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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8915153 No.8915153 [Reply] [Original]

What retro games have you beaten so far this year? Mine are:

Diddy Kong Racing
Mega Man Legends
Guerrilla War
Duck Tales
Beyond Oasis
Super Mario World

>> No.8915192
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>> No.8915217
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>RE 1 Remake
5/5 Kino visuals. Gameplay is an incredibly realized vision of limited resources survival horror. Crimson heads are a clever way to keep tension up as you kill zombies. Jill is hot.

>Dino Crisis 1
3/5 “Resident Dinosaur” that overly penalizes you for overlooking or not handwriting memos which are not saved in a journal. Boss fights and combat are bad. Puzzles are ok. Dinos look cool. Regina is hot.

>Dino Crisis 2
5/5 Proto Resident Evil 4 with dinosaurs. Just as smooth and enjoyable. Regina is hot.

>Resident Evil 0
2/5 Whatever good ideas this game has is sabotaged by the AI partner system which frequently doesn’t shoot enemies or makes no attempt to avoid getting grabbed. I frequently killed enemies I would have otherwise dodged in other RE games under the assumption my AI partner would be too dumb to avoid those monsters. Pouring salt in the wound is that this game has some of the worst designed enemies I have ever seen: Leechman, Eliminators are the worst offenders, but every enemy in this game is bad (somehow reused monsters from RE1 Remake were made worse as well). Final insult is that the devs knew players wouldn’t keep the hookshot in their inventory while solving regular puzzles and would therefore need to backtrack to where they dumped the hookshot upon finally stumbling upon the parts of the level that need that item to progress, it sucks. The visuals are gorgeous. Rebbeca is very cute.

>Fear Effect 1
1/5 (as a game), 5/5 (as an art project) The worst overly specific trial-and-error gameplay I have ever seen to pad out the game’s length with you seeing the initial load screen 100+ times after instant cinematic deaths. Gorgeous art in modern emulators. Hand-painted textures with no real time lighting aged perfectly. Hana is very hot.

Working on: Touhou 8: Imperishable Night 1CC, Radiant Silvergun 1CC, Dodonpachi 1CC. I’m considering to do a stream where I complete all the Treasure games.

Open to recommendations.

>> No.8915245

So far this year, 51 NES/Famicom games I had never beaten before

all 4 Goemon games on Famicom
Nakayoshi to Issho
Sword Master
Yo! Noid
Ninjara Hoi!
Bloody Warriors - Shan-Go no Gyakushuu
Rush'n' Attack
Otaku No Seiza
both GI Joe games
Kung Fu Heroes
Little Ninja Bros
Super Chinese 3
Grand Master
Cowboy Kid
Clash At Demonhead
Famicom Wars
Yume Penguin Monogatari
Pizza Pop!
SD Keiji Blader
Time Zone
Metal Slader Glory
Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa
Basse Def Adventures
Bio Hazard (demake)
Ghost Lion
both Fire Emblem games
Battle of Olympus
all 6 translated Dragon Ball / DBZ games
Felix The Cat
Ushio To Tora
both Destiny of An Emperor games
Megami Tensei II
Herakles no Heikou 2
Herakles no Heikou 2
all 4 Dragon Quest games
Sweet Home

>> No.8915251

Do you have a full time job?

>> No.8915257
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Lagrange Point
Chronicles of Radia War

>> No.8915316
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Oh, forgot to include:

>Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
5/5 Probably the best classic RE game. A host of great ideas that all work. Nemesis is a fun challenge that adds replay. The game is perfectly paced almost like an arcade game. City is well designed and my favorite RE setting/level. The atmosphere is perfect and I love the art. The damage you take from enemies is very well balanced relative to their large numbers (i.e. you only take full damage from 1st time getting grabbed per room). Jill is hot.

RE0 totally killed my interest in playing another RE style game for another century. RE:CV is the only classic RE I haven’t played and Steve/Alfred make me not interested in it. I also don’t like Claire’s VA.

