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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 61 KB, 800x800, 1638458004-retroid-1638457996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8890728 No.8890728 [Reply] [Original]

Im thinking of buying a handheld for emulation, from anything up to gamecube / ps1. Is there any well known sites i can buy them pre loaded with the games as i really dont want to do it myself.

>> No.8890743

Literally just tell any nerd friend to doit and give him 20 bux

>> No.8890750

What if I dont have this option because Im 30 and all my nerd friends live far away and also lead busy lives. I just want to know websites that sell them pre loaded

>> No.8890781

more like retard pocket, amirite?

>> No.8890786

I just found a stock image of a hand held

>> No.8890829

no, at least not what you're asking for. why would you even want this? it isn't like hacking a switch or something that takes time, you literally just download the emulator from the google play store, put your roms on an SD card and stick it in the system.

if you can't manage to do that then honestly don't bother lol

>> No.8890834

Ambernic is still doing it so buy a handheld from them. But most of the Chinese companies have stopped doing so because of it makes it hard to sell in Japan where they have an audience now but Ambernic is selling in Japan as well but I think they don't preload the games (don't quote me, it is something I read somewhere I can't source).

>> No.8890841

then man up and do it yourself lol

>> No.8890898

Maybe you can order rom packages from the set menu? Like a succulent Chinese meal.

>> No.8890905

A bit more to it for disc based games like the PSX/NGC games he wanted.

>> No.8890925

Thank you

>> No.8890931

I dont have a pc or sd card

>> No.8890959
File: 1.32 MB, 220x220, 1647459276512.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez, there is no excuse anymore with the internet as it is today. Come on dude, use a search engine and figure it out.

>> No.8890964

Get off your shitty phone and use a computer then. It's much more powerful in more ways than you think. Navigating day-to-day things on a smart phone vs computer is like night and day.

>> No.8890967

Buy an SD card and use a library computer or something.

>> No.8891007

What? It's the exact same fucking process, you can literally go on YouTube and watch someone open the box, download the fucking emulator from the store (or, it's already pre installed for retards like OP) and they're good to go within 5 minutes

Goddamn this board just gets dumber and dumber

>> No.8891046

Too busy leading a normal life so i want to pay someone to do it for me. Why is it so hard for you nerds to get this into your heads?

>> No.8891058

This. My Anbernic came with a preloaded SD card.

>> No.8891072

Because it takes less than 10 minutes. No one wants to believe you're so retarded that you'd actually pay someone a premium for 10 minutes for work that boils down to dragging files from your computer to a micro SD card.

>> No.8891581

How is it any different? It always seemed similar enough to me.

>> No.8891589

tfw I'm the nerd friend

>> No.8891762

The only word that ends in -oid that doesn't immediately bring up negative thoughts is Metroid

>> No.8891772
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Love when normie NPCs pull the "I have a lief not like u n3rdz!!11" when confronted with something they're not preprogrammed to respond

>> No.8891782

LMAO you work some shitty retail job get a grip dude. You can easily find all sort of pre loaded Gameboy knock offs on Amazon (because you take public transportation to work, lmao what a failure). Keep larping it up as some sort of super busy normie kek.

>> No.8891786

Dude you just need to download games and throw it on the SD card.

>> No.8891828

lazy fuck

>> No.8891901

op doesn't know about the emu-gen wiki

>> No.8892192
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>Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
>Happier than you and me
>Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
>And it determined what he could see

>> No.8892549

it's easier than baking a cake, seriously how have you made it this far.

>> No.8892842

You can drag and drop/open instantly most cartrige based roms in those types of emulators. bin/cue/iso etc disc images are not just larger, but often require more fiddling around with bios' and comparability issues. Ok some more modern emulators have a more easy UI these days and streamline the process. But this is not guaranteed with all of them. This is pretty obvious to most oldfags here.

>> No.8892854

>And he, wore a hat.
>And he, had a job.
>And he, brought home the bacon.
>So that, no one knew...

>> No.8892858
File: 90 KB, 828x827, nRS09bavHubhplD3Wx_iesMX6LHbnXH4kL4KfZfySY4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And he wore a hat
>And he had a job
>And he brought home the bacon
>So that no one knew

>> No.8892875
File: 182 KB, 682x1024, 23540223-angry-mom-pointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're too busy to research it yourself then you're too busy for 4chan.

>> No.8892884

Get a computer then instead of buying another toy. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.8892917

You can buy plenty with games preloaded but the SD cards they include are trash.

>> No.8892943

I always wonder why they bother selling these things preloaded, since people will just wipe them and fill them with whatever they want. I guess dopes like OP are why

>> No.8892952

Its not complicated at all OP, you can figure it out yourself in under a day or just use some tubers guide on x2 speed. It's like putting music on an MP3 player.

>> No.8893008

Apparently tech illiterates are a bigger threat than Nintendo's legal team.

>> No.8893394

Yeah my entire no-intro n64 library is about 12 GB, my ps1 folder is bigger than that and has a fraction of the games. If a company was going to preload ps1/GameCube games they'd have to be very selective about which ones to include, and would probably be missing a lot of the games you'd actually want.

>> No.8893454


>> No.8893509

God normies are faggots.

>> No.8893540
File: 36 KB, 500x386, adapters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get an Anbernic device of aliexpress and it will be preloaded with everything. You don't have to do shit but turn it on.

>> No.8893609

This product isn’t for you. Or go on ebay and overpay for some sd card preloaded with pal region roms. Retard.

>> No.8893676

I am a parjeet who larps here
because ps1/Saturn/psp is my phone can do Most inbuilt file managers can
extract zip files and transfer to a sd card.
SD cards are cheap ps1 goes till 3gb
By a cheap adapter for the sd card if
your phone doesn't have a slot

>> No.8893936
File: 259 KB, 1106x1012, 1648456909608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're hopeless. Just stick to your capeship slop and Xbox-Goy Pass. Own nothing and be happy. You're a bottom feeder loser.

>> No.8893967
File: 13 KB, 425x241, 51hhWyQCQDL._AC_SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that Anbernic RG351MP is not powerful enough to handle GBA and PS1 on full speed? I remember reading it somewhere

>> No.8893990

My PS1 games look fine on it. And never seen an issue with GBA.

>> No.8894051

Which of these has the absolute best screen for gba/gbc/snes? Preferably smaller than a switch

>> No.8894063

The fact that you thought anyone here would sympathize with that response is just more proof that you’re too clueless for your own good.

