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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8895728 No.8895728 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8895849

Playing these games was like peeking into a forbidden little world, especially with how obscure PC gaming was at the time. It actually felt illegal to be playing it.

>> No.8896749

I really miss that feeling of wonder.

>> No.8896780 [DELETED] 

Fuck off pussy

I don't respect you at all. You suck at your job and you act like a clown

Fuck you

>> No.8896782

Jesus Saves.

>> No.8896803

>especially with how obscure PC gaming was at the time
Among children maybe. PC gaming was very much not obscure in 1999. By 1999, we already had Myst, SimCity 2000, Half-Life, Quake 1 and 2, Unreal 1 and 2, Command and Conquer and Red Alert, Age of Empires, System Shock, Doom and Doom 2, Duke Nukem 3D, etc, etc. 1999 was the year of SimCity 3000, AoE 2, C&C Tiberium Sun, Unreal Tournament, HoMM3, Alpha Centauri, Aliens VS Predator, RollerCoaster Tycoon, Counter-Strike, and EverQuest.

>> No.8896929

Ok man, no one cares. We know what he meant.

>> No.8897009

What piece of shit game is this

>> No.8897025

Sorry zoomie, didn't mean to interrupt you pretending to be older than 30.

>> No.8897918

Need to find a respect to give.
Can't locate.

>> No.8897945
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x1200, 2020-08-23-204436_1600x1200_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm, a bus full of food.

>> No.8897970

>subjective perception

>> No.8897975

Man that game got tough as nails about halfway through the second city.

>> No.8898026

this was open world before it became a business model by a company like Ubisoft with their 50 studios shitting towers all over the place

>> No.8898029

Not that anon, but at '99 half the kids in my class already had their own PCs and Half-Life deathmatch along with Quake 3 were just as hot of a topic as any other videogame discussion. Our techer even allowed us to play HL matches at our "Computer sciense" class.
So no, PC gaming was nowhere as obscure in '99 as it was in 94-96.

>> No.8898039

Nigga they were on playstation.

>> No.8898468

obvious reference to Slayer

>> No.8898481

I was in high school in '99 and finally got a PC that could play games. Most kids I knew were console only. I mostly just played Diablo and Unreal Tournament, since me and everyone I knew were into PS1.

>> No.8898530

PC gaming was obscure until Steam became popular.

>> No.8898534

Anon listing multiple big name titles in or prior to 1999 to support his claim that PC gaming was not obscure is not a subjective perception. They are supportive evidence the PC gaming industry was a part of the public's eye during the time.

>> No.8898590

What's your criteria for obscure?
Going by Wiki's numbers Doom sold 3.5m physical copies by 1999. Myst, the best selling PC game of the time, had sold 6.3m by 2000. The console market was bigger sure but I wouldn't call PC gaming obscure. Retail outlets still had shelves dedicated to PC games.

>> No.8898758

Patently false. Just because YOU didn't get into PC gaming until steam doesn't mean it wasn't big.

>> No.8898863

there's one in every thread

>> No.8898909

>Raki, Taki, Teriyaki, Teriyaki Tastes Like Sake!

>> No.8898942


>> No.8900690

At '96/'97 there were separate PC game shelves at every store that sold/rented videogames, as well as shelves for PCgaming magazines.
I'm not sure how it could be considered "obscure" with that amount of exposure.

>> No.8900735


>> No.8900754

still one of the better gta games, it emanates soul

>> No.8900770

>tfw no /vr/ gtatwo gang

>> No.8900907

>Myst, the best selling PC game of the time, had sold 6.3m by 2000. The console market was bigger sure but I wouldn't call PC gaming obscure.
Why wouldn't you? 6.3m is nothing lol.

>> No.8901282

Even a low-mid computer that had enough compute power to play games decently used to be out of the reach of most lower socioeconomic brackets. Nowdays even mobile chipsets are powerful enough to do most anything, memory is plentiful and even most 10+ year old pc's can play anything newish, just at a lower resolutions etc.

The fact is that the average person/family didn't have a good enough computer, and they most certainly didn't play that many of the litany of games you just rattled off. You're entire post reeks of
>I wasn't there, but here's a Wikipedia list of games to prove you wrong ;)

>> No.8901357

Myst wasn't a PC only game the 6million sold includes all the ports including the console ones. Simliar situation Riven which was also on psx, saturn, mac etc.