>> No.8915360

Crash 1
Splinter cell 1

>> No.8915362

I genuinely don't think I finished anything new. Aside from Misadventures of Tron Bonne which I enjoyed a lot and Mario Galaxy 2 which is not retro I haven't beaten anything. I'm also a NEET, what am I even fucking doing? I'm on this board and I barely even play video games nowadays

>> No.8915369

ive been a neet for 3 years and i think ive played (not even finished) maybe 5 games in that time. and i only enjoyed one of them

>> No.8915448

New things I beat:
>Streets of Rage (Blaze, 3CC)
>Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse
>Devil's Crush (got 99 million points with the Devilsatan code lmao)
>Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
>Trip World
>Twinbee NES
>Streets of Rage 2 (All characters)
>Monster World 4
>Starfox 2 (Expert difficulty)

>Virtual Boy Wario Land
>Starfox 64

My favorite games so far would be Streets of Rage 2 and Starfox 2, but honestly I've enjoyed most of the games I played. Decided to focus on Genesis games since that's a catalogue I've neglected over the years and most of the ones I did were great. I should play Alien Soldier or Quackshot next, I'll see. Right now I'm slowly working through Sly 2 which I am enjoying a lot more than the first one.

>> No.8915461

Mario Picross for gameboy
Oracle of Ages
Pokémon Yellow
Mario 64
Fatal Fury Special
Metal Slug 2
Metal Slug X
Metal Slug

>> No.8915516
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UN Squadron on real hardware.

>> No.8915609

What have you mostly been doing the last three years then? What do you spend all of that free time on?

>> No.8915613

Tomb Raider 1-4
Ratchet and clank 1-3, + crack in time & quest for booty
All the 2d Zelda games for handhelds

>> No.8915702
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Twilight Syndrome
Kowai Shashin
King's Field
King's Field II
Gitaroo Man (...well, up to the last stage anyway. I've been trying to beat that for the past three days but I think I'm going to have to give up).

What did you think of Sweet Home? It's one of my favourite games.

>> No.8915775

You can beat half of those in a couple hours.

>> No.8915925
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Crash Bandicoot is a classic, a good choice to complete, anon! I feel the sequels improved upon the original, so I recommend checking them out and beating them if you haven't before, though I'll admit the original is my favorite for some reason.

I'll probably become a NEET too soon, and I haven't managed to complete a lot of things from my bucket list, simply don't have the motivation to play, even though it should be fun, it's supposed to at least, but most NEETs seem to be like this.

I've struggled with depression for years now though, it's what's going to turn me into a NEET afterall, and a common symptom is that loss of motivation and joy in doing things, growing out of your interests. I'd go to a psychiatrist to check out if you're ok.

I need to get around to completing the Streets of Rage titles, especially the 2nd one, I grew up with it and loved it, but Beat'em ups are hard for me really, I suck at them. Castle of Illusion was a terrific choice, surprisingly tough on hard, but fun.

>> No.8915958
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I'll admit, most of the things I've completed this year were replays of what I had already completed before, and because of that I can't even write it down, because I don't really remember what I beat. One of the things about retro which is so fun to me is that you take so long to master something, and at times it feels impossible, that classic difficulty, but once you finally beat it it's like everything just clicks and you can beat it again whenever you're in the mood, which is something I often do, since I can play something from start to finish in half an hour, still, because of that it feels less eventful when you beat it. I beat Sonic The Hedgehog (Game Gear) a couple of days ago, almost got a 1CC on it for the first time, but blew it on Sky Base Zone Act 1.

When it comes to new ones, I managed to beat a couple:

1. Donald Duck no Mahou no Boushi (Super Famicom) ... I wouldn't call this the best Donald Duck has to offer, I personally prefer Quack Attack/Goin' Quackers and especially QuackShot, but this doesn't mean this isn't a stellar title, it looks amazing, sounds amazing, has so much personality and captures the Disney atmosphere perfectly, a comfortable time, so I loved it.

2. The Amazing Spider-Man (Game Boy) ... A Rare title, literally, this is before their fame on the SNES and N64, but it shows they already had something going for them. I don't think this is too good, but it's fine, and for the hardware this is about what I'd expect from Spider-Man, better than that even, and it's better than its sequels, which I couldn't be bothered to beat.

3. Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin (Master System/Game Gear)
I played both versions and they were identical, except for the smaller resolution on the Game Gear. I don't think it's awful, but it's too unforgiving to be memorable, I didn't manage to beat it on Nightmare, the hardest difficulty, and even the difficulties I beat took a while, with the single life you get being the main issue. It controls fine though.

>> No.8915974

staring at a wall, watching youtube videos i dont like, sleeping

>> No.8915980

A man of culture.

>> No.8916012

I mean, this sounds like depression, anon. I'd get checked if I were you, maybe start some therapy and medication, it's not a perfect solution, but it works for a lot of people, and it could work for you too. I wish you good luck and all the best.

