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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 451 KB, 1125x1149, C204B465-E583-40B8-953B-0105F9809754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8914978 No.8914978 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine a graph, with the X-axis representing years from 1980-Present, and the Y-axis representing a scale of 0-10. On the chart are two lines: the first, titled Production Value, starts at 0 and approaches 10 over time. The second line, titled Creativity/Artistic Expression, begins at 10 and decreases over time, approaching 0. If you properly visualized this, you should be able to tell that through this medium's history, creativity and artistic freedom fall while production values rise in each successive generation.

In my view, Gen 6 represents the best compromise between production and creativity. It was the era just before the focus testing epidemic; games didn't have massive budgets, but devs knew how to stretch them to their full potential. All previous gens lack the proper technology to fully realize their visions, and all future gens lack vision altogether.

Gen 6 is the best, and I'll fight anyone who disagrees.

>> No.8914980

Hard to believe they managed to shoehorn HL2 onto the 6th gen. I mean sure it runs on a equivalent computer too to the Xbox, but very poorly, should have been a 7th gen title that had early release on PC.
Halo 2, sure though.

>> No.8914982

You are correct, but nostalgiafag boomers will tear you apart

>> No.8914983

To be fair, the majority of PC players who ran HL2 on launch did so at specs not much better than the OG Xbox. Running HL2 at 720p/60fps with medium settings was aspirational.

>> No.8914996

>the majority of PC players who ran HL2 on launch did so at specs not much better than the OG Xbox
Sure but they played many PC <-> console multiplats for PS3 and Xbox 360 too

>> No.8915004

pretentious fiddle-faddle word soup and most of the games in that pic are actual trash aside from RE4 and remake. that aside, you aren't wrong, gen 6 was fucking awesome.

>> No.8915017

Sure the generation where the real visionary developers like Looking Glass, Troika, Westwood, Origin, Black Isle, Bullfrog etc were all killed off in favor of the console sequel factory garbage that we have today.

>> No.8915062
File: 65 KB, 750x719, BE0CF65B-DEDD-4D5E-BA65-A9885F7269B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the beginning of “video games are art” phase? I personally prefer gen 5 as I think it has more to offer, but there were certainly a large number of amazing titles for gen 6. I just feel as though they’re all too similar to each other in terms of gameplay and art style, relatively speaking. Only one of the nine games in pic related doesn’t have you shooting guns and the main gameplay mechanic, bud that is mostly due to the games you selected to represent the generation. But having said all of that, I do believe that gen six could easily be argued to be the best gen. Just a matter of opinion at the end of the day, and anyone who believes otherwise is a fool.

>> No.8915079

Could have atleast used a better 3x3 to showcase it because half of those games are overrated to hell and back

>> No.8915139

lots of stinkers on this 3x3.

>> No.8915149

>you like x oh i like y but x has lots of stuff and i think it might be better but really its all just opinions and anyone who thinks otherwise is silly
why do people even bother making these posts man jesus fuck. you're not talking to a first grade class here. you literally said absolutely nothing about this post. you didnt even mention the name of any of the games you were thinking of but were very careful to imply you dont feel unreasonable about your opinions or whatever.
god modern internet discourse is so scared now. you cant even say your opinion without putting 5 qualifiers in front of it and ending on the fact that its an opinion. you dont need to work that hard to preserve feelings. fuck.

>> No.8915170

I’m having a hard time consider that "retro."

>> No.8915256

It's genre-specific.

>> No.8915272

It wasn’t me trying to preserve anyones feelings as much as me kind of changing my mind halfway through writing the post, going from “gen 6 lacked diversity” to “oh wait no it didn’t, just the games op picked do”. I suppose that makes me an idiot as well, but for a different reason.

>> No.8915275

Halo 2 and Shadow of the Colossus are not in the same genre, I think you’re just trying to save face.

>> No.8915279

No actually I"M sorry. You're really great. I'm so sorry. You'd deserve to punch me in real life.

>> No.8915280
File: 3.63 MB, 6100x5500, gba brazil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gba is underrated

>> No.8915282

I grew up with Splinter Cell and even I think it's a massive downgrade in gameplay, story and aesthetic compared to 2 stealth games that came out in 1998.

I think he means each game is a different genre but he has Splinter Cell listed twice.

