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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 496 KB, 800x562, controllers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8964651 No.8964651 [Reply] [Original]

for the hundredth time, for those who emulate, what is your controller set up?
DO you have one controller for everything or do you try to use separate controllers to remain as authentic as possible?

>> No.8964656

I just use a dualshock 4. covers pretty much all bases.

>> No.8964659

I play with keyboard just fine thank you

>> No.8964667 [DELETED] 

>lowest input lag
>symmetrical sticks with smooth consistent motion, much better stick consistency than Xbox or Nintendo controllers
>fits comfortably in your hands
>nice, beefy d-pad for large hands and in the optimal position
>tons of input options for rebinding with touchpad, swiping, gyro, and even the mic button (which can be bound as a normal button in Steam Config)
>DS4Windows or Steam Config for a huge amount of customization, profiles and easy switching, gyro support, turbo, macros, etc
literally the perfect controller

>> No.8964680

I also have a fight stick for arcade games because it's really fun to use.

>> No.8964682

used to use keyboard for years but i got sick of it so an xbox series x controller, it's pretty solid
dpad may take some gettin used to coming off regular ones but when you do i'd say it's even better than regular ones, you can just keep it centered and press in the general direction rather than hold the direction down

>> No.8964687

I use a hori ps1 controller with an adapter n my pc but I'd like to get something wireless to use with my pi plugged into the tv.

>> No.8964703
File: 120 KB, 1200x800, DSCF7480.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, because my gargantuan hands cramp up really easily with smaller retro-sized controllers. I have an Xbox controller as well but the D-pad on that is isn't as comfortable to use as this. I've been recently playing Link To The Past with it and it's surprisingly nice to not be permanently pushing down direction buttons.

>> No.8964714

>those who emulate
Is this like "people of color" for /vr/?

>> No.8964729

No it's the handicapable of /vr/

>> No.8964731
File: 1.63 MB, 2016x1512, Oooo_spooky_its_a_ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to find the most appropriate controller to the game I am playing. Driving games for instance play better with d-pads, but I like the feel of using a wheel and pedals for most of those titles. You may be more accurate with your thumbs for dancing games, but the experience is better for me on a dance pad.

Where do you find cheap replica Xbox One controllers? I can only find the stock ones.

>> No.8964732

Series X controller and a Hori RAP N.

>> No.8964742

>Where do you find cheap replica Xbox One controllers? I can only find the stock ones.
The stock ones are cheap replicas of real controllers anyway.

>> No.8964761

growing up I used somthing similar to top right. I kind of liked as an all- in one controller. was cheap as hell

tried to use an imitation snes controller but the d pad sucks. I use a Xbox Series S controller and it's probably the best - even used the elite but Id say the S is better.
just my opinion but the N6 controller is the worst controller ever made by man.

>> No.8964764

How much does Sony pay you guys?

>> No.8964765

compared to what? the Duke? the duke was ass and the 360 controller is just a prototype One controller

>> No.8964768

i use wasd/ijkl and hq2x on retroarch

>> No.8964824

I use a Retrobit wired Saturn pad for Sega games and a few other systems, USB SNES controller for most other others, and a Dualshock 3 for anything that needs analogue sticks.

>> No.8964889

f710. simple as.

>> No.8965006

NES pad with adaptor

PSX pad (non dualshock) with adaptor

I don't use analog often but when I don't, PS2 is sufficient, with the same adaptor

the chinese PSX adaptor suffers from slight input lag however. The NES USB adaptor I got from retrousb is perfect though

>> No.8965008

No I'm just trying to tell the HW/coomlectorfags to not shit the thread up because they weren't invited

>> No.8965013

based and if it ain't broke don't fix it pilled

>> No.8965123
File: 69 KB, 800x800, F75248E2-D738-4B0C-8A53-3F0A97A9FC90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8965152

I heard you could push the dpad in on these things.

>> No.8965721

Logitech F310 for everything that doesn't warrant a flight sick or steering wheel. It's so damn flexible with it being able to switch between DI and XI. The same controller I play NFS2 with I also play NFS Heat with. No wrappers or weird drivers, just plug and play.

