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File: 294 KB, 600x600, alundra-e15805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8964857 No.8964857 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else played this?
I really enjoyed the soundtrack and puzzles,
The enemies becoming temporarily immune when receiving damage was annoying, however.

>> No.8964982

I made it to the cemetery level and I didn't find the puzzles very interesting at all. Hope it improves.

>> No.8965870

I hope you reach the Fairy Pond, it's quite unique.

>> No.8965897

Really liked this game, i'd like to play it again one of these days.

>> No.8965931

I loved Alundra 2 as a kid, I picked this up on PSN as an adult being told it is the better game and it's fairly boring. The monkey plot seems fairly dumb too.

>> No.8965978


>> No.8966059

Alundra 2 would had been better received it if had been its own thing. As a sequel is terrible because it should have been what OoT was to LTTP due the 2D to 3D jump, not to mention the models looks iffy compared to Alundra pleasing 2D sprites.
>The monkey plot seems fairly dumb too.
how far did you made it?

>> No.8966243

The ending of Alundra 2 gave birth to my size difference and /ss/ fetishes.

>> No.8966267

Aren't the puzzles hard as fuck?

>> No.8966269

Hers a tip, get the patched Un Working Designs version. Makes the game a bit more reasonable because the western Dev fucked with the jap original. I think I have a copy lying around somewhere if someone wanted me to upload it.

>> No.8966276

Is this the latest meme game amongst zoomer Redditors or something? I’ve been seeing it everywhere lately. lemme guess, some obnoxious retro youtuber called it a hidden gem and you all in fell in line? don’t forget to mention how working designs fucked with the enemy stats!

>> No.8966443

>Is this the latest buzzword game amongst buzzword buzzwords or something? I’ve been seeing it everywhere lately. lemme guess, some obnoxious buzzword buzzword called it a buzzword buzzword and buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
Think for yourself.

>> No.8966475

Faggot. I beat this game as a teenager in the late 90s. This board is for appreciating old games. Fuck you.

>> No.8966803

Is it the best Zelda clone?

>> No.8966876

Beat it, some puzzles are pure insanity

>> No.8966972

Stop larping zoomer, you weren’t even born yet when this came out

>> No.8966998

Quite unique doesn't really make sense.
It either is unique or isn't.

>> No.8967372
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>> No.8968796

Not OP but I beat the UnWorking Designs version a few months ago (never played the game before). The soundtrack is absolutely amazing, the boss battles had some challenge (the last boss was the most fun) and each character, whether their role was small or not, actually played a part and were memorable. Some of the puzzles were pretty brutal though and others just required consistently precise jumps (like those sinking pillars in Lake Shrine) Would I play it again? Not as often as other games, but I'd give it another go in a year or so.

>> No.8970571

Pretty hard.

>> No.8970743

ok ESL

>> No.8970801

I love the working designs cringe additions since Jap plots are dryer than the Sahara

Except for some cringe politics they added which have aged poorly

>> No.8971285


>> No.8971428

Is the US localized version still enjoyable? I want to play it but know Working Designs did a lot of their typical fuckery to it, is it greatly inferior to the original? I saw on romhacking.net a patch to make enemy stats resemble the Japanese version but was having difficulty applying.

>> No.8971430

Could you if you have a chance? I'm >>8971428 and was struggling to get it to work.

>> No.8971584

Not that anon but I got my copy from https://cdromance.com/psx-iso/alundra-un-working-designs-hack/

>> No.8971687

What the hell is so bad about the localization? Can anyone explain? Or at least point me to a page that covers it? Everyone keeps mentioning it with no elaboration.

>> No.8971708

All this does is fix the stats. Doesn't fix the godawful translation.

>> No.8971779
File: 80 KB, 581x472, VfajrO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working Designs, who localized it, was famous for putting a lot of pop culture references, internet humor, and innuendos into their games rather then accurately translating the game.

>> No.8971824

I made it to the volcano, and then some glitch prevented me from lighting all torches, or something that was needed to proceed. A lot of time invested and I couldn't finish the game.

>> No.8971851

To whoever recommended this shit to me: thanks for making me wasting my time. Devoid of charisma, shitty dark brownish graphic, horrible platforming , and just plain boring. If you really think this crap is superior to any Zelda game, you are a nintendo hater or just have shit taste in games.
Fucking Zelda rip offs, seriously.

>> No.8971859

wtf i hate alumdra now

>> No.8972573

Shame there's no fan translation. Always really wanted to play this game.

>> No.8973313

The patch only restores the balance to the Jap version. As far as I'm aware there's no re-translation patch.
Would a more faithful translation really be that better?

>> No.8973567

>Would a more faithful translation really be that better?
No not really. There was little humor in the original Japanese.

>> No.8973642

That's pretty funny if I'm being honest. I'll give this game a try.

>> No.8974019

There doesn't need to be humor, retard. Working Designs are hacks that thought turning fantasy stories into National Lampoon movies was somehow an upgrade.

>> No.8974061

It should be noted you won't see this line. I can't recall if it was either removed for the US version only or something to that effect.
But that's okay. You'll still get a dude weed lmao reference and working designs thanking mountain dew in the credits

>> No.8974151

It was a line they wanted to use but Sony told them no.

>> No.8974170
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That actually comes off more japanese than a localization. It works in its favor. Japans are lewd horny sleazy people in general, but the stiffs in suits are so serious to compensate. We get school boy sterile fucks in localizations, but IRL japan would be ultra stiff nazis or disgusting teen coomers who burb aloud and grab by the pussy.

>> No.8974285

>weeb pretends to understand Japanese culture

>> No.8974427

I personally enjoy the humor and is partly why I'm a big fan of working designs localizations. Not sure I would have played or enjoyed a more faithful translation. Most Japanese games have very samey themes, archetypes...etc and imo it's refreshing to see something a little different.

>> No.8974553

I watch a lot of anime dude, pretty sure I understand Japanese culture.

>> No.8975342

Fuck sony man ):

>> No.8975369

I'm so glad Working Designs went bankrupt and retards like you can no longer contribute to garbage localizations just because you want your 6th grader sense of humor appealed to.

>> No.8975438

Are you boring irl?

>> No.8975581

what a retarded excuse, if you want the experience the original script just play the japanese version instead
>n/no not the moonrerinos!
then why are you complaining?

>> No.8975593

I have tried to play it twice but always quit in the middle. It gets so boring and the combat is shit.

>> No.8975594
File: 75 KB, 1280x960, Alundra (USA) (v1.1)-201128-223936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8975603

Unique definition
being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else

So what does "quite unique" mean? Isn't that extremely retundant?

>> No.8976718

Learn Japanese you fuckwit. If I want accuracy I play the Nippon version. You can enjoy two different things fag.

>> No.8976896

>replying to a week old post
Why are spics like this?

>> No.8976903

Tiger & Bunny is my favorite anime, am I weird?

>> No.8977657

The fuck you on about fuckwit? I just pointed out how dumb "quite unigue" is, eat a dick.

>> No.8977925

Or I just won't waste my time with your shitty meme game and stick to games that weren't butchered by manchildren. Keep seething.

>> No.8977939
File: 41 KB, 851x638, 1651866462709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to think American Pie is funny to not be boring IRL
Sorry for being older than 15 I guess.

>> No.8979360

I'm sorry you made a fool out of yourself.
Not sorry asswipe, an ESL is better than you.