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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8952886 No.8952886 [Reply] [Original]

Why couldn't the N64 keep up this momentum through its lifetime?

>> No.8952891

Why would everyone need to buy a second one?

>> No.8952895

>N64 (1996-2002)
>393 games
>PSX (1995-2005)
> 7,918 games

>> No.8952903
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I'll give you a hint: a full year hadn't even gone by when this issue was published

>> No.8952904

Timing both helped and hurt the N64. It helped a ton during the launch because by 1996 the next gen was firmly in swing and everyone was ready to upgrade. The Saturn and PS1 took time to build momentum since when they came out the 16 bit consoles were still strong. It took a while for the transition to happen. The early library of longbox PS1 games has more in common with the 3DO than it does it's own post-FFVII library.

But at the same time the 1996 launch hurt the N64 since by then the PlayStation was firmly at full stride with Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider. Had it come out in 1995 as intended things probably would have looked a lot different.

>> No.8952906
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It showed up late and had a slow start for software. Turok was the first killer app for the console after SM64 and it came out seven months after launch.

>> No.8952907

>7,918 games
That can't be true. There is no way it has nearly 8000 games. I don't even think DOS has 8000 games.

>> No.8952913

poor comparison in the pic. N64 was coming from an already huge established brand, and it launched with SM64. PS was literally a new console, many were undecided at first if it would be good (and in 95-early 96, the PS lineup was frankly not quite there). and Saturn was just a mess on every level.
as for why it lost, we've had a million threads like these. no CD, alienated all the 3rd parties, and a kiddy image that backfired when it became clear in 2001 that people wanted GTA over mascot platformers.

>> No.8952920

>inb4 but muh quality over quantity!
Even if there was a lot of crap on PSX... there was a lot more of good games in the Nintendo relatively to their small catalogue, the Playstation had a lot more variety and great games that spawned franchises, or even went multiplatform but skipped Nintendo due the restrictive sizes and whatnot.
Tl;dr. Like it or not, despite "nintendo having more good games in relation to their small catalogue", it's still a dumb argument, because at the end of the day, Playstation still had a lot more of the same quality...
>pd. Soul Reaver is one of the best Zelda clones ever

>> No.8952937

I googled it but the source was a sourceless line on wikipedia, if I had to guess I think that's the number of releases, not games, so a Japanese and Western release presumably counts for 2.
The actual number is still at least 4,000 apparently.

>> No.8952939

What do you mean? They still blatantly lie today.

>> No.8952990

I don't follow new vidya. What have they lied about?

>> No.8952998

Box condition - Acceptable

>> No.8953004

The real number is closer to 20k which is mind boggling, but there was absolute massive fuckloads of Japanese shovelware put out on the system. Just look at the Simple-1000 series and there's more titles in that alone than the entire N64 library.

>> No.8953050

7,900 of those are shitty weeb rpgs

>> No.8953283

Because of final fantasy 7
PS1 turned into a SNES 2 and that’s what people wanted at the time

>> No.8953297

Because it has no games.

>> No.8953302

Consider all the hidden gems the psx must have.

>> No.8953312
File: 44 KB, 350x502, images - 2022-05-28T055443.672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search simple series video game in google images
>first result is a gigantism fetish game

>> No.8953317

Publishing and development costs
Wanna make a PlayStation game? Oh right, here's an ISA card that plugs into a standard PC and a dev version of the PS1. Have fun!
Wanna make an N64 game? Ok, so you know those insanely expensive 3D workstations used for Hollywood movies? You're gonna need to buy a custom version of one of those.
Now that you've got a game it's time to publish. For the Sony platform it's a few grand for validation, couple bucks per disc for manufacturing, licensing fees and shipping to your warehouse all combined.
As for the N64 it's about 20 bucks per cart for one of the small ones and minimum order quantity is like 25,000 copies.
There's a reason multiple already finished N64 games got canned after the publisher calculated costs of releasing and realized if the game wasn't a guaranteed hit they'd be looking at a million dollar loss in just manufacturing costs alone.

