appeared in games like Barrel Blast which they could take 3D models from.

Wario games have pretty much been solely 2D so you'll never get a character by them.

>> No.9013052
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But 2 has the most prominent members of the Black Sugar gang, including the duck you mentioned, Gaugaus tossing fucking bottles at you, a much sharper and expressive version of Bobo, then all sorts of crazy shit like fish fishing Wario out of the water with coins, the reptile blob guys, those neat eels they made for a single room in the game, the ragged ass roosters with eyebags, those mongoloid apes that throw iron balls at you, and some kinda eerie zombies. Some of the bosses like the snake and the spider ghost are great too. Why out of those 6 enemies the anon you responded to mentioned, just two don't make an appearance in 2, and also from his picture, only Beefun fails to make an appearance in 2. I will grant you the Cavemaster is an inferior replacement, even if he's slightly harder to beat lmao

If anything I'd say Virtual Boy has the cutest enemy design, the enemies in that game are straight outta Mario Land 2. Love how expressive they are tho.

Will always be dissappointed Syrup did not become Wapeach in the sports games.

Never thought of this, but he would have been a very inspired choice, but unfortunately he was too obscure, and then again, look at how long it took Nintendo to actually put Charging Chuck in a sports game.

>> No.9013075

Syrup would have been perfect, but they hated Yokoi enough to take out a hit on him, so it's no wonder Wario Land always gets shafted.

>> No.9013584

NTA but:
>perfected the Hat formula
>The best Wario has controlled until 4
>The best Wario has looked until Shake It
>Area sprites are great
>peak animation soul in the series
>Levels still felt there was plenty to explore despite there being so few of them
>Foreground to background is the best Nintendo has done to this day, fast and seemless, compared to Kirby Triple Deluxe or Donkey Kong Country Returns where it's slow, clunky, and inorganic

Disclaimer: VBWL is not my favorite (I prefer 3 & 4), and I'm glad they moved away from the Hat formula. But it's obvious why people laud it.

>> No.9013631

>10 bucks at the store 3 years ago
>now the same copy is behind a glass case and costs $130
I don't fucking get it

>> No.9014670

Wario World has a very solid foundation. Budget heavily limited it's potential.

>> No.9015631 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 454x382, FLzw40FVEAIk25n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my last bump of this thread. If anyone is in the mood for Wario Land 4 Hacks, try:

Wario Land 4 - Burning Nightmares

While this hack is solid on it's own, it's especially notable for anyone that's in the nostalgic mood for the entire Wario series as this game is chock full with fanservice of everything Wario. You can see some of them in these screenshots but the hack has plenty more. Hack is only one level, but it's long and good.

Wario Land 4: Parallel World

Now here's the big one. I'm incredibly impressed, this mod is basically Wario Land 4 2, essentially. The entire game was rebuilt yet stays familiar to the source material, remixing the levels in smart ways and expanding on their concepts. Level design so far is great, even the bosses are remixed a bit (Spoiled Rotten has a much better concept here). It's not Kaizo bullshit either, at least on Normal difficulty which is what I'm playing now, the game isn't out to make you suffer. If you want more Wario Land 4 THIS IS THE HACK TO GET

>> No.9015637
File: 62 KB, 454x382, FLzw40FVEAIk25n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my last bump of this thread. If anyone is in the mood for Wario Land 4 Hacks, try:

>Wario Land 4 - Burning Nightmares

While this hack is solid on it's own, it's especially notable for anyone that's in the nostalgic mood for the entire Wario series as this game is chock full with fanservice of everything Wario. You can see some of them in these screenshots but the hack has plenty more. Hack is only one level, but it's long and good.

>Wario Land 4: Parallel World

Now here's the big one. I'm incredibly impressed, this mod is basically Wario Land 4 2, essentially. The entire game was rebuilt yet stays familiar to the source material, remixing the levels in smart ways and expanding on their concepts. Level design so far is great, even the bosses are remixed a bit (Spoiled Rotten has a much better concept here). It's not Kaizo bullshit either, at least on Normal difficulty which is what I'm playing now, the game isn't out to make you suffer. If you want more Wario Land 4 THIS IS THE HACK TO GET

>> No.9017074
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4 is great and 1 is my favourite GB game. 2 and 3 kinda blow, but all the same I still want a new Wario Land game. That, or a Soulslike or Monster Hunter game where you fight fucked-up shit like the bosses in 4.
Get Grezzo to use their Link's Awakening engine to remake WL1 or something at least. WarioWare is whatever, but its existence means Wario as a meaningful character/IP is just kinda sitting there woefully underutilised.

