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File: 2.84 MB, 320x240, croc controls.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8931970 No.8931970 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people complain about the controls in Croc? It doesn't have "tank controls" if you play it with a dualshock controller as intended.

>> No.8931978

now all you have to deal with is the dull game

>> No.8931980

What about the Saturn version?

>> No.8931989
File: 64 KB, 719x688, 1613884465993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you're playing the objectively inferior version

>> No.8932003

i threw this game in the trash maybe six months ago after finding the disc loose. what a piece of shit game.

>> No.8932029
File: 2.98 MB, 1030x580, Anal log.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dualshock controls are exactly the same. Just mapped to an analog stick.

>> No.8932039

>moving the analog stick ever so slightly in a sad attempt to prove your point
ok retard
nobody plays the game that way

>> No.8932040

Just looking at the animation, I can see why someone might think it resembed the movement of a tank.

>> No.8932045
File: 2.95 MB, 1066x600, Anal log 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody plays the game that way
Yeah after the first level they turn off this crap control scheme. That is if they even keep playing.

>> No.8932051

We can see that you're only barely moving the analog stock, faggot. Nice troll though

>> No.8932058

The problem is the game's controls are exactly the same. You still need to turn in place in order to play the game, but to turn in place on the analog stick requires insanely minimal stick movement.

>> No.8932071
File: 367 KB, 640x480, YLRSDSxa1pThgjpjVQAhxU6KFSnV9y9nl4JQACvXt6g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue is how left and right are for turning and not strafing. It doesn't matter how hard you push the stick, it still isn't going to strafe. Because that wasn't a standardized control input yet. Retard

>> No.8932075

supports the 3d control pad too, you just don't get the right stick camera controls cuz there's no right stick. Croc seems to have been the first game with this control scheme too. As for how it feels, it's great once you get used to it. That's the nice thing about old games is they're all a little different and are a lot of fun to get accustomed to.

>> No.8932080
File: 1.02 MB, 320x240, ape escape.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the game's controls are exactly the same
That's not true. You don't need to "turn in place" if you're using the analog stock. See the OP video.

>> No.8932084

>You don't need to "turn in place"
Play Croc past the first level please.

>> No.8932094

>Ape Escape is Croc, guize
No it isn't. Also Ape Escape literally has strafing, you can see it happen before the camera starts turning.

>> No.8932108
File: 767 KB, 1366x768, Croc - Legend of the Gobbos Definitive Edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys might also like this...
Croc - Legend of the Gobbos Definitive Edition

>> No.8932113

Why was one of the most creative and catchy soundtracks created for this game, only for them to disappear and never do anything noteworthy again?

>> No.8932129

Croc controls fine, tank controls aren't a problem in the game's level design and if you want more fine movement you can strafe. You also strafe instead of turn while in midair, which makes jumping around to reposition yourself really useful.

>> No.8932180

This game is a croc of shit

>> No.8932184

ah yes, very creative!


>> No.8932209

Damn. You got me

>> No.8932294

yea i have to agree. even nostalgia bias didnt save croc 1 from being shitty for me. second game is improvement in every way

>> No.8932464

Every discussion of this game ever:
"oh I have so much nostalgia of this game as a kid. the music is really nice"

you never see people discussing their favorite levels and moments and such. you know why? because everything blurs together into a samey unmemorable mess of mediocrity. At best you remember the bosses and how they are separated by some filler in grasslands and then some filler in the snow plus some filler in a desert and to top it off with more filler in a castle

>> No.8932552
File: 169 KB, 537x457, pete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Pete" character in the trading post with the fez was the best character

>> No.8932592

I remember eating chocolate and playing it as a kid funnily, this game always brings the taste to mind.

>> No.8933145

What are you taking about? I didn't claim Ape Escape is Croc. Did you really miss the point here?

>> No.8933265

Just to make this nice and obvious for you, if you actually think Ape Escape plays like the retail version of Rascal, I'm going to call you an idiot and then proceed to ignore you. Croc plays like retail Rascal, Ape Escape plays more like the prototype. Your video only proves you're capable of decieving yourself. Super impressive.

>> No.8933359

Tank controls implies that Croc has to turn in place before moving. That's true for the D pad but not for the analog controls.
In Croc, if you use the analog stick and go left, Croc will walk left and the camera will move in a circle as Croc walks left. The same phenomenon happens when you play Ape Escape.
When using the analog controls, Croc plays like any other 3D scotformer.

