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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.16 MB, 872x666, sonikku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8985262 No.8985262 [Reply] [Original]

>own a CRT monitor for emulating on PC
>decide to see if CRT shaders are good or an actual meme
>google around, CRT-Royale is considered the best
>fire it up on my monitor
>the colors are fucked up
Wow, didn't know Sonic was pink and blue. It doesn't even blend the fucking waterfalls. Have emudevs even seen a CRT in their life?

>> No.8985263

there's already an intense red bias in crt shaders by default, i don't know why.

>> No.8985269

I guess maybe it's to match how Trinitrons have a red push by default? But anyone with sense would just turn that shit off.

>> No.8985276

No, only dying or poorly maintained CRTs look like that. Red usually outlasts both green and blue guns so what the default is in those crt filters is reflects a CRT in poor health more than anything.

>> No.8985286

consumer CRTs often had over-done reds. Apparently it makes visual media more appealing especially with flesh tones or something. But yeah, definitely something I noticed a while back, where no matter what tweaking I'd do with my colors, the reds would still be too "hot"

>> No.8985301
File: 506 KB, 1463x1485, OPqvXxG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, are you saying you applied a CRT shader on top of your CRT monitor? If so, you're doing it wrong. You're introducing an emulated CRT display on top of a display that is already a CRT, so of course it's gonna look like shit.

Also, CRT-Royale's defaults suck. You're meant to tweak the shader extensively or use others' presets. And anyway, it's not even the best anymore, just a lot of people haven't gotten the memo here and elsewhere. CRT-Guest-Advanced mogs it now, but it too requires tweaking.

>> No.8985378
File: 2.90 MB, 1411x1080, Sonic-220606-192517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still seems like the waterfalls aren't blurry enough

>> No.8985386

Did you fuck up the greentext? It sounds like you are using a CRT shader on your CRT monitor, which is not what the shader is for. I assume you were using the shader on your LCD monitor and comparing it.

>> No.8985403

Are you using a CRT TV or just a VGA CRT?
If you're going to emulate 240p, get a TV.

Using composite filter on a emulator that's hooked up to a CRT TV over RGB is awesome though.
You get the overall benefit of RGB and no signal degradation, but the things that benefit from composite dithering or artifacting still look like they are supposed to.

>> No.8985408

See >>8985286

>> No.8985439
File: 1.41 MB, 1465x1120, 8ab07f37c0bdc38cba1e3756283c1cde5445d5e6[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Guest's shader? It can definitely be tweaked to blend the waterfalls, or at least the NTSC version of it can (see pic related, not my screenshot though). You have to get it from the libretro forums, though. The versions included with RetroArch are woefully outdated, since for whatever reason guest doesn't care to upload them to the main libretro shader repo:

>> No.8985496
File: 65 KB, 640x360, XM29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who made that shader said he calibrated it from his own XM29. Makes me wonder how many CRT shaders are poorly done because the CRTs they're using as reference has gotten so degraded. Many of those high-end professional monitors surely have gotten thousands upon thousands of hours of use, right?

>> No.8985509

Red saturation thing is actually real, even brand new CRT TVs back in the day had that problem already, anyone old enough will know.
Anyways I think shaders should be based on slightly worn tubes, the point is to emulate the average setup.

>> No.8985543

>Makes me wonder how many CRT shaders are poorly done because the CRTs they're using as reference has gotten so degraded.
next thing you'll start worrying about is how good the vision of the person making the shader is or how close/far away they are from the screen. give me a break. everything goes to dust.

>> No.8985559
File: 1.95 MB, 1440x1080, Sonic The Hedgehog-220607-031858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works on mein machine

>> No.8985615

Red saturation is real but the XM29 wasn't an ordinary TV, accurate color reproduction was its thing. Businesses were using that shit for graphic design.
>next thing you'll start worrying about is how good the vision of the person making the shader is
I would hope the guy designing something to improve visuals had decent vision, yeah.

>> No.8985669
File: 1.82 MB, 1411x1080, Sonic-220606-205214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure I'm getting the same results, but a pass of sgentp mix does help.
I've been using royale more than op though so I'm not sure if I necessarily like this more.
Of course, my pc isn't very fancy so maybe I need more powerful graphics and higher res monitors to get the real impact.

>> No.8985813
File: 2.43 MB, 3600x3264, 1650279978444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Trinitron from 2004, that was taken out of an my former work's office's storage in 2012 brand new in the box. All I've done is sometimes play games on it. The thing is practically new compared to the hours some CRTs have on them.

>> No.8985863

You know you're supposed to fuck with the settings to get it to look the way you want, right?

>> No.8986025

>looking good

>> No.8986029

crt-royale is absolute shit, it looks nothing like a real crt and makes it look like shit even if you aren't going for a legit crt look

i dunno why everyone praises it, it has shit tons of bloom and blur and just looks awful

>> No.8986041

Waterfall blending is from composite out, not from crt, so why would a crt filter emulate it

>> No.8986092

Because OP is a baity summerfag faggot, and retroarch doesn't even come with Blargg's Shaders as base for the damn cores.

>> No.8986098

Blargg never wrote any shaders. He wrote three sets of NTSC filters for NES, SNES and Genesis, and porting them to shader form is apparently not an easy task. Anyway, they're baked into the relevant cores.

>> No.8986125

Guest replaced Royale and is easy to tweak.

