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File: 723 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8943280 No.8943280 [Reply] [Original]

Well, on one hand I took a big hit to own these.

But it was $100 less than the next item up so...yay? Fucking retro parts, man.

>> No.8943315

Man it's amazing, I see the parts for sale for these shit prices, like 300€ for two with SLi cable.
Same time I'm selling a single card for 500€ and a machine that has two in SLI already in it for 150€ and nobody wants them. It's almost like the market is just inflated and hopeful that some retarded soidrinker redditor stumbles on your listing and is too retarded to check if there's any others on sale for cheaper.

>> No.8943318

>I'm selling a single card for 500€

>> No.8943418
File: 1.67 MB, 4032x1802, E7923538-6215-4-A86-9899-BADA64-A42-E1-A[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If not for this purchase this PC would have been pretty affordable (profitable, even). I got most of the parts from an electronics surplus store so they were dirt cheap.

It's an SBC build. The SBC itself came with a 1.2GHz Pentium III preinstalled (I actually would prefer to run something slower to better match up with the Voodoo 2s but you take what you can get) and 512MB of RAM. I bought it with this backplane but decided that this is too big to use in any conventional PC case so I downsized to a smaller backplane and I'll just sell this off (I think I can make a decent amount, probably more than what I paid for my entire purchase, which included more than what you see here).

>> No.8943724

So, could you put two of those SBCs on the backplane, say...the P3 and maybe a 486/P1 SBC, then boot either one?

>> No.8943739

The only good use I've found for Voodoo 2 cards is late 90's Direct3D games that have massive compatibility issues on basically any other card
Actual Glide games? Better off playing them with dgVoodoo or something.
The few Glide games that are a massive pain in the ass to get running without real hardware? They're all Voodoo 1 DOS games.
Kinda neat to own a pair though even if it is mostly useless. And yea the prices are all over the place, I've seen some people pay 250 euros for a pair while I've also seen single cards not get sold at all for under 50 euros on the same site.

>> No.8943775

Voodoo 2's in SLI are great as a second 3D accelerator next to your main card, even when you pair them with something like a 7800 GS AGP, since they still give you wrapperless (read not bugged) Glide support.

>They're all Voodoo 1 DOS games.
Which work out of the box with V2's too. You could just use PCem though and DOS Glide wrappers exist nowadays too. The point is having actual hardware compatibility for the closest experience. Wrappers and emulation as shown over and over still have bugs or accuracy issues.

>> No.8943780

PCem is absolute garbage for DOS since it only fakes hardware good enough for drivers to work but still uses the same backend for all the graphics devices so no matter what cards you emulate you'll end up with the same graphical glitches as a late-era Radeon

>> No.8943785

someone was doing the laundry

>> No.8943824
File: 326 KB, 1600x1200, 20160629-Mitac_MSC-242_316022420039_SBC_ISA_486_4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not 100% sure but I think so. The second backplane I bought also has two PICMG (that's what that PCI/ISA combo slot is referred to as) slots.

You can also get ISA-only SBCs that don't require a special combo PICMG slot but obviously you lose the PCI support.

>> No.8943843

We were talking about Glide only though. Of course it's based on the same software code wrappers are, so either one is just as shit.

>> No.8943881
File: 28 KB, 424x424, BPPCI-13SD-img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked. Your specific backplane may not support it, but there are Dual System backplanes like the BPPCI-13SD that do support having two SBC's hooked up. But each has their own PCI and ISA slots, they don't seem to share. So while it might still be possible to create an all-in-one DOS to Win98SE box, it would still be two separate systems under the hood. Pic related is the dual system card, and you can see the two share a board but no circuitry.

>> No.8943884

No, you can't put two hosts onto the same bus without modifications.

>> No.8943898

It's not retro but I also bought a second SBC when I bought the P3 SBC that supports an LGA 1155 socket. I'm still looking around for a backplane for that one but since I impulse-bought the Voodoo 2s I'll probably have to table that for now.

Unlike the P3 I can't test this one without a backplane because it doesn't have the 20+4 ATX connector on the SBC, it only has the 4-pin connector for the CPU itself.

>> No.8943968

The OP image really blends in with the rest of the board, it's hard to notice this thread while scrolling around the catalog.

>> No.8944128

>SBC build
Did you get that backplane/sbc combo on eBay sometime inbetween August and October of last year?

