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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 925 KB, 2731x1059, comp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8950857 No.8950857 [Reply] [Original]

Are there actually people that think fifth gen games look better upscaled? I saw an entire thread of people raging about the PSX Classics on PS5 being 1440p instead of 4k, and I'm just baffled.

Why would ANYONE choose to play fifth gen upscaled when it looks horrible and has constant graphical artifacts? Even many sixth gen games still look like shit upscaled. The best way to play them is native res, accurate settings, with either a CRT or CRT shader.

>> No.8950862

>my taste > other people's taste

classic thread

>> No.8950873

2D Sprite games should be run near their original resolution.
3D games should be rendered as high as you can get it.

>> No.8950875

u r so smart and unique

>> No.8950883

Both equally look trash when upscaled and have just constant artifacts. Most 3D games contain a lot of 2D assets as well, so the whole thing just looks like shit.

It's more objective because upscaling causes a ton of artifacting, it looks even much worse in motion. This is using DuckStation on a high-end rig, so you aren't really getting any better than this when it comes to enhancements/upscaling.

>> No.8950886
File: 226 KB, 1790x1381, 6LdFpxM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there actually people that think fifth gen games look better upscaled?

A vast majority of full 3D games look a lot better when upscaled+warp corrected. I'm not even a zoomer, it's just fact. Sure, CRTs can obfuscate how terrible PS1 warping was, but the games look much better when the geometry is consistent.

>> No.8950891

Your views are objectively wrong.

>> No.8950892

>It's more objective because upscaling causes a ton of artifacting
A lot of older emulators like ePSXe, Beetle HW and PCSX-R had terrible upscaling artifacts, but DuckStation doesn't really have any and its the cleanest implementation of PGXP we've had in a while. Not sure what you get from lying on the internet.

>> No.8950896

You're not wrong about the 2d stuff being stretched but most 3d stuff looks great in higher resolutions.

>> No.8950908

2D assets are usually unaffected by upscaling, unless your texture filtering something other than native.

>> No.8950920

If you want to blur your woes away, the answer is not to render it in low quality. The answer is to output the game to an authentic CRT television.

>> No.8950927
File: 150 KB, 1011x319, crtup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. lmao even

>> No.8950930

this but opposite

>> No.8950932

Your inability to choose good emulator settings isn't a real test of game options.

>> No.8950934
File: 2.63 MB, 1433x1077, a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally on DuckStation. It looks like ass. And there are tons of games where upscaling, MSAA, or wobble reduction breaks the game and you have to manually try each setting to figure it out.

It's just so much effort to get something that looks like ass

>> No.8950941
File: 679 KB, 840x472, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works on my machine, you just have really bad settings

>> No.8950946 [DELETED] 

>really bad settings
It's called you have filtered disabled you underage absolute fucking retard

>> No.8950948
File: 2.27 MB, 1600x1200, SCUS-94423_2022-05-27_13-45-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine on my settings. The rock texture isn't an artifact, that's just how it is.

>> No.8950950

>really bad settings
it's called you have filtering disabled, that is literally the only difference you underage absolute fucking retard. OP is bilinear filtering.

Hint: 99% of zoomers upscaling are using filtering

>> No.8950959

>Hint: 99% of zoomers upscaling are using filtering
Do you have any proof of this or are you going to keep arguing on a false premise, even though both of your screenshots aren't representative of DuckStation's default settings? You have to go out of your way to disable Nearest texture filtering, because it isn't enabled by default. And Linear Upscaling doesn't effect 2D asset quality at high resolutions.

>> No.8950961



>> No.8950965

>muh default settings!!
default settings is also native res with no upscaling you fucking moron

>> No.8950984

OK? Upscaling doesn't necessarily mean you need to turn on xBR, HQx, Bilinear etc. My point was that it's something you did to make the upscaled screenshots look worse since you're arguing in bad faith.

>> No.8951025

So I've got duckstation and I've upscaled it and then smooth rendered it (looks much better) but is there more I could do?

>> No.8951027

>it looks horrible and has constant graphical artifacts
That's what PGXP is for

>> No.8951030

They can look better when upscaled modestly, like 480p or so, but too high and they just look like papercraft models.
Supersamplling can also be used, but again too much and it looks like a completely different game.

