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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8967471 No.8967471 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8967479

I was under the influence

>> No.8967490

By the way, anyone have a manual for Wipeout 64 in any acceptable quality? The one that I've managed to find online - 830 kb one - is barely readable.

>> No.8967493

Were you drinking OEM gamer alcohol at least?

>> No.8967496

Why did wipeout always feel so slow compared to F-zero?

>> No.8967521

Because you were playing on the lowest difficulty.

>> No.8967537

Mine's 2.51MB. Legible, but still pretty potato quality.

>> No.8967547

Thanks. Better than nothing, I guess.
There's a torrent which, supposedly, had a 16MB version, but all magnets are dead :(

>> No.8967685

>games vr tricked you into buying

>> No.8967709
File: 29 KB, 385x390, 1640471960983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying retro games

>> No.8967794

Sometimes, albeit rarely, there's simply no other way.

>> No.8968070


>> No.8968075

Did you check archive?

>> No.8968081

Sure thing.

>> No.8968174

I mean the internet archive, not 4chan's

>> No.8968229

I figured, man. Why the hell should I check 4chan's archive anyway.

>> No.8968545

I always felt (and still do) that 3 was a step down from 2097. It is hard to articulate but how they stiffened the physics up just ruined the feeling of fluidity to me and the track design too ka step back as well as a consequence of that. As heretical as it sounds I would rate fusion as a better game than 3.

>> No.8968609

>Why the hell should I check 4chan's archive anyway.
our conversations consisting of calling each other a faggot for liking the wrong castlevania will be studied by historians thousands of years from now

>> No.8968618

Ah, yes, perhaps that is indeed the reason to check 4chan archives from time to time :)

>> No.8968665

Oi! The dead magnet from >>8967547 came alive! I've got the manual! And the quality is nice! Anyone needs a share?

>> No.8969892

maybe put it on archive.org if you don't mind

>> No.8970060

I dunno how :(

>> No.8970067

On second though, I'm not a retard, so I'll give it a try once I'll come back from the job. Uploading a file shouldn't be a hard thing, right?

>> No.8970138

i found the iso in under 3 minutes over 5 years ago
whats your excuse?

>> No.8970339

I've implied that some games are simply impossible to emulate as of now. Try getting a picture-perfect emulation if Vigilante 8, for example.

>> No.8970373

Duckstation says these games are 100% compatible

>> No.8970437
File: 24 KB, 256x362, Wipeoutfusion_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played the PS2 game but why is it so hated?

>> No.8970462

It isn't wipeout 2 or 3.

>> No.8970471

the discussion wasn't about emulating, it was about buying. you can easily obtain playstation ISOs for every game that had a major release and play it on real hardware via modchip, disc swap, or PS2 (yes i know not *exactly* real hardware but not the same issues as full software emulation).

>> No.8970478

Touche. I stand defeated.

>> No.8970489

Oh, pardon me. I should've specified I've meant the N64 version of Vigilante 8, which is the best one out there IMO, but also a bitch to emulate.

>> No.8970541

Feels too different and it was made by a new team with less experience.
They also fucked up a lot of things, there is an option for widescreen but it doesn't work at all.
If you force it through pcsx 2 it looks way, way better

>> No.8970554

Feels different than anything that came before and after. Difficulty is weird.
It's not a terrible game though.

>> No.8971051

A lot of hated games are actually not that terrible.
On the other hand, a number of universally praised ones are way, way overrated.

>> No.8971410
File: 2.78 MB, 530x348, wip3out terminal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either you played on lower speed categories with Feisar or you get easily fooled by the lower framerate

>> No.8971417

>I always felt (and still do) that 3 was a step down from 2097. It is hard to articulate but how they stiffened the physics up just ruined the feeling of fluidity to me and the track design too ka step back as well as a consequence of that. As heretical as it sounds I would rate fusion as a better game than 3.
3 has three different versions with three different physics (Original western W3, JP W3 and SE).

>> No.8971421

Most of the time they're just subpar, or even just different, compared to other games in the series.
I love B&K: Nuts and Bolts

>> No.8972378

Isn't SE just the JP version with tweaks?

>> No.8972395
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I wish I could be good at wipeout because it looks, sounds, and moves in such a cool way.
I'm a huge racing fan and am really good in F1 games and driving full retard IRL. I just don't get how to surf in this and can't memorize the courses like other games and IRL.

>> No.8973053

Wait, japanese version is different too?
I prefer the original physics to SE, should I try the japanese version?

>> No.8973067

NTSC-J isn't as floaty as SE but not as heavy as NTSC, and it has some of the SE content in it. Worth giving a shot.

>> No.8973093
File: 310 KB, 1536x2048, miga_senna_telemetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick to Wipeout is that it plays more like a motorcycle racing game than a car one, or like driving a mid engine car with particularly soft suspension. It takes commitment to get it turning, but once it receives a strong enough input it keeps going, even at extremely tight angles, until another strong input snaps it out of it.
You need to anticipate corners, setting the ship wide on the entry extra early so you can slide it in blindly and confidently, correcting with airbrakes on entry.
The ship's weight shifts when you turn, taking a while to settle in one direction (this applies to pitch too) and when it finally settles, it gets you turning as tightly as the ship allows.
So go extra wide, start turning in early, wait for the ship's "weight" to follow, airbrake to tighten the radius and slingshot past the corner.

>> No.8973273

Anon says it plays like a motorcycle, but I feel like it plays like a boat. Which, I guess, was the intention of the devs? SInce the physics of gas and water are kinda similar.
Anyway, the trick is to get into turn before the turn even starts, as it takes time for the ship to overcome inertia. I've started with the very first WipEout, and got throught it kinda quick - on Qirex ship, no less.
I guess, the good pracrice may come in the form of Ridge Racer 6 or 7 - somehow, though I do not even know how, the games feel similar to me. Another good way to practice would be driving Rally Car class in the mud in MotorStorm: Monument Valley: same feeling when you have to get into turn before the turn even starts, as the car literally swims in the mud and only has the very minimum of grip.
To top it off, in WipEout it is imperative to memorize the track. Try to draw it if you have troubles with that, but without remembering at least 3/4 of the course, victroy in higher classes is simply inachievable.

>> No.8973967

Parts of the OG team also went on to work on Quantum Redshift on Xbox and that too has weird handling and feels difficult in a less intuitive way. Wipeout definitely never recaptured the magic it had under the whole Psygnosis team from the first three games.

>> No.8974303
File: 2.30 MB, 1791x1009, Rapid Racer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of boats, Rapid Racer is awesome.
It has day night variants of tracks like Wipeout 1.