>> No.8965725

this one and the 8Bitdo Pro 2 just work with everything I throw them at

>> No.8965737

8bitdo m30 for most old games (anything that doesn't require an analog stick)
XBOne for the rest

>> No.8965738

Top right and keyboard. Also a mayflash gamecube controller adapter for melee.

>> No.8965753

I know I'm just taking the piss friend

>> No.8965786

8bitdo M30 for most things

If it's something that requires an analogue stick then a Pro2

>> No.8965920
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>> No.8965953

anonkun youre gonna need a few different ones
i hate to seem autistic but you're gonna need:

a 2 button controller with dpad
a sega 6 button pad with dpad
dualshock and usb adapter
n64 (several as they wear out) with usb adapter
snes remotes

and potentially a quality arcade stick

emu fags always brag about how free it is but the controllers are sometimes the most expensive shit

>> No.8965954

>dpad placement
>stick placement

maybe im an oldfag i couldn't even beat cuphead with xbone shit controllers

>> No.8965957

>i tried to break it on purpose and it broke

maybe don't do that

>> No.8966127

but you really don't need all that. anything dualshock style works for literally everything.

>> No.8966164

I have one of those 8bitdo things that looks like a SNES pad but with handlebars.

>> No.8966209

>a 2 button controller with dpad
explain to me why I'd need this in addition to a SNES/SEGA style?
>a sega 6 button pad with dpad
Sega has like 5 games worth playing and none of them need the 6 button layout.
>dualshock and usb adapter
Just get a PS3 controller if you want that autistic and completely non-ergonomic feel
>n64 with a usb adapter
ok this I completely understand
>snes remotes
>and potentially a quality arcade stick
Top priority

>emu fags always brag about how free it is but the controllers are sometimes the most expensive shit
No matter how much you spend on a controller, it's still much cheaper than that controller + hw + games etc.

So far from what I can tell there's really only a need for 3 controllers:
1 - dpad with four buttons which cover 2d era from the sega saturn and below
2 - analogue controller to cover 3d era from PSX above
3 - arcade stick (obviously)

If you're max autistic, get an N64 controller but half the time I've played those games with an F310 and never really cared. But it's really just not the same.
I think in a perfect world you'd just own the controller for whatever you're emulating (with the exception of using a single dualshock3 for all sonys) but I kinda want to streamline it.

>> No.8966213

Is there such thing as a Bluetooth controller that is easy to switch between platforms? I do emu on Android and PC. But I also have a BT adapter, OPL and a beat to hell PS3 controller on my PS2. I guess there is no silver bullet. But it would be neat to switch between devices easily.

>> No.8966230

I have a DDR pad I use for some inputs, and I squat on top of a joystick also and use my body to shift the stick around. I know it sounds dumb but k have full control. I have a cockring I use during this which senses me flexing which also uses blue tooth to send an input to my PC. The best part is I can play most games entirely hands free like tjis

>> No.8966261

I like having a bunch of different controllers. I try to be as frugal as possible, and they aren't that expensive so I like buying them.

>> No.8966271

how much is 8bitdo paying you guys?

>> No.8966275

40 year old here. I use a mayflash stick for most gen iii/iv games, and a DS4 for gen v and later

>> No.8966327

you don't understand they have my family

>> No.8966331

anon no

imagine nes and pc engine like this
horrible, sega also

why do you hate gaming?

>> No.8966420

arcade stick
buffalo snes style pad
8bitdo m30
dualshock 4

>> No.8966486
File: 1.57 MB, 1200x5615, ogre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post hands

>> No.8966514

I can’t get my hand I’m the frame it takes up too much space I’m using speech to text right now because I can’t hit the keys

>> No.8966526

No point in having controller threads on /vr/.
After a couple tens of thousands of those in here, the only conclusion possible is people have way, WAY different tastes when it comes to that.
Just go with what you think feels right

>> No.8966550

I have a dual shock 3 and a 4. They both still work, I use the 3 more because I like the d-pad and the 4 for when I play with friends.