>> No.8916019

I will never ever do this to myself

>> No.8916040

Doom (1993) – 9.5/10
Sky Gunner – 9/10
Ninja Warriors – 9.5/10
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror – 8/10
Power Blade – 8/10
Sly 2: Gang of Thieves – 8/10
Future Cop: LAPD – 8/10
Midnight Resistance – 5/10
Sub-Terrania – 6/10
Doom II – 9.5/10
The Revenge of Shinobi – 9/10
Ape Escape – 9/10

I'm almost done Vector Man, I made it to the last boss yesterday. I need to hit the Gamecube, N64, or Xbox soon.

>> No.8916045

Well, why not? I'm not trying to push you, just curious. Do you feel happy or unhappy with life in the moment? If you're happy then I suppose you're fine and I got a little ahead of myself there.

>> No.8916072

>Red Faction II
2/5. Mercifully short with decent set pieces for its time. Shockingly well paced, but totally wastes the potential of the first game.

4/5. Well structured, properly campy, and consistently tense. Best RE game outside of 4.

>Splinter Cell
3/5. I'm a total sucker for this style of grounded espionage, but this game is rife with bullshit. For every great moment there's a kick in the balls waiting for you.

>Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast
3/5. Solid action/adventure game, especially for its time. Effortless mix of shooting and saber combat.

>Vice City
2/5. Did everything up to the final two missions that require you to own certain property and cucked myself by spending all my money on non essential propety. Outside of that, the game is just okay, and loses points for banking so hard on 80s music and moves.

>SSX 3
3/5. Still playing this, but really a joyful downhill racer. They unironically don't make em likes this anymore.

>Doom 3
3/5. I expected worse, but what I found was a fairly enjoyable action game with horror themes. Dead Space owes a lot to this game.

>Max Payne 2
4/5. Fantastic combat even by modern standards mixed with a schizophrenic narrative that legitimately had me thinking Mona was a figment of Max's emotional trauma.

>Jedi Academy
3/5. All killer, no filler, but lacks the combat variety and soul of Kyle Katarn's story.

>Red Faction
3/5. Imagine if Half Life was made to more resemble a B-movie action flick. Well paced like its sequel, but not as cerebral as it could've been given the destruction engine.

>Max Payne
4/5. Like its sequel, excellent combat. Max's monologing grows on you like the mold on the three week old pepperoni pizza you left in your fridge after a frigid night out drinking.

>Half Life 2
5/5. Masterpiece, blows pretty much every other FPS out of the water with its variety of systems, incredible pacing, and fresh sci fi dystopia.

>> No.8916101

>King's Field
>King's Field II
Did you rike it?

>> No.8916105

If you're required to pump chemicals into your body in order to be considered "normal" it's likely that society is the one that's "mentally ill".

>> No.8916128

>Splinter Cell... this game is rife with bullshit
>Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast 3/5
>Vice City 2/5
>SSX 3 3/5
>Red Faction II 2/5
>Jedi Academy 3/5
>Red Faction 3/5

>4/5 Well structured, properly campy, and consistently tense. Best RE game outside of 4.
Hardly campy. Cringe to see it compared to 4 since it's going for something completely different.

>Doom 3 3/5
Charitable score for Enemies Spawn Behind You: the Game.

>Max Payne 2
>schizophrenic narrative
Agree with the opinion. MPD isn't schizophrenia though.

>Max Payne 4/5
>Max's monologing grows on you like the mold on the three week old pepperoni pizza you left in your fridge after a frigid night out drinking.
>like the mold on the three week old pepperoni pizza you left in your fridge after a frigid night out drinking
Are you one of the writers for Pitchfork.com? Painfully pretentious description. If you're actually LGBT though I didn't mean to offend you.

>Half Life 2 5/5. Masterpiece...
This is the game equivalent of an amusement park or a mini-game simulator. "Let's walk up to the hoverboat ride. Let's walk up to the stationary turret defense ride. Let's walk up to the scripted helicopter chase ride." Also is an example of early leftism in games "HEY GAMER, LOOK AT HOW HOT THIS MULATTO FEMALE IS. SHE DOESN'T EVEN SPEAK WITH EBONICS!"

