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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8939149 No.8939149 [Reply] [Original]

best chink handheld that can emulate saturn and ps2?

>> No.8939156

We prefer to call them asiatic handheld.

>> No.8939158

>Emulating the Saturn

>> No.8939261

Not that one. It runs most PSP games I've tried just fine, but PS2 is just too much for it. Haven't tried Saturn

>> No.8939284

Wait for the RP3.

>> No.8939285

Odin is your best bet right now, although I'm not sure how much PS2 it'll actually run.

>> No.8939296

The cheapest device that can do that is the Deck.

>> No.8939298

Apparently it's going to have the same chipset.

>> No.8939305

Last time I tried PS2 emulation some games had slowdown on my gayming PC, I can't imagine a little Chinese handheld is going to do much better

>> No.8939367

I got my odin pro yester day and while I primarily want to play DC and PSP games, PS2 runs very good. I've tested THAW and BLACK. Let me know if I should test any particular game

>> No.8939372

I actually just launched it and while the intro is OK, the game runs like dog shit. So I guess it's hit or miss with PS2 and the odin pro

>> No.8939387
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deck can do ps3 so that, maybe the ayn odin also

>> No.8939394

Worst sticks imaginable. The right one especially.

Buy a Bluetooth controller and use your phone.

>> No.8939408

Test SotC.

>> No.8939438

then why even bother? These devices go through delays and revisions all the time. Perhaps they are waiting for a better chipset to become available.

>> No.8939458
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runs like garbage. I didn't fiddle with the emulator settings but I guess it's just shit. The worst thing for me is that the emulator doesn't just drop frames but slows down the whole game including sound

>> No.8939594

>deck can do ps3

>> No.8939615

iPhone 13 Pro Max with Backbone One controller. Just finished a Shenmue playthrough on it with the emulated DC version.
An iPhone 13 has roughly 10x the processing power of any chinky handheld and has literally the world's best OLED screen too.

>> No.8939619 [DELETED] 

I prefer to call them Yellow Peril ching chong nip nong rice eating buck toothed cone hat handhelds.

>> No.8939631

Nothing can emulate it well

>> No.8939653

Look I hate the Japs as much as anyone born in Nanking but can we put a little respect on the Chinese name. They are doing based things and are cool.

>> No.8939757

>Just be rich.

>> No.8939792

>$1400 consumer gadget
If you can afford a Bentley you’re rich. An iPhone, not so much, it’s like don’t be homeless tier.

>> No.8939801

isn't that why RP2+ exists?

>> No.8939804

I can't wait for my freaking Deck, it's gonna be amazing

>> No.8939885

Please be some bait.

>> No.8939943


>> No.8939957

Check the thread topic, check your response.

>> No.8939969

I'm offering OP an even better option than the one he considered.

>> No.8939997

You're offering something that does the same thing for 10x the price and instead of saying phone + clamp controller you NEED to mention your specific homosexual icrap device, just to show off that you can afford it (only poor people do that).

Find a tall tree and a strong rope and do the needful, pathetic pajeet.

>> No.8940013

I mentioned the iPhone 13 Pro Max specifically because it has by far the highest performance on the mobile market. It outperforms the latest Snapdragon by almost 50% which makes it a very good investment for emulation and the like. It also dabs the crap out of Chinese retro handhelds.
You do sound like you're projecting a whole lot there though, pal.

>> No.8940029

Saturn and PS2 emulate very poorly on every platform. Definitely don't except a handheld to it well for a while.

>> No.8940067

All that processing power is useless, goddamn moron.

>> No.8940076

Cool, thanks for explaining why it's useless, you've changed my mind.

>> No.8940113

without forgetting that you need to root it to install any of the good shit, and a lot of those emulators just outright skip having an iOS version because it's not an open platform. And then rooting it means other problems if you use some mainstream/google play apps. And then it's a phone, so extra controllers and such that you'll have to bring when you can just bring anything else with you
Don't do phones guys, but especially, not iOS pieces of shit

>> No.8940219

Emulators on icrap are, well, crap and unoptimized compared to android.
Installing them sure is convenient (you forgot to say so, of course).
Any budget android will give your homosexual paperweight a run for its life here.

>> No.8940309

Nice information from 2009. You just need a $6 developer account and you can install any app without jailbreaking. It will not affect the system in any way. Also, I emulate a lot, and I haven't encountered an emulator yet that I needed and didn't have an iOS build. The part about performance is bullshit, too, these emulators perform way better than anything you can run on even an S22 Ultra.
Sure sounds like decade-old misinformation with a side of sour grapes here.

>> No.8940339

>paying to install apps
>paying for a workaround on your personal thousand dollars piece of shit that Apple could decide to yank your "privilege" anytime
Imagine being this much of a faggot
I work professionally with Apple's bullshit devices and I would not trust them with anything
Paying this much and going through a workaround that daddy Apple can yank out anytime or make significantly more difficult (or impossible) for you to do anymore is peak stupidity
Buy a device that doesn't make you do this bullshit and won't and can't pull the rug anytime they wish

>> No.8940352

Ok whatever bruh. I'll just enjoy my full speed DC GC games in the meantime running at full speed at super-1080p resolutions on a beautiful OLED screen.

>> No.8940380

We really don't care, (really).

>> No.8940393
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>You just need a $6 developer account and you can install any app without jailbreaking.

>> No.8940435
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>> No.8940463

Dude, I could buy your fucking paperweight every month and not even feel it, you came here where we were discussing completely different devices, trying to show off your homosexual device.

Seriously, we don't care about it, go buy the biggest one and give yourself pleasure with it if you want to.

>> No.8940901

Or you can buy a laptop like a normal adult.

>> No.8940907

Get back to me when they can make something with the build and screen quality of the Vita, while being roughly the same size

>> No.8940909

Applefags proving the stereotypes true as usual I see.

>> No.8941256

Why do you think I’m bragging about money? Curious projection. In fact I said earlier in the thread that buying an iPhone does not mean a person is “rich”. I was just highlighting what is the best possible hardware you can get today for emulating games.

>> No.8941396
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>best possible hardware you can get today for emulating games

>> No.8941612
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>You just need a $6 developer account
gas yourself

>> No.8941726

>the best possible hardware you can get today for emulating games
If you need something handheld, that's a Steam Deck. It's also significantly cheaper.

>> No.8942092
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Size comparison.