>> No.8902236
File: 237 KB, 589x764, ad-quest-for-glory-dragon185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if the disparity in the "PC gaming is obscure" discussion is on the interpretation of obscure. I see it as saying most people within regions where PC gaming could occur (regions with the infrastructure and willingness to support computers on a consumer-level) were unaware PC gaming existed. I find that absurd. People were aware of an industry dedicated to selling such games existed, if not through personal involvement than through ads and media. Pic related is a full page ad for Quest for Glory found in Dragon Magazine #185 (September 1992). Sure it's a magazine for a niche hobby (Dungeons & Dragons) but it's advertising a DOS game in a magazine not directly tied to video games or computers specifically.

>6.3m is nothing
What I was getting at is at least 5 million people bought it. We can assume there are many more people that knew or have heard about it and didn't buy it. Can something millions of people know about really be called obscure? It could be a matter of where the knowledge is; like a popular game in Japan that's unknown elsewhere. But PC gaming is an industry rather than a product so the knowledge of it should not be as constrained as an individual product.

So it does. I was folding Mac and other computers into the PC umbrella because I assumed the context was about computer platforms in general instead of the IBM PC in particular. I think my general point (millions were aware this PC game existed) still applies.

I don't think anon was suggesting most people played all or even a quarter of those games. Regardless of common accessibility, these titles are well-known because "enough" people knew about and played them, precluding them from obscurity. I know "enough" people is an ambiguous amount but consider there was "enough" people for their production to still be deemed commercially viable.

>> No.8902802

glad I wasn't a poorfag

>> No.8903968


>> No.8903975

we were children back then. Sorry I'm not 60 like you

>> No.8903987

I heard GTA 2 is free. Where can I legally download it?

>> No.8903995

1 & 2 used to be available on Rockstar's site but they took the page down years ago.

>> No.8904000

a friend of mine described the original to me on AOL, it really sounded like he was lying. You could steal any car and drive anywhere in a city and there were bonuses from running over hare krishnas. Carmageddon was probably the most explicitly violent game until then and that was limited to races. ROTT only had violence to enemies and monsters.

>> No.8904001

Damn, I want to replay GTA 2. Why don't they remake the game for modern systems.

>> No.8904014


>> No.8904020
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you were wrong. deal with it.

>> No.8904049

I think I stopped at the second world. That was my last GTA game because the missions felt pretty retarded and aimlessly driving around got old fast.

>how obscure PC gaming was at the time
Are you serious nigger? It was everywhere.

>> No.8904050

Ah yes, let's substract the 6 copies that were sold on the CD-I.

>> No.8904309

Just fucking download it from some please you lazy sheep

>> No.8904314

>especially with how obscure PC gaming was
maybe in burgerland

>> No.8904431

>Can something millions of people know about really be called obscure?
Without a doubt. This is only one game, which wasn't even unusually successful for the industry at large, only moderately successful. This is also an isolated hit release that, you could say, went viral. Most "popular" PC games around that time would not even break 1 million in an era when 5+ million for good games was routine, and viral hits were selling more like 20+ million.

>> No.8904434

Wow you must really hate being a zoomer huh

>> No.8904437

seething euros, rich kids, and nerds. you love to see it.

>> No.8904478

Man my ausfag family was poor as shit in the 90s when I was a kid and I grew up mostly playing PC games. I don't understand where this "only weird rich people played PC games" mentality on this board comes from when PC was the most accessible poorfag gaming platform due to how accessible shareware and piracy were

>> No.8904531

Same. By the late 90s, it was way cheaper to build a decent PC than it was to buy consoles every 6 years. GTA 2 ruled btw.

>> No.8905996

Don't forget when cereal companies wanted to promote their product by including free PC games with them. It was either late 90's or early 00's. I know there was Backyard Baseball, ChexQuest, Age of Empires and a Cap'n Crunch game.

>> No.8907765

I am only boomer here that remebers this missonthe meat for the hot dogs in this bus was made from gang members

>> No.8907820

Yes, I agree. Living in a shithole country, where PC was really expensive and workaholic adults thought games like Diablo could summon Satan in your house or GTA2 would make you get a gun and kill your family, I also miss this feeling. I remember GTA2 was banned in my country, kek.

The world isn't your neighborhood. Different countries, different cultures.

>> No.8908039

>they were on playstation.
>The world isn't your neighborhood.
Did you forget your meds or something, retard?

>> No.8908107

>Jesus my savior! My favorite flavor!

>> No.8908158

Great hymn.

>> No.8908339

Didn't you read "the game was banned", dumbfuck?

>> No.8908342

>how obscure PC gaming was at the time.

it wasn't
the zoom is strong in you

>> No.8908371
File: 99 KB, 1139x882, bottomed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never even heard of a computer, what is a computer?