>> No.8953343

>It is illegal to sell circumvention devices (such as game copiers, USB piracy sticks and mod chips).
They've been lying about this for years and still are

>> No.8953346

No addictive blending, there's only so much you can do with alpha blending, the N64 was a failure from the start, not to mention the ultra small textures.

>> No.8953352

not sure, it has quite the library, mario, zelda just look at all its games

>> No.8953356

u mad bro?

>> No.8953372
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>> No.8953373
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Because they already sold to their core consumer base. More Mario, more Zelda, more Nintendo wasn't what was going to sell a Nintendo console to people who don't buy Nintendo consoles.

>> No.8953387
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>From a huge and veteran brand with a huge install base
>Received the best games of all times according to the nintendo cultists
>Still loses to a newcomer
How is this possible?
Having every possible edge... and still lost.
The only conclusion: Nintendo is the most overrated entertainment brand of all time.
Fortunately there was no Playstation portable/handheld in the 90s, otherwise Nintendo would surely be buried next to Sega

>> No.8953394

Next Generation was always whining about something.

>> No.8953490

Why isn't the PCE/TG16 listed?

>> No.8953498

Sony is a much bigger company. It's really not surprising.

>> No.8953510

it should be between 2500 and 4000 (at most)

>> No.8953525

It isn't relevant to the topic

>> No.8953545

DOS definitely has more than 8000 games, every retard and his dog could and did make shitty shareware games on it for more than a decade. You just won't find any DOSROMS of it because 5 guys bought it and thought it was shit.

>> No.8953560

Because the N64 just wasn't a very good console compared to the PS1, but Nintendo knew how to build hype and I think a lot of people considered it the safe bet to buy early on. I say this despite the fact that I have many fond memories of the N64, as it was really my first console (I was a PCfag as a kid).

>> No.8953563

>and Saturn was just a mess on every level
The funny thing is that despite their failures at the time, the Saturn and Dreamcast have become among my favorite consoles.

>> No.8953565

It makes the SNES look much bigger than it was in Japan.

>> No.8953570

N64 was a huge disappointment. The console overpromised and grossly underdelivered.

>> No.8953579

I don’t think so

>> No.8953603

Interesting about failed consoles is they become a dumping ground for Otaku crap. Happened to the Pc Engine, Sega Saturn, PS Vita.

>> No.8953613

I have an archive of 30,000 DOS roms sitting on a hard drive...

>> No.8953614

You’re forgetting that Nintendo was the biggest video game company worldwide at the time and Sony was the new guy. Like other anons have said, the N64 was primarily hamstrung by launch delays and long droughts between major game releases. Unlike the NES and SNES, they didn’t have the same type of third party support to fill in the gaps.

>> No.8953616

Kek, I frequently post this image whenever I see zoomers talking about how Nintendo is doomed and should go third party like this is a new concept they just thought of.

>> No.8953617
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>> No.8953619

Nintendo's most successful consoles (NES, SNES, Wii, Switch) have a load of mediocre and crap titles too. Basically, having a lot of games regardless of quality is a good sign for any system.

>> No.8953713

INFO SLES-02315 FIFA 2000 [E][Du][G][S][SW]
INFO SLES-02316 FIFA 2000 [F]
INFO SLES-02317 FIFA 2000 [G]
INFO SLES-02318 FIFA 2000 [I]
INFO SLES-02319 FIFA 2000 [E][F][Du][G][S][Sw]
INFO SLES-02320 FIFA 2000

>> No.8953759
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i just went through the entire list of japanese psx games intending to download them all in a few hours. took me a full week to weed through it.

theres an absurd amount of random games like "Happy Run in Hawaii". Which look interesting to try but can get shovelwarey

Then theres the visual novels... jesus every anime has 3 visual novels on PS1.

>> No.8953764

i forgot to mention the 100+ pachinko games, 100 bowling games, 100 fishing games, 100 tennis games

>> No.8953772

I actually read the issue, it's basically just "they said these games would be the BEST EVER but they're really no different than anything else, what can we look forward to?" and speculation on things. Ironically, they figured Yoshi's Story would be a complete masterpiece because Miyamoto is God.

>> No.8953783
File: 2.84 MB, 960x540, df hates n64.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The N64 is the definitive example of having nogaems.

