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8973961 No.8973961 [Reply] [Original]

why did audiophiles buy the ps1 over the saturn?

>> No.8973964

idk, the saturn sound is good, and the menu is better

>> No.8973965



>> No.8973975

audiophiles never bought ps1's outside of gaming
retards did

>> No.8973979

>1994 audiophiles
>video games
Really stretching for that console war faggotry at this point.

>> No.8973982

same thing

>> No.8974002

This. Except latter on poor audiophiles bought the PS1 for playing CD's. And left them on upside down for days at a time.

>> No.8974005

I guess I should have left out the word, except. LMAO

>> No.8974046
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Something something high-end DAC and AV outputs. Probably way overstated. Trying to understand audiophiles is an exercise in futility. Just look at this shit.

>> No.8974048

Pro-tip: Inside every SNES console you can find Sony's logo on the sound chip. Sony is a tech company and their impact on the music industry was huge in the 80s and 90s. The fact that the PS1 can actually play music CDs would've been a decent selling point.

>> No.8974049
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>> No.8974057

>Probably way overstated
Not in the slightest. It was a short production run forced by parts shortages.

>> No.8974062
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False belief that it output a high quality analog signal when in reality it's very average.
Actually, so average that when I hooked it up to my amp for my speakers it sounded like shit.
That's then I started using my PS3 for PS1 games since I could just use the digital audio out on that.
Now I just use the mini toslink for digital audio on my mister for PS1.
Audiophiles are mentally ill, and now that you can just use your phone, a chink DAC and chink IEMS and get an excellent experience drives them crazy.

>> No.8974080


>> No.8974084
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>> No.8974096
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kek look at this thing

>> No.8974098
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What is with these giant cables

>> No.8974109

Excessive shielding

>> No.8974224


>> No.8974228

It's because the PS1 uses one of the last of the original style DACs descending from the TDA-1540. To this day people like that series of DACs, including the 1541 and the 1543, which the PS1's DAC descends from.

Newer DACs like on the PS2 and most post-DVD era audio equipment including your PC are typically delta sigma converters which are designed to handle sources of different bit depths and sample formats and word sizes and many audiophiles think they sound worse. It's certainly a fact that they are not sample accurate unlike a traditional DAC such as in certain PS1's. They use noise shaping and the entire wave is interpolated.

>> No.8974247

If they are so sought after why don't they make a modern variant?

>> No.8974249

that's a transformer and capacitor upgrade and it's a scientific fact that it works

it's why really high end studio DACs have big transformers, same with test equipment

>> No.8974260

>If they are so sought after why don't they make a modern variant?
TDA-1540 was a compromise between earlier DACs which were simple resistor ladders, but which had to be precisely matched for the whole device, and mass manufacturing which was difficult to do at scale with such precision. TDA series DACs were all mounted on special equipment and tested after manufacture and the resistors which were all built with more resistance than they needed were laser trimmed down to the proper size. TDA also used a different technique for the low bits which was self-correcting. It was simply much more expensive than the new 1-bit DACs which didn't even need any trimming at all.

You can still buy brand new audiophile equipment with TDA-1541's in it, as well as newly made complete ladder DACs like they invented for WWII. But they are expensive because of the care needed to create the device.

>> No.8974268
File: 207 KB, 1100x638, pontus-dac-1_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a typical ladder DAC. It's quite large and expensive compared to a thirty cent chip. But you can buy it and many people think they sound better. Plenty of kits around too but they are kind of a pain to make because you need to buy a shit ton of resistors so you have a big enough pool to match them by. +/- 15% like a typical part will not get you a good sound.

>> No.8974296

To me it seems the anti-audiophile community has some of the same problems that the pro-audiophile community does. A distinct lack of scientific knowledge which culminates in incorrect beliefs and dogmatic thinking. There are people who argue that CDs sound better than vinyl because of the higher theoretical dynamic range, ignoring the fact that outside of anechoic chambers built to be specially sound-proofed underneath geologically stable mountain ranges are the only places on earth which are quiet enough to use that dynamic range. Others don't know what capacitors or transformers even DO, as evidenced by posters in this very thread. And of course there are audiophile boomers with special $300 cable risers out there as well for them to point at while the skeptic is using unshielded cables to run to their speakers.

The simple fact is there is a rapid increase in sound quality with better equipment but it plateaus and eventually yes it does cost thousands for a tiny increase after a while. Most people seem content to remain at the origin point and buy a sound bar these days. I don't care, keeps their grubby paws off the vintage gear market which is where the real quality buys are these days.

>> No.8974318

You literally can't tell the difference

>> No.8974325

didn't read
if it sounds good to my ears then it is good

>> No.8974369

As they say, "a man listens to the music, an audiophile listens to the noise between the tracks".