>> No.8915283

that sounds like a (you) problem

>> No.8915291
File: 31 KB, 640x455, zelda-spaceworld-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th gen was when the disappointment really started and people began to stop being optimistic for the future. When game franchises started having their first biggest blunders if they didn't die outright. It had a lot of good games like God Hand but overall it's where the downward spiral began.

>> No.8915293
File: 1.27 MB, 2796x4000, gamecube games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamecube from my humble point of view is overrated even n64 is better

>> No.8915296

Action/Adventure, with "/" meaning "or". :)

>> No.8915315

''underrated'' thats why the prices all have soared even past its contemporaries and other nintendo consoles
>counting each pokemon game individually
>putting remakes and straight up compromised ports on there

>> No.8915325

all the good 6th gen games seem to be random one-off titles that the company that made them either never followed up on or fucking died soon after releasing. nintendo released two sides of the same half baked potato(ww and tp) they fucked up the controls on their mario release and made bizarre level desgn decisions. the only nintendo game that people can still enjoy without including a qualifier is metroid prime which they hard to farm out to a random western studio because they couldnt be fucked to maintain any of the very few 3rd party developer relationships that remained.

i think 6th gen is way darker than people make it out to be. and i liked SOTC

>> No.8915335

I'm a nostalgiafag boomer but I agree. Peak was gen 6. Gen 5 and 4 are right behind. Gen 6 was also the last real gaming generation. Went to shit in gen 7 instantaneously.

>> No.8915379

gamecube at least had some ssx games, n64 just has a piddly number of barely playable 3D games. I don't think either are very good.

>> No.8915409

actually this thread kind of talked myself out of it I don't think video games have ever been very good actually I think they shouldn't have done it at all

>> No.8915431

>western trash from multiple dead franchises
Miss me with that goy slop,
RE 4, REmake and Shadow are legit, though.

>> No.8915442

i have never liked HL2 even when it came out

>> No.8915474

>REtrash the shitty inferior remake of a classic game from the 5th generation
remove that garbage and i'll take you seriously

>> No.8915475

how can you possibly dislike it

>> No.8915476

>Reddit Hand
>good game
way to make your post loses credibility faggot

>> No.8915486

by having a good taste and not being a blind retard who parrots the BS the loud minority of REtrash fags spreads ''Muh best RE game'' and ''Le perfect remake!!!''
it's garbage, the best version of RE1 is deadly silence, REtrash is inferior in every aspect other than the graphics which is the thing that piece of shit got going for it

>> No.8915493

But RE1 looks and plays amazing dude. and its got all the same stuff from the old version. the guy wh omade re1 signed off on it. it literally supercedes the original

>> No.8915505

RE1 pc port from back in the day is the best one.

>> No.8915510

>But RE1 looks and plays amazing dude
yes RE1 is great
but REtrash is not, it's a shitty remake pandering for graphic whores, that gets shilled by contrarians who wants to appear as pseudo intellectuals with mature taste for preferring that clunky piece of shit over the popular RE games like 4 and 2

>> No.8915512

Sotc is the only good game there.

>> No.8915514

so you just dont like re1?

>> No.8915517

Actual games
Non games for subhumans and the cancer that infest modern video games

>> No.8915520

>he never played original RE1 hence why he can't tell the difference between it and REtrash
typical REtrash fag

>> No.8915528

but you literally said only contrarians shill it instead of re 4 and 2 which implies those are the games you actually like and you dont actually care for re1 that much regardless of version

>> No.8915536

>REtrash fag reading comprehension
i said popular RE games you retard, everyone knows 4 is the most popular and liked game in the series while 2 is the most popular classic RE both of them are regarded as the peak of the series by the majority (although i myself find 3 to be better than 2) however there is an obnoxious toxic loud minority of REtrash contrarians pretending their shit game is close to even being in the top 10 in the series
and as i said before Deadly Silence is the best version of RE1 is shits all over REtrash but you didn't play it so i doubt you can understand

>> No.8915537
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1920, xbox hueg games grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xbox library is worth to check but controls are a bit chunky.

>> No.8915539

i can barely even parse your post man its just all insults.i dont understand your idea that the only people who like specifically the gamecube remake of Resident Evil 1 are just contrarians pretending 2 and 4 arenot the best, but people who like other versions of RE1 are not those same contrarians and that you yourself think 3 is better than 2 anyway. I dont even understand why you think I'm a a remake guy either.

