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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 289 KB, 600x519, RF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8969393 No.8969393 [Reply] [Original]

It's interesting that RF/composite fetishism has gotten popular recently. For the longest time the "retro community" preferred RGB. The initial wave of CRT popularity was centered around shit like PVMs, XM29s, and other shit that supported RGB (or could be modded to do so like Trinitrons). These were the people doing shit like mutilating PC-10s to give their NES a fugly palette just so it could do RGB. What changed?

>> No.8969402

because i just dont care anymore and the people who obsess over image quality and resolution dont seem to actually play games and are just a generally intolerable population.
its just like this internet thing. ive never given a shit about image quality or fps. as long as its appropriate for the game and its genre i dont care. i dont need my turn based jrpgs or slower paced adventure games to run at 60 or higher. im not gonna have an aneurysm if my snes games look fuzzy

>> No.8969405

People have always like composite/s-video/rf. Just look at the plenty of shaders in retroarch trying to mimic that look. RBG is a more recent trend I feel.

>> No.8969409

i think there probably is a happy medium somewhere in the middle

in the internet echo chamber it quickly turns into a pissing contest until your sprites and backgrounds are so overly sharpened that you look like you are playing on an emulator kek

realistically, the middle way is the truth;
the equipment that is "best" depends on the system and game that you choose

i keep rgb, composite, s-video, component, and cga all readily available for use for this very reason

luckily 1ms ips panels are now becoming affordable for even normies and even the most demanding shootemups are playable on modern flatpanels with 0lag scanline generators and actual hardware.

its a cool time to be alive

>> No.8969414

I just want people to use CRTs. Use them however you want, just use CRTs.

>> No.8969438

Blargg is still the best to emulate all of it, all it needs is a proper CRT shader that doesn't show scanlines when taking screenshots like >op with the real tv screen.
but retroarch down autist seems to have removed that.

also RGB autism comes from euros trying to justify their SCAT cables.

>> No.8969456

on emulation i like VHS style filters but im a faggot that used to use RF and have bunnyear tinfoil on my tv in the 90s

>> No.8969469

I have an RGB capable CRT yet I still like usingf composite up to 5th gen
Even the MiSTer is getting a composite and S-Video out soon

>> No.8969472

People decided to play games instead.

>> No.8969479

i played on atari with RF anon, i miss the bastard.
in fact am still trying to remember a atari game til this day which had you climbing stairs and there it was something like mine carts.

>> No.8969487

How good are projectors? I picked up what seems like a pretty high quality hulk of a machine for $10 that seems to take every high quality input below hdmi (rgb, s vid, vga, whatever the fuck those funky ports on the back of pvms are). I mainly got it to just fuck around with, but are they actually good for retro?

>> No.8969493

Those are called BNC connectors, it's just fancy "professional" RCA.

>> No.8969494

Manic Miner/Miner 2049'r/Bounty Bob?

>> No.8969512

None of them.
i still remember most of my collection from when i was a kid and even had the other atari controllers like the flightstick, but that one still eludes me til this day.

>> No.8969556
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Keystone Kapers has stairs and shopping carts

>> No.8969557
File: 53 KB, 526x526, 79484091_2576943205734937_1393668745263579136_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What changed?
The YouTubers ran out of useless devices to exploit for views AND the backlash from people who saw through their shit right away.

>> No.8969561

Holy shit is this one
God bless you anon.

>> No.8969568
File: 83 KB, 980x692, 1549328966005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I love /vr/.

>> No.8969569

another life saved by /vr/

>> No.8969583
File: 33 KB, 474x372, th-3146527319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8969603

I use the highest quality signal the system can use that I can connect to my TVs with cheap cables, so that's usually composite/s-video. RGB modding never because that shit's retarded.

>> No.8969606


>> No.8969607

rgb sometimes looks even worse (n64)

>> No.8969609

God, I used to see TVs on top of carts just like that all the time till about 1999, then they all just disappeared in 2000.

>> No.8969615

It's a lost art. Maybe someday we'll want things to be small, movable, and usable again.

>> No.8969621

there is hardware website at the old quake2.com archive that has a interesting tidbit about 3dfx games having composite and tv output support.
it begs me to wonder how they would look like.
site in question

>> No.8969628

portable monitors exist?

>> No.8969735

Some just prefer the blur, but some is clearly cope from people who didn't get higher end, quality display CRTs with RGB before they became a meme. All display methods have their pros and cons, and yes, there's something satisfying about playing Famicom via RF, but RGB is king, and for people who got pro monitors before the "boom," it isn't like they don't have the option of composite in addition to RGB (and either way it will be a better image than a lower end set)

>> No.8969994

I use component filters for pre-16 bit systems, and S-video for 16 and above.

