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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8918558 No.8918558 [Reply] [Original]

If the Genesis outsold the SNES outside of Japan, why does the SNES library have a much bigger cultural influence on the Western gaming scene?

>> No.8918614

>If the Genesis outsold the SNES outside of Japan
it didn't

>why does the SNES library have a much bigger cultural influence on the Western gaming scene?
because it had actual good games instead of a bunch of shoddy arcade ports and 50 million sports games

>> No.8918639

Instead the SNES just had a bunch of shoddy RPGs and 50 million horse betting sims.

>> No.8918704

The only thing the majority of modern western gamers play is sports games.

>> No.8918750

SNES didn't have a cultural impact except for subhuman YouTubers who wish they were 11 again.

PlayStation 1 had the biggest impact

>> No.8918779

In what way? PC games had more impact with the amount of FPS we got.

>> No.8918815

The extent of said cultural influence is a misperception typically suffered by North American people. The Western World is comprised of a lot of countries and cultures. The Mega Drive, which was only called Genesis in the US, had a larger cultural influence in almost all territories, and a fairly decent presence in North America. Your post is typically explained by a common lack of proper education in the American public regarding the World at large, which ultimately leads them to believe in a manner of cultural universalism. This is what has led you here, today. Your options now are to accept the information you've been given, to do your own research and form your own opinions, or to adopt a jingoistic posture most typical of American citizens, and respond with derision and disbelief. Whatever you choose, I appreciate the time you've taken to read this reply. Have a good day.

>> No.8918917

Modern popular games are very similar to what is on the genesis. Braindead "action" games (Fortnite, Valorant), Gay games (Overwatch, Minecraft), and sports games (Fifa, 2K, Madden). All these games are direct descendants of the Genesis library. Sega ruined gaming

>> No.8918927
File: 24 KB, 674x454, ITS OVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: Nintendo is the most successful gaming company of all time.

>> No.8918948

i remember when we could have threads like this without passive-aggressive console warring.

>> No.8918949

holy freaking based

>> No.8918954

>cultural influence on the Western gaming scene
Like what?
Not really, /vr/ always attracted console war knobs.

>> No.8919007

Super Mario World, Link to the Past, the list goes on…

>> No.8919029

>it didn't
It outsold the SNES in Europe but Europe is and always has been an irrelevant market. In the markets that mattered (Japan and North America), the SNES sold probably around 1-3 million more (numbers seem to vary) and in Japan the Genesis was practically a flop and got demolished not just by the SNES but by the PC Engine only selling around 4 million.

>> No.8919032

>it didn't
What is this cope? The SNES didn't outsell the Genesis in the US until Sega took the Genesis off the market. In Europe it wasn't even close.

>> No.8919047

PC games and their genres--at least what we typicall think of since Japan was its own beast--were fucking niche since PCs were expensive until around the mid-2000s. FPSes weren't the dominant gaming genre in the west until the combination of PCs being more affordable and many of them winding up on the 360 which was probably the ultimate normalfag console.

>> No.8919049

Sonic, Sonic 2, the list goes on...

>> No.8919185

Nah PC definitely was the main influence on western games
from FPS to RTS to CRPG

>> No.8919284

>it didn't
it did

>> No.8919308

What influence did it have, after ps1 most of the stuff from snes was forgotten. Sonic went on to inspire crash bandicoot and Mark Cerny worked at Sega for many years. The Mega CD which was inspired by the PC engine caused Nintendo to team up with Sony which created the ps1. Even rare abandoned the DKC gameplay and style for DK64.
Sega expanded gaming the same way ps1 did.

>> No.8919312

It's funny how trapped people can become in their own little bubbles.

>> No.8919337

>Like what?
I've found that among people who aren't hardcore gamers, the ones who owned a SNES growing up can name way more different games and franchises than those who had a Genesis. Most SNES owners will know about Mario, Zelda, Metroid, DKC, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Mega Man X, Street Fighter, etc. Meanwhile, all Genesis owners seem to remember is Sonic, maybe Streets of Rage.

>> No.8919402

Weird metric for comparing a company that does a lot of original games to a company that is built on never-ending franchises.

>> No.8919412 [DELETED] 

Sneed. America is the world culture.

>> No.8919414

And America is JewHQ

>> No.8919467

>Mario, Zelda, Metroid, DKC,
Forgettable Nintendo IPs.
>Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Mega Man X,
Found their feet on the PS1.
>Street Fighter
Far better on the Mega Drive and PC Engine.

