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/vr/ - Retro Games

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888958 No.888958 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I recently bought an NES, along with some Castlevania games, some Ninja Gaiden games, and several others, and I'm really not having fun. I love older games, but I'm just not having any fun with it. It's a pain in the ass to get working, what with the flashing purple screen thing, and I'm not getting too much enjoyment out of playing. Am I playing the wrong games? Should I return it and get an SNES?

>> No.888969

Well, if you're not having fun, no one can fix that for you. As for your screen flicker problem, the NES probably needs it's pins replaced; it's an easy repair, just take a bit of time to unscrew everything. You also need to buy new pin connectors, but it costs, like three bucks online.

>> No.888973

Well the place where I bought it from gives a 90 day warranty. So I'll bring it in tomorrow. And can you recommend any games? I already know I love Super Mario bro's 2, so I'm getting that, I just need to know some good games, and not the typical "Legend of Zelda" response, I've played that game to death.

>> No.889000

Star Tropics
Blaster Master
Conquest of the Crystal Palace
River City Ransom
Mighty Final Fight
Double Dragon
Double Dragon II
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden II
Mega Man *
Castlevania 3
Gun Nac
Guerrilla Warriors
Super Mario Brothers *
The Adventures of Lolo *
Any Capcom game based on a Disney cartoon
Low G Man
Burai Fighter
GI Joe
Mendel Palace
Fire & Ice
Final Fantasy
Dragon Warrior *

That's all that comes to mind right now.

>> No.889003

What's with the asterisks?

>> No.889005

play some Capcom titles
Little Nemo
Mega Man

>> No.889013

you're not having fun because you're 12

>> No.889008

Every game in the series is good.

Not that I think Castlevania 2 or Ninja Gaiden 3 are bad, but they're more of an acquired taste, so one shouldn't start with them.

>> No.889012

Let's see..

-Contra/Super C
-Bubble Bobble
-Blaster Master
-The Guardian Legend

These are the games on the NES that I've enjoyed the most that I've played recently.

>> No.889036

>what with the flashing purple screen thing, and I'm not getting too much enjoyment out of playing. Am I playing the wrong games?
Why aren't you having fun?

>> No.889651


Ganbare Goemon 2
Bonk's Adventure
Wizards and Warriors
Little Samson
Whomp 'Em
Moon Crystal
Mother 1
Journey to Silius
Metal Storm
Mr. Gimmick
Kirby's Adventure
Sweet Home
Time Zone
River City Ransom
Sky Kid
Air Fortress

>> No.889662

You're the one who paid $20,000 for the NES 001, aren't you.

>> No.889672

here, stupid...

>> No.889684

You might want to list games he can actually afford..

>> No.889698

he says he is too much of a bitch to enjoy hard games, why would you suggest games he already listed as "not fun". If he didn't have the patience for castlevania how is this kid going to sit through ff1 or dragon warrior?
if this stupid faggot nigger can't enjoy ninja gaiden he should return the fucking thing and buy skyrim where he can just winmode forever

>> No.889852

Chill the fuck out, spazmotron. The list is for anybody with eyes who is looking for recommendations.

>> No.889874

Mario 3
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers
Adventures of Lolo
Clash at Demonhead

All super fun games that aren't hard to find under $20 each. If Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden are kicking your ass too hard I would start with some Capcom Disney licensed games, they pretty fair. Except Darkwing. That games kind of a dick.

>> No.889876

>ninja gaiden
>not having fun
does not compute

>> No.889885


I've been in this boat, got my NES back in September.

I recommend the first six Mega Man games. Donkey Kong Arcade, Junior, and 3 are all tons of fun too.

>> No.889894


This is like a troll thread to deliberately piss people off. I don't know that I think you're a troll, but even if not that's what this amounts to. My suggestions are that you:

a.) be born earlier and
b.) yes try an SNES you'll probably like it better

>> No.889904 [DELETED] 

N64 is probably the only console I just can't play these days. It hasn't aged well at all.

>> No.889907

Just get a genesis + cd addon instead. Genesis does what nintendon't.