>> No.8916137

new games-
some of the later classic megaman games, don't remember which exactly but i think it was at least 7, 8 and &bass, maybe 6 too
did 9 and 10 later when i figured out how to use dolphin
megaman x1-5, i got to gate's lab on x6 and found out that x needs a part to get into the lab, and idk if my character with said part died so i'm gonna redo it with the patch to make em not die
castlevania 1-3 (3 was jp and 2 was with a tl patch), rondo, sotn, and bloodlines, would've played them sooner but i only just got a controller this year
super mario rpg, likewise wish i played it sooner but this was out of laziness rather than inability to
ninja five-o, that grapple hook is great and that hostage saving makes me wanna finally finish exit ds
super mario 64, i played the ds one loads as a kid but never got around the original, likewise cause i didn't have a controller and the game would be lame without it, couldn't do all the moves

replayed games-
castlevania 4, did that one on keyboard before
redoing zelda 1 rn, may play zelda 2 after it

>> No.8916197

>Cringe to see it compared to 4 since it's going for something completely different.
Not like they have a name in common.

>MPD isn't schizophrenia though.
The word is literally scrawled all over Max's hallucinations.

>Also is an example of early leftism in games
Oh, nevermind, you're retarded. Be on your way.

>> No.8916212

Mega Man 1-8
Lufia 1 (I made a thread about it, people joined in and it was cool)

>> No.8916471

So far this year I have beaten (all first time plays):
Castlevania (NES) 3/5. I quite liked this one, but some sections of the game felt incredibly cheap with the bounce back when hit. Great aesthetic and music though, was a satisfying game to finally play through.

Castlevania II (NES) 1.5/5. Really wanted to like this one more since I think the vibe of these early Castlevania games is really great, but there’s zero percent chance I would’ve beaten this without a guide. Most of the difficulty comes from the cryptic “puzzles” to advance, whereas the actual gameplay is considerably easier than the first with a joke of a final boss.

Castlevania The Adventure (GB) 2.5/5. Fun little gameboy title. I really liked the segment of climbing the spike tower.

Ganpuru Gunman’s Proof: 3.5/5. Fun little Link to the Past inspired Japanese exclusive. Found a translation. Pretty short, but the combat is satisfying and takes a much larger importance in dungeons than puzzle solving. Nice visual style with some great music. Really was surprised by this one.

Castlevania Aria of Sorrow (GBA) 4/5. Skipped to this one since a buddy recommended it to me. So far my favorite Castlevania (all the other ones I’ve previously listed that I’ve played). The monster soul mechanic was a nice change to the formula and the music and vibe are top notch. Was obsessed with this for two days.

Going to start Castlevania III soon, looking forward to it.

>> No.8916637

Kirby's Dream Land
Grim Fandango Remastered
Kirby's Dream Land 2
Fable Anniversary
Kirby Super Star

Playing Kirby's Dream Land 3 right now, but I'm not liking it as much as the other ones on the list.

>> No.8916665

>Aladdin (SNES)
very fast paced and fun game
>God of War
pretty simple story and decent gameplay
>God of War II
beginning and end are much better that 1 but the gameplay is much more excruciating
>Metal Gear Solid 3
a bit clunky, but still pretty good. story was also very confusing (yes, i played 1 and 2 before this)
>Doom (Episode 1)
>Devil May Cry
loved the atmosphere (music especially)
>Soul Calibur 2 (Weapon Master 200%)
wanted to quite so many times but ended up finishing it. still one of my favorite fighting games.
>Kirby's Dream Land (Japanese Cart)
boring without copy ability

>> No.8916673

You wouldn't say that to a diabetic about taking their insulin. Just because mental problems are invisible doesn't mean they can't be just as destructive.

>> No.8916674

Stop this.

>> No.8916942

Hey don't give up anon, if even a shitter like me can beat Streets of Rage 2 using Skate with the continues the game gives you, I know anyone can. Start with Axel to warm up, you'll remember how to play in no time. Also, do not sleep on the first one, it's not as good as 2 and the enemy variety is a little thin, but I think it gets the basics very right, and the music is incredible. I recommend using Blaze.

Best Shinobi, Ape Escape and Sly 2, fucking nice, anon. What version of Ninja Warriors was it though, the original or the SNES beat em up? I love that one.

>> No.8917814

It was the SNES beat 'em up. It was really good but I found the last boss to be kind of whack.

>> No.8917835
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>a common symptom is that loss of motivation and joy in doing things
I don't know if I straight up have depression or not but I still remember how I just stopped going to uni one day and things have been the same ever since. It's hard for me to even sit down and watch a film. I usually enjoy my time when I'm actually watching, playing or reading something but getting myself to start any form of activity is really hard

>> No.8917906
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I've been on a romhacks kick and did a 100% run of SMW widescreen and X3 Zero Project.

>> No.8917918

Doom II's level design is fucking horrible, no way is it a 9.5/10 game.