>> No.8953784

they thought Mario 64 and OOT was no different than anything else? Guess the world resoundingly disagreed. and rightfully so.

>> No.8953806
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The realistic version is that Nintendo and SEGA were still playing the game the same way they did in the early 90s - Nintendo were using proprietary tech and were stingy about letting third parties show them up so they withheld documentation on the N64 so their own games would look better. SEGA was in the process of a corporate equivalent of drilling holes in their own boat (Japan/West leadership chimpouts, not making any killer apps for the hardware in the west, confusing launch, hardware that was frankensteined togehter in the last minute, etc) .

Meanwhile Sony came in with a lot of money, a competetive price point for the PS1, simpler dev kits, and more attractive propositions for third parties who were tired of SEGA and Nintendos retardation

In retrospect, it isn't hard to see why the PS1 dominated when the competition was this retarded

>> No.8953809

Poetry considering the actual history

>> No.8953814

Probably very very little

>> No.8953828

>took me a full week to weed through shit it could have downloaded all of onto a cheap drive and just used whatever whenever i wanted
Sounds like you've got a bad case of the zooms

>> No.8953830

early adopters bought it thinking it would be as awesome as the snes.
then as time went on people realized it had no games

>> No.8953835

Not quite. OoT hadn't even released yet, and while they gave Mario 64 accolades, it was the stuff that wasn't on that level that made them go "where's the quality instead of quantity we were promised?"

>> No.8953841
File: 743 KB, 1607x2200, Next Generation Issue 29 (May 1997) page 038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I'll post all the pages. It's a lot of sub articles under the main theme.

>> No.8953845
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>> No.8953847
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>> No.8953848
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>> No.8953850

I have a shelf full of N64 games I got as a kid back in the day, and definitely the early years were lacking. This is probably true if any platform, but it was especially bad since the PlayStation already had it's awkward year and came out swinging in the second and now third.

It's possible some of these games on the N64 wouldn't have been so huge if it weren't the fact that these were the only games you could play.

>> No.8953852
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>> No.8953856
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>> No.8953859
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>> No.8953861

Eh? Not a nintendo fanboy but this is dishonestly negative

>> No.8953863
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>> No.8953867

It's surreal how it's 2022 and people are still discussing about console war stuff from 1996.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining... it's a testament on how these old video games can still incite passion on people many decades later.

>> No.8953869

where's the n64 actraiser?

>> No.8953870
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>> No.8953873
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>> No.8953875
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>> No.8953876

It's around 4,000 games in all regions. About 1,300 of those are North American releases.

>> No.8953878

journalism was always inflammatory, I guess rage sells

>> No.8953879
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>> No.8953881
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>> No.8953882

>most popular genre: RPG

>> No.8953885
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>> No.8953887
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>> No.8953891
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>> No.8953895
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>> No.8953898
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And now what you came here to see: the (speculative critique of upcoming) games!

>> No.8953903
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>> No.8953904
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>> No.8953906
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>> No.8953910
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>> No.8953914

Nice Blast Corps bullshot, wished the game looked like that.

>> No.8953919
File: 1.67 MB, 1607x2200, Next Generation Issue 29 (May 1997) page 059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's all the articles. So what do you think? Do these games sound like big enough home runs to turn things around and make it so the N64 outsells the Playstation? Who knows what the future will bring.

>> No.8953923

I think the funny thing about that next generation issue is that eventually they released this one: >>8953873

>> No.8953926

Saying OoT is the greatest game of all time and redefines how to make a video game doesn't negate "the majority of the N64's library is half-baked and malnourished and that's why Sony keeps selling Playstations".

>> No.8954048

N64 is the first and last console I bought at launch. My fondest memories of the n64 is the hype leading up to its release and the next year before the crushing realization of what a piece of shit the console actually was. That it was never going to compete with the ps1 in any shape or form. That is what made me turn into a PC gamer and never looked back until I got into retro gaming around 2004

>> No.8954093

Ah, so is it on the N64 that started the long tradition of Nintendo consoles releasing, performing admirably and then every devs were caught with their pants down because they expected a total failure so we're left with a massive drought that's then mostly filled by Nintendo and 2nd parties/contracted by Nintendo until one major game eventually releases and the release list then becomes stable?
That happened with the DS, 3DS, Wii, Switch
With the GC and Wii U getting absolutely fucked in the process as they did not have the sales to go with it

>> No.8954105

Ah I see. I thought you were going to list something software related like failed promises for games or something. But yeah big N has always been obnoxious cunts when it comes to mods and roms.

