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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8909192 No.8909192 [Reply] [Original]

you didn’t hear it from me but a remake is in the works. announcement october but no set release date. some things I know
>they want a more grounded political thriller tone, even more so than human rev. expect the more outlandish stuff like aliens to be cut. idea is the consolidate a new canon integrating the prequel games and retconning invisible war
>reworked plot, CGI cutscenes, much more futuristic world looking to upstage stuff like cyberpunk
>they want much larger free roam areas filled with side quests and player choices which impact the story
>expanded RPG elements like skill trees etc
>denton will be sort of replaced with a custom player made character
>they want a much more sandbox sort of approach with the augmentations and so on, minor elements of stage destruction
>less level based, more like hub worlds with “mission” levels that can be done whenever instead of a linear path through areas
>all the china stuff will be moved to either japan or thailand, no china in the game
>area 51 is not going to be in, but there is a level exploring the pentagon
>more focus on the “cyber” aspect, sort of like divine cybermancy. ie, hacking peoples brains and stuff
>they want to make the plot less about evil plans to control the world and more esoteric philosophical stuff about groups like the illuminati or majestic 12 wanting to overthrow the government to steer humanity toward their idea of utopia, gray death stuff is still a big part of the plot. you start the game in a FEMA camp instead of at liberty island
>much more MGS style plot twists and character interactions, they want dialogue and plot to play a more central role instead of just a backdrop for gameplay
>endings are going to be totally reworked to set up a sequel

>> No.8909201
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>> No.8909236

Some of the improved dialogue text to make it more relevant to contemporary audiences:

>Simons: Mmm. I know you're not underestimating the problem; idiot white rednecks will always vote against their own economic self-interest.

>Leo Gold: Number one: In 1945 50% of government spending went to social services. Now it's 5%. Number two: In 1970 90 percent of Americans could afford to get degrees in sociology; now it's two percent. It's called "trickle down economics". Strengthen white-run corporations, weaken oppressed groups. With tax cuts, this can be done imperceptibly over time.

>Sandra Renton: She's my GIRLFRIEND. GOD.
>Gilbert Renton: I don't want some dyke spic dating my daughter. How'd you get mixed up with someone like that in the first place?
>JC Denton: What's the trouble?
>Gilbert: None of your business.
>Sandra: My dad's a bigot. Can you help me out? I could really use a gun for protection.
>JC: You can have my pistol.
>Sandra: *shoots Gilbert*
>JC: If only the NRA didn't mandate civilian gun ownership. What a shame.

>Isaac: China is the last Nazi country in the world. Authoritarian but willing -- unlike U.N.-governed countries -- to oppress its Tibetian and Uyghur minorities.

>Kristi: I don't care what they call themselves. I have seen it since I was a girl, the plotting and scheming of conservatives to make France into one big ethnostate with no foreign food. Where am I supposed to get falafel now?

>> No.8909240

>deus ex remake
Didn't ask for one

>> No.8909247 [DELETED] 

>no china in the game
What about making a game about how everybody (including game devs) are walking on egg shells for fear they might trigger some turbo autist on the other side of the world as global trading turning the planet into a one-world-government with no sovereign nation?

I'll stick to the original, thank you very much.

>> No.8909253

It was cancelled after the acquisition. Sorry.

>> No.8909254

>no china in the game
What about making a game about how everybody (including game devs) are walking on egg shells for fear they might trigger some turbo autist on the other side of the world as global trading turned the planet into a one-world-government established by commercial entities and how they shape the culture where there used to be sovereign nation? No? Too hot?

I'll stick to the pre-Patriot Act and "pre-2008" economic crash, thank you very much.

>> No.8909262

>he didn't keep up on current events and just spent 20 minutes making up shit after we all know Square just sold this property
This was already going to be a weak thread

>> No.8909270

>OP's full shit

So ... Cyber Punk 2077?

>> No.8909429
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>> No.8909436

Yeah. I'm so tired of remakes. Just give us new games.

>> No.8909452

>they want dialogue and plot to play a more central role instead of just a backdrop for gameplay
most believable part

>> No.8909849

yeesh + oof = yoof

>> No.8909852
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let's say it got the REmake treatment. what would be the monkey's paw there?

>> No.8909884

LARP thread

>> No.8909909


>> No.8910124

It's not some turbo autist, it's the government of a country full of paypigs.

>> No.8910126

It would bankrupt whatever studio even attempted something like that on a game as huge as Deus Ex.

>> No.8910129

You had a believable fake leak but shot yourself in the foot with >>8909236, 4/10

>> No.8910130
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>> No.8910151

>let's say it got the REmake treatment
you want it be garbage?

>> No.8910158

sort of sounds to me like a really early concept of something the new publisher who bought the IP is thinking of doing. it’s probably a larp, but if they haven’t even decided on key locations yet that would indicate to me they haven’t even started work on it

>> No.8910498

How do I upvote this post

>> No.8910605

>implying REmake isn't a pure r*ddit game

>> No.8910624

I noticed this too. I grew up with original RE, but I had a chance to play REmake. It was gross. It felt like a ramshackle childrens show production of an old classic epic I loved. The whole time I played REmake I went
>this is reddit, this is memes , this is reddit, this is memes
I mean just look at what they did to Jill in REmake. So insane man.

>> No.8910634

>reworked plot, CGI cutscenes,
Into the trash go.

>> No.8910710

Stopped reading at
>political thriller tone
That probably just means it'll be a woke remake

>> No.8910716
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>much more MGS style plot twists and character interactions,

No, thanks.

>> No.8910736

the fuck?

>> No.8910819

MGS was the game that really made me take this boards recommendations with a massive grain of salt.

>> No.8910823

dont pull that stuff man. 4chan has great recs. i hate this modern notion that you're somehow 'above' 4chan despite clearly using it to get an idea of what games to play(otherwise why are you here)

>> No.8910834
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>I mean just look at what they did to Jill in REmake. So insane man.
Yeah, she's perfect.

>> No.8910837

i knew someone who looked just like this but she called me a stupid homo and then did heroin and now i cant find her for years.
i really regret my wasted life

>> No.8910856

I saw a doppelganger of REmake Rebecca. Same short hair, enormous hips and ass, petite upper body. Was also in medical scrubs. It was one of those glitch in the matrix moments.

>> No.8910869
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>otherwise why are you here
Occasionally something interesting happens like some autist digs up a cool infograph, obscure interview with devs, some huge leak happens, etc. It's that 1% that tricks my monkey brain to come back here only to see some dude shill a shit game in every thread because his coomer fantasy waifu is in it.

>> No.8910897

am I a faggot if I actually like the sound of this? it’s obvious BS but i’m still screenshotting and waiting for october

>> No.8911095
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>> No.8911112


>> No.8911156

Personally think you're full of shit but to be real Nordic's recent remakes of like Destroy All Humans and Battle for Bikini Bottom were good and Desperados 3 was amazing, so I would be interested.
>endings are going to be totally reworked
That's fine.

>> No.8911396

these sound like awful changes. just make a new ip.

>> No.8911419

>am I a faggot

>> No.8911472

It would sell like shit regardless of quality. Deus Ex picked up a lot of steam with Human Revolution before Mankind Divided lost some of that (not saying it was a bad game just a bit too short.)

>> No.8911518

>but a remake is in the works.
no it's not bitch stfu

>> No.8911528

its not the boards fault you have shit taste

>> No.8911551

>not liking a cromulent game like MGS

It's iconic as fuck and has that reputation for a damn good reason. Say what you will about the rest of the series, but show some fucking respect to MGS.

>> No.8911717
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