Step 1) Google it
Step 2) Read the pages and follow instructions
Step 3) ??????
Step 4) Profit

>> No.8894273

Requires hacking, 300MHz, unusual 30:17 aspect ratio, 1800MAh battery for 4-5 hours battery life, slow development scene, PS1 mostly perfect, SNES acceptable, N64 terrible, GBA hit and miss. $100

Works out the box, 1.5GHz, 4:3 aspect ratio, 4500MAh battery gives 8 hours battery life, very fast development scene through android, PS1 and SNES perfect, N64 mostly perfect, NDS pretty good and GBA perfect, some dreamcast works well. $80

Why anyone thinks this is even a close contest is beyond me.

>> No.8894287

He's saying you're stupid for not being able to figure this all out.
Which you are. Stupid.

>> No.8894310

How are you even on /vr/ if you can't use an emulator
How is this a nerd thing jesus fuck, what's happening

>> No.8894317

Runs fine on my system. Can even put some meme filtering on gba without making a dent in fps for example.

>> No.8894419

here ya go retard

>> No.8894774

Those systems run fine.
It's a shame it can't upscale PS1 games to 640x480 though.

>> No.8894776

lmao based dork destroyer. look at them all seethe

>> No.8894817

I kinda wanted a moqi i7, but they don't work with my wireless provider as far as I can tell.
I just want a phone with a built in gamepad that can emulate up to psp preferably, but ps2 would be nice.

>> No.8894820

Oh no, you need to download iso AND bios? Jesus, how horrifying.
I don't think OP is retarded, but he's definitely lazy.

>> No.8895040
File: 460 KB, 976x850, 1645181857883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. MCU fan

Pretty sure OP is both lazy AND retarded. Imagine paying someone to do the easiest shit in the world.

>> No.8895161

Either this is low tier bait, or OP truly is retarded.

I'm voting for bait, because not even a nigger would be this stupid to ask in 4chan something that he could've easily put on fucking google or even YouTube.
2/10 cope seethe and mald.

>> No.8895394
File: 164 KB, 1024x771, 1635079642991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this OP? I still find it hard to believe that somebody is this stupid. My fucking normie father is 70+ and can figure this shit out.
You're not a normie, you're simply stupid.

>> No.8895491

With some tinkering it can even play a bit of N64 and Dreamcast

>> No.8895498

>With some tinkering it can even play a bit of N64 and Dreamcast
Comfily did a 100% of Rayman 2 for Dreamcast at 480p without slowdowns on mine.

>> No.8895636
File: 2.64 MB, 4154x2375, IMG_20220510_230513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting pic related ready was annoying as hell but once you're done it's absolutely amazing.

>> No.8895687

go back

>> No.8896084

How's the performance for ps1/n64?

>> No.8896484

Where are you finding RP2+ for $80? The price has gone up to $135 most places. That's the same as a Powkiddy X19S.

>> No.8897310

Pity the screen looks like fucking shit. I actually like the RP2+ otherwise.

>> No.8897724

It's really good, no problems here whatsoever.
>screen looks like fucking shit
Yeah definitely the weak point of the RP2+ it's the screen, but honestly it's not that bad. Playing Saturn, Dreamcast and N64 games with no slowdowns vastly outweighs the meh quality of the screen.

>> No.8897870 [DELETED] 

That was my experience too, I had to upgrade the Android image and get things set up just as I wanted them. After that though it's only a case of throwing games onto the SD card.

>> No.8898070

the rg351mp looks like shit too. They all look like shit compared to analog unless you go autismo tablet big

>> No.8898090

Heard good things about Odin Lite. Gonna buy it.

>> No.8898606

After thinking it a lot, I think I'm staying with my N2DS as my emulation handheld just because the clamshell design makes it more portable than the Vita with its sticks.
I can just take my 2DS in my pocket wherever.
I do sometimes miss playing some PSP and PS1 games tho.

>> No.8898741

How about PSP 2D games like the Final Fantasy ones?

>> No.8898835
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>> No.8899075
File: 19 KB, 397x500, s-l500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Game Boy ever finally become a Game Man?

>> No.8899371

Is RP2+ still the best choice for $100 tier? Been thinking of getting one but I’m also afraid something better is around the corner.

>> No.8899569

>normal life
>doesn't have a computer or laptop
you're insane

>> No.8900408

For psp and vita games you fucking retard.

>> No.8900840

Became Gabeboy...

>> No.8900848

What price can you find it at? It was $99 but looking around I see the price increase to around $135. I don't care how popular it has become, that's chronicles of ridickulous.

>> No.8901402

Not retro

>> No.8901424

Not hiim but on the site it is $99 +shipping

>> No.8901459
File: 290 KB, 1068x601, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be me.
>Owns a Vita
Perfect PS1 and PSP, ports of all the worthwhile PS2 games. Acceptable SNES (I'll give you that), GBA mostly perfect (the games that matter), for anything else that doesn't work you have emulators on Adrenaline. Perfect SMS, Genesis, Sega CD, GG, 32x hit or miss, TurboGraphics 16 and TGCD, perfect WonderSwan and Neo Geo Pocket. Perfect build quality and buttons, great screen and sticks.

>Own a N2DS too
Perfect SNES, GB, GBC, NES, and GBA, basically all the nintendo consoles before the N64. Perfect TG16 and CD. Almost perfect Sega consoles before Saturn.

Man it feels good to be me. The only downside is having to jump between two handhelds but among these two I have perfect everything instead of one chink handhelds with shortcomings.

>> No.8901501

why dont you just get a nice tablet and controller instead of a sperg device that will soon be outdated and has no user servicable parts/buttons

>> No.8901506

bad pixel scaling
i hate to seem autistic but i HATE that

the shimmer is only supposed to be there sometimes (in places where the devs put it , underwater usually)

>> No.8901512

this is great until you try to run an actual psp / vita game kek

also your china clone has horrible buttons and stick spacing

nearly ALL of them fuck this simple thing up desu

>> No.8902773

theres a site that has premade sd images for pi (probably more devices too but i havent been there in years) that are full of games and completely customised with box art, clips, etc. really neat collection. you just download and go

>> No.8902787

i have been looking for a decent pocket device for a while now, and they are all overpriced and under powered. i dont want to use my normal phone since i cant afford to have it go flat, and dont want to carry around a battery bank just to play games.

sadly, even the cheapest of android smartphones (im talking the made-for-india $20 special) are able to play upto ps1\n64 perfectly, where as $100 pocket emulation devices struggle with snes (yoshis island, mmx2, etc). you are literally paying just for physical buttons.

if you dont mind the size, you can get these switch style bluetooth gamepads for a phone, and just buy a dedicated 2nd smartphone just for gaming. if you spend around $60, you can get something that can play dreamcast and psp too

>> No.8902823

>emulating on an Android
I've avoided doing this because I heard input lag was an issue

>> No.8903003

You can actually buy all sorts of parts seperately for the Retroid Pocket 2+ if needed.
The whole problem with the right stick is why I won't buy one though.

