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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8893580 No.8893580 [Reply] [Original]

Is liking NES games directly related to nostalgia? I'm an early Zoomer (20yrs) and grew up playing them on the virtual console/weird java emulators. I still love a lot of the library to this day but almost everyone in my age range (even people older than me) will swear up and down that these games "haven't aged well." What's up with that?

>> No.8893594

I don't know. Most folks don't really have much broad appreciation of games, I guess. It's fine. With the "haven't aged well" comment, just remember them saying that when they're bitching in ten years about how games aren't as good as they were when they were young.

>> No.8893629

People in your age range should kill themselves

>> No.8893636

The trash has not aged well but some games are actually pretty amazing even today.

>> No.8893651

Nostalgia doesn't mean "liking old things."
I've noticed zoomers tend to be NPC-like in the way they water-down words intended to convey complex ideas.

>> No.8893657

I think you might want to work on your reading comprehension skills.

>> No.8893662

Are your friends from 4chan or real?

>> No.8893664

It's a lot different when you lived through it. It felt very aged by the time that Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario World came out. There were constant massive improvements in gaming happening every couple years. I rarely went back to NES by the time I had a Genesis and I remember a time where barely anyone cared about it.

>> No.8893668

That makes a lot of sense, it seems like games advanced a ton before the Xbox 360. I just find it annoying when I see a guy in their 30s talk about how NES games are bad or how lives are outdated. It reads like an uninformed zoomer to me.

>> No.8893681

What are your top 10 nes games?

>> No.8893707

1. Gimmick
2. Ninja Gaiden
3. Castlevania
4. Kirbys Adventure
5. Punch Out
6. Super Mario Bros
7. Gradius
8. Mega Man 5
9. Kid Dracula
10. Contra
There's countless other ones I enjoy playing but those are the ones I go back to most

>> No.8893795

No, they're good games, and the simple yet appealing aesthetic makes them very timeless.
People complaining that they "aged poorly" are literally just bad at them, and blaming the game for it.

>> No.8893806

Kill yourself

>> No.8893810

Idk man, I'm 36yo and I just can't keep myself from playing SNES and NES games every day.
Never had a Genesis growing up but I'm pretty into playing that shit too, so who knows.
>Haven't aged well
Nigga if you play some Ninja Gaiden 3 and say that, that just means you don't like difficulty on a game

>> No.8893853

>i know almost everyone in my age range (even people older than me) and have carefully and accurately collected and tabulated their opinions on the subject
Sounds like the sort of ridiculous thing an early Zoomer (20yrs) would say
There are a lot of zoomers who like NES and other old games. Nearly everyone on /vr/ is a zoomer.

>> No.8893876

for me its a mix of a couple of things. what drew me in was the nostalgia (I'm in my mid thirties). but pretty soon it was because I got sick and tired of modern games with their load times(day1 patches, dlcs, inc), cinematics, always-online bs and whatnot. retro games gave me a straight plug in play and a more gratifying entertinment experience overall. also, the requirement for maintenance opened up a way into a new hobby (simple soldering for repairs and modding and shit like that). there's a great time to be had by anyone of all ages if they're interested save for how the pricing on some games and consoles are fucked up beyond belief.

>> No.8893895

The NES is the best console, nothing compares to it
It saved video games

>> No.8893924


>> No.8893940

NES hasn't aged well because the graphics are pretty shit for 2d (Just not 2600 shit). But it's absolutely PACKED with good games (In terms of gameplay) and lots of very original titles. There are some great game concepts that never made it past the NES and still offer something unique today.

The SNES is just a nicer looking NES, with a lot more shovelware and the quality is much more patchy. I prefer the Genesis for 16 bit.

>> No.8893942

>I got sick and tired of modern games with their load times(day1 patches, dlcs, inc), cinematics, always-online bs and whatnot
This. And also that every modern game has to push some cringe political angle, so the publishers can act self-righteous while they psychologically design a game to milk as much money out of you as possible. They're not even made to be fun, just addictive.