>> No.8970167
File: 1.93 MB, 4608x2184, 1635196219777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These games were never meant to have ultra sharp presentation. Current RGB autism is just a backlash at how awful new TVs handle SD content and expectations from emulatorfags turning into hardwarefags.
My current "philosophy" is to use the best quality output available with a stock console. Mods are stupid and gaudy outside of things that re enable features like the SNES Jr RGB mod or the GCVideo stuff that makes component video more accessible.
I've never heard an argument that made strictly using lower end over high end video signals (or vice versa) an obvious decision. Just do what allows you to play the games and have fun.

>> No.8970232

I think composite is fine and sometimes the blurriness can add to a picture, but RF fetishism just sounds like sad cope from people who can't find a CRT with at least composite.

>> No.8970248

There seem to be two types of retro gamers.
People who play them to feel nostalgic and people who play them because the games are good.
I fall into the latter camp and I like using new technology (such as scalers) and old stuff that used to be cutting edge (pvms) because it's interesting and fun to me.
I can experience old games in ways I never could but always wanted to back in the day.
I'm not at all opposed to having a big consumer CRT, but when space it at a premium, I'd rather be messing with high-end CRTs and new devices that interface with flat panels.

>> No.8970261
File: 2.64 MB, 3820x1576, rgbvscomp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's RGB vs composite on the same pvm

>> No.8970271

The wall in the background really looks like it has more depth, like it's further back than the sprite layer in composite.

>> No.8970286

>cant find composite
have you tried looking on the roadside and near dumpsters?
electronics recyling places would rather give it to you than pay to destroy a working item , give them a call

>> No.8970289

Just get to show how the entire hobby is dependant on trends. Most people are braindead sheeps who will do whatever is the last trend influenced by their youtubers.

>> No.8970302

I love how RF/Composhite cucks think they aren’t the hipsters. That it’s all YouTube grifters and not people with a shared preference in video quality coming together to get the best output possible from their consoles. You Vaseline fetishists are a fucking riot.

>> No.8970307
File: 42 KB, 507x338, istockphoto-186344719-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you morons give a shit about how I play games, makes me feel good that you seethe online because of a simple cable

>> No.8970315

>lookin good

>> No.8970319

I don’t care how you play. I simply despise RF/Composite shitters trying to claim anyone who doesn’t like playing with their screen covered in Vaseline is a hipster who fell for some sort of grift. They’re coping. Hard.

>> No.8970323

in your head mate, only the opposite is true
I have never once seen what you talk about, yet I see "Composhite" be posted all the time

>> No.8970325

Sounds like the arcade game Bagman, though I’m not sure how many home ports it got.

>> No.8970326

Because composhitters won’t shut the fuck up about “muh blended forthwith” and “muh depth” in threads about RGB.

>> No.8970327

>blended forthwith
Lol I meant dithering. Autocorrect...

>> No.8970353

That’s right, I prefer random pixels blending into the image instead of looking like random pixels
Take>>8970261 for example, on RGB it looks like a lot of speckled pixels placed randomly but on composite they blend into the image

>> No.8970381

RGB rules.

>> No.8970409
File: 675 B, 175x45, crt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so simple I don't know why it's even talked about, when 'pixels' were set in the pre-LCD days days, you weren't setting part of the screen to that color. You were ADDING that color to an area centred around that pixel. So if you wanted an image that looks like the right you output the left. Nobody was ever supposed to see the left. It's not even a real image it's more like an ingredient that's going to form the image when combined with the physics of the screen.

>> No.8970443

Pretty much this. People who obsess over this stuff are more interested in dicking with settings than playing games. Time to stsrt a retro hardware board.

>> No.8970548

Video cards had TV output until like ~2010.

>> No.8970580

> the best output possible from their consoles.

The best output possible is the one that lets you directly see how the art was made with no changes or interpretation.

In other words emulating with square pixels.

>> No.8970616

How recent are we talking? Because even in early 2000s you had people paying hundreds of dollars to RGB mod their NES. There has been some appreciation for composite but it feels like it's reached a new level with people spreading misinformation, ie arguing that dithering was always meant to be blended via composite signal when arcades and PCs also used the technique.
Maybe it's just a product of how shitty and echo chamber-y the internet has become, I don't know.

>> No.8970628

>ONTV box
Chicago? Y’all were fancy.

>> No.8970641

I need a new power brick for my atari but it has those connectors that aren't even RF (the ones that go by the antennae) its a brand new atari 400 that's never been turned on. what would be the simplest way to get RF signal for it?

>> No.8970678

People have less money to spend on modding consoles for realistically little gains. So they lie to themselves that RF/Composite is ‘what the developers intended’ and some how looks good. Solutions to make older consoles look good on newer televisions is an expensive ordeal often without a perfect solution, so it’s cheaper and easier to just dumpster dive for CRTs.