>> No.8951041

also upscalefags are mostly pc tards who make le reddit pc master race their personality so they can be

>> No.8951047

Most people have no eye for aesthetics. People use smoothing filters, stretched wide screen to hide dreaded black bars, and upscale internal resolution because they don't know better. And when you call them out on it, they are proud that their taste in art is awful.

>> No.8951056

>IP counter not going up
uh oh it's schizophrenia time

>> No.8951059 [SPOILER] 
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, 1653675959558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but is there more I could do?
You need to go further, anon. FURTHER!

>> No.8951061

ignored *

>> No.8951063
File: 439 KB, 2388x832, ff7-filter-vs-unfilter2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't play on a CRT because they are a waste of space and look like shit. I threw out my last CRT in 2007 and never looked back. Fuck CRTs.

For 5th gen I use epsxe with Pete's OpenGL Driver 2.9. There's a filter setting called "use a nice filter." I use that, because it looks better than unfiltered raw pixels most of the time. With snes9x I use the bilinear filter (enabled by default). I never figured out how to get epsxe to go fullscreen without stretching, so I just upscale in a window and black out as much of the background as I can.

But frankly I just don't play a lot of 5th gen console games. For me it was an era of jank 3D and bad loading times and none of that is saved by playing on a CRT. Most of my favorite games from that era were on PC.

>> No.8951067

PGXP is for wobbling and even after a ton of configuration, you will usually still have wobble.

>> No.8951072

no it's just people who like to play games more than they like to collect and show off retro hardware.

>> No.8951148
File: 177 KB, 500x369, 20B7259A-F5CD-4DF9-83F1-71C994985C07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another fucking flamewar thread
Please just add Fanboy/Flamewar to the report options already. This type of autism is getting put of hand even with emulators for Christ sake.

>> No.8951242

now show it at the default resolution

>> No.8951246

>Are there actually people that think fifth gen games look better upscaled?
No. Only subhumans.

>> No.8951273

But how?! Which option do I need to click?! Which one dammit!!!

>> No.8951304

I really just approach it from a case-by-case basis

>Predominantly 2D 5th gen game
Native res integer scaled to my output resolution with square pixels.

>Emulating a 3D PS1 game on my computer monitor
2x internal resolution scale and PGXP. 240p 3D games are just so pixelated and blurry to my eyes when the computer monitor is so close to my face. Yeah it creates a mismatch between 2D HUD elements and 3D models but it's a small price to pay for better visibility. 2x scale still keeps a bit of crunchyness and pixelation too. I use scaled dithering also.

>Playing a 3D PS1 game on real hardware or my Mister on my TV and couch
Native res with a CRT filter. At that viewing distance, I think native internal res looks just fine and the CRT effects on the mister or retrotink look really good these days.

Simple as

>> No.8951325

What a schitzo take. What does upscaling even have to do with the PC?

I never noticed those trees were billboards but it's so painfully obvious when you upscale it. Do people actually think this shit looks good?

>> No.8951334

Yeah I love it.

>> No.8951571

The right pic is not just upscaled and you are thus a confirmed retard.

>> No.8951634


>> No.8951660

Why do you keep doing this to yourselves? I don't get it. No one here values anyone else's opinion, no matter what. Probably because most of you are behaving like assholes roughly 90% of the time. So why are you constantly at each other's throats trying to convince some other asshole that you're right about some mind-numbingly trivial shit? It's so insanely pathetic.

>> No.8951758

Welcome to 4chan.

Enjoy your stay!

>> No.8951916
File: 94 KB, 332x416, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_jokanhiyou__cfbbc5fdf221c61b93ae68b75dfe5e68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored and wanted to entertain the OP of this thread with his retarded screenshots.

>> No.8953517

It's not an opinion, it's being retarded. OP stated one thing and posted a pic of something else.

>> No.8953562


>> No.8953590

>I can't play games in low res cos it looks awful
>I can't watch movies in black and white cos it looks awful

Same energy, OP is fucking based

>> No.8953665

>lookin good dot png
>24x res and filtering
Both of your screenshots are cancer and I sincerely urge you to seek rope.

