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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3 KB, 256x224, World1-2SMB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8963785 No.8963785 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8963804

I like it, but I feel they botched the music pretty bad in this version. (Although not nearly as bad as GBA)

>> No.8963845

romhacks that replace original characters with mario aren't soul

>> No.8963868

The 4 mario characters add even more soul COPE

>> No.8963901

Yeah it looks great, I was playing it last weekend.

>> No.8963937

It started as a Mario game before they made a deal with dream factory. SMB2USA is the real Mario 2.

>> No.8963963

Its a different kinda vibe

>> No.8963975

the all stars are soulless ARREST

>> No.8964095

They have slightly less soul but only slightly.
just like people who hate on the Gaiden trilogy for the silliest of reasons.
> the music sounds diferent (barely)
>there isnt blood in these couple of screens
>even though there is no proof or example of this; the controls arent as responsive
even tho its translated better, fixed spelling errors, and has faster screen load times people still bitch.

and then there is the Links awakening DX version thing that I don't even understand

>> No.8964104

All-Stars is so good.

>> No.8964115

I like that jungle background.

>> No.8964260

>and then there is the Links awakening DX version thing that I don't even understand

You and me both. Though I disagree about SNES NG, they really feel and sound like shit.

>> No.8964550

Bootleg famiclone games are extremely soulful, though.

>> No.8964562

>They have slightly less soul but only slightly.
Nah, All Stars is pure 1993 unadulterated SOUL.
antiallstars faggots are just contrarian shitposters that try to instigate some kind of NES vs SNES war or something.

>> No.8964759


>> No.8964785

The boss theme in this one is great though

>> No.8964804

Why has NO ONE made a romhack that changes the graphics to look like SNES versions of the NES games?

>> No.8964819

It says Mario-styled, I had remembered it saying Mario series but I guess I misremembered, but it was the same team and they probably used Mario placeholder graphics.

>> No.8964826


>> No.8964830

the slot machine game is easier in the all-stars version

>> No.8964836
File: 772 KB, 1700x2775, _Gd5Mdsmvas0EYxgVSR7kGEnQcnwQ7uGG4JQ0MfZ1nU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Super Mario All-Stars in the style of the NES games.

>> No.8964843

There's fundamental differences in how the backgrounds work on SNES so it wouldn't be a perfect recreation at all. Plus why not just play the NES versions? They feel infinitely better.

>> No.8966478

I hated how the remake turned the boss rooms into rainbow colored Lego blocks. In the NES version they were just shiny polished bricks or gems. Looked way better.

>> No.8966493

I like it the best out of the All-Star remixes. SMB2 is comfy and cozy (and much better than the original Doki Doki Panic).

>> No.8967002

Peaches hover ability is cool

>> No.8967156

And yet, OP's pic looks amazing.
Apples and oranges. It's astonishing that people like you who literally shit themselves over how other people play games, to the point you made some asinine chart to screech how they're "not doing it right", actually exist.

>> No.8967205

Full confession: I played All-Stars more than I did the original NES versions.

>> No.8967227

i broke up with a girl who thought the snes versions were better than the originals

>> No.8967228

Same here. And I think this is common for people who were actually alive back in the day and who owned these actual systems and games. All Stars had the updated 16-bit graphics and the save option.
Emulakids who savestate and play 8-bit to "fit in" with the retro crowd will never know this.
Both versions of the games are great though.

>> No.8967232

i had both but the snes version always felt off to me

like is slippery or something
like a fever dream

>> No.8967234


>> No.8967248

My first full system was an SNES and before that I would play MB 1 and 3 at cousins' places on their NES's, so All-Stars was really my first time playing the games at length.
>Both versions of the games are great though.
Well don't the physics in MB1 work a little differently?

>> No.8967250


thats not WHY im just stating her idiot opinion

>> No.8967252

>like is slippery or something
Not really, it controls the same.