>> No.8915541
File: 2.35 MB, 3000x3621, ps2 gaems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But PS2 was the true king, rygar, shadow of rome, contra, maximo, castlevania and the list really goes on.

>> No.8915551

REtrash is a bad game and OP is a faggot for having the audacity of implying it's one of the best defining games of Gen 6 when it's not even in the Top 20 games for Gamecube let alone all of Gen 6

>> No.8915554

>ports and multi-platforms

>> No.8915556

Talk about what you like instead of constantly saying the same stuff about the things you hate then

>> No.8915557

It's incredible how many great games are on the PS2. You could probably fill three pics like yours and still have some left out.

>> No.8915560

just keep ignoring and not responding to the sperg who keeps spamming console grids in these threads

>> No.8915561

OP here. You talk like a street shitting cock sucker and probably can't get an erection. Goodbye.

>> No.8915568

this is such a tiresome sentiment man. there really isnt that much good stuff for it. even the stuff in that grid is a bit overgenerous. ive run out of games for the ps2 i want to play.

>> No.8915569

>probably can't get an erection
funny you say this because as i read this i was literally touching my erected 8 inches cock
REtrash is garbage and you a shit taste btw

>> No.8915572

today op was not a fag damn

>> No.8915576

>this is such a tiresome sentiment man
kys faggot PS2 had tons of great games, 7 or 8 grids won't even be enough to name all of them

>> No.8915580

>putting MP2 in the same caliber as the masterpiece MP1
today OP was indeed a fag, a semen slurping fag

>> No.8915586

Guess the age of this poster

>> No.8915616


>> No.8915639


>> No.8915643

Dude stop fucking saying that to my posts. You know there are 20 at the oldest. Stop lying. God damn stop ruining my rhetorical questions all the time I know its always you

>> No.8915670

Idk man I'm 29 and i largely agree with him

>> No.8915728

I agree and that's because it's the start of modern gaming, which hasn't improved in the past 15 or so years.

It ain't, but I support them on this board. With 6th gen this place covers 98% of anything I'd wanna discuss, save the odd PS3/360 title.

>> No.8915947

HL2 graphics are shit on even high settings, that's why people make graphics mods and make the game even ugly, it's like putting lip stick on a pig.

>> No.8916000

Retarded opinion.

>> No.8916016

OG Xbox is the most over-sucked piece of shit ever made.

>> No.8916126
File: 1.92 MB, 257x193, 1649800482952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7th gen = worst gen
Creativity/artistic vision on 0 and it actually went up later somewhat because it was at the bottom of the barrel
6th gen was approaching that level fast and much closer to 0 than to 100
1st gen = zero production values
7th gen = zero creativity/artistic expression
Actual peak = 4th gen
So there's a third chart that rises from zero at the very beginning, hit an apex at 4th gen, and gors down to zero at 7th gen. It's called soul.

>> No.8916189

but 4th gen doesnt have the kind of gameplay i like. i dont understand why /vr/ adds like the addition of 3D graphics is just a superficial element as if it doesnt make games feel and play totally different.

>> No.8916195

OP here to echo this statement. I appreciate if some just prefer 2D, but you're kidding yourself if you think 2D sprites are the tools developers wanted to be working with. Even in the 16-bit era, devs kept trying to get closer to emulating 3D. 5th gen was the rocky start, but they started to sing in 6th gen.

>> No.8916196

>Actual peak = 4th gen
based, 4th gen was the golden age of home video games.

>> No.8916198

In a few years vr will be invaded by zoomers claiming 7th gen was the peak

>> No.8916204

20 year olds are too young for PS2 anon

>> No.8916215

I dunno why /vr/ thinks the only joy from old games is nostalgia. Fuck off

>> No.8916889

What gameplay you personally like is irrelevant when discussing artistic vision x production values
3D is a natural downfall for artistic vision and creativity because by its nature it needs to be created by a team of people much bigger than 2D, each having their own vision and needing to compromise it to fit the natural rise of production values and the costs associated.
I totally understand if you say "I just like 6th gen gameplay better" but it's a different argument than "it's the best compromise of creativity and artistic merit x cost and production values we ever had in gaming"
Yeah, devs always tried new things to showcase their creativity among the limitations but as limitations decreased budgets inflated and teams increased in size to meet demands, plus they started to use more and more generic tools and assets. No wonder indie games really took off in 7th gen.