>> No.8933413

This was the game that Super Mario 64 ripped off.

>> No.8933446

Probably because people take video games too seriously and are always looking for something to be angry about. I played Croc on the goddamn Sega Saturn and had no issues progressing.

>> No.8933450

I was the same way, except I stayed home sick with the flu. I had a pretty solid fever and a runny nose, and this game reminds me of the feeling of postnasal drip and fever hallucinations but also the comfort of sitting in a blanket in my pajamas and having my parents still alive and taking care of me. It's a weird memory, but a fond one.

>> No.8933839
File: 267 KB, 512x256, croc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. also it takes a lot of arrogance to self call a fanmade thing definitive edition

>> No.8933851

just dropped by to say, the saturn verison is better

>> No.8934138
File: 727 KB, 2560x1440, Base Profile Screenshot 2021.02.27 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the old pc version except unfucked, nothing has been altered except that it includes the ps1 music and lighting FX as an option.
But you do you, the ps1 version is still very nice looking

>> No.8934432

What about the pc version?

>> No.8934470

>When using the analog controls, Croc plays like any other 3D scotformer.
No just the really bad ones like Rascal.

>> No.8934656

Croc doesn't walk directly left, he rotates towards it (which the camera has nothing to do with). Ape Escape doesn't rotate the character when you push left, he just walks directly left (that is, before the camera starts rotating which shittily approximates the appearance of rotating in place despite the fact he's clearly running and not simply rotating). Ape Escape and the Rascal prototype use directional input, while retail Rascal and Croc use tank controls. Do you even know what you're looking for when you describe something as having tank controls? Because tanks can't go directly to the side against their treads, they need to rotate the entire vehicle first. That's why it's called tank controls, because it controls like a tank. Why do I need to explain that to you?
>Croc plays like any other 3D scotformer

>> No.8935408

Croc with analog controls isn't tank controls.
A tank has to turn in place while stationary before moving. Croc with analog controls doesn't.

>> No.8935415

>Croc with analog controls
They aren't analog.

>> No.8935431
File: 171 KB, 800x681, 339EA82D-29EA-46B1-9B2F-6B083EC0A17B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're objectively wrong. The back of the case clearly says analog compatible

>> No.8935441

Tank controls mean horizontal movement is limited, if you wish to make sharp turns then you'll have to stop and rotate. You can still make wide turns with tank controls while moving forward, just as demonstrated in the OP video. There's a reason the game has a "turn around" button.

Croc certainly can and does have to turn in place, and you would know that if you had actually played it for longer than five minutes.

>> No.8935446
File: 88 KB, 640x562, 58023_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It clearly says analog CONTROLLER compatible. Look anon, Santa Claus Saves the Earth has analog control, despite being entirely 2D. Retard

>> No.8935457

not him, and never played croc, but you can have analogue controller compatibility and have nonanalogue controls

>> No.8935465

Congratulations on reiterating the point being made

>> No.8935503

saturn version (if you boot it up correctly) has that nice warm saturn look too. Croc's levels are cute and pretty dioramas.

anti-crocers need to think for themselves, they're just mindless drones regurgitating a script at this point.

>> No.8935556

I hope whatever cock sucker wrote that has killed himself by now

>> No.8935676

>It doesn't have "tank controls" if you play it with a dualshock controller.
Am I missing something here?
Croc's analog controls work exactly the same as digital.
It's why in the webm you posted you have to slowly turn around.
Hence, "TANK" controls. You can't just face right immediately like in Crash Bandicoot.
Croc will walk backwards if you press down on the analog stick - like a Tank reversing.

>> No.8935728

>"oh I have so much nostalgia of this game as a kid. the music is really nice"
Is it safe to say that the vidya boards have reached a point where everyone's so bored/tired of vidya that it's just not fun to discuss anymore?

>> No.8935771

>A tank has to turn in place while stationary before moving.
Do you honestly believe a tank cannot course-correct while in motion?
That it just goes in a straight line, and has to come to a complete stop to turn?
Croc has the same movement controls as Resident Evil / Silent Hill.
Do you think these games don't have tank controls when using an analog stick?