>> No.8970687


your words not mine

>> No.8970723

Yes? Thank you for repeating my points j guess.

>> No.8970728
File: 3.29 MB, 3264x2448, EE398D9A-93A4-48CC-9D21-F50477D121B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I have RGB CRT
I still use composite
Majority of consoles have native RGB output, with only the 64 and NES not

>> No.8970737

Well, you know what they say: there’s no accounting for autism.
SNES JR, Turbo Grafx, 2600, Intellevision, Genesis model 3 and Master System model 2 don’t have RGB out either.

>> No.8970740

not an argument
>there’s no accounting for autism
pot calling the kettle black

>> No.8970747

Is this 2016?

>> No.8970750

Ah just the way I remember it. Thanks anon. I’ll use this setup when playing retro games in the future.

>> No.8970771

Love this guys comparisons, looking at the sprites half an inch away from the screen is truly how the games were meant to be played

>> No.8970773

I love the seethe anon, keep it up

>> No.8970778
File: 438 KB, 582x473, smalls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.8970785

samus visor in composite has a glowish look in composite.

the wall has more depth too.

>> No.8970792

I remember seeing a filter somewhere that emulates composite color blending without blurring out the whole image.
Can't remembe the name so I would like to know,

>> No.8970795


It became quite obvious certain games were designed with RF in mind

CRT is shit. It was never meant for gaming and it's only saving grace was fast response times

But with the advent of oled, there really isn't an advantage to crt

>> No.8970818

Depends of the region anon
BR, LA and japan had composite exit for the n64.

>> No.8970825


>> No.8970828

I guess it's similar to the whole CD vs vinyl or digital vs analogue stuff.
Yeah, RGB looks sharper but loses visual dynamics. At least on the screenshot you posted, the left image looks more jaggied, you can see how the shadows on DK's fur are formed by pixels. On the right side, the shadows are more seamless, it looks fuzzier, but that makes the image come out as more organic. Kinda similar to the whole dithering effect in many games.
Composite and RF was how a majority of people played games back in retro times, and devs had that into account when making graphics.
But it depends on the TV too, not just the cables. For example I have a semi-modern Sony trinitron CRT and despite using composite, I still get the image to be too sharp, Sonic's waterfall dithering doesn't look as they should.

>> No.8970841

RF looks fine but people get to hung up on the pixel sharpness. Behold the lack of color fidelity its a minor thing and anyone who refuses to play retro games outside of rgb is foolish but there is no reason donkey's mouth should be the same color as donkey's tie. the rf cable I suppose is struggling to get all the right colors in all the right places.

>> No.8970848

> best output possible from their consoles
> is to not use the console

>> No.8970853

>arguing that dithering was always meant to be blended via composite signal
I think it was on home consoles especially sega, the grids used for transparency on the saturn is a perfect example of it. Also the water effects in the sonic games

>> No.8970856

the image on the left is clearly emulated and not RGB on a CRT

>> No.8970869

could also be rgb on an lcd

>> No.8970875

maybe, but if it is, then what's the point of comparing RGB on an LCD to RF on a CRT?

>> No.8970878

the same reason youd compare to an emulator?

>> No.8970897

My parents were so cheap we used antenna for tv until 2009. It was on the roof and not bunny ears but still only about 10 channels.

>> No.8970904

Why did you post this sad image with your post, anon?

>> No.8970914

Wait, even SNES, PS2, and Wii? I don't believe mine have RGB input, unless they use the same port as the AV?

>> No.8970921

Yes, those all have the ability to output RGB

>> No.8970927

Atari 400s already have an attached coax cable for RF; just plug it into the TV. the 800 had composite out but the 400 was RF only.

>> No.8970931

Other than NES, all consoles since the Colecovision generate RGB internally.

>> No.8970934
File: 10 KB, 342x342, 71uALmqB4VL._SX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing with SCART cables?

>> No.8970938

this, pretty based take

i get sick of listening to graphicsfags, consoomers, and coomers crying about how their reality replacement doesn't make up a 1:1 perfect simulation of nature at 40k frames per terasecond

>> No.8970964

Sounds like your parents were smart, cable sucks. I use an antenna now and get like 40 HD channels, shit is cash.

>> No.8970985

First time I did RGB was because I wanted colour on modded PAL mega drive.

Specifically PC engine and NES have this awful filcker filter in composite that you can get of if you use rgb. PC Engine can disable it in software.
Sega Genesis and NEO GEO have terrible rainbow banding too in checkboard patterns.
Puyo puyo specifically looked way better in RGB on my commodore monitor.

Some games you could argue take advantage of composite, typically western games like jungle book have a bit of glow about them.
If you don't have access to rgb then don't worry about it.

I had a gefore 2 with composite output, looked real nice on my tv compared to my monitor, colours were more natural.