>> No.8916904

jfc your game choices are trash

>> No.8916946
File: 1.56 MB, 5160x2160, 1643791163021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, here's HL2 running on a modern computer at high resolutions, no mods just vanilla game.
Looks fine to me. Good lighting and atmospherics.


>> No.8916954

All my PS2 games came out before 2002.

>> No.8917860

I'm not looking forward to 7th gen being discussed here.

>> No.8917878

I suspect /vr/ will get split between generations by then. /vr2d/ for Gen 1-4 and /vr3d/ for Gen 5-7.

>> No.8917905

looks so fucking bad, shallow and unappealing
may payne 1 does better

>> No.8917908

>may payne 1 does better
Half Life 2 fucking sucks but you don't have to make things up, Anon

>> No.8917928

Payne 2 > RE4 > SOC > Halo 2 > Remake > Chaod Theory > Payne 1 > hl2 > Double Agent

>> No.8918063

>Chaos Theory>Payne 1> Halo 2>Payne 2>SOC>Double Agent>Hl2>RE>RE4

>> No.8918065

>Half Life 2 fucking sucks but you don't have to make things up
The irony is almost palpable.

>> No.8918127

Shitty 9x9 pic. Where the hell is Hitman Blood Money?

>> No.8918151

>7th gen = worst gen
Somehow 7th gen is worse than the absolute shitshow of 8th and 9th huh? Lmao its always Sony fanboys who have this retarded opinion because thats the only gen where they got BTFO.

>> No.8918158

>two RE games on your 3x3
This reeks of stupidity.

>> No.8918187

You sound submissive and breedable. Go back to /v/ with your console war shit

>> No.8918202

Yeah, 7th gen is pretty much the nadir of creativity in the industry, the most soulless corporate epoch where companies just took what sold well in 6th gen and milked it in janky, glitchy HD.
It's the only generation since the 3rd I bought no consoles for. Cry more about it, 360 zoomer.

>> No.8918204
File: 359 KB, 681x813, 1447908237901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. Gen 6 was the swan song of gaming.

>> No.8918235

Link to other platforms/original platforms where I can play Otogi 1/2, Blinx, project Gotham 1/2, Jet Set Radio Future, Conker remake, and Panzer Dragoon Orta?
Genuinely curious because I never had an Xbox and you're a faggot

>> No.8918241 [DELETED] 

Yes 8th gen blew 7th out the water for the most part.
Maybe a halo game and some better jrpgs in 7th gen, and even that's a stretch

>> No.8918264

The 9th gen only just started, we can't compare it with others on the same terms. But yeah, it looks like shit so far, I'll agree with you on that one.
But the 8th? Sure, we got a lot of cancer like the intensification of horrible business practices, microtransactions, DLC, games as a service, lootboxes, shoehorning wokeshit everywhere, shipping unfinished games, the shift towards digital, etc., but if you look at the whole picture, it's the West that pushes that shit and all of it really started during the 7th gen and what we have now is just a continuation of that.
Meanwhile, Japanese developers found what they lost during the 7th gen and gave us a lot of really great games. Bloodborne, BOTW, Nier Automata, Persona 5, Ace Combat 7, DMC5, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0, MH Rise, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, Ys VIII, Nioh, Dragon Quest XI, REmake 2, the list unironically goes on and on. It felt like a genuine return to form for Japan. It felt like the PS2 days all over again. The 7th gen was dry as fuck in comparison.

>> No.8918301

Damn, that's actually pretty neat

>> No.8918359

How did they do it?

>> No.8918387 [DELETED] 

I really don't like those games though. But getting into it would be not retro. I'll just say I'm sick of Fromsoft games they don't really change. Nintendo gave up on making something unique and just copied other AAA games. I don't care for how Atlus writes their JRPGs now. and I have never liked the Yakuza series or been into Mario. The only thing I can give you is gravity rush series.Everything else is just not good for me