>> No.8903041
File: 272 KB, 695x1574, bxgg12cavhv9wgb0lnej.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RP2+ isn't powerful enough for that. You'd need something like an Odin which is about $240 USD

>> No.8903042

You'll have to choose between GBA and the others because the GBA has a 3:2 aspect ratio

>> No.8903071

That's been debunked multiple times.

>> No.8903603

What games is it even capable of emulating that you need a proper right stick for though? It's not like you're going to be playing PS2 games on it, right?
I can see myself using it for the c buttons on an N64, but I don't need an entire stick for that, and I can't think of many PS1 games that lean heavily on having two sticks

>> No.8904064

Ape escape
N64 games
That's what I would play.

>> No.8904079
File: 130 KB, 1426x1500, 91qahZOIs6L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain why you would need two sticks to play N64 games.

>> No.8904251

The back trigger (R3) or the C buttons.

>> No.8904272

I think odin light is the best option on the market atm https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/odin-the-ultimate-gaming-handheld

>> No.8904312

Are there any of these that have screens that work well for integer scaling both 240p stuff and GBA?

>> No.8904320
File: 264 KB, 1638x1912, 1348975480697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insane cope for being tech illiterate. I wonder what the hell you do for work if you can't perform the most basic of computer tasks, how the hell are you too "normal" to move files onto an SD card? Go ahead and get scammed buying a chinaportable that has pirated games loaded onto it, can't wait to see your reaction to that.

>> No.8904461

The next anbernic device looks to be promising a budget one.

>> No.8904595

stale pasta

>> No.8905312

this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5UIShnzBgg

>> No.8905367

wow this looks like shit especially for the price range

>> No.8905371

anbernic fell off

>> No.8905574

Ok that's it I think this guy is larping to try and catch people who are selling these things with copyright violating materials

Hint: it's less common than you think due to how dead fucking easy it is to set up and how ridiculously common it is to have access to a computer

>> No.8905801

This >>8905371 They even blacklisted Taki Udon (emulation handheld reviewer) because of his RG552 review.

>> No.8907085

No, this one.

>> No.8907103

wew this looks pretty nice

>> No.8907112

I'm still somewhat unconvinced with the ergonomics but the specs will be the dealbreaker in the end.

>> No.8907664

Can you explain to us what is difficult to download, then drag & drop ?

>> No.8907698
File: 480 KB, 1333x654, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think it's neat.

>> No.8907735

On a small 640x480 screen, GBA games with a normal2x + bilinear filter look next to perfect.

>> No.8908376

For me, it's the Miyoo Mini.

I fucking love this little guy.

>> No.8909528

Which version do you have? How does it play ps1 games?

>> No.8909708

I really hate the trend of all these devices getting bigger to keep up with power creep. Fuck that, just give me a comfy, pocketable handheld with a decent screen and a bit more processing power so I can be more aggressive with runahead and frame delay

>> No.8909781

Miyoo Mini

>> No.8909787

I'm considering getting a Vita for this reason. It won't even be able to do what I want a handheld to do.
...but there's just something about them.

>> No.8909791

>Miyoo Mini
> 640*480
That's exactly what I don't want. Give me something 720 at least for decent integer scaling options among numerous platforms. 480p just isn't enough

>> No.8909818

>I really hate the trend of all these devices getting bigger
>i dont want 480p i want 720p

>> No.8909820


>> No.8909834

...are you dumb or just pretending

>> No.8911459
File: 385 KB, 790x1693, S612223ead79c4c7fa4649ec4fd555f68r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't aware they released a Miyoo Mini V2. From this review it apparently has a slightly better screen and most importantly compared to V1, better buttons. Also it comes with a carrying case.

>> No.8911508

I'm debating picking one of these up now.
I need to know more about performance.
I need it to run SNES games flawlessly and some PS1 game very well. Anyone got one?

>> No.8911639

Why are all these devices so fucking ugly? Why do they all ape nintendo console designs and color schemes? I seriously don't know how people stand this shit

>> No.8911805

RetroGameCorps covers it in the video in that link, it runs like 98% of all SNES games flawlessly, just a couple games like Yoshi's Island where you might need some Frame Skip enabled to get a steady 60 FPS, similarly it'll run most PS1 games just fine, only a couple of the most intensive games like Bloody Roar 2 cause any issues, so between it's small size and low price I'd say it's an excellent deal

>> No.8911820
File: 656 KB, 1024x1024, cb448dcb1ff57f94dfba94d6e7d75741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would've gotten the clear black design if it came with black buttons. The Super Fami button colors don't look good with the shell colors they're using them on.
I'll just get this color.

>> No.8912096
File: 108 KB, 400x350, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i refuse to believe anyone actually uses this though, its too small man. looks awesome but needs to be bigger

>> No.8912205
File: 41 KB, 374x374, 1652145492488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is that?

>> No.8912217


>> No.8912292

I use it. It's not built for long gameplay since my hands get cramped but it's good for mid length gaming

>> No.8912407

I've failed multiple times to hack my Vita.I'm jealous.

>> No.8912413

How many handhelds emulate ps2 games well?

>> No.8912851

Thanks for warning us, now put the cowbell back on.

>> No.8912861

New guy. If you aren't willing to pay over 200 for it. Perhaps don't ask.
Seriously though, the document with all the handhelds is link posted here all the time. Haven't you seen it?

>> No.8912896

You're gonna have to pay more than $200 USD for that. The Odin MIGHT be the cheapest device that can do it right now but I'd still watch a lot of videos about it to be sure.

>> No.8912917

Just buy a $100 thinkpad for that instead

>> No.8912929

Sure. Which thinkpad models are at least as small as a Steam Deck and has integrated joysticks?

>> No.8913175

The latest, and it runs ps1 games perfectly.