If I had access to both I would never deliberately use composite unless its to get colour artifacting in cga video cards.

mister fpga

some tvs have crappy/good comb filters that make composite look crap/great.

>> No.8970995

i wish to see 3dfx games under composite
Looking at you Clint if you ever land on a card with composite output or if one /vr/ autist sends you one.

>> No.8971014
File: 41 KB, 500x500, Luxor_LP27CE_27_LP_Table_32x24_1415032615000_335055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threw my 32" Panasonic on this guy here. Girlfriend doesn't love having the CRT out 24/7, so I wheel it in and out of the closet when I want. The built-in power strip only had 3 outlets, but I'm happy with it.

>> No.8971023

>Girlfriend doesn't love having the CRT out 24/7
get a gf that isn't a bitch

>> No.8971032

I messed around with RGB-Composite signal transcoding both ways a few years back since I realized I had the equipment for it laying around
Turns out the blurry mess with color blending isn't actually caused by the composite signal itself. It's due to the abysmal quality of the converters in the console itself.
For example if you hook up a Mega Drive via RGB to a transcoder that outputs composite to a CRT you won't get the same waterfall effect in Sonic as you would with native composite. It just look like a slightly less sharp RGB image.
If you're super into the way console native composite looks though I'm sure eventually someone will make a RGB-to-Composite-to-RGB converter that lets you worsen the signal as you see fit.

>> No.8971050

All video outputs look more similar when you're actually at a normal viewing distance instead of close enough to feel the static on the glass.

>> No.8971169

yes but just because it has the scart connector doesn't mean it is wired properly for rgb
you have to test it, a multimeter if you have one or plug an rgb only system into it

based. fuck television im glad i didn't get fucked up as a kid from it

>> No.8971172

there are interference issues and signal distortions anon

you dont really wanna use the shittiest cables in the world do you? im not saying to spend 80$+ on custom bullshit

but even decent quality stuff DOES make a difference in certain scenarios

>> No.8971180

i play sega genesis at 4am on a 14" crt directly beside my bed and wake my gf up with the button mashing and she doesn't complain

>> No.8971213

reminds me of teachers in the late 90s wheeling in the crt so we could all watch jurassic park

>> No.8971220

You ain't convincing anyone that you're happy about having to wheel your cuck cart out of your cuck closet.
Please take this to heart:

>> No.8971221

anon, most women hate shit that looks dumb and ugly like that

you can easily get nice furniture with closing doors to hide your cringe setup.
i've been told by many (mostly younger, because im still "hot" ) that my "box tv" is a dealbreaker kek

i chose the tv over them as if something as retarded as a tv is a dealbreaker imagine what will happen after i impregnate her

>> No.8971248
File: 341 KB, 1510x1387, 20220418_182358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to playing on CRT's. I have an RGB monitor but only with the RGB port. How can I play my consoles on it? Pic related is the monitor.

And less channels didn't mean less TV for me. It still fucked me up.

>> No.8971270

>anon, most women hate shit that looks dumb and ugly like that
I've never had a girl turn me down because I had a CRT. In fact, most girls I've shown my TV to thought it was pretty cool. Whoever thinks it's a dealbreaker is retarded beyond belief

>> No.8971280

vga isn't the same as rgb
you might wanna verify the refresh rate by googling your model #

a "vga > scart female adapter" = always plugged in

then you get individual rgb scart cables for each system

>> No.8971282

they're zoomers who never had one anon
and like i said, im fine with it -
"you have this nice new spot and youre gonna fill it with stupid shit"

im never nuking the gameroom fuck that

>> No.8971287

be cognizant of your sync signal as well verify you have things wired correctly to avoid damaging your set

>> No.8971328

>RF for Atari
>Composite for NES, SMS, and Genesis
>S-Video or RGB for SNES and 3D consoles
Old Atari stuff is so low def the connection really doesn't matter too much. Composite is just fine for the 8-bit era and Genesis leans on the comb filter. S-Video or RGB works best for the SNES to brighten the palette a bit, and it's essential for the 3D consoles so you don't get that pixel crawl effect on polygons.

>> No.8971353

Anon, 3d consoles used more composite than S-Video
and you reek of euro

>> No.8971389

Why would a euro be playing Redditari when we have the far superior ZX Spectrum

>> No.8971425

I used composite back then too chucklefuck, but pixel crawl sucks ass. Use S-Video and see for yourself how much better polygons look without the little white dots all around the edge. Go stir shit elsewhere faggot.

>> No.8971431
File: 35 KB, 1302x997, Sonic-220524-133253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People realized the water falls in Sonic games are meant to be perfectly transparent and if you make the image too good they aren't.

