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File: 78 KB, 280x362, GTA3boxcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8890958 No.8890958 [Reply] [Original]

>blue banshee
>omni trio - first contact

>> No.8891053


>> No.8891059

Still the only GTA game I could be bothered to complete.

>> No.8891106

For me, it’s Vice City. GTA2 was my first GTA game, GTA3 blew my mind but my friend had it and I just did rampages and flew the dodo. Vice City was pure kino though.

>> No.8891123

VC's gameplay felt more fleshed-out for sure, but the map was barren as hell and not as memorable to me.

>> No.8891183

GTA3 has the best chaos cheats in the franchise. Trying to complete story missions while all the ped riot stuff is enabled is a trip

>> No.8891190

For me, its the Mafia Sentinel.

>> No.8891361
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, comf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot this playing:

>> No.8891416

3s map is filled with soulless gray boxes, come on

>> No.8891424

>omni trio

>> No.8891442 [SPOILER] 
File: 106 KB, 600x599, 1652101336228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8891783

>driving fast cars, causing chaos in the streets while blasting msxfm
Anyone who disagrees that this game was a fucking landmark is an idiot.

>> No.8892990

don't be a fool, 3 had plenty of shit that vice did not

>> No.8893057

for me it's;
>lucy - forever

>> No.8893212

>Mafia sentinel/diablo stallion
>double cliff fm - o mio babino carro
*chefs kiss*

>> No.8893219

Isn't that the voice of Tommy Pickles on the Rugrats?

>> No.8893230

Change that song to Chi Mi Frena in Tal Momento from Lucia dI Lammermoor and be racing away from the mob after starting chapter two...god Damn it, vr...

>> No.8893307

Genuinely curious, what do you feel that 3 had that VC didn't? I thought VC had lots of density with the missions but also rampages, hidden jumps, hidden packages and side-quests to do.
The only PS2 GTA that felt barren to me was San Andreas because the map was huge but relatively empty in a lot of places. (Still a great game though)

>> No.8893665
File: 169 KB, 600x594, scientist rids the world of the evil curse of the vampires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atmosphere/soul and this soundtrack

>> No.8893675
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>> No.8893702

take your grasses off

>> No.8893798

That's Miami for you.

Besides the soulful eerie Silent Hill/Max Payne/late 90s-2000 atmosphere, GTA3 has, on top of my head, more verticality in maps, a better camera, and birdview.

>> No.8893846

>Hometown, downtown, speeding all around
>An AK47 got the power in its barrel to move any mother that gets in my way
>Just another power machine out on the freeway
>Riding with me is my MC homeboy
>Knowing the rules ain't part of his program
>Finding the right way around this map
>Might be pretty hard cause he's fucked on crack
>G - Grand Theft Auto
>You gotta make a mark and move where you want to
>T - Theft
>To steal what you can and run from the nation
>A - Hey what d'ya say
>We automate the sequence and speed for my getaway
>Take it to the edge, there's nowhere to hide
>And call up the boys, let's go for a joyride

I was so happy this song made a return.

>> No.8893872

yea, 3 is all of those things, plus a working subway/el train, more distinction between areas, more arcadey feel, less unnecessary sim-like elements like mini-games and changing outfits (granted they served more of a purpose in VC but it was a precursor to SA's excess.)

>> No.8893878

the ps2 trilogy was foreshadowed since the very first game, Duke. GTA1. Liberty City, Vice City, and San Andreas were plotted so far in advance, it's... almost orgasmic.

>> No.8894163
File: 1.93 MB, 2880x1800, GTAVC Flash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking specifically about the map and things to do, which was seemingly what the poster was talking about.
I agree with you the atmosphere and soundtrack for GTA3 is just as good as Vice City, something I've come to appreciate more in recent years!

I never really thought about it, but GTA3 does have more verticality, not only the buildings but areas like the dam in the third island.
I still thought that Vice City was probably just as/more densely packed with things to do, but good points about the map.

>> No.8895776

>Finding the right way around this map
>Might be pretty hard cause he's fucked on crack
I love how this was a jab at pirates who didn't have the physical maps that came with a legal GTA release back in 1997.

>> No.8895824

What's Flazh?!?

>> No.8895832

how the fuck is that a Z

>> No.8897518


>> No.8897569


>> No.8897993

a ling

>> No.8898447

you are
the one

>> No.8899949

This game rocks, play the GTA 3 Gang Wars mod.

>> No.8900092

Retro as fuck

>> No.8900443

She's on fire

>> No.8900451

Always used the blue Banshee in Portland because there's one always availablein the car lot in St. Marks near the crusher and 8ball's garage. What made this game's city memorable compared to the others was the lack of a graphical map in the menu, which meant you had to learn the city by heart.

>> No.8900640
File: 984 KB, 3840x2160, GTA3 27_03_2022 17_55_56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTA III holds a special place in my heart for being one of those true "the future is now" games where you can't believe it was possible. I have some strong memories of playing the game and to this day I go back to it - with the advantages of modern computing - to relive the experience.

Oh and MSX is the best radio as it has that real london pirate radio vibe despite the game being set in america.

>> No.8900642

>foggy night, 3am
>chatterbox fm
dropping off prostitutes and pimps at the diner while listening to the insane people on the radio really brings you in to just how fucked LC is

>> No.8900661

U wot m8?

>> No.8900662
File: 560 KB, 3840x2160, GTA3 04_09_2021 11_10_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fog is a real pea soup which helps.

>> No.8900665

there was/is just something so magical about III compared to VC, what a great fucking game. LCS was a fantastic addition to the setting too.

>> No.8900669

LCS destroyed the atmosphere though.

>> No.8900678

want to use your fucking words next time instead of just posting some vague shit without any explanation?

>> No.8900687

Okay brainlet since you lack working eyes LCS completely changed the atmosphere of liberty from a very dark, muted and dull toned game intending to represent that the place is a crime riddled shithole where danger is on every corner (leaning into some noir elements) to a much more saturated, bright and cleaner environment. How LCS portrays the city makes it look like an expansion to SA, not III.