>> No.8908569

Still the best GTA game of all time. I love the futuristic vibe of 2, and the faction system was A+++

>> No.8909132

>no Thief
Zoom Zoom

>> No.8909164


>> No.8909332
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>> No.8909549

It varies a lot because home PCs weren't thought as an absolute necessity yet. My dad bought himself a PC to finish his masters and it was a cheap machine from the XP era from the time when they'd come with onboard VIA 8mb 3D graphics chips to support XP's features. Me and my dads first PC game was Half Life which was a great start but aside from late 90's games like Ceasar 3, SWAT 3, etc. we didn't really bother upgrading the machine until it became really obsolete. I remember trying to run the Splinter Cell demo on that POS and not even getting to the main menu.
Our gaming was much more focused on consoles like the SNES, PS1 and PS2 (the gen where he sadly stopped to play vidya because thinking only about vidya alienated him from his boomer coworkers). I didn't know anyone in my neighborhood who gamed on PCs either.

>> No.8910042

>I am only boomer here that remebers this misson
it's the one thing I best remember about that game lmfao

>> No.8911461

That's because he's smart enough to know that Thief 2 is better.

>> No.8913836

GTA2 is the best game in the series along with GTA3. It started to become shit when the games took themselves too seriously.

>> No.8913870

No. I care. You are the idiot.

>> No.8913930

>the gen where he sadly stopped to play vidya because thinking only about vidya alienated him from his boomer coworker
this isn't a real story

>> No.8914671

window 98 era wasn't that fair to pc
95 was the first peak
late 1990s was playstation domination
things got different again by early 2000s xp era
but yeah
saying obscure is kinda retarded

>> No.8914726

It fucking sucks that you fuckers rather argue about PC gaming than talk about GTA2, which is a fantastic vidyagame.

>> No.8914738

Maybe when you're still learning the game but on replays it's clear Thief 1 is the best.

>> No.8914758

The best year for PC gaming period was 1998. Steam came out in 2003.
I know why you believe that though. 2001-2003 is around the time when Microsoft was intentionally trying to kill PC gaming for the Xbox. Not just fucking the developers over but just general shitty underhanded practices. Valve swept in and picked up the pieces though.

>> No.8915473

It is anon, sorry.

>> No.8915926

Fuck off zoomer I have this on ps1 dc and pc and it isn't obscure at all. R* needs to go back to the retrofuturist style of Zaibatsu. Third zone is the best.

>> No.8915927

Cute list but you missing jagged alliance 2

>> No.8915935

wtf happened to my gta2 thread

>> No.8917525

I'm not a zoomer, you're just gay

>> No.8917754

Shut up anony

>> No.8917980

Zoom zoom

>> No.8919698

nothing... now
its like with youtube
in 2007 you were a SUPERSTAR if you had 10k subscribers
now you're just some no-name faggot until you get 1mil subs
remember when Gangam Style was the first video to break 1 billion views and it was a HUGE deal at the time?
yeah now every Top 40 music video gets at least half a billion.

>> No.8919995

you can have 10-30k subs, what matters is your potential for growth, if you actively engage with a circle of content creators, what niche is, etc. youtube was never about being a "superstar". also, youtube stopped paying as much as it used to, so it's just another outlet for the average creator

>> No.8920108

i never understood why the orange cult guys in GTA1 said "I KISSED YOUR DOG ON TUESDAY"

>> No.8920242

>nothing... now
No, nothing... then. 6m was routinely reached on other platforms. Real hits had 20m+. Read the fucking thread.

>> No.8920272

In 99 my family was too poorfag for PC gaming but I remember going into Media Play and looking at the PC games with wonder and awe, not knowing what any of them were and under the impression they were part of some forbidden world. They all had those boxes with raised areas on the front to give a 3D effect and a flap that opened up with some big edgy 90s blurb and pictures of indistinguishable blocks.

>> No.8922089


>> No.8922093

How the fuck do I play these games in current year?

>> No.8922098


>> No.8922116

Thanks. Are there any versions with music included?

>> No.8922145

Shit right, I forgot that download doesn't have the music. Put this in the 'data' folder of your GTA2 dir -https://www.mediafire.com/file/u7qj9htn7xd4uc7/GTAudio.zip/file

>> No.8922152

Nice, anon. I had to get a friend to .zip his own install of GTA 2 to be able to get the music.

>> No.8922171

A game from the 80s Mario 3 is better than every game you just listed. Battletoads is better than all of them too.

>> No.8922228

Everyone in my country was a PC gamer AND a pirate.
N64 was actually obscure.

>> No.8923452

Obviously we're talking about the first world of gaming, i.e. America and Japan.