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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8929878 No.8929878 [Reply] [Original]

the best stealth 'em up

>> No.8930270

is the detection rate tied to framerate? because man, this game is fucking hard.

>> No.8931031

that's not Manhunt

>> No.8931058

Limit it and see?

>> No.8931389

fun game but the disguise system is broken in it

>> No.8932321

That's not blood money

>> No.8932326

it's not contracts

>> No.8932336

Most of the Hitman games are good.

>> No.8932381
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that ain't snake eater

>> No.8932394

I miss the H3 hud, really captured the feel of the series

>> No.8932395

I don't think so, they just detect you exponentially faster if you run

>> No.8934115

>what is Thief 2

>> No.8934209


>> No.8934734

snake eater fucking sucks as a stealth em up
thief > hitman > mgs

>> No.8934778

Tenchu 2

>> No.8935053

>stealth 'em up

The actual term is baldvania

>> No.8935389
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>> No.8936901

mgs is the best stealth series ever if you dont agree you are onions

>> No.8936954

I had my first play on it some months ago. Tried to get Silent rank on all missions on my first play. I like how open to clear objectives the game is, it has support to some play styles.

Think I had issues with the cord thing, the chemicals was more responsive when trying to knock someone out.

>> No.8937220
File: 138 KB, 317x315, Thief_II_-_The_Metal_Age_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your goal is pure stealth, then there is only one answer

>> No.8937245

are there any hitmanlikes?

>> No.8937290

the game is open but there's usually one specific way you have to do if you want the best ranking

>> No.8937303

Found it a bit tedious. I did learn a good trick though. Guards suspicion goes down if you walk away from them. This works even if you walk straight into a wall.

Found it too easy. Got SA rating on my first try for a few missions. Was still enjoyable.

That game is in a class all on it's own. I don't even see what the point is to compare it to 3rd person stealth games. It's such a different beast that takes a different skillset.

>> No.8937319
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>I don't even see what the point is to compare it to 3rd person stealth games.

>> No.8937345

thats not blood money

fuck early hitman games with their overly sensitive everything fucking up the fun

>> No.8937349
File: 394 KB, 1536x2048, 580e77ff-ee90-4a67-9701-665135981f37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly one of the first posts on this board about this game. literally you cannot get a better 00' stealth game that silent assassin.
too bad they don't make it as difficult anymore :/

>> No.8937361

It was broken the other way in Codename 47, to a comical extent where you could kill a guy, get an alert, then drag the body into a room and switch disguises and the guards that saw you a second ago would leave you alone, I think they tried to make it more realistic in 2 where you could use them to infiltrate restricted areas but not escape trouble so easily. Also the diguises so aggressively not working in the Japan levels is probably a joke referencing how a large nordic huwhite man is able to pass for Chinese by changing his shirt and wearing a bandana around his head in the first game