>> No.8942135
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Damn, I always knew the Deck was massive but comparisons makes it look even more gargantuan.

>> No.8942150

chink devices really only run up to ps1 decently
n64 isn't even running up to par on any of them in my opinion...

>> No.8942473

Odin Lite looks like the best deal that can run Saturn and PS2. Apperently the Lite has a slighty better CPU than the base/pro.

>> No.8942870

You act as if the latest ifag model was the best bang for the buck (clearly what the thread is about), along with some clunky companion controller that you would have to carry about, then proceed to say shit like "wow, not buying it is literally being homeless tier poor".

If this thread was about the best device for emulating it would be the Deck, not your unoptimized cuckold crap with its pay2admin requirements so you can sideload stuff.

You're pathetic.

>> No.8942917

RGB10MAX looks good, but I se no one mention it, what’s the catch?

>> No.8942935
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>> No.8942958

Well, you could ether google it. Or you could see it reviewed in detail in the handhelds spread sheet.

>> No.8942965

I don’t trust review shills.

>> No.8942969

Well it has an alternative written into the cells. All the reviews are there as examples more than anything else. And there is as much negative info there as positive speculation.

>> No.8942975

It will tell you straight with no bias what each systems drawbacks are. Just read it.

>> No.8942995

I'm almost glad my retinopathy has made portables a moot point in my life.
They're addictive to collect and trick out. Even when I was a lil shit in the 90s I loved digital watches like the Casios with the stupid organizer functions and even pocket organizers, which because I had zero friends I put cheat codes into to whip out when needed.

It's damn near a laptop computer really. Slightly under that.

>> No.8942997
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anyone have a rg300? how are they? love the vertical form, im not interested in playing anything more than gb gbc gba. the miyoo mini looks way to small and this looks more comfortable.

>> No.8943125
File: 57 KB, 570x587, 1598842783820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic is you
>9/10 flagship phones can run aethersx2 and emulate anything at stock speed, if you don't want to use your phone then just get the odin

See above post and watch 1 video that guy posts where he explains it in the simplest terms with demonstrations

>> No.8943181
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Damn, iChads really make people seethe

>> No.8943189

PS3 emulation is better optimized then PS2 emulation.

>> No.8943226
File: 259 KB, 519x657, 12341351265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry child, nothing with a 6 inch screen will ever be the best hardware for emulating.
Please come back when you're 18 or own a laptop if you want to pay over a grand for portable emulation solutions.

>> No.8943229

Holy fuck, that's HUEG

>> No.8944419

No, but I've got a 351V, which is nice if you want something vertical. You could probably get by with the 300 for what you want to play, but from what I remember, GBA emulation supposedly isn't perfect on it.

>> No.8944462

it's called a phone

>> No.8944470

>It outperforms the latest Snapdragon by almost 50%
For a minute, before it throttles. Also Metal as API makes every emulator perform worse in comparison since it's crap compared to OGL/Vulkan and most devs will just use a wrapper anyway.

>> No.8944507


>> No.8944529

Weird because on my iPhone 13 I can play Wind Waker at 4x resolution at full speed for hours. On my Galaxy S21 I have to go down to 2x otherwise it runs like shit right off the bat.

>> No.8944543

S22 Ultra has literally twice the GPU power, even more compared to the Exynos S21 Ultra.

>> No.8944601

Did you try the official build on android? Because the ios version is a fork full of performance hacks, kinda like the MMJR fork on android.
S22 is the one that is comparable to iPhone 13 btw

>> No.8945765

how is the input lag on these devices?

>> No.8945784

Try Deus Ex

>> No.8946091

Well... It IS a chink handheld device.
But i would like a more open source style of environment.

>> No.8946129

>american "tech"
Ummm, nahhhh.

>> No.8946142
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>no picture of a sega nomad

>> No.8946172

That's interesting, I didn't know that, maybe I should try that MMJR fork.

>> No.8946347
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>> No.8946459

Anon if you're still testing could you try gran turismo 4 pls
Whether I buy one of those or wait is solely dependant on that

>> No.8946548

>then why even bother?
I'm convinced chinks have no fucking clue what they're doing, throw some shit together and hope it works. Chinks are still releasing new handhelds with the rk3226 chipset despite the fact that it's been done to death and fucking no one wants them.

>> No.8946559

>chinks have no fucking clue what they're doing, throw some shit together and hope it works

>> No.8946574

Making money doing the minimum effort is far from having no idea.

>> No.8947440


>> No.8947468 [DELETED] 

Man why does N64 emulation have to be such a bitch. I just wave a handheld that can run the Goemon games.

>> No.8947470

Man why does N64 emulation have to be such a bitch. I just want a handheld that can run the Goemon games.

>> No.8947814
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The Steam Deck is massive look how it compares to the Retro Game 300 and Anbernic RG351P.

>> No.8947819

It's a nice device but the battery is some propietary shit that goes out real quick. Good news is you can use a Nokia battery with small modifications but at that point might as well spend the extra money for something better.

>> No.8947837

I have one. It uses the same homebrew emulators as the PSP but performs slightly better. GB/C should play just fine and GBA should be good with some minor problems. The screen is 320x240 which looks gross when you have to scale the screen.

I've since bought an rg351mp and it's so much better. I'd really recommend the rg351v if you need a gameboy-like system.

>> No.8947868

240p looks good for some older consoles cause there's no scaling involved.

>> No.8947956

Maybe 100 years ago.

>> No.8948382

Sure, for Sega Genesis and the few PS1 games it can play. NES and SNES look better stretched to 4:3 but I guess you can play with borders if you want. Handheld consoles will always look blurry.
On a 640x480 screen you can upscale 2x and then bilinear blur to fill the screen and it still looks sharp.

>> No.8948450

How do you get sega games in 3:2 on rg351 and have it look good?

>> No.8948467

That's the Sonic 2 port. It lets you change the aspect ratio to whatever you want.
There's also genesis plus gx wide, but only a handful of games work with it.

>> No.8948587
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what's the best one to play VNs?

>> No.8948597

ah well ill give a miss, i have a v90 which does the job for all my needs, just wanted a more comfortable/better looking one. maybe ill look at q90 since its cheap and same as v90

>> No.8948609

Steam Deck.

>> No.8948803

Holy shit dude

>> No.8949507

How do I get emus on my iPhone 13 Pro Max?

>> No.8949698

Lay it on the ground in Australia, put out some seed. It might 'appen.