>> No.8954139

>soulless cd shovelware
Klogna is the only good PS1 game

>> No.8954182
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>WHAT, 8000!? There's NO WAY that can be right, CAN IT!?

>> No.8954210

It and its games were expensive. PS1 was the cheaper and overall better option.

>> No.8954504

Here in the U.S. the N64 launched at $50 less than the PlayStation, but yeah, the games were typically at least $10 more expensive.

>> No.8954565

It was? I remember the games for sure being more expensive and even more than ten dollars more. If I remember correct games like Pokemon Stadium and Donkey Kong were quite expensive since they gave an extra peripheral with the game. I live in US to but I was a kid back then so I probably don't remember if the console itself was cheaper.

>> No.8954570

IIRC the N64 launched at $249.99 and the PlayStation was still $299.99 at the time.

>> No.8954608

>Originally intended to be priced at US$250, the console was ultimately launched at US$199.99 to make it competitive with Sony and Sega offerings, as both the Saturn and PlayStation had been lowered to $199.99 earlier that summer.

That is what google gave me. By 1998 it went down to $129. Could you imagine consoles today costing that little? Fuck I want to go back to these times now. Everything about gaming was so much better back then.

>> No.8954617

Yeah, that’s wild that the console itself was so inexpensive at launch.

>> No.8954624

My bad. I was thinking of the GameCube and PS2 prices in this post. The Cube launched at $250 while the PS2 was still $300.

>> No.8954649

The total number of known discs (multi-disc-games, demos, multi-regional, beta, etc.) is around ~11,000 if you go off of Redump.org's current dump total. The number of documented PSX games on Mobygames.com is 2,696. Relatively, there's around ~3,000 - 4,000 total, actual games, not counting the Jampack & "Interactive Sampler" demo shit.

>> No.8954661
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How can there not be an official number? Didn't all PS games need to be officially authorized by Sony?
It's interesting to look at things in hindsight and see what actually happened. Especially when you have wonderfully autistic anon-kuns dropping scans of contemporary magazines.
If anything there were a few games like POD and Unreal that at the time required a PC that was likely 5 times the price of a N64 to run.
Piracy was a factor, despite the fact that they try to hide it. Why do you think everybody in Europe jumped on the PSX >>8953387? Sure, great games, but also great games that could be bought for a few liras/francs/pesetas on the sidewalk. Pic related, the equivalent would have been filled with PSX games 25 years ago.

>> No.8954668

Sony marketed heavily in Europe, a territory that was notoriously given short shrift by Nintendo. FIFA and Gran Turismo alone have sold a crazy amount of PlayStation consoles over the years.

>> No.8954738

How can there not be an official number?
All licensed things tend to have serials, but in-between cancellations, demos (taikenban for Japs) and re-releases, those serials can jump around. One would still need to sort through things like the Pizza Hut & magazine demos on this page. It would be nice to have a real number, tho.

>> No.8954759

I think that includes translations, director cuts and classic editions.

>> No.8954779

Simple truth.

Reading reeeeing about how Nintendo would have won if they had CD and Sega would have won if they had 3D Sonic. Those things could have made a difference but Sony was playing to win. Sega and Nintendo were playing to keep their business model.

>> No.8954798

>How can there not be an official number?
Who cares? 4200-ish is a good enough number

>> No.8955656 [DELETED] 

gaming matured but it also got more soulless. bless them, Atari, Sega, and Nintendo were clowns much of the time but their stuff didn't feel as anodine and normie.

>> No.8955704

>How can there not be an official number? Didn't all PS games need to be officially authorized by Sony?
Technically yes. You bought a devkit and then mailed in your disc to their facilities where they'd do a run of the game. Games had to meet some basic Q/C standards I assume and a few modest content requirements like no porn and some 3D content was required (in America, they didn't require this in Japan). But Sony were getting in so many game submissions that they didn't really scrutinize much stuff and couldn't have had enough personnel to do so.