>> No.8894268

I played some NES at other people's houses as a kid, but the Super Nintendo was the first console I owned that I feel the most nostalgia for. NES is the only console I actively collect for and it has plenty of great games despite the limitations of the time. Kids of today just aren't used to platformers and can't relate to older games, so they won't give them a chance, is my guess. But they could answer it better themself. They're probably just retarded

>> No.8894637

I was born in ‘91 and maybe played a real NES once.
>haven’t aged well
Whut? Super Mario, Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear are all really fun games regardless of weather you grew up with them. They look and sound great. The 16 bit era is more of a mixed bag. Some games look sound and play fantastic but others were trying to push the system too hard and had really choppy frame rates and clunky controls. Sega Genesis aged the worst imo. I remember my friends back in 95-96 playing the Jurassic Park game and it made me almost want to vomit. Looked and sounded butt fucking ugly. Obviously there were exceptions. Vektorman, Sonic and Elemental Master all are beautiful games, but overall I found Genesis graphics to be an eyesore similar to Xbox 360 graphics

>> No.8894663

I agree 16-bit games have aged worse and in general feel less adventurous in terms of game design.

>> No.8894664

> "haven't aged well." What's up with that?

The concept of "games aging" is flawed, because it implies that quality of games has continually improved over the years, as if all games today were better than the one from 5 years ago, and all the ones from 5 years ago better than the ones from 10 years ago and so on.

That is a pure consumerist philosophy bred from capitalism. The people who make these new things want everyone to believe they're better than anything made before so everyone will keep consuming and buying them at the high price. They'll usual use technical points to spread those beliefs because that's the only thing they have. Sure a movie made today will use more advanced technology, but does this mean that the art direction is better? That the story is better?
In essence saying that games "age", is the same as people who only listen to the latest summer hit and only watch the latest summer blockbuster, only to dismiss that altogether the next winter for the new christmas hit and new christmas blockbuster, and will joke at "bad movies from the 80's" and wouldn't watch a black&white movie for second.
Completely unable to enjoy things for what they are and only consume what they are told to consume.

When people says "games age", what they really mean is that they are sheep consumers and nothing more, literally tasteless.

>> No.8894829

My reading comprehension skills are perfectly fine and in fact surpass yours, as indicated by your response.

>> No.8894849

Nah you're an idiot.

You think 360 graphics are an eyesore? Interesting, maybe depends on the way you play it. PS3 and 360 are the best systems that you would bother hooking up to a CRT and they look amazing on them.

>> No.8894854


>> No.8894921

Always thought they looked like shit. I went from playing a PC that could barely run half life 2 to an Xbox 360 and always felt that everything looked like a polished turd. Take bioshock for example. Wtf is wrong with the niggas hand? Looks gross and mutated. All the people look like midgets and then you have of course the havoc engine (oblivion/fallout 3+) where everyone looks like a potato. Gears of War looked like Roblox for edgelords to me. Not to mention the filters that a lot of these games had that made them devoid of color. Getting a PS4 and loading up Far Cry 5 for the first time was such a welcoming change. I know it’s cool to look at the new thing and say “new thing BAD!” But I honestly think that this last gen was miles better than the previous gen in pretty much every metric, especially as a mostly single player gamer. It was nice to have games with actual single player content even if a lot of it was mindless grindy nonsense.

>> No.8894926

>Sega Genesis aged the worst imo
Genesis looks and sounds amazing. I grew up with Nintendo and Genesis is easily my favorite 16 bit system today. 8 bit goes to NES for sure though.

>> No.8894931

>16-bit games
16 bit games are literally peak 2d pixel art soul. I grant you that 8-bit games look a little rough.

>feel less adventurous in terms of game design
Ask how I know you are under 30.