>> No.8949865

handheld that emulates or runs cart gb/gbc/gba and has working 4 player link support? analogue pocket "exists" i guess but is expensive and i'd have to wait a year for one cause of the backlog.

>> No.8949940

thats not that bad ryzen can safely operate at up to like 90c

>> No.8950006

I suggest trying it with sideloadly. It’s an application that will let you sideload up to 3 applications. If you like the whole concept then later you can buy a developer license for $7 per year. Then you can sideload an unlimited amount of applications for a year.
You need .ipa files of the emulators. You can search for “whatever emulator iOS” in Google. Then sideload the .ipa with sideloadly. Finally use the iOS Files application to copy ROMs into the emulator’s folder.

>> No.8950058
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the revo k101 and digiretro boy are the only other device s that support link cable. ive got the digi retro boy its decent doesn't supoort gbc tho only gba, revo k101 is the same device basically. they do support rom loading from sd card though and you can trade via link cable on those roms, it also accepts cartridges theyre both gba clones. Id recommend just getting a gameboy advance and a screen mod though

>> No.8950087
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>I suggest trying it with sideloadly. It’s an application that will let you sideload up to 3 applications
That sure sounds convenient!

>you can buy a developer license for $7 per year
Oh, god... there's a fucking yearly licence to temporary uncuck your fagphone

>> No.8950394
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Do I have to install the amberelec thing?
Is stock firmware shit?
Also does the stock firmware download all the game folders upon starting it on a second microsd card without giving me issues with downloading games later on?

>> No.8950407

not downloading I meant uploading games into the sd card once I boot it up with a second card

>> No.8950507
File: 73 KB, 800x800, A099A846-520D-4715-8713-0EA0EA681A3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s stopping me from acquiring this mad toy?

>> No.8950743

Seems a bit overpriced

>> No.8950751

My one plus 8 I got for 250 works pretty good for ps2

>> No.8950986
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Imagine wilfully missing out on this

>> No.8951115

It’s actually cheaper than the Ambernic that everybody buy now with the same power and bigger screen.

>> No.8951118

You should use fresh SD cards and install Amberelec with those. It'll create the folders you need on the second SD and you can drop your roms and bios files in.
I don't see why you wouldn't just get a Max 2 instead if you wanted one of those.

>> No.8951215
File: 229 KB, 2000x1749, AYN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like that new Anbernic Win600 device is gonna get btfo before it even comes out

>> No.8951275

>one plus 8
You got a 9?

>> No.8951326

Yeah but it's still not competitive with the Steam Deck. The 6600u has 6 CUs while the Steam Deck has 8 and the only advantage as always is emulation which is good enough on the Steam Deck.

>> No.8951383

Does it support gba to gc connection?

>> No.8951475

It certainly supports gba to asshole.

>> No.8951531

Fuck you.

>> No.8952058

AySSe to AYSSe!
For that price you might as well go Gabeboy.

>> No.8952419

Honestly I just want a chink device that can emulate paper mario 64. Anything?

>> No.8952426


For the hundredth time. All you need to do is navigate this list.

>> No.8952558

nta but fuck off, this list doesn't break it down by game. Nothing runs all N64 games flawlessly.

>> No.8952595

Retroid Pocket 2+ should run it fine. Supposedly does a decent job with TTYD too if you're using the right settings.

>> No.8952615

thank you anon

>> No.8953067

There are links at the top of the spread sheet that have user tested games for each chipset you mong. Read more.

>> No.8953089

None of them.

>> No.8953090

You lazy faggots expect to be spoonfed without doing any of the work to find the info yourselves.

Compatibility lists for certain handhelds. Maybe more details on separate "sister spreadsheets".


>> No.8953098

Imagine letting people see you using that.

>> No.8953162

Imagine being an insecure little zoomer

>> No.8953264

nah gbc on there uses an emulator i doubt it supports link cable, it doesn't work with gb/gbc carts, just get a gameboy advance

>> No.8953295

Emulators support link cable.

>> No.8953303

Where's your WonderSwan nigga

>> No.8953337

>Emulators support link cable.
not whats running on there its a gbc emu for the gba

>> No.8953671

How’s the quality control on the Pocket 2+?

>> No.8953857
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I got a rg351mp but for the life of me I couldnìt set up amberelec properly.
I flashed it into the card but when it comes to browsing it on PC there's no GAME partition and when I go there with disk management and try to set it up with a letter it says "The operation failed to complete because the Disk Management console view is not up-to-date. Refresh the view by using the refresh task. If the problem persists close the Disk Management console, then restart Disk Management or restart the computer." On both my PCs.
I tried to set the volume letter with a third party program but even that doesn't stick.
Anyone who had a similar experience and got it to work?

>> No.8954067

Are you trying to only use 1 sd card? You're supposed to use 1 for the firmware and another for your games.

>> No.8954071

That might be the problem.
So was I supposed to buy 2 empty cards? And what do I load in the second one?

>> No.8954076

Also shouldn't the games partition be accessible anyhow? I can only see it's contents with a third party program but can't modify it.

>> No.8954114

This aint yahoo answers nigga. Go look it up yourself.

>> No.8954115

What game is this

>> No.8954119

drakengard 3

>> No.8954130

I'd like to help more than this blackguard
but I don't have this device. I suggest that you just find a YouTube tutorial and start again from scratch.

>> No.8954157

No worries, I think I figured it out.
Thanks for the good thoughts.

>> No.8954198

Just use ArkOS, it's faster at emulating games, although harder to configure.

>> No.8954206

I would get an Apple® iPhone™ 13 Pro Max, definitely the best bang for the buck, fellow 4Channer!

>> No.8954369

>just spend 1100 bux, plus you can do Facebook!
Anon I

>> No.8954589

Its not even all that much harder. But yeah arkos is vastly better.

>> No.8954593


>> No.8955270

>There are links at the top of the spread sheet
lol what no the fuck there aren't.

Nothing on that page indicates which systems can run specific games. People ask here because it wouldn't even be feasible to make a list of every N64 game along with which systems can and can't play said game perfectly. "Spoonfeeding" is a meme for retards that want to pretend they're part of a secret club. The rest of civilization calls them questions and queries.

>> No.8955303

It is amazing to me that some people are okay with this.
Imagine not being able to just hit install or transfer files through a cable.

>> No.8955345

>he says, while wielding his tard-wrangler device outside in front of people.