>> No.8900707

I like the idea of Liberty City being clean at one point before becoming the dangerous, uninviting city we would see in III. Makes me think of all that could have happened in between both games

>> No.8900716

>liberty from a very dark, muted and dull toned
It's not always like that in GTA III, it also has sunny days?

>> No.8900719

The sun is never super bright and don't forget the buildings in the game do not have bold colour tones (nor do the vehicles or Peds). There is no single point that makes the game dull which is why it is so cohesive.

>> No.8900739

Maybe it's just because I've played it on PC exclusively after playing it on PS2 20 years ago, PC ports always managed to strip out the atmospheric stuff from console games I guess to look the same on any graphics hardware.

>> No.8900740

Something that was missing from the subsequent games was the on-foot discovery of secret areas. They lost with when they introduced helicopters but it really makes it feel more like a 3D version of the first 2 games to me.

>> No.8900748

Does anyone play these games with fps mods? Apparently 3 was going to feature a fps mode but it was dropped in development. Honestly I could never go back to 3rd person. It feels like it was always meant to be.

>> No.8900765

The vanilla PC version is missing effects the ps2 has. Modding them in/using re3 restores them.

>> No.8900998

Cruising Staunton listening to Rise.Fm at 2am in-game is absolutely sublime.

>> No.8901038

Those videos of GTA 3 ambience are top comfy.

>> No.8901207

You are no goooood, you are no gooo-oooh-oooh god.
Follow things that you doooo in front of meeeeee ...

>> No.8901213

Slyder - Neo :)
You can find the song in FLAC on soulseek if need be

>> No.8901319

The lack of shit to find really killed my interest in IV and V as these huge open world's give no incentive to actually explore the rather large world's. SA is pretty bad for it as well but skirts the issue to a point as each environment is fairly bite size so just exploring the map itself is pretty fun. I do think III could've been more liberal with pickups in the game world and made ammunation prices higher to help promote it but eh.

That is actually something I did once - beat the story only using weapons I found and took from bodies and it was a fun time having to be a bit more conservative with ammo and needing to lean on the pistol a lot more (suitable for Claude's street thug styling in my opinion).

>> No.8901606


>> No.8901863

...selecta? Shit wait that is referenced in LCS.

>> No.8901878

This song hits different nowadays

>> No.8901886

He's right, even GTA III is a pain to play if you don't have a map, the devs were aware of what they were doing.

>> No.8901921

It is easy to forget that modern gamers cannot commit a tiny game world to memory. Sometimes they even manage to find the grocery store in real life but it isn't a certain thing.

>> No.8901937
File: 522 KB, 2000x1429, 2000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original big box version of GTA had physical maps for each city. So if you had a cracked version you wouldn't know the map from the start.

>> No.8901967
File: 969 KB, 2290x1218, IMG20211016185449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do think GTA 1's physical map looks better than III's.

>> No.8902002

I know you want to say >muh zoomers, but if you play these games with 0 previous knowledge it can actually be a pain. I ignored every 3D GTA until recently, so when I got to play GTA III I had some difficulty since I didn't have a map, specially with THAT timed mission that requires you to drive to certain districts in a place you basically just arrived.

>> No.8902020
File: 24 KB, 500x281, 89860a806ef2aad3458c37bf7c73660e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also Dottie in Pee Wee's Big Adventure.

>> No.8902021

> 0 previous knowledge it can actually be a pain
That is a BS argument because not only does the game actively promote exploring, not only do the story missions take you to every corner of the city not only do the side missions also take you everywhere man the game has the area you are in show on the screen when you enter it that you learn by using your eyes and looking at landmarks around you.

You might as well say playing any game is a pain first time because you don't know where anything is or how the game works. Might as well go "what the fuck gran turismo is a pain to play because I don't already know the racing line for each track!".

>> No.8902031

>if you play these games with 0 previous knowledge it can actually be a pain
Are you for fucking real.

>> No.8902038
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>muh zoomers
>proceeds to act just like a zoomer

>> No.8902126

The islands in III are small enough that it lends itself to having landmarks being easily memorable. I bought the game used many years ago and learned the layout without a map easily.

>> No.8902320

I miss songs like that

>> No.8902330

So does this one

>> No.8902564
File: 2.66 MB, 1920x1080, GTA3 17.04.2022 17_05_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8902979

Escape from Liberty City.

>> No.8903004
File: 919 KB, 3840x2160, GTA 3 Wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8903075
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>> No.8903082
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>> No.8903150

100% this game without looking anything up. Hardest thing in the game was completing the ambulance missions. "Dress sloppy but my rap is dapper, something something slap a cracker." Just outlandish and funny. Anyways too many memories to count. Rise, MSX, and Chatterbox were my faves.

>> No.8903313
File: 365 KB, 1920x1080, 20200817221704_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LCS destroyed the atmosphere though.
nah it has its own

>> No.8903338

For me, it's


>> No.8903359
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, 2022.05.13-07.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modding them in/using re3 restores them.
Thanks god. Restored PS2 version of Vice City with PS2 files and audio

>> No.8903570
File: 972 KB, 3840x2160, GTA III 2020.12.25-23.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trails really don't work on modern LCDs (and the effect was pretty strong even on crts).

>> No.8903739

Did anyone else corrupt their save file with cheats as a kid?
I beat the game, did all the side missions, and only had a couple hidden packages left. I was having fun spawning in a shitload of tanks in the middle of the street and piling them up to create a huge fort to shoot people from and get 6 stars. After I had my fun and went back to a nearby garage and saved the game, but it froze while saving and I wasn't able to load it anymore. All that progress was gone.

