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File: 59 KB, 854x480, want a hit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8897240 No.8897240 [Reply] [Original]

So here me out on this theory...

>takes a hit

What if this leaker team has already been deep in development of rebuilding DNF 2001, and to build up some kind of hype/awareness, they release the original incomplete build, the same one they had to work with, for archival reasons and to capture attention. They include the source code, developer tools, patched game breaking glitches (because I haven't seen anyone so far mention the build crashing on them), modern 1080p resolution, and a working multiplayer (likely to test stability), and giving everyone a chance to dick around with it and have word spread.
Once sometime in June rolls around, they release their final build of the game they've been working on, likely for free who knows, to great fanfare, and everyone finally gets the chance to play this for better or worse legendary game. Plus people would've had their hands on the code and mod tools long enough by that point to start giving it additional community created support soon after.
Sounds possible or should I just stfu and kms? Either way, this has been a really exciting development.

>> No.8897387

we'd be in the good timeline if that ends up being the case

>> No.8897394

can you morons stop making a new thread about this every 5 mins when there are already several places to discuss it in the catalog

>> No.8897738

Needs a 99% chance of being correct so it can be forgotten.

>> No.8897856

shit is too incomplete. they would need the late 2002 build to finish it off to something legendary

>> No.8897883

duke nuken?
more like duke suckin

>> No.8897892

nothing good ever happens
also is an unreal engine game, don't ask me why an engine designed to be modded has a dead community

>> No.8897905

i ment dick suckin
how do u delete ion here??

>> No.8897994

The host for the biggest modding communities went under, and the scene never recovered.

>> No.8898067

The original Unreal Tournament still has a small dedicated community (I still make maps though)
UT2K4 on the other hand, is just dead.

>> No.8898214

See, jannies?
That's what happens when you don't sticky milestone events.

>> No.8898243
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>> No.8898259

That's not how builds work.

>> No.8898262
File: 112 KB, 766x1024, E3sfKX9XEBAHW07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Randy himself is behind this, drumming up interest by "leaking" the beta and then putting the full version on Steam under the name of Duke Nukem Forever Classic for $49,95

>> No.8898286

I almost thought that myself, though the porn in the files is a little bold even for him.

>> No.8898294

Nah, it'll be DUKE BADASS COLLECTION, where you have to buy all pc Duke games 12 bucks each, and you get the 2001 version of dnf for free

>> No.8898314

Sneaky Randy!

>> No.8898341
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>> No.8898474
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>> No.8898519

>> Duck Cuck'em All Collection
>> Duke 3D is DLC

>> No.8898547

That's doesn't look like a face of somebody who do you a favor or give you something for free.

>> No.8898574

Apparently the leaked build isn't really a game per se, so would make sense to leak it to drum up interest.
kinda like a crippled shareware.

>> No.8898576

If it were an official leak it would have been from a later more complete build.

>> No.8898697

why? the point is to gather interest, and it did, it spread like wild fire in 24 hours, giving you a full playable build for free would accomplish nothing if they want to sell you more Duke

>> No.8899112

it is the game but it isnt finished fully

>> No.8899554
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>UT2K4 on the other hand, is just dead
It hurts, bro.

>> No.8899675
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>> No.8900296

Holy shit wait a minute
Technically 3drealms now owns BOTH Duke 3d once more but also they own Bombshell

This means that the forced delay on aftermath is that they plan on merge Ion Fury with Duke 3d, hence why the shelly retcon where she doesn't get mauled without an arm.

>> No.8900319

Then just release the full version then.

Why the fuck does DNF 2001 need to gather interest?

>> No.8900330

too hopeful
i wouldn't be surprised if this is the only build we ever get

>> No.8900336

The levels look beautiful, but DNF was never going to be a good game if it released. Come on, look deep into your heart and you know it's true. Just let it go. There are plenty of other good games that already happened and the community-made DNF mod was closure enough.

>> No.8900372

fuck off randy

>> No.8900457

So they can see if a remake/sequel/another Duke entirely is worth the r&d

>> No.8900479

That's stupid, a leak of an extremely infamous unreleased game is going to generate tons of press regardless of interest in the IP.

>> No.8900487

>community-made DNF mod was closure enough

>> No.8900498

Everything we're seeing seems absolutely solid, if not very impressive for the time. There's no reason to assume this would have been a bad game, if they hadn't fallen for feature creep, and restarted development several times. Even the 2011 game isn't outright bad, just tarnished with late 00's game design trends, and kicked out the door by Gearbox once they got it into a passably "complete" state.

>> No.8900712

They could've pushed on and release the game in another year or two, and it would've been a great game on its own merits.
The problem is that would've been 2003, when Unreal Engine 2 was already a thing, and idTech3 games were pushing the engine to its limits. A game on UE1 would've looked outright archaic, and at the time it was a death sentence for sales figures, no matter how good its art direction was.

>> No.8901079

Looking back summer 2002 was probably the best time to release this kinda shooter, after that they started focusing on fancy stuff like grab rays and whatever.
Not sure if they could have finished the 2001 build in a year, maybe? I mean seems like they had most stuff in place already.

>> No.8901393

lol no it won't

>> No.8901543
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>> No.8903151

>A game on UE1 would've looked outright archaic, and at the time it was a death sentence for sales figures, no matter how good its art direction was.

The team was clearly capable of stretching UE1 well past its 1999 parameters. I mean, look at it, the 2011 final release of the game was still built on UE1; just with every renderer and utility swapped out with something more modern. I have no doubt that if Broussard actually put a drop dead ship date on the game for 2003 or whatever, then the 3DRealms team would have upgraded the lighting and texture quality to acceptable, if not quite state-of-the-art, standards.

>> No.8903154

It's trying to be half life too hard
Back to the drawing board, 3D realms
Good grafix for unreal engine 1 though

>> No.8903184

this hit makes my peepee the big peepee

>> No.8903538

Calling 2011 release "UE1 engine" is a bit facetious as it is more of unholy amalgamation of features from 2.5 and 3. I doubt there's anything of UE1 that'sleft untouched in it.

>> No.8904634
File: 102 KB, 1023x576, takemymoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Duke Nukem Forever Classic for $49,95

>> No.8905553

There are some shooters like the 2001 DNF build going up until the release of Half Life 2 and even then they really didn't go away until the PS3/Xbox era. Look at Chrome by Cryteam. That was released in 2004 and looks and plays almost like DNF2001

>> No.8905581

According to TCRF, some 2001 build maps can be loaded in retail DNF. I think there's more UE1 then Gearbox would be willing to admit in there.

>> No.8905582

I don't care. Stop wasting my time with this crap.

>> No.8905606

Only you can waste your time by reading it

>> No.8905608

I have to read everything posted on this board to save it.

>> No.8905714

Why are you saving everything?

>> No.8905736

this nigga greasy

>> No.8905741

Sideshow bob looking

>> No.8905771

what an autist

>> No.8905775

I'd still buy the game

>> No.8906805

Same here, if they had just taken the 80% build and finished it up while following original design documents then it would have been the best way to experience the game as it was supposed to be.

>> No.8907335
File: 86 KB, 1287x798, mate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna know how we can tell you're a nazi who hates this franchise? get punched

>> No.8909143

does anyone know whats with the maids that look like they're balding and have a male voice? is that a joke or just a placeholder?

>> No.8909157

hows that ingame multiplayer Menu mod going

>> No.8909859

Probably missing their "advanced" moving hair models.