>> No.8955416

I have an RG300. I can give a list of pros and cons
>nice size, not too small but not too big either
>D-Pad feels really good, I already thought Anbernic D-Pads were nice but this one feels even better and makes me wish they stuck with this one on their devices
>L and R on the back are nice and wide and feel good. I am not a fan of when these devices try to fit L2 and R2 in the back and all the shoulder buttons end up feeling mediocre instead. The RG300 sacrifices L2 and R2 for better L and R buttons is not a bad thing in my book unless you really want to play games that use them.
>supports data transfer via the USB cable. even some new devices coming out now don't this for some godforsaken reason.
>the screen is odd. It's oversaturated and even though I think(?) it's 320x240, a lot of games look muddy. Kinda convinced me 640x480 should be the minimum on these handhelds.
>ugly ass face buttons. they feel alright but I hated them. Very easy to order RG350 replacement buttons off ebay and switch them out though which is what I did.
>a lot of light bleed out of the right side of the screen. Even after putting electrical tape, it's still noticeable
>performance is not at a comfortable level. I'm fine with no PS1 or higher but the thing even struggles with some basic GBA and SNES games.
>one of the older devices where you have to power off via the menu and also turn off the switch on the side. minor complaint but it's always an annoyance on these pre-2019 chink handhelds
Overall I like it a lot but I'm starting to feel like the Miyoo Mini has made it obsolete. My Mini should be coming in a few weeks so I'll know for sure then.

>> No.8955525

What do you think about the Dpad on the first Retroid Pocket? It had a similar to Sega Saturn vibe. The device had a vertical form, and a lot of drawbacks. Especially compared to the RP2+. I'm just wondering why they stopped using that shape. And why others don't use it. it's clearly popular.

>> No.8955847

Can the RG351MP play N64 games?

>> No.8955848

Not reliably.

>> No.8956106
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If you're just comparing price and specs, sure. Some people might prefer it though because the Deck is really fucking big.

>> No.8956536

I've got an RGB10 Max. It's pretty good with Batocera, plays PSP JRPGs pretty well. People tend to prefer Anbernic handhelds because they have a better build quality.

>> No.8956540

I just ordered a 351v solely to play handhelds and a few 2d PSX rpgs. I like the vertical form factor (already got a RGB10 max for PSP/PSX etc) Gonna make some aesthetic mods to it too.

>> No.8956567

The Steam Deck seems like a gimped laptop.
Too big to be pocket-portable just like the Switch. A good portable is small enough to fit in a pair of jeans without much issue.

>> No.8956665

>A good portable is something with an unusable small shitty screen

>> No.8956685

The Loki is probably not that much smaller, plus the cost/power is more expensive than the Odin.
One more thing often not discussed is the willingness people will take their expensive toy outside. Where would be safe from being broken/stolen? And how much is an individuals threshold price? If these are truly "portable", then the psychology of that should be factored in.

>> No.8957115

>a good portable is portable
A $400 laptop would be a better deal than a steam deck and be just as portable.

>> No.8957142

You obviously never used a laptop. Here's a hint: most of them come with a power brick that's bigger and heavier than the Deck itself. And on top of that you have to carry an extra controller or mouse with them if you want to actually play games on it.
So you're claiming laptop + massive power brick + mouse + controller is as portable as a handheld PC? You're either trolling or actually retarded.
And that's without even going into details at the average performance of the 400$ laptop, you'd be lucky if it runs 10 year old PC games or emulates gamecube.

>> No.8957146

As someone with a $400 laptop, they're not good for anything.

>> No.8957228

Switch is small enough to fit in a pair of jeans? It's not. If anything none of the current handhelds are aside from a handful like Miyoo Mini and 280v.

>> No.8957280

I also misread it at first, but he's saying that the Switch is neither fitting in a pocket.

>> No.8957310

Oh shit I misread it too.

>> No.8957323

Is there anything the RG351MP can do that a Miyoo Mini v2 can't besides play PSX games that require sticks?

>> No.8957361

Truth is, i just want an Android phone fused with a snes gamepad that can run shit maybe up to the ps1, anyone still makes these?

>> No.8957478

Why? Android is laggy. Get a handheld that runs on Linux.

>> No.8957485

i like the occasional game/app and as i said, i want a thing that works as a phone.

>> No.8957631

It's not 2013 anymore old man, there is factual evidence that Android does not add any lag anymore. Only bluetooth does.

>> No.8957673

Mutt's law

>> No.8958705

I dont like apple devices, but damn this does look great

>> No.8959806

any that uses windows

>> No.8959965

When will we get news on the Retroid Pocket 3?

>> No.8960040


>> No.8960062


>> No.8960064

The Deck. If it's too big for you wait for the Loki which will be another x86 handheld so perfect Windows compatibility.

>> No.8960183

I'm on RG351MP and I noticed the first Spyro's frames are low as fuck at the 4th-5th worlds.
Anybody else with the same experience?
Might be because I'm still using stock card, mind you.

>> No.8960665

What's the point of a post like this?

>> No.8960668

Nevermind this, after some digging I found out you just have to set the PSX Core Speed at 100. Seems like a lot of games require this.

>> No.8960776
File: 565 KB, 367x265, 1519397965598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for my Miyoo Mini to arrive bros I'm so excited.

>> No.8960860

Trolling you.

>> No.8960909

Not really.

>> No.8960940

People take their $1600 phones everywhere these days.

>> No.8960972

Can I do this on a OnePlus 8 pro or pixel 6 pro? What control device is that?

>> No.8961219

Man I just spent an hour searching Google and twitter and couldn't find a place to get the old games I used to play. Does everyone still use torrents these days? Saw some old sites no longer offer downloads and newer stuff seemed shady. Maybe I should try looking at Usenet?

>> No.8961232

Lmao think I just found a safe source immediately after posting that

>> No.8961297

Banjoo kazooie
Mario kart 64
Diddy Kong Racing
These three i got running on rg351m pretty well but Id say dont bother. Psx games run better.

>> No.8961365

Yes. It's a Razer Kishi.

>> No.8961713

Thanks, anon

>> No.8962384

he can just use a real phone instead and do this and more

>> No.8963103

Ended up getting a firetablet 8 on sale for less than 100$ like a year ago. It runs most emulators pretty well. Havent tried ps2 or saturn, I imagine it would have a melt down on those 2. Otherwise if you want portable emulation, it's well worth it.