>> No.8986142
File: 90 KB, 650x485, 90FDA90B-DFD0-4AF3-8AA1-3E2913D9D78B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two CRTs. A Panasonic with composite and a flat screen sony trannyton with component. The sony does reds fine but the panasonic completely oversaturates and brightens them. I tried to emulate in this pic how Pan’s shirt in DBGT looks like on the Panasonic.

>> No.8986152

idkman zfast-crt-curved is what I use every time and I like it

>> No.8986168

>play Sonic 1 on consumer Trinitron via composite
>the image is still too sharp and the dithering effect doesn't work

>> No.8986173

Wot? I recall it blending just fine on my 27" WEGA.

>> No.8986191

Different Trinitrons can have different quality of comb filters. It also depends on the kind of Genesis you have as well. The earlier the model the shittier the composite encoder and thus you're more likely to get those blurry rainbow-y waterfalls.

>> No.8986197

Controversial opinion:
The waterfalls look fine without dithering.

>> No.8986205

Which waterfall is better, Green Hill Zone or Roaming Romans?

>> No.8986225

Eh, there's a good reason why that kind of dithering was never done on arcade/PC. It looks awkward without being blurred together. Is it worth degrading the colors and blurring the shit out of the game to make it look right? No.

>> No.8986240

Why cant you fucking retro fags play a fucking video game without going hyper autism into how specific colors look?

Just play the game, jesus fucking christ.

>> No.8986262
File: 1.67 MB, 1200x900, sonic_crt_filter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid kids, this is how it looked back in the day, and we liked it!

>> No.8986273
File: 72 KB, 969x1024, 1648606122068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what video games are about to people these days. Now why don't you post a picture of your game room? (Make sure to remember to get your preorder in on LRG for A Boy and his Blob Collection too! Hate to miss it and have to pay $100 later!)

>> No.8986301

i want it to look like a CRT,why isnt that the default preset.
maybe its because all these filters are shit no matter how much you tweak them they never look right.

>> No.8986314
File: 1.09 MB, 1495x1120, Donkey Kong Country (USA) (Rev 2)-220208-211848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because CRT simulation is subjective as fuck. Not to mention the more accurate you get, the more resolution and panel brightness you need for it to look decent, else you get something like pic related.

Currently the most accurate shader is Sony Megatron, but it only shines with high-end 4K HDR TVs.

>> No.8986473

Why can't you fucking retro fags read a post without going hyper autism into how everyone should have low standards like you.

Just have some self respect, jesus fucking christ.

>> No.8986504
File: 29 KB, 528x543, 1624033474544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every certain is different and good ones have settings.

Yet every CRT user thinks *his* CRT is *the* way the devs intended it. It's quite fascinating really.

>> No.8986548

Hey OP, I had the same issue as you. You’re loading the crt-royale base file, not the crt-royale preset. Huge difference. The presets still don’t match the vibrancy and contrast of real CRTs, but the appearance looks a lot more realistic… at least when it comes to looking like a shitty blown-out consumer CRT your parents put down in the basement when they upgraded the living room TV.

>> No.8986552

Ok, be honest with me. Why does this stuff matter to you guys so much? Like, is the difference from the regular rom file/original cartridge/disc really that significant that it matters this much to you?

>> No.8986709
File: 51 KB, 474x632, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2002: All I wanted for Christmas was Nintendo GameCube.
>Everything was going great as I opened Wind Waker, Double Dash, Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, etc...
>Finally get to the big box and it's the GameCube!... But wait? This was the last box!
>Realize your POS good for nothing parents didn't even get you S-Video or component cables. Ultimately, ruining your entire Christmas break and/or childhood.
Not everyone grew up with the silver spoon in our mouths Anon. Maybe you got the pristine video quality that you are after as a child, but some of us are still striving for it. Now post your game room.

>> No.8986818

I just emulate ps1 games on my $300 laptop. And i play ps2 games on my $150 flat screen. I dont care that much about video quality. I just want to play the games.

>> No.8987010
File: 54 KB, 536x375, 1651607569694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never be a true gamer then.
You keep avoiding posting your game room too.. Don't tell me that you don't have a room filled with Funko pops/amiibos and set up to look like a cluttered video game rental store...

>> No.8987119

Because I have brain problems and I literally spend more time customizing and building things than I do actually using them.
Why do you think I have so many modded game boys I don’t use?

>> No.8987313

You mean underage spergs shitting up the board with their spergouts? It's the cancer that killed /vr/.

>> No.8987656

Whats funny is that my CRT had S-video but I didn’t know what it was so I used composite the entire time. I was still able to live out my childhood despite this

>> No.8987685

the only thing the devs ever intended is for people to buy and play their game, simple as. there's a very high number of CRT owners who literally spend more time taking upclose pictures of their screen on the first fucking level of different video games lmao

>> No.8987750
File: 44 KB, 1411x1080, Sonic-220524-232118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find what works best is a first pass with sgentp to specifically blend the transparencies together and then a crt filter on top of that helps smooth out the rough edges that can come up from that.

>> No.8987757
File: 2.44 MB, 1411x1080, Sonic-220524-232050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8987828
File: 2.63 MB, 1411x1080, Sonic The Hedgehog (USA, Europe)-220123-110546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8987901

Your monitor is probably too low resolution for triad size 3.

Try triad size 1 or 2 and mask type 0, 1, or 2 until you get the best picture.

>> No.8987910 [DELETED] 

what does childhood have to do with any of this?
It's odd how there's always a post in most every CRT thread (or any thread on /vr/ at all, really) that is similar to your post. It's like for a good segment of /vr/ the only frame of reference for these games is their childhood or "recreating their childhood".