>> No.8894971

This was so stupid to read I couldn't tell if it was a copypasta or not, everything ages or our perception of it does which would be what they mean by age, and no not every single game has to be better

Why are you so pedantic

>> No.8895012

I've noticed people who are one day too old to be zoomers tend to be NPC-like in the way they think that makes them somehow old and wise, and that millennials aren't as bad as, if not worse than, zoomers.

>> No.8895037

Except OP referred to people who consider all NES games haven't aged well. The amount of people who refuse to watch movies because they are "old" is probably even greater, I'm sure we've all known people like that, so why do you think the same thing for video games, which has always been more about the technical side of things than movie, is that farfetched?

>> No.8895070

in NES games, there is no bullshit, no cutscenes, they're all straight to the point. they are all about gameplay and getting good, and that's why zoomers hate it.
to a zoomer, gameplay is just filler between "content". NES games have little content, but lots of gameplay. this confuses and upsets the zoomer.
the game forces him to get better at it to progress. but when a zoomer loses in a game, he screeches "how was I supposed to know that" and "bad game design". so he calls NES "outdated" and "poorly aged", and returns to his open world indie gacha phone games where he can't lose and where he gets instant gratification.

>> No.8895085

>almost everyone in my age range (even people older than me) will swear up and down that these games "haven't aged well."
they're faggots and i hate this meme. it's like "Sonic was never good", it's all fags who never played the goddamn games who regurgitate same opinions they saw on the internet.
I used to hate NES. I grew up in Russia where everyone owned Dendy, so I mostly saw lots of shitty multicart games that looked like trash too. but later I got a NES emulator on my DS and tried the classics one by one. then my opinion of NES took a 180. I got into shmups, puzzles and bunch of other stuff. NES games take the best from arcade era, they have a great "pick up and play" value, and put gameplay first. And they're very soulful too, this was before the big corporate devs of today. Now a large portion of my favorite games are NES ones. They're always great to go back to.

>> No.8895137

>to a zoomer, gameplay is just filler between "content"
This whole post is perfectly put. And when you consider modern games are designed for this demographic, that's why I'm here on /vr/.

>> No.8895160
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I recently got into retro and the thing I most enjoy is coming back to a game every day and feeling myself getting better and better. You start out barely lasting a few minutes, maybe the next day you can clear a level or two, then after enough days you just crush the entire game on with ease and you feel like a god. The great thing is, you don't even need to play for very long. Just 10-15mins per day. It's persistence and a will to improve. And damn if that isn't more satisfying than any amount of cheevos, skins or lootboxes.

>> No.8895287

What makes the NES really cool is that, due to engineering reasons, every NES game is unique, Konami games feel like Konami games, Sunsoft like Sunsoft, etc. Due to the hardware requiring the use of a mapper to facilitate games more complicated than NROM, and with Nintendo allowing each publisher to develop their own mappers, this made every NES game unique in their own way. Even Megaman games, of which there are 6, have different staff on each game.

Also there's an 'oversize' version of UNROM called UOROM, but despite the name, there are no /uohhhhhhhhh/ games on that mapper. Maybe paperboy 2 if you're a shotacon?

>> No.8895356

Are you retarded? The top games are FPS where you match, spawn, and kill the opposition.

>> No.8895357

Take your own advice 4channer.

>> No.8895380

>Ask how I know you are under 30.
Not him but nobody over the age of 30 says "soul" and for those who do, how embarrassing.

>> No.8895387

>havoc engine (oblivion/fallout 3+)
Gamebryo. Havoc was a physics engine used in games like Half Life 2.

>> No.8895401

clearly wrong kek

>> No.8895439

>Are you retarded? The top games are FPS where you match, spawn, and kill the opposition
Perhaps that's the exception, but to be honest most people now days don't play multiplayer games to improve over other players or to have fun really. They play them to collect cosmetics, weapon skins, emotes, and higher ranks to show off to other players. The idea of playing a multiplayer game "just for fun" is a completely alien concept for some of my normie friends, as they don't understand why you would play something when there's no built in progression system as if improving as a player simply isn't enough.