>> No.8963434

Ok pajeet

>> No.8964021

I just got my 351v in the mail and the screen died in less than 10 mins. Fucking shame its a super comfy console in hand. Now I've gotta fuck around with return/exchange etc.

>> No.8964048

>touch input

>> No.8964526

Speaking of the RP2+, Is there a way to get your android games on the menu where you'd see the emulated games(where left to right youd see things like NES/SNES etc with all the boxart)? It's hardly a big deal but it would just look nicer if you could put your Google play games in there as well

>> No.8964538

Thanks for the tip anon, I just got my 351MP in the mail a week ago

>> No.8964560

ok ifag

>> No.8964567

So if I want to get one of these handheld emulation devices, what is the best one that doesn't break the bank? Assume I'm not going to play like PS2 or anything on it and want to play stuff from before that gen.

>> No.8964569

>what is the best one that doesn't break the bank?
What does that mean to you?

>> No.8964570

Less than 250 bucks, lets say

>> No.8964572

Unless you're going to use a phone to emulate, you'll never end up spending that much. Retroid 2 is only 100, the Ayn Odin is i think like 170 when converted to USD

>> No.8964573

I don't know about PS2, but Steam Deck can emulate Saturn no problem

>> No.8964575

Different person, but what's the best one that has the gameboy shape instead of wiiu pad/switch/psp shape?

>> No.8964646

Pajeets love icrap, though.

>> No.8964740

>implying pajeets can afford Apple products

>> No.8964849


>> No.8964853

Either a Miyoo Mini or a 351V depending on what size you're looking for.

>> No.8965080


>> No.8965086
File: 110 KB, 720x979, RG351V-fixd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell. Why is it so hard for these companies to make a vertical handheld with the correct layout?

>> No.8965159
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>> No.8965174
File: 447 KB, 955x1012, 1612156462807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sticks on the top

>> No.8965201

why the fuck do you want dual analog sticks for retro, you double zoomer?
>muh 6 or so PS1 games that use the right analog
Fuck you, it's not worth bloating the layout just 1% of games that can actually make use of it, go play those games on literally everything else.

>> No.8965413

Steamdeck is insane power level wise but god damn its ugly as FUCK

>> No.8965643

315v seems exactly what I was looking for, cheers

>> No.8965647


>> No.8965656

But he's smiling :D

>> No.8965660

>why the fuck do you want dual analog sticks for retro

n64 games

>you double zoomer

unironically (you)

>> No.8965698
File: 131 KB, 1092x1363, Nubia RedMagic 7 Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits all over both the 13 Pro Max and S22 Ultra
>costs $200 less
thank you based chinkware

>> No.8965708
File: 592 KB, 370x335, 1567638334503.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carrier doesn't have it so I can't finance it
no thx

>> No.8965712
File: 51 KB, 250x250, 84e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, big downside is if you buy it in the US, you're pretty much stuck with T-Mobile or a couple other carriers

>> No.8965717

Yeah I'm on tranny-mobile since I'm leaching off a family plan.

>> No.8965761

Unless you're playing N64 or some analog only PSX games, remove the sticks entirely. You need to have an angled grip like on a PS/Xbox controller if you don't want your thumbs to always rub against the bottom sticks. This shit happens with the right stick on the Switch when you're playing in portable mode but the joycon grip fixes it by changing your hands' angle.

>> No.8965815

It is my personal opinion that the people who design these handhelds don't actually know what makes a good design and have never actually used a controller. They either make a rectangle or copy paste a pre-existing design such as the original Gameboy, switch lite etc and then slap whatever controls they feel are "gamey"

A long time ago there was a phase where a lot of these consoles had analog sticks that were actually dpads in disguise. These companies don't actually know what their market wants and don't really care, they just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.

>> No.8965846

They're chinks, what do you expect? They just mindlessly try to copy nostlagic or popular designs and layouts without putting much thought into what actually makes controllers and official handhelds good and ergonomic. That's why you have to pray that they have at least one gaijin in QA testing to tell them "hey change this please"

>> No.8965879

>haven't even gotten my Miyoo yet
>already obsessing over ordering a 351MP and hungry for Retroid 3 news
I have a problem.

>> No.8966431

>finance it
Are we in 2006?

>> No.8966515

But the 64 only has one stick?

>> No.8966538

Don't go for Anbernic, their hardware feels well made but is actually janky as fuck in use. I have a 351M which starts to shit itself at around 30% battery because apparently that's actually 0% but the hardware for reading the battery is fucked, and also the controls aren't actually "hardware buttons" but are connected by USB internally so sometimes on booting the USB driver crashes or something (again usually around the 30%-40% mark) and the controls won't work without a couple of reboots which often also crashes itself.
On top of that, Windows won't read the SD Card. I have to load up a VM with Linux to load ROMs on to it.
Also two USB ports and two SD Card slots, why?

I'm actually waiting on a Miyoo myself to replace it since the hardware seems a lot better designed.

>> No.8966578

Do they sell handhelds that are i-series 3rd gen or better? Cause you're gonna need it.

>> No.8966590

The 351v is extremely comfortable in hand. If it had no stick it would be absolutely perfect design and feel wise. Note that its performance is shithouse for consoles that use sticks anyway so I dont know why they added the analogue, its not exactly a powerhouse.

>> No.8966717

It's easier to emulate the C buttons with a second stick than it is to fit six buttons on a controller or system.

>> No.8966719

The c buttons pretty much acted as a second stick for many games on the system.

>> No.8966723

I've heard the 351MP fixes a lot of the M's problems though.

>> No.8966734

Good argument I guess but you are neglecting the fact that 90% of these machines fucking suck at n64 performance anyway.

>> No.8966828

fuck that
I thought anbernic had good build quality?

>> No.8966837

>Sticks on top
>Fake wifi switch, has no wifi capability
>Dpad and face buttons obnoxiously close to the bottom of the device

>> No.8966838

I hope that changes soon. I want something to play Mystical Ninja on that fits in my pocket. It feels like such a simple request.

>> No.8966850

You could get one of those joycon style controllers that clamps to your phone. It's a bit bulky to have attached to your phone but no more than a whole separate handheld would be
Alternately the Retroid Pocket is fairly pocketable. The terrible, retarded right "stick" makes it pretty easy to pocket, and while I wouldn't want to play dual analog games with it, it's good enough for n64 c-stick emulation

>> No.8966862

Anbernic is ass now. Don't buy Anbernic in 2022.