>> No.8974378 [DELETED] 

why do pedophiles buy dreamcast

>> No.8974430 [DELETED] 

wtf those that even have to do with this thread, and where did you heard that

>> No.8974438 [DELETED] 

Jews don't like videogames, anon.

>> No.8974454 [DELETED] 

the pedophiles already bought all of them

>> No.8974534

Yes I can. YOU can't.

You're on the sound bar end of the spectrum, the extreme left hand of the audio IQ bell curve and that's OK.

>replacing insanely anemic output caps and transformers is bad
It's actually something that's scientifically factually better according to all known laws of physics and it can help tremendously with the sound.

Complain about snake skin cables or something legitimately retarded or be known as an idiot. Your choice.

>> No.8975441

Quantify how much they improve the audio output.

>> No.8975449

Which "they?" Depends on the original configuration and what you're replacing the original output caps and transformers with.

>> No.8975454

So pick a part and we can compare it to the original and calculate the improvement. This is your thought experiment so it's up to YOU to do the work. I can help you with the math ;^)

>> No.8975462


>> No.8975475

Wtf are the plastic bits on top of the PS1 supposed to do?

>> No.8975482

I think they are ticks

>> No.8976128

These case mods wouldn't be half as autistic as they are if they didn't also sacrifice the PS1's intended functionality.

>> No.8976506

Pick some parts and we'll do the math. I can help you with the math, you don't seem like a math person.

>> No.8976509

>/vr/ doesn't know what output caps and transformers are and is loud and proud about it
frankly you posters should all transition so you don't breed, it's one thing to be mentally retarded, it's quite another to claim that mentally retarded people are smart

>> No.8976528
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>Laughs in CD73

>> No.8976537

playstation 1 and 2 where great consoles everything after that is consumerist trash tier

>> No.8976557

omg so true, upvoted

>> No.8976591

A more powerful OT and higher capacitance caps will increase clarity add give you a wider range for clean headroom, so less unintentional distortion and noise in the output stage. It can be very beneficial in a FoH system, monitoring setup in a studio control or mixing room, or various amps where clarity is a major concern such as for electric pianos or even electric guitars when going for a specific sound. Typically high wattage set up with cabinets housing massive drivers and not some home setup.

In theory this setup will increase the line level so that once it gets to a power amp it won't need to increase the gain of the signal possibly leading to clipping or other noises. It's also better if the next stage is an EQ because normally you want your signal as hot as it's going to be before EQ because increasing gain after the EQ can boost frequencies that you tried to cut with an EQ.

So without this mod the next stage would probably be some type of preamp, which can create more issues and possibly alter the sound or add noise if you can't afford a high end one.

So yeah, in theory it would be an improvement. In practice it may be completely negligible. I can't say for certain, I never felt the urge to pay $200-$300 in parts to mangle one of my PS1s so it's more friendly with my $8000 hifi system that I then use to listen to music recorded with a 4 track portastudio

>> No.8976882

A ps1 died for this

>> No.8976884


>> No.8976893

Why not use digital everywhere and put the DAC as close as possible to the speakers instead of converting to analog early in the pipeline and spendinng 10k on autistic analog cables

>> No.8977079

We weren't gaymers. We weren't lorefags. We weren't audiophiles. We were simply kids having a good time, and it seems like a lost art today.

>> No.8977154

Audiophiles had 5 or 300 disc cd changers.

>> No.8977470

You seem like you're mad.

>> No.8977719

Right now I have a Philips CD100 and a B&O Beogram CD3300 hooked up. TDA still sounds the best.

>> No.8977726

Nah you're just dumb and don't even know basic electronics, troony.

>> No.8977780

Nah you're mad.

>> No.8977823

Mad at the failure of our educational systems, perhaps. And the state of jannies.

>> No.8977876


>> No.8978139

Actually the new Technics amps work like that, look up SU-R1000 for example.

>> No.8978205

alright, I'm using a dual half-wave rectifier to get +/- 28 VDC stored each on a 1000uf capacitor
how much less ripple will there be if I'm pulling .1amp from each side and I upgrade to 10,000uf?

>> No.8978245

No we have to start with a part, I need a link to a Mouser page where you can show me the part. Then we can discuss if it's suitable, our rationales, etc. And how much? Actually good transformers are exceedingly hard to get these days.

>> No.8978250

And we need to compare it to the setup in a stock SCPH-1001 to see what kind of an actual upgrade it'd be.