>> No.8895486

I’m a millennial and I grew up with the NES on emulators as well (in addition to old hand-me-down hardware). I hated my generation for the longest time because our hardware was less “cool” than my parents’ (Gen X) were. And it’s funny to see zoomers fawn over the same shit despite being two generations removed at this point. I mean, is it safe to say that historically basically stopped in 2001 and everything after was horrible? Because that’s where this mindset goes. It’s a generational inferiority complex.

Both of our generations have made invaluable and original contributions to gaming, media, culture, and society. Zoomers are the most creative youth generation since perhaps the 60s if not more. It’s NORMAL for young people to move on. That’s the only way we get new shit made. Are we still playing Pong and Space Invaders? Of course not.

>> No.8895518
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jokes on you I'm using the NES to play JRPGs and visual novels

>> No.8895528

>Also there's an 'oversize' version of UNROM called UOROM, but despite the name, there are no /uohhhhhhhhh/ games on that mapper
Ah, a goal for /vr/'s next game development project

>> No.8895543

>Zoomers are the most creative youth generation since perhaps the 60s if not more
One of the worst copes I've ever read.

>> No.8895580

UOROM allows for up to 4 megabytes of ROM, that's 4 megabytes of /uohhhhhhhhh/ lolis and shotas right there.

>> No.8895626
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I think most people who say the games aged poorly are just ignorant. The difference between games from the 80s and now is night and day and I can't see any reason why anyone would say something like castlevania aged poorly other than the fact that it's different from today's standards. It's older, shorter and made on lesser hardware than modern stuff, but it's no less of a quality game for it. Same goes for stuff like limited continues. It's the rules of the game.
It's up to preference if you like modern style games over retro ones but it does determine if you're a casual or not
>tldr: get fucking filtered

>> No.8895634
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as you should, that is when your dad isn't confiscating it for majhong and horse race betting games

>> No.8895643

but 'how was i supposed to know that' is genuine criticism. if a game is just trial and error thats not difficult or content. its just wasting your time

>> No.8895664

Modern indie games have ruined all pixellated games for me. I just can't go play NES and SNES games because it feels too much like playing those shitty indie games

>> No.8895667
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Yeah gotta love those hour long mandatory tutorials of modern games and gameplay interruptions telling you what to do. Now that is quality content I want to pay money for

>> No.8895675

When did I imply that was good?

>> No.8895681

you realize there are ways to communicate to a player that something is coming or a mixup is happening without it being insulting to their intelligence or being an annoying tutorial right

>> No.8897038

If this has anything to do with capitalism, why do they sell the same old games every console generation and milk 80s nostalgia?

>> No.8897041

You should kill yourself faggot, you're taking up space and resources to act like a bitch on the internet.

>> No.8897051

Kys zoombie

>> No.8897054

they are the future

>> No.8897061

You don't actually like video games.

>> No.8897121
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NES isn't bad, but I've always been more interested in 16-bit, and I was born in '91. TG-16 came around the same time period and is techically 8-bit too, but has much better graphics and sound. I probably prefer Game Boy and Game Gear over NES, mainly for the portability factor and some hit titles like Super Mario Land 2. MSX also has some cool stuff but I've barely brushed the surface of its library

>> No.8897158

>some games are actually pretty amazing even today

>> No.8897162

>how embarrassing
Correct, because it's
lurk more

>> No.8897186

Kino taste

>> No.8897213

the truth about games that "haven't aged well" is that they were fucking trash back then too. The good NES games back then are still pretty decent today.

>> No.8897219

you haven't seen what zoomies say about NES JRPGs?
>nooo it's all grinding! the game is just 1 hour long! it's all padding and artificial difficulty!!! random encounters shouldn't exist!
same goes for visual novels I guess, although I haven't yet seen any zoomie actually play them. but you seriously think they'd like the concept?… they'd screech that it can be beaten in 15 minutes and complain they didn't get that one ending in a single walkthrough ("HoW wAs I SuPpOsEd To KnOw I'd get a bad ending???").