>> No.8967260

>Well don't the physics in MB1 work a little differently?
Yeah, but most people never noticed this until speedrunning became a thing (and even so, a lot of speedrunners still play All Stars, it only makes the game a little bit harder).
There are archives of people mentioning the physic changes in the early 00s but not much, someone did a patch to restore the original physics to All Stars in around 2006 and barely anyone cared back then, it wasn't until 2012 or so that people started talking about it, coinciding with speedrunning's emerging popularity.
>but I noticed this back in the 90s!
congrats, you're very sharp in noticing very small details.

>> No.8967273

>but I noticed this back in the 90s!
Well, I didn't. I actually learned it here.

>> No.8967275

Who is this newgrounds character with the red hat I see all the time?

>> No.8967753
File: 57 KB, 880x455, 9k=(11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any detail = ugly, cluttered, generic
>dots on a black background, monochrome triangles = cool aesthetic, clean, readable
>random sprites thrown around as background = charming powerup holograms
I do admit though that the simplistic NES visuals are more coherent to the "entire game is a stage play" look. On the other hand they chose the best course, to remake the stuff to look better with the extra detail, the alternatives would be simply porting the game with no alterations (lazy and aged visuals), or making everything look like more detailed and obviously fake stage props anyway (ugly). There is some ambiguity that can't be replicated once you add more detail. It is great that we now have two great and different versions to enjoy instead of one.

>> No.8967869

The poster you're replying to is an autistic spammer that has been trying to shit on All Stars for years and years, to no success, people only laugh at his autism.

>> No.8968067
File: 253 KB, 1170x2532, 1622867441028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test is

>> No.8968079

it really doesn't anon

>> No.8968086

the autists usually have a point,
notable examples:

sonic crt waterfalls over composite
latency of modern consumer televisions
soul vs soulless cashgrab rereleases
computer copy/paste paint-fill art vs spritework
actual hardware vs emulation
obviously mario all stars doesn't suck and is far from being a bad game - but to say its the only way to play the nes titles is not only wrong, its absurd

>> No.8968746

Miles better than making a kaizo romhack of SMB1 and slapping a "2" on it.

>> No.8969041

So did I.

>> No.8969074

>an autistic spammer that has been trying to shit on All Stars for years and years, to no success
Yeah, I would spam that much too if I was surrounded by all sides with shit taste and I cared enough about the topic. The autists are rarely technically wrong as per >>8968086 points out. I always thought All-stars looked like shit compared to the originals. LCDs are inferior to CRT in basically all metrics besides weight. The autism is caring that much about it or thinking anyone else cares that much.

>> No.8969248
File: 78 KB, 640x733, 1654120146654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no point it's just you samefagging to defend yourself in an autistic shitshow.
No one is even saying it's the only way to play and everything else you said is utterly meaningless.
Why the fuck do you even have to mention CRT's and LCD's all the time.
Stop. Seek help.

>> No.8969251
File: 66 KB, 672x198, 1634164508175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are an actual autist.

>> No.8969256
File: 31 KB, 720x242, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responded in two minutes, with a screenshot, after the thread's been silent for more than an hour
Get a life loser
You can just post from your phone to pretend it's not you
Or you can be the same fag as
>>8964836 pretending to agree with yourself
Useless screenshot means nothing

>> No.8970686

Post proof, anon.
Some autists have points sometimes, in the case of the anti-allstars/cherrypick autist, he doesn't.

>> No.8970852

Like I said, you are actually autistic. I'm going to respond to a post quickly if I'm still on my pc and can see that someone replied to me (maybe as a phonefag you don't know about this, but tabs of 4chan threads tell you if you have a reply). Also thanks for outting yourself as someone who phonefags enough to have one of those dedicated 4chan apps. Here is your (You).

>> No.8971067

How did the SMB2 remake turn out decent when they dropped the ball so hard on 1 and 3

>> No.8971075

I don't see any problem with them either.
1 is weird because of the SMB3-style sprites, but all in all it looks really good as well, these night stages look spectacular with the sparkly backgrounds.