>> No.8918203
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I see, maybe it isn't depression really, or just a less severe one, there's a lot of things which could explain your lack of motivation to start things, even if you know you might have a good time with them when you do it, perhaps it's ADHD or something, I don't know, I'm not too smart when it comes to psychiatry and psychology, but I think a single appointment with a psychiatrist just to see if you like it could be worth it, to get a better idea of what's going on and if you have something wrong with your brain, maybe even therapy with a psychologist after that too. I had poor experiences with both, but many people have good experiences, so it could go either way, still worth a shot, I hope you get better somehow and manage to start things more often while still enjoying them a lot. I'll probably quit going to university soon just like you did, it's too much for me and I'm breaking down, I'm already barely enjoying things, I don't know if quitting will be what makes me enjoy things more again or if it'll be what takes away all of my enjoyment for good, time will tell.

>> No.8918225
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Lmao, did you play as Kamaitachi? Banglar is pretty hard as him. Ninja and Kunoichi have an easier time with their up-throw. In fact if you haven't tried to play Ninja or were turned off by his lack of jumping: please give him a try. If you master him, he's lots of fun. I think he's up there with Max Thunder and Haggar as my fav big guy in any beat em up I've played.

Or did you mean it's easy?

>> No.8918260
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I've beaten a few, so far these are my favorites from that list. So far I've beaten:
Shadow Dancer
Streets of Rage 2
Golden Axe
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
Legacy of Kain: Defiance
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Spider-man (PS2)
Ratchet and Clank 1
Sly Cooper 1
Odin Sphere remake
Toki Remastered
Alundra 2
Crusader No Remorse
Crash Bandicoot

I have a few I'm playing at the moment and some on the back burner that I do eventually want to beat (Sly 2, Tomb Raider, Altered Beast, and Vectorman), but sometimes I don't always want to play video games. There are also more modern games that I'm playing but that isn't for this board.

>> No.8918315

Just checked my spreadsheet and apparently none. I did re-play Earthbound but I didn't finish it.

>> No.8918512

I just thought it was a weird way to end the game - using a move you don't really have to use anywhere else throughout the game to finish the final boss is not my favourite design choice.

I did a play through with Kunoichi and will likely try the other characters in the updated version.

>> No.8918531

>using a move you don't really have to use anywhere else
But throwing enemies is most of the fun in this game, and honestly most good beat 'em ups. It's a great crowd control tool, and slamming fools into each other is just fun. Did you just button mash through it? Moreso here because you get three easily executable kinds with very intuitive inputs and direction; Kunoichi has a judo shove, an up throw with her hair and a repeated stomach crunch, game flows a lot better if you take this into account.

>> No.8918667

Probably like most people playing King's Field for the first time these days I was inspired to do so after playing Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, etc. and wanted to see were it began for FromSoft.
You can see how certain design principles from King's Field have carried over into their spiritual successors, so it's interesting in that regard.
I liked King's Field more than the Souls games in some ways. You can put a lot more crazy stuff in your game when you don't have to worry about balancing for online multiplayer. Feels good getting some kind of legendary weapon like the Darkslayer and having it actually be significantly better than every other weapon in the game and living up to its reputation rather than not being all that much better than a longsword +10 for balancing issues as it would be in Dark Souls.

Anyway, I picked up King's Field III and Shadow Tower as well. Which should I play?

>> No.8918781

Beaten again (replays):
Mega Man X (SNES)
Diddy Kong's Quest (SNES)
Star Fox (SNES)

Beaten for the first time:
Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
Mario 64 (N64)
Duke Nukum (DOS)
Crash Bandicoot (PSX)
Turrican (C64)
Rebel Star Tactical Command (GBA)
Pokemon Yellow (GB)

In progress:
Wario Land (VB)
Mario Clash (VB)
Red Alarm (VB)
Mega Man X4 (Windows)
Laser Squad (C64)

>> No.8918801

It sounds like you have depression

>> No.8918813 [DELETED] 

Same. All I do is watch 12+ episodes of anime a day now. I have on desire to get up in the morning, let alone play games. It's fine. Hope you feel better.

>> No.8918819

Same. All I do is watch 12+ episodes of anime a day now. I have no desire to get up in the morning, let alone play games. It's fine. Hope you feel better.

>> No.8918820

I beat Gradius on NES using save states. Not sure if I want to try it without SSs because the final level is a killer.

>> No.8919217
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>> No.8919219

Sure, mine are:

>> No.8919259

>Not like they have a name in common.
its actually all they have in common.
just because games are of the same serie doesnt mean they are comparable.