>> No.8903854

Pretty sure I did in either 3 or San Andreas

>> No.8903885

>Makes me think of all that could have happened in between both games
demographic shift

>> No.8903893
File: 75 KB, 1105x599, yosuke-inoue-portlandislandsafehouse-gta3-interior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to play classic 3D GTAs with a decent CRT filter or shader? The trails on GTA III (I guess it was make-believe motion blur) were extremely comfy but they don't really work all that well on LCD screens.

>> No.8903901

If you can inject reshade the limitation becomes the quality of the filter.

>> No.8903903
File: 180 KB, 960x720, f43vkg7b8qz71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've worded my post better. I know about reshade, but I'm not sure if there are any good quality CRT filters that would work well with a 3D game. Any recommendation would go a long way.

>> No.8903914
File: 45 KB, 596x658, 1650947152957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys probably already know about it, but a while ago the original dev design document for GTA III was sold on eBay and I personally find it extremely comfy and really interesting to look at. The people from GTA Series got a hold of a copy and did a pretty extensive and in-depth video on it.


>> No.8903984

GTA series is a goldmine of GTA autism, along with Vadim M's content.

>> No.8904134

>ywn play the original GTA 3
One I played GTA 2, I liked that game model of getting respect for gangs etc. I really wanna do that but in 3 or VC.

>> No.8904667


>> No.8904682

GTA 3 always seemed like a step down from 2 to me. Less shit to do, worse missions, less versatility, less difference in the environment.

>> No.8904753


>> No.8904794

With GTA3, I think my disk must have been knackered, since everytime I started a new game, the roads would lose texture and become a dark blue. Made playing the game near impossible.

>> No.8904809
File: 202 KB, 490x769, GTAIII_yXdix9F1xL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8904895

read it in his voice

>> No.8904897
File: 920 KB, 1920x1080, gta3100%.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it this year
I 100% agree on the ambulance mission, especially if you do it after the story is over
shit took me like 8 attempts

>> No.8904898

I got stuck with the "peds fight" cheat and couldn't complete the last misson

>> No.8904905

Distinctly remember doing that with the peds riot cheat. I think I somehow completed the game, not sure.

>> No.8904913

>that last mission where the guy was just missing

What happened to him?

>> No.8904916

Presumably Love absconded with the Oriental man to have sex. Or eat him, I dunno.

>> No.8904931

What fps mod do you use for them? I've never seen one.

>> No.8905490

As a kid I thought this place looked mad comfy

>ywn be a gangster running small jobs for the mob in between chilling in your garage cave watching reruns and listening to Chatterbox while heating mac and cheese on your stove

>> No.8905517
File: 386 KB, 1100x286, GTA 3D universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might try that. Have been planning on playing the series in story chronological order (as in pic related) but I've never committed to it.

>> No.8905518

I never thought of that, but i think you're right. Having no overhead map really made a difference.

>> No.8906636
File: 753 KB, 3840x2160, GTA3 09_08_2020 16_30_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a kid I thought this place looked mad comfy
Jesus anon that is depressing to read.

>> No.8906812

You were clearly a very weird kid.

>> No.8907035

For me, it's The Triads.

>> No.8907170


>> No.8907195


>> No.8907201
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1080, soul.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8907212
File: 1.08 MB, 3840x2160, GTA3 10_04_2021 09_29_53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively the rain effect is bad but it sure fits in with the grunge of liberty city.

>> No.8907359


>> No.8908070
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>> No.8908570

This song was absolutely based

>> No.8908835

Shame it got censored in GTA III. That said the development of radio for the first 3 games is fascinating as they basically made it up as they went along. VC was far, far more controlled.

>> No.8908889

>Shame it got censored in GTA III.
I thought that was part of the joke in its version.

>> No.8908915 [DELETED] 

>Shame it got censored in GTA III.
I thought that was part of the joke in its version.

>> No.8908917
File: 1.07 MB, 3840x2160, GTA_ Vice City 10_01_2021 16_14_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope they just toned it all down for III. For all of the controversy it had if you play the game there is zero swearing, sex or overt drug use. It is in fact the tamest GTA ever made.

>> No.8908937

Fucking computer.

>> No.8908974
File: 2.16 MB, 800x600, liberty city train driver 1997.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes sense in a way of DMA wanting to test the waters of what they could and couldn't do in the 3D universe, but given they did this in an earlier game in the series, it doesn't make sense.

>> No.8908993

Max clifford was a hype (well, controversy) machine for GTA 1 in bongland and the games' marketing was entirely angled on being - essentially - a video nasty. They never pushed it as hard for GTA2 but when rockstar came aboard for III and went to make the game mega stirring up shit was a sure fire way to build hype and sales. The fact that the people claiming the game as evil never played it matters not - it sold millions on made up drama alone. III has no swearing in it at all but by reputation you'd think the swearing is as bad as bulletstorm.

>> No.8909010
File: 54 KB, 555x312, 530238443[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me of Carmageddon getting criticised by an MP called Pope so you got this hilarious headline which made it sound like John Paul II himself was calling it out.

>> No.8909016

That was another one that explicitly went for drama to get sales. It is a classic if its banned on radio 1 it will be number 1.

>> No.8909021

I've done a lot of crazy things but I've never been on fire

>> No.8909113

As a teenage bong in 2001 it was GTA III and where's your head at by basement jaxx that defined 2001 and to this day I appreciate both. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rAOyh7YmEc

>> No.8909798

>It is a classic if its banned on radio 1 it will be number 1.
Unless you're the Sex Pistols

>> No.8909813

Is swearing a bigger deal in America? Because even considering “Damn” a swear word is pretty funny, but makes sense why Americans thought murdering prostitutes isn’t as bad as saying fuck, which they still didn’t say in VC either.

>> No.8910007

...at least, not to my knowledge

>> No.8910179

>Is swearing a bigger deal in America?
As a rule yes.

