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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 172 KB, 800x1149, Grabbed-by-the-ghoulies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8964173 No.8964173 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf is this and why does it look...soulful?

>> No.8964196

It’s a game for the Xbox made by Rare. It says it right there in the image you posted.

>> No.8964197

This art style is the polar opposite of soul

>> No.8964203

It is way too long and the late game is hard by throwing in retarded restrictions. It is worth playing for a few hours but don't plan on finishing it.

>> No.8964205

How many Americans played this and didn't know ghoulies is slang for testicles?

>> No.8964212
File: 41 KB, 798x644, 0C6EBD8F-17C0-411C-8756-75947B0E193A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>britbong “humour”

>> No.8964216

The idea of some middle aged guy with bad teeth laughing to himself as he tell the suits at Microsoft the title for his new game over the phone is hilarious to me. You joyless faggot.

>> No.8964219

It's a beat 'em up, the story is that of an american kid who had a plastic surgery to look like an anime protagonist, and then he goes to a halloween party to kill everyone with a snooker cue.

>> No.8964225

Most of us. I managed to know this by virtue of having a parent from England. Also this game rules

>> No.8964320

Seems to be a very detailed digital paintover based on the in-game 3D models; it's pretty neat.

>> No.8964327

Lol don't waste your time on this. Laziest Rare game ever made and one of the laziest in general. It has no ideas. They thought of a funny name and then barely wrapped a "game" around it. It has no soul.

>> No.8964331

It's the definition of soul, at least for Xbox standards
When most of what they do is shitty realistic shooters this cover catches your attention immediately

>> No.8964375

Me, plus I first really knew about from Rare Replay.

>> No.8964382

This. Both Scotland and England rock.

>> No.8964401

Kameo is way worse

>> No.8964403

I don't know how you can be worse than a game with no real gameplay.

>walk down hallway with "jumpscares" cutscene
>flick stick toward enemies that don't really do anything

I didn't like Kameo either, but I don't remember how bad that one is.

>> No.8964431

It feels like a modern zx spic title. It has charm in that regard, even if not innovative.

>> No.8964457

Well Ghoulie is carried by atmosphere at least

>> No.8964494
File: 39 KB, 640x480, GrabbedByTheGhoulies07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, the colorful cel shading is a bit counterproductive for a "spooky" game. They could have kept the cartoony visual style while going for a high-contrast shading look like Viewtiful Joe

>> No.8964498

>Panty shot
They knew what they were doing

>> No.8964512

It’s the definition of a 6/10 game. The only decent Rare games from this era are Live and Reloaded and Kameo.

>> No.8964597

Doesn't it kinda look like Luigi's Mansion?

>> No.8964665
File: 474 KB, 496x767, F54A7C7A-AE74-44F5-983E-84E683A9B7AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of, but they tried to pull off the sort of awkward looking human character models that you see in early Pixar and Dreamworks movies.

>> No.8964686
File: 59 KB, 720x486, 23854-luigi-s-mansion-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original LM had a bolder lighting style. The combination of obviously cartoonish characters and locations with somewhat realistic lighting was the charm of that game

>> No.8964719

All of bongistan sucks including McGregorland

>> No.8965127

Why are Americans so hateful, lads? Nasty little specimens.

>> No.8965149

The game has vestigial soul left from the good days of rare. The game is boring but charming.

>> No.8965252

That pretty much sums it up

>> No.8965270

>When most of what they do is shitty realistic shooters
Name 10 shooters on OG xbox off the top of your head

>> No.8965440

I love that story on the Conker's Bad Furday commentary they tell about getting to Rare out of college and thinking how esteemed it will be working with professionals and the first thing they hear is the guy who inspired Beardy calling something a load of fucking shit

>> No.8966296

Halo 1&2
Cod 2&3
Battlefield 2
Time Splitters 2
Agent Under Fire
Splinter Cell
Medal of Honor
Land of the Dead
Shadow the Hedgehog (lol)

>> No.8966297

Anymore XBOX testicle Kino?

>> No.8967191

That game always looked dumb just based off the cover.

>> No.8967223

So you couldn’t do it.

>> No.8967272

Wales BTFO

>> No.8967386

Why is Xbox so boring

>> No.8967830
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, Rare Replay (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man of taste. Funny how you can't rescue them until post-game iirc.

>> No.8967834

Nabbed by the Nuts

>> No.8967872

>he says while spamming that cunting frog for the three thousandth time.

>> No.8967875

Why is your mom such a whore?

>> No.8968619

You find a box
You open it
There are no games in it

>> No.8968661

Nigga, you talkin' bout da PS triple.

>> No.8968730

big egos and weak spirits

>> No.8969127

I fucking hate the look of that kid a lot.

>> No.8970887
File: 203 KB, 653x720, 20220602_112933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8970902

Bagged by the ballsacks

>> No.8970946

Even among brits it's not common.

>> No.8970992

I'm Scottish and I didn't know

>> No.8972850

It's not a spooky game, it's meant to evoke Scooby Doo