>> No.8978279

I'm just kidding dude, it's an experiment I need to do when I hook up my scope. I'm just having issues because I need a dual supply and I can't use a full wave rectifier. 1000uf works fine for preamps and stuff but I want to at least try running an lm1875. It'll probably be too much ripple but I want to see what happens.

>> No.8978308

imagine how shitty and small the transformers and finals are on a ps1, you can scrounge some of that stuff for sure and massively improve the thing for not too much money

it's no different than buying equipment with that stuff built in, you can even get reclockers for the ps1 these days to upgrade them to top of the line $2k+ CD player spec

again the lack of scientific knowledge among the audiophile-skeptic communities leads to dogmatic thinking and incorrect beliefs

>> No.8978316

I scientifically factually do not give a damn. If your ear can hear the difference, I can only pity your need to spend that much money on a cable or a capacitor.
You may sound like an elite of the elite to yourself, but to me you sound like a handicapped person who needs to spend tremendous amount of money to buy some kind of medicine so he can hear the music I can hear without all that stuff.

>> No.8978332

I doubt there's any transformer in a ps2 other than in the smps
I love cds but I would never use a game device for them. I use an old sony DVD player, it has a remote and everything. I built my own chip amplifier.

>> No.8978341

>If your ear can hear the difference
I mean it's a pretty big piece of the signal chain, I haven't modded a PS1 myself but I think I will after all this bluster. Reclocking and even external DAC input should be possible with common new imported chips meant for ricing these old beasts. But my every day CD players are already gold standard high end audiophile grade units. I haven't even hooked up a PS1 and compared on the same system with the same music but I really should.

What's your setup? Or are you a bot who can't imagine up a typical home audio setup? You post like a bot.

>> No.8978345

it has to have something to couple with the output jacks anon, could just be some small ferrite coils ofc

>> No.8978356

>Sony's logo on the sound chip.
Sony had famously bad sound chips right through into the late '90s anon. At least in consumer gear including most of their CD players. They resorted to using Philips TDA1541's in their ultra high end Japan only audiophile equipment.

>> No.8978359

What, in the DAC or something? Otherwise the audio out just comes straight out of an op-amp, maybe through a resistor and capacitor if we're lucky, and to the RCA jacks

>> No.8978364

Ouch as I said I haven't messed with my PS1's at all so I didn't look. But that sucks. See what I mean? Proper output could really help a good DAC escape the confines of a cheap video game system board.

>> No.8978397
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uh dude that's how standard analog gear works
you don't use a transformer unless you have ground loop issues. on the output of an opamp you use a output resistor and sometimes a dc blocking capacitor

>> No.8978637

you would always use a transformer for the best quality it's just that price is often an object

>> No.8978640

you need to study more

>> No.8978651

Not sure but it (ps1) has a pretty great aesthetic to it

>> No.8978658

also, if you want to read up about it check out https://sound-au.com/articles/audio-xfmrs.htm

>> No.8978749

My setup is National RX-5700. I blast everything through a dollar cheap RCA and call it a rockin' day.

>> No.8978862

Not the anon you're dunning–krugering to but you're retarded. You should take this guys advice >>8978640

>> No.8978901

Those were both me. The other guy is the one who claimed audio outputs should always use a transformer, lol.

>> No.8978949

audiophiles along with corksniffers are the perfect example of why 99% of human beings are mentally-deficient mouthbreathers who you should never listen to about anything. double-blind testing has proved humans can't even reliably distinguish low bitrate from lossless yet these morons will take out a third mortgage to rewire the house with monster cables

>> No.8979129

>I'm literally so stupid I don't realize you knew those were both me
Damn. I knew you were retarded but never imagined you were that retarded. No wonder you can't into electronics if you can't even into basic English.

>> No.8979741

>has proved humans can't even reliably distinguish low bitrate from lossless
you sure its not high bitrate and lossless 192kbps is distinguishable but I dont think 320 is

>> No.8979778

Didn't the saturn have a better sound chip anyway?

>> No.8979807

Definitely not, you’re talking about Sony here

>> No.8979851

The PS1 had an audio DAC comparable to mid range Sony CD players at the time.

>> No.8979853

>you’re talking about Sony here

>> No.8979948


>> No.8980121

Nice, so I'm not insane. I post that idea on every audiophile discussion and nobody says anything. Everything should be digital and bit perfect until we reach the speakers that actually transduce the signal into our analog world

>> No.8980229

>Everything should be digital and bit perfect until we reach the speakers that actually transduce the signal into our analog world
ideally - but we don't live in a perfect world, and audiophools are (most often) morons that will find fault even in the most perfect of system. they'd be wrapping crystals around digital cables and operating it within a faraday cage to prevent 0s and 1s being flipped by electromagnetic waves from a cell phones, spy satellites and the like.