>> No.8910264
File: 958 KB, 112x112, 1648475138726.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero swearing
There is some swearing. Not much but it's there.
>zero sex
You can literally have sex with prostitutes to improve your health, there are missions about delivering them to customers, and the first place you get jobs from is called "Sex Club Seven". Misty literally says "I'm bored, when are ya gonna drill me" in one cutscene.
>zero overt drug use
Fair enough, maybe not *overt* drug use, but hidden packages are crack cocaine ("SPANK") packages, the main mission in the first island is about destroying a drug boat, you literally drive María to her dealer, who describes the drugs and the effects before driving her to a rave, there's a mission about drug-crazed addicts trying to kill you by suicide bombing...come on.

>> No.8910270

>There is some swearing
Can you cite some?

>> No.8910275

>I'm proud of you my boy, you kicked the shit out of those grease balls.
>OK, I've had enough of this shit. We're gonna finish the Triads in Liberty once and for all!
>Come on you dumb bitch!
>Some Diablo scumbag has been pimping his skuzzy bitches in my backyard.
It ain't much, like I said. But that was just from a quick text search and the text doesn't include the talk radio, which is 20+ minutes of dialogue, or any of the other radio stations or advertisements.

>> No.8910282

Toni on the radio definitely mentions "shrink shit" on Chatterbox

>> No.8910348

trivial things are always a big deal in america

>> No.8910387

We equip prisoners with flamethrowers and grenade launchers and watch them HUNT EACHOTHER DOWN!

Liberty City Survivor

>> No.8910435

I was grabbing a burger down at the happy blimp, when these two guys crashed through the window and started shooting at each other. I was so excited, I didn't even know I'd been hit, I watch liberty city survivor every day in the hospital!

>> No.8910438

read it in his voice

>> No.8911110

Burned into my brain. It made me wonder if there was also a grenade launcher I was missing out on.

>> No.8911473


>> No.8911491
File: 1.46 MB, 3840x2160, GTA3 09_08_2020 16_55_38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It amuses me that the stadium has cocks plastered all over it but there is no way to ever see it ingame unless you master flying the dodo which isn't intended behaviour anyway.

>> No.8911505
File: 29 KB, 620x465, banshee27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>blue banshee
Car so iconic Rockstar made them build a real one.


Based. I see HD style stripe from OnePiece HD remakes? One day I will buy Pontiac Solstice and make it look like Banshee. I know it's supposed to be Viper but Solstice is close enough.

>> No.8911530

Has the project resumed ? TT nuked it months ago.

>> No.8911539

Unknown but mirrors exist and it was in a complete state (as in, it works makes the PC look like the PS2).

>> No.8911667

>Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories STILL aren't ported to PC


>> No.8911676

VCS is overrated. It's a real mess of a game.

>> No.8912936
File: 13 KB, 807x141, relcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i disagree anon.

>> No.8912963

God, the dark humor in these satires on the GTA radio stations is fucking legendary.

My favorite was VCPR— everything on that radio station was absurdity beyond anything I’d ever heard at that age lol.

>> No.8913331

>those ambulance missions
This is single handedly the hardest thing I've had to do in a gta game. If you do it after random gang npc's get hostile then you're fucked

>> No.8913349

Here's where the mix for MSX fm came from for anyone who wants to listen . Great mix

>> No.8913386

What's this? Some canceled port?

>> No.8913456

What's the best way to play this game now that Rockstar has taken it off of Steam? I'm not buying a PS2.

>> No.8913492

Then you're shit out of luck. The psp games also have ports on the ps2 that are better. Just buy one at a garage sake and mod it

>> No.8913497

PS2s are cheap as fuck and they are the original intended experience for the game. Disregard what anyone says, PC mouse aiming is a retarded halfway hack that feels completely unnatural.

Barring that, just pirate the motherfucker.

>> No.8913617

>What's the best way to play this game now
re3 with ps2 assets

>> No.8913623

Hello, I am Maurice Chavez and welcome to Pressing Issues.

>> No.8914567
File: 1.08 MB, 3840x2160, GTA_ Liberty City Stories 19_11_2021 11_37_26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8914770

>GTA3 comes out
>Install game
>"Hey, this driving game has no invisible walls. Nice"
>Goof around for days.
>Discover cheat codes.
>Stand near police/hospital intersection and use code to blow cars up.
>Keep blowing cars up.
>Keep blowing cars up.
>NPCs no longer spawning.
>All is quiet. All is fog.
>Hear faint music.
>"Is that.. an ice cream truck?"
>Run through fog to try to catch distant shape.
>Run around the corner, and see faint silhouette of it still too far to reach.
>Look around at exploded cars. Nothing available to chase truck with. Stuck on foot.
>Chase truck on foot around several corners.
>Eventually lose sight of it completely.
>"Guess I should play the regular quest mode for a while..."

>> No.8914813

>regular quest mode
It's called the story.

>> No.8914852

Some people these days don't even know how to read a map so it wouldn't matter anyways. GTA3 has a really easy map, though. Island 1 is basically intersecting circles, Stanton Island is almost 100% a straight grid, and Shoreside Vale is kind of funky because of the elevation changes and dead ends but once you find your main roads you're good

>> No.8914968
File: 2.72 MB, 3840x2160, GTA3 16_05_2022 20_12_26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So taking a bit of inspiration from this thread I decided to see if I can use reshade to inject a crt filter into the pc version and how it would look. This lead to several realisations but most hinge off the most important one: i'm a brainlet and do not know shit about editing shader values. That said I took a stab at the ported over crt royale and made this by just fucking about. Definitely need the crazy motion blur on to sell it.

PLEASE NOTE the circle effect is a result of jpg compression and not visible in gameplay or uncompressed png.

>> No.8915889

>CRT filters
>Investing time to make something look deliberately bad

>> No.8915985

>not playing as the developers intended

>> No.8915995

>Not realizing that CRT scanlines were a limitation for publishing and actually inhibit the visual vision they were going for
This is like saying we shouldn't transcribe any older copies of classic literature because printing press imperfections were "part of the author's intention" 1 IQ argument.

>> No.8915998

Not applicable. Video game. The video part matters. Sorry zoomer.