>> No.8966879

more like ASSbernic am I rite??

>> No.8966919

Heres my experience as a first time ambernic buyer (rg351v) The physical build feels great. Nice in the hand. A touch grindy in the buttons and dpad (they dont move as smoothly as a mainstream console.) but decent response. Screen is nice. Mine worked for all of 10 minutes and shat itself. I assumed its a fucked screen ribbon. I reseated it and it worked for about another 10 minutes then shat itself again. Currently waiting on a reply from seller to exchange. Emulation wise nes, sms and gameboy ran brilliantly. Snes ok but a touch framey (lttp, smw) genny felt wierd, it was smooth af but laggy? (Sonic 1). N64 was DOGSHIT. (Sm64, MK64). I got Amberelec running instead of stock because I thought I might have got shit memory cards, but the screen fucks out even with no memory card inserted. In summary its a fucking fantastic gameboy that can play some other shit pretty well (and goddamn its comfy) but its no N64. It shouldn't try to be. Now I've just gotta get one that fucking works.

>> No.8966923

and I thought powkiddy was bad

>> No.8967047

It’s still fundamentally janky with its dual usb and dual sdcard slots, stick with the Miyoo I’d say

>> No.8967054
File: 184 KB, 1000x1324, rgb10max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine acquiring anbernic and not pic related.

>> No.8967426

n64 emulation on the 351V or anything with a RK3326 is just as shit as DreamCast, PSP and anything else 5th+ generation that is not the PS1.

>> No.8967514

Is it worth buying RG351P if I have a PSP? I'm looking into PS1, SNES and GBA emulation, and I remember SNES emulation on PSP being kinda shit.

And the problem with my PSP is that both battery and memory stick dead, and I can't find any decent batteries for it either.

>> No.8967540

I bought one recently.
I don't know if this is the console's design or mine is defective, but the shoulder buttons are not very reliable for anything that requires holding them. Single presses are okay though.

That aside, you will get better SNES and GBA performance, but you're still better off with the PSP for PS1 unless what you want to run doesn't work with POPs or something. Everyone says PS1 is flawless but they always test the same basic bitch games for 5 minutes, when you try some of the more obscure stuff and you actually sit down to play it for hours, you start noticing few parts here and there where the game lags, I don't remember a single instance of that happening when I played converted PS1 games on my PSP.

>> No.8967550
File: 1.78 MB, 500x625, 1569016426498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do none of these handhelds still run all SNES games flawlessly?
The system is 32 years old.

>> No.8967632

What game are you referring to?

>> No.8967927

It's a Chinese device, so the quality control ranges from "fine at first" to "accidentally sent you a severed hand". My RP2+ came with buttons that were sticking ever so slightly and a screen screwed down to tight. Nothing that couldn't be fixed with some lube and screwing but not ideal.

>> No.8967931

Mine has been fine so far, despite the 4 months it took to get here

>> No.8968082

I guess before buying an Anbernic device I will try fixing up my PSP first and try out GBA and SNES again, especially since it has been 10 or more years since I did SNES emulation on PSP.
Additionally I see a lot of people here complaining about QC as well, and I don't really want to deal with returning in case something goes wrong.

Just out of curiosity, how do the other buttons compare between the both devices? Do RG351 buttons feel any better or are they similarly mushy?

>> No.8968112

I don't know how to describe the "feel" of the buttons other than "good", but at least they don't have problems and register properly every time.

The problem with the shoulders is that to hold them you have to press them kinda hard and keep it that way, if you relax the pressure even a little bit, it'll stop registering. Is less noticeable with L2 and R2, but does happen on all 4 of them regardless.

>> No.8968142

I'd add that the rg280v i ordered came with 2 B buttons. no X button. buttons work fine but come on man.

>> No.8968192

But for how long? I heard battery life was atrocious, and the heat from extensive use can kill the battery in a month

>> No.8968219

2 hours at most and the fan is roaring.

>> No.8968231

idk only tested drakengard didn't play it yet been playing sims4 i got like 3 hours in that

>> No.8968235

>a month
Heat and heavy use is most definitely not great for the longevity of lithium batteries but it simply will not lower the lifetime of the battery this drastically. Lithium batteries are pretty good these days and you can set things like charge tresholds to keep the battery in good health. You'd have to rape the battery harder than realistically possible to kill it in a month or even two.

>> No.8968359

Why not Ayn Odin?

>> No.8968682
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>best for emulation
>poodroid handheld
retards never learn lmfao

>> No.8968685

>Retroid 2+
>Comfy enough grip
seems like it'll be a good time, but what's the best frontend/launcher/whatever? I've never used android

>> No.8968752

>shitting on something without offering alternatives
Worthless post. If it's not the best then post what is or shut up.

>> No.8968765

Retroid can't play MNSG.

>> No.8968892

Not buying anything that doesn't have stacked shoulder buttons.

>> No.8968928

Do these things ever go down in price? I enjoy collecting them even when people say certain models are shit.
Do they end up getting discontinued out of nowhere or is there a chance of them eventually getting cheaper as the company releases new models?

>> No.8968985

Works on my machine, with the recommended community settings from that spreadsheet
It's not perfect, getting some slowdown here and there in town but it's playable
I'm just at the beginning so maybe there's like, one level halfway through the have that just completely tanks the fps or something

>> No.8969008

If you don't mind fiddling with a bunch of settings, I know people like Pegasus. Personally I don't need a bunch of fancy shit. I just want the list of games with some boxart, so the default frontend works well enough for me

>> No.8969212


>> No.8969214

then go gpd win 2 or 3

>> No.8969223

Dig is super easy to use, but it's rarely updated and most of the themes look like they were created in MySpace. Pegasus looks good but you need to manually do everything and it can lag a bit with large collections. Launchbox is great, but it's quite expensive for what it is.
Honestly just stick with the built in launcher unless you specifically want a feature it doesn't have.

>> No.8969440

Really? The only footage or info I can find anywhere is this video:
And that performance is unplayable to me.
Though even if it can run it better after updates or something since this video came out I've been hearing talk of a RP3 for months now so I feel like I'm better off waiting anyway.

>> No.8969593

It works with bluetooth, so I use an xbox one controller, very little issues

>> No.8969656

Not OP, but it's usually all the enhanced chip games, like Star Fox, and Super Mario World 2.