>> No.8918449

Foundational era (1971 - 1983) = Pong, clones, Atari, Coleco. Arcades surge in popularity and attract innovation - Pong and Tennis games lead to Space Invaders, Galaxian, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, etc. Games are developed by very small teams of people. Many times just one or two developers.
Golden era (1983 - 2001) = Late 2nd gen/Early 3rd gen to Early 6th gen home consoles. Arcades remain the epicenter of innovation and new ideas. This era starts with more refined single screen 2D games (Mario Bros), continues onto scrolling games like Xevious and Super Mario Bros, sees the true refinement of 2D graphics, color, pseudo-3D effects (i.e. scaling), the birth of true 3D in the early-mid 90s, the evolution from simple sound chips to advanced ones and finally CD/DVD quality audio, and the foundation of online gaming. It concludes with refined 3D games like Quake 3, GTA3, Halo, and fast-paced 60 FPS games like Melee. and coincides with the death of arcades and the ascension of the PC to the true epicenter of innovation: performance, graphics, networking, etc. It starts with games being developed by 2-3 people and ends with massive productions that involved hundreds, as well as the cost for game production going into the multi-million dollar range.
Modern era (2001 - Present) = DVDs allow for longer, slower, cinematic games w/ lots of content. Game complexity completely transcends the abilities of one individual or a small group of people to be on the cutting edge and outpaces the abilities of once-legendary developers. Online gaming is perfected. Arcades reinvent themselves as a much smaller niche but continue the tradition of very elaborate cabinets and unique gimmicks. Individual game engines and bespoke hardware meet the same fate as small studios (scale or fail). AAA games are labyrinthine and expensive with thousands of names in the credits. Small devteams pivot from innovations in hardware and programming to innovations in game concepts using existing engines.

>> No.8918460

You mean 8th gen, except for the "they take what worked" part

Only half of those games are good, and besides that there's just far less good games on average

>> No.8918495

the indie boom didn't really get full swing until 8th gen started, so I'd argue there was way more good games, just not on average, because it's retarded to be talking about averages when anybody can shit shovelware out of unreal 4 engine

>> No.8918508

Half Life 2 is one of the few games from that era that went for a realistic graphical style that still holds up.

>> No.8918585

>360 zoomer
Kek of course i was right
None of those games are better than the best 7th gen games.
>It felt like a genuine return to form for Japan. It felt like the PS2 days all over again.
Holy fuck how delusional are you

>> No.8918598

I never played any of these games where should I start

>> No.8918756

HL2 - atmospheric shootercore
RE4 - cheesy action moviecore
splinter cell CT - dunno never played it, but the soundtrack is by amon tobin, who is based.
max payne - the matrixcore
REmake - tank controlcore (but done really well)
max payne 2 - streamlined the matrixcore plus rockstar
halo 2 - abu ghraibcore
shadow of the colossus - soulful bad framerate minimal zeldacore
splinter cell double agent - never played

>> No.8918767

>None of those games are better than the best 7th gen games.
Which 7th gen games do you consider better than titles on that list?

captcha: 4MMGS

>> No.8918915

>retarded person, replying to a retarded opinion, from a retarded person.

congratulations anon, you're also a retard.

>> No.8919063

Did Microsoft do some kind of market research that showed people were more likely to buy games with orange box art?

>> No.8919070

Man i never played the gamecube before but timesplitters, 007 were great shit back then, the only period where franchise from movie adaptations were good

>> No.8919083

No, I was right about you being a 360 zoomer
Both you and PS3 zoomers can fuck right off my boomer board back to /v/, I couldn't care less about your 7th gen console wars because they all suck like the corporate board approved, creatively bankrupt mass entertainment for brainlets they are.

>> No.8919085

Its reamly funny when you see western games became so shit the only worthwhile games are japanese nowadays
Kinda sad cause western was really shining in the 2000s

>> No.8919091
File: 630 KB, 2048x1536, Crazy_Taxi_iPad_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late gen 5 and early gen 6 has a very specific 'feel' that I fucking love; That sort of Sega, 'Endless blue skies' vibe. Lot's of summer themes or beach settings, This happy go lucky 90's slacker comfy, I don't fucking know what I'm trying to say

>Sonic Adventure
>Crazy Taxi
>Final Fantasy X
>Kingdom Hearts
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Wind Waker
>Gen 3 pokemon games
>Chrono Cross

You know what I'm trying to say? Either way I miss it

>> No.8919119

Typibg of the dead, illbleed feeling, no shit given only for the fun

>> No.8919137

Graphs? Charts? Sounds like faggy nerd shit. Your rant sucks. Gen 6 blows except for the Dreamcast.

>> No.8919142

Massive downgrade in RPGs that never recovered (for Japs at least). Notice how your thumbnail is full of shootbang. Almost no one likes Wind Waker and Sunshine more than OOT, MM, and SM64. All the modern genres started in gen6 (thanks to DMC, GTA3, and RE4), but that’s part of the problem - gen6 is modern, not retro.