>> No.8919473

I don't know what you mean by cultural influence. I guess the big SNES titles are more well known and still brought up due to being popular franchises even today, like Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy etc. While Genesis games are still played and moderately known the only series that are still alive today are things like Sonic. So outside of the numerous Retro Genesis Collections, there aren't really kids today being introduced to Shinobi and Gunstar Heroes as much as Kirby and Donkey Kong.

>> No.8919475

>Gunstar Heroes
Was never even a franchise, it was just one game.
Which is a shame IMO

>> No.8919483

I too like to say the opposite of the truth sometimes

>> No.8919486

there are 2 gunstar games

>> No.8919489

>I don't know what you mean by cultural influence
I think he means "let me come up with a biased metric that means the company that has been rehashing the same half dozen games for the past thirty years wins by default over anyone who prefers to make original stuff"
Whereas the guy you're responding to, yeah, he's full of shit in the other direction.

>> No.8919492

the genesis just seems to have a lot of standard games. it doesnt have anything properly weird or unique on it. im not really into just some platformer action shit or sports which is 90% of the genesis library.

>> No.8919494

This is also not true, why are people trying to bait that either the SNES or MD have no well known games or variety?

>> No.8919496

im not trying to b8 though thats just all i can find. im not really saying this to spite the MD or praise the snes either. im not console warring just observing. if the MD had more stuff like Ys on it maybe I'd care more

>> No.8919504

so you like zelda-likes?
just beat one on MD called King of Colossus, try that out

>> No.8919506

i dont see how its a zelda-like...MD games are too expensive anyway now

>> No.8919507

You don't see how Y's is zelda-like?

>> No.8919510

>America, America, America
Will always be better than (You) and your gay homeland.

>> No.8919515 [DELETED] 

Most insecure and retarded thing I read all month, and I've been on /v/.

>> No.8919519

Most insecure and retarded thing I read all month, and I've been on /v/.

>> No.8919630

The amount of revisionism that goes on in video games in favour of Nintendo is getting increasingly frustrating.
There was no fucking "video game crash" and Nintendo didn't "save" anything from shit.

>> No.8919646

To be fair, they're assisted in this by the fact that those franchises are mentioned constantly even to this day, so they're getting a lot of assistance with remembering those. Road Rash, not so much.

>> No.8919662

Well said. Nothing that Europeans do or say matters at all. Flags should be instituted on all the mainstream topic boards.

>> No.8919694

That's basically what I said. The question is, why are those games more remembered? Sega rereleases their old games all the time, so I doubt it has to do with rereleases.

>> No.8919708

>There was no fucking "video game crash"
So everyone in 1983 just agreed to pretend that all those companies went under or desperately jumped ship from video games due a collapse in sales?
Activision had to retool their entire company towards computer games when their cartridge sales suddenly went straight into the toilet. They had to hire new people and learn new hardware and a whole different market that wanted very different games, because if they didn't they were going to be bankrupt in a year.

>> No.8919713

>Sega rereleases their old games all the time
True,. but they're not continually adding new versions of those games, like reboots and sequels and reimaginings and shit. An occasional "old games collection" doesn't really bring the buzz.

>> No.8919840

The Euroid seething over their irrelevant and unimportant market such that they just flat out say delusional shit is funny. You backed the "Mega Drive" and in the end it amounted to nothing because it completely bombed in its home market and lost the biggest one.

>> No.8919863

three if you count the game gear game

>> No.8919867

since when is retro gaming a mainstream topic?

>> No.8919869

>lost the biggest market
It still did very well in the US, the SNES selling slightly better eventually doesn’t retroactively mean the Mega Drive (and it is the MD, it was only called the Genesis in the US and probably Canada) wasn’t popular and didn’t get supported by American developers, so how is that amounting to nothing?

>> No.8919872

>The only good Genesis games were the Sonic games
>The sonic games arent even anywhere nearly as good as Super Mario World or Donkey Kong Country

I'm honestly so glad I grew up with a SNES and not a Genesis. I'd have shit taste for life and be coping with the fact I grew up with shitty games.

>> No.8919907

>If the Genesis outsold the SNES outside of Japan
It didn't, it sold like 1 million more in Europe, but like 3 million less in the USA.
>why does the SNES library have a much bigger cultural influence on the Western gaming scene?
Because most of the relevant games in the 16-bit era were developed by japanese people.