>> No.8966553

>buy drifting ps4 controller for pennies
>solder on new sticks
>never need anything else

>> No.8966613

how about go with the appropriate one?

what the fuck how is this shit even up for debate?!

>> No.8966620

i really dont understand the 8shitdo shills

their quality has gone up somewhat since the bluetooth only days but i still would rather use almost anything else

not to mention most of their controllers have extra non-canon buttons and sticks

>> No.8966625

i only play on real hardware
i use a sega astro city mini arcade stick with sanwa for all the arcade pcb i cant afford or find

>> No.8966635

Who's shilling 8bitdo?

>> No.8966660

That thread is a collection of newfags getting baited by someone who bought a fake hand at a disguise store

>> No.8966669

OP photo only has playstation 4 and xbone controllers the rest unusable garbage

literally proof it was a mistake

>> No.8966741

I use the Xbox One controller for everything except N64. You, more often than not, need a USB N64 controller for N64 games, there’s just no getting around it

>> No.8966746

if you're emulating, authenticity has gone out the window a long time ago retard. just use your xbox one controller on your 27' monitor and convince yourself you're having the real experience.

>> No.8966770 [DELETED] 

seethe and cope coomlector

>> No.8966773 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 320x240, 1648326733576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8967004

You could ask this shit of almost everyone in the thread, anything anyone said that's still in production has some company behind it.

>> No.8967013

Can you recommend me a good chink n64 usb controller that won't break after one week usage? Buying the official one for Switch on Nintendo Store is not an option for me.

>> No.8967023

>he thinks people are shilling real hardware from the 80s

>> No.8967026

>tried to use an imitation snes controller but the d pad sucks
This. Nintendo controllers are really awful. I play NES games with a Genesis controller.

>> No.8967030

top tier
this is the one I keep coming back to
it just feels so fucking good in the hands

>> No.8967032

>anything anyone said that's still in production
>that's still in production
Are you illiterate?

>> No.8967060

i have the wireless version of this
can recommend the saturn version as well
the dpads WILL break eventually (take it apart and see the retarded design for yourself)

they're cheap enough to make me not give a shit though i've bought 3 so far

>> No.8967196

I was using a DS4 for everything, but I now I use a DualSense

>> No.8967221
File: 14 KB, 320x240, 07E2E3ED-6EF8-4688-B949-1ACA0AE6B59F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fight is over, we lost

>> No.8967302
File: 64 KB, 1200x639, dual-analog-saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most games
Retro-bit's Saturn controller
>Games that require analog and/or additional buttons
>Arcade-style games (e.g fighters, shmups)
Custom arcade stick

I'm still holding out for Retro-bit to release a dual-analog Saturn controller someday to use instead of the dualsense, but I don't know if it'll ever happen. It's been delayed for a number of years at this point, the latest update as far as I can tell was September 2021 saying they're working on it but it's delayed further due to covid. I would post a link but it's on Facebook and Facebook links are blocked here.

>> No.8967328
File: 186 KB, 1156x867, 20220601_214610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you have a controller that is literally perfect for you i see nothing wrong with owning an 8bitdo. the build quality is good, theyre comfortable at least for me, they play everything i want them to. im just as happy to play snes on this as much as a ps2 game, i honestly don't see whats wrong with them

sure you can argue a dualsense is better, but it is worth paying more than 300% the price of an sn30 pro when im happy with an sn30 pro? to me the answer is no

>> No.8967408 [DELETED] 

crossdresser detected

>> No.8967438

As an aside to this anon's comments, I never understood the complaints people had about the 64 controller, because I always found it perfectly comfortable to just put one hand on each side of the controller and reach the analog stick with my left thumb and Z button with my left middle finger. Even as a kid with smaller hands I adopted that posture. I suggest anons try it sometime, it plays out same as normal for D-Pad games but you can easily move to analog once you have your posture setup that way, and for analog games it is comfy as fuck, one of the best controllers by far. If you find the left middle finger is awkward for the trigger (I don't, as a southpaw I find the dexterity just fine) then you can easily reach it with the right middle finger for the same effect (meaning left thumb d pad and stick, right thumb a/b and c pad, left index finger L, right index finger R, left or right middle finger Z).
The only people who complain about the triwing controller are handlets, there is no other explanation.