>> No.8916007

>Not applicable. Video game. The video part matters. Sorry zoomer.
An author's intention being limited by the media they're encoding it in is the same mechanic whether if it's a game, a novel, or a song.
You're not even engaging with the argument and you're making yourself look retarded in public.

>> No.8916271

>As a kid I thought this place looked mad comfy
So did I.
Guess we're both weird.

>> No.8916376

Ok zoomer.

>> No.8916578

Anon, i've recognized your screen it's my re3 dump from six or five months ago. I've lost my hdd and my backups, h0can you share the game files?

>> No.8916587
File: 653 KB, 3840x2160, re3_2021.11.12-20.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it's my re3 dump from six or five months ago
It is not - those are my screenshots I took.

>> No.8916593

I mean, I shared my personal re3 i guess in november, you downloaded, and then you took these screens. Anyway if not, can you share some game files, please?

>> No.8916610

Name a good hoster that can handle 1.5gb and I will upload when I get back from work.

>> No.8916613

I used this

>> No.8916639

Would GTA 3 tecnically possible on a Dreamcast? Size issues aside

>> No.8916698
File: 35 KB, 461x337, 1652329287874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you leave the dealship with your stolen car and the hood gets broken from the window
dude I think I might have had this game running on a 98 machine originally. Was surprised that it ran I think but I threw a beefy nvidia in to run morrowind and the motherboard gave no fucks. Was this beefy office motherboard thing.

>> No.8916720

Not without severe cuts - the Dreamcast just doesn't have the horsepower.

>> No.8916735
File: 7 KB, 205x241, 1651286600227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game was developed on CRTs, the assets were created on CRTs, the visuals were tuned on CRTs, and all of this was done with CRTs in mind. You just gotta deal with it.

>> No.8916753

Play it on CRT then

>> No.8916754

Game size isn't much of an issue, most of it is audio which could be compressed. The real issue is that the DC doesn't have much RAM which is essential for an open world. The weak CPU would also be a major problem.

>> No.8916797

CRT filters look like how they would appear on a photograph, not how your eyes actually perceive the CRT in person.

Dont use them.

>> No.8916862


>> No.8916863

While not applicable for this particular scenario there are crt filters out there that emulate how a crt displays an image (which inherently needs a lot of resolution) so your premise is not entirely accurate.

>> No.8916872

Crt doesn't emulates anything. Try a real good crt display, and you'll see that they are not like those filters.

>> No.8917063


>> No.8917128

That isn't the same - anon is about the build that uses PS2 HUD and icons.

>> No.8917140

Fuck, abso-fucking Chadman.

>> No.8917405

>anon is about the build that uses PS2 HUD and icons.
It is not tho, just hd versions of them

>> No.8917632
File: 1.20 MB, 2000x1333, anon always delivers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one package for Anon...sign here please.


>> No.8917734
File: 14 KB, 361x311, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much

>> No.8917767

>Then the Mafia blasted you with their OP shotgun.
Who thought THIS was a good idea?

>> No.8917792

I played through most of the game with turbo mode enabled. I learned to avoid that side of town like the plague after my car would get instantly exploded by shotgunners if I dared to drive too close.

>> No.8917793

I get the distinct impression you are meant to effectively 100% each island before moving on since each island has a mission that causes at least one of the street gangs to upgrade their weapons and make travel more dangerous. Downside is the shotgun is a lot more powerful than anything not the M16 so if you do return you get fucked a lot harder.

>> No.8917801

>Downside is the shotgun is a lot more powerful than anything not the M16 so if you do return you get fucked a lot harder.
This was why the Mafia were given Uzis in Espresso-2-Go! because even DMA knew that mission was near-enough impossible otherwise.

>> No.8917805

That mission is a mess on all fronts and is clearly a good idea that wasn't really polished enough.

>> No.8917815

if you know how to fly the Dodo, you can do a recon flyover the whole map and spot all the covfefe booths before crashing into any

>> No.8917837
File: 979 KB, 3840x2160, GTA3 09_08_2020 16_40_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure but that is a pro skillz move, not something one would learn the first few times doing that mission.

>> No.8917859

Dam feels

>> No.8917886

Doesn't help that every gang in Liberty (barring the Hoods) want you dead at that point.

>> No.8917890

The yakuza are always friendly to you.

>> No.8917892

Of course, they don't know that you killed Kenji. How could I have forgotten that.

>> No.8918002

Unbelievable no one has posted this song, this was *le* GTA III song for me when I played it 20 years ago


>> No.8918921
File: 3.63 MB, 500x500, 1598206655848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its:
>purple infernus
>r.r.d.s. - innerbattle

>> No.8919448
File: 1.55 MB, 3840x2160, GTA3 09_08_2020 16_00_31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sal has a pretty comfy mansion.

>> No.8919502

>I get the distinct impression you are meant to effectively 100% each island before moving on since each island has a mission that causes at least one of the street gangs to upgrade their weapons and make travel more dangerous.
The manual even warns you about this.

>> No.8919815

The manual is full of a lot of fluff that while cool doesn't always translate to the gameplay.

>> No.8919904

Doing god's work anon.

>> No.8919954

Post your favorite chatterbox quote.
>I didn't take boomerang shrapnel in my head to come back here and have a buncha HIPPIES, deny history
He actually delivered the line like that, with the random comma.

Right, it even had some total bull about how there might be guys waiting to ambush you if you use old hideouts.

>> No.8920016

The mocking of tofu guy for breaking his hand is great.

>> No.8920274
File: 10 KB, 319x319, OkCJ1ut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8920360

I take my monkey puppet to the park all the time, we play hackysack it’s rad

>> No.8920374

I never understood why rain looked so shitty in this game. Basically looked like 2D texture planes you go through. Always broke the immersion for me.

>> No.8920392

'cuz rain looks bad in 90% of vidya as it is a hard effect to do on the cheap computationally.

>> No.8920414

My friend Joey sewed his hands together!