>> No.8944161

I have trouble convincing myself to buy an antique part that will only really be useful in Windows. So far I can basically run all my old Windows games on the most recent Windows on new hardware. Even Windows 3.0 games work on Windows 10 with a tiny bit of prep. Honestly, backward compatibility is the only reason to tolerate Windows to begin with. CPUs and GPUs have advanced so far since then that a computer can fake a voodoo card better than the real thing ever was.

I can, of course, dig the idea of old parts for a DOS system. I'm not really one that complains about lag, but even when DOSBox runs well, it really doesn't feel the same as bare naked hardware.

>> No.8944182

No, I got it over the weekend at an electronics surplus shop.

>> No.8944209

People are buying them for the gold and platinium now

>> No.8944218

Yeah, it's more useful as a nostalgia and extreme compatibility thing. real CRT and hardware Sound Canvas, etc.

They did 10-15 years ago. Now even those people noticed you can get more if you list it on eBay instead of trying to get 10 cents worth of materials out of it.
Where do you think all those PPros come from? Those were already all bought for gold but now sold to retrotards.

>> No.8944223

OP is in a cargo cult

>> No.8944304

Ah bummer. I sold an almost identical set that I had initially picked up for the same purpose as you but never got around to it, I hope it made its way to a good home.

>> No.8945341


>> No.8946039

That wasn't the question

>> No.8946054

Some of the power feeds are through the slot teeth. You have to remove the redundant parts before using the machine, or you will get erratic results.

>> No.8946474

I should have bought a Voodoo 5 when I had the chance.

At least I have a Voodoo 2, but I don't want to sell it.

>> No.8946601

>when you try to explain your answer to a question that wasn't asked but are so stupid you just embarrass yourself even more
Yikes! Quit while your behind kiddo.

>> No.8946608

It was. Even explained why and that it is possible with modification.

>> No.8946834

It wasn't. You failing at reading comprehension doesn't change that fact.

>> No.8946839 [DELETED] 

I feel like a bit of a dope. I was thinking I needed to burn a third PCI slot to support a 2D card to pass through the Voodoo 2s when I forgot that the SBC already had a video out port on it already.

>> No.8946842

I feel like a bit of a dope. I was thinking I needed to burn a third PCI slot to support a 2D card to pass through the Voodoo 2s when I forgot that the SBC already has an integrated VGA-out.

>> No.8948679

to be honest, I'd rather use a glide wrapper. even overclocked and cooled by twin blower fans, my obsidian sli card wasn't really that great. yes, that voodoo2sli card. fucker ran hot, too hot.

>> No.8948724

It might be interesting to see some benchmarks of various hardware generations to see when the performance of glide wrappers ecypsed the real thing. Possibly much earlier than one might imagine. It is, after all, translating commands to send to GPUs, so it's not like you have to wait for something like CPU rendering. Somewhere somebody has probably already done this.

>> No.8950318

This is going into a massive full-tower cas with about five giant fans (if I can figure out how to wire them all up). It's an airflow beast.

>> No.8950865

I guess you just didn't understand what was being talked about since I don't see any real argument in your post.

>> No.8950872

Shut up, fatty.

>> No.8951239

There's nothing to argue about You're just obsessed about arguing over a question that no one asked. Sorry, chum. Ain't gonna happen.

>> No.8951250
File: 173 KB, 1280x960, 1638506903902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fastest way to discredit yourself from any genuine discussion and expose yourself as a shitposter

>> No.8951260

Fatty, shut up.

>> No.8951801
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, Fruitcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I bought this case for $50 from a recycler only to find a Voodoo 3 in it. (sticker is my doing)

>> No.8952727 [DELETED] 

>fastest way to discredit yourself from any genuine discussion and expose yourself as a shitposter is a trannime reaction pic

>> No.8953819
File: 3.45 MB, 1008x3780, PCpartpicker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to rebuild and create some time machines, but I was hoping to find another 5 from the one I had to match. The prices for them has gotten insane making me afraid to even use it. I got a couple Chinese PCI FX5500s hoping a glide wrapper can run as an alternative until another Voodoo shows up.

>> No.8954159

That motherboard on the right is very similar to what I'm running for my original retro gaming PC.

>> No.8954165

What face did you make because I have no idea.
I’m assuming you think this is a good thing. I don’t know why.