>> No.8967454

Yeah my current setup is the same as you are describing. I want that dual analog saturn controller so bad.

>> No.8967489

Is it a licensing issue or something? Or just lack of interest in the controller overall?
I can't imagine it would be too hard to "just" add a couple buttons into the sn30 pro guts and slap them into a different mold.

>> No.8967516

I have a switch SNES pad for most games, and if I need joysticks I'll use the switch pro controller instead

>> No.8967531

still a good read

>> No.8967556 [DELETED] 

Which YouTuber did you get this identikit opinion from? My Life In Reddit? Reddit Jesus Rocks? Reddit Sack?

>> No.8967691 [DELETED] 

If they make retards like this seethe so much I have to assume the controllers are good.

>> No.8967705

I use a retrobit Saturn controller for Sega cores, sometimes use it for NES/SNES stuff too but I really like the dpad on the series x controller so I will use that sometimes too. Ps4 for Sony cores and I fucking hate it. What kind of controller needs fucking tape to stop a massive light from reflecting on your tv.

>> No.8967734 [DELETED] 

dont be an asshole
gamesack is above that type of scrutiny fuckwad

>> No.8967747 [DELETED] 

We have our answer.

>> No.8967765 [DELETED] 

You're allowed to like things reddit likes you fucking autist

>> No.8967772 [DELETED] 

i literally searched 'controller' in aliexpress and thought it looked good, so i ordered one, it came in, and i use it. i really dont have a particular agenda about using a controller other than it working for me

>> No.8967802 [DELETED] 


its like saying tomato sauce sucks because it has vegetables in it, if you think gamesack is the same as metal jesus and my life in gaming then you are clinically retarded.

- dave

>> No.8967804

>Where do you find cheap replica Xbox One controllers? I can only find the stock ones.
360 controllers are like that I guess?

>> No.8967815 [DELETED] 

It's a marketing guy, paid to make these spots He's in every thread, it's become very obvious.

Wouldn't be surprised if he was the OP of some of these threads just so he can shill his shit a few posts down

>> No.8967862

The layout is fine, like you say, complaints about that were always an epic internet meme.
the controller is shit for a completely different reason, it's extremely cheap and shoddy.

>> No.8967878 [DELETED] 

really i've barely posted here. im not here to convince people to buy them, im just posting my opinion because i am bored

in all honesty why does anyone in this thread think it is so hard to believe that someone buys a controller from this brand and enjoys it? did 8bitdo kidnap your siblings or something? i dont get paid to shill 8bitdo on 4chan thats just tinfoil shit

also I cant post threads, if i do it says IP abuse or some shit, but i can post normally. i genuinely have no idea why it does this but the times ive tried to start a thread on a blue board it doesnt let me post

>> No.8968750

OP here, I've really been looking at that retrobit 2.4ghz saturn controller. I really like the look of it and the idea that it's an officially licensed product. However I've never used a saturn controller so I don't know how well I'd like it.
That dual analogue 4 trigger version looks real cool. Is that a prototype or does it actually exist?

>> No.8968758 [DELETED] 

/vr/ is such a niche board and so small compared to other retro gaming communities I honestly doubt there would be active shills here instead of the usual trolls

>> No.8968771

Xbox Series X
that snappy dpad is hard to beat.

>> No.8969007
File: 34 KB, 1265x406, Bear paw Gamecube six buttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamecube with the bear paw 6 face button array and 2 shoulders.

Janny can't ban everyone. Off topic my arse.

>> No.8969047

For 2D games i use a Fighting Commander, for games that use an analog stick i use a PowerA wired Xbox 360 controller

>> No.8969119
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, retrobit saturn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use ps2 controllers for everything.
they've been around long enough that repairing them is easy. they all break in the same way and parts are easy to buy in bulk.
also due to wired you never have to worry about batteries nor charging.

the only downside is that some systems feel meh on ps2 pad. n64, pce, saturn and some genesis games.
i'm assuming a shitload of retro gamers are waiting on pic related

>> No.8969131

I use either my fightstick or keyboard. Real hardware's the only way to go authentic and I say this as a diehard emufag.