>> No.8935784

idk if you noticed but he started discussing it underneath that bit

In my opinion Croc falls under the "good if it's what ya got" kinda game. People can grow to appreciate mediocre garbage if it's all they have to pass the time, which is definitely not a modern issue to say the least. Nowadays what concerns players is wasting time playing a game that you may dislike for some arbitrary reason, but guess what? If that game was all you had you wouldn't be so quick to reject it just because it's flawed.

So, yeah, I like Croc, but I'm not going to delude myself into thinking it's some piece de resistance. It's a functional platforming game starring a cute crocodile that saves obnoxiously adorable gobbos. The control is a bit stiff but that really stands for any tank control game, and I don't hear people complaining about Tomb Raider because that isn't nearly as interesting to dunk on. Not to mention they made sure you knew how to control Lara before dropping you off in buttfuck nowhere, but I digress.

Honestly I don't imagine I'll ever get bored of discussing retro, since there is so much variety. Sure there will be lulls in conversation, but slow conversation is thoughtful conversation. I've had hundreds of genuine and meaningful discussions on this board simply because the speed of it doesn't force people into mashing out their unrefined and incoherent ideas in some vain attempt to respond first. 'snice

>> No.8936401

Croc's controls with an analog stick are different than Resident Evil's controls.
When playing with an analog stick, Croc's controls are indistinguishable from other 3D scotformers.

>> No.8936408

>Croc's analog controls work exactly the same as digital.
This is simply not true. You can easily test this for yourself with an emulator.
First, try playing Croc with the digital controls mapped to the analog stick.
Then, try playing Croc with the analog stick emulating the DualShock controller.
You'll see that it controls different.
Your claims are demonstrably false, and I'm guessing you didn't even test it for yourself before posting something you know nothing about.

>> No.8936458
File: 48 KB, 192x256, 5f7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you continue attempting to sell your confirmation bias as evidence, it's very entertaining.
>Description: ...I am never playing this game with the analog sticks again.
At 0:52, Croc is attacked and would easily be able to recover his crystals if he controlled like you claim he does. And yet the player chokes with the most obvious tank control fumble ever.

This is not how directional control looks and performs. You cannot honestly believe that the game isn't using tank controls after seeing that. If you somehow still do, you're delusional.

>> No.8936476

>It doesn't have "tank controls", period

>> No.8936571
File: 845 KB, 3840x2160, Croc! - Legend of the Gobbos 12_12_2021 13_08_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a platformer that requires some fairly precise positioning and timing it has always been heavy (sluggish would be an incorrect description) in the controls. it feels like the developers played too much tomb raider and didn't realise such a control scheme was pretty bad for a platformer. THAT SAID if you can wrap your head around how the game is intended to flow it isn't too bad, though the boss fights are annoying no matter what.

>> No.8937040

A croc of shit

>> No.8937114

You're wrong. This person is just bad at platforming.
It controls fine.

>> No.8937118
File: 199 KB, 282x303, nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8937125
File: 2.92 MB, 640x480, crocdigital.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tested it, can confirm the analog and digital controls are very different on PS1.

on digital, left/right rotates you left/right in place. forward/backward combined with left/right on the d-pad gives you movement at an angle in that direction, this is the key difference with the analog controls which work as follows:

there are still forward/backward firm movement states, but FAR more degrees of movement between left/right directions. If you're not pitching clearly backward croc will have a fine angle to his movement, while moving forward you can make fine adjustments based on degree of the angle. Holding hard left pulls croc in that direction instead of rotating him like on digital

This is contrary to what >>8932029, >>8932045 want you to believe. This guy is a notorious n64 fan (worst shitposters on the board) and when these threads first started popping up he insisted goldeneye did it first and went as far as to make these webms demonstrating that the sticks are identical to the d-pad in croc, this is completely false. Obviously like any dedicated troll the schtick will never die.

>> No.8937126
File: 2.92 MB, 640x480, crocanalog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

analog controls in this webm

>> No.8937478

Thanks fellow Crocposter for trying out my test here >>8936408
Can't believe retards are falling for the obvious lies about this game.

>> No.8937548

I remember you form a previous thread, months ago.

>you never see people discussing their favorite levels and moments and such. you know why? because everything blurs together into a samey unmemorable mess of mediocrity.

And yet, there are no BAD levels.

Think about that for a moment. There isn't even a level that stands out for being bad.