>> No.8971384 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 406x596, 1654170085174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8971775

I’m really taken aback how you would think those older design choices look better. I’m guessing you played the older one first?

>> No.8971782

Based All-Stars appreciater

>> No.8971796
File: 32 KB, 400x240, NSMB2_Mushroom-Cannon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I played All-Stars first.
When I saw NSMB2 recreate a similar aesthetic in the bonus stages I thought that it would look cool if All-Stars did too.

>> No.8971828

Not him, but he's far from the only one who thinks that. his points are shit though and they're not conveyed properly (only one that stands is the lego blocks).
While All Stars is objectively technically superior and is more detailed, it completely misses the point of the original. They feel like someone asked themselves "how can we make this more detailed" without taking a single step back to think of the big picture... How can they completely miss the point that SMB3's theme is "stage play" when it's such a central theme starting from the opening of the game? Something could have been done to improve that theme with the SNES's possibilities to have multiple bg layers for instance, but no, instead it's just "okay what can we do here, maybe some more clouds and make them look more realistic, and put some more coloured blocks in the bg. Yes, more = better".

SMB2 hardly fares any better and the theming often feel like some farfetched interpretation.

>> No.8971840

The NG ports aren't soulless, they're just bad in general

>> No.8971854

Not him but I definitely agree with Mario 3. They completely butchered the aesthetic. Even as a kid who had both versions, I almost always played the NES version of 3 just because the airships in each world we're different colors where as in all stars they're all just brown which I though was super boring

>> No.8972203

based opinion.

>> No.8972285

>tv company advertisement
Come on, baby, america

>> No.8972747

>praising an inferior remake
It isn't even the first time with this trash game. Is this board just full of posers?

>> No.8973389

>that remake that got praised sine it came out back in the 90s? Yeah, I'm here in the 20th century telling you you're wrong about liking it!
Peak e-celeb infested brainlet.

>> No.8974347

>more accessible old games
>"improved" graphics
Is the extent of the praise. If that's all it takes to impress you, maybe /v/ would be more to your level, you cum-guzzling imbecile.

>> No.8974495


I had All Stars as a kid in the 90s and almost never touched it because of how ugly they looked compared to SMW.

>> No.8974525
File: 46 KB, 664x526, 9k=(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one for the "autistic zoomer pretending to be old to peove a point" compilation

>> No.8974527

>aghh stop liking this game that was always well regarded!
zoomers and late millennials were a mistake.

>> No.8974528


>ip counter didn't go up

>> No.8974532

>no! if someone calles me out on my zoomerism, it MUST be a samefag!

>> No.8974541
File: 2 KB, 281x39, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leaving this here

>> No.8974543

>stop liking the stuff you liked as a kid or else!

>> No.8974607
File: 898 KB, 680x697, 3a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it didn't you autistic retard I have made other comments in this thread and so have the other poster, doesn't mean it was the same person for these two specific posts.
For the second time you prove yourself to be an idiot that doesn't know how this website works.
There are 39 different posters in this thread and all other 38 disagree with you, also you are shitting up other threads too, it's very easy to identify the one obsessed autistic retard that everybody always hate on every thread, I bet you're a tranny too.

>> No.8975038

>and then there is the Links awakening DX version thing that I don't even understand
Then go ahead and play through the original instead of complaining about DX being criticized.

>> No.8975048
File: 844 KB, 1938x1496, 1605242431211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dream machine

>> No.8975564

>m-muh zoomers
Strawmanning won't help your case, kiddo.
Thirty-one years old here, I fucking grew up with this shit.

>> No.8975569

those triangle tiles in the cave have to be placeholder art lol

>> No.8975580


>> No.8975585


>> No.8975596
File: 100 KB, 666x651, 1581830100623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8975602

I'm for fascism, actually.