>> No.8919154

Gen 6 is retro

Read the sticky

You're not 12 anymore


>> No.8919156

The PS2 had a metric fuck ton of fantastic RPGs

>> No.8919172

Sticky is wrong, has nothing to do with me
I mean, if you don't compare it to previous gens

>> No.8919786

Did what? It's just HL2 with max settings and at a ultrawide resolution

>> No.8919962

I think /vr/ is the most reddit board on 4chan, always with the same shit taste: Reddit Hill, Reddit Payne, Onions Ex, Street Faggot and stuff like that.

>> No.8919965 [DELETED] 

You mean BasedEx

>> No.8920000

how did they make it look good still you artless faggot

>> No.8920006

you mean /co/

>> No.8920701

JRPGs were never good anyways.

>> No.8920725

Rockstar didn't work on Max Payne 2 at all

>> No.8920805

Replace Double Agent with Pandora Tomorrow.

>> No.8920806

>Replace Chaos Theory 2 with chinamen knockoff.


>> No.8920835
File: 75 KB, 500x375, 500px-Novaprospekt_exterior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valve made the right decision in not using realtime shadows and full dymanic lighting. The subtle, diffused lighting, with radiosity and boucned light playing an important role, and soft shadows, gave it a unique look compared to other games at the time like Far Cry, Riddick, and Doom 3.

>> No.8920898

A single good JRPG has more mechanical depth and worthwhile story than a decade's worth of shooters.

>> No.8920915

Overrated ragdoll sim with mediocre gunplay
Massive departure from previous entries which magically wrapped up the Umbrella story and I am still mad about it derailing the series 17 years later
>Chaos Theory
>Max Payne
I had fun back in the day with it
>REmake 1
One of, if not the best survival horror games ever made. Art in video game form. Stiff controls hurt it a bit though.
>Max Payne 2
Never played it, probably overrated though
>Halo 2
Better gunplay than Halo 1 by virtue of giving more weapons which can headshot, but still a shit game for pvp with somewhat fun coop
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Double Agent
Not as good as CT, but still fun.
A decent list op, but I fail to see how this is peak of the medium.

>> No.8920923

This is exactly why this shit needs to stay on the fucking children's containment board /v/. Anyone who believes ANY of those fucking games are even worth playing is beyond help.
/vr/ should be 8/16 bit gaming only.

>> No.8920929

I like both jrpgs and fps and I don't think this is true. Competitive CS 1.6 is orders of magnitude more complicated than any jrpg I can think of.

>> No.8920932

Mate I shit on 6th gen all the time for being posted here, but REmake 1 and Chaos Theory are worth playing. You're lying to yourself for /vr/ cool points if you think otherwise.

>> No.8920940

>Actual games
nobody considers handhelds real games dude

>> No.8920941


>> No.8920953

Eh, it's a twitch shooter, whatever. But if you want to use the best-selling series ever on Steam as an argument, more power to you. For every competitive shooter whose mechanics can be excruciatingly dissected at the highest levels of play, there are a dozen arcadey shootbangs or hallway simulators.

>> No.8920967
File: 32 KB, 480x290, 3c8c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The diffused lighting was the norm rather than the exception. It could easily pass as a fancy Unreal 2 mod. The stencil shadow look is the outstanding one.

>> No.8920982

It's literally just Half-Life 2 running at a high resolution, nothing else.

>> No.8920983

>The stencil shadow look is the outstanding one.
It is great but, despite how good it looks, the environments in HL2 are better looking and better lit than FEAR, Riddick, and Doom 3.

>> No.8920985

The generation quality seems to come in ripples.
4th gen was peak 2D gaming. 5th gen was janky experimental 3D.
6th gen was mastered 3D gaming. 7th gen was hideous HD jank. 8th gen was streamlined PC parity.

Up next: Cloud and death of ownership.

>> No.8920987

Don't delude yourself that the story quality in even the best JRPG is anything worth experiencing. It's anime-tier drivel made for children. I have no delusion that FPS stories are any different, but at least they mercifully wrap up before the 10 hour mark.

As for gameplay, you are mentally questionable if you think clicking "Attack" and juggling a handful of potions and spells between turns is more stimulating than managing an arena full of obstacles, enemies, and utilities in real time. Chess is brainy, but an actual fight is the truest test of reflexes, decision-making, and in the moment critical thinking.