>> No.8920589

It really be do

>> No.8920592

I memorized this map when I was 12 years old
Are you retarded

>> No.8920965

>Are you retarded
>muh zoomers
I think it answers itself.

>> No.8921267

Honest question. What makes this retro and GTAV not retro? Is it really just the number of the year it came out? Because they're the same game.

>> No.8921295

Fucking hell.

>> No.8921313

Tbh I agree with you. GTA III is the game I consider the dividing line between retro and not retro because its impact was so great.

>> No.8921432

retro retro retro! very retro, not too retro. retro retroni, hetero retro

>> No.8921810

I did it, I finally broke the zoomers.

>> No.8922727
File: 22 KB, 265x259, 1646163278083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honest question. What makes Final Fantasy III retro and Final Fantasy XIV not retro?

>> No.8922791

To be fair /vr/'s definition of retro is "my childhood but not yours".

>> No.8922795

That's not true. /vr/ is everything which is too old to be my childhood.

>> No.8923220

I honestly liked this aspect, made the city feel more dangerous and exciting knowing you could get into an all out war at any moment. Wish they would bring it back, the best part of my childhood was to go on a genocide and kill as many as possible

>> No.8923224

It was a great idea but as others have said, if you didn't know you had to do everything first before leaving the respective islands you were fucked.

>> No.8923275

I bought a fat PS2 and copy of Vice City the other week. New memory card arrived in the mail yesterday so I've started playing it again for the first time in nearly 20 years and it is just as fun as I remember it being when I was a dumb teenager. Controls feel a bit clunky but I think that's more due to me getting used to more streamlined modern control layouts during the interceding decades.

Soundtrack is 10/10, the look and feel is 10/10, missions are always just long enough, they don't feel like they drag (fuck the RC chopper though, I can bet that's going to suck as much ass as it did when I last did it in 2003).

>> No.8923414
File: 242 KB, 1055x476, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's just nostalgia-addicted zoomers who want GTA4 and Killzone to be on this board for some gay reason. Retro is a style of game that demonstrates sensibilities distinct from the "modern" era.

>> No.8923429

We're even beginning to see the realization of a recognizable post-modern era transition from the fringes and into mainstream prominence (online-only experiences, virtual/augmented reality, social-oriented gaming).

The only reason people mistake "retro" games for "old" games is that gaming is such a young medium, humanity has only experienced a single era shift (from retro to modern).

>> No.8923450

>Retro is a style of game that demonstrates sensibilities distinct from the "modern" era.
An interesting take given for years the board was adamant PS1 and N64 will never be retro despite both of them meeting your particular criteria.

>> No.8923476

It's all made up nonesense, there's no actual definition of "modern" games and "retro" games. Yours is just yours

>> No.8923497

Hate to break it to you, but videogames themselves are made up.

>> No.8923525

Which makes sense, as Gen5 and Dreamcast are transitionary, with new technologies bolted onto old sensibilities. It's perfectly valid to consider this its own, brief era. I have no objection to including it in retro discussions.

For instance, you can directly compare Super Metroid and Symphony of the Night (both are retro). You cannot directly compare FFIV and FFXII (retro and modern, respectively). You can directly compare GTA3 and GTAV (both are modern).

>> No.8924101

GTA3 isn't retro though.

>> No.8924131

Tell that to the mods.

>> No.8924183

This is legit one of the dumbest takes I've ever seen here, and by this retarded logic games like Ion Storm, Pillars of Eternity and Celeste are retro.

>> No.8924198

>3D = HD
You genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.8924232

They literally bill themselves as products in the style of a retro game. The same way you can build a modern Victorian-style home and it doesn't magically become a new style of architecture because it was designed in present day.

>> No.8924238


>> No.8924243
File: 148 KB, 383x400, MNEwUmJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any way to play in 60fps without this retarded glitch where you get a sudden boost and lose all hp?
why are the best games always fps engine bound

>> No.8925671
File: 2.79 MB, 600x338, pain is my middle name!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portland is just so comfy.

>> No.8925762

very funny, my point is, "modern" games and "retro" games aren't good monnikers since they aren't well defined and imo it's kind of stupid to divide games into just 2 categories based on personal preferences (don't act like whatever you definition of either modern or retro is the one everyone uses)

>> No.8925832

portland is easily the best designed island of the 3 and one of my favorite areas in any open world game ever

>> No.8925954

The stories games are too shit to be canon

>> No.8926083

It is the best designed precisely because it got the most development of the three. Shoreside vale is unfinished as they had to rush to meet shipping deadline.

The real secret of Portland - and the same secret that cyberpunk, GTA IV and sleeping dogs use - is that the game world has things going on above your head. The simple inclusion of the overhead train does huge things for immersion as verticality is a sorely underused part of open world design. The other named games have trains, walkways and in cyberpunks case flying traffic which helps so much to make that world feel 3D.

>> No.8926270

And are you aware of the difference between a Victorian home and a Victorian-style home? Do you understand the necessity of adding "-style" to the adjective?

>> No.8926360

That's a stupid mindset.

>> No.8926579

Sure, and you can make the same distinction with retro games. But the point is that retro does not refer to "older than X years," it refers to a period. Otherwise, the term is meaningless and is a synonym for nostalgic, which frankly isn't worth a board.

>> No.8926609

>which frankly isn't worth a board.
We are the containment board for /v/ which is a statement in of itself.

>> No.8927013
File: 635 KB, 498x918, LingShan3_GTACW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I think about reinstalling this game, I'm reminded that the gun combat is terrible. At least GTA2 was a sort-of shmup. GTAV is having it's "politically incorrect" content removed, so it's too woke for me. I guess the only joy in GTA3 is just accepting it's a comfy Uber Driver Simulator since 90% of what you do in this game is drive people around?

>> No.8927245

>I'm reminded that the gun combat is terrible
What more do you want - you point your mouse and you shoot.