>> No.8969132

i like to use the same or similar controller that the game was originally made for, but both the genesis and snes controllers are great for 8 and 16 bit stuff

>> No.8969153

Came here to say this, I use a DualShock 4 with SCPToolKit. I've tried most of the recommended alternatives like 8bitdo which I experienced a torn membrane on the shoulder buttons with after only a few dozen hours of play. The analogues are also not very accurate. Decent enough pad if your better ones fail or you can't use them for whatever reason but I'll probably never buy another 8bitdo anything ever again.

That Logitech on the top right of OP pic is garbage. Got one for £20, regret it. Utter shit, can't even bear to keep it around let alone use it.

>> No.8969156

This thing needs to be released to the general consumer public, I'd buy one right away.

>> No.8969157
File: 840 KB, 1760x1836, Prototype 5394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must get used to the idea that this may never exist. especially in the perfect form that everybody wants.

>> No.8969160

Hori Fighting Commander for D-pad games.
Hori Pro Controller for Series X for analog stick games.
Mayflash F500 V2 modded with Seimitsu LS-32 + PS-14-G for arcade stick games.

Next possible purchase: light gun.

>> No.8969168

>six face buttons
>sticks in the correct place
damn assuming the build quality is decent that looks perfect
Is retrobit usually pretty good about QC?

>> No.8969205

You ain't gonna pass with a hand THAT thick.

>> No.8969230 [DELETED] 


S O y coomlector and his male order bride.

>> No.8969260

Needs a proper cable, not some usb interface lag factory. Just open it up when you need a replacement. Which if you take care of it, should be hardly ever.

Man, tranny controllers were the death of good times.

>> No.8969328

Of course, I wouldn't disagree with that. I just don't understand how people with adult sized hands have issues holding it, the middle wing seems to me like it was there for small handed children to be able to reach the analog and trigger easier.

>> No.8969367

this is what will happen to gaming if furries win

>> No.8969484

>Rainbow colors
>Furfag symbol

Why is Nintendo like this?

>> No.8969682

When I stop being a cheap fuck I'll get a 64 controller, I just use and Xbox controller for everything right now

>> No.8970298

While we are at it... How is the mayflash f500? Whats the difference between the elite version? And the f300? They are pretty expensive for god knows what good they are.
I had the f100 ( i think) that i bought 10 years ago, and it didnt take long for some buttons to malfunction and the stick felt bad. I wanted to replace its parts but my cat peed on it without me knowing and when i wanted to check it after a while its insides were corroed.

>> No.8970305

>a cat intentionally destoyed something you love

ya not surprising
you probably have toxoplasmosis

>> No.8970347

In my experience no. Bought one of their 6 button wired Genesis controllers and the 6 button mode straight up didnt work.

>> No.8970351

>Is retrobit usually pretty good about QC?
No. I got two Saturn shape controllers from them and one is much better than the other.

>> No.8970352
File: 557 KB, 2000x2000, 243203117_10159525312539588_7626657140643380410_n(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That dual analogue 4 trigger version looks real cool. Is that a prototype or does it actually exist?
Unfortunately just a prototype. Picrel is the latest design, from the September 2021 Facebook post mentioned.

>> No.8970354

i never had a problem besides them wearing out and needing to be replaced

just grab a couple at the same time and cycle them- theyre cheap enough to throw away when they break

>> No.8970356

The F500 is a top tier chassis and (now) PCB. The elite has Sanwa hardware rather than their stock, but if you plan on modding anyway (for different colour buttons or non Sanwa parts), the regular one saves some money paying for parts you're not going to use.