>> No.8897221

NES hard really was a thing. I grew up with SNES and played NES with family. I always thought the NES games were too hard because they had shit like Fester's Quest.
Save states make some unplayable games playable. But I still bought a Nintendo as soon as I got money of my own and of course I still have it.

>> No.8897245

>that' is genuine criticism
wtf do you mean? like, you can't tell real difficulty vs poorly made game?
that's another thing. in quality NES games, levels were carefully designed to provide interesting challenges. they didn't just throw shit against a wall and see if it sticks.
in fact, the latter is the current year game design. there's no levels and no challenges. just one huge open world that is devoid of any real challenge. a sandbox for autistic children where you can't lose or win so that nobody's feefees are hurt. all that matters is "content"––how many NPCs you can talk to, how many stupid collectibles the game has, how many vehicles you can ride, etc. etc. don't ask questions, just consume content and then get excited for more content.

>> No.8897552

How can that possibly be true

>> No.8897558

you went on a completley unrelated tangent. you already use the qualifier 'in quality nes games'. i wasn't using that. i was saying sometimes some zoomer happens upon an actual shit nes game and talking about artificial difficulty or 'how was i supposed to know that' is valid in that case
alot of those nes jrpgs do suffer from that though. its not like these jrpgs have much gameplay to offer nor an interesting narrative or visuals.

>> No.8897571

>alot of those nes jrpgs do suffer from that though. its not like these jrpgs have much gameplay to offer nor an interesting narrative or visuals.

I don't believe you played them. At best you played "remasters" on the phone you're posting from.

>> No.8897584

I'm posting from my computer anon. Also I tried FF1 and megaten 1. I just didnt find them that appealing to play

>> No.8897645

I even agree with you, but...
Why do you act like this?
t. Millennial and most likely older than you

>> No.8897651

this, NES already was from another period. The graphics looked and felt incredibly dated if you compared it to SNES already, and even more with PS1 and N64 a few years after. It was still so mind-blowing for us that you could "literally fly over Mos Eisley" in Rogue Squadron, NES just couldn't get close to that excitement. Only person I know who played NES in the late 90s was my sister who was hooked on playing SMB3 with her best friend every afternoon but they were casuals who simply liked that one game. While boys were either PS or N64, or PC, and that was it. I didn't get back into NES until around 2000 when I started using emus for nostalgia reasons

>> No.8897734

>i was saying sometimes some zoomer happens upon an actual shit nes game and talking about artificial difficulty or 'how was i supposed to know that' is valid in that case
I didn't get what you meant. in that case, sorry, but zoomers say this all the time, not "sometimes". and yes, a stopped clock is right twice a day, but that's beside the point.
the point is that to a zoomer, every time they lose, it's a game's fault. that's what modern game journos taught them. got hit by a fish at the start of Sonic 2? "how was i supposed to know that", "bad game design", "outdated game", "artificial difficulty", etc. for this whole reason, whole genres are "outdated" to them. SHMUPs are literally "how was i supposed to know that": the genre to a zoomer. they're also allergic to 2D fighters, because as soon as they lose they flip their shit and write a blog post on how everything they lost to is bad game design.
a lot of retro games relied on memorization, yes. even the good ones relied on that. but guess what—people still got a kick out of playing them. it was a real feeling of overcoming a challenge. people didn't need to cry like little bitches every time they lost a life. in fact, pretty much the whole defining feature of NES games was that you wanted to keep playing them despite losing over and over. THAT'S the thing zoomers fail to understand.