>> No.8927260

There are mods to make it more like SA

>> No.8927308
File: 123 KB, 480x463, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right in the feels

>> No.8927314
File: 611 KB, 565x850, knpcsduyimw71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trails really don't work on modern LCDs
they do it natively lmao

>> No.8927325

>only image with a trail is the crt
learn what words mean you before you shit yourself in excitement when you finally see a chance to post an image you don't understand but remember it got a lot of (you)s

>> No.8927329


>> No.8927509

Fernando: >IT'S A MIRACLE!

>> No.8927609


>> No.8927635

Why are all PCbabbies whiny faggots?

>> No.8927663

Lmao nice. Never noticed but this is too good not to be intended.

>> No.8927689

Someone else pointed out a while ago, I didn't realise it at first either.

>> No.8927745

Why were they making PC ports so shit?

>> No.8927757

there's nothing wrong with the port for the time it was made, you're just a retard who wasn't even born when the game was released and had never played a game without a free camera before.

>> No.8927765

Nice projection. Lack of free camera is not on the list of the hundreds bugs only present on PC. Presence of mouse aiming is though as it's so imbalanced it breaks the game.

>> No.8927779

There are no hundreds of bugs, there's the removal of fog which people think takes away "atmosphere" every other bug like the nines glitch is in every version of the game
Not having to cycle targets off a random civilian while being shotgunned is also not imbalanced, its called having a functional control scheme

>> No.8927810

>GTAV is having it's "politically incorrect" content removed, so it's too woke for me.
Until they remove the ability to have sex with hookers and then murder them to take your money back, GTA V is not any more or less politically correct than previous GTAs, the idea that it is "woke" is ridiculous and as always the accusation comes from people obsessing over what they like to imagine has been censored from a given piece of media.

>> No.8927824
File: 158 KB, 723x666, 79B9D077-7E8B-4E32-9A27-D2103FD6D4E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t support leftism or anti-white politics. Simple as.

>> No.8927830

>ability to have sex with hookers and then murder them to take your money back
This was made up by sensationalist media. It was never a feature in GTA.

>> No.8927842

yes it is you moron, it's the easiest way to get 125 health and then you can just kill the npc for your money back

>> No.8927843

“Sex workers” aren’t even considered politically incorrect in today’s moral hellscape. It’s likely GTA VI will go full woke with every caricature of the rightwing you can dream up.

>> No.8927853

I think what he means is that the money dropped isn't ackshually the money you paid, but just a random drop you get from killing any NPC. But it's being pedantic anyway, the effect is still the same.

>> No.8927860

It literally is though

>> No.8927864

the notoriously politically and socially conservative GTA series which never mocked right-wing stereotypes once before

>> No.8927867

You can take HER money. The amount you are getting after killing the prostitute is the same regardless if you paid her or not. So no getting back your money. If you paid the girl this dollar is GONNERS.

>> No.8927868

Murdering them would be more politically incorrect now than it would have been back then.
>moral hellscape
>full woke with every caricature of the rightwing you can dream up.
Oh get the fuck over yourself. If you're playing GTA and thinking it's too PC, you can't whine about the moral breakdown in society.

>> No.8927872
File: 407 KB, 941x700, 02BEA491-0C05-4F04-8EE8-181805C2B59D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be joking

>> No.8927884

This is a level of hair splitting I never thought was possible.

>> No.8927898

I think that was pretty obviously a joke, Anon.

>> No.8927907

$1000 says every gang in GTA VI will be some flavor of white nationalist, every cop will be racist, one of the “good” gangs you work for will be some fictionalized BLM, and there will be a subplot of unarmed black men being killed.

>> No.8927915

What are you even basing that on other than your own inability to tolerate any satire of your political opinions?

>> No.8927917

>>8927853 was correct
>>8927867 please stop being autistic on the internet

>> No.8927925

Like every mentally stable, and high functioning adult, I too enjoy creating sensationalist hypothetical scenarios in my head to be outraged about.

>> No.8927930

>inability to tolerate any satire of your political opinions
Because for the last 9 years when it has gone in the other direction it has been labeled as “hate speech” and everyone involved loses their jobs. I have tolerated it solely going in my direction for this long, I would ask leftists your same question but they don’t want to admit the answer.

>> No.8927939

driver 2 had better car physics

>> No.8927941

I'm partially calling that it may be like this, but I expect that it would be partially nuanced and have the "good BLM gang" having the true traitor of our hero inside.

>> No.8927956

Think about it this way. If money was a meaningful resource you would kill any npc you see. And the idea of "killing the prostitute to get back the money" presumes it is. Unless it's about humiliation but why would dead care about money? Now read >>8927867 again.
Why, isn't it funny? At least it's a better topic than politics.
I'd say they pretty on par. You played on 30 (or 25) fps I hope? But they absolutely perfected it in San Andreas.

>> No.8927963

Stop being a painfully pedantic bastard, Jesus Christ.

>> No.8927968

san andreas car physics are still pretty shitty compared to driver, also wtf, cars spawning 2cm infront of you when u go too fast in gta?

>> No.8927973

>The right-wing have been repressed in the last 9 years!
Yeah, except for getting the president you wanted for a full term and very nearly got a second term. But I don't actually want to get into a debate about politics here, I just want to point out that you're fucking delusional if you think GTA is "woke" currently or will be in future.

The fact is GTA VI could be exactly the same as previous games in terms of content, but ultraconservatives are still going to be pissed off that it doesn't have a mission where you blow up an abortion clinic, or to take a flamethrower into a gender neutral bathroom, or the story isn't that you're fighting to unite multiple white supremacist gangs against a corporate front for a communist conspiracy because WOOOOKE!.

That's what you people do. Nothing is ever pro-you enough and it's always because of seynsoreship apparently.

>> No.8927974

It should be a bannable offense to be this retarded. What difference does it make if the money you paid her has technically disappeared? You kill her. You get back an amount equal to or greater than what you paid. Money is infinitely printed in this videogame whenever any NPC spawns. Money is meaningful and you generally do kill NPCs for it when cops are not around. Do not mention money in GTA3 being inherently inflationary because of this. You’re dying on the dumbest hill I have ever seen.