Part of the reason levels aren't memorable is that every level is split up into a grab bag of rooms that offer a little bit of everything. There's a whole lot of variety crammed into each level - there's often more variety within a level than across multiple levels on the same island.

You don't remember levels, you remember individual rooms.

>> No.8937556

That's true. I can't think of any truly awful levels in Croc. They're all competent.
Sometimes the platforming got difficult, but it was always fair.
The only parts that frustrated me were some of the crystal door areas.

>> No.8937661

I believe you but this is an incredibly shitty webm to prove your point.

>> No.8937715

Those aren't true analog controls. The analog just mirrors the d pad. Gex does the same thing.

>> No.8937793

This is not true. Test it for yourself with an emulator.
First, try playing Croc with the digital controls mapped to the analog stick - you'll notice that Croc will rotate like a tank.
Then, try playing Croc with the analog stick emulating the DualShock controller - you'll notice that Croc will move like the video in the OP.
Why are you making claims that are outright false?

>> No.8937817

>you'll notice that Croc will move like the video in the OP.
So like a tank? It is literally the exact same thing just mapped poorly to an analog stick.

>> No.8937824

With digital controls, Croc will rotate in place when you press left or right.
With analog controls, holding left or right will pull Croc in that direction.
If it were just "digital controls mapped to analog" then holding hard left on the analog stick would simply rotate Croc in place, not move Croc in that direction. But that's not what happens because the analog controls and digital controls are demonstrably different.

>> No.8937831

I have Croc on the Saturn, although I sold my 3D controller so I can't prove it at the moment. I don't know about the PS version.

>> No.8937834

Holding left or right on the analog stick will result in the same exact action as if you held forward + either direction on the dpad.

>> No.8937865

>Australia-kun trying to historically rewrite Croc into having good controls

It's not gonna work, man. Shit is clunky garbage compared to Super Mario 64.

>> No.8937883

This. Gex uses the same analog mapping but it actually works in that game.

>> No.8937910

>The analog just mirrors the d pad
literally lie as demonstrated, anti-crocfags are both confirmed for being rabid n64 fans and chronic liars.

>> No.8937925

The game does not have analog controls. It has ben demonstrated multiple times now.

>> No.8937939

This is a lie, as been demonstrated earlier in the thread. The d-pad and analog controls are completely different and uses the fine degrees of input the analog stick offers to shift croc's direction. What you mean to say is it does not have analog movement speed, which is true, it only has stand still, walk, or run.

Anything else is a lie, you are a liar and a very poor one at that.

>> No.8937946

The controls are the exact 1:1 same as the dpad just mapped to an analog stick. That is an objective fact. You can stop the insane coping now.

>> No.8937960

It's just a very slight altering. The analog is mapped to the diagonals (left+forward and other combinations). Gex does the same thing, you see the same circle running movement in Gex if you hold in one direction as well, while you don't see that in other true analog games. But gex works better because it doesn't use tank controls.

>> No.8937978

That's not true. Test it out for yourself like this post said >>8937793
You're just saying shit that's objectively not true.

>> No.8937997

If you hold left or right then smoothly move to holding down on the analog stick Croc will rotate in an extremely narrow circle. I guess that's something. The game still has tank controls though.

>> No.8938007

>It's just a very slight altering. The analog is mapped to the diagonals (left+forward and other combinations)
This is not true. You can manually map the digital controls to an analog stick in an emulator and you will notice that it does not behave the same way as a DualShock controller. With the analog controls, there is sensitivity detection. If you slightly move the analog stick left or right, it will rotate Croc, as if you were pressing left or right with the digital controls (not left/right plus up). But if you hold the analog stick left or right outside of the initial sensitivity range, Croc will move left or right. The very fact that this sensitivity detection exists proves that the controls are analog.
But you are too much of a bitch to test it out for yourself, so I'll just let the lurkers test it out and they'll know you're full of shit.

>> No.8938028

>The controls are the exact 1:1
>It's just a very slight altering

>> No.8938041
File: 2.34 MB, 1680x1050, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tank controls are the best way to play Croc

>> No.8938045

They aren't exactly 1:1, you can run in a tighter circle.

>> No.8938063

Do you play the entire game walking backward or something lmao
If the fact that Croc backs up is so horrible to you in a platformer that requires extremely precise jumps and positioning, then you're just fucking awful at video games.