>> No.8970383

>making the analog sticks small to fit more into into the existing shape
I'd much rather they just have regular sized sticks that go slightly lower like >>8969119

I'll give it the benefit of the doubt though because I've been waiting too long to give up now, and maybe it'll look and feel better IRL

>> No.8971132

I'm not trying

also, my fingers are actually really slender, the controller is just small

>> No.8971138

why wouldn't you choose sanwa?
i got so fucking lazy after i switched
if its not a hair-trigger that will fire by accidentally touching i get uncomfortable

>> No.8971218
File: 2.06 MB, 1909x1285, Have_to_clean_top_row.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP pic has a lot of inexpensive alternatives. Like Buffalo Super Famicom controller or Hyperkin 6-button Genesis controller. I have seen a lot of "Doubleshocks" which look pretty close to PS4 controllers, but I just haven't been able to find the cheap alternatives that are very similar in look for Xbox One controller that OP has.

In Castlevania HD, when I was playing it, I realize the Series X controller does place the buttons even closer to the right stick. Since to dual Valmanway+1, I slide my thumb across the X/Y buttons, and I realize I bump up against the right stick a lot which makes my average sized hands feel really fat. It was not an issue I encountered back with 360 controllers, and it does not feel like it would be an issue with Xbox One controllers. They have varied the design, but not much was ever mentioned of these changes.

I liked the transforming D-pad controllers, but they all break from slight overusage. The D-pad on those would snap off at the stem. I kind of want to only gingerly use those now.

>> No.8971284

gamecube is the only console you would want a specific controller for, otherwise use a generic option as they all have similar layouts

>> No.8971290

none of them are even remotely similar

>> No.8971313

is this not released yet? its not on their website

>> No.8971350

There's other sticks which feel different and might be more to your taste (e.g. heavier throw, quicker engage, shorter throw distance in the various Japanese sticks, or the rubber grommet if you go Korean).
Seimitsu buttons feel nice and are a bit chunkier to press and they offer nice flat topped buttons which are pretty rare. There's Korean buttons that can take Cherry switches or custom switches too, though more expensive than Seimitsu/Sanwa normally.

>> No.8971360

Anyone else notice sluggish speed on analog diagonals in general? It's pretty consistent across controllers and emulators, I've used a 360, ds4, and an xbone on both dolphin and pcsx2. The left stick can usually be made tolerable but anything that relies heavily on the right stick is borderline unplayable.

>> No.8971445

I've dug up an old Wii U pro controller I've been using WiinUSoft to connect.
It works great for most things although I do find myself wanting specific controllers for some things like genesis.
And a wired because I prefer that. Until I figured I get better reception moving the bluetooth dongle to a port on the front I would sometimes get dropped inputs and that's no fun.

>> No.8971454

Chinese x360 controller as long as it holds up, DS4 if I need the gyro.
Probably buying a pair of 8bitdo ones once the x360 clone dies.

>> No.8971464
File: 477 KB, 1280x980, 253A9F55-6E8A-4488-9143-BD2A5A2C0D89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of how I used to use this until it broke.
I haven’t thrown it out for some reason so it’s just gotten extra grimy in storage

>> No.8971472

Putting the cat back in Madcatz I see.

>> No.8971515
File: 74 KB, 1500x1500, 613PXtnMmJL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you faggots say. This fucker has a great dpad.

>> No.8971714

See: >>8970352

I'm really baffled by what's taking them so long. They used covid as a convenient excuse, but it was delayed long before covid and now covid has settled down there's still no news of it being released anytime soon.

If I was 8bitdo I'd get working on one now because at the pace retro-bit are going 8bitdo would still get something released first. I always go for retrobit instead of 8bitdo but I'd buy from 8bitdo at this point because I'm tired of waiting.

>> No.8971731

>now covid has settled down there's still no news of it being released anytime soon.
i'm pretty sure the chinks are still in lockdown kek

>> No.8971748
File: 72 KB, 680x412, DxYv-z5UwAEOpMl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SUMMER 2019!

>> No.8971853
File: 112 KB, 1024x512, coming-soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It goes back further than that. The photos posted come from Gamescom 2018, so they've had physical versions they felt ready for the public from at least that early:

Not sure why they made a Genesis dual analog too. I've never heard of anyone who prefers the Genesis controller over the Saturn for any reason other than authentic/nostalgic feel when playing Genesis games, but once you add sticks and shoulder buttons to it then it no longer has that.