>> No.8919912

On consoles maybe

>> No.8919920

>it didn't
It did for two or three years, then Sega dropped out of the 16-bit race while Nintendo kept selling the console for 2-3 more years. That's why the SNES outsold the Genesis outside of Japan.

>why does the SNES library have a much bigger cultural influence
Because all those influental games are still around and getting regular sequels. People playing Metroid or Zelda today can go back and play the 16-bit versions or play them on literally every other Nintendo console. Also Nintendo is still around and doing the same thing as in the 16-bit era. Sega has been dead since 2006 or so.

How many Genesis classics got sequels in the past decade? The only one I remember was Streets of Rage 4 (which sold millions) and Wonder Boy (by the same studio doing SOR4).

There's no new Ristar, Vectorman, Comix Zone, Ranger X, Alisia Dragoon, Golden Axe, Outrun, Space Harrier, etc.
Nintendo is keeping alive all their IPs with AAA quality titles, Sega is releasing Sonic and Yakuza and Hatsune Miku and lets everything else rot except for yearly emulated compilations and occasional outsourced sequels / remakes (SOR4, Wonder Boy, Panzer Dragoon, etc).

>> No.8919923

>Reminder: Nintendo is the most successful gaming company of all time.

they've been also in the industry for the longest time.

>> No.8919930

>Donkey Kong Country
fucking lmao.
they were the most bog standard platform games you could get, their only pull was the ugly as shit pre-rendered sprites.

>> No.8919942

For a reason

>> No.8919949
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Genesis didn't have Metal Warriors

>> No.8919952

Sonic games have a cool concept, visual design, and music.
Everything else about them sucked. Their level design and basic gameplay was complete shit. It's astonishing that they remained popular for so long.

>> No.8919976

Let me guess
>Level Design: WAAAAH I wanna go fast! Why are the obstacles stopping me from just holding right on the D-pad to win!?
>Basic Gameplay: Waaah I don’t like the physics! My brain can’t process momentum :’(

>> No.8919997

>Marble garden is bad!
>Labyrinth is brutal!
>This boss is too hard, what Eggman was thinking?
I am amazed at how a game considered for kids at release is now one of the biggest pleb filters in gaming.

>> No.8920032

lol retard you obviously get no pussy

>> No.8920071

I'm amazed at how it appears you've wasted so much of your life arguing about this shitty game series that of supplying excellent arguments as to why it's shit at the vaguest and most minimal prompting, like you turned part of your brain into a database created to aggregate and summarize common points of contention relating to Sonic. It has no good games (except Spinball).

>> No.8920116
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What about Vectorman? Everyone is nostalgic for and loves Vectorman

>> No.8920125

>20 years in the game longer than sony
>less home console sales than sony
>only carried by handhelds because of pokemania

>> No.8920134

sells well
>and Yakuza
sells well
>and Hatsune Miku
sells well
>Golden Axe,
last one flopped
too arcade for modern audiences
>Ristar, Vectorman, Comix Zone, Ranger X, Alisia Dragoon, Space Harrier, etc.
niche series

>> No.8920142

So there was a video game crash in Japan was there?

>> No.8920143

When was the last time, I don't know, Phantasy Star was in all the major publications?

>> No.8920146

Spinball is one of the worst sega games dude, There are many better pinball games for the genesis. Sonic 3, S & K and sonic cd are superb games. I never understood how anyone can like spinball, its bad as a sonic game and bad as pinball.

>> No.8920147

You haven’t elaborated on what you meant, so I’m correct?

>> No.8920510
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>goalpost-moving cope
t. He-shes angry about the Goemon series

>> No.8922049

No the Sonic games are poorly designed start-and-stop borefests with nonsensical environments full of random obstacles that are at odds with the controls and can hardly be said to be platformers. Any flagship SNES platformer is better. You have Stockholm syndrome.
Spinball is good because it's an interesting original idea that cleverly incorporates the world and character of Sonic into a pinball game. Unlike the main series its levels are very well designed. Pinball itself is for cocksucking pothead baby boomers, and I know nothing about it.

>> No.8922082

Here's a Sonic speedrun.
This is the highest level the game can be played, and the player has to constantly start and stop. Look at how clunk and clumsy it looks even compared to the most primitive games like Mario 1.
When the game is designed for Sonic's movement, you literally just bounce off a spring hold and press jump a couple times while holding right on the dpad. Doing so makes you pass by 90% of the level without seeing it, and shows how these levels are actually like 10 seconds long. How many levels are in this game, 12? How many are in Mario 1, 32?