>> No.8971442

I had generic old classroom projector(HITACHI CP x440 or similar model I forgot) that had vga, component, composite, svideo inputs and it actually was pretty good for retro gaming too, it output 4:3 and the picture quality was decent, no noticeable inputlag. The downside was the typical projector nitpicks, it doubled as space heater and the reason why I got rid of it was because it was always hassle to make the room dark as possible, and have empty space to project the image etc and I just didn't have proper place to have permanent place for it.

>> No.8971450
File: 121 KB, 803x932, dfaggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your cheap third-rate crt tv, use the best video output cable your console have and be done. The rest is for try hard retards that don't even actually play gamnkmwmes.

>> No.8971876

If your crt is decent, yellow cable is all you need.

>> No.8971998

It's mostly just Americans coping.

>> No.8972004
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>> No.8972007
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>> No.8972013

nothing changed, most people still prefer RGB and its only retards on /v/ wanting a blurry mess

>> No.8972016


>> No.8972020

Keep telling that to yourself baguette.

>> No.8972030

If a girl really likes you she'll just blindly imitate you in whatever you do anyway. Changing your tastes and habits to appeal to women is stupid.

>> No.8972054


>> No.8972056
File: 636 KB, 937x697, dithering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90s PC and arcade games used dithering often and those weren't for composite signals. Pic related, an arcade game that uses dithering to fake transparency just like the Saturn did. Whichever you find more convincing is a personal matter.
The only real outlier are some Genesis games, like Sonic as you said. Vertical line dithering was exclusive to the Genesis because a lot of its models had such horrendous composite encoding they could count on it blending together.

>> No.8972064

Saturn 3D games aren’t arcade accurate, they were degraded in certain areas so the Saturn was capable of running them
That there is the Saturn version

>> No.8972089

No, that screencap is from the Arcade version.


>> No.8972159
File: 42 KB, 400x500, 1654213651459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm somewhat autistic about video signal purity, but I understand that most everyone in NTSC countries, myself included, grew up with RF or Composite. I think it's okay to play whatever you want, however you want to. :)

>> No.8972164

That's an arcade game that uses home console hardware.

>> No.8972216
File: 699 KB, 1258x598, wingwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me there, OP bringing up the Saturn got me thinking of that game. Something like this is probably a better example. By the time the Saturn actually came out, high-end arcade machines didn't need to "fake" transparency.

>> No.8972229

>video quality
RF is how I played back in the day, it's the REAL way to experience vidya

>> No.8972289

its not that youre making it "too good"
composite blending wont happen if you dont use composite anon

>> No.8972296

anon i literally said i didnt change
i dont sperg my power level or post my setup on social media
most people have no idea i play vidya

if i was married to someone and she had a legitimate reason to repurpose the gameroom for something else i would consider selling though

>> No.8972382

>i would consider selling
your wife

>> No.8972427

Someone invites you to see a shadow play where they make rabbits crocodiles and other delightful scenes with their hand's shadow projecting onto a sheet. Seething with rage you demand to stand beside the sheet and see the hand. You watch the hand stupidly twisting into meaningless shapes. You are satisfied that you're getting the Real Thing. Everyone hopes that you die soon

>> No.8972432

Right: SOVL
left: soulles

>> No.8972473

hecking wholesome

>> No.8972509

The PC Engine has poorer colours in RGB.
They would look better in Composite.
Too bad the only emulator that has the Composite colour palette is the MiSTer FPGA but there are no real hardware solutions for this.
The NES definitely looks better in Composite.
Almost everything else looks better in RGB.

>> No.8972527

This. CRTs are only really important for playing original hardware without input lag, other than that it doesnt matter.

>> No.8972536

this, based and fpbp

I don't fucking give a fuck about mUh cRt mUh pIxElS mUh sHaDeRs bullshit, it's all just minor graphical shit that has no bearing on the actual game
fucking sonyfags obsessing over graphics because movie-games are all they know

>> No.8972559

If someone was going to install the RGB mod for N64 (I think it’s an amplifier gives a cleaner image) what is the cables or device needed to gain the benefits? Retrotink + n64 scart?

>> No.8972560
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>> No.8972589
File: 2.82 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220601_043923963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy an OSSC or any retrotink2x adapter that outputs HDMI and then get a lagless HDMI to VGA adapter (those are simple and cheap).

Easy peasy. That's what I do. OSSC as a line doubler and then from there to the VGA monitor.

>> No.8972606

>there are no real hardware solutions for this
there's gotta be some nerds working on this

>> No.8972621

>there are no real hardware solutions for this
what do you think the TerraOnion product does

>> No.8972646

>$130 - $200

>> No.8972651

But it's only for HDMI.
I would prefer it for analogue RGB so I can play it on a CRT.