>> No.8897748

If i payed for the game i have a right to beat it. Artificial difficulty of nes is fucking bullshit and you know it

>> No.8897758

>If i payed for the game i have a right to beat it.
you basically admitted just now that you suck in the game and are somehow just "entitled" to win in it.
>Artificial difficulty of nes is fucking bullshit and you know it
please tell me exactly where in a good NES game you had "artificial" difficulty. give me exact level, even better if you have a video. I'll wait.

>> No.8897776

Mega man 2, zelda, castlevania 2. You know what im talking about don't play dumb with me buddy

>> No.8897815

This has to a troll, I refuse to believe there are people like this posting on /vr/

>> No.8897841

>Mega man 2
how to spot a zoom zoom. Mega Man 2 is in fact the opposite of what you say, the game gets piss easy with metal blade and if you're such a little bitch you can just fly through hard parts using Rush. even then, if you don't use those, hard areas =/= bad game design or artificial difficulty. they simply rely on skill and memorization. also, of course you can't name one level, because you just came to bitch about it.
>castlevania 2
anon, AVGN reviewed it 16 years ago. 16 fucking years. I said "where in a _GOOD_ NES game you had "artificial" difficulty".
now this here I might agree with, it was obviously an early game in its genre but you may need a map and walkthroughs to beat it. then again—pretty much EVERYONE says this. no one denies it.

>> No.8897863
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>AVGN reviewed it 16 years ago
Holy shit I'm old...

>> No.8897881

>to a zoomer, gameplay is just filler between "content". NES games have little content, but lots of gameplay. this confuses and upsets the zoomer.
Hit the nail on the head.

>> No.8898006

Wow. Perfectly encapsulates the discrepancy between the ages. Please get your book out immediately. I will read it.

>> No.8898013

actually, I'm retarded—it's older than that
>Episode aired May 25, 2004
will turn 18 years literally in 2 weeks.

>> No.8898074

Not really, I'm also a zoomer in his early 20s and I enjoy NES games, both playing and collecting them. I grew up playing them on PC emulators (NesterJ if I recall) and then later on Wii Virtual Console. Those who say these haven't aged well are just retarded.

>> No.8898261

>Zoomers are the most creative youth generation
having a tiktok doesn't make you creative.

>> No.8898265

16-bit consoles would have seemed jaw-dropping at the time but now it's apparent they've aged a lot worse.

>> No.8898274

If you fuckers enjoy the shitNES why can't you enjoy the Spectrum?

>> No.8898283

They didn't use unique mappers outside Japan, US cartridges almost always just had the standard Nintendo ones.

>> No.8898284


>> No.8898287

I do and I prefer it

>> No.8898404


>> No.8898407

It literally does if you're making tiktoks.

>> No.8898443

ok auster

>> No.8898480

That's why they should kill themselves.

>> No.8899430 [DELETED] 

OP here, I like the simplicity of those games too. But I hate it on principle due to it being British.

>> No.8899434

For me it was Vegas Stakes.
Make me, bud.

>> No.8899449 [DELETED] 

This. The british cultural imperialism is still felt in my home to this day and they literally took our language from us and our culture. They still even own some of our country. I fucking hate the british. Everytime I see a brit on holiday here I make sure they have a bad time

>> No.8899454

idk, i mostly emulated snes and gba games growing up, but the good vidya is still pretty good, like besides the shovelware the only reason i can see someone sayin something aged bad is because it was too ambitious for the time

>> No.8899462

why didnt they make any 3d SNES games? or what not put analogs tick on snes? i dont get it

>> No.8899473
File: 405 KB, 1200x701, whatifyoudiditlikethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here i made a mockup
wtf was nintendo thinking
they could have had system shock on snes or something

>> No.8899509

NES Metal Gear was shit. The ones on MSX weren’t that great either and people just praise them because of Kojima

>> No.8899519 [DELETED] 

>This post is extremely low quality.
>This post is off-topic.
>This user is underage.

>> No.8899535 [DELETED] 

The Spectrums alright lad

>> No.8899543

Good taste. You play Shatterhand and Journey to Silius yet?