>> No.8938067

Do you guys really get anything out of goofy arguments about the controls? It's Croc dude, it's an old early 3D platformer, it was cute as shit and the right sort of challenging. Argue in circles about the controls for 200 posts if that's what you're into, but it's gonna boil down to "yeah but I just don't like the controls anyway" or "the controls are fine and don't bother me".
It's a solid game though, and for the PS1 it's gorgeous at times. Comfy music, everything is cute as shit, idk it's just pleasing to play.

>> No.8938072


>> No.8938073

Imagine wanting to play Croc in 2022 without save states

>> No.8938075

Don't you think it's annoying that these tranny zoomers will shit on Croc and other games after hearing the bad opinions of one e-celeb who wasn't even playing with proper analog controls?

>> No.8938081

Schizophrenia confirmed.

>> No.8938084

Imagine wanting to play Croc in general.

>> No.8938086

Oh I for sure do, I love Croc. I just don't think tranny zoomers are fixable, not the ones that wash up here at least. Bitches will argue with you about how many fingers are on your own right hand while you count them in front of them, I just have a hard time bothering with that kind of shit unless I've got something funny to say about it.

>> No.8938087
File: 73 KB, 680x680, 4E70BC59-2DAC-4BA8-A0C8-9144AD62B0A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average gigachad Crocposter

>> No.8938094

Sorry anon but it says here on the chart that "you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded". I'm afraid you're just no longer qualified to be delivering medical diagnoses at this point in your declining health.

>> No.8938161
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, turn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know analog and digital controls are different. They're quite apparently different settings. Thing is, the ground movement is fundamentally built on turning and rotation along with forward and backward motion. The real kicker? You actually have directional input in the air! So if you need to move a bit to the immediate left or right, you need to jump and do those precision movements in the air! It would have been nice if they had simply implemented the directional air movement to work on the ground as well. I'm surprised you haven't considered that.

Those things being said and because Croc forces you to move forward despite only pressing a horizontal direction, all you need to do is gently push the stick over AND a little back to counteract the auto-forward and gently turn in place. It's so incredibly fidgety to activate that I don't blame you for overlooking it, but I suppose that's what happens when you slap tank controls onto an analog stick. Things get overlooked, for example competent design.

>> No.8938165

>I know analog and digital controls are different
Only took you 50 reposts of the same webms to realize this, guess that's a measuring stick for your learning process.

>> No.8938168

GOD DAMN I need to get my dick sucked. Ive been through such a dry spell I'm sitting here reading you retards arguing about croc controls.

>> No.8938174

This isn't guess who, and I didn't agree with you. You are so desperate for validation that your reading comprehension is shot.

>> No.8938207

>he's not getting his dick sucked while arguing about croc controls
Not everyone can be King

>> No.8938396

What are your favorite individual rooms?

>> No.8938891

some of the backgrounds are really somber in contrast with such kiddy cheerful levels. it makes for an interesting atmosphere

>> No.8938975

You don't know shit about tanks.
You don't know shit about tank controls.
You don't know shit about controller deadzones.
Have a shower, touch grass, and above all else, get a god damn diddly clue, ya dumb bitch.

>> No.8939532

No u

>> No.8939546

Go back to twitter lol

>> No.8939623

At least you aren't trying very hard when you're wrong

>> No.8939983

How would the game be different if it was the Yoshi game it was originally supposed to be?

>> No.8940024


Because they're spoiled by 3D platformers like Spyro and Mario 64. Croc is no masterpiece. It's an average platformer. It's neither good nor bad.

>> No.8940371

Croc should have eaten all the gobbos

>> No.8940497

A better platformer than SM64.

>> No.8940508
File: 82 KB, 1723x907, Croc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8940751

I volunteer.

>> No.8941237


>> No.8941286

Only if you let me lock you in a chastity cage

>> No.8941302

said no one ever (not counting auster)

>> No.8941307

croc is beyond a scotformer or a collectathon. it's a rentfreeformer.

>> No.8941318

>bad opinions of one e-celeb who wasn't even playing with proper analog controls?
What did the AVGN got bribed to pretend disliking this time?

>> No.8941454

Croc in smash when?