>> No.8972009

probably because in certain markets the Genesis/MegaDrive was much more popular and therefore remembered than the saturn

>> No.8972025

I use a mayflash f300 elite for arcade games, an xbox controller for most other games, and a genesis controller for genesis games. Playstation and snes use the similar kinds of button layouts so the xbox controller is a good substitute.

>> No.8973240

I just connect my xbox one controller to my android or pc with bluetooth and it works on all emulators I use. Occasionally I'll connect a device to a mini projector with hdmi or a usb-c to hdmi adapter. The cons are that it has to be in a dark room and android devices usually require samsung dex to work with the projector.

>> No.8973276

I've seen some people making a big deal of playing n64 games without the original pad. I played some games like mario 64, both zeldas and banjo kazoiee with an xbox 360 where the 2nd analog makes the function of the yellow buttons and i thought it was fine. So whats the deal? Its worth to buy a n64 usb chinkpad?

>> No.8973282

You did mod it with Sanwa parts didn't you anon?

>> No.8973525

I've decided to contact Retrobit directly about their dual analog Saturn controllers. I expect I'll get a very vague response back like "we're still working on it" but I'll post the response here whatever it is.

>> No.8974713

Does it have low latency? I think i saw a youtube video about arcade sticks and the dude was saying all this "cheap" arcade sticks were bad latency-wise, and was shilling some pcb to make your own stick.

>> No.8974782

Why? Almost all emulators support dinput already
Certain n64 games treated the c-buttons as actual buttons rather then just camera controls, which you can't really do on a second stick. Chink usb pads are more then fine though unless you're an autist.

>> No.8974876

People ask them on Twitter all the time, and they just reply with some canned bullshit like "we can't disclose anything specific, but we're still working on it" so I wouldn't get your hopes up.

>> No.8974931

8bitdo sn30 pro
i set up controller profiles independently for n64 titles

>> No.8974938

Can anyone recommend a good usb adapter for genesis controllers and for playstation controllers?

>> No.8975331

fuck 8bitdo
i have that nes thing in the op pic
it's trash

>> No.8975354

Didn't even get a "we're working on it". The response I got was:

>Hi there
>Thank you for your continued interest in our products.
>Unfortunately, we cannot share details about products currently in development by our teams.
>Any information and updates will be posted through our social media via IG/FB/Twitter @retrobitgaming as well as our website retro-bit.com

>> No.8975359

They're probably adding the trackpad, paddles & trackball...

>> No.8975368
File: 1.01 MB, 1536x2048, 1635952830773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the Lightgun, lol.

>> No.8975519

I've seen them respond in the past on social media with a "we're working on it". The fact they don't even do that now suggests to me that they've stopped for good and hope people will forget about it. I really don't get their reasoning, there's obviously a market for people who like the Saturn layout and d-pad the most but want to play modern games too.

>> No.8975539


>> No.8975604

I heard it was coming out in two more weeks.

>> No.8975643 [DELETED] 

Reddit Tech Tips, Reddit Evans and Reddit Therapy

>> No.8975698
File: 178 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600 (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a Sega Saturn, but I keep hearing they are some of the best pads around. Is that a common opinion and if so what is a good price for one?

>> No.8975765

what complete faggots

>> No.8975769

that thing looks so fucking cheap

>> No.8975859

>heres your controller bro

jesus what the fuck man

>> No.8975873

>"Is THIS the hidden prototype Playstation 64 controller?!!!" "Not clickbait totally real"

>> No.8975980

maybe they've run a cost analysis and they don't think they can make enough money or something? i dunno, i've seen a lot of support and desire for the controllers among other retro dorks so it seems like it would be profitable even as a limited or small run but that could be my own bias

>> No.8975985

you can poach a system with controllers in working order for less than $100

dont be autistic about the condition who fucking cares - get pseudosaturn and burn everythjng onto cdr

>> No.8975989

i really like the retrobit saturn controller i got but opinions seem to vary.

>> No.8976165

This one is great >>8971515

>> No.8976207

I'm not asking about the condition, I'm asking if the controllers are as good as people say they are.