>> No.8922097

i dunno why people judge sonic so harshly because of things outside the games. people really took the american marketing campaign to heart. stop viewing it as a game where you should be going fast and just view it as aplatformer. its really good. as someone who cant get into mario at all i really enjoy the level design of the sonic games

>> No.8922103

1. it was cheap as fuck and on the market for a long time (you could get a genesis 3 for like 40 dollars)
2. sports games

>> No.8922486

>a speedrunner can beat the levels quickly therefore the game is bad

>> No.8922810

lmao even
it's downhill for you and it's been downhill for a while now
the boom is over
USA shows every sign of a crumbling empire
enjoy the ride, it's only getting worse from now:)

>> No.8922861

Reminder: Sony only exists because Nintendo was retarded and rejected their CD model

>> No.8922884

>Huh? What’s that Sony? You actually want to make some money off of this?
>but we’re Nintendo!!!
>you should be grateful to even be allowed to design us a CD expansion!!

people defend this trash company every second on this board

>> No.8922892

>Nintendo makes money off cartridges
>Sony would take all the profit that Nintendo makes of its proprietary cartridges
Stop getting emotional over business fanboy

>> No.8922998
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>Because most of the relevant games in the 16-bit era were developed by japanese people.
We have best post.

Most of the Euroscene games suffers from the devs being demoscene fags. Sure they can make good projects, but they can very rarely make good games.

>> No.8923002

Because Nintendo made games for children (Still does) and manchildren are very vocal on reddit

>> No.8923020
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It's all clear to me now...

>> No.8923762
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They were literally porting Doom to consoles like SNES, 32X, and Jaguar. Then you got PS1 and Saturn Doom and Doom 64. Do I need to mention Goldeneye? Turok? Perfect Dark? Then various other FPS games like PO'ed, Code Named Tenka, Alien Trilogy, Armorines, and other FPS ports like Duke 3D and Quake. Consoles were trying to push FPS games before it was even reasonable to have a first person view.

>> No.8923905

You never played any Genesis games.

>> No.8923912

>it has no good games except for the shitty western cash-in game that runs at 6 fps
Ask me how I know this is bait.

>> No.8923932

spbp, the exact same phenomenon happens to the N64

>tumblrland is better because it's more relevant

>> No.8923946

America is Israel's lap dog, and it's crumbling right before our eyes. The ride has ended, friendo.

>> No.8923976

failed attempt at copying donkey kong's artstyle (16 colors on screen vs 256 on screen).

more varied gameplay then donkey kong, but less polished.

Less coherent artstyle, look ma everything is made out of balls! vs. regular sprites.

>>WAAAAH I wanna go fast! Why are the obstacles stopping me from just holding right on the D-pad to win!?
>>Waaah I don’t like the physics! My brain can’t process momentum :’(
sonic is just fast mario with loops.

>> No.8924110

because, as per usual, you didnt bother to consider the rest of the western world other than america

>> No.8924603

It had a head start but snes caught up to it eventually.
Sega and Hudson Soft had good stuff. I loved the Turbo Grafx just too bad it didn't succeed or do things better to assure more success. Sega's best legacy is still Genesis but Dreamcast was a great end for them. At least two great consoles imo from them. Atari was before my time and they sucked anyways. I also thought Coleco did a lot better than that.
Genesis still had its good games it just admittedly didn't have as many as snes is all. It did have a cheaper quality or feel to it overall which was true literally anyways since it was the cheaper option. Still though it has plenty of great games and was absolutely worthy of being seen as a legit contender to snes. To me the thing that Genesis stands out most with is its unique soundchip that gave its games a sound you couldn't or still can really hear from any other console. When done right its amazing. Another thing about it is games often seemed to be faster pace or literally ran quicker on genesis. Casltevania Bloodlines vs SCIV is a good example here. They are different games but Bloodlines does play and feel faster. This is another good thing about Genesis. Instances of games not being direct ports but just different then what you get on snes. Overall Genesis was a net positive for gaming and I can't imagine anyone thinking otherwise. It is ridiculous. As someone earlier also said, genesis and sega sort of paved the way for others to realize they can succeed in gaming and obviously Sony succeeded here the most. Someone had to be first and it was Sega.

>> No.8924609

lol these controllers literally look fake. Are they even real or is this just some mock up here?

>> No.8924685

I heard PSO2 is doing alright enough. It's just they were retards that waited almost a decade to get global servers to the sequel of their previous smash hit MMO.