>> No.8972658

What the hell are you thinking with this? This is a high-res PC monitor not a tv. This is not what the video was meant to go through. You are looking at big square pixels like some moron, you might as well be going ooh, ahh at source code scrolling along

>> No.8972660


>> No.8972662

It literally is both Din and HDMI
I can play with composite, SCART RGB or HDMI

>> No.8972797

It really does look very bad. Is that even a CRT?

>> No.8972798

What do you mean I'm not helping?

>> No.8972803

>makes crt fags seethe
>makes emulationfags seethe
>makes anti-crt shitposters seethe

eventually this breakaway anon will have a cult-like following of people copying this ridiculous setup

although i will confirm the vga>hdmi adapters are lagless as theyre perfect for arcade shit off the jamma edge

>> No.8972808
File: 2.11 MB, 2348x2028, PXL_20220602_022727560.MP~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Gateway VX750. Here is a closeup shot of the monitor.

>> No.8972812

Playing around with emulators and I realised I'm not a fan of shaders. There's some element that's missed, I dunno what it is exactly. It might be the glass you get from a television screen. But I never feel like I'm looking at an old crt, I feel like I'm looking at a picture of one

>> No.8972825
File: 40 KB, 640x640, 1643982581030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I personally just use S-Video because it was the same cable WWE Superstar Chris Benoit used to tie up his wife Nancy Benoit.

>> No.8973142

A terasecond is a trillion seconds, anon. 40k frames per terasecond would be roughly one frame per every 290 days, or the average frame rate of a PS3 game.

>> No.8973169
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>> No.8973183
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>> No.8973193


>> No.8973216

lookin' good
that filtered grass pattern is actually kinda cool

>> No.8973219

All it's missing is stretching to widescreen.

>> No.8973371

I can't stand composite over 480i, too much fucking dot-crawl. Fuck the Dreamcast for not supporting component.

>> No.8973506

who gives a shit about that?

>> No.8973547

Better off using a GBS-C for this purpose

>> No.8973575

How come, specifically? I'm curious.

>> No.8973576

I once played Atari like this back in the 80s in a tiny portable TV.
It sucked.

>> No.8973581

Best post.

>> No.8973584

Don’t bother.

>> No.8973707

I feel like it's all very highly dependent. A lot of times composite was what the devs fully intended you to use. Some consoles have okay composite output. Some consoles like the genesis have dogshit composite out, but a lot of devs fully intended you to use it, making extensive use of dithering to cover up a limited color palette. The Saturn also benefits from using composite, since dithering was used to make up for the fact most devs couldn't figure out how to make shadows.
I feel this wave has caught on by a combination of knowing some games benefit from lower quality av out, and the fact that a lot of people don't want to spend 50$ a pop on quality cables, then worry about their upscaler, and can't forgot consoles like the N64 that need a hardmod to get RGB out. I get component out of all my stuff because I enjoy it quite a bit, but I can understand some people not feeling like spending the price of the consoles they bought on their AV solution. Take the genesis, an HD retrovision cable costs ~50 some odd dollars then you need either a CRT with component input (which gets rarer by the day), or an GBS-C/OSSC/retrotink for another 50-100-300$ depending on the model.

>> No.8973710

Just use RGB2COMP if you want that

>> No.8973884
File: 28 KB, 280x204, 802536-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at Target right now motherfucker. Where's Tim and his CRT collection?

>> No.8974023

This thread isn't about Emulation vs CRT this analogy makes no sense

>> No.8974494

It’s more about pushing to get the purest signal possible and being able to see the sprites clearer when they were probably designed with the intent that they’d be blurry and the dithers would blend into new colors not possible on the hardware.
Do you want to see colors that don’t exist or do you want to see the cross hatch

>> No.8974605

Any CRT monitor in the world outputs 480p and it looks good with its tiny scanlines and sharp as shit but that is the point, why spend on some obnoxiously expensive RGB enabled tv when you get similar results on any bargain bin monitor with line doubling? The moment you decide to ditch composite anything goes if you want sharp and lag free output

>> No.8974615

What the fuck are you blabbering about?
The truth? Lol

>> No.8974630

proper viewing distance and aspect ratio are the most important.
Even "share pixels" will blend at couch playing distance.

>> No.8974702

Again, dithering was used on PC/arcade games. For most people the effect still works as long as you're not pressing your face up to the monitor. For console games its even better as you're sitting farther back from the screen. The only real notable exception were Mega Drive games due to its composite quality being especially shit.

>> No.8974726

There are different kinds of dithering anon

>> No.8974764

Yes I know, that's why I brought up the Mega Drive. It was unique in using vertical line dithering. But cross-hatch patterns weren't rare on arcades/PCs.

>> No.8974909

Generation that grew up on fuzzy shit wants to have crisper images
Generation that grew up on crisper shit wants to have fuzzier images
what a surprise

>> No.8975064
File: 45 KB, 1440x960, Sonic Advance 3-220526-003125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's all worth it for that moment where you get to see a waterfall as a single transparent object rather than a series of single opaque lines.