>> No.8921000
File: 380 KB, 1296x1584, stencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is great but
I mean, it is literally outstanding, regardless of quality. Those games scream mid-2005's, standing out from games that more generally define the decade.

>> No.8921017
File: 324 KB, 1600x1200, FEAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FEAR is one of those rare games, like Crysis and Perfect Dark, that still feel like a technological marvel to this day. Love that game.

>> No.8921083

>an actual fight is the truest test of reflexes, decision-making, and in the moment critical thinking
I can't think of any FPS like that. That's more like a fighting game, but I wouldn't take Street Fighter III (fun as it is) before any top-end gen4 or gen5 RPG.

>> No.8921105

You probably don't play on a high enough difficulty if you think FPSs are just "point and shoot" simulators. Half Life games on hard, for example, require quick thinking in how best to navigate and USE your environment to optimally defeat enemies.

I'm very tired of JRPGbabies thinking real team action is trivial just because they're too big of pussies to play on hard.

>> No.8921109

*real time action

>> No.8921204

I don't consider difficulty to always equal depth, especially in an action game. But if that is your logic, try a hard type mod for any popular RPG and see how it suits you.

Gen6 welcomed the casualization/dudebro-ization of games, and this exchange proves it. If this is what someone consider peak, they're either a gurgling overweight retard bro or a femboy neet who thinks Tales games are good.

>> No.8921220

>I don't consider difficulty to always equal depth
Difficulty is what forces you to engage in mechanics, retard. It's what gives games depth. There's zero depth in "grind levels and hit attack when it's your turn." There's always a single way for a turn based JRPG encounter to go in even the best of its genre; alternatively, there are a near infinitude of ways a 3D real time encounter could go if made even half-decently.

Obviously there's a lot of dogshit in both genres, but you'd have to be really, really fucking stupid to disagree with me on my main point here.

>> No.8921241

>There's zero depth in "grind levels and hit attack when it's your turn."
This explains it. You've been playing wrong the whole time. You should only be grinding if the game is too difficult for you, not to obviate the mechanics. This is congruent with you preferring direct interaction over planning and strategy.

>> No.8921250

I played it first on a Athlon XP and a FX5200 on a PC CRT monitor at the time.

>> No.8921271

I meant grind in the general sense that the game itself is just a constant leveling treadmill grind. JRPG combat is simple, rote, and unengaging regardless of level.

>> No.8921487

Are you sure about that?

>Never played it, probably overrated though
m8, this is a terrible way.

See >>8920835

>> No.8921653

>Xenoblade 2
I still have a hard time believing anyone actually enjoys that piece of shit.

>> No.8923364

heard you into remakes dog

>> No.8923373

If anything the sheer amount of ports that are inferior to the originals make it inherently overrated

>> No.8923487

Yeah, why would play a shitty port on a fucking GBA when you can do it on a Super Famicom in front of your big TV?

>> No.8923505

7th generation is horrible but at least we got some good games here and there but the worst one is the 8th generation by far, it's not even comparable.

>> No.8923775

>7th generation is horrible but at least we got some good games here and there
For example?

>> No.8923818

I'd school your ass, but it wouldn't be retro.

>> No.8923854

Not him but:
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Pandora's Tower
Valkyria Chronicles 1, 2 & 3
Yakuza 3, 4, 5 & 0
Ace Combat 6
Ace Combat X
Ace Combat Joint Assault
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Majin and Lost Kingdom
Elite Beat Agents
Armored Core 4 & 5
Armored Core 4 Answer
Armored Core Verdict Day
Punch Out Wii
Eye of Judgement
Metal Gear Ac!d 1 & 2
Mario Kart DS
Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story
Zelda Phantom Hourglass
The World Ends With You
Ghost Trick Phantom Detective
Dragon's Dogma
Red Dead Redemption
Dead Space
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Call of Juarez
Fallout New Vegas
Driver San Francisco
Ghostbusters 2009
Lost Planet 2
Mount & Blade Warband
Spiderman Edge of Tomorrow
The Darkness
Trine 1
Trine 2

>> No.8925747

if you count PSP as 7th gen i would include Jeanne dArc as well,great tactical rpg.

>> No.8925749

PSP and DS despite being released in 2004 are considered 7th gen