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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8904951 No.8904951 [Reply] [Original]

Give me random obscure hidden gems DOS games

>> No.8905027
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>> No.8905043
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Rockstar by Wizard Games (no, not that one).
Surprisingly funny as fuck

>> No.8905062

this one is pretty good and barely anyone talks about it.

>> No.8905095
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Cool Croc Twins

>> No.8905107
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>> No.8905110
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Radix: Beyond the Void.

Make sure to play v2.0 Remix and not 1.0 (eXoDOS doesn't have 2.0).

>> No.8905117
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Dark Side
Driller sequel with faster engine.

>> No.8905352
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>Stunt Island
Basically a game where you play as a stuntman pilot for Hollywood movies and complete various scenarios. You can even create your own movies from scratch. Incredibly original and ahead of its time.

>> No.8905364
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the city is under quarantine due to a deadly virus or whatever, you drive a taxi, and you need to escape

>> No.8905390
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Conflict: Middle East Political Simulator
Embrace your inner crazy Zionist. Or, if you actually are a crazy Zionist, well, have I got a game for you! You are the new Israeli Prime Minister, and you need to defeat the Arabs. Not simply by waging war, that would be impossible, but by other means.

>> No.8905397
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Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
Beatiing nazis is always fun

>> No.8905417

DOS games make me feel the way I assume nongamers feel about every game
>bro check out this game. this one is legendary
>game that you've never heard of and know nothing about
err ok

>> No.8905470
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 103651-TunnelsofArmageddon-838968965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tunnels of Armageddon
Pseudo 3D game by California Dreams with amazingly bonkers plot: humanity has discovered mysterious underground tunnels left by aliens and now has to pick a champion to fly thru them to prove we're worthy. Failure means earth is toast.


(the plot is largely irrelevant, just try not to die.)

>> No.8905473

That game founded the Wolfenstein lore but I'd hardly call it a "gem". It's basically an 8-bit tier game.

>> No.8905478

I mean, the game manual is 20 pages long and 10 of them are dedicated to explaining the plot

God I love this game.

>> No.8905702

Noooo. They cant get away with it!

>> No.8905764
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crystal caves

>> No.8905783

Good taste, not obscure at all, tho.

>> No.8906167
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I remember walking into a CompUSA and on their shareware rack which had one I had not seen before anywhere else in computer show dealer rooms, trade shows, shareware catalogs, etc. So it was worth the $2USD to give Sango Fighter 2 a try and it is silly. The game is not polished but it was a very unique find. There are better out there, but it is not too bad for DOS.

>> No.8906307

>muh germans raicist
>blue-eyed blonde subhuman killing gods that touched the earth
the only game that shows Jews being truthful about their eurocentrism mental illness and no one ever got it

>> No.8906397

>It's basically an 8-bit tier game
So was every NES game, cocksnot. Tend to shut the fuck up more often.

>> No.8906437
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BloodNet. It's classic cyberpunk meets vampires, in a way that really checks my Shadowrun vibes. Game plays like a mix of a Sierra point-and-click and an RPG with turn-based combat and cyberspace hacking. It's a glorious mess and quite ambitious for the time.

>> No.8906441
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Also, Dreamweb is a great top-down point-and-click that has a decent psychological/metaphysical story, also in a cyberpunk sort of world. There's pixelated nudity, lots of violence, and the game is a huge influence on Hotline Miami (even though the developers don't acknowledge this - just look at screenshots to see). It's also one of the only point-and-clicks where you can solve almost every problem by just using your gun on it.

Came with a cool short story "diary" written by the main character too that adds a lot of context to the game.

>> No.8906448
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Can't forget William Shatner's TekWar. I think it's a Build engine FPS. Takes place in the universe that William Shatner "authored" for his books (actually written by another dude, but the first one was decent).

It's a world with lots of shootable civilians, FMV mission briefings from the Shat himself, and a fairly cool urban atmosphere.