>> No.8942461

a silence that speaks volumes

>> No.8943501

Tried it as an adult, it sucks. Cope and seethe

>> No.8943538

My favorite room is that crystal door room in 4-3. Also very fond of the dark room in 3-6. And any of the eerie underwater rooms.

>> No.8944647

The bonus secret island sucks. It feels like leftovers

>> No.8946383

None of you would have survived with an Atari

>> No.8946482

Imagine being the kind of fun-hating bitter faggot that hates on Croc.

>> No.8946486

Damn, sorry about your parents bro.

>> No.8946498

I feel it's Nintendies because this game often gets called the game that inspired Mario 64, is a case of almost a Nintendo game but then it never landed on a Nintendo console, and I think the grudge is still there

>> No.8946503

Nintendo having its first party titles since the 8-bit days was a mistake.

>> No.8947112

Both of you are wrong. The analog controls in Croc are not a dead-simple digital to analog mapping. But they are also not a completely new control scheme. It feels like the PS analog controller was announced late into the game's development cycle, so they made some clever mapping which approximates "true" analog (directional) controls, but really under the hood they're using the existing tank control implementation. It's still way better than just using the digital controls.

>> No.8947567

croc threads are so fucking funny. what nintendo saw was a racing game prototype, not something even resembling a finished croc game. even if it was, that reflects poorly on it because they had a ton of time, including after mario 64 released, to refine it and somehow still fucked up the sense of weight and inertia in moving croc around. turning is OK with analog unless you want to move straight backwards

>> No.8947601

The controls are better with a PC keyboard. It's the analog that makes the game unusable.

>> No.8947639

Tested on the Saturn with the 3D controller set to Analog mode. The game detects it and has it's own separate settings screen in options where you can even adjust the sensitivity of the analog stick.

Playing the game it's definitely full blown analog controls. The amount you move the stick directly controls how fast Croc moves, how sharp he turns, etc. Switching the controller to Digital Mode it's pretty much just on/off on when it comes to movement. Croc only moves at full speed and turns much more stiffly.

Oddly enough the box doesn't say anything about supporting the controller, but it very much does and the developers went to the effort of even rendering a model for the 3D controller to show in the options menu.

>> No.8947718

he was right and its still shit.

>> No.8947730

>unless you want to move straight backwards
Just press the circle button, retard

>> No.8947778

pretty cool that you can backpedal without turning if you use the d-pad desu. especially since he has such a massive turn rate.

>> No.8947852

why does it need to be a button at all

>> No.8947917

>be a crocodile
>contols like pure garbage underwater

>> No.8947986
File: 630 KB, 1024x727, Bowser in the sky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the platforms in Croc are small. If Croc controlled like Mario in Super Mario 64, he'd fall off the platforms.
Notice that the shitty Nintoddler game has giant platforms to compensate for the game's fucking shitty, slippery controls.

>> No.8948006

i... what? mario lets you better control your mid-air momentum by holding the stick back/kicking, he would blaze through croc levels

>> No.8948026

All of the platforms in SM64 are fucking huge for a reason. Mario wouldn't be able to make the jumps in Croc without falling.

The platforms in Croc are small; nothing is comparable in SM64.


>> No.8948053

precision jumping just isn't a problem in mario 64, if you need to jump on smaller platforms like in elevator tour in the volcano you either kick back in the air, chain jumps so it doesn't matter, or if you can't handle that you can just side flip or backflip which, though slow, is still faster than jumping in a high heavy arc as croc

>> No.8948189


>> No.8948198

The controls take getting used to, just like Croc
Nice refutation, sport

>> No.8948715

>precision jumping just isn't a problem in mario 64
It is actually, it's very annoying in mario 64. Thankfully the game is designed rather inconsistently so often times when the developers want you to have a precision jumping challenge they fail to stop you from long jumping or wall kicking over it entirely. Most platforms in the game are like 4-6 times the width of Mario. Most Mario games fight against precision controls by having Mario be pretty slippery, it's not to everyones taste.

>> No.8948784

precision jumping isn't a problem in mario 64... if you're a god speedrunner

>> No.8949009

oh my god stop running in circles and do something

>> No.8949015

>this guy is bad at video games therefore my argument is good i am very smart haha

>> No.8949016

you guys know the sequel took out the tank controls right?
and it was a still good but worse game than croc 1

>> No.8949078

>"Oh cool a thread about celebrating one of my childhood games!"
>*turns out to be 100 post of autistic discussion of the games' controls*
never change /vr/

>> No.8949119

Don't sprain an ankle doing all of those mental gymnastics. Imagine defending Croc because you weren't cool enough to own an N64.