>> No.8924691

nintenkiddies ips are just more mainstream, also snes had more japanese support which means more good games

>> No.8924693

It really doesn’t

>> No.8925783

The cultural influence for the SNES games are not necessarily because of the SNES game themselves, but because most of the notable franchises that graced the SNES has kept their momentum by releasing sequel after sequel to this day. (or being surgically attached to Smash Bros. in the case of F-Zero and Earthbound.)
The franchises from the Genesis camp haven't been given the same care. The only Genesis franchise to be a constant is Sonic the Hedgehog. No post-Genesis sequels for Golden Axe, Gunstar Heroes, Ristar, Vectorman, etc. The average joe gaming public forgot about the Genesis stuff because the momentum was lost and the franchises were left to rot. Keep in mind it took two fucking decades for Streets of Rage or Alex Kidd to be get more sequels. Normally, the only times that Sega gives these older non-Sonic franchises the time of day are when they're pushing out yet another fucking Sega Genesis Collection that less and less people are going to give a fuck about as the years go on and the generation that actually grew up on any of those games fades away.
The problem is that Sega can't see the forest for the hedgehogs, and as a result, most other people don't either.

>> No.8925791

sega can just milk yakuza and persona forever though so they dont have to give a shit about anything because people will just keep buying junk

>> No.8926410

Sega is more influential. Nintendo makes games for children and they release the same game over and over. SNES only had RPGs that is a very small subculture of gaming.

>> No.8926689
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>> No.8926724

Because Sega collapsed in on itself and Nintendo didn't. If Sega were still making consoles and Sega franchises had gotten bestselling robust entries until this day they'd also be remembered more fondly.

>> No.8927117

The crash DID happen, but it didn't kill video games as a medium. What it did was wipe away shoddy developers rushing games to market and slapped together hardware with no support.

The '83~'86 period was defined by games moving to the home computers that survived like the Commodore 64 and Apple II.

>> No.8927148

So if you know nothing about pinball, why even bother defending spinball. Go play some pinball kid. Just as i can’t imagine anyone actually liking spinball, much less prefer it over real pinball, i cant imagine anyone actually playing through the original 4 sonic games and not enjoy them. Maybe you just suck at these games, its ok, you’re probably underage which means you would probably just prefer to watch someone play them anyway.

>> No.8927156

I haven't played any games period.

>> No.8927167

what SNES games have a cultural influence? I've never met a single normal male over the age of 14-15 who gives a shit about any Nintendo franchise, meanwhile the Genesis was the console most closely associated with Madden, Mortal Kombat, Sonic, Streets of Rage, NBA Jam, and any type of violent action game that dominates the market now. By "cultural influence" did you mean which console let's some fat weeb get the most reddit upvotes for taking a picture of a games title screen?

>> No.8927183

iirc the original caption for this pic was "the leaning tower of Sega".

>> No.8927196

Doom was so influental that they put ports of it on everything that could barely halfway handle it. They made a Star Wars themed doom clone for fucks sake.
And PCs had massive networked multiplayer FPS games a decade before Xbox Live and Halo 2. They where the closest to virtual fucking reality that existed at the time.

>> No.8927201

My sister owned a SNES and she can only name Mario, Tetris, and Sim City from the SNES. Maybe DKC.

>> No.8928457

The SNES was huge in the JRPG sphere, but not much elsewhere.

>> No.8928463

Because the nintendo struck a cord with a bunch of latchkeys who basically made their game system their entire lives.

>> No.8928570

stop lying to yourself

>> No.8930559

>My sister
Games weren't really aimed at girls back then so it's not surprising she can't name too many.

>> No.8930663

Pretty much. Nintendo IPs are mostly only still relevant within the Nintendo echochamber, whch is extremely loud and obnoxious online.

>> No.8930685

Why are you complaining about revisionism that doesn't exist, and not the revisionism this whole thread is about, implying the Genesis had less cultural impact than the SNES?

>> No.8930702

Sega is really that close to Microsoft, even when the Genesis was the only one of their five consoles to actually succeed?

>> No.8931048

All of Sega's consoles have qualified successes, it was Sega that failed essentially.

>> No.8931195
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Segachads get to play newly developed high quality 16-bit blast processing powered games.

nintodlers get nothing

>> No.8931205

based and colorpilled.
also the battery life thing is a meme, last time I played the gg I got 4hours, same has the gayboy

>> No.8931208