>> No.8906609
File: 101 KB, 640x754, 3553-heretic-shadow-of-the-serpent-riders-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not terribly obscure, but... today I hung out with someone who had this box on like, an altar in her room, and it was flanked with skull candles and stuff, it was actually pretty cool. She also has a tattoo of Heretic symbol.

I know what you're thinking, and yes, and also yes

>> No.8906613

You miss out on all the other expansion scenarios if you play the DOS version though, on the other you can get roland audio.

>> No.8906628

>I know what you're thinking, and yes, and also yes
What did she mean by this?

>> No.8906795


>> No.8906873

I play video games to escape the real world though

>> No.8907187
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>> No.8907289

I remember sinking a lot of time into this. Thought almost no one else played that, at least among those who post here.
I don't think I've ever finished it, pretty sure there is at least three other series of tunnels after you escape the first one. Probably more.

>> No.8907291

>Sango Fighter 2
I liked the first one and can recommend Kin Yeo Fighting Game if the sequel is anything like the one I've played. Kin Yeo is different enough but still ought to scratch that itch.

>> No.8907297

>this box on like, an altar in her room, and it was flanked with skull candles and stuff
Ironic considering Corvus is not some psycho cultist (looking at you, Caleb) and just wants the invaders to pay for slaughtering his people.

>> No.8907304
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Castle Master is a kewl early FPS. I dunno if the DOS version has it, but the Amiga version has a kickass song in it.


>> No.8907356

It's all in the manual, bruh >>8905478
Five zones of 4 acts each.

>> No.8907494

nice ost

>> No.8907502
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system shock

>> No.8907520

this game screams rage quit it seems like it would be a terrible game until you play it for yourself and get a feel for the controls

>> No.8907594

It has got not kiddie gloves that's for certain.

>> No.8907595

sounds gay

>> No.8907667

Nah, acceleration is automatic, you just need quick reflexes. Think of it as a first person rail shooter where you have to dogde things (i.e. x and y axis). No enemy attacks you from the back and they are all static. The thing you have to worry the most is walls and memorizing the tunnels as much as you can.

It gets trippy REAL fast tho, that's for sure.

>> No.8907687

It began on Apple II, so yes, 8-bit.

>> No.8907749
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Just played it and plays kino af, I like how smooth the handling feels

>> No.8907804

Shadow President is great, too.

>> No.8907836

i thought so
does it have dead ends

>> No.8907864

I have never finished it but I don't think there are dead ends. Just different section of the tunnels with different obstacles.
To put it simply, it should be possible to reach the end no matter what path you take, since it's basically a straight line with diverging and reconnecting paths that always end up in the same spot

>> No.8907890

oh fuck did you get far

>> No.8907918

lol, fun story, no because I didn't have neither internet (it was the early 90s) nor the manual. So I had no idea I could save the game in certain spots. So after a bit I always ended up dying, I think I managed to get to the third zone (level 11 or 12?) but that's it.

>> No.8908025
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Jetpack. Awesome DOS puzzler action game.

>> No.8908069

yeah sounds like me and finding out about autosaves i didnt realize the first game i played was doing that so every time i died i would just load a saved gamed and lose a few hours of life sometimes

>> No.8908103

by the way, if you're curious...

>> No.8908278

thank you my guy

>> No.8908297
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Ant Hill

>> No.8908681
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Hole in One Miniature golf deluxe

Something about the art and weird levels just keeps me coming back.

>> No.8909449

Flight Unlimited
Surprised I never hear anything about it considering the same devs that worked on System Shock made it (one of them being a prominent figure in making the first Xbox), and it was quite innovative for its time (texture mapped polygons in a flight sim, fluid dynamics simulation, planes can break apart and explode into pieces if you go into a tailspin or slam into the ground).

>> No.8909692


>> No.8909991

They fucked and she was fat

>> No.8910057

Fucking Paganitzu my nigger, for puzzle action

>> No.8910119

Good on anon, I hope her tits were massive pillows.

>> No.8910121

Graphics in this look positively sexy, thanks for the recommendation anon