>> No.8927990

Not that Anon, but it was annoying that you couldn't spend the money on anything other than weapons or resprays, and the former was pointless if you'd gone exploring and picked up the hidden packages.

>> No.8927993

Although saying that, III was the first 3D game so it makes sense they only focused on the basics. Duh.

>> No.8928001

Money was basically still a scoring system like in the 2D ones, you still got money for crashing and blowing up cars, but whose paying Claude for that? Rakin and Pozner?

>> No.8928017

>Money was basically still a scoring system like in the 2D ones, you still got money for crashing and blowing up cars
Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that. Made me laugh that you got money for crashing into cars.

>> No.8928027

When I first got GTA3 I had a notebook and I kept a count of every person I killed so I could brag about it to my peers.
I will never tell you what the final number was. Makes you think about the game differently.

>> No.8928029

Sounds like a great way to make it entirely unenjoyable.

>> No.8928031

...pretty sure the game did that for you in the stats

>> No.8928036

I was going to say that, but it is clear that Anon is fucking demented.

>> No.8928048

Should I emulate on PCSX2 or get THE DEFINITIVE EDITION? Which one has the more comfy atmosphere?

>> No.8928062

The hookers with money can be easily seen if you’re driving. You just run them over. That’s what you do.

>> No.8928085

Neither, go download >>8917632

>> No.8928090

I played the original for the PS2 because I heard some songs and things were removed from newer versions due to copyright. I had a very enjoyable experience, but I never played the "Definitive" version.

>> No.8928116

If you're asking that question, then you clearly missed the shitstorm last November.


It was a fucking disaster.

>> No.8928117

No, it's not funny. You aren't a comedian. You aren't on Chapo. This isn't twitter. Just shut the fuck up

>> No.8928127


>> No.8928132

Half-Life 2 is retro at this point. Maybe even Crysis.

>> No.8928671

It's amusing how GTA3 unintentionally became a sort of period piece like Vice City and San Andreas

>> No.8928685


>> No.8929394

I love how the official trailer is enough to show what a disaster it is.
>What difference does it make if the money you paid her has technically disappeared?
You're still exploiting the hooker but not to the extent. Sex is not free for you, you're still ending up with less money.

>> No.8929409
File: 687 KB, 1063x1500, GTA the trilogy the definitive edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love how the official trailer is enough to show what a disaster it is.
I was never going to play it in the first place regardless but when I saw that trailer I just burst out laughing. It's appalling.

>still going on about hooker money
Just drop it for crying out loud, you're digging yourself even further into an idiot hole.

>> No.8929440

ok boomer

>> No.8929443

You think you are trying to insult someone but you really are not.

>> No.8929536
File: 2.81 MB, 700x394, GTA2 2021-11-19 12-21-01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8929546

>this plays

Getting rid of that in VC was sacrilege.

>> No.8929556

By "that" I meant overhead view, obviously.

>> No.8929575

Problem is the overhead view completely removes the player from the biggest point of the game - the dense 3D world.

>> No.8929585

That's very true.

>> No.8929801
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, IMG_4297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GTA 2 was sort of like a shmup
If a modern indie dev were to make GTA-but-also-a-shmup I would give them many moneys.

>> No.8929994


>> No.8930028
File: 174 KB, 500x492, ijustwanttodie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope the RE3 devs are still working on the game behind the scenes. I'm always afraid T2 probably contacted them personally and either really scared or paid them off to stop and not go public about the outcome.

>> No.8931327

Glitchpunk yo.

>> No.8931362
File: 84 KB, 341x312, Screenshot 2022-05-21 163159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the recommendation! Unfortunately Steam reviews make me unwilling to dive in just yet, but I'll keep my eye on it.

>> No.8931373

I just can't get into the top-down view. Maybe if I could zoom way way way out so that I could better get away with driving like a maniac.

>> No.8931415

Driving like a maniac from any perspective will get you killed.

>> No.8931420

Yes, but I could better mitigate that if only I could see what was in front of the car before it was actually in the car.

>> No.8931431


>> No.8931553

lol shut the fuck up

>> No.8931974

Never go in on early access but it might be good when done.

>> No.8934258

freddy needs a nanny

>> No.8934872


>> No.8935057

>>Yeah, we all cool, pa, anybody can get it
>>Winchester Remington's, any shotty I'll hit it
>>Yo, dress sloppy, but my rap is dapper
>>Watch Rosewood go outside and slap a cracker
>>Yo, various styles and, various hot shit
>>Killed a nigga on a train with Barry Slotnick, dude
>>Bottom line, you ain't ready for Ruck
>>Where your girl, duke, I'm ready to fuck
>>Do the knowledge, I'm ill
>>Especially when the god swallowing pills
>>Spaz out on your bitch while she gobble my dill
>>All my niggas went through drama, for real
>>Ruck dred, Agallah, body armor steel, squar from the ville
>>Untouchable, Sean Conner's got kill
>>Ya'll niggas chill before ya momma get killed, yo
>>Untouchable, Sean Conner's got kill
>>Ya'll niggas chill before ya momma get killed, yo

>> No.8935119
File: 20 KB, 379x274, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8935965

In the navy

>> No.8936015


>> No.8937265
File: 25 KB, 353x598, wxb73y7nk0i31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.8937340

i like how peds have a small chance to drop a shitlot more money than they usually do. i always pick it all up.

>> No.8937363

The random talking they do to each other always amuses me and helps give a sense of immersion (to replicate that big city hustle and bustle background noise). Sure it is unrealistic as hell but it is fun to listen to.

>> No.8937454


>> No.8937970

Great GTA thread.

>> No.8938151

This was truly amazing. Imagine showing your friend who's only played gta 2 this view and then switching down to a over the shoulder view with a living, breathing world. Just an incredible time. Sixth gen was so magical.