>> No.8954086

Texture warping has nothing to do with being upscaled

>> No.8954232

It makes the texture warping and other flaws of the game more noticeable that you wouldn't notice on a CRT at 240/480p. That anon clearly stated that though so I'm probably wasting my time clarifying something already stated.

>> No.8954238

I prefer old 3D games at native resolution with a CTR filter because the textures and low poly look bad at high resolutions. I can see why some would prefer the high resolution look though.

>> No.8954243

Forgot to mention, even at low resolutions I keep PGXP on, dithering off + higher bit colors with PS1 games.

>> No.8954247

Original resolution, bilinear filter...
Now THAT'S emulation, none of that zoomie upscaling or meme CRT filters

>> No.8954310

It took a while, but 5 months into 2022 and we may very well have here the dumbest motherfucker award. Truly, I tip my hat to you. What's it like being born in 2013?

>> No.8954497


People's brains don't generally work well. Look for 100 random PSX/N64 videos on YouTube and count how many use blatantly wrong aspect ratios. For those that do so, count what percentage of comments under them acknowledge this error. The first percentage will be high and the second will be very close to zero. "Good graphics", to almost everyone and almost always, means "graphics that look normal to me but with more superficial detail than I expect". It has nothing to do with utility or with any kind of subtle or complex aesthetic value. It is only a crude key that plugs into some visceral lock inside a person, unlocking some kind of shallow but intense feeling of novel, spectacular rightness.

>> No.8954536
File: 2.09 MB, 1617x1042, xl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highres with crt filter is the way to go.
Doesn't ruin how I remember games plus I don't have to deal with jaggies

>> No.8954583
File: 1.93 MB, 1854x1042, duckstation-qt-x64-ReleaseLTCG 2022-05-28 20-55-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bilinear filtering
chads use xBR (No Edge Blending)

>> No.8954590


>> No.8954602

There’s a big difference between upscaling the original 240p image to 1440p and increasing the internal render resolution to 1440p. Which is it?

>> No.8954731
File: 300 KB, 640x480, Tomb Raider 3dfx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You jest, but not "seeing the pixels" was mind-blowing back then.
>People's brains don't generally work well.
You mean people on youtube's brains.

>> No.8955013
File: 2.51 MB, 1854x1042, TR3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess my CRT masked away the seams, because I didn't notice any when playing TR3 on the PS2 with filtering.
Now I need my textures blocky

>> No.8955016

I don't think you know what this word means.

>> No.8955036

Artifacts is a very broad term. Being able to see level geometry would be an artifact, yes. Having random lines appearing due to filtering is also artifacting

>> No.8955046

Just play it on PC and you're set.

>> No.8955112

Upscaled 3D looks so vacant in detail.

>> No.8955114

>Looks fine on my settings
That doesn't look fine

>> No.8955368

Care to elaborate further?

>> No.8955481
File: 60 KB, 1024x768, Very_Black_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being able to see level geometry would be an artifact, yes.
behold the perfect renderer for PS1 games

>> No.8955957

Based. Is this using the downsampling feature?

>> No.8955975
File: 65 KB, 1024x980, 1642635117483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally depends on the game. For example Ridge Race Type 4 looks really good upscaled with PGXP, but Densha De Go looks better at native res because of the way it renders the railroads.

>> No.8956075

This is a tricky question because it really depends on the game for me. Sometimes I'd rather use a CRT shader, other times I'd prefer to upscale it.

>> No.8956093

I find myself running PS1 games at their native resolution but don't seem to mind N64 games upscaled. The two systems render games very differently, I figure that has something to do with it.

>> No.8956406

The troons in charge are the ones doing this shit, just like when they took that "poll" for the rule change.

>> No.8956552
File: 2.99 MB, 1465x1120, Final Fantasy IX (USA) (Disc 1) (Rev 1)-220111-224212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only way upscaled 5th-gen games look good is if you then downscale back to native res and then add a CRT shader.

>> No.8956582

I dunno but r type delta and g-darius look way better upscaled than fuzzy ass tier PS1/Saturn/N64 era garbage 3D we all coped with for decades. Retro 3D aged like white women

>> No.8956761

This looks like complete ass because of the texture filtering. PS1 looks great when running at high resolution without texture filtering.