>> No.8976337

I got a retrobit one for 12€ 2 months ago and so far works well. The dpad is the best i tried. But i think there is something wrong with the ergonomics: my left hand started to hurt a bit since 2 weeks ago.

>> No.8976617
File: 2.81 MB, 1723x1110, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 3 is all I'll ever need

>> No.8977075

Uh /vr/gins earlier in the thread said anyone who likes 8bitdo is a shill so uh you can't post that stop it

>> No.8977386
File: 1.11 MB, 4032x2268, DSC_0000_BURST20220604144558442_COVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a mister, along with raphnet adaptors and original controllers for whatever console I'm playing. The Wii 'classic controller' port to USB adapter has been the most useful thanks to the NES and snes mini controllers both working with it, plus I have the Wii neo geo stick which uses it as well, probably the best purchase I've made

The only exception is the m30 as it's genuinely the best Sega styled controller I've personally used

>> No.8977415
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>> No.8977424
File: 178 KB, 500x321, sidewinderDUALSTRIKE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice strawman

the thread is about which controllers to use

>> No.8977427

how do you like the rap adapters?
i thought about getting one for my wii-style controllers but its probably better that i dont thrash them

>> No.8977429
File: 134 KB, 758x427, image_2022-06-04_140157074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the 8bitdo m30 pad, it's so comfortable and it's easy to map on most emulators.

>> No.8977431

>neo button spacing and color

i hate the analog on the snes remote
the m30 is allegedly good but i cant buy 8shitdo after getting burned by their earlier bluetooth-only products

>> No.8977439

they're not just good, they're in the top 5 best of all time

the retrobit controllers are acceptable but the DPAD WILL BREAK (just buy another controller when this happens)

they're cheap enough to not give a shit
and the wireless ones they make come with usb and original hardware adapters +case

>> No.8977734

It's my favourite 2d controller by far and I've never owned Saturn

>> No.8978103

any advantage to this over retrobits saturn pad?

>> No.8978119

the shoulder buttons are more like normal buttons than the clicky ones you get on the Saturn pads and you might find it more comfortable as the shape is slightly different, and I think you're less likely to get a dud

>> No.8978765

ok 8bitdo shill

>> No.8978771


>> No.8979706

What the fuck happened to all of the OEM nintendo controllers on the market????

>> No.8979746

fags bought them all
this is why ive been hoarding for nearly a decade

when the real lockdown comes i wont give a shit

>> No.8979748

>the real lock down
What the FUUUUCK did he mean by this???

I bought a 64 controller recently and not only was the stick super floppy and loose, but all the screws were gone and replaced with shitty generic ones from Home Depot or something

>> No.8979749

not him but i will confirm it is nice in the hand- my friend has a couple; i only fuck with controllers that are oem or look 1:1 to oem

>> No.8979758

get from japan
they tend not to destroy their stuff
& resellers there usually actually have a conscience they won't ship a "junk item" if you pay mid-top dollar

i got three basically new n64 controllers like this off ebay

another alternative is hyperkins n64 controllers- theyre cheap enough to grab 3-4 at a time & basically perfect for most titles i still get autistic and switch back for challenging platforming segments though

>> No.8979784

How much should I expect to spend on a quality like new one?

>> No.8980918

funny thread to go through lol

>> No.8980946

New ps5 controller, job done

>> No.8980950

the dpad isnt the best but its still pretty good
id say its better than ps4 or ps3

>> No.8980954

its cheaper to get them with systems and resell the extra stuff you dont need anon

i paid about 120$ for a japan gold n64 with two decent controllers that matched

>> No.8981415

Right now I only have the Genesis and Saturn bluetooth controllers, ideally I'd like to have one for every platform I emulate, or 2.4ghz or USB

>> No.8981424

can't believe it's taken this long for another anon to point this out. fags on this site will believe anything

>> No.8981435

kind of a mixed bag, but both my 6 button genesis controllers work (usb and original plug) and so do both my saturn controllers (also usb and original plug)

>> No.8981452

epic facebook meme grandma