>> No.8969678

That other anon probably has a 2+ and not the original 2 that's being used in that video.

>> No.8969683

>It is my personal opinion that the people who design these handhelds don't actually know what makes a good design and have never actually used a controller.
This isn't much of a surprise considering chinks never had official console sales of any kind until 2015.

>> No.8969684

Learn how to do text interpretation, child.

>> No.8969697

Oops, yeah should have specified I have the 2+
It's easy to forget since the case doesn't say "plus" anywhere

>> No.8969720

that's normal load temps for a gpu retard

>> No.8969727
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>Learn how to do text interpretation, child.

>> No.8969873


>> No.8970014 [SPOILER] 
File: 569 KB, 675x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Surely the GPD WIN 3 can't be much smaller than the deck, it seemed huge compared to the 2, let me check that... oh.
>pic related

>> No.8970035

nvm, I mistook it for the max, the 3 is quite compact.

>> No.8970038
File: 1.03 MB, 720x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.8970056

Will do later!

>> No.8970578

>Ayn Odin
Too expensive, probably worse battery life and the only games that matter are 5th gen and before.

>> No.8970581
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It's great for 2D too

>> No.8971695
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>> No.8971716

Here's the video of gt4. It runs pretty good except for the random slowdowns. The odin was in "high performance" mode. If you're willing to fiddle with emulator settings you might get it running properly

>> No.8971787
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, AetherSX2_2022-06-02 22:54:16.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8971797

When "disable hardware read backs" is enabled the game runs rock stable even without any performance mode without the hardware breaking a sweat. Some loading screens look broken but the game runs fine

>> No.8972145
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If you researched around for handhelds and decided this was your best options you have bad gaming sensibilities. Saturn and ps2 games? Maybe rp can do it but even if it ran decently youre looking at a bad washed out screen wrapped in shitty plastic. Its a poor attempt at having your cake and eating it too. Stop being a poorfag and find a beefy handheld or find something at retroids price range but better and learn to like a better library of games.

>> No.8972426

how do you guys handle arcade emulation on these things? I don't want to move over my entire Mame fullset because it's more than 60 GB and clutters up the menu with ten billion slot machine games. But hand curating a list is annoying too because half the time, the roms require files in other roms and they're named shit like BTIME.ZIP for "Burger Time"

>> No.8972451

Just tell us what handheld you're advertising and get it over with.

>> No.8972528

Figured it out, apparently you can get "non-merged" mame sets that include all the ROM dependencies in a single zip per game

>> No.8972563
File: 139 KB, 800x796, 17357-super-monkey-ball-jr-game-boy-advance-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

running arkos on rg351m and I'm getting weird visual issues when the screen is scroll, looks like uneven vertical scanlines. Been fucking with cores and video settings and it doesnt seem to help. Any advice?

>> No.8972586

Get back to me when those systems run on something the size of my phone that I don't need a carrying case for. Maybe you don't mind looking like an autist in public but some of us have self respect.

>> No.8972595
File: 23 KB, 304x224, 159345-real-bout-fatal-fury-2-the-newcomers-neo-geo-cd-screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard the dpad is abysmal.
Can you consistently pull off a pretzel motion for raging storm on it?

>> No.8972634

A black anbernic 351MP is a dignified design for public use. But I'm the kind of autist who likes playing his handhelds at home.

>> No.8972663

I don't play fighting games, but it's true that the dpad is quite bad out of the box. There is a mod though that you can do with a piece of paper. I did that immediately and it makes the dpad okay. Not the greatest physical feedback in the world, but at least it works well for input.
If the dpad is important for you, i suggest getting the GameSir X2 instead. Fantastic dpad and face buttons. Unfortunately the lightning version doesn't seem to be available in Europe and my country are real assholes when shipping anything from China. But the USB-C version is easily available.

>> No.8972667

They literally run on your phone, retard. Get a better phone.

>> No.8972675
File: 334 KB, 828x898, 1620528802975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying a chink phone for the express purpose of emulation
>being afraid of having more than one electronic device on you at a time

>> No.8972723

Most games you want to emulate are 4:3 with a resolution of 480p max, how big of a fucking screen do your shitty eyes need?

>> No.8972837

What kind of daft cunts want to play PS2 games on a small screen?
Especially using shitty emulation...

>> No.8972848

Which are those games? I'd like to try some saturn but I have no saturn knowledge at all

>> No.8972863

You mean like, bad integer scaling? Does using a bilinear filter help?

>> No.8972884

The retro game corp guy mentioned busting out his steam deck in a plane, and both of the guys sitting next to him stared at his screen and asked him "wtf is that thing"
And I have to admit I do feel embarrassed to play my retroid in public. I know I've got no reason to care what a bunch of strangers think of me but there you go

>> No.8972946
File: 122 KB, 474x300, 1361678069910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phone controls are garbage and buying a controller attachment for a phone is just as bad as buying an oversized device.

Guardian Heroes and DBZ Legends are all a gentleman of culture truly needs.

>> No.8973038
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>> No.8973076
File: 14 KB, 272x285, 1649152251788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got this stupid fucking "argument". Who cares what device you're wasting your life away on in public? Other people sure as fuck don't. People these days use all kinds of fucking devices everywhere. Nobody cares if you're using a Steam Deck or Hello Kitty Tamagotchi or whatever the fuck. All of you people who spout this shit are insecure zoomers whose brains got fucked by growing up immersed in social media and peer pressure.

>> No.8973079

I don't give a shit, I want something that fits my pocket. Calling anon an autist for playing with giant handhelds in public was just for flavor.

>> No.8973392
File: 655 KB, 1439x2048, 345253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guardian Heroes

>> No.8974667

Bad integer scaling is probably the term I should use. Bilinear filtering doesnt help and makes my gba titles look ass. Only happens sometimes also which is odd

>> No.8974672

Legends was fun dont know why people lean toward the dok battle more.

>> No.8974685
File: 57 KB, 1000x1000, RG351M-black-4_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this fella or the MP model would be to your liking. Has a nice minumal design so its not eye catching fancy but its not fischer price looking either. Analog nubs stick out very little also so pocket friendly.

>> No.8974717

Been eyeballing it but hear lots of mixed opinions. I have a Miyoo already and I know it does everything just as well but I'm still tempted by the Anbernic for Ape Escape and shit.
>inb4 just get a RP2+ bro
I want that too but I'm very drawn to the metal casing of the Anbernic.