>> No.8913298

>I really don't eat ti drag and drop the smallest files ever
Lazy retard

>> No.8913305

I actually fucking laughed at how stupid you are OP. Thank you for this

>> No.8913317

OP you're a massive retard but I'll help you out. It is possible to download games on that handheld you posted without a pc. It has a web browser, I think you can put the rest together

>> No.8913506
File: 617 KB, 707x682, 1645510214444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you can put the rest together
Anon, I can do it and I'm extremely fucking retarded. The thing is, OP is so retarded it's a miracle if he can even unlock his front door.

>> No.8913648

No, I never seen it, but I should have known there was one. Can someone post it?

>> No.8914000

Fucking based.

>> No.8914037

>ill be expecting it run xbox 360 games at 60FPS hurr durr
its 50 bucks ffs. People just expecting way too much out of these budget handhelds

>> No.8914134

This is literally the -perfect- handheld design. Well built, slick classy aesthetic, clicky stick, good ergonomics, actually fucking pocketable

It's a shame it ended up being shit, but the design is so fucking good. Why can't we get something that rips this?

>> No.8914139
File: 26 KB, 640x408, NGXG_ss4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course I forgot the pic

>> No.8914484
File: 187 KB, 2000x1333, dd301530-5e60-11ec-adf9-b42fa4ec22a3.cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no jailbreak
Should I cancel my preorder?

>> No.8914749

>he bought an analogue pocket
Enjoy those carts falling off for themselves during gameplay, sweety.

>> No.8914790

it's like inches but less stupid

>> No.8914846

Why would I care about a jailbreak if I was intending to use carts?

>> No.8914876

>analog on primary position
>on a RETRO device

>> No.8915012

Don't be, the Vita still can't emulate SNES and GBA at 100% speed and struggles with the best romhacks for games for those two consoles.

>> No.8915469

Most of the GBA catalog runs well with gpSP. SNES is a mixed bag though as no one has bothered to optimize a proper emulator for it; you know shit is fucked up when it struggles with the SNES Star Fox games, yet SF64 runs full speed on DaedalusX64.

>> No.8915531

I have one coming in the mail. Really excited for it. The jailbreak will come eventually so I don't mind. I have chinese flashcarts already.

>> No.8915547

>perfect anything


>> No.8915578

There's only ONE GBA game I want to play on Vita, FF 6 Sound Restoration and sadly, patched roms have severe slowdown on RA.
There's also Breath of Fire 2 Re-translation which has the same problems.

>> No.8915579
File: 1.61 MB, 2880x2160, collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go
Not pictured: my RG351V which has become my favorite.

>> No.8915582

The screen is super important

>> No.8915583

>got a great deal of horizontal handhelds
>prefers the vertical one
As long you're comfy with it it's fine. Do your fingers get sweaty around the battery part when holding it?

>> No.8915592

My hands don't sweat when I play vidya at all. They get cold instead.

>> No.8915601

I thought this was an issue with the RG351v only. It's the only handheld that makes my fingers sweat a little, maybe it's the battery?

>> No.8915635

Maybe? Mine gets warm when it charges, but during gameplay it's fine.

>> No.8915680

Oh yeah, these two are fair. Still, what I said stands true.

>> No.8915863

Steam Deck is probably your best bet if they ever get rid of their shipping backlog. High-end Android phones and tablets work pretty well, too.

>> No.8915895

I'll ship you an SD card. Email me.
Buy a PSP

>> No.8915941

Why the hell did they design it like that? I hardly see any reviewers even bring it up, let alone as a con, which blows my mind. Everybody mentions the shitty right stick and somehow completely misses the fact that the retards put the dpad in the wrong place

>> No.8915945

>a-any day now...
All previous analogue jailbreaks were developed internally to boost sales. Now that they're selling adapters, releasing a jailbreak would actively disrupt their own sales. It's never happening.

>> No.8915965


Just put the dot in.

>> No.8915987

Fuck so they're finally fixing the dpad with the RP3? My dumb ass already bought the 2 plus and it's arriving tomorrow...

>> No.8916028
File: 19 KB, 466x425, 61yuQqaF7aL._AC_SX466_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think we will see a dual screen handheld? Something like pic related but with a touch screen in the bottom half.

>> No.8916049

never heard on a ds or 3ds mate?

>> No.8916053


>> No.8916071

normal isn't a good thing. hence the slur normies

>> No.8916074
File: 95 KB, 400x400, croppedimage400400-DS-broken-hinge-41[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually original hardware in good working order will eclipse the cost of a emulator handheld. The DS /3DS is also much more of a pain in the ass to restore/mod than GB/GBC/GBA.

>> No.8916081

I swear he plastic used must be the cheapest low quality shit ever, cause all you ever see is the hinges exploding.

>> No.8916091

The Nintendium mines were exhausted by that point.

>> No.8916097

just yanking ya chain m8 since you asked for a dual screen handheld haha

>> No.8916103

They weren't particularly fragile, just not made to be abused by children, which unfortunately made up most of the users. My hinges and screens are still great, and it has the best aged rechargeable battery I've ever owned

>> No.8916135

The screens in these are absolute trash.

>> No.8916216

Whats the good websites for roms these days ?

when emuparadise died so did me. I had that hack that had mirrors for emu paradise ages ago but havent looked into it for a while.

dont wanna use coolrom anymore.


>> No.8916252

Wowroms is good.

>> No.8916362

this is what I used, between it and Vimm's most of my needs were covered just fine;


>> No.8916472


>> No.8916713

archive.org has pretty much everything. cdromance for prepatched fan translations and undubs.

>> No.8917061

Yeah I got this ordered back in like february, it sucks it doesn't use the standard phone battery though

>> No.8917067

they might start becoming it I got a tribal sp recently i crushed the shell with very little pressure in one hand it had turned extremely brittle, ds shells will probs be like that in a few years. The fat ds is particularly bad too because the chink shells for them are awful the ds lite ones are acceptable

>> No.8917096

This is pointless frustrating to use. The star system means you can't easily sort by best to worst, and the letters similarly cause problems. These should be replaced with ratings out of 10 or 5 to make it easier to sort and parse the data.

>> No.8917297

Ive been goofing around with my steamdeck but haven't gotten around to installing emulators. Anyone got a decent source of information on it? So far I've just been playing quake and max payne 3.

>> No.8917372

I just

>No bigger than the psp
>dpad in the primary position
>oled screen
>high enough resolution for integer scaling\interpolation options (720p minimum)
>Enough horse power to make use of runahead and frame delay

does this exist? I can't even find any of those phone controllers that have the dpad in the right spot at all

>> No.8917408

Does it run n64? GBA?