>> No.8955730

Nintendo and Sega were quite a bit smaller companies than Sony, they didn't have the resources to get their stuff everywhere so they had to pick and choose markets--Nintendo for example focused on NTSC regions and didn't really bother with Europe. That's why Sony was a game changer, they could make PS1 a truly global brand while earlier console manufacturers couldn't do that.

>> No.8955763

Being the bigger company means jack shit. If that were true the psp and vita wouldn't have bombed.

>> No.8955765

The PSP was a solid success. The Vita was pretty much a bomb unfortunately.

>> No.8955770

Plz no eceleb.

>> No.8955787

>How can there not be an official number? Didn't all PS games need to be officially authorized by Sony?

Yeah, I'm sure Sony has them all numbered, though by different regions. I'm not surprised that the machine has a lot of shovelware. Especially all the things that were Japanese exclusive, as others have said before me.

>> No.8955819

>psp was a solid success
Apart from lumines I can't even recall a single psp game I pumped hours into. Meanwhile on ds I played advanced wars and Mario Kart a lot online. Liked Rhythm Heaven but it wasn't as good as the GBA original which I could also play thanks to backwards capability.

>> No.8955821

>IIRC the N64 launched at $249.99 and the PlayStation was still $299.99 at the time.

I thought the machine launched at $199.99 US? Also, N64 didn't come bundled with a game, like the SNES did. They only had Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64 at launch. But Wave Race, Crusin' USA, Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey, Shadows of the Empire were all released later in the year, close to Christmas. Here in Canada, the N64 launched at the same time as the US... But the price was more than $199.99 at launch here.

>> No.8955825

Yeah, I was thinking of GameCube and PS2. The N64 was indeed $200 at launch but all you got was one controller and the console.

>> No.8955875

Turns out not many people wanted to buy a console for three games

>> No.8956195

I fucking love the N64 compared to the other two, but the games were more expensive when they came out, and the good ones were fewer and more spaced out compared to PS1.

>> No.8956489

just because you didnt put many hours into it doesnt mean there wasnt worthwile games,lots of people put a lot of hours online in the monster hunter on psp for example

>> No.8956509

>Are videogames good for you?
glad to see this bait tradition originated before 4chan

>> No.8956515
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Simple 1500 is fucking soulful after you go through the initial releases which are just THE POOL, THE RACE, THE CRICKET, THE LOW EFFORT GAME. Lots of quirky low budget experiments.
You shovelware niggers need to get the rope asap.

>> No.8956817

I prefer to deal with the elephants in the room

>> No.8957554

Because they'd have to sell 255500000 consoles dumbass

>> No.8957562

Got N? Get out.

>> No.8957782

i keep looking for "anon's 30000 DOS roms collection" at archive.org but i keep having no results, any help?

>> No.8958000

There are more RPGs on PS1 than there are games in the 64 library as well.

>> No.8958023

For some retarded reason Sony banned 2D PS1 games in North America but in Japan they dgaf.

>> No.8958310
File: 117 KB, 662x874, unknown8490f427d2d34b3b2ba327696c428b1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually something of a low-key D3 fanboy.
The games they publish are weird and fun and pervy and they aren't afraid of pushing any boundaries.
I just found out now they published a game with what must be one of the longest titles ever:
THE 自動車教習所DS 〜原動機付自転車・普通自動二輪・大型自動二輪・普通自動車・普通自動車二種・中型自動車・大型自動車・大型自動車二種・大型特殊自動車・けん引〜
Which is apparently a game that helps you pass your Japanese driver's license test.

That being said, they've never done a great job of making sure their games work well and their hit-to-miss ratio is pretty terrible.
They're a fun and underrated publisher but there's no need to get this frothing at the mouth mad about them.

>> No.8958321

iirc, Earth Defense Force started as a Simple series?

>> No.8958389

I always thought it was weird how it's "9000" in English, but literally every other language it's "8000"

why did they change it

>> No.8958874


>> No.8959112

LOL i was thinking something similar