>> No.9018346

>makes Landfags seethe
how does he do it?

>> No.9018982
File: 251 KB, 349x581, Princess_Shokora_Artwork_-_Wario_Land_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with Princess Shokora?
>Young version is considered the second best ending
>Young version is the only form with full artwork
>In the extra credit sequence for beating hard/s.hard you get a picture of Wario with a red-headed young girl with long hair which is presumed to be Shokora, but her true form has a short haircut
Was it like a last minute decision that Nintendo didn't think the international audience would like the best ending being Wario's princess being a teenager? It really seems like her young form is meant to be the best ending.

>> No.9018984
File: 10 KB, 248x120, WL4_-_Flashback_Bonus_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus image for reference

>> No.9018985
File: 7 KB, 133x224, Shokora4-WL4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True form which is what you get for best ending.

>> No.9019038

Yeah i always found that weird too.
I like to think the longer hair version is her true form but then getting all the treasures make her even better than before, so to speak.

>> No.9019847

short haired qts > long haired qts

>> No.9019850

Autism time: I tore the label off my Wario Land cart because I didn't like Wario's red nose on the cover.

>> No.9019856


>> No.9019891

I think that's just a random Wario groupie. Hair's a different shade of red entirely.

>> No.9019897
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>> No.9020298

Playing WL SMB 3 now and I'm at the last stage but I missed some treasures along the way now I have to decide, do I want to replay every damn level again to find 5 treasures after I already replayed some of them but didn't not which ones I found the treasures, or do I just want to beat the game and be done with it?

>> No.9020308

Beat the game and then some other time when you feel like revisiting the game You can replay levels at your own pace and find secrets/gather more coins

>> No.9020362

I've only played Wario Land 3, 4, Shake It, and World

Personally, 3 is my favorite. It feels like this epic adventure and I love Metroidvania games

Afterwards is Shake-It, though I have a nostalgia bias with that one, since it's the only one I grew up with (I can't believe the game came out 14 years ago). Still, I do think it's a really fun platformer and I really like the achievement system the game has

4 is my third favorite. I find it a very fun game and I like it's fast-paced nature

World is my least favorite, but I still like it. It's a fun beat-em-up and with it being by Treasure, you know its going to be good

Honestly, Wario is a pretty consistently good franchise

>> No.9020424

Ah man i used to do shit similar to this.
I used a black permanent marker to color over my banana yellow Donkey kong Land cartridge because I thought yellow was a bright girly color.

>> No.9020672

>I used a black permanent marker
I drew a goatee on Koby Bryant on a GBC basketball game for some reason.

>> No.9020836 [SPOILER] 
File: 348 KB, 900x800, Paper.Mario_.The.Thousand-year.Door.full.1223354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a shape shifter.
Does it matter?

>> No.9020838

>Hair's a different shade of red entirely.
You're really going to count on GBA graphical limitations on that?

>> No.9020881

Considering the princess's hair color is also rendered on the GBA and it's not the same, yes.

>> No.9020909

The sadder implication with Shokora, especially if we use the second best ending as her canon look, is that she died really young before the Golden Diva took over her Golden Pyramid or when Wario came to ransack it. Why was she buried so young?

>> No.9021706
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We're never getting another platformer, are we?
Sucks they released Shake It! (with no advertising) and Master of Disguise (which was mediocre) and decided 'this series doesn't print money, let's just make more warioware'.

I want fucking Super Wario Odyssey.

>> No.9022524
File: 159 KB, 1288x1548, wario_manhandled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sucks they released Shake It! (with no advertising)
Apparently there was this neato thing with its Youtube page way back then.


That said, yeah, I don't recall ever coming across it, nor do I remember seeing a tv commercial for it. Just one day walking through Gamestop with a friend and bam, there it fucking was.

If ShkIt and MoD is what Nintendo is using to gauge interest or something, they are the dumbest motherfuckers in the world, no I don't care if I'm being unfair here. Wario has long been a character you can do all sorts of zany shit with, I legit think there may be no end to what they could with a Wario Odyssey, presuming they're not, you know, fucking uncreative pussies.

>> No.9023086

I only ever found out about Shake It because it was on a shelf at my game store when I was browsing
Picked it up right away
I wish they would do a 2D Mario game with that sort of hand drawn animation

>> No.9023090

4 was the best imo

>> No.9023812

Good Game Boy platformer =/= Good platfomer

They should've jumped to a real system.

>> No.9025561