>> No.8917417


>> No.8917445

Zoomers were born in the era of analog sticks, so they're perfectly complacent playing retro with one.
As for reviewers, it's no surprise to anyone that they only play games in 5 minute spurs to get footage for their videos but never actually sit down to play anything to completion, so they probably don't give a fuck either.

It's disgusting, I know.

>> No.8917447

cdromance for me.

>> No.8917480

ayo hol up, emuparadise died?

>> No.8917531
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>> No.8917536

When did the workaround stop working? I haven't needed to download roms since I finished my setup(s)

>> No.8918368


>> No.8918562
File: 65 KB, 1024x980, 1642635117483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N64 on a $60 device with no joystick

>> No.8918737


I navigate it with the arrows for the full chart. The grades actually relate to percentages of a consoles games the system can play. It is detailed in other charts it links to at the top.

>> No.8918747

My Retroid Pocket 2+ arrived today. I opened it and after feeling how garbage the buttons are I packaged it back. They're the hardest to press chink buttons I've ever seen. I'll just resell this. Stay away.

>> No.8918783

you actually -bought- a chinese handheld expecting something else? They're all like that

>> No.8918832

Yeah, the buttons could be better. I heard Anbernic has much better buttons but I don't own one.

>> No.8918919

I thought this one might be different since all the chill reviewers praised the buttons, but they're just absolute trash, worse than most generic controller I've used.

>> No.8919126

I used to play N64 emulators on my pc with the keyboard, it can't be worse than that

>> No.8919249

What emulation handheld has the fastest interface?
I bought the retroid pocket 2 but it takes FOREVER to boot up and FOREVER to go through its terrible interface.
Does anyone know of any device that is SUPER quick

>> No.8919251

I think with a lot of the android ones you can put in a kind of suspend mode instead of rebooting fresh each time

>> No.8919332

I also did. Aiming the hookshot was shit and I don't want to live that again

>> No.8919503

Android was a mistake ...

>> No.8919568
File: 36 KB, 396x294, broken-psp-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a handheld with an OLED display that can run at 2x speed (or more) for GBA and can save screenshots? What about bluetooth multi-controller support for multiplayer? Last on the list would be wifi for FTP screenshot transferring and a decent speaker(s) in a non-retarded spot.

>> No.8919578
File: 149 KB, 640x552, weidsmxwk5h71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odin Lite is shaping up to look pretty good. Size of a Switch Lite, enough power to emulate basic GCN games but not needlessly expensive with more power then I'd want.
Hate sounding like a shill but it feels like literally everything I've wanted in one of these chinkshit devices, just hoping the screen they use is good.

>> No.8919589
File: 655 KB, 900x507, anbernic-rg503.900x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RG-503 should be able to but it looks like shit aesthetically and I've heard bad things about the dpad. It uses the same screen the OLED Vita did. It's Anbernic though so its stock firmware is garbage and you have to wait for anyone who cares to do something.
Pretty sure its the only OLED Chink handheld right now.

>> No.8919595
File: 3.34 MB, 4624x2600, IMG_20220517_172630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my miyoo mini, what should I play with it?

>> No.8919634

The refund game, those things are a piece of shit

>> No.8919648

this, both ironically and unironically

>> No.8919660

>Dpad in the wrong fucking place
I know I sound like a broken record, this is like the third time I've mentioned it in this thread alone, but why the hell do these companies keep doing this? What the fuck
Is maybe to trick grandmas into thinking it's a Switch and buying one as a present for little Timmy?

>> No.8919672

>As for reviewers, it's no surprise to anyone that they only play games in 5 minute spurs to get footage for their videos but never actually sit down to play anything to completion, so they probably don't give a fuck either
This is the one explanation that makes sense. Nobody in this process, from the designers to the intended consumers, give a shit about actually playing a single game on any of these things

>> No.8919675

Actually I think this particular hinge type breaks on nearly every product it's used on

>> No.8919686
File: 17 KB, 560x384, drugs-What is a Fag OP DIES FROM SEMEN OVERDOSE The ancient Greek word for semen was underlinesperma a word that meant both poison and medicine. That definition is still valid. Used under medical supervision semen can .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like shit

>> No.8919702

Because it’s predominantly an Android gaming machine and modern games (even touchscreen ones) are built around a twin stick controller.

>> No.8919781

Because if you play games that primarily use analog sticks then it would make sense to put it in the primary position

>> No.8919883
File: 48 KB, 303x303, 1595621804440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done installing onionOS. How the fuck do I get subfolders to show up in my roms list? I normally sort my games per genre/category, but the games won't display unless I put them directly in the console folders.

>> No.8919919

Just get a razer Kishi and use your phone
Much better than anbernic/retroid shit

>> No.8920017

Just fuck the battery of your phone.

>> No.8920053

Tbh the Odin runs Gamecube, Ps2, PSP and Dreamcast very well so at least it's understandable.

>> No.8920206

It is as expensive as a computer for gaming, and not as powerful.

>> No.8920267
File: 25 KB, 453x941, 3c25eb15ef26f1276e58f0c239afd49f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an RP2+, but my extreme laziness has prevented me from playing anything but Android games that I own (as well as me being unable to find a couple of these bios files in the pic). I know PS2 and Gamecube are basically no-gos for the vast majority of games, but how is say, DS emulation, considering there's only the one screen?

>> No.8920342

Yeah but the analog stick placement makes sense. If it only played 2D games it'd be stupid.

>> No.8920386

did your model have black buttons or the colored ones?

>> No.8920548

Black buttons. Does it make a difference? Other people on discord complained about the same thing and they had different colors

>> No.8920783

Did the Pocket 2+ fix the game saves problem I kept hearing about?

>> No.8920852

>all these people falling for the bait

>> No.8921123

RP3 fucking when.

>> No.8921381

I fucking love the Miyoo Mini. It's my go to every night after work it's comfy seeing all of the old Japanese games which my gf (Japanese) remembers from her childhood then playing them on bed together taking turns

>> No.8921414

Do not buy, it's garbage:
Anbernic is shit now

>> No.8921474

Why would you care about an Analogue pocket if you are going to emulate and not use carts?

>> No.8921509

I ordered one recently. Would you bros recommend a screen protector?

>> No.8921663

Anbernic buttons are pretty good. Their dpad is good as well.