>> No.8951230

Bump for this legendarily autistic thread.

>> No.8951240


Why would people complain about-

>Rigid, ancient controls that are imprecise?
>Boring and trite level design that barely takes advantage of early 3D
>Terrible graphics and music

I don't know man. I just don't know.

>> No.8951330

Filtered lmao

>> No.8951428

Anon you're in a Croc thread trying to defend the honor of Mario 64. You're just as sad

>> No.8951447

You wouldnt realize it at first sight, but Croc is a deeply console war charged topic. It's up there with "Nintendo didn't invent the analog stick" and "FF started with FF7"

>> No.8951457

>It's up there with "Nintendo didn't invent the analog stick"
Wait people actually still think Nintendo invented that?

>> No.8951561

In the same way that inventing an airplane was stealing from africans that threw rocks in the air, sure.

>> No.8951598

>artist makes the guy who has a different opinion look ugly therefore stupid
>the guy speaks loudly while the other characters, supportive of the artist's opinion, are calm and composed

Ah yes, a classic. Every time I see those I imagine the guy spending 30+ mins planning and drawing this stuff all while thinking he's making such a clever point, never questionning himself or his process.

>> No.8951623

I think you just fucked my brain. I legitimately do not remember any anolog controls in Croc, and I played Croc a lot as it was one of two PS1 games I had for a while (other was Rayman). Did you have to turn analog mode on? I can't remember if I actually had an analog controller or if I just never turned it on, but I never played Croc without a DPad.

>> No.8952026

Calm down, anon. There's no need for this much seethe. Mario 64 has analog controls and this makes you incredibly angry, I get that. But please keep it civil.

>> No.8952096

You can move forward by tapping the stick left and right, both of which aren't forward. In my opinion the analog control makes the "under the hood" tank controls feel more like a bumper car. Directional input does work in the air, for some reason.

>> No.8952106

>Imagine defending Croc
I didn't
>that's what happens when you slap tank controls onto an analog stick. Things get overlooked, for example competent design.

>> No.8952226

Perfected it is what I hear now

>> No.8952252

But no one uses the N64 design these days. They all use the design Sony came up with for their analog controller.

>> No.8952256

True, dual analog is king

>> No.8952271

Not even talking about dual analog. Modern Analog sticks use a mechanism much more similar to what the PS1 analog sticks use. They don't use anything like the N64 analog stick because it's an awful design that destroys itself from casual use.

>> No.8952279

Oh, I didn't know that. Sorry! How do the sticks destroy themselves? I've heard that claim in the past; mine still seems to be fine, so perhaps I am the luckiest N64 owner ever.

>> No.8952285


This date is awfully recent and goes over some points made in the thread. Did one of you guys write it?

>> No.8952303

Tension is applied to the stick via plastic cup underneath the joystick. As you use it, the plastic grinds away and you lose tension. That dust inside the stick area? That's plastic dust.

>> No.8952326

What part of that post was angry or not civil?
ninnies are pathetic

>> No.8952327

No way to fix it, I take it?

>> No.8952340

I mean, I've thought about disassembling a NIB controller to cast the original plastic into aluminum or something, anything that won't degrade as quickly. But as far as loose sticks go, it's either cope replace or discard. Shitsux

>> No.8952415
File: 78 KB, 1200x800, N64Analog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The N64 mechanism is basically a plastic stick in a plastic housing. There's a spring inside and as you move the stick it moves gears in the housing. However it's all plastic grinding against each other. So over time it grinds down, the plastic pieces start to wear down making the stick lose and not as smooth as it should be. Eventually you get a massive dead zone and the stick is pretty much unusable.

The PS1 analog stick uses a simple potentiometer set up which is what most modern analog sticks use these days. Gamecube used them, Xbox used them, 360 used them, PS3 used them, etc.

The other different one is the Saturn and Dreamcast. Those sticks use a spring too, but instead of plastic gears and what not they use magnets as the stick moves around it's housing around the magnets it detects where you move. That's why they don't really have dead zone and tend to last a long time.

>> No.8952425

Interesting. Thank you for this information!

>> No.8952760

Based elucidating anon