>> No.8980263

And the saturn uses yamaha whats your point? On paper the saturn chip has a few advantages over the ps1

>> No.8980279

My point is, Yamaha didn’t make the console

>> No.8980321

Sony has always had famously bad DACs in their consumer electronics with very few exceptions, a few Japan-only models, and the 555ES. They don't even make a high end CD player any more outside of Japan.

>> No.8980348

Kek is this really true? Seems more like sour grapes from poorfags.

>> No.8980548
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>. they'd be wrapping crystals around digital cables
is this a joke or actually something they do?

>> No.8980569
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>> No.8980571
File: 1.29 MB, 350x291, AbysscurumTermino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Audiophile Rocks, formerly known as Coconut Audio.

>> No.8980581
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You put this on top of your amp for maximum nose cancelling or some shit.

>> No.8980582
File: 398 KB, 510x342, 1650764472525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you.. don't filter your audio through magic crystals? outrageous. next you'll be telling me you don't have 4 inch thick speaker cables that are kept at least 3/4 of an inch off the ground. the earth's magnetic field has a subtle effect on high end frequencies. you did know that, right? i read it on a forum somewhere. must be true.

>> No.8980584
File: 38 KB, 350x260, Coconut_Audio_Megalodon_Cable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your USB cable bro

>> No.8980590

kek nvm it's actually a SATA cable, even more ridiculous

>> No.8980595

that's just mocking audiofools - right in their face. they could print on it in bright white letters "you're not that fucking retarded to buy this, right?" and audiophiles would still buy it and vouch for its effectiveness, whatever that may be.

>> No.8980610

Ironic post considering that audiophiles are the most retarded subhumans on this planet. Your whole hobby is a scam and you're whole existence is being a paypig for scammers who are laughing all the way to the bank.

>> No.8980636

don't worry anon non of the contrarians will be breeding anyways

>> No.8980654

But is it really true that everybody who has a decent stereo system and would be called by third world poorfags like you "audiophiles" really believes in crystals and such?

See my post above, where I address both this, and people like YOU.


It could help you out a lot to read that and just sit and think for a while. I know, I know, you're a third worlder with no money, so you'll still be mad. But you can be mad at yourselves, as well as people who are your betters.

>> No.8980656


>> No.8980657

audiophiles are like the biggest nogf perma bachelors going, are you insane

>> No.8980668
File: 81 KB, 448x480, Jo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, anon. Pic related is purportedly the owner of Audiophile Rocks. Doesn't much look like a troll to me.

>> No.8980670

You seem extremely angry that people have better sounding stereo systems than you do. It can't be healthy. More likely, you're a bot. This irrationally angry posting is usually bots or Jews.

It just makes you look unhinged. Why do you even care? Science proves that audiophiles are on to something. Better transducers, signal paths, etc. all really do make a difference and it all adds up.

Are you sure you're going to be OK? It seems like you're close to harming yourself.

>> No.8980673

"She" might be selling magic rocks but is there proof that anybody's buying? That's the real thing right there.

>> No.8980684

>But is it really true that everybody who has a decent stereo system and would be called by third world poorfags like you "audiophiles" really believes in crystals and such?
people are free to spend their money on whatever garbage they like, we are allowed to mock them for being retards. more than reasonable.

>> No.8980693

But here's the real issue - you're just irrationally angry at anybody with a decent stereo at this point. You're not even mad at people who buy solid gold snakeskin cables. You're just seething at anybody who claims that one stereo system can sound better than another.

It's why you're probably a bot. Bots can't comprehend the fact that some stereos sound better than others, being unable to hear at all. Or you're a third worlder who scrimped and saved for a year to buy a used paid of mid-range headphones. Either way you're so angry that it's affecting your ability to make sensible posts.

>> No.8980701

They have an eBay shop with plenty of feedback.

>> No.8980710

That's proof of nothing, feedback rings are a real thing. But where do you get the idea that everybody with a better stereo system than you is irrational? You sound like one of the pedos from the James Randi forum. If you were an honest person you could criticize senseless stuff like magic rocks without getting incredibly angry at large caps and transformers, couldn't you?

It's just funny to watch you struggle, bot or poorfag.

>> No.8980714

kek I'm not the nigga you're arguing with. You sound pretty unhinged yourself tbqh.

>> No.8980725

Suureee, anon.

>> No.8980731

bump, this is better than the 2509th saturn thread

>> No.8981479

Because it had games

>> No.8981573

You should read the thread before you reply, failing to do so results in a situation like this where you appear to be retarded.

>> No.8981596

The ps2 barely has actual good games of actual game genres, no rpg shit or movie shit

>> No.8982425