>> No.8974737

Its called a retroid pocket implying its for retro games but they put the d-pad in the wrong spot. Very bad design.

>> No.8974798

Been following instructions to get Onion OS on my Miyoo but noticed mine didn't have a BIOS folder on the SD Card? Is it hidden somewhere in the other folders or something?
It also seems like my Onion installation skipped the welcome screen and the screen that allows me to select which systems I want installed. How dated is the Retro Game Corps tutorial? It seemed so recent.

>> No.8974834

with about a million caveats

>> No.8974835

>device that costs 20x more has 10x as much power

>> No.8974965

Nevermind, figured this stuff all out.
I do have another question for any Miyoo users though, is there a way to swap the menu button function in Onion OS?
By default it's press Menu button once to close the game, and hold Menu button + press Select button to open an emulator/options menu.
I want to reverse these if possible.

>> No.8975294

Why doesn't Onion OS let me put the Miyoo in sleep mode? It always shuts down when I tap the power button.

>> No.8975383

April update stock OS on the Miyoo is so soulful. Shame none of the Onion Themes are as good.

>> No.8975435

Its short for Chinese communist. Don't be offended.

>> No.8975453

B-But if I don't post pointless slurs how will anyone know I fit in on 4chan!?!?

>> No.8975804

Ok? It still exists and it is a valid option.

>> No.8976241

>console war fag grows up to be a phone war fag
go figure

>> No.8976430

>camel toe on loli
Woah GBC is lewd!
Can you post the image pls?
or upload to litterbox

>> No.8976463

What do you mean by that?
It is a thousand times more resource hungry

>> No.8976628

>no games
Cool concept though

>> No.8976779


>> No.8976986

it's irrelevant to the subject of thread

>> No.8977927

Paper Mario 64 got a version on Wii VC, so you can play it on Dolphin or another Wii emulator. Unless you want to run the N64 ROM specifically, of course.

>> No.8977936

Anon I already got it there, but I want to play it on the go too, it's that good.

>> No.8978096

lol nice

>> No.8978746

You're only going to have perfect N64 emulation with something that supports Vulkan so you can use paraLLEl-RDP

>> No.8979491

Still wondering about this.

>> No.8980760

I tried this once in public and felt like such a faggot I never did it again

>> No.8981107

>handheld announced
>looks cool
>oops pre-orders closed and won't ship until the end of the year
>one second goes by
>another handheld announced

>> No.8981194

so should I get a 351p for gba, mame, snes/atari mostly?

what should I get then

>> No.8981231

>Anbernic is ass now. Don't buy Anbernic in 2022.

This, bought a 351mp, had random crashes and button inputs from buttons I never touched etc. its complete shit.
Took me several fucking weeks to be allowed to send it back to chinkistan only to find out it costs me the same as the device to send it back to that shit hole, so I just threw it into the trash instead.

>> No.8981298
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>Kids and young adults afraid of being seen playing with a handheld
Is this really a thing in the states? Even in the 90' we all were playing with gameboys and had giant walkmans hanging around.
Maybe it is not the piece of plastic that you're holding what is attracting attention... You can look like a freak for a plethora of reasons.

>> No.8981438


>> No.8981464

will do, the 2 version looks a lot more ergo than others

>> No.8981768

is there something like the miyoo mini but bigger?

>> No.8981860

Post a video of yourself on a bus playing games on your phone with a bluetooth controller.

>> No.8981923

Nowadays in the states its more about not being robbed. Displaying a big expensive device that makes you unaware of your surroundings is just asking for trouble. Also, playing with a toy in public as an adult demonstrates weakness and childishness thus making you a target

>> No.8982247

what's the equivalent of a pk max 2 but 4:3 screen?

>> No.8983428

Mentally ill paedophile.

>> No.8983446

Do people like you realise how ridiculously insecure you come off?

>> No.8984118

351V maybe

>> No.8984196

You had a good streak but had to ruin it with furry shit

>> No.8984576

>n-no dude you're just insecure I ask strangers to hold my phone for me while I clicky clack on a bluetooth controller because I'm a ch-chad
Prove it or stop replying.

>> No.8984652

just ordered a miyoo mini

>> No.8984665
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>> No.8984685

You both need to go back to whatever site you came from.

>> No.8984701

yiff in hell

>> No.8984704

Enjoy, anon. The size takes getting used to but it's not too bad. Just don't expect heavy shoulder button usage.
Also don't be scared to go with Mini UI. I fell for the Onion meme because I like having complete control over a device but after getting annoyed with all the tinkering I tested out Mini UI and everything I care about runs perfectly. Just can't handle Mode 7 games super well.

>> No.8985142

I don’t have to prove shit to you. You sound like a child, I seriously hope you are not older than 24.

>> No.8985428
File: 193 KB, 344x550, 1642240857221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Retroid Pocket 2+ coming in this week, is the stock launcher alright or should I upgrade to launchbox or something?

>> No.8985727

What's on the right of the Vita?

>> No.8985840

What systems can Mini UI do/can't do?

>> No.8986270

More or less any 2D system as well as some PSX. Some PSX and a few SNES titles here and there will struggle but for the most part things play perfectly fine even with Mini UI.
Again, Mode 7 games will lag a bit and some PSX games have lagged but if you're willing to put in work with Onion OS and Retroarch you can probably get almost anything running acceptably. I'm just lazy.

>> No.8986387
File: 143 KB, 640x565, H9ae39ba1177c43faa5d7325d75635c3cg.jpg_640x640Q90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digi Retroboy, some newer GBA clones (this and Revo K101) got released a while back. They're all modern K1 GBA SPs


>> No.8986491


Default launcher sucks cock and barely scrapes the right images. Just use pegasus. Google pegasus-installer. It's an APK that makes installing pegasus super easy.

>> No.8986616

its not furry shit its braixen shes a pokemon

>> No.8986850

miyoo mini v2 vs RG351V? I just want to play gen 1-2 pokemans

>> No.8987198

Miyoo Mini if you want something super portable, 351V if the Mini seems like it'd be uncomfortably small for you. I personally went with the 351V.

>> No.8987662

Yeah like other anon said it's more or less about size if you're just playing old Pokemon. Both will run them perfectly but the 351V is closer to the size of an old Gameboy while the Miyoo Mini is about the size of a pack of cigarettes.