>> No.8921665

Anbernic ones are good if you put AmberELEC on it.

>> No.8921735

>it takes FOREVER to boot up and FOREVER to go through its terrible interface
That's because it's an Android device.

>> No.8921763

So whats the alternative

>> No.8921790

100 yuro for used RG351MP, y/n?

>> No.8921818

Im a gbafag so I'd be drawn to a device like rg351m by default, but goddamn do i REALLY like this thing. Couldnt recommend more.

>> No.8921829

What's wrong with it? Scratched up?

>> No.8921853

Nothing visible as far as I can tell, the guy is also selling 280 for 50. He just wrote he finished all the games he wanted to play on them.

>> No.8921940

On a big enough device the analogue could be placed higher up and the distance would be comfy enough. Plus the added bonus of not passing your thumb over the stick to reach the D pad.

>> No.8922647
File: 20 KB, 250x260, kuusi1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just play games on it and the stock os still works for me.

>> No.8922735

Just wish my folders would show up, now I had to prefix all of my roms and scroll through a big list with the shoulder buttons.

OnionOS is nice: supports more systems and lets me fiddle around with RA settings. Of course, that's also the bane of many an emulationfag that doesn't play games and wants to get every detail perfect, although by loading up my NES roms and testing it with SMB3 I still got like five hours of actual playtime out of it since yesterday.

For anyone who's curious, to get optimal NES settings, turn on integer scaling and vsync, set audio quality to default/sinc and high in core options, and in the latency menu set input polling to normal. And also, if you're fiddling around with hue/contrast adjustments in the settings, reboot before you do anything else since the OS starts introducing hiccups until you do.

>> No.8923072

Will they support mor consoles? Is the os based on Android ? I ignore the internals of miyoo.

>> No.8923084
File: 45 KB, 800x800, 88EE0536-54BE-4904-879B-FB06013F3B81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the consensus on the RG552?

>> No.8923514

>new retrohandheld announced
>order it
>it'll arrive in about 28 months if you act now
>oops a new and better version gets announced every other hour

>> No.8923613

>Will they support mor consoles
It can already do everything 16-bit and below under the sun. I believe there's even support for commodore 64 and atari 8-bit if you're into that. I doubt it'll ever support n64 and saturn, unless an upgraded model every comes out, the thing's barely powerful enough to handle playstation.

>Is the os based on Android
Naw, it's a community release. People have been making custom miyoo based stuff for a while now, so they seem familiar enough with their devices to cook something up themselves.

>> No.8923657

OP, I'll do it for you. But you have to understand that this is a lot of work. Really complex, time consuming stuff. I'd need at least $15k to make it worth the weeks of painstaking labor.

>> No.8923668

Way overpriced for what it is.

>> No.8923747

Maybe that’s an issue with the emulator? I know you can configure that in retroarch.

>> No.8923769


>> No.8923801

Can someone export this to pdf? Google cucks run like shit here.

>> No.8923814

You can save it as pdf from google dcos.

>> No.8923827

Yes, and the browser gets stuck.

>> No.8924391

just pulled mine out last week. can't wait to get back into it

>> No.8924504

Active cooling? No thanks.

>> No.8924529

Why are you sourgraping over something so cheap? How poor are you?

>> No.8924532

To be fair there are some great games that don't need a stick. Mischief Makers and Kirby 64 at the very least. Might be more that I don't remember.

>> No.8924538

>the thing's barely powerful enough to handle playstation.
I thought using Onion OS most PSX games ran flawlessly? Was I lied to?

>> No.8924915

What does this thing do and is it good? Can it run Mednafen? Can you output to a TV?

>> No.8924965

Does the Miyoo Mini have any input lag??

>> No.8925005

Every single one of these devices will have input lag

>> No.8925028

I knew there had to be a catch. I already ordered one so hopefully it's not that bad.
Why is that, anyway? You'd think a device like this would be easy to not have lag on.

>> No.8925072

>you'd think a device with a Linux backend and emulationstation frontend would have no input lag
No you wouldn't think that.

>> No.8925093

Like I'm supposed to know what software jargon all of these devices run on. Emulators run perfectly fine on computers, I figured a tiny computer made with the purpose of emulation would be able to avoid lag.

>> No.8925218

If you haven't noticed it on your computer then you may not notice lag on the device. Don't let autism spoil your fun.

>> No.8925242
File: 67 KB, 507x496, 1383486537741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play equal parts on CRT and computer and play some generally demanding games like Mega Man and Ninja Gaiden so I'm surprised I never noticed.

>> No.8925596

>can't download ROMs
If you can't even google shit then you can't use a chink emulation handheld

>> No.8926408

just bought a cheap ass powkiddy v90 is there any reason to keep the official firmware on this

>> No.8927758

Now that Ocarina of Time has been completely reverse engineered is it possible for it to be compiled for something like an Anbernic's Linux OS natively?

>> No.8927789

Don’t forget ps3 ports on vita. Not retro but stuff like dragon crown and atelier totori on a handheld are wonderful, plus all the dungeon crawlers and ero RPGs like now chronicles.

>> No.8927910

Eventually yes.

>> No.8928256

Waste of money

>> No.8929172
File: 1.75 MB, 640x640, 1639739343279.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should happen eventually. SM64 got a native 60FPS 3DS port

>> No.8929240

Thank you for this webm, man. I needed that today.

>> No.8929317

I don’t care the opinion of some shill, give me your own experience.

>> No.8929373

What's he shilling for?

>> No.8929454

Whatever he is enthusiastic with in his other videos. Youtubers like him earn money from shilling specific brands.

>> No.8929713

Love you both

>> No.8930263


>> No.8930459

You're really out of touch.

Just get a Miyoo Mini v2 it's dirt cheap and nice quality so you can decide how badly you want a portable emulator and using the Miyoo might help give you a better idea of what you want out of a device. (ie "I don't like having no analog sticks, I better get one with sticks" or "this is too small, I better get one that's bigger")
Of course that's assuming you're okay with only going up to PSX.

>> No.8930536
File: 271 KB, 1280x720, Anbernic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8930540

Why is right stick short compared to left stick?

>> No.8930553

Probably so it doesn't get in the way of using the buttons which would be used far more frequently in retro gaming.

>> No.8930979

Is there anything like the Miyoo Mini but more "restrained"? I'd really like a tiny handheld specifically for emulating handheld systems up to and including the GBA, but all these companies seem to insist on attempting PS1 emulation and filling the device up with buttons to the point that they're impossible to play comfortably. I just want a small, simple device with decent battery life that's actually usable as a handheld.