>> No.8975125

I wish people would stop using blanket statements because you think everyone is like you

>> No.8975134

I got some good scores in Centipede on that rig, but yeah it's not ideal, just fun for a lark.

>> No.8975137
File: 3 KB, 225x224, kermit_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking font

Filterfags are mentally ill

Its a GBA game ffs, the graphics were authored to be sharp

>> No.8975164


>> No.8976908
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1017, snes9x-x64 2022-06-03 23-36-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8976930

Composite can eat it, S-Video or bust.

>> No.8976960

Blargg composite, Crt-Guest-advanced-hires with Mask 10, interlace 4 and stagger 2.
also reshade luma sharpening, hdr and fxaa in said load order.

it pretty much feels like a PC port if nintendo had kept the policy back in the 90's
Smooth but Sharp at the same time.

>> No.8977004
File: 3.35 MB, 3264x2448, 1633379237561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it feels good to play as the devs originally intended.

>> No.8977021

I don't like how CRT shaders darken the image and mute all the colors.

I don't remember my TV ever having that much darkness and muted color wise.

Honestly I have gotten so used to raw pixels I prefer the emulated raw pixel look now, it has it's own charm.

>> No.8977038

raw pixels looks like shit
even atari games had its own look under CRT with RF and Composite.

>> No.8977045

I'm so glad I'm not a CRTranny
My mister, ossc and GBSC go into my 1440p monitor and look amazing

>> No.8977050
File: 142 KB, 500x500, artworks-000105438463-wrlx6r-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They honestly look better than shaders. Either get a real TV or just deal with raw pixels. And raw pixels look absolutely fine, I literally don't understand why raw pixels drive spergs absolutely insane. I have more fond memories of emulating SNES games in 2005 in raw pixels than I ever do of playing them as a kid on original hard ware.

Maybe its all just context, it's whatever you are nostalgic for is what looks better.

>> No.8977052

A lot of good shaders can compensate for the darkness (and even go too much in the opposite direction). Not so much with NTSC shaders though, with those you're expected to crank up the brightness of your monitor to compensate.
It's why a lot of those CRT shader dickwaving threads are retarded, a direct screenshot isn't gonna capture how it actually looks.

>> No.8977065

Nah, fuck real old tv's
they all die to good ol thunderstorms and rust, ni matter how many times you try to fix it.

>> No.8977085
File: 1.07 MB, 1536x914, zelda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it traces back to backlash over indie games, which are very much influenced by the raw pixel look. Notice how a lot of these comparisons have sideswipes at indie devs.

>> No.8977153

And ultimately it just boils down to people obsessed over graphics looking like whining idiots, poisoning the well for people to actually critically addressing indie game's shortcomings.

>> No.8977194

no, scaled nearest neighbor pixels look bad full screen and make it look more cluttered.
the good scanline ones, you forget are there and looks 'normal' without the clutter that scaled squares cause.
Nearest neighbor looks fine up to 3x but beyond it breaks down.

>> No.8977314

>Nearest neighbor looks fine up to 3x but beyond it breaks down.
Probably helps explains why admiration for CRTs as art has gotten increasingly popular. Monitor sizes have gotten bigger and bigger which isn't real flattering to the raw pixel look. If you were emulating in 2005 you were probably doing it on a 720p monitor with bilinear filtering enabled by default without you even realizing.

>> No.8977378

it would be fine if you would pretend to plug the RF adapter all the way in

>> No.8977425

People hopefully realized that the graphics pre-HD were designed with CRTs in mind. Low res shit doesn't look that bad on CRTs because they took into account how lo-fi the image would be and worked with it; DK looks better on the right because the CRT hides the jagged edges.

>> No.8978559
File: 1.11 MB, 1495x1120, Donkey Kong Country (USA) (Rev 2)-220208-212004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8978772

It only looks alright because of how zoomed in it is
RF is definitely not good looking on an actual CRT and that’s not mentioning audio

>> No.8978781

Rf was gay as fuck in the 90s and it's gay as fuck now.

>> No.8978883

there is the fact that the sprite ACTUALLY looks 3d, while left is easy to notice the pixels by a mile.

also many tv's in japan even by the 90's used RF since the damn thing's were reliable until a better replacement had arrived

>> No.8979058

The pixels' colors (i.e. 'this one is rgb 0,0,0') were never meant to be seen themselves. They were meant to add that colored light to that area of the screen, which even if the squares are large enough to see, still bleeds into the area around (if bright) and creates a shading effect. >>8970409
There is an asymmetry in effect of bright vs dark pixels

>> No.8979078

Why did you say raw pixels look fine but include a good looking pic which is composite smeared, dithered scanlines, the whole caboose

>> No.8979154


>> No.8979167

that's from a boxart cover, not an in-game screenshot

>> No.8979248
File: 2.73 MB, 1440x1080, 3ab59a5cf79676fd7112e59b03840a50efe01613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shaders are so cool

>> No.8979252
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>> No.8979256
File: 2.40 MB, 1440x1080, 694b7eaa322426bc149bd6a480e1c6395d0eacce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8979316

Anyone else notice that the distinctly different-colored pink mouth is a way less distinguishable color on the right? It's hard even on close looking to see it as different color from the tie, and doesn't seem that far off from the fur's color. On the left, you can see that these colors aren't supposed to be close to each other.