>> No.8954193

>What face did you make

Motherfucker, "TFW" means "that feel when".

>> No.8955175
File: 2.29 MB, 3024x3180, 4916617C-D1AE-4569-ACA1-67831B46EDBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the build looks like so far. This isn't the final home of the components, I just used this case because it's the only one I currently have that can fit the SBC. I assembled it in here to get Windows installed (fully — I had an installation earlier I threw together just to test the backplane and wasn't meant to be the final install as I wanted the graphics cards here first) and to test the Voodoo 2s.

The second PSU is there because the one installed in the case was too shit to support two Voodoo 2s and it would just boot loop after starting up. The other two cards are a Turtle Beach Aureal Vortex thing and a USB controller card.

>> No.8957249
File: 2.06 MB, 2016x1512, Saving_up_for_final_parts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a more uncommon variant of the Asus board, since it appears to have more potential for additional IDE connectivity. I seriously doubt it would be so simple as to solder on the connectors but I am curious as why specifically that one has those blank pads, since they make it look like it is missing features. The extra thin PCI slot is also weird. While drivers are pretty common for the board, the one on the left has a ISA slot which is its standout feature.

>> No.8957390

>board on left has 16-bit ISA slot
>but the AGP slot is 4X
Best videocard you'll be able to run in the left board would probably be either a Raedon 9000(if you wanna have fun with drivers), or a 6th gen GeForce. I think everything after that was AGP 8X or PCI-E. But if you are doing Win9x on that, you'll want to stick with earlier cards like the 4th gen GeForce cards, since most of the DirectX7+ cards dropped DirectX5 features(you WANT the fog tables).

>> No.8957430

Oh, nearly forgot, stay away from the GeForce 4 MX series. Only DirectX 9.0c compatible Win98 card I've ever seen that didn't have a Pixel Shader.

>> No.8957443

The 7800 GS works fine even under 9x for AGP.

>> No.8957469

>9x AGP
Hahahah, you funny guy. You can put an 8X card in a 1X AGP slot, and the majority of the card connector will be sitting outside the slot, but it will work. It will just be bottlenecked as fuck. Given the majority of the 8X cards are newer than the GF4Ti's, that means losing the DX5 features. Or you could try for an 8X AGP card from ATI that had the DX5 features still, but have fun with ATI drivers in Win9x. There's a reason NVidia had a rep for having drivers that just werks.

>> No.8957520

What are you talking about? First you're confusing PCIe with AGP, second I was talking about 9x, as in Windows 95 and 98.

>> No.8957521

>What is a shitpost

>> No.8959331
File: 2.59 MB, 2016x1512, They_never_won_again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those builds, I was thinking the VooDoo 5 would be best for the experience but the other one will have to use a FX (5900) card with a glide wrapper to match until another 5 could be found. I keep hearing about fog tables, but no idea what they do. Someone mentioned something about the stars up in the skies of Thief is something that is not in non-glide rendering. In my research, the FX boards may still have the fog tables, but not the GeForce6s. These two 9800s (XT, Pro) may be a bit much for a Pentium 3, but I think they may pair better with an Athlon.

At the time the 4 series released, I was kind of smugly happy with a 3 since the 4-MX cards were really upgraded 2s.

>> No.8959345

I was thinking about using my Voodoo 5 in my DOS build, but I talked myself out of it. I wasn't planning on using Windows, so there was no real advantage over other Voodoo cards other than that I already owned it.

Also, I had this weird error where it refused to output whenever I plugged my hard drive into system power. Happened with any power supply It was only connected to, new or old. Only occurred on the one motherboard, but I'd rather use this motherboard than the V5.

>> No.8959705

Guys, where’s the best online place to sell voodoo cards? I have 2 voodoo 4s and one 5. Serious.

>> No.8960430
File: 2.80 MB, 2016x1512, DOSbox_preparations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, a Voodoo 5 is a bit of overkill for DOS only titles and avoiding Windows. I'm not even sure about its DOS drivers. I'm not too familiar with hard drive bugs, but I remember having to specify cylinders, heads, and sectors when setting up a drive for my 286-12/386DX-40. I think there are capacity limits locally for drives too, like 128GB or so for Win98 so I've been getting some cheap Chinese 120GB SATA SSDs for that purpose.