>> No.8931260

What the hell are you talking about? The Miyoo is perfect for all of those things. Just don't put PSX games on it.

>> No.8931302

The right stick isn't even an analog stick. It's 8 directions like a regular dpad. I don't know what they were thinking.

>> No.8931342
File: 1.14 MB, 1274x714, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the Odin Lite would be shit compared to the regular model but it's actually not too bad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9lJiOelHTY

>> No.8931447
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20220521_190156959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these. I like it, but really have nothing to compare it to.

>> No.8931612

I might try to get one myself, most likely either an Anbernic 351, an Anbernic rs97 plus v2, or perhaps instaed a NEXADAS Retroid Pocket 2+ (or a v3 if it comes out before next year).

>> No.8931835

Improved accuracy. I don't typically fuck with emulation except on my PC and using the most accurate emulators available because I'm easily irritated by the typical quirks, i.e. audio popping, input delay, poor frame pacing, etc. I know the Pocket isn't perfect in that regard either, just better than whatever you would be getting out of some Android port of an already inaccurate emulator on a Chink device with a full quarter-second of input delay.

>> No.8931864

How many retro games even need a second stick

>> No.8931936
File: 2.49 MB, 4160x3120, 20220521_215254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a rg351m

>> No.8931995
File: 3.16 MB, 3024x4032, ima_091c8c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is that my cat?

>> No.8932210

I want to be able to transfer my game saves between a Miyoo Mini v2 and my computer.
Are emulator saves generally universal or does each emulator use proprietary saves that won't be compatible with others?
Can I keep using the emulators I'm comfortable with or will I have to match the ones in OnionOS?

>> No.8932219

Possibly. They say it runs on "linux" and I'm sure they're just using themed retropie or something for the emulators.

>> No.8932251

maybe one of the earlier ones on this list?

>> No.8932284

What makes ps2 emulation so hard for handhelds?

>> No.8932290

The PS2 was a weird fucking console that was difficult to develop for. It's hard for regular computers too, but things have improved a lot in recent years.

>> No.8932324

I think there is actually only one ps2 emulator right?

>> No.8932329

Every system has multiple emulators. Most, like PS2, simply only have one that's WORTH using.

>> No.8932332

Newfag with more questions about the Miyoo Mini v2. (I wonder if we should just make a general?)
Will I brick my Miyoo by turning it on with no SD card? Or with files missing from the SD card? Every guide says to back up the data on the stock card it comes with but I don't understand why. I just want to install Onion OS and add my own roms.

>> No.8932415

how would you brick something by not having an SD card present?

>> No.8932428

hoping the ocarina of time pc port gets ported to the rg351, be nice to play it again at 60fps. It was really fun playing the sm64 port on the rg351, was so smooth.

>> No.8932472

>Miyoo Mini bricked warnings.

>> No.8932502
File: 157 KB, 500x500, 1653208921734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this little feller and I'm pretty happy with it.
Had to put the custom firmware since the default one is very shitty. It's not too powerful, it comes preloaded with a bunch of psx games but it really isn't fit to run 3d games, but I don't really want to.

>> No.8932528

I have no idea, I'm a brainlet with this stuff. Never used a third-party device.

It's good to know a brick can potentially be fixed but I still want a run-down on what the folders are and what they mean and if they're important before I go swapping things around.
Does this review go in-depth with that?
Does installing Onion OS fill the SD card with more paths and folders that I need to be wary of?
I'm just a sperg that needs to comprehend the meaning and importance of as many folders and files as possible in an OS of any kind and be able to clean them up, but I'm also dumb and not good at figuring those out without being spoonfed.

>> No.8932538
File: 635 KB, 997x748, 1644549243196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Miyoo Mini hasn't even arrived yet and I can feel an addiction setting in.
Are there any other devices in the same cheap-ass price range that can do things the Miyoo can't that would be fun to dick around with? How can I supplement my new fascination with these systems without spending more than 60-ish bucks? What can I consoom?

>> No.8932539

Where is the Mario port?

>> No.8932587
File: 49 KB, 1000x1000, RG351V-BLACK-LISTING-PICTURE-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a handheld with a 4/3 screen to play everything up to psx. Not interested in a premium-feeling handheld, just something relatively cheap that I can play one hour at a time. Not interested in the newer ones with 16/9 screen.

Would picrel be a good idea for 100 bucks in 2022 ?

>> No.8932589

There's tons of devices like this. A shame you missed the few months when the N2DSXL was on clearance for $99 though. Super easy to hack and was better than any other devices at that price.

>> No.8932697

I'm soooo fucking close to buying this. I just wish this and the MP didn't have the analogue, they would be absolutely perfect units without sticks.

>> No.8932717

My miyoo mini arrived and the l2 button doesn't work
So close yet so far... I'm really liking everything else
Ordered it off the official miyoo store on aliexpress, I can try opening a dispute but I don't know if I'll bother sending it back to chyna

>> No.8932881

Just fix it yourself.

>> No.8933043

for me? it's the miyoo mini v2


>> No.8933064

That's all I own now and it's well worth the money. It plays all ps1 and even some n64+dreamcast games.

>> No.8933317

Just get the Retro Pocket 2+. Unbeatable for that price.

>> No.8933319

Is there anything like this but more powerful and somewhat larger?

>> No.8933349

Not him but I have a regular 3DS? Are they any good for hacking? Would the N2DSXL run stuff like psx better?

>> No.8933353

O3DS is excellent for playing 3DS, DS, GBA, GB/C and NES games. It can handle some SNES games.
N3DS is much better for SNES and can handle a few PS1 games.

>> No.8933378

Same. If it had two for the occasional FPS or none I'd have preferred that than just one on the side like that.

Thanks. With things like that I always prefer to get one of the last model from a generation than one of the first from the next one.

Yeah I see it recommended everywhere too but where I live it seem impossible to get it cheaper than the RG351V. It'd be 140+

>> No.8933434

RG351MP worth it?

>> No.8933596

I thought the 3DS line struggled with PSX and N64?

>> No.8933678

Thats what Im getting next. Itll run every 2d platform excellently.

>> No.8933695

Those sticks really dont get in the way at all and I personally would rather them be there even when that right stick gets little to no use.those sticks stickbout barely more than the buttons themselves anyway.