>> No.8979773

That’s because RF fucks up reds hard

>> No.8981818

>The PC Engine has poorer colours in RGB
How does that work?

>> No.8982449

The internal PPU of the PC Engine has a colour correction filter in Composite.
The console is only capable of RGB either through mods or an expansion similar to the PCE-CD.
Unfortunately, the colour correction filter only applies to the Composite and RF out, not the RGB mods.
The only exception is the Super HD System 3.

>> No.8982682
File: 362 KB, 640x480, n64 bowling game looks good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing i don't like about composite is how it fucks the colors and causes that rainbow effect + a fuzzyness, would having an rgb modded console with its cleanup of the visuals at least mitigate this? I've been genuinely reconsidering the RGB thing for everything pre 6th gen given so many games rely on composite+scanlines to get the intended visual effects.

>> No.8982693
File: 91 KB, 520x509, scanline-lcd-pixel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picrel:what nearly convinced me on sight
cant find my og so bear with the twitter screen

>> No.8982728 [DELETED] 

Put capacitors of suitable value in the RGB lines as low pass filters and you can get the fuzzyfuzz without colour artefacts.

>> No.8982770

could you go into this in more detail? and links if youve got any
knowing you deleted this reply anyway

>> No.8982794
File: 158 KB, 2002x1000, These-Sonic-Shoes-Have-Been-Disappeared-From-the-Fila-website.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a lot of it is just current trends. In a few years when stuff like Wii and 360 become retro people will stop caring about CRT's and early HDTV's will be the new thing. Not 4K, just specifically early HDTV's

Discussions over 360 vs PS3 will return, weeb stuff on all three platforms will skyrocket in price (I'm certain some of it already has), and 16-bit/32-bit/64-bit will be seen as antiquated

>> No.8982797

good thing i genuinely do not care for anything post 6th gen, 7th was the end and onward is a rotting corpse.

>> No.8982847
File: 23 KB, 1221x376, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think retrorgb caused a wave of RGB evangelism, which then caused the RF/composite crowd to push back and be more vocal.

>> No.8982887

I dunno, I think bob appreciates everything, at least now, he recently did a stream to show off the Mister output S-video and composite

>> No.8982940

>shitty gif from some 90s geocities website

>> No.8984162

>retards started pushing it because the ol "youtuber/website/podcast said so"
have i said how much i hate youtubers and podcasters that much?

>> No.8984221

If there are podcasts that talk about crts and retro gaming, I'd love you to point me in their direction

>> No.8984873

the crt in that pic must be incredibly shitty because rf is way more better than that

>> No.8986685

>lips and teeth
I can't believe people follow this fucking idiot. Social media is such a wank. Autists in /crt/ have been jacking off over CRT screenshots since 2013/2014 but some weasel comes along and gets his dick sucked for a bunch of dishonest and baseless comparison shots.

>> No.8986696
File: 65 KB, 722x349, 1424549222800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not Bob's fault, he's proven that's he's not fussed either way. Just wants to guide people to get a better experience if they want. It's all the hypster thumbnail faggots over the years like Linus with the "YOU NEED THIS" mentality that causes zoomers to rush straight to Ebay and overpay scalpers thus fucking the market. I bought my pvms in 2013 for dirt cheap because that's when they were still considered dumpster shit that you couldn't even pay someone to take off your hands. ANY crt was just viewed by that. I even talked to ex video production guys, ex CRT repairmen, and they were not fussed at all for selling me something that was sitting in a shed/attic for 10+ years for peanuts.

It's ALWAYS the ecelebs like Linus, the absolute insufferable shill-types that overhype and sensationalize things for their own benefit which have the sway to fuck and entire market in a matter of days now.

>> No.8986719

Yeah, but arcades still had problems with alpha transparency, so they used dithering. Sure the arcades were more powerful, but the technology was similar.

>> No.8986748

Hah, instead you are an LEDegenerate.

>> No.8986764

I'm pretty sure that was a sarcastic post

>> No.8987380

To be clear I didn't mean retrorgb is bad or encouraging people to act a certain way. It puts the information out there, and what other people do with that info can potentionally be aggressive or annoying.