>> No.8933819

I'm about to pull the trigger on it now, but I don't know what color to get. I wanted mint green but realized such a bright color might not frame frame the games very well. so then I wanted ocean blue but I realized my brothers favorite color is blue so if I ever gift him one I would buy that.
so I guess black it is

>> No.8933821

Why that and not the rp2+?

>> No.8933826

>I am thinking if I post this thread as a pretend customer "others" can reply and lead them to my site and shit chink handhelds I sell

Go away chang, we use android devices around here because we respect performance and quality.

>> No.8933831

not him but dpad placement for one thing

>> No.8933878

Apparently psx is better these days.
I don't know why but using 3ds for general emulation feels kinda wrong especially when half of the games you're going to probably want to play can be played way better through vc injects or the ds thing I forgot the name of. I think it's just more of a hassle when compared to some other options out there. It's great for nintendo stuff though.

>> No.8934119

Its ugly. 351mp are sexy devices and dont feel cheap. Better button layout and screen, etc. I genuinely dont see why people suck it off. Maybe it runs 3d games better but who cares if the device is Fischer price bullshit.

>> No.8934482

>I don't care about game performance I just want people to think my ChinaGameboy looks like it's for grown ups >:(

>> No.8934525

Dpad is in the wrong spot making it worthless

>> No.8934540

Literally just got a vita 1000 and a n3ds and never even think about these chink shit devices ever again

>> No.8934572

Maybe is not as uncomfortable as it looks.

>> No.8934576

It is

>> No.8934631

Fuck off retard.

>> No.8934637

>paying hundreds of dollars for systems that can barely even run SNES and N64 games
Oh no no no

>> No.8934815

That's right bitch, got a faggy little remark for retropockets shitty screen? Or putting the right analog stick the wrong spot? Dont talk to me or my superior handheld ever again.

>> No.8934856

>normal life
browses 4chan

>> No.8934878

Giving up the 3ds and vita libraries so you can poorly emulate one of the 20 N64 games worth playing

I'll never understand the obsession people have over getting N64 games to run. It's such a small library and the good games don't even seem particularly handheld oriented. Just seems like a weird hill to die on but it seems to be the biggest one I see people chase after

>> No.8934882

You're trying too hard.

>> No.8934886

Copium: The Post. Also
>vita library

>> No.8934919

Anbernic made great RK3326 devices but they are really struggling with making the next step now

RP2+ might feel ugly and cheap but it is way better deal than their new handhelds

>> No.8934930

N64 is home to some of the greatest games ever made. It's understandable.

>> No.8934939

RP2+ has awful build quality. The buttons are garbage.

>> No.8934946

Well you get what you pay for

>> No.8934951

This one looks nice but I'm not a fan of vertical design and the single speaker

>> No.8934952
File: 2.21 MB, 4032x1960, handhelds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really need to cope dude, just don't know why you'd settle for worse build quality, worse buttons, and entire libraries just to play a few N64 games. Especially when N64 games really want some sort of 6 button controller to play optimally and I don't think any of these chinese handhelds do that.

But if you really, really like N64 games then you do you I guess

>> No.8934967

>"I don't really need to cope dude"
>so pressed he has to rush to sort his little collection neatly on a table to take a picture just to prove some point? to an anonymous person on 4chan

>> No.8934994

>he actually bought anal log pocket

>> No.8934996

Why would you need so many handheld consoles unless you are some reviewer like Taki or Russ?

>> No.8935004

I just enjoy handhelds

>> No.8935045

>never even think about these chink shit devices ever again
>I just enjoy handhelds

>> No.8935048

I just enjoy good handhelds*

>> No.8935141

I wish they'd make a clamshell like this with a bigger screen. Like the Powkiddy X39 has a 4.3 inch screen and is around $40, I'm sure people would be willing to pay a little more if it came in that form. Maybe it could be a perfect under 100 device and it could play the all the 5th gen perhaps even Retroid pocket 2+ power levels wouldn't be a stretch?

>> No.8935159

Maybe if the X18S wasn't as flawed and had better controls and was the same price as the Retroid Pocket 2+ [$99]. I mean, it's said to be the same power level as the RP2+ but the cost always seems to be higher. like $40 more :(.

>> No.8935196

All your devices come from chinkland already stfu retard

>> No.8935262

Clamshell design would put enough distance between the edge and the D pad negating the problem. No matter whether the analogue is above, below or aside the D pad.

>> No.8935301


>> No.8935303

get the horizontal model, it's fantastic for what you want as I'm in the same boat as you, it plays everything up to PS1 at full speed, but the vertical form factor is shit for your hands, the rg351 4:3 model is the exact same thing except it's horizontal form factor and much more comfortable and has 2 speakers

>> No.8935320

>waaaah I'm just going to arbitrarily decide that third parties are bad and keep licking the corporate boot even though daddy Nintendo wants me to die and painful death for daring to care about game preservation
Enjoy getting left behind.

>> No.8935836

What is the cheapest handheld device that still functions well and isn't made out of brittle chinese childrens' fingernails?
I want something really cheap to tinker with and then gift to a family member. I'm guessing Powkiddy V90 is the best bet?

>> No.8936113

If you're into ultra cheap stuff there's no reason to get the V90 now that the Miyoo Mini exists, unless you're willing to sacrifice performance just for the clamshell design. Just make sure to get the V2

>> No.8936124

>Stick doesn't get in the way
Well thats good because I finally gave in and impulse ordered the gay woodgrain one before I read your post. Now I'm having buyers remorse on the color. Hopefully I won't hate it too much when it arrives.

>> No.8936342

I've been retrogaming mostly on my iPad with retroarch. Is playing on small phone screens a big difference?

>> No.8936343

I hesitated for days between the two but here it's 50 bucks more and I don't really like metal cases.It's really uncomfy to me for some reason, way more than the form factor thing.

I ordered the black transparent one, It looks cheaper and rough but it has that 80s dirty futuristic look, like something a kid could use between two robot invasions in a scifi movie or something.

>> No.8936358

>analogue pocket

>> No.8936921

I have big hands so the vertical one is shit for me. I hate using my GBA SP for that reason.

>> No.8937440

Lol, Your leaders were right to think you, Liberia, and Myanmar were the only people too retarded to adopt a new measurement system.

>> No.8937581
File: 52 KB, 1014x545, 1603821613_2280754653787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any reason to buy any of these instead of a cheap phone (or use what you have) and something like picrel?
The better ones even connect